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Showing posts with label - - - EEE - - -. Show all posts


Ebisu Shrine Furubira Hokkaido

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Ebisu Jinja 恵比寿神社 Ebisu Shrine
古平町 Furubira town, 北海道 Hokkaido / 古平郡古平町大字浜町989番地

- - - - - Deity in residence
Kotoshironushi no Kami 事代主神

- reference source : -


. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

Tengu no Hiwatari Matsuri 天狗の火渡り Tengu walking through the flames
Festival in September
Also at Kotohira Jinja 琴平神社

猿田彦 Sarutahiko the Grand Tengu parades through the town and then walks through the high flames three times.

- reference source : -

- reference : 古平 北海道 恵比寿神社 -


source : Matt Alt


. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference - 古平町 天狗の火渡り-
- reference - furubira hokkaido tengu festival -


Furubira occupies the eastern end of the north coast of the Shakotan Peninsula facing the Japan Sea. The town is largely built around the Furubira River, which runs from the highlands of the Shakotan Peninsula into the Japan Sea.
Furubira was established as one of many Pacific herring fishing settlements in the region at the beginning of the Edo period (1603 – 1868).
Manganese was once mined at the head of the Furubira River; mining ceased in the town in 1984. The mine was located at Inakuraishi.
The Port of Furubira,
located near Cape Maruyama, is an active fishing port. Shrimp, Alaska pollack, and saltwater clams are a mainstay of the economy. The Furubira River provides irrigation for the production of rice, potatoes, and soy beans. Beef, pork, and poultry are also raised in the town.
- quote wikipedia -


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. Sarutahiko no Ookami 猿田彦大神 the Great Deity Sarutahiko .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #tengumatsuri #tenguhiwatari #hiwataritengu #furubirahokkaido #furubira -


Yama no Kami 06 Regional

. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .

Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Ehime 愛媛県


山の神硝子工房 Yamanokami Glass Factory
360 Tamagawacho Koya, Imabari, Ehime Prefecture 794-0115 / 愛媛県今治市玉川町高野360

- reference source : -


Yamanokami Kosenjo 山の神古戦場 - War Landmark in Matsuyama
799-2468, Ogawa, Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture 799-2468

In memory of a battle in 1179, remembering Minamoto no Yoritomo 源 頼朝 (1147 - 1199) and 河野通清 Kono Michikiyo (? - 1181).
Michikiyo killed himself 大松 under a huge pine tree.
The tree lasted until 1965, when it dried of old age.


ツール・ド・玉川 - 山の神降臨 Tour de Tamagawa - Yamanokami Korin

An event to enjoy the villages, gorges and peaks of Japan.
The tour is 68 km long and climbs to an altitude of 1604 m.
- reference source : -


....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....

. Yama no Kami matsuri 山の神祭り Yamanokami festivals .
山の神の火祭り Yamanokami Fire Festival at 内子町 Uchiko

. Yamanokami and okoze 虎魚 / 鰧魚 / オコゼ stonefish .
. Yamanokami and yamainu 山犬 wolf .


On the first day of the New Year, farmers are not allowed to go to the mountain forest or the fields.
On the 20th day of the New Year, Yamanokami comes out and again farmers do not go to the mountain forest.
On 盆の16日 the 16th during the O-Bon rituals for the ancestors it is taboo to go fishing.
On doyo no ushi no hi 土用の丑の日 (a day in mid July) the special dog day of Doyo
it is taboo to make 味噌 Miso paste.

今治市 Imabari city

. muenbotoke 無縁仏 graves of the unknown pilgrims .
and their spirits possessing humans

今治市 Imabari 玉川町 Tamagawa

Yamanokami no Shoogatsu 山の神の正月 New Year of Yamanokami
The ninth day of the first lunar month is the "New Year of Yamanokami".
If people go to the mountain forest for work, they will met with divine punishment.
They also make special offerings to Yamanokami.
Every month on the 9th day there is a taboo of cutting down trees.

This "New Year of Yamanokami" is also celebrated in 新潟県 Niigata.

浮穴郡 Kamiukena district 久方町 Hisakata-cho

Yamanokami gets angry easily and curses peopole.
The old mountain hag, 山姥 Yamanba, is an incarnation of Yamanokami.
But she also brings a good harvest if venerated properly.

喜多郡 Kita district

shiroi mizu 白い水 white water
Deep in the mountain there is Yamauba Jinja 山婆神社, often called バアサン Baa-San and also shrine Oyamatsumi Jinja 大山祇神社, where Yamanokami is venerated.
There is a huge boulder with two small caves. On the right cave ヤマノジサ Yama no Jisa (Grandfather) is venerated, on the left side ヤマノバサ Yama no Basa (Grandmother).
In olden times there was white water coming out from a hole between 山の爺さん Grandfather and 山の婆さん Grandmother. (They used this hole to talk to each other, says the legend.)
The water has been sent to the prefectural government for analysis and found to be quite healthy. So many people came here to get it. The water was also known to cure ear diseases, help weak children and grant an easy birth.
They said the water was white because Grandmother uses it daily to wash her rice.
Nowadays there is just normal water flowing there and if bad people come, it stopped flowing.
Grandfather was also called 金時さん Kintoki San.

. Yamanba, Yamauba 山姥 / 山婆 Yamanba "mountain hag" .

- - - - -

If Yamanokami talks to a person, they should not try to argue with him.
In the hamlet 帯江 Obie there is a small sanctuary above the home of the 中村氏 Nakamura family, where Yamanokami is venerated.

- - - - -

Ashi nashi tengu 足なし天狗 Tengu without feet
On the left of the sanctuary for Yamanokami there is a rock called 足なし天狗の足休めの岩 "Rock where the Tengu without feet rests his legs"
Once a forest worker was cutting a tree the rock when he had the feeling someone was stomping on his head repeatedly. He got angry and swung his ax in the space above his head - and indeed cut off the feet of the Tengu. The Tengu was not clever enough to sense what the man was up to so he got his legs cut off.
The Tengu in this region are also seen as a kind of kaze no kamisama 風の神様 God of the Wind.

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

松山市 Matsuyama

The 12th day of the 12th lunar month was called
hate no hatsuka 果ての二十日 the final day 20 .
This is an evil day. To avoid angering Yamanokami, people should not enter a mountain.
In former times victims used to be beheaded on this day.
In 怒和 Nuwa it is called ミテの二十日 mite no hatsuka.
It is taboo to go to the forest or go fishing or to cut material to make robes.
At 大浦 Oura it is the day of the festival for Yamanokami.
On this day it is taboo to go to the forest.

. hate no hatsuka 果ての二十日 the final day 20 .

- - - - -

On the 20th day of the first luner month, people prepare a special meal for Yamanokami. If the smoke of the fire while preparing this food comes to the eyes, the person will go blind.

. Yama no Kami matsuri 山の神祭り Yamanokami festivals .
西条市 Saijo and others

南宇和郡 Minami-Uwa district

14 families who did not venerate Yamanokami were cursed and their houses burned down.
When they asked a Shaman about it,
It seems they had chopped vegetables and left them on the stone hearth (ishiguro 石グロ), which is the living quarter of the Deity.

- - - - -

. shishi misaki シシミサキ "Wild Boar Misaki Deity" .

西条市 Saijo

inu hito sanjin 犬人三神 "Two Dogs and one man as three deities"
At a small sanctuary at 川来須 Kawagurusu the person 伊藤綱次郎 Ito Kojiro is venerated as a deity.
Once upon a time there was a famous hunter in Kuwagurusu, who could throw a spear skillfully. He went hunting with his two beloved dogs, one white and one black. He was attacked by a bear and killed.
The two dogs decided to take revenge for their master, killed the bear and then killed themselves.
This episode is remembered as "Two Dogs and one man as three deities".
Kojiro is now venerated together with Yamanokami as the protector of the area. If someone walks past and happens to see the two dogs, he must return home fast, otherwise he will have bad luck.

- - - - -

Yamanokami no ki 山の神の木 The Tree of Yamanokami
If someone tries to cut down this kind of tree, he will be cursed, get all red in the face and almost faint.
He has to turn to the Northern direction fast, sit down and be fanned with a mino 箕 straw coat three times to get better.

. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .

四国中央市 Shikoku Chuo Town 富郷町 Tomisato

Yamanokami no ki 山の神の木 The Tree of Yamanokami
It is not allowed to cut a tree of Yamanokami. The huge trees at the top of the mountain are resting places for the local Tengu and if cut down, the person will be cursed.
A bifurcated tree with two stems is called heigushi ヘイグシ(幣串) "Shinto purification wand" and it is strictly taboo to cut down such a tree.

周桑郡 Shuso district 丹原 Tanbara  小松町 Komatsu

Tengu 天狗 at mount Ishizuchisan 石槌山
Once a man took off early in the morning to be the first to climb Mount Ishizuchisan, when a man carrying a young boy on his shoulders came down the path, all clad in white robes.
They greeted each other and when the man turned around a moment later to observe the two climb further down, they were already gone. It must have been Yamanokami, who did not want a human to be the first in the morning on the mountain, who got angry. So he had asked his disciple, the Tengu, to interrupt the man on his climb.

. Hōkibō 法起坊天狗 Tengu Hoki-Bo, Hokibo .
石鎚山法起坊 / 石槌山法起坊 - Ishizuchizan Hoki-Bo

宇摩郡 Uma district 土居町 Doi town // タゴリ coughing

Near the bridge 河内橋 Kawachibashi there is a huge boulder with a stone sanctuary.
Once the villagers brought fuujin 風神 the Wind God from the village up here to venerate.
The deity helped calm down the local 山神 Yamanokami and also helped heal タゴリ coughing.


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -


. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .

from Fukui 福井県 to 山梨県 Yamanashi - will be updated.


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. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #ehimeyamanokami -


- Backup Shrines in Edo Tokyo

. Pilgrimages in Edo - Tokyo .

Backup Marlch  2017


Tokyo Shitamachi Pilgrimage

. Pilgrimages in Edo - Tokyo - Introduction .

東京下町八社巡り Pilgrimage to 8 Shrines in Shitamachi

This pilgrimage has started in 1981.
There is a deity in each Shinto Shrine for a special purpose and wish.

- quote -
Shitamachi Tokyo old town
Shitamachi literally means "downtown" and is the place to experience a taste of the old town Tokyo atmosphere that existed before the economic miracle of the 1970's and 80's really took hold. The most famous district of Shitamachi is Asakusa. At its heart you find Senso-ji Temple, best known for the giant red lantern situated at the entrance. This is a great place to start any exploration of Tokyo.
- source : -

The pilgrimage is also called
Shitamachi Hachi Fukujin 下町八福神 Eight Shinto Deities of Good Luck in Shitamachi Shrines


amulets for all purposes at the Tori no Ichi Market.

. 酉の市 Tori no Ichi Markets in Edo .

shoobai hanjoo 商売繁盛 Good business

Ootori Jinja 鷲神社 Otori Jinja
台東区千束3-18-7 -- 3 Chome-18-7 Senzoku, Taitō ward

----- Deities in residence :
天日鷲命 Amenohiwashi no Mikoto, Ame no Hiwashi
日本武尊 Yamato Takeru no Mikoto

kakkome かっこめ Kakkome rake
kakkome is a pun with un o kakikomu 運をかき込む, to rake in good fortune
It contains the rake for farmers, a written amulet and an ear of rice, with the wish for a good harvest in the coming year. It is also good for business and a happy family.

- reference : hachifukujin829/ootori1 -


縁結び Finding a partner

. 今戸神社 Imado Jinja .
台東区今戸1-5-22 -- 1 Chome-5-22 Imado, Taitō ward

----- Deities in residence :
伊弉諾尊 Izanagi no Mikoto // 伊弉冉尊 Izanami no Mikoto
應神天皇 Oojin Tenno

Famous for the story of the manekineko 招き猫 "Beckoning Cat"

- reference : hachifukujin829/imado1 -


健康長寿 Long and healthy life

第六天榊神社 Dairokuten Sakaki Jinja
台東区蔵前1-4-3 -- 1 Chome-4-3 Kuramae, Taitō wear

----- Deities in residence :
Amatsukami Mutsu no Miyo ni ataritamau Sakaki no Sume Oomikami
面足尊 Omodaru no Mikoto
惶根尊 Kashikone no Mikoto

- reference : hachifukujin829/sakaki1 -

The temple used to be called 第六天神宮 Dairokuten Jingu, and was renamed in 1873 to 榊神社 Sakaki Jinja.

. Dairokuten Ma-O 第六天魔王 .


円満和合 Happy couple

下谷神社 Shitaya Jinja
台東区東上野3-29-8 -- 3 Chome-29-8 Higashiueno, Taitō ward

----- Deities in residence :
大年神 Ootoshi no Kami
日本武尊 Yamato Takeru no Mikoto

- reference : hachifukujin829/sitaya1 -

The Deity of Fertility in enshrined here. The Shrine was founded in 730 in Ueno park, and moved to another place in 1672. The final location to Higashi Ueno was done in 1703. The main event is the Grand Annual Festival, Reitaisai.

- further reference -


学問芸能 Learning and progress in the arts

. Onoterusaki jinja 小野照崎神社 .
台東区下谷2-13-14 -- 2 Chome-13-14 Shitaya, Taitō ward

----- Deities in residence :
小野篁命 Ono no Takamura
菅原道真命 Sugawara Michizane

- reference : hachifukujin829/onoteru1 -


安産子授け Getting pregnant and easy birth

. Suitengu 水天宮 Shrine for the Water God .
中央区日本橋蛎殻町2-4-1 -- 2 Chome-4-1 Nihonbashi Kakigarachō, Chūō ward

----- Deities in residence :
天御中主大神 Ame no Minakanushi no Ookami
安徳天皇 Antoku Tenno and his mother, 建礼門院 Kenreimon-In
二位ノ尼 Nii no Ama - Taira no Tokiko (1126 - 1185)

- reference : hachifukujin829/suitengu1 -


強運厄除け Avoiding disaster

小網神社 Koami Jinja
中央区日本橋小網町16-23 -- 16-23 Nihonbashi Koamichō, Chūō ward

----- Deities in residence :
倉稲魂命 Ukanomitama no Mikoto (Uganomitama) / 稲荷大神 Inari Ookami
市杵島姫命 Ichikishima Hime no Mikoto / 辨財天 Benzaiten

- reference : hachifukujin829/koami1 -

- quote -
- History -
A long time ago, the monk 恵心僧都 源信 Eshin Sozu Genshin Eshin Sōzu Genshin lived here in a hermitage, worshipping the Buddhist goddesses Kannon and Benzaiten. It is not known, when exactly the hermitage was built, but it is assumed that the monk lived here about 1000 years ago.
As a plague spread here in 1466, an old net-weaver came here and brought rice-ears that entangled in one of his nets as offering and decided to stay for a few days. Then, one night, Eshin Sōzu appeared to the abbot of temple in a dream and told him, that this old man in fact was the god Inari and that the plague could be taken away if they worshipped him adequately.
The next day, the old man was gone. However, the abbot remembered the advice and prayed to the god – which he now called Koami Inari Daimyōjin (Inari of the small net) – day and night. After a little while the plague was gone and the people could live in peace again. The overlord the region, Ōta no Dōkan, also heard of this miracle and donated a part of his fiefdom to shrine. At the end of the 16th Century then, the area around the shrine was also named Koami and the shrine itself was beginning to be worshipped as a tutelary god.
In the Meiji-period (1868-1912) the state pursued a separation of Shinto and Buddhism, which both had moulded into a syncretic belief during the prior one-thousand years, and so the Koami Inari Shrine was officially registered as a shinto village shrine. The building as we can see it today was built in the 1920ies under the direction of Naitō Komasaburō, who also assisted the building of the Meiji-Shrine. Spared from the destruction of World War II, the shrine nowadays is the only wooden building made out of cypress wood in Nihonbashi. The wooden carvings of two dragons (one ascending, the other one descending) on the porch roof of the main hall symbolize luck and the shrine – now simply called Koami Shrine – stays an important cultural heritage, as which it is registered in the Chūō-district.
- The goddess of luck -
Having been spared from destruction and continuously being linked to health and safety the goddess of the shrine is seen as a god of luck. For instance, all the sons of the families who lived in the shrine, returned home safely from World War II. The shrine also survived the numerous bombings of Tokyo in 1945 and did not – like so many others did unfortunately – burn down completely. However, the building was destroyed once during the Great Kantō Earthquake in 1923, although the abbot of the shrine was able to secure most parts of the sanctuary by bringing them to Shin-ohashi. It is also said, that those people who sought shelter there, have survived the aftermath of the earthquake.
Today a memorial stone reminds us of this episode with an inscription saying:
„Praying to the sanctuary of the Koami Shrine, we seek the goddesses’ protection!“
- The History of the goddess Benzaiten -
At First the goddess Benzaiten was honoured in the Manpukuji temple. Then, as the Meiji-government sought to separate Buddhism from Shintoism and installed the latter as a state religion, the Buddhist temple was destroyed and the goddess Benzaiten was transferred to this shrine in 1869. The image here shows the goddess Benzaiten sitting in a boat.
Every year on October 28th a festivity is celebrated in honour of the goddess, where the sacrificial offerings, which are piled up in front of the altar, later on are raffled to the visitors.
Besides that, there is also a small well (named Zeni-arai-no-i), whose water is said to have the power to multiply the money that is washed with its water.
- Important annual festivities and rituals -
- Doburoku Festival -
- Mimizuku-Charms -

- Pilgrimages -
Every year there are pilgrimages to the eight surrounding shrines in Tokyo-Shitamachi and
the temples and shrines of the seven gods of luck in Nihonbashi from January 1th to 7th.
In our shrine we worship the gods Fukurokuju and Benzaiten, which are said to ward of the evil and shape our fate positively. On this occasion we sell popular images of the gods of luck, as well as charms in the form of miniature ships.
- source and photos : -


交通安全 Traffic safety

住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja
中央区佃1-1-14 -- 1 Chome-1-14 Tsukuda, Chūō ward

----- Deities in residence :
底筒之男命 Sokozutsu no O no Mikoto
中筒之男命 Nakazutsu no O no Mikoto
表筒之男命 Uwazutsu no O no Mikoto
息長足姫命 Okinagatarashi Hime no Mikoto .
徳川家康 Tokugawa Ieyasu

- reference : hachifukujin829/sumiyosi1 -

. Sumiyoshi Shrines of Japan 住吉神社 .
Sumiyoshi Sanjin 住吉三神 Three Deities of Sumiyoshi


At the end of the pilgrimage, you get a board with eight stamps.

- HP of the Pilgrimage
- reference source : -


. Shichifukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .
- venerated in Buddhist Temples
Benten 弁天
Bishamonten 毘沙門天
Daikoku 大黒
Ebisu 恵比寿
Fukurokujuu 福禄寿
Hotei 布袋
Juroojin 寿老人

. - - - - - . kami 神 Shinto deities - LIST . - - - - - .


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #tokyoshitamachipilgrimage #tokyoshitamachi #shitamachipilgrims #shishifukujin - - - - -


- - - EEE - - -


- - - - - - - - - - Shinto Shrines - - - - - - - - - -

. Ebara Jinja 荏原神社 . Shinagawa、Tokyo

. Eda Jinja 江田神社 Eda Shrine . - Miyazaki

. Eyamisha 疫社 - Imamiya Jinja 今宮神社 . Kyoto
Shrine to protect from epidemics in the Edo period


- - - - - - - - - - Buddhist Temples - - - - - - - - - -

. Edosaki 江戸崎不動 Edosaki Fudo - 医王山 Iozen 不動院 Fudo-In 東光寺 Toko-ji .

. Eifukuji 栄福寺 Eifuku-Ji . Shikoku Henro 57

. Eifukuji 永福寺 Eifuku-Ji . - Hinachi, Mie

. Eifukuji 永福寺 Eifuku-Ji . - Morioka, Iwate

. Eigen-ji 永源寺 Temple and 寂室元光 Jakushitsu Genko .

. Eihei-Ji Temple - 永平寺 . Fukui

. Eikan-do Temple 永観堂, Zenrinji 禅林寺 Zenrin-Ji . Kyoto

. Eiko-Ji 永光寺 - Botan Fudo 牡丹不動尊 "peony Fudo" . Ibaraki

. Eishooji 永勝寺 Eisho-Ji . Fukuoka

. Eishooji 永昌寺 Eisho-Ji . Mie

. Eitokuji 永徳寺 Eitoku-Ji . Shikoku bangai 08, Fudo

Eizenji 永禅寺 Eizen-Ji - Miyagi - Fudo

. Ekooin, Ekō-in, Ekoin 回向院 Eko-In . ^ Ryogoku, Tokyo

. Engakuji 円覚寺 / 圓覚寺 Engaku-Ji . - Tsugaru, Fukaura, Aomori

. Engyooji 圓教寺 / 円教寺 Engyo-Ji and Shoshazan 書写山 Mount Shosha .

. Enichiji 恵日寺 Enichi-Ji .  Aizu Wakamatsu, Fukushima.
- - - - - and Priest Tokuitsu 得一 徳溢

. Enjooin 圓乗院 / 円乗院 Enjo-In . Fudo  

. Enjooin 圓乗院 / 円乗院 Enjo-In . Chiba  

. Enkokuji 塩谷寺 Enkoku-Ji . Yakushi, Inage  

. Enkooji 円光寺 / 圓光寺 Enko-Ji Fudo - Kanagawa .

Enkooji 圓光寺 / 円光寺 Enko-Ji, Enkoji - Kyoto / A center of learning for all, founded by Tokugawa Ieyasu.

. Enkooji 円光寺 / 圓光寺 Enko-Ji . Musashi, Yakushi

. Enkyooji 圓鏡寺 / 円鏡寺 Enkyo-Ji, Futtsu . - Chiba

. Enkyooji 円鏡寺 Enkyo-Ji . - Kitagata, Gifu 岐阜県 北方

. Enmadoo 閻魔堂 Emma-Do, Emma Halls in Edo .
- - - - - Fukagawa "深川ゑんま堂" Fukagawa Emma-Do .
- 華徳院 Ketoku-In - Suginami // - 太宗寺 Taiso-Ji - Shinjuku // - 善養寺 Zenyo-Ji - Toshima

. Enman-In Monseki 円満院門跡 / 圓満院 . - Otsu, Shiga
- - - - - Konjiki Golden Fudo 金色不動明王

. Enmanji 円満寺 / 圓満寺 Enman-Ji . - Ichihara

. Enmanji 円満寺 Enman-Ji . - Mie

. Enmei-Ji 延命寺 / Migawari Fudo 身代わり不動 . - Tochigi

. Enmeiji 延命寺 Enmei-ji Shikoku Henro 54

. Enmyooin 円明院 / 圓明院 Enmyo-In, Yakushi .

. Ennooji 圓應寺 Enno-Ji, Kannon, Yokohama .

. Ennooji 圓能寺 Enno-Ji - Suwazan Fudo 諏訪山不動 .

. Ennyoji 円如寺 Ennyo-Ji . - Yakushi, Chiba

. Enpukuji 円福寺 Enpuku-Ji . - Kannon, Mie

. Enryakuji 延暦寺 Enryaku-Ji . Hieizan 比叡山 Kyoto

. Enseiji 円政寺 Ensei-Ji Fudo . - Yamaguchi

. Ensenji 聖王山 法明院 円泉寺 Ensen-Ji . - Setagaya, Tokyo
- - - - - and the Hall 太子堂 Taishido

. Enshooji 円照寺 / 圓照寺 Ensho-Ji . - Shinjuku, Tokyo
- - - - - and the Saemon sakura 右衛門桜 cherry tree

. Enyooji 圓養寺 Enyo-Ji / 円養院 Enyo-In - Shirakawa . Fukushima Fudo

. Enzooji 円蔵寺 / 圓藏寺 Enzo-Ji . - Chiba, Yakushi

. Eryuuji 恵隆寺 Eryu-Ji - Tachiki Kannon 立木観音 . - Fukushima, Aizu


. Edo Tokyo Pilgrimages - List .
東京下町八社巡り 8 Shrines in Shitamachi //
東京十社 10 Shrines in Tokyo // 東都七天神 7 Tenjin Shrines
准勅祭社 12 Jun Chokusaisha

Edo 江戸三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples of Edo


. eboshi えぼし, 烏帽子 official headgear .

. Ena Valley in Gifu 恵那峡 - 岐阜県 .
Iitaka Kannon 飯高観音
Tenyuzan Daito-In with Fudo Myo-O 天祐山大洞院のお不動様
Tenyu Inari 天佑山大洞院 天佑稲荷

. Enmei Jizo 延命地蔵 Jizo for a long life .
Enmei Hayari Jizo 延命はやり地蔵 Hayari Jizô, Hayarijizo
o-keshoo enmei Jizoo お化粧延命地蔵尊





Uchiyama Eikyu-Ji


Uchiyama Eikyuuji 永久寺 Eikyu-Ji

There are various temples with this name. Here we are concerned with the one in Yamato.

Uchiyama 内山永久寺 Uchiyama Eikyu-Ji
located in Tenri, Nara, Somanouchi village 奈良県天理市杣之内町

It was one of the greatest Shingon temple compounds in Western Japan, built in 1144. But has been demolished during the Meiji restauration period.
The pond of the Main Hall is still present.
Emperor Godaigo 後醍醐天皇 took refuge here in the Nanboku-Cho period 南北朝時代.

It was a well-guarded place of the Esoteric Buddist Shingon sect.
It was also closely connected to temple 興福寺 Kofuku-Ji in Nara and with mountain ascetic practises (shugendoo 修験道).

Uchiyama Eikyu-ji Temple was the Jingu-ji Temple 神宮寺 (a temple associated with a shrine) of Isonokami jingu Shrine 石上神宮 in Yamato Province.

- Ref - Japanese WIKIPEDIA -


Fudo Myo-O from Uchiyama Eikyu-Ji Temple, Fudo Hall 不動堂

source : s_minaga


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

Uchiyama ya tozama shirazu no hana zakari

Uchiyama temple -
no outsiders are known
to the cherries in full bloom

Written in 1670 寛文10年, Basho age 27.
He lived at Iga Ueno at that time and visited the area in Yamato.

Basho uses the Chinese characters for a pun 宇知山.

MORE - places visited by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .





Tokyo Edo

. Pilgrimages in Edo - Tokyo - Introduction .

Shrines and Temples of Edo / Tokyo

Tookyoo jissha 東京十社 Jissha - ten important shrines of Tokyo

source : neck521

Hakusan Jinja 白山神社
. 白山権現社 Hakusan Gongen Sha - Koishikawa .

. Hie Jinja 日枝神社 .
Sannoo no masaru mamori dorei 山王のまさる守土鈴
clay bell with monkey amulet

. Hikawa Jinja 氷川神社 Akasaka 赤坂 .

. Kameido Tenjinsha 亀戸天神社 .

. Kanda Jinja 神田神社 Kanda Myoojin Shrine 神田明神 .

. Nezu Jinja 根津神社 .
eto no migawari san 干支の身代わりさん
zodiac animals take on your bad luck
. . . . . and
tsukinami hana mifuda, hanamifuda 月次花御札
amulets for flowers of each month
Shichigosan (shichi go san 七五三祝) ema votive tablet
Gozu Tennoo fuda 牛頭天王札
Somin Shorai Amulet 蘇民将来 

. Ooji Jinja 王子神社 Oji Jinna . Oji Gongen 王子権現
Ooji Gongen no yari 王子権現の槍 spear of Oji Gongen
. . . . . and
Ooji Inari Jinja 王子稲荷神社 Oji Inari Fox Shrine

. Shiba Daijingu 芝大神宮 .
Shrine for Shiba myoojin 芝明神, Shiba Daimyojin Shrine
chigibako 千木筥 / 千木箱 auspicious box
. . . . . and
amulet for the soccer club of Tokyo FC東京
akinai omamori 商い守り for good business

. Shinagawa Jinja 品川神社 .

. Tomioka Hachimangu 富岡八幡宮 Fukagawa .
kootsuu anzen 交通安全 sticker for safety in traffic
kachimamori 勝守 / 勝ち守り to win a battle
Amulet for good fishing 釣行安全



. Pilgrimages in Edo - Tokyo - Introduction .
To the important shrines and temples.


. Shrines and Temples of Japan .


- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -


. Tokyo - Edo - Amulets .

. - - - Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! .

- #edotemples #edoshrines -