. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Edo 江戸三十三ヶ所弁財天霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Benten Shrines
The pilgrimage was established in 1780
as mentioned in 江府三十三ヶ所弁財天女縁起霊蹟誌.
Some statues are in a Shinto shrine, some in a Buddhist temple.
There are now many abandoned temples on the pilgrimage.
. Benten Shrines and Pilgrims in Edo .
The details are here:
. Edo 江戸三十三ヶ所弁財天霊場 33 Benten Pilgrimage .
01 八臂大辯才天 - 東叡山 寛永寺 不忍池弁天堂
02 北野山 喜見院 宝珠弁財天 廃寺、
? 柳井堂 心城院 天台宗 文京区湯島3 湯島聖天、江戸33観音、江戸名水
03 出世弁才天・金山弁天 宝鏡山 円光寺 臨済宗妙心寺派 台東区根岸3 藤寺、根岸9古寺
04 出世弁才天・金山弁天 - 4番 延命山 栄寿院 出世弁才天・金山弁天 曹洞宗 足立区東伊興4 篠塚地蔵、隅田川21霊場
05 宝橋山 大聖院 白蛇弁才天 真言宗智山派 台東区北上野1 荒川辺88霊場
06 玉龍山 弘憲寺 延命院 水晶輪弁財天女 真言宗智山派 台東区元浅草4 御府内88霊場
07 神田山 日輪寺 丈六弁才天 時宗 台東区西浅草3 芝崎道場、大東京100観音
08 円乗院 子安弁才天 天台宗 浅草寺中 廃寺、浅草寺の塔頭
09 松寿院 丈六弁才天・お多福弁天 天台宗 浅草寺中 廃寺、浅草寺の塔頭
10 金龍山 浅草寺 弁天堂 銭瓶弁才天 聖観音宗 台東区浅草2 関東3弁天、浅草名所七福神、坂東33観音
11 明王院 姥ヶ池弁才天 聖観音宗 台東区花川戸2 姥ヶ池、浅草寺の塔頭
12 待乳山 本龍院 山下弁天 聖観音宗 台東区浅草7 待乳山聖天、浅草名所七福神
13 無量山 福寿院 正真白蛇弁天 曹洞宗 台東区橋場1
14 即現寺 清雲山弁才天 臨済宗妙心寺派 墨田区東駒形1
15 亀命山 慈光院 授福弁才天 曹洞宗 墨田区立花1
16 般若軒 出世弁才天 廃寺
17 諸宗山 無縁寺 回向院 子安弁才天 浄土宗 墨田区両国2 江戸33観音、鼠小僧次郎吉の墓所
18 江島杉山神社 江島下之宮弁財天 神道 墨田区千歳1
19 幽遠山 玄信寺 江島一体弁天 浄土宗 江東区深川2
20 海潮山 吉祥寺 真言宗 江東区木場6 廃寺、洲崎神社へ移動 ?洲崎神社 神道 江東区木場6 洲崎弁天
21 鏡智山 大円院 覚真寺 首尾弁才天 浄土宗 港区高輪2
22 泰叡山 護国院 瀧泉寺 天台宗 目黒区下目黒3 /目黒不動尊、江戸5色不動、江戸33観音 / 関東36不動、山の手七福神
23 松樹山 明王院 天台宗 目黒行人坂 / 廃寺、大円寺に吸収、大円寺阿弥陀堂が明王院の本堂
松林山 大円寺 天台宗 目黒区下目黒1 山の手七福神
24 清光山 林泉院 安養寺 浄土宗 新宿区住吉町
25 無量山 珠宝寺 浄土宗 新宿区市ヶ谷富久町 廃寺
26 雲居山 宗参寺 曹洞宗 新宿区弁天町
27 天谷山 龍福寺 南蔵院 真言宗豊山派 新宿区箪笥町 御府内88霊場
28 瀧河山 松橋院 金剛寺 松橋弁才天 真言宗豊山派 北区滝野川3 滝野川16寺院、岩窟弁天、豊島88霊場
29 妙亀庵 -- 台東区橋場1 廃寺、区立妙亀塚公園、吸収合併で総泉寺へ
妙亀山 総泉寺 曹洞宗系単立 板橋区小豆沢3 曹洞宗江戸3ヶ寺
30 東光山 松平良雲院 西福寺 江島弁財天 浄土宗 台東区蔵前4 浄土宗江戸4ヶ寺触頭
31 功徳山 天龍寺 曹洞宗 足立区東伊興1
32 日登山 妙林寺 田中愛敬弁才天 日蓮宗 谷中 廃寺、桜やホタルの名所だったらしい
33 根津神社 吹上弁才天 神道 文京区根津1 根津権現、東京10社
番外 明静山 円光院 大盛寺 井ノ頭弁財天 天台宗 三鷹市井の頭4 井の頭恩賜公園内
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree.com -
. Edo 江戸三十三ヶ所弁財天霊場 33 Benten Pilgrimage .
. Benten Shrines and Pilgrims in Edo .
- ##benten #benzaiten #bentenpilgrim -
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Saruhachi Bonno deity
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and 申八梵王 / さるはちぼんのう Saruhachi Bonno Monkey deity


At the temple Jikooji 都幾山慈光寺 Jiko-Ji
埼玉県比企郡ときがわ町西平386 / 386 Nishidaira, Tokigawa-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama
This temple is Nr. 9 on the pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in Bando (the Kanto region)
. Bando 33 坂東三十三観音札所 Nr. 9 .
The messenger of the deity Sanno Gongen 山王権現 is a monkey, and the animal is sometimes seen as a deity itself, protecting people from harm and bringing good health to the children.
The monkey is also the messenger of 山の神 Yamanokami.
The whole mountain around the temple Jiko-Ji is seen as the territory of Yamanokami, and the monkey is free to roam the fields and forests.
The local people call the monkey Saruhachi Buddhist King and protect it.
The monkey on the stone relief is clad like the dancing monkey of Sanbaso.
The stone dates back to 1786.
. Sanno Gongen 山王権現 and the Monkey .
Sarutahiko deity 猿田彦, 猿田彦神 - Sarugami 猿神 Monkey Deity
. Hiyoshi Taisha 日吉大社 Great Hiyoshi Shrine .
and the deity Sanno, the "Mountain King"
. sanba sarugaku 三番猿楽, 三番叟 Sanbaso, Sambaso dance .
Sanbaso is an auspicious dance, often performed during the New Year season.

- - - - - Yamanokami has some animal messengers :
. Sarugami 猿神 The Monkey Deity .
. yamainu 山犬 wolf - "mountain dog" .
. inoshishi 猪 wild boar .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Legends about Yamanokami and Sarugami 猿神 The Monkey Deity
Sarugami was known in various provinces, for example in 備前 Bizen and 備後 Bingo in Okayama.
Sarugami taiji 猿神退治 driving out the Sarugami - folktale
About the human sacrifice of a young girl
At the house where a white arrow was stuck, a girl had to be given as human sacrifice for Sarugami.
Then a 山伏 Yamabushi mountain priest came and tried to help. At 丑三つ時 a ghostly hour a monster came wandering from behind the Shrine and begun dancing around the carriage with the girl. When he tried to open the box, the Yamabushi let his dog run and kill the monster.
In the morning they came and had a good look at it - it was an old monkey.

- reference source : manga nihon mukashibanashi -
.......................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県
上浮穴郡 久万高原町
Sarugami 猿神 Monkey Deity
Nue 鵺,Sarugami 猿神,hebigami (jashin) 蛇神,Inugami 犬神
The mother of Minamoto no Yorimasa (源頼政) (1106 – 1180) was severely ill.
- 頭が猿、足が犬で尾が蛇である怪獣を切ったところ、各部分が別のところに着き、蛇神・猿神。犬神となった。その後狐つき等も入ってきた。蛇神の憑く家系があったが蛇の嫌いなものを撒くと、帰るといって離れていく。
今治市 Imabara 玉川町 Tamagawa
Sarugami Sama 猿神様
Sarugami Jinja 猿神神社 Sarugami Shrine
愛媛県大洲市豊茂 / Toyoshige, Ozu, Ehime
Deity in residence : 猿田彦神 Sarutahiko
.......................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
Sarugami 猿神 Monkey Deity
An itinerant priest had come from the province of the other side of the waterfall. The villagers were quite happy to have him and gave him a young girl as a wife.
This priest even tried to make the girl a human sacrifice for Sarugami, the local Yamanokami.
大野郡 Ono district 荘川村 Shokawa
Sarugami taiji 猿神退治 Getting rid of Sarugami
On the evening before the Shrine Festival, villagers had to offer a girl to 大猿 the Great Monkey. A monk came and tried to change the events by making the Great Monkey a living sacrifice.
But the Monkey cried terribly in great fear and eventually the monk took pity and let him run in to the mountain.
.......................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
Yamanokami is seen as a monkey or as a woman.
Yamanokami of the 道地 Dochi region is called テングサン Tengu san.
.......................................................................... Kochi 高知県
Yamanokami 山の神
In the 土佐郡 Tosa district, 杣 forest workers have to observe certain taboos before entering the forest.
They must not use 不浄の火 improper fire. They should not use the words hari 針 needle, neko 猫 cat, saru 猿 monkey, or boozu 坊主 priest.
They also do not build a group of seven people.
. shichinin misaki 七人ミサキ "Misaki of seven people" .
who died together in an accident
................................................................... Kumamoto 熊本県
. 木葉猿 Konoha Saru 木の葉猿 monkey from Konoha village .
.......................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
Takebera Taro 竹箆太郎 The Brave Dog Shippetaro
The story of a human sacrifice.
. Shippeitaro 竹箆太郎 / しっぺい太郎 - 早太郎 Hayataro, the spiritual dog .
伊具郡 Igu district 丸森町 Marumori
Sanno Iwaya 山王岩屋,Sarutobi 猿跳 Monkeys Jumping
Near the smalles part of the gorge of river Abukuma there are two huge rocks facing each other.
The Deity from 霊山 Mount Ryozen was known as 山王権現 Sanno Gongen and his messenger, the monkey, could jump from one rock to the other, Sarutobi.
The warrior 安倍貞任 Abe no Sadato defended this area.
. 安倍貞任 Abe no Sadato (1019 – 1062) .
and Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 . (758 - 811)

Sanno Iwaya densetsu 山王窟伝説 Sanno rock at 骨寺村 Honedera mura "bone temple village".
and the legend of 山王の鬼 Sanno no Oni, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 . (758 - 811)
source : hiraizumi-yukari.com...
- quote -
骨寺村 Honederamura Shoen Iseki
The map is drawn on four pieces of paper joined together, with the top of the map pointing west; the entire village is depicted. The boundaries of the village---Kagikake in the east, Sanno no Iwaya in the west, the Iwai River in the south, and the ridgeline from Mitakeato to Masaka Shindo in the north---are represented with bold lines.
..... Regarding the religious activities of the village, the Sanno no Iwaya in the west gives a strong impression that the village as a whole was formed as a foothold for the Sanno faith of the Tendai Sect; other religious elements are the Honedera Site and Monks’ Quarter Site on the western plateau, indicated with marks representing pillar sites. .....
- - Comparison with the Landscape Today
..... Sanno no Iwaya, drawn just below and more clearly than Komagatane on the Illustrated Map of Households, is on the western boundary of the village. To the east of it, the words “Honedera Temple Site” and “Monks’ Quarter Site” are marked with figures that appear to be pillar sites. On the Illustrated Map of Shrines and Temples “Hakusan” and “Terasaki” are written on a plateau slightly higher than the rice paddies in the western part of the village. "Rokusho no Miya" on the Illustrated Map of Households is drawn slightly apart from them, in the northern part of the plateau. Hakusan Shrine still remains in the same spot as the map, but Honedera Temple, for which the village was named, was already lost in the Kamakura period, and its site, including Monks’ Quarter, is yet to be found. .....
- source : city.ichinoseki.iwate.jp -

栗原市 Kurihara City
Yamanokami 山の神
Yamanokami does not like the love song サンサシグレ "sansa shigure" , which is song for various rituals.
Forest workers are not allowed to hum the melody while working.
Hunters are not allowed to use the word MONKEY while they are in the moutains.
.......................................................................... Nagano 長野県
東筑摩郡 Higashi-Chikuma district 四賀村 Shiga mura
Tengu 天狗
Wolves, monkeys and wild boars are the messengers of Yamanokami.
Yamanokami is quite wild and the Tengu maybe an incarnation.
.......................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
中頚城郡 Naka-Kubiki district 吉川町 Yokawa
山の神,猿,犬 Yamanokami, monkey and dog
The 9th day of the second and 12th lunar month are set for rituals of Yamanokami.
If people go to the mountain forest and see a monkey running around riding on a dog, they are doomed to die.
.......................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県
入間郡 Iruma district 毛呂山町 Moroyama
Since the monkey is Yamanokami, people are not allowed to do forest work on 申の日 the days of the monkey.
If they do, they will have a lot of problems.
................................................................ Tokushima 徳島県
Sarugami 猿神
Once upon a time
a strange Yokai monster (the Nue) was flying in the sky. A brave samurai shot it down with three arrows.
The head became Inugami 犬神 the Dog Deity,
the body became Sarugami and
the tail became the plant suikazura スイカズラ / 吸葛 honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica (other versions say 蛇 a serpent).
- or in another version -
The head flow off to 讃岐国 Sanuki and became Sarugami.
The body flew off to 阿波国 Awa and became 犬神 Inugami,
the tail flew off to 備前国 Bizen and became the plant Suikazura.

. NUE, nue 鵺, 鵼, 恠鳥, or 奴延鳥 the Nue monster .
- - - - - The cursed Nue came floating in the sea to Shikoku.
Its head landed in Sanuki and became a monkey deity.
Its tail landed in Iyo and became a serpent deity.
Its hands and feet landed in Tosa and became a dog deity.
. suikazura スイカズラ / 吸葛 / 忍冬 と伝説 Legends about honeysuckle .
三好市 Miyoshi city
Sarutahiko 猿田彦
The makers of wooden tools and toys, kijiya 木地屋, venerate Yamanokami. If normal people go to their places of worship and make fire, they will find a cruel death.
Since Yamanokami is Sarutahiko, they are not allowed to use the word SARU (monkey) while they do their work.
................................................................ Wakayama 和歌山県
日高郡 Hidaka district 龍神村 Ryujin Mura (Dragon God Village)
sarusuberi 猿すべり
Once Yamanokami and 水の神 Mizunokami, the God of the Water, had a contest about which had more, trees in the forest or fish in the water. They called out each name and counted it. In the end Yamanokami seemed to have lost because he called two names, 猿すべり Sarusuberi and さるたの木 Saruta no ki, for the same tree.
They tore the records and tried to forget about it.
But for some reason, the 7th day of the 11th lunar month became
山の神の木数えの日 the day of Yamanokami counting trees.
If a person goes to the mountain forest on this day, he will be counted as a tree.
. sarusuberi 百日紅 Crape myrtle .
Even monkeys fall from trees! sarusuberi!
. Mizu no Kamisama 水の神様 God of Water .
A similar story of counting is told in Shiga
. The number of their kenzoku 眷属 followers and servants .
................................................................ Yamanashi 山梨県
都留市 Tsuru city
. do not say saru さる/ サル monkey in the forest .
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
17 猿神 (09)

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. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #saruhachi #saruhachibonno -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and 申八梵王 / さるはちぼんのう Saruhachi Bonno Monkey deity
At the temple Jikooji 都幾山慈光寺 Jiko-Ji
埼玉県比企郡ときがわ町西平386 / 386 Nishidaira, Tokigawa-machi, Hiki-gun, Saitama
This temple is Nr. 9 on the pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in Bando (the Kanto region)
. Bando 33 坂東三十三観音札所 Nr. 9 .
The messenger of the deity Sanno Gongen 山王権現 is a monkey, and the animal is sometimes seen as a deity itself, protecting people from harm and bringing good health to the children.
The monkey is also the messenger of 山の神 Yamanokami.
The whole mountain around the temple Jiko-Ji is seen as the territory of Yamanokami, and the monkey is free to roam the fields and forests.
The local people call the monkey Saruhachi Buddhist King and protect it.
The monkey on the stone relief is clad like the dancing monkey of Sanbaso.
The stone dates back to 1786.
. Sanno Gongen 山王権現 and the Monkey .
Sarutahiko deity 猿田彦, 猿田彦神 - Sarugami 猿神 Monkey Deity
. Hiyoshi Taisha 日吉大社 Great Hiyoshi Shrine .
and the deity Sanno, the "Mountain King"
. sanba sarugaku 三番猿楽, 三番叟 Sanbaso, Sambaso dance .
Sanbaso is an auspicious dance, often performed during the New Year season.
- - - - - Yamanokami has some animal messengers :
. Sarugami 猿神 The Monkey Deity .
. yamainu 山犬 wolf - "mountain dog" .
. inoshishi 猪 wild boar .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Legends about Yamanokami and Sarugami 猿神 The Monkey Deity
Sarugami was known in various provinces, for example in 備前 Bizen and 備後 Bingo in Okayama.
Sarugami taiji 猿神退治 driving out the Sarugami - folktale
About the human sacrifice of a young girl
At the house where a white arrow was stuck, a girl had to be given as human sacrifice for Sarugami.
Then a 山伏 Yamabushi mountain priest came and tried to help. At 丑三つ時 a ghostly hour a monster came wandering from behind the Shrine and begun dancing around the carriage with the girl. When he tried to open the box, the Yamabushi let his dog run and kill the monster.
In the morning they came and had a good look at it - it was an old monkey.

- reference source : manga nihon mukashibanashi -
.......................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県
上浮穴郡 久万高原町
Sarugami 猿神 Monkey Deity
Nue 鵺,Sarugami 猿神,hebigami (jashin) 蛇神,Inugami 犬神
The mother of Minamoto no Yorimasa (源頼政) (1106 – 1180) was severely ill.
- 頭が猿、足が犬で尾が蛇である怪獣を切ったところ、各部分が別のところに着き、蛇神・猿神。犬神となった。その後狐つき等も入ってきた。蛇神の憑く家系があったが蛇の嫌いなものを撒くと、帰るといって離れていく。
今治市 Imabara 玉川町 Tamagawa
Sarugami Sama 猿神様
Sarugami Jinja 猿神神社 Sarugami Shrine
愛媛県大洲市豊茂 / Toyoshige, Ozu, Ehime
Deity in residence : 猿田彦神 Sarutahiko
.......................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
Sarugami 猿神 Monkey Deity
An itinerant priest had come from the province of the other side of the waterfall. The villagers were quite happy to have him and gave him a young girl as a wife.
This priest even tried to make the girl a human sacrifice for Sarugami, the local Yamanokami.
大野郡 Ono district 荘川村 Shokawa
Sarugami taiji 猿神退治 Getting rid of Sarugami
On the evening before the Shrine Festival, villagers had to offer a girl to 大猿 the Great Monkey. A monk came and tried to change the events by making the Great Monkey a living sacrifice.
But the Monkey cried terribly in great fear and eventually the monk took pity and let him run in to the mountain.
.......................................................................... Iwate 岩手県
Yamanokami is seen as a monkey or as a woman.
Yamanokami of the 道地 Dochi region is called テングサン Tengu san.
.......................................................................... Kochi 高知県
Yamanokami 山の神
In the 土佐郡 Tosa district, 杣 forest workers have to observe certain taboos before entering the forest.
They must not use 不浄の火 improper fire. They should not use the words hari 針 needle, neko 猫 cat, saru 猿 monkey, or boozu 坊主 priest.
They also do not build a group of seven people.
. shichinin misaki 七人ミサキ "Misaki of seven people" .
who died together in an accident
................................................................... Kumamoto 熊本県
. 木葉猿 Konoha Saru 木の葉猿 monkey from Konoha village .
.......................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
Takebera Taro 竹箆太郎 The Brave Dog Shippetaro
The story of a human sacrifice.
. Shippeitaro 竹箆太郎 / しっぺい太郎 - 早太郎 Hayataro, the spiritual dog .
伊具郡 Igu district 丸森町 Marumori
Sanno Iwaya 山王岩屋,Sarutobi 猿跳 Monkeys Jumping
Near the smalles part of the gorge of river Abukuma there are two huge rocks facing each other.
The Deity from 霊山 Mount Ryozen was known as 山王権現 Sanno Gongen and his messenger, the monkey, could jump from one rock to the other, Sarutobi.
The warrior 安倍貞任 Abe no Sadato defended this area.
. 安倍貞任 Abe no Sadato (1019 – 1062) .
and Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 . (758 - 811)

Sanno Iwaya densetsu 山王窟伝説 Sanno rock at 骨寺村 Honedera mura "bone temple village".
and the legend of 山王の鬼 Sanno no Oni, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 . (758 - 811)
source : hiraizumi-yukari.com...
- quote -
骨寺村 Honederamura Shoen Iseki

The map is drawn on four pieces of paper joined together, with the top of the map pointing west; the entire village is depicted. The boundaries of the village---Kagikake in the east, Sanno no Iwaya in the west, the Iwai River in the south, and the ridgeline from Mitakeato to Masaka Shindo in the north---are represented with bold lines.
..... Regarding the religious activities of the village, the Sanno no Iwaya in the west gives a strong impression that the village as a whole was formed as a foothold for the Sanno faith of the Tendai Sect; other religious elements are the Honedera Site and Monks’ Quarter Site on the western plateau, indicated with marks representing pillar sites. .....
- - Comparison with the Landscape Today
..... Sanno no Iwaya, drawn just below and more clearly than Komagatane on the Illustrated Map of Households, is on the western boundary of the village. To the east of it, the words “Honedera Temple Site” and “Monks’ Quarter Site” are marked with figures that appear to be pillar sites. On the Illustrated Map of Shrines and Temples “Hakusan” and “Terasaki” are written on a plateau slightly higher than the rice paddies in the western part of the village. "Rokusho no Miya" on the Illustrated Map of Households is drawn slightly apart from them, in the northern part of the plateau. Hakusan Shrine still remains in the same spot as the map, but Honedera Temple, for which the village was named, was already lost in the Kamakura period, and its site, including Monks’ Quarter, is yet to be found. .....
- source : city.ichinoseki.iwate.jp -

栗原市 Kurihara City
Yamanokami 山の神
Yamanokami does not like the love song サンサシグレ "sansa shigure" , which is song for various rituals.
Forest workers are not allowed to hum the melody while working.
Hunters are not allowed to use the word MONKEY while they are in the moutains.
.......................................................................... Nagano 長野県
東筑摩郡 Higashi-Chikuma district 四賀村 Shiga mura
Tengu 天狗
Wolves, monkeys and wild boars are the messengers of Yamanokami.
Yamanokami is quite wild and the Tengu maybe an incarnation.
.......................................................................... Niigata 新潟県
中頚城郡 Naka-Kubiki district 吉川町 Yokawa
山の神,猿,犬 Yamanokami, monkey and dog
The 9th day of the second and 12th lunar month are set for rituals of Yamanokami.
If people go to the mountain forest and see a monkey running around riding on a dog, they are doomed to die.
.......................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県
入間郡 Iruma district 毛呂山町 Moroyama
Since the monkey is Yamanokami, people are not allowed to do forest work on 申の日 the days of the monkey.
If they do, they will have a lot of problems.
................................................................ Tokushima 徳島県
Sarugami 猿神
Once upon a time
a strange Yokai monster (the Nue) was flying in the sky. A brave samurai shot it down with three arrows.
The head became Inugami 犬神 the Dog Deity,
the body became Sarugami and
the tail became the plant suikazura スイカズラ / 吸葛 honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica (other versions say 蛇 a serpent).
- or in another version -
The head flow off to 讃岐国 Sanuki and became Sarugami.
The body flew off to 阿波国 Awa and became 犬神 Inugami,
the tail flew off to 備前国 Bizen and became the plant Suikazura.

. NUE, nue 鵺, 鵼, 恠鳥, or 奴延鳥 the Nue monster .
- - - - - The cursed Nue came floating in the sea to Shikoku.
Its head landed in Sanuki and became a monkey deity.
Its tail landed in Iyo and became a serpent deity.
Its hands and feet landed in Tosa and became a dog deity.
. suikazura スイカズラ / 吸葛 / 忍冬 と伝説 Legends about honeysuckle .
三好市 Miyoshi city
Sarutahiko 猿田彦
The makers of wooden tools and toys, kijiya 木地屋, venerate Yamanokami. If normal people go to their places of worship and make fire, they will find a cruel death.
Since Yamanokami is Sarutahiko, they are not allowed to use the word SARU (monkey) while they do their work.
................................................................ Wakayama 和歌山県
日高郡 Hidaka district 龍神村 Ryujin Mura (Dragon God Village)
sarusuberi 猿すべり
Once Yamanokami and 水の神 Mizunokami, the God of the Water, had a contest about which had more, trees in the forest or fish in the water. They called out each name and counted it. In the end Yamanokami seemed to have lost because he called two names, 猿すべり Sarusuberi and さるたの木 Saruta no ki, for the same tree.
They tore the records and tried to forget about it.
But for some reason, the 7th day of the 11th lunar month became
山の神の木数えの日 the day of Yamanokami counting trees.
If a person goes to the mountain forest on this day, he will be counted as a tree.
. sarusuberi 百日紅 Crape myrtle .
Even monkeys fall from trees! sarusuberi!
. Mizu no Kamisama 水の神様 God of Water .
A similar story of counting is told in Shiga
. The number of their kenzoku 眷属 followers and servants .
................................................................ Yamanashi 山梨県
都留市 Tsuru city
. do not say saru さる/ サル monkey in the forest .
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
17 猿神 (09)
- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #saruhachi #saruhachibonno -
- - - BBB - - -
- - - - - - - - - - Shinto Shrines - - - - - - - - - -
. Baien - Umezono Tenmanguu 梅園天満宮 Nagasaki, Maruyama .
- Basho, Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉
. Basho Inari Jinja 芭蕉稲荷神社 Basho Fox Shrine . Tokiwa, Tokyo
- - - - - . Matsuo Jinja 松尾神社 . Komatsu, Ishikawa
- - - - - . Haiseiden 俳聖殿 Haisei-Den Hall of the Haiku Saint .
Iga Ueno 伊賀上野
. betsuguu, betsugū 別宮 Betsugu separate shrines - bessha 別社 .
- - - - - - - - - - Buddhist Temples - - - - - - - - - -
. Bankotsu Kannondo 萬骨観音堂 Bankotsu Kannon-Do .
. . . . . 東京都慰霊堂 Ireido - Irei-Do Tokyo Metropolitan Memorial Hall
. Bando 坂東三十三観音 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in Kanto .
. Baishooji 梅松寺 Baisho-Ji - Baishô Temple . Obuse,Nagano. and Issa
Banryuuji 蟠竜寺 Banryu-Ji“Coiling Dragon Temple”
. Banshooji 万松寺 Bansho-Ji . - Nagoya, Aichi
. . . . . Migawari Fudoo 身代わり不動
. Bentenboo 弁天坊 Benten-Bo . - Fudo, Hiranuma
. Bodai-Ji 菩提寺 family temple legends .
. Bodaiji 菩提寺 Bodai-Ji . - Shimokita, Aomori
. Bodaiji 菩提寺 Bodai-Ji . - Tono 遠野, Iwate
. Botamochi-dera 牡丹餅寺 / Jooei-Ji 常栄寺 Joei-Ji . Kamakura
. Buppooji 仏法寺 Buppo-Ji . Mimasaka, Okayama
. Butsuganji 佛眼寺 / 仏眼寺 Butsugan-Ji . Ichihara, Umatate
. Butsumo Maya San Tooriten Jooji 仏母麻耶山忉利天上寺 - Maya san Tenjooji 摩耶山天上寺 Tenjo-Ji . Kobe, Hyogo
Butsuryuuji 仏隆寺 Butsuryu-Ji - Nara
with Mochizukizakura (a cherry blossom tree)
- source : www.pref.nara.jp
. Buttsuuji 佛通寺 Buttsu-Ji . Mihara, Hiroshima
. Byakugooji 白毫寺 Byakugo-Ji . - Nara
- Byoodooin 平等院 Byodo-In and the Phoenix Hall 鳳凰堂 . Uji, Nara
. Byoodooji 平等寺 Byodo-Ji . - Kyoto
- 因幡堂 平等寺 Inaba-Do Byodo-Ji
. ban 幡 banner decorations .
- - - - - dooban 幢幡(どうばん), doo 幢, hata 旗
. Benten - Edo roku Benten 江戸六弁天 Six Benten in Edo .
. bettōji, bettooji 別当寺 betto-ji .
Buddhist temples associated with Shinto shrines.
. Binbogami 貧乏神と伝説 legends about Bimbogami, Deity of Poverty .
. bonno 煩悩 worldly desires, illusions, delusions .
tonjinchi 貪瞋癡(とんじんち) -
貪 = むさぼり, greed
瞋 = いかり, anger
癡 = おろかさ, stupidity
. Bugaku 舞楽 court dance and music .
. bunshi 分祀 - 分祠, bunsha bunsha 分社 - branch shrine .
. busha sai 奉射祭 Sacred Archery Festivals, Foot Warrior Archery Festivals .
. bussokuseki 仏足石 Buddha's Footprints .
- #bbbb >
- - - - - - - - - - Shinto Shrines - - - - - - - - - -
. Baien - Umezono Tenmanguu 梅園天満宮 Nagasaki, Maruyama .
- Basho, Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉
. Basho Inari Jinja 芭蕉稲荷神社 Basho Fox Shrine . Tokiwa, Tokyo
- - - - - . Matsuo Jinja 松尾神社 . Komatsu, Ishikawa
- - - - - . Haiseiden 俳聖殿 Haisei-Den Hall of the Haiku Saint .
Iga Ueno 伊賀上野
. betsuguu, betsugū 別宮 Betsugu separate shrines - bessha 別社 .
- - - - - - - - - - Buddhist Temples - - - - - - - - - -
. Bankotsu Kannondo 萬骨観音堂 Bankotsu Kannon-Do .
. . . . . 東京都慰霊堂 Ireido - Irei-Do Tokyo Metropolitan Memorial Hall
. Bando 坂東三十三観音 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in Kanto .
. Baishooji 梅松寺 Baisho-Ji - Baishô Temple . Obuse,Nagano. and Issa
Banryuuji 蟠竜寺 Banryu-Ji“Coiling Dragon Temple”
. Banshooji 万松寺 Bansho-Ji . - Nagoya, Aichi
. . . . . Migawari Fudoo 身代わり不動
. Bentenboo 弁天坊 Benten-Bo . - Fudo, Hiranuma
. Bodai-Ji 菩提寺 family temple legends .
. Bodaiji 菩提寺 Bodai-Ji . - Shimokita, Aomori
. Bodaiji 菩提寺 Bodai-Ji . - Tono 遠野, Iwate
. Botamochi-dera 牡丹餅寺 / Jooei-Ji 常栄寺 Joei-Ji . Kamakura
. Buppooji 仏法寺 Buppo-Ji . Mimasaka, Okayama
. Butsuganji 佛眼寺 / 仏眼寺 Butsugan-Ji . Ichihara, Umatate
. Butsumo Maya San Tooriten Jooji 仏母麻耶山忉利天上寺 - Maya san Tenjooji 摩耶山天上寺 Tenjo-Ji . Kobe, Hyogo
Butsuryuuji 仏隆寺 Butsuryu-Ji - Nara
with Mochizukizakura (a cherry blossom tree)
- source : www.pref.nara.jp
. Buttsuuji 佛通寺 Buttsu-Ji . Mihara, Hiroshima
. Byakugooji 白毫寺 Byakugo-Ji . - Nara
- Byoodooin 平等院 Byodo-In and the Phoenix Hall 鳳凰堂 . Uji, Nara
. Byoodooji 平等寺 Byodo-Ji . - Kyoto
- 因幡堂 平等寺 Inaba-Do Byodo-Ji
. ban 幡 banner decorations .
- - - - - dooban 幢幡(どうばん), doo 幢, hata 旗
. Benten - Edo roku Benten 江戸六弁天 Six Benten in Edo .
. bettōji, bettooji 別当寺 betto-ji .
Buddhist temples associated with Shinto shrines.
. Binbogami 貧乏神と伝説 legends about Bimbogami, Deity of Poverty .
. bonno 煩悩 worldly desires, illusions, delusions .
tonjinchi 貪瞋癡(とんじんち) -
貪 = むさぼり, greed
瞋 = いかり, anger
癡 = おろかさ, stupidity
. Bugaku 舞楽 court dance and music .
. bunshi 分祀 - 分祠, bunsha bunsha 分社 - branch shrine .
. busha sai 奉射祭 Sacred Archery Festivals, Foot Warrior Archery Festivals .
. bussokuseki 仏足石 Buddha's Footprints .
- #bbbb >
biyoo - praying for beauty
biyoo jisha 美容寺社 praying for beauty
Next to prayers for good health, prayers for a beautiful face, skin or body were quite popular.
. kami no ke kigan no jisha 髪の毛祈願の寺社 for beautiful hair .
. bijin 美人 beauty - beauty amulet 美守 .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
- - - - - List of shrines and temples to pray for beauty !
- under construction -
- Shrines -
. Hine Jinja 日根神社 .
大阪府泉佐野市日根野631 - Osaka, Izumisano
anmin 安眠 to pray for beauty sleep and also for couples to get a child.
makura matsuri まくら祭り pillow festival
. Itsukushima 厳島神社 .
栃木県足利市本城2丁目1855 - Tochigi, Ashikaga
Bijin Benten 美人弁天 Benten for Beauty / Akashi Benten 明石弁天
. Kiyomizu Sha 清水社 Kiyomizu Shrine .
in the compound of 熱田神宮 Atsuta Jingu
愛知県名古屋市熱田区神宮1-1-1 - Aichi, Nagoya
o shimizu お清水 sacred clear water for beautiful skin, healing eye disease and good luck.
. Matsushima Jinja 松島神社 .
東京都中央区日本橋人形町2-15-2 - Tokyo
ryoomu fuda 良夢札 amulet for a good dream and beauty
. Suga Jinja 須賀神社 . - Kyoto
kesoobumi 懸想文 love letter
. Toyotama Hime Jinja 豊玉姫神社 Shrine for Princess Toyotama .
bihada no kamisama 美肌の神様 deity for beautiful skin
. Toyomitsu Jinja 豊満神社 . - Shiga
滋賀県愛知郡愛荘町豊満392 - Shiga
yooshi koojoo 容姿向上 to pray for improvement of female style
bijin omamori 美人守 amulet for beauty
. Umezono Tenmanguu 梅園天満宮 .
長崎県長崎市丸山町2-20 - Nagasaki, Maruyama
egao bijin 笑顔美人 for a smiling beautyful face
- Temples -
. Banryuuji 蟠竜寺 Banryu-Ji “Coiling Dragon Temple”.
東京都目黒区下目黒3-4-4 - Kyoto
O-shiroi Jizoo おしろい地蔵 "Jizo with a white make-up face"
. Gyokuhooji 玉鳳寺 Gyokuho-Ji .
東京都港区三田4-11-19 - Tokyo, Mita
Keshoo Jizoo 化粧地蔵 Kesho Jizo Bosatsu with make-up
- and more Jizo with painted faces
. Kawasaki Daishi 川崎大師 Daishi temple in Kawasaki .
shoozuka no baasan しょうづかの婆さん "the Old Hag of Hell "
. Komachidera 小町寺 - Ono no Komachi 小野 小町 -.
temple Fudara-Ji 補陀洛寺 in Kyoto
Nariaiji 成相寺 Nariai-Ji
京都府宮津市成相寺339 - Kyoto
The main statue is a Bijin Kannon 美人観音 "Beautiful Kannon Bosatsu"

Temple Nr. 28 on the Saigoku Kannon pilgrimage.
Located above Ama no Hashidate, Amanohashidate

bijin Kannon o-mamori 美人観音御守
- quote
Nariaiji Temple (成相寺) is a temple of the Shingon sect of Japanese Buddhism. The temple was originally located near the top of Mount Tsuzumigatake overlooking Miyazu Bay in the north, but was moved about 250 years ago to its current location further down the mountain after a landslide. The current temple grounds are still high enough on the slope that there are good viewpoints from where you can look out over the Amanohashidate Sandbar below.
Nariaiji Temple is part of the 33 Kannon Temples of Western Japan, a pilgrimage route to various temples across the region that are dedicated to Kannon, the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy. Appropriately the main treasure of Nariaji Temple is a carved wooden statue of Kannon that dates from the Heian Period.
Below the main hall is a small wooden bell tower containing the "bell of neutrality". The bell is completely enclosed in its tower and has never been struck due to the sad legend about its origins concerning a baby that was accidentally dropped into the molten metal that was cast into the bell. A little further down the slope is an impressive five story pagoda. The bright red structure is built in the Kamakura architectural style, and was also formerly located higher up the mountain before it was restored and moved to its current spot in the late 1990s.
- source : www.japan-guide.com

yubiwa omamori ゆびわお守り fingerring amulet
avoid disaster, lower blood pressure, helps stomach ilness and more

On the 9th of August, there is a special ritual
sennichi mairi 千日まいり "1000 days worth of temple visit"
If you visit on this day, you get the merit of one thousand days from Kannon san.
- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.nariaiji.jp
- - - - - Reference
- source : www.advice-navi.com/beauty
- source : sp.walkerplus.com/newyear
biyoo jisha 美容寺社 praying for beauty
Next to prayers for good health, prayers for a beautiful face, skin or body were quite popular.
. kami no ke kigan no jisha 髪の毛祈願の寺社 for beautiful hair .
. bijin 美人 beauty - beauty amulet 美守 .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
- - - - - List of shrines and temples to pray for beauty !
- under construction -
- Shrines -
. Hine Jinja 日根神社 .
大阪府泉佐野市日根野631 - Osaka, Izumisano
anmin 安眠 to pray for beauty sleep and also for couples to get a child.
makura matsuri まくら祭り pillow festival
. Itsukushima 厳島神社 .
栃木県足利市本城2丁目1855 - Tochigi, Ashikaga
Bijin Benten 美人弁天 Benten for Beauty / Akashi Benten 明石弁天
. Kiyomizu Sha 清水社 Kiyomizu Shrine .
in the compound of 熱田神宮 Atsuta Jingu
愛知県名古屋市熱田区神宮1-1-1 - Aichi, Nagoya
o shimizu お清水 sacred clear water for beautiful skin, healing eye disease and good luck.
. Matsushima Jinja 松島神社 .
東京都中央区日本橋人形町2-15-2 - Tokyo
ryoomu fuda 良夢札 amulet for a good dream and beauty
. Suga Jinja 須賀神社 . - Kyoto
kesoobumi 懸想文 love letter
. Toyotama Hime Jinja 豊玉姫神社 Shrine for Princess Toyotama .
bihada no kamisama 美肌の神様 deity for beautiful skin
. Toyomitsu Jinja 豊満神社 . - Shiga
滋賀県愛知郡愛荘町豊満392 - Shiga
yooshi koojoo 容姿向上 to pray for improvement of female style
bijin omamori 美人守 amulet for beauty
. Umezono Tenmanguu 梅園天満宮 .
長崎県長崎市丸山町2-20 - Nagasaki, Maruyama
egao bijin 笑顔美人 for a smiling beautyful face
- Temples -
. Banryuuji 蟠竜寺 Banryu-Ji “Coiling Dragon Temple”.
東京都目黒区下目黒3-4-4 - Kyoto
O-shiroi Jizoo おしろい地蔵 "Jizo with a white make-up face"
. Gyokuhooji 玉鳳寺 Gyokuho-Ji .
東京都港区三田4-11-19 - Tokyo, Mita
Keshoo Jizoo 化粧地蔵 Kesho Jizo Bosatsu with make-up
- and more Jizo with painted faces
. Kawasaki Daishi 川崎大師 Daishi temple in Kawasaki .
shoozuka no baasan しょうづかの婆さん "the Old Hag of Hell "
. Komachidera 小町寺 - Ono no Komachi 小野 小町 -.
temple Fudara-Ji 補陀洛寺 in Kyoto
Nariaiji 成相寺 Nariai-Ji
京都府宮津市成相寺339 - Kyoto
The main statue is a Bijin Kannon 美人観音 "Beautiful Kannon Bosatsu"

Temple Nr. 28 on the Saigoku Kannon pilgrimage.
Located above Ama no Hashidate, Amanohashidate

bijin Kannon o-mamori 美人観音御守
- quote
Nariaiji Temple (成相寺) is a temple of the Shingon sect of Japanese Buddhism. The temple was originally located near the top of Mount Tsuzumigatake overlooking Miyazu Bay in the north, but was moved about 250 years ago to its current location further down the mountain after a landslide. The current temple grounds are still high enough on the slope that there are good viewpoints from where you can look out over the Amanohashidate Sandbar below.
Nariaiji Temple is part of the 33 Kannon Temples of Western Japan, a pilgrimage route to various temples across the region that are dedicated to Kannon, the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy. Appropriately the main treasure of Nariaji Temple is a carved wooden statue of Kannon that dates from the Heian Period.
Below the main hall is a small wooden bell tower containing the "bell of neutrality". The bell is completely enclosed in its tower and has never been struck due to the sad legend about its origins concerning a baby that was accidentally dropped into the molten metal that was cast into the bell. A little further down the slope is an impressive five story pagoda. The bright red structure is built in the Kamakura architectural style, and was also formerly located higher up the mountain before it was restored and moved to its current spot in the late 1990s.
- source : www.japan-guide.com

yubiwa omamori ゆびわお守り fingerring amulet
avoid disaster, lower blood pressure, helps stomach ilness and more
On the 9th of August, there is a special ritual
sennichi mairi 千日まいり "1000 days worth of temple visit"
If you visit on this day, you get the merit of one thousand days from Kannon san.
- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.nariaiji.jp
- - - - - Reference
- source : www.advice-navi.com/beauty
- source : sp.walkerplus.com/newyear
betsugu shingu shrines
betsuguu, betsugū 別宮 Betsugu separate shrines
shinguu shingū 新宮 Shingu "new shrine"

Shingu Jinja 南国市十市 Nankoku town, Kochi, Summer purification ritual
Literally, "detached shrine" or "separate shrine."
An auxiliary shrine existing in a main-branch relationship to its central or main shrine (honsha, hongū ).
Also called bessha 別社
edamiya 枝宮 - edayashiro, eda yashiro 枝社 - branch shrine
In practice, a detached shrine and its main shrine may be related in a variety of ways, but in principle the relationship is similar to that of a main shrine to other kinds of auxiliary shrines such as
imamiya, shingū (新宮), sessha and massha.
A detached shrine may be located either within the same precincts as the main shrine with which it is associated, or removed at a considerable distance.
Typical examples of betsugū include those associated with the shrines
Iwashimizu Hachimangū and
the Grand Shrines of Ise.
During the medieval period, Iwashimizu possessed "divine estates" (shinryō) throughout Japan; branch shrines of Iwashimizu that were dedicated (see kanjō) at those estates and thus became local tutelaries (chinju no kami) came to be known as betsugū of Iwashimizu.
The Grand Shrines of Ise are known for the ten betsugū of the Inner Shrine (Naikū) and the four of the Outer Shrine (Gekū); these detached shrines possess a unique relationship to the rituals or objects of worship (saijin) of the main shrines, and are thus given the title of gū (originally a "palace," a term reserved for shrines of particularly high status). Their special status is also reflected in the fact that they celebrate a rebuilding each twenty years in the same manner as the regular removals (shikinen sengū ) of the main shrines.
In addition to these usages, the term betsugū is also given to one of the temporary festival shrines (otabisho) utilized during festivals at the shrine Yasaka Jinja in Kyoto.
source : Inoue Nobutaka, Kokugakuin 2007
. imamiya 今宮 Imamiya branch shrines .
. massha 末社 - sessha 摂社 - subordinate shrines .
. Ise Shinguu 伊勢新宮 - Ise Jinguu 伊勢神宮.
. Iwashimizu Hachimangu 石清水八幡宮 . Kyoto
. Kumano Shinguu 熊野新宮 - Hayatama Taisha 熊野速玉大社 Wakayama .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
shinguu shingū 新宮 "new shrine"
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
shinguu no imibi hachigatsu juuni nichi
the taboo day
for Shingu shrine is August
the twelfth
imibi, inbi 忌日 memorial or taboo day for special offerings at a shrine.
hachigatsu no hikari Shinguu ni afururu
the sunlight
of August is overflowing
at shrine Shingu
shinguu no kugatsu no yakuru posuto kana
the burning heat
of the mailbox in September
at Shingu shrine . . .
. Kuroda Momoko 黒田杏子 .
shinguu no tan no utsukushiki natsu kodachi
the red color
of Shingu shrine is so beautiful -
grove in summer
Endoo Goetsu 遠藤梧逸 Endo Goetsu
Haiku Poet from Oshu

source : www.naginoha.info
shinguu no miko no uri-iru nagi no nae
the shrine maidens
at Shingu sell it -
seedlings of sacred Nagi
Kameda Yasuko 亀田ヤス子
Nagi tree, the sacred shrine tree (nagi no ki 梛の木 / 凪の木)
Podocarpus nagi
A big tree can grow till 25 meters high and have a circumference of 1.5 meters.

nagi ningyoo なぎ人形 dolls from sacred Nagi wood
. Kumano Shinguu 熊野新宮 - Hayatama Taisha 熊野速玉大社 Wakayama .
. 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu, Naiku 内宮 and Geku 外宮 .
betsuguu, betsugū 別宮 Betsugu separate shrines
shinguu shingū 新宮 Shingu "new shrine"

Shingu Jinja 南国市十市 Nankoku town, Kochi, Summer purification ritual
Literally, "detached shrine" or "separate shrine."
An auxiliary shrine existing in a main-branch relationship to its central or main shrine (honsha, hongū ).
Also called bessha 別社
edamiya 枝宮 - edayashiro, eda yashiro 枝社 - branch shrine
In practice, a detached shrine and its main shrine may be related in a variety of ways, but in principle the relationship is similar to that of a main shrine to other kinds of auxiliary shrines such as
imamiya, shingū (新宮), sessha and massha.
A detached shrine may be located either within the same precincts as the main shrine with which it is associated, or removed at a considerable distance.
Typical examples of betsugū include those associated with the shrines
Iwashimizu Hachimangū and
the Grand Shrines of Ise.
During the medieval period, Iwashimizu possessed "divine estates" (shinryō) throughout Japan; branch shrines of Iwashimizu that were dedicated (see kanjō) at those estates and thus became local tutelaries (chinju no kami) came to be known as betsugū of Iwashimizu.
The Grand Shrines of Ise are known for the ten betsugū of the Inner Shrine (Naikū) and the four of the Outer Shrine (Gekū); these detached shrines possess a unique relationship to the rituals or objects of worship (saijin) of the main shrines, and are thus given the title of gū (originally a "palace," a term reserved for shrines of particularly high status). Their special status is also reflected in the fact that they celebrate a rebuilding each twenty years in the same manner as the regular removals (shikinen sengū ) of the main shrines.
In addition to these usages, the term betsugū is also given to one of the temporary festival shrines (otabisho) utilized during festivals at the shrine Yasaka Jinja in Kyoto.
source : Inoue Nobutaka, Kokugakuin 2007
. imamiya 今宮 Imamiya branch shrines .
. massha 末社 - sessha 摂社 - subordinate shrines .
. Ise Shinguu 伊勢新宮 - Ise Jinguu 伊勢神宮.
. Iwashimizu Hachimangu 石清水八幡宮 . Kyoto
. Kumano Shinguu 熊野新宮 - Hayatama Taisha 熊野速玉大社 Wakayama .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
shinguu shingū 新宮 "new shrine"
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
shinguu no imibi hachigatsu juuni nichi
the taboo day
for Shingu shrine is August
the twelfth
imibi, inbi 忌日 memorial or taboo day for special offerings at a shrine.
hachigatsu no hikari Shinguu ni afururu
the sunlight
of August is overflowing
at shrine Shingu
shinguu no kugatsu no yakuru posuto kana
the burning heat
of the mailbox in September
at Shingu shrine . . .
. Kuroda Momoko 黒田杏子 .
shinguu no tan no utsukushiki natsu kodachi
the red color
of Shingu shrine is so beautiful -
grove in summer
Endoo Goetsu 遠藤梧逸 Endo Goetsu
Haiku Poet from Oshu

source : www.naginoha.info
shinguu no miko no uri-iru nagi no nae
the shrine maidens
at Shingu sell it -
seedlings of sacred Nagi
Kameda Yasuko 亀田ヤス子
Nagi tree, the sacred shrine tree (nagi no ki 梛の木 / 凪の木)
Podocarpus nagi
A big tree can grow till 25 meters high and have a circumference of 1.5 meters.

nagi ningyoo なぎ人形 dolls from sacred Nagi wood
. Kumano Shinguu 熊野新宮 - Hayatama Taisha 熊野速玉大社 Wakayama .
. 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu, Naiku 内宮 and Geku 外宮 .
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