
Hakusan Shrine Legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Hakusan Jinja 白山神社 Hakusan Shrines and their Legends

. Many Hakusan shrines 白山神社 in Japan .
The most important is
Shirayama Hongu Shrine 白山本宮 - Ishikawa prefecture 石川県白山市三宮町
The characters 白山 can be read as Hakusan or Shirayama, both meaning "White Mountain".

. HAKUSAN 白山 - Details by Mark Schumacher .

白山大権現 Hakusan Daigongen Deity
Former Buddhist Deities have been transformed into Hakusan Deities :

- - - 三所権現
白山妙理権現 - - 十一面観音菩薩
大行事権現(垂迹は菊理媛神 - - 聖観音菩薩
大汝権現(大己貴命) - - 阿弥陀如来

- - - 五王子権現
太郎王子 - - 不動明王
次郎王子 - - 虚空蔵菩薩
三郎王子 - - 地蔵菩薩
四郎王子(毘沙門天) Bishamonten - - 文殊菩薩
五郎王子 - - 弥勒菩薩


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
A villager of the hamlet were people of 加賀の新田氏 the Nitta clan from Kaga lived had their ubusugami 産土神 deity of their birth place venerated at 白山神社 the Hakusan Shrine. The messenger of the deity was a hebi 蛇 serpent. This serpent was large and thick and had many children.
. ubusugami 産土神 clan deity legends .

Aichi 知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita town // 白竜

tateishi sama 立石さま Honorable Standing Stone
On the mountain road connecting 須佐 Susa and 小佐 Kosa there is a small Shrine.
A stone named Tateishi sama 立石さま Honorable Tateishi is venerated there.
People come here to pray for Safety at Sea, Protection from Disasters and Health for the Family.
Some say it is the grave of a nobleman and gold was hidden in the grave.
It links to a great cave where hakuryuu 白竜 a White Dragon lived.

Aichi 犬山市 Inuyama city 寺内町 Jinai town

hakuryuu 白龍 white dragon
At the roots of the old pine tree at 白山神社 Shirayama Shrine there lived goshiki ryuujin 五色龍神 a dragon Deity with five colors.
source : kingoryujin/status...
If people tried to touch the tree or break branches for firewood, they would experience of lot of bad luck.
Eventually people would not come here any more and the Shrine fell into decay.
At that time the 白山竜神 dragon deity of Shirayama appeared in a dream of a local fisherman.
At the root of the pine appeared a halo and said if they would revive the shrine, all would find good luck and his family would not experience illnes or poverty ever again.
The fisherman did as he was told in the dream and lived happily ever after.
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .

Aichi 東加茂郡 Higashi-Kamo district 下山町 Shimoyama town

. koi 鯉 と伝説 Legends about carps - Karpfen .
The master of the local pond 玉金の池 was a koi 鯉 carp.
One day a man shot it with a gun and ate the fish, but soon he became ill with palsy.
The friend who had told him about the carp became a mouth disease.
Since then people did not fish in the pond any more.
If the villagers clean the pond during a drought, it will soon start to rain.
In July they make an offerind of a life carp to 白山神 the Shirayama Shrine.

....................................................................... Akita 秋田県 .....
横手市 Yokote city

oosuzu 大鈴, a large temple bell
Once a man walked around the compound of Shirayama Shrine at night, he could hear the sound of a huge bell rolling down, between his legs and then disappeard.
When he reached the graveyard of the temple 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji and crossed the bridge, the bell came rolling again, passed between his legs and then disappeared.
Hakusan Shrine, Akita, Yokote, Omorimachi Uwamizo, 岩瀬51 / 横手市大森町上溝 岩瀬51
source : akita-jinjacho.sakura.ne.jp...

....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....
郡上市 Gujo city 和良村 Waramura village

butsuzoo 仏像 a Buddha statue
Each member of the family 中島家 Nakajima, 熊崎家 Kumazaki and 熊崎家 Kumasaki once had the same dream:
"Go digging in the fields in front of the shrine. "
When they did they found a black Buddha statue.
They brought the statue to 白山神社 the Hakusan Shrine as an offering, but it got lost later.

Gifu 加茂郡 Kamo district 西白川村 Nishi-Shirakawa village

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
In the forest of 白山神社 Hakusan Shrine there was a strange noise of trees falling down, maybe twice a year.
They say this must be the doing of the local Tengu.

....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....

hakuryuu 白竜 Hakuryu white dragon and tenpaku 天白 Tenpaku
In Mie prefecture and Aichi, Nagoya, there are many place names called 天白 Tenpaku.
The name is also used for families and Shinto Shrines. But nobody knows why.
Maybe it comes from the saying
水神昇天白竜 The Female God of Water goes to Heaven as a White Dragon.

....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
栗原市 Kurihara city 築館 Tsukidate town

ryuujo 龍女 dragon woman
The spirit of the 白山神社 Hakusan Shrine appeared as a beautiful young child.
The child complained that two dragon women were fighting about the Shrine and tried to prevent an old and a young woman from appearing.
It confined the two dragon women in the nearby pond.
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .

Miyagi 柴田郡 Shibata district 柴田町 Shibata town 海老穴 Ebina

. ebi えび / 海老 / 蝦 lobster, prawn, shrimp .
In the back of 海老穴の白山神社 the Shirayama Shrine in Ebina there is a hole where water comes out.
In former times there was a huge ebi 海老 lobster, hence the name of the area.
Every year, the villagers had to make an offering of a young woman to the lobster.
One year a girl from a hunter family was chosen and she offered to go.
She sat in front of the hole and prayed all night.
Suddenly a strong flash of lightning was seen, heading toward the sky.
Next morning the girl was still sitting there in prayer and the lobster was gone for ever.
source : blog.livedoor.jp/miyagiyokai...

....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
南魚沼郡 Minami-Uonuma district 六日町 Muikamachi town

. kani 蟹 crab, crabs legends .
At 白山神社 the Hakusan Shrine there is a special tamoto ishi 袂石 memorial stone for the nun 妙音比丘尼 Myoon Bikuni, who lived in the Muromachi period.
If people come here to pray, their tooth ache will be healed.
People also offer images of crabs and crabs are not killed in this town.
- - - - -
The matsu 松 pine tree behind 白山神社 the Shirayama Shrine was called
musubi no matsu ムスビノ松 pine to tie branches.
If people tied branches and made a wish, it would be fulfilled.
In this area people do not put up kadomatsu 門松 New Year pine decorations.

Niigata 小千谷市 Ojiya city

The Kami from 白山神社 Shirayama Shrine has only one eye, because she hurt the other one. Now people do not grow mugi 麦 wheat and goma ゴマ sesame.

Niigata 佐渡市 Sado city 畑野町 Hatano town

. kami no ta asobi 神の田遊び the Rice-field Fun Ritual .

- - - - -

At the pond in Okubo in Hatano town 文覚上人 Saint Mongaku had performed water ablutions. The pond was sacred and no women were allowed in it. Children were forbidden to pee near the pond. If they did, they would get a stomach ache.
. Mongaku 文覚 Priest Mongaku (1120 – 1200) .

....................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県 .....
河内郡 Kawachi district 上三川町 Kaminokawa town

hakuryuu 白竜 Hakuryu white dragon
On the way back from elementary school, a boy was chased by a white dragon. He was very afraid.

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
練馬区 Nerima ward

. legends about Nerima ward and the Zelkova tree .
source : nerimakanko.jp...

....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 .....

hakuryuu 白竜 Hakuryu, White Dragon
The Waterfall basin Hakuja no Taki 白蛇の滝 the the waterfall of the White Serpent is very deep and maybe has no end.
It is about 4 km long like a tunnel and reaches 最上川 the river Mogamigawa.
If anyone falls in this basin, he will never come back.
The master of this waterfall eventually went to heaven and became a hakuryuu 白竜 white dragon.

村山市 Murayama city 河島山 Kawashimayama

ryuujin 竜神 dragon deity
In the compound of the local 白山神社 Hakusan Shrine there is a pond called 白山池 Hakusan Pond.
If rain rituals are performed during a drought and people walk around the pond three days, there will be two dragons coming out of the pond going toward heaven - soon it rains. The dragons are a loving couple.
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .

河島山白山神社 Kawashimayama Shirayama Shrine

....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 .....
北杜市 Hokuto city 白州町 Hakushu town

. kitsune no yome-iri 狐の嫁入り "the fox taking a bride" procession .
On the road leading to 白山神社 the Shirayama Shrine there are often kitsune no yomeiri 狐の嫁入り fox processions.
On evenings with rain villagers saw lanterns going on and off. Sometimes they saw a creature like a bride with watabooshi 綿帽子 a torn wedding hat.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
佐渡大久保 - 「白山神社の田遊神事」とその周辺


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