
Hiyoshi Shrine and Sanno legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Hiyoshi Jinja 日吉神社 Hiyoshi Shrine Legends

. Hiyoshi Jinja 日吉神社 Hiyoshi Shrines and their Festivals .

. Hie Jinja 日枝神社 Hie Shrines and their festivals .
Hie Shrines, also called Hiyoshi Shrines.

Sanno 山王 the "Mountain King" is venerated at these shrines.


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
西春日井郡 Nishi-Kazugai district 清洲町 Kiyosu town

The monkey of an ema 絵馬 votive tablet at 日吉神社 the Shrine Hiyoshi Jinja had been painted by the famous 狩野元信 Kano Motonobu.
It came to life at night and devastated the nearby fields every night.
They had to cover its eyes with cloth to keep it in place.
. Kano Motonobu 狩野元信 (1476 - 1559) .

....................................................................... Akita 秋田県 .....

. Kappa legends 河童 カッパ かっぱ from Akita .
Kappa is venerated as 山王様 Sanno Sama during the festival on the 15th day.

....................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 .....
Chiba 木更津市 Kisarazu city / 山王様の沼

. Mizuchi, Medochi 蛟 water snake Yokai .
Mizuchi ミヅチ is a kind of water snake monster.
Until the Meiji period, people who passes at 山王様の沼 the swamp of Sanno Sama dismounted their horse and payed respect to the deity.
The Masters of the Pond at 吾妻神社 the Azuma Shrine in Kisarazu where two 白蛇 white serpents.
At the beginning of the Meiji period they came to live at the Swamp of Sanno Sama.

Hie Jinja 日吉神社, 木更津市大久保73 73 Okubo, Kisarazu, Chiba

Chiba 東金市 Togane city

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
A woman from 和泉 Izumi had thrown herself into a pond.
Her onryoo 怨霊 revengeful ghost had become a huge serpent in the pond.
The serpent would eat people and cause much damage.
So the villagers aseked the priest from 日吉神社 Hiyoshi Shrine to have a ritual to appease her.
Through this great power, the serpent perished.
HP of the Shrine
- reference source : touganehiyoshi.org -

....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....

. Nobusuma 野衾 (のぶすま) "wild quilt", "wild blanket" monster .
Near the small Shrine where 山王様 Sanno Sama is venerated is a small road which is dark even during the day.
There lives a fusuma ふすま Nobusuma monster that brings disaster to the people.

....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
郡山市 Koriyama city 湖南町 Konan town // 山王坂

Some children had gone to 山王坂 the Sannozaka slope to collect wild herbs, but one of them did not come back.
The next morning they found it on the embankment of Sannozaka.
The lunch it had taken yesterday was all smelly.
It must have been bewitched by a fox.
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A doctor from Fukura was walking along 山王坂 the Sannozaka slope when he met 大入道 the O-Nyudo monster, which took away his fish.
This was itachi イタチ a weasel. On days when it rains, an Itachi can shape-shift into an O-Nyudo monster.
. Oonyuudoo 大入道 the O-Nyudo Monster .

....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....
郡上市 Gujo city 和良村 Wara village

On the old road to 日吉神社 the Shrine Hiyoshi Jinja there is a stone imprint called
garan baba がらん婆 old woman named Garan
They say the Garan family lived here, but not much is known about it.

....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....
渋川市 Shibukawa city 北橘町 Kita-tachibana town / 山王様

In the compound of the Shrine where 山王様 Sanno Sama is venerated, there lived a monster and some people got ill. It was abandoned because nobody wanted to live therer or buy any land.

....................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 .....
茨城町 Ibaraki town / 山王様

. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
Sometimes people saw a light at night below the shrine where 山王様 Sanno Sama is venerated.
A boy thought his brother had come to show him the way, but when he called the name of his brother, he got no answer.
He kept calling and suddenly the light of the lantern estinguished and all was gone. It must have been a Tanuki.

....................................................................... Iwate 岩手県 .....
江刺南町 Esashiku-Minami

. Temple 光明寺 Komyo-Ji and Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 .

....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
伊具郡 Igu district 丸森町 Marumori

The boulders of Sanno Gongen, Sanno Iwaya 山王岩屋 are at the very narrow part of the Abukumagawa gorge, where a huge boulder hang on each side. The messenger of Sanno Gongen, a saru 猿 monkey comes here often and his footprints are in the rock.
The warlord Abe no Sadato 安倍貞任 used this place for the defense of his territory.
多賀城市 Tagajo city 南宮 Nangu

Nangu Jinja 南宮神社 Nangu Shrine
The Deity 大山咋命 Oyama Kui no Kami had fallen in love with 和加佐姫命 (a combination of the legendary 金山彦 Kanayamahiko and 金山姫 Kanayamahime) but the Princess did not like him.
She run away and slipped in a field of hemp and of sweet potato leaves, she hurt her eye at a branch of a tea tree and finally reached 船形山 Mount Funagatayama (1500 m). The Shinto priest had a mortar and his her there.
The preist sat on the mortar and told Iku no Kami to give up.
At the village of Nangu they do not grow hemp nor sweet potatoes nor tea.
If men from the village of the Sanno Shrine go up to Mount Funagata, they will get a divine punishment.
Nangu Shrine is one of the 鹽竈神社14末社 14 sub-Shrines of 鹽竈神社 Shrine Shiogama Jinja.
. Shiogama Jinja 鹽竈神社 in Shiogama City .

- quote -
Oyamakuhi no kami (大山咋神)
The god is also called Yamasue no onushi no kami.
He is the son of Otoshi no Kami and Amenochikarumizu hime.
The 'kuhi' of his name means pile, (heavy beam of timber) indicating that he is a deity who drives a pile of heavy timber into Oyama ("Big Mountain"), and the mountain's owner. According to the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters - Japan's oldest historical record), the deity is enshrined in Hieno-yama (later called and Mt. Hiei) and Matsuo, Kazuno District, and Narikabura is where the deity resides.
Since Enryaku-ji Buddhist Temple of the Tendai sect was built on Mt. Hiei, the deity also came to be regarded as the guardian deity of the Tendai sect and Enryaku-ji Temple. The god is also called "Sanno," the king of Mt. Hiei.
A Shinto school derived from the Tendai sect was called "Sanno Shinto," later changed to "Sanno Ichijitsu Shinto" by Tenkai (a priest of the Tendai sect, who lived in the early Edo period). Dokan OTA built Hie-jinja Shrine by moving Oyamakuhi no kami from Kawagoe-Hiyoshi-sha Shrine to make it the guardian deity of Edo-jo Castle.
During the Edo period, the deity was regarded as that of the Tokugawa family, and since the Meiji period, it has been regarded as the guardian deity of the imperial palace.
Hiyoshi-Taisha Shrine at the foot of Mt. Hiei is the headquarters of all the Hie-jinja Shrines that worship Oyamakuhi no kami across the country. Later, Omononushi (a deity in Japanese mythology) was enshrined in Hie-jinja Shrines; Omononushi is called "Obie" ("Big Hie") and Oyamakuhi no kami "Kobie" ("Small Hie").
"Sanno" is the general term for these two deities. Omononushi is enshrined in Nishihongu ("West Main Shrine") and Oyamakuhi no kami in Higashihongu ("East Main Shrine").
Besides, the two deities are enshrined in Higashihongu (Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo Prefecture), and also in Matsuo-taisha Shrine (Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City).
- source : japanese-wiki-corpus.org/Shinto -

....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
糸魚川市 Itoigawa city

. katame no Kami 片目の神 a Kami with one eye .

新潟市 Niigata city 江南区 Konan ward 焼鮒駅 Yakifuna station // 日枝神社

. funa densetsu 鮒 伝説 crucian carp - legends .
In the compound of 日枝神社 Shrine Hie Jinja there used to be an old pond, where a special yakifuna 焼鮒 "burned Funa" lives.
When 親鸞聖人 Saint Shinran threw a dead burned Funa into the pond, it came back to life and its descendants live there to our day.
Its scales still have the color of burning.
source : Seven Wonders of Shinran

....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 .....
総社市 Soja cityHada / 山王様

. yashikigami 屋敷神 "estate deity" .
In the estate of shooya 庄屋 the village headman there is a sanctuary for 山王様 Sanno Sama.
In former times, a family member had killed 白い蛇 a white serpent and as punishment grandmother became blind.
To atone for the killing, they built the sanctuary.

....................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県 .....

nojin (nogami, nokami) 野神 Kami of the Wilderness
Nogami reigns in the wilderness.
The main festival for this Kami is on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month.
This Kami is also known for its close relation to bulls and cows.
The festival for Nojin at 今堀日吉神社 the Hiyoshi Shrine of Imabori is held on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month.
It may be related to the festival for 牛神 Ushigami.
. ushigami 牛神 Kami of cattle .

Shiga 伊香郡 Ika district 西浅井町 Nishi-Azai town

. amagoi 雨乞いと伝説 Legends about rain rituals / Regenzauber .
If there is no rain for a long time, people go to 日吉神社 the Hiyoshi Shrine and ask the priest to perform rain rituals.
After the rain has fallen, they come again to express their gratitude.

Shiga 長浜市 Nagahama city

Tokobo no hashi トコボの橋 "The bridge of Tokobo, the Kappa".
Coming from the compound of 日吉神社 the Shrine Hiyoshi Jinja there is a bridge over the river 藤田川 Fujitagawa, called
Tokobo no hashi トコボの橋 "The bridge of Tokobo, the Kappa".
If people want to cross it, there comes a Kappa and pulls them into the river by their legs.
Therefore people avoid passing this bridge.
. Kappa Legends - Kappa densetsu 河童伝説 .

Shiga 大津市 Otsu city / 日吉山王の社 / 日吉大社

On the 7th day of the 7th lunar month in 1281, the Mongolians were coming to Japan.
The bell of 日吉山王神社 the Shrine Hiyoshi Sanno Jinja begun to ring and the temple treasure, a divine sword, stood up to the West.

Shiga 高島郡 Takashima district マキノ町 Makino town

Once in the past the priest of 日吉神社 the Shrine Hiyoshi Jinja wanted to see the object of worship.
He practised purification rituals for seven day and then opened the 厨子 small Shrine.
He saw the figure of a farmer holding a hoe.
When he looked inside a second time, he saw only flames.
The priest expressed his greatfulness by offering a huge Shrine name plate for the gate with the inscription
山王大明神 Sanno Daimyojin.

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
西多摩郡 Nishi-Tama district 桧原村 Hinohara village // 山王様

山王様のバチ The punishment of Sanno Sama
A grandmother became suddenly ill in front of the small sanctuary for 山王様 Sanno Sama in the garden and died soon after.
Her grandson asked a diviner for advise and was told that grandmother had kicked at the small sanctuary.
So he built a bigger Shrine to apologize for the sin of his grandmother.

....................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 .....
阿波町 Awa town

. noroi 呪い a voodoo curse .
If someone wants to curse someone else, he has to come at the the old double-hour of the ox, hit a voodoo doll with a strong nail into the tree at 日吉神社 the Hiyoshi shrine. Then break one branch of the tree and throw it into the direction of the enemy.
Hiyoshi-215 Ichibacho Obari, Awa, Tokushima

....................................................................... Yamanashi .....
南巨摩郡 Minami-Koma district 早川町 Hayakawa town / 山王神社
komabiki iwa 駒引き岩 Horse-pulling rock
At Shimo-Yushima in 奈良田 Narada village theree is 山王神社 the Shrine Sanno Jinja.
In the compound is a rock called 駒引き岩 Komabiki iwa.
On this rock there are many imprints that look like the hooves of a horse.
They say they date back to the time when 孝謙天皇 Koken Tenno (718 - 770) Empress Shotoku came to Narada and died.
Her grave is in 法王神社 the Shrine Hoo Jinja 奈良法王神社.
- reference source : hayakawa-nara-howo-shrine... -


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- #hiyoshijinja #hiyoshishrine #hiejinja #sanno #mountainking #howo #kuinokami #kuhinokami -

1 comment:

  1. 日吉神社の総元締 総元締 Kurume Sosha Hiyoshi Shrine
    in the compound is
    wakagaeri no kamisama 若返りの神様 Kami to keep you young


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