Showing posts with label - - Z - - Shrine - - -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - Z - - Shrine - - -. Show all posts


Mimeguri Inari Shrine Tokyo

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Mimeguri Inari Jinja 三囲稲荷神社 Mimeguri Inari Shrine, Tokyo
Mimeguri Jinja 三囲神社 / 三圍神社 Mimeguri Shrine

東京都墨田区向島2-5-17 // Tokyo, Sumida ward, Mukojima

- - - - - Deities in residence - - - - -
Uka no Mitama no Mikoto (Uganomitama) 宇迦之御魂 / 倉稲魂命

Legend says the former name of the Shrine was Tanaka Jinari 田中稲荷 Inari shrine in the fields.

The founding date is not quite clear, maybe around the 9th century by a painter-priest from 近江国三井寺 Omi no Kuni Miidera, named 僧源慶 Genkei, who died in 1216.
He heard about the Tanaka Inari shrine and wanted to build a bigger hall. As he was digging the ground, he found a pot. In it was a statue of an old white fox, holding a hoju 宝珠 wishfulfilling jewel in the right hand and an ear of rice in the left hand. Out of nowhere an old fox appeared,
walked around the statue (meguri) for three times (三 mi)
and then fell down dead. This is the origin of the name.

Later the 三井家 Mitsui Family made this shrine their protector Shrine.
The Chinese character for Mimeguri 三囲 includes the 井 of the Mitsui name in the second character.

The Mitsui family also had a torii 鳥居 Shrine gate made with three pillars:

There is a stone lantern offering from the Mitsui family with only three openings :

. Echigoya 越後屋 and the Mitsui Family 三井 .


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets

- more in the Wikipedia -

In the compound is a Kagura-den hall for ritual dance.


. Sumida-gawa hakkei 隅田川八景 .
Mimeguri-zutsumi no sekishoo 三囲堤 夕照 Sunset Glow at Mimeguri Embankment

広重 Utagawa Hiroshige


Excursion to Mimeguri Shrine at Mukojima
鳥居清長 Torii Kiyonaga (1752 - 1815)
Beautiful scene of young women on an excursion to Mimeguri Shrine at Mukojima. The pause on a pathway, the two beauties at right sharing an umbrella under the afternoon sun. The woman at left smiles happily as she looks back over her shoulder, holding the end of her red obi. Fields stretch out into the distance with a few people strolling along the paths in between them. Boats can be seen on the river, and buildings line the opposite shore. The slender beauties are drawn with graceful, flowing line work, with lovely fine detail in the elegant kimono and obi fabrics.
An attractive, classic Edo era subject by Kiyonaga
- source - fuji arts -

Torii Kiyonaga 鳥居清長 (1752 – 1815)
Mimeguri no yudachi 三囲の夕立 A Sudden Shower at the Mimeguri Inari Shrine


In the compound of the Shrine is

a place to pray to 恵比寿 Ebisu and 大国神 Daikoku
Part of the Pilgrimage to 隅田川七福神 the Seven Gods of Good Luck along the river Sumidagawa.

. Sumidagawa Shichi Fukujin 隅田川七福神 Seven Gods of God Luck .


- Reference : 三囲神社
- Reference : Mimeguri Shrine

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

. Kobayashi Issa in Edo .

boogui ni Edo o nagamuru kawazu kana

on a stake
a frog gazes long
sings of Edo

Tr. Chris Drake

This is a spring hokku,
but it was written just after New Year's in the 1st month (February) of 1825, probably before many frogs were singing in the snow country where Issa lived. Issa's note says "Mimeguri Shrine," a reference to a Shinto shrine near the Sumida River in northeast Edo, the largest city in Japan in Issa's time. The hokku must be a hokku of memory, since Issa was far from Edo in his hometown when he recorded it in his diary. A woodblock print of the Mimeguri Shrine from Issa's time shows a row of stakes along the river's edge, protecting the base of the high embankment on the east side of the Sumida River. There are also high tethering poles along the bank used by small ferry boats when they stop at a riverside landing to unload or pick up visitors to the shrine.


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Tokyo, Sumida 墨田区 .....

. amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals .
to pray for rain or to pray for the end of a long rainy period.

At the Shrine 三囲神社 Mimeguri Jinja there was a sub-Shrine for 稲荷社 the Inari Fox Deity.
In the fifth month of 1705, there was one fox roaming the compounds of the Shrine. If people made offerings of sweets, the fox would come out and show itself.

A disciple of haiku poet 松尾芭蕉 Matsuo Basho, Kikaku Shinshi, wrote a haiku to pray for rain at the Shrine in 1693

amagoi ya ta o mimeguri no kami naraba

And indeed, it started to rain after that.

. Takarai Kikaku 宝井其角 / Enomoto Kikaku (1661-1707) 榎本其角 .
- Shinshi Ki 晋子忌 Shinshi Memorial Day

. Sumida ku, Sumida-ku 墨田区 Sumida ward, "ink field" .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- #mimeguri #mitsui #amagoi -


Samuhara Shrine Osaka

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Samuhara jinja サムハラ神社 Samuhara Shrine, Osaka

大阪府大阪市西区立売堀2-5-26 / 2 Chome-5-26 Itachibori, Nishi-ku, Ōsaka-shi,

- quote
A Shinto-derived new religious movement which began in 1935 when Tanaka Tomisaburō (1868-1967) rebuilt a dilapidated shrine in Okayama.
After he had experienced a close brush with death on the frontline during the Russo-Japanese War, Tanaka felt he had received power from a talisman inscribed with four ideograms which he read sa-mu-ha-ra, and in turn he began to make miniature amulets (omamori) of this sort which he distributed for free.

Because of such proselytizing activities, however, the regional authorities accused him of using an unauthorized shrine to conduct private business, and as punishment, the shrine he had constructed was stripped of its contents and burned to the ground in 1936.
Tanaka, however, continued his activities of distributing amulets to troops being sent to the Asian front during World War II, and following the war in 1951, he registered his movement under the Religious Corporations Law (Shūkyō Hōjinhō) and rebuilt the shrine. In 1952 he moved the shrine to its present location.
After Tanaka's death his adopted son Tanaka Kōichi succeeded him.
-- Headquarters: Osaka Prefecture.
-- Nominal membership: approximately 500,000 (S)
- source : Yumiyama Tatsuya, Kokugakuin


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets


- Reference : サムハラ神社
- Reference : samuhara shrine

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


The four letters SA MU HA RA help protect the body from harm and grand a long life.
Since they are shinji 神字 characters of God, they can not be expressed with normal 漢字 Kanji characters and can not be reproduced on a computer.
They have been used since olden times for amulets of temples,


身體髮膚 受之父母 不敢毀傷 孝之始也[5]
— 孝経
平田篤胤の『仙境異聞』(上) 三之巻[8][9]に慶長年間に大樹公(征夷大将軍のこと)が狩で発見した鶴の羽にあった文字(𪮷〓𪮷𪮇の文字)が怪我よけとして広まり、寅吉が仙骨の人の符字のようなものに見たが、「ジヤク、コウ、ジヤウ、カウ」というように聞いたがよく知らないと言ったという。
國安仙人(万延元年(1860年)7月23日-大正元年(1912年)9月28日 幼名 米太郎 普明光美 加波山神社の摂末社普明神社に祀られる。)が信者に与えたタク字びよる霊符の最初の4文字がサムハラの文字(読みは「けん しょう けん ご」)であったという[11]。
- - - その他
𪮷〓𪮷𪮇はサンスクリット語の samvara (「三跋羅[12](さんばら)sanbara」)という言葉に由来するという。
厭勝銭(えんしょうせん)の一種にサムハラ銭 samuhara sen がある[14][15](厭勝銭は流通貨幣ではなく、縁起物もしくは護符として所持した銭。ここでは弾除けの祈念銭)。
- reference source : -

samuhara sen サムハラ銭 coin with SAMUHARA inscription

samuhara tsuba サムハラ鍔 sword guard
. The Sword Guard 鍔 Tsuba   .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


....................................................................... Fukuoka 福岡県 .....

Once a tsuru 鶴 crane was caught, with the four letters SAMUHARA on its wings.
People thought these letters would protect and bring a long life, so they copied them.

At 淡路 Awaji there was a temple with the ihai 位牌 Buddhist mortuary tablet of 斉藤実盛 Saito Sanemori.
On its back side were the letters SAMUHARA.

. Saito Sanemori 斉藤実盛 (794 - 1185) .

....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....

In 1668 a 鉄砲師 gun specialist from 紀州 Kishu named 吉川源五兵衛 Yoshikawa Gengobe came to Edo.
At 大宮鷹場 the hawking area of Omiya in the village of 吉野村 Yoshino he shot 白い雉 a white pheasant.
When he could get close, he saw on its back the letters SAMUHARA.
He thought this was an amulet to protect from injuries, so he wrote the letters on paper and shot at them.
After that he never hit a target again.

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京 .....

A man in Edo had carried a SAMUHARA amulet on his body. When he fell from his horse one day, we was not hurt.
Soon this kind of amulet became popular in Edo.

. Chiyoda ku 千代田区 Chiyoda ward .

samuhara さむはら / サムハラ
In 1652, the Shogun went hawk hunting. The hawk caught a large goose. The four letters of SAMUHARA were written on the breast of the bird.
- - - - -
Ushigafuchi, Ushigabuchi 牛ヶ淵 (うしがふち)
The canal at Kudansaka 件坂下 / 九段坂 is called 牛ヶ淵 "riverpool of the bull".
It is a 魔所 bewitched place.
Once in 1782, a Samurai rode here on his horse, but he fell down and tumbled into the "Riverpool of the Bull".
But the man and his horse did not show any wounds.
This is because once the Samurai was hunting for pheasants and shot at a kiji 雉 pheasant.
He followed the bird and finally caught it and saw the four letters SAMUHARA written on its wings.
Since then he had kept an amulet with these words in his breast pocket.

. Kami-Meguro 上目黒 .

In 1652, the Shogun went hawk hunting. The hawk caught a large goose. There were four letters written on the breast of the bird.
The letters were SA MU HA RA.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- #samuhara #samuharashrine -


Okitsuhime Shrine Ishikawa

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Okitsuhime Jinja 奥津姫神社 Okitsuhime Shrine, Ishikawa
おきつひめじんじゃ / Okitsu-hime Shrine
奥津比め神社 奥津比咩神社 (舳倉島 Hegurajima Island)

石川県輪島市海士町舳倉島高見2 / Ishikawa, Wajima,

- - - - - Deities in residence - - - - -
Tagiri Hime no Mikoto 田心姫命


- quote -
竜神池と観音堂 Dragon God Pond and Kannon Do Hall
藩政末期に一旭上人という僧が 島にやって来て、毎晩観音堂に島民 を集めて説教をしていた。ところが、 いつも末座に若い女がじっと聞きい っているので、ある晩上人がたずね ると、女は「私はこの池に棲む竜な のです。難破船の錨の毒にあたって 死んだのですが、未だに成仏できずにいます。どう か助けてください。」と涙を流してたのむのだった。
そこで翌朝、島民が池の水をくみ上げたところ、 池の底から大小二体の骨が見つかった。骨は樽四 杯分にもなった。
この母子の竜骨は法蔵寺分院に葬られた。人々 は父親の竜が現在も近くの海に生息していると考え、 神として祭って無他神社とした。
この竜神池は周囲約180mあり、底が竜宮城に 通じていて決して水が枯れることは無いといわれている。

恵比須神社 Ebisu Jinja
島の北東に位置し、漁業繁栄の 祈願所で、恵比須大神を祭っている。 島にある七つの小宮の一つで、恵 比須組と大北組が管理している。
舳倉島へ一斉渡島の行っていた 頃は、島へ着くとまず目分の所管 の小宮へ組の全員が集まって今年 の稼業の安全祈願を行い、お神酒五升を飲んで夜を明かした。この行 事を「ゴショウヅイヤ」(五升通夜)と呼んでいる。
そして、それが済むと島民全員が総本社の奥津比咩神社に集まり、 区長が主宰して一年間のいろいろな決まり事を相談する総会を開き、 最後に全員で飲み明かしたといわれる。これが「ナカマヅイヤ」(仲問 通夜)である。また一年の稼業を終えて一斉離島する時はその逆で「レ イヅイヤ」(礼通夜)が行われていた。

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- source : -


Yearly Festivals 年中行事

Nafune Taisai 名舟大祭 Great festival at Nafune
July 31st / August 1st // at Nafune-machi, Wajima City

This festival features participants wearing demon masks and seaweed head gear and culminates in a frenzy of wild drumming.
輪島キリコ Kiriko is like mikoshi (portable shrine), but it is set up not a portable shrine but a tall lantern on the frame. On the lantern, beautiful pictures or characters are painted.

- quote
御陣乗太鼓 Gojinjo daiko drum festival 
Cheers for kiriko lanterns climbing a steep hill
Nafune-machi, Wajima City is known for its Gojinjo drum performance.
Legend has it that when the army of the lord of Echigo, Kenshin Uesugi, attacked Noto, it was driven away by masked fishermen of Nafune Village beating their drums. People thanked the deity Okutsuhime of Hegura Island for this blessing, and started to play the drums at the festival of Okutsuhime Shrine.
The first highlight of the festival starts at 9:00 pm on the first evening of the festival. The kiriko lanterns gather at Hakusan Shrine, a detached worship place of Okutsuhime Shrine. Hakusan Shrine is located on a steep cliff. The people carrying the lanterns climb the hill carefully so as not to fall, and are encouraged by the cheers of the audience. After that, the kiriko lanterns and the portable shrine are carried to Nafune Beach.
The portable shrine is carried on a boat to the torii gate in the sea to meet the deity of Okutsuhime Shrine on Hegura Island. After the portable shrine returns to the beach, the performance of Gojinjo drums starts. The fearful demon masks and dynamic sound of the drums are impressive. After 11 o’clock at night, the portable shrine and kiriko lanterns are paraded through the town, and a kiriko performance takes place in the square.
- source :

- Look at many photos !
能登のキリコ祭り Noto Kiriko Festival
- reference source :
七尾市のキリコ祭り -

source :

- quote -
The origin of Gojinjyo Taiko dates back to 1576,when it is reputed to have saved the villege of Nafune on the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture from an offencive launched by the well-known war lord,Kenshin Uesugi, to invade the interior region of Noto. In courageous attempt to defend their native land,the villagers penetrated the Uesugi ranks under cover of darkness,wearing masks of bark and with seaweed on their heads to give the appearance of tangled long hair.
The Uesugi camp
was thrown into confusion at the unexpected sound of their Jintaiko, or battle drums.and the unearthly appearance.They fled from the region in due haste.
It is said that the tremendous noises heard that night were the sounds of Gojinjo Taiko.
Gojinjo Taiko was designated as Intangible Cultural Asset by Wajima City in 1961 , and by Ishikawa Prefecture in 1963.
- HP of the Gojinjo Daiko drums
- reference source : -

. The Big Drum (taiko, oodaiko 大鼓、太鼓、大太鼓) .


. Onipedia 日本の鬼 The Demons of Japan .

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


. Mikoshi, danjiri . . . Festival Floats .

- #okitsuhime #okutsuhime #gojinjodaiko #gojinjodrum -


Kizumi Jinja Ishikawa

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Kizumi Jinja 木住神社 Kizumi Shrine, Ishikawa
鳳珠郡能登町山田2-40番地 / Noto, Hosu District, Yamada, Ishikawa

- quote
- source : / 今蔵神社

- - - - - Deities in residence - - - - -
素戔嗚尊 Susanoo no Mikoto
菊理姫命 Kukurihime no Mikoto
伊弉諾命 Izanagi no Mikoto
天照大神 Amaterasu Okami
豊受大神 Toyouke Okami


Yearly Festivals 年中行事

oni uchi matsuri, oniuchi 鬼打ち祭 Festival of hitting the demons
3月28日 March 28

Spring festival to pray for a good harvest, health and safety of the family.
A painting of saru-oni 猿鬼 Monkey-Demon is hung on a tree in the Shrine compound and then the Shrine parishioners shoot an arrow each at this demon.
After that they take branches with peach blossoms in both hands and perform a funny dance. The whole compound is then filled with laughter.

. saruoni, saru-oni 猿鬼 a Monkey-Deomn Yokai .

. Onipedia 日本の鬼 The Demons of Japan .


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #kizumishrine #oniuchi -


Nihon Jinja Saitama

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Nihon Jinja 日本神社 (にほんじんじゃ) Nihon Shrine, "Japan Shrine", Saitama
(Yamato Jinja)

本庄市児玉町小平1578 / Kodamachō Kodaira, Honjō-shi, Saitama
Near 児玉町児玉198・八幡神社社 Hachiman Jinja
(also Ishigami Jinja 石神神社)

This is a shrine in honor of Jinmu Tenno, the first emperor of Japan, built in 791 by Sakanoue Tamura Maro 坂上田村麻呂
This is the only shrine with this name in Japan.
There are six sub-shrines in the compound.
The way up to the shrine is via a huge stone staircase . . people come here to pray for becoming Number One in their field of work and achievement.
The priest in attendance lives in the nearby Hachiman Jinja Shrine.

- - - - - Deities in residence - - - - -
Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇



. Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇 .

. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .


- quote -
Nihon-jinja Shrine
This is the only shrine in all Japan registered with the Jinja Cho (Association of Shinto Shrines) under the name "Nihon-jinja Shrine."
As the only shrine bearing the name "Japan," Olympic athletes and many people involved in sports visit the shrine to worship.
A blue daruma from the Nihon-jinja Shrine accompanied Nadeshiko Japan (the Japanese women's soccer team) to the World Cup in Germany in 2011 and is said to have led the team to victory.
A blue daruma was also present at efforts to bring the 2020 Olympics and Paralympics to Tokyo – another undertaking which succeeded splendidly.
The shrine sits atop a hill, and talismans, charms and blue daruma are available at the shop Arai Shoten at the foot of the hill.
- source : -

The shrine is famous for its blue Daruma - all ready for winning and being Number One.
- reference source : arai-darumaya 荒井だるま屋 Arai Daruma Store -

2011 FIFA Women's World Cup
After the final game finished 2–2 after extra time, Japan beat the United States 3–1 in a penalty shootout, becoming the first Asian team to win the FIFA Women's World Cup.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Soccer World Cup Daruma .


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #nihonjinja #yamatojinja -


Hayama Shrine Fukushima

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Hayama Jinja 葉山神社 Hayama Shrine, Soma, Fukushima

source :
福島県相馬市馬場野 / Babano, Soma, Fukushima

- - - - - Deitiy in residence - - - - -

. Ooyamatsuminomikoto 大山祇神, 大山積神, 大山津見神 Oyama Tsumi no Mikoto .
Oyamatsumi no Mikoto, Ōyamatsumi - protector of trees and the mountain forest

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain in Fukushima .

The 葉山祠 Hayama shrine is also related to the Soma clan.
Soma Yoshitane 相馬義胤 (1548 - 16365)
He came to live in 馬場野 Babano.


- quote -
Hayama-gomori - Retreat at Hayama.
A festival held between the fifteenth and the eighteenth day of the eleventh month of the lunar calendar at Kuronuma Shrine, Fukushima City.
According to a local legend, a long time ago, when the nearby hamlet of Kanesawa was being attacked by a giant crab the size of a tatami mat, seven families found shelter at Kuronuma Shrine.
There they received an oracle ( 託宣 takusen / 神託 shintaku) which enabled them to get rid of the crab.
It is said that a giant serpent (orochi) in the Abukuma River was also defeated thanks to a takusen from this shrine. The festival is held to commemorate these two events. Rites of obeisance and making mochi rice cakes are held on the fifteenth.
On the sixteenth, worshippers staying overnight at the small shrines, get naked in order to perform the yoisa rite, a pantomime of rice cultivation.
At dawn on the eighteenth, after having been purified with water, the worshippers climb Mount Hayama to recite ritual incantations (norito). There, an officiant known as the のりわら / ノリワラ noriwara acts as a medium for oracles predicting the weather, harvest and calamities for the coming year.
- source : kokugakuin Mogi Sakae -

黒沼神社 Kuronuma Jinja
福島市松川町金沢 Fukushima, Matsukawa, Kanezawa

- more photos:
- reference source : -

相馬郡 Soma district 飯館村 Iitate

Hayama no Kami 葉山の神 Kami of Hayama (羽山の神託)
The Noriwara wears white robes and a white headband and swings a heisoku 幣束 ritual wand.
The villagers built a ritual fire in a place separated with sacred ropes on four green bamboo poles. The Noriwara swings his ritual wand through the flames for purification (hi o shimesu火をしめす). Often the Noriwara himself jumps over the flames.

He answers to all kinds of questions:
Will I have to become a soldier and go to the army?
Will I get ill next year?
When asked, the Noriwara swings his ritual wand heavily up and down and waits till the Kami of Hayama has slipped into his body.
Then he swings the wand up and knees on the floor in reverence (神あがる kami agaru).
Now all present chant a purification prayer:
sange sange rokkon shojo さんげさんげろっこんしょうじょう.

When the Noriwara gets some salt water to drink, he comes back to his sense.
He takes a short rest and then answers to the questions of the next villager.
This ritual lasts the whole night.
At the end the Noriwara swings his wand again through the flames (hi o shimesu 火をしめす).

Then all take the offerings, go to the shrine and have a feast of the food offerings.
The ritual wand can now be placed at the entrance of a horse shed to keep the animals healthy.

The selection of a villager for Noriwara is done with great care.
Once the man had been effective, he will be chosen again and again.
A very clever and learned person is not suited for this sacred post.

If a person does not show respect for the rituals, the Noriwara might call out loud that this person will fall down near the fire.

Once a Noriwara became ill on the day of the rituals and could not attend. One of the villagers assembled at the shrine begun to pray and then became possessed by the Kami.
He jumped up and down, up and down.

Once a man called the oracle of the のりわら Noriwara a lie and laughed loud.
On the afternoon of this day it begun to rain and there was great flooding.

福島市 Fukushima city 松川町 Matsukawa
Matuskawa is a small town outside of Fukushima City,

hayama no shintaku 羽山の神託 divination at Hayama
Kami from other mountains sometimes come for a visit and the Noriwara has to welcome them and see them off, one after the other.
Sometimes if Hayama no Kami can not show, they can take his turn during the oracle.
Sometimes it is 稲荷 Inari san, sometimes 水神 Suiji, the Kami of Water.

On Mount Hayama in 金沢 Kanezawa hamlet, people stay and pray for divination:
How will the weather be? How will the harvest turn out?
According to the divination, they make their plans for the coming year.


One more 葉山神社 Hayama Jinja in Koriyama

福島県郡山市大槻町葉山39 / Fukushima, Koriyama, Otsukimachi, Hayama


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #hayamajinja #hayamashrine #hayamafukushima #noriwara #shintaku #divination -


shimenawa sacred rope legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

shimenawa 注連縄 伝説 sacred rope - legends

You see a sacred rope at the entrance to a holy place, usually a Shinto shrine, to mark the entry into a sacred area.
They are also around sacred trees or rocks.
shimekazari 注連飾 sacred ropes for New Year decorations and many more
. shimenawa 注連縄 sacred rope - introduction .

. Join the Shimenawa friends on Facebook ! .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... 愛知県 Aichi .....

知多郡 Chita district 美浜町 Mihama

Yoshitomo no rei 義朝の霊 the spirit of Yoshitomo
In the family of 百合草光吉 Yurigusa Mitsuyoshi there is a special custom related to Yoshitomo.
They place four reed gras stems in a square and put a Shimenawa around. In the middle they place 風呂 a bath tub. On that night they welcome Yoshitomo at the gate of the estate, putting out lanterns and waring ritual robes and small swords. The head of the family then takes a bath. When he is finished, they use 拍子木 wooden clappers to inform the other villagers to come over and have a bath too. This is their way of never forgetting what happened to Yoshitomo, and pass the knowledge on to further generations.

. Minamoto no Yoshitomo 源義朝 (1123 – 1160) .

知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita

. sagichoo 左義長 Sagicho, ritual bonfire .
During these fire festivals around the 14 and 15 of January, the New Year decorations are burned, for example the sacred ropes.

....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
南会津郡 Minami-Aizu district

. 天照大神 Amaterasu Omikami .
In the local dialect this deity is called
otentoo sama おてんとうさま O-Tento Sama, Honorable Sun
On the 16th day of the first and seventh lunar month, the hunters have a special festival. They hang Shimenawa in the living room and place mochi 餅 rice cakes to honor Amaterasu Omikami. The hunters stay in the room for one day and night, offering prayers. The rice cakes are then taken to the mountains. They are said to prevent mountain slides in the coming six months.

南会津郡 Minami-Aizu district 檜枝岐村 Hinoemata village

For the New Year a new Shimenawa is bound together from seven ropes. If the end shows down to the ground, the year will bring rain. If the end shows up to the sky, there will be fine weather.
From the beginning of the rope, there are twelve months to be counted, each one with the aim to divine the weather of this month.
- - - - -
owanhagoki おわんはごき o-wan hagoki
People who are bad of hearing go to the old Katsura tree near the bridge. They bring an old bowl (o-wan), open a hole in it and put 麻糸 a hemp thread through it.
This custom is called o-wan hagoki.
Instead of a hemp thread they may use a Shimenawa. This is a spell to secure the help of 道祖神 the Dosojin deities (どうろく神 Dorokujin in local dialect).

相馬郡 Soma district

hayari shoogatsu はやり正月 (取越正月 torikoshi shogatsu)
This is a New Year ritual in a different season (if misfortune had been hard and the villagers want to change the fate.)
The young folks hang a Shimenawa over the road to the village and the elders now take a rest from the usual farm work.
This custom is also called 盆正月 bon shogatsu.
It was often held on the first day of the second or sixth lunar month. It was popular in the Edo period as a means to get one holiday.

須賀川市 Sukagawa

shiryoo 死霊,ikiryoo 生霊 "dead soul, living soul"
wakasama ワカサマ Waka Sama is the name of a female divner who can tell the cause of a disease or death.
At the park 狸森 Mujinamori there was such an old woman of about 70 years. She was blind and wore black robes.
She sat in a corner of the Shrine 蟇目鹿島神社 Hikime Kashima Jinja, set up with four bamboo poles and a Shimenawa. Inside the sacred space she put a kamidana 神棚 shelf for the Gods to give the Gods a space to come down to and let her know the answer to the quest.
This also took place at a shrine for the deity 牛頭天王 Gozu Tenno.
. Gozu Tenno Legends 牛頭天王伝説 .

....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....
神戸市 Kobe

mii san みーさん the Mii deity
At 船坂の大岩 (おほいし)the great rock of Funasaka people have a special belief.
They hang a Shimenawa all round the stone, built a small sanctuary on top of it and pray to 大岩龍大明神 the Dragon Deity of the Boulder.

The lord of this rock is seen as daija 大蛇 a large serpent.

....................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県 .....
鹿島郡 Kashima district 能登町 Noto

Tengu 天狗
At the shrine 嶽神社 Dake Jinja there is a sacred 円丘 "round hill" which a Tengu had made in one night.
A villager had been up very early and heard the sound of leaves hitting the ground. The Tengu had mistaken this sound for a sign of the coming dawn and thrown the earth in the garden of that person.
This earth has become a mound and a pine grew on it. This is now called 天狗松 the Tengu Matsu.
During the Autumn festival, they place a Shimenawa around the tree and perform rituals.

....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....

kuro-unagi, shiro-unagi 黒鰻,白鰻 black eel, white eel
. unagibuchi ryuuoo 鰻淵龍王 the Dragon King of the Eel Pool .

三豊郡 Mitoyo district 仁尾町 Nio

hai 灰 ashes
In the night from the 14th to the 15th day of the New Year people perform
okuri shoogatsu オクリショウガツ sending off the New Year.
They burn the Shimenawa and spread the ashes all around the home and estate. This will keep any 長虫 "long thing" , for example 蛇 a serpent, from coming in.
This custom is also known in other parts of Kagawa.

坂出市 Sakaide

On the 14th day of the New Year (小正月) people get clean sand from the beach and put it in front of their gate. On this sand they burn the New Year decorations, Kadomatsu and Shimenawa. A large Shimenawa is carefully burned to one piece of coal, which is thrown on the roof, hoping to prevent fire in the coming year. This custom is called
okazaribayashi オカザリバヤシ o-kazari-bayashi.

多度津町 Tadotsu

. goshiki no tanzaku 五色の短冊 Tanzaku poetry slips of five colors .

....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
大島郡 Oshima district

. densenbyo 伝染病と伝説 Legends about pandemics .

Once there was an outbreak of a pandemic in the village. So they put a guard house at the village entry and a large Shimenawa along the coast. Then the fishermen begun to shout"
"エンサエンサ ensa ensa".
Very soon there was mamono 魔物 a monster fleeing the village.

....................................................................... Nara 奈良県 .....
吉野郡 Yoshino district 下北山村 Shimo-Kitayama

hakuja (shirohebi) 白蛇 white serpent
At Eboshi no taki, エボシ滝 / えぼしの滝 the Eboshidaki waterfall in エボシ谷 the Eboshi valley once there hang a white serpent like a Shimenawa at the top of the waterfall.
To keep it alive, people are not allowed to make a fire near the tail part of the serpent.

....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
大滝村 Otaki

There are many folk believes in the village about serpents.
If a rat starts to nibble at the Shimenawa of the kamidana 神棚 shelf of the gods there will soon be a fire.
If one sees a serpent climbing up the mountain path (ノボリヘビ nobori hebi ), this will bring good luck. Seeing a yamakagashi ヤマカガシ(Rhabdophis tigrinus)is especially auspicious.
The first serpent seen in a year is called ハツヘビ hatsu hebi.
If it faces the human, that will bring good luck for the whole year.
If it faces the other direction, this will bring bad luck.
If one sees aodaisho 青大将 (Elaphe climacophora) in the first dream of the year and if this serpent is swallowing a frog, this means one does not have to worry about food for the coming year.

....................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 .....
麻植郡 Oe district 山川町 Yamakawa

hi 火 fire
On the 15th day of the New Year (小正月) people take off the Shimenawa and bring it to 氏神 the family shrine. Then it is burned in the front yard.
Touching this fire slightly will prevent a person from falling ill in the coming year.

....................................................................... Toyama 富山県 .....
富山市 Toyama city

Tengu 天狗
There was a home where a Tengu lived. They had put a Shimenawa in the garden around the 松 pine tree.
The Tengu sometimes ate their 鮭 salmon or kidnapped their children.


shimekazari 注連飾 sacred rope decoration for New Year

- reference : nichibun yokai database -
注連縄 天狗 // シメナワ // しめなわ // 注連縄 蛇 // ok
54 注連縄 (01)
23 注連飾 shimekazari (00) - new entry

. Tengu to matsu 天狗と松 Legends about the Tengu pine .


. Join the Shimenawa friends on Facebook ! .


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Kumano Junisha Gongen

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Legends and Tales about Kumano 熊野伝説 .

. Kumano Gongen 熊野権現 Legends about Kumano Gongen .

Kumano Juunisha Gongen 熊野十二社権現 12 Kumano Shrines
Kumano Junisha Gongen

. Kumano Jinja 熊野神社 Kumano Shrines .
There are many Kumano shrines in Japan.


- quote
Kumano Junisha Gongen 熊野十二社権現 Twelve Avatars of Kumano
Kumano Sansho Gongen 熊野三所権現 Three Avatars of Kumano.
The Kumano triad is composed of three Shintō deities and their Buddhist counterparts.
There is also a larger gongen group called the Kumano Jūnisha Gongen 熊野十二社権現 (Twelve Avatars of Kumano), which includes the main three plus nine lesser deities.
A 13th deity, named Hirō Gongen 飛滝権現 (also read Hiryū Gongen), deifies the Nachi Waterfall in the Kumano area. The three main shrines are Hongū 本宮 (Kumano Nimasu Jinja 熊野座神社); Shingū 新宮 (Kumano Hayatama Jinja 熊野速玉神社); and Nachi 那智 (Kumano Fusumi Jinja 熊野夫須美神社).
All three are located near the southern edge of Wakayama prefecture. To learn more about the famed three shrines of Kumano, plus other deity associations at Kumano, click here.
- - Hongū, Ketsumiko-gami 家都御子神 = Amida Buddha
- - Shingū, Hayatamamiya 速玉神 = Yakushi Buddha
- - Nachi, Fusumi 夫須美 or Musubi no Kami 結びの神 = 1000-Armed Kannon Bodhisattva
- source : MarkSchumacher


- quote -
Kumano Sanzan
The three Kumano Sanzan shrines are the Sōhonsha ("head shrines") of all Kumano shrines and lie between 20 to 40 km from each other. They are connected to each other by the pilgrimage route known as "Kumano Sankeimichi" (熊野参詣道).
The great Kumano Sanzan complex also includes two Buddhist temples, Seiganto-ji and Fudarakusan-ji.

The religious significance of the Kumano region goes back to prehistoric times and therefore predates all modern religions in Japan. The area was, and still is, considered a place of physical healing. Each shrine initially had its own separate form of nature worship, but in the 10th century, under the influence of Buddhism, the three came to be worshiped together as the three deities of Kumano.
Because at the time Japanese kami were believed to be emanations of buddhas (honji suijaku theory), the three came to be associated with the Buddhas.
Kuniyasutamahime became associated with Avalokiteśvara sahasrabhūja (Senju Kannon, "Thousand-Armed Avalokiteśvara"), Bhaisajyaguru (Yakushi Nyōrai) and Amitābha (Amida Nyōrai).
he site became, therefore, a unique example of shinbutsu-shūgō or the fusion between Buddhism and Japanese indigenous religion. Thereafter the Kumano Sanzan site attracted many worshipers and became a popular pilgrimage destination. In the 11th century pilgrims were mostly members of the Imperial family or aristocrats, but four centuries later they were mostly commoners.
The visit was referred to as the "Kumano ant pilgrimage" (蟻の熊野参り) because they could be seen winding through the valleys like so many ants.
- source : wikipedia -


- quote -
上四社 - Top four shrines
第一殿 結宮 Isamiya - 熊野夫須美大神(熊野結大神)Kumano Fusumi - 千手観音 Senju Kannon
第二殿 速玉宮 Hayatama - 熊野速玉大神 Kumano Hayatama - 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai
第三殿 証誠殿 Shojoden - 家津美御子大神・国常立尊 Ketsumiko - 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai
第四殿 若宮 Wakamiya - 天照大神 Amaterasu - 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon
第四殿 神倉宮 Kamigura no Miya - 高倉下命 Takakuraji - (本地仏なし)No Buddha

中四社 - Center four shrines
第五殿 禅児宮 - 天忍穂耳尊 Amenooshiomimi - 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu
第六殿 聖宮 - 瓊々杵尊 Ninigi - 龍樹菩薩 Ryuju Bosatsu (Nagarjuna)
第七殿 児宮 - 彦火火出見尊 Hoori - 如意輪観音 Nyoirin Kannon
第八殿 子守宮 Komori no Miya - 鵜葺草葺不合命 Ugayafukiaezu - 聖観音 Sho Kannon

下四社 - Bottom four shrines
第九殿 一万宮 - Ichiman no Miya - 国狭槌尊 Kunisatsuchi - 文殊菩薩 Monju Bosatsu
第九殿 十万宮 Juman no Miya - 豊斟渟尊 Toyokumune - 普賢菩薩 Fugen Bosatsu
第十殿 勧請宮 Kanjo no Miya - 泥土煮尊 Wahijini - 釈迦如来 Shaka Nyorai
第十一殿 飛行宮 Hiko no Miya - 大戸道尊 Otonoji - 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
第十二殿 米持宮 Yonemochi no Miya - 面足尊 Omodaru - 多聞天 Tamonten (Bishamon Ten)

- reference source : wikipedia -


熊野十二社権現御正体 Kumano Junisha Gongen Mishotai - Bronze mirror

Mirror from the Kamakura period

Center : 阿弥陀如来(本宮)Amida Nyorai
Left of center: 千手観音(那智)Senju Kannon
Right of center : 薬師如来(新宮)Yakushi Nyorai
Top line center : 釈迦如来(勧請十五所)Shaka Nyorai
文殊菩薩(一万宮)Monju Bosatsu
地蔵菩薩(禅師宮)Jizo Bosatsu
龍樹菩薩(聖宮)Ryuju Bosatsu (Nagarjuna)
不動明王(飛行夜叉)Fudo Myo-O
毘沙門天(米持金剛)Bishamon Ten
聖観音(子守宮)Sho Kannon
如意輪観音(児宮)Nyoirin Kannon
普賢菩薩(十万宮)Fuden Bosatsu

- Look at the map with the 12 shrines
- reference source : -


江戸の熊野十二社 Kumano Junisha in Edo


神奈川県 Kanagawa 鎌倉 Kamakura 十二所 Juniso

Juniso Jinja 十二所神社
This shrine is located up in the mountain, at the foot of Asahina pass.

- quote -
Beyond a stone shrine gate, of a myojin-style torii (明神鳥居), lies the main building directly ahead. To the right of the main hall are three small shrines: Yamano Jinja (山の神社), Hoso Jinja (疱瘡神社) and Usa Hachiman Jinja (宇佐八幡神社).
A large, heavy-looking stone to the right of the torii is called Hyakukan-ishi (百貫石, or Hyakkan-ishi). The stone, long neglected, weighs roughly 110 kilograms and was once a popular object of weightlifting at shrine festivals. Further to the right stands Kaguraden Hall (神楽殿), for sacred music and dances.
... Early in the Meiji period (1867-1912), under a government policy of separating Shintoism and Buddhism, the shrine was moved from the grounds of Kosokuji Temple (光則寺) in the neighborhood to its present site and dedicated to
seven deities in Heaven and five deities presiding on Earth.
At the same time, the name was changed to Juniso Jinja Shrine from
Kumano Juniso Gongensha (熊野十二所権現社).
- source : kcn-net . org - Juniso Jinja 十二所神社 -


Kumano Densetsu 熊野伝説 Plum wine from Kumano

幻の梅酒 - a special present in a white bottle.


. Legends and Tales about Kumano 熊野伝説 .


- Reference : 熊野十二社権現


. jjūni sama 十二様 Juni Sama, "Honorable 12" deities .

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #kumano #kumanojuniso #kumano12shrines -