. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
reikoku 霊告 revelation - legends
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Fukui 福井県 .....
川俣町 Kawamata town
. Kota Myojin 甲太明神 .
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
八幡市 Yawata city
During the time of 太閤秀吉 Taiko Toyoyomi Hideyoshi (1585 - 1592)
the ancestors retreated from Naniwa to Fushimi castle.
They visited 男山八幡宮 the Shrine Otokoyama Hachimangu and stayed there over night.
That night there was a revelation.
The priest held a ceremony and the name of 徳川家 the Tokugawa clan appeared.
That night, Tokugawa Ieyasu had visited 男山八幡宮 the Shrine Otokoyama Hachimangu
and got a revelation that his family would last to the 6th generation.
Indeed, at the time of 綱吉 Tsunayoshi (1646 - 1709), the 5th Shogun, the realm came to unrest.
Otokoyama Hachimangu 男山八幡宮 Shrine Otokoyama Hachimangu, Himeji
兵庫県姫路市山野井町 Hyogo --
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
小県郡 Chiisagata district 真田町 Sanada town
onimatsu 鬼松 demon pine tree
In 角先渓谷 the gorge Tsunosaki there is a huge youlder called Onigajo 鬼ヶ城 "Demon Castle".
In former times the demons lived there and ruined the land.
At that time, 坂上田村麻呂 Sakanoue no Tamuramaro came to fight with them, but could not win.
He said prayers to 金縄山の観音様 the Kannon Deity at Mount Kanenawasan.
He had a revelation : To cut down the kuwa no ki 桑の木 mulberry tree
and enter the castle from there. Thus he could win.
He bound the Demon with kin no kusari 金縄(金のくさり a golden rope) to
matsu no ki 松の木 a pine tree, now known as the onimatsu 鬼松 "demon pine".
The statue of Jizo Bosatsu nearby is called 鬼松地蔵 Onimatsu Jizo.
. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree .
. Onigajoo 鬼ヶ城 / 鬼ケ城 Onigajo "Demon Castle" .
. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 .
....................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県 .....
日光市 Nikko city
Once a man named 八木主税之介信之 Yagi Mondonosuke Nobuyuki went to 日光山 Mount Nikkozan
to pray for good luck and good business and stayed over night.
In his dream he had reikoku 霊告 a revelation about the times of 元禄・宝永 Genroku and Hoei (around 1700).
The three 日光山 Nikko mountains are:
男体山 Nantaisan(2,486m), 女峰山 Nyohosan(2,464m) and 太郎山 Tarosan(2,368m).
. Nikko 日光 と伝説 Legends about Nikko .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #reikoku #revelation -
Showing posts with label - - - RRR - - -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - - RRR - - -. Show all posts
Rokusho Six Places Legends
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
rokusho 六所 six places, six things
Shrine Rokusho-Gu 六所宮 / Yufusan Jinja 木綿山神社 / Oita
The main 六所神社 Rokusho Jinja Shrines
六所神社(山形県鶴岡市) - Yamagata, Tsuruoka city -- 出羽国総社 Dewa no Kuni
六所神社(埼玉県所沢市) - Saitama, Tokorozawa city
六所神社(千葉県館山市)- Chiba, Tateyama city -- 安房国総社 Boso no Kuni
六所宮(東京都府中市) - Tokoy Fuchu city -- 現名称「大國魂神社」、武蔵国総社 Musashi no Kuni
六所神社(千葉県市川市) - Chiba, Ichikawa city -- 下総国総社 Shimosa no Kuni
六所神社(神奈川県中郡大磯町) - Kanagawa, Oisu town -- 相模国総社 Sagami no Kuni
六所神社(島根県松江市) - Shimane, Matsue city -- 出雲国総社 Izumo no kuni
六所神社(大分県豊後高田市) Oita, Takada city
Regional Rokusho Shrines
- - - 東北地方 Tohoku Region
嶽六所神社(秋田県大仙市) - Dake Rokusho - Akita
六社神社(山形県山形市) - Yamagata
- - - 関東地方 Kanto Region
旧六所神社(茨城県つくば市) -- Now Shrine Kokage Jinja 蚕影神社
六所神社 (大田区)
六所神社 (世田谷区赤堤)
六所神社 (世田谷区野毛)
六所神社 (世田谷区給田)
- - - 中部地方 Chubu Region
六社神社(静岡県磐田市) 六所神社(愛知県豊田市松平郷) -- related to 鹽竈神社 Shrine Shiogama Jinja
- - - 近畿地方 Kinki Region
六所神社(京都府京都市山科区) -- Many in Yamashina district
- - - 四国地方 Shikoku Region
- - - 九州地方 Kyushu Region
六所宮(大分県由布市) -- 宇奈岐日女神社の別称 Better known as Unagihime Shrine
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- - - Rokusho Shrine - Six Deities
伊弊諾尊(いざなぎのみこと) Izanagi no Mikoto
伊弉冉尊(いざなみのみこと) Izanami no Mikoto
天照大神(あまてらすおおみかみ) Amaterasu Omikami
月夜見尊(つきよみのみこと) Tsukiyomi no Mikoto
素盞嗚尊(すさのおのみこと) Susano-O no Mikoto
大巳貴尊(おおなむちのみこと) Onamuchi no Mikoto
- reference source : kankou-shimane.com ... -
Rokusho Shrines in Sagami (now Kanagawa) 相模国総社六所神社
They are resting places for the deities on their journey to Izumo.
平塚八幡宮 Hiratsuka Hachimangu
- reference source : rokusho.jp/history ... -
. kannazuki 神無月 "gods-absent month", 10th lunar month .
The tenth lunar month (now November), after the harvest when the Japanese gods had done their duty,
they left their local shrines for a bit of a vacation.
They would all go for an audience and to celebrate at the great shrine of Izumo,
so the rest of Japan was "without gods".
. Rokusho-Gu 六所宮 .
Better known as Unagihime Jinja 宇奈岐日女神社 Unagi-Hime Shrine
also read Unaguhime, Unagu-Hime (うなぐひめじんじゃ/うなきひめじんじゃ)
2220 Yufuincho Kawakami, Yufu, Oita / 大分県由布市湯布院町川上2220
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....
揖斐郡 Ibi district 揖斐川町 Ibigawa town
. ryuukotsu 竜骨と伝説 Ryukotsu, Legends about dragon bones .
Once there was a drought and the priest from 六所神社 the Shrine Rokusha Jinja
took out ryuukotsu 竜骨 the dragon bones.
And indeed, it soon begun to rain.
But then it rained more and all was flooded.
Since then, the dragon bones are not shown any more.
....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
Saitama 大宮市 Omiya city
. u no hi 卯の日 legends about the first day of the rabbit .
The first unohi 卯の日 day of the rabbit in the 5th lunar month is related to お六所様 O-Rokusho Sama.
If people plant the rice fields on this day, they will die.
Saitama 戸田市 Toda city / 六所宮 Shrine Rokusho Gu / 六社神社
The sixth day of the 5th lunar month is related to オロクショ様 O-Rokusho Sama.
On this day the deity does the rice planting.
Therefore normal farmers do not plant rice on this day.
....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
府中市 Fuchu city // 六所明神 Rokusho Myojin
The Deity 六所明神 Rokusho Myojin was once made to wait under matsu 松 a pine tree.
Therefore the Deity dislikes pine trees.
. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 matsu no ki .
- - - Tokyo 府中市 Fuchu city
. u no hi 卯の日 legends about the first day of the rabbit .
On the day of the rabbit the Rokusho Deity オロクショウサマ O-Rokusho Sama is planting rice.
Therefore the farmers should not plant rice on that day.
It they do, there will be death in the family.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- ##rokusho #rokushoo #rokusha #sixplaces -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
rokusho 六所 six places, six things
Shrine Rokusho-Gu 六所宮 / Yufusan Jinja 木綿山神社 / Oita
The main 六所神社 Rokusho Jinja Shrines
六所神社(山形県鶴岡市) - Yamagata, Tsuruoka city -- 出羽国総社 Dewa no Kuni
六所神社(埼玉県所沢市) - Saitama, Tokorozawa city
六所神社(千葉県館山市)- Chiba, Tateyama city -- 安房国総社 Boso no Kuni
六所宮(東京都府中市) - Tokoy Fuchu city -- 現名称「大國魂神社」、武蔵国総社 Musashi no Kuni
六所神社(千葉県市川市) - Chiba, Ichikawa city -- 下総国総社 Shimosa no Kuni
六所神社(神奈川県中郡大磯町) - Kanagawa, Oisu town -- 相模国総社 Sagami no Kuni
六所神社(島根県松江市) - Shimane, Matsue city -- 出雲国総社 Izumo no kuni
六所神社(大分県豊後高田市) Oita, Takada city
Regional Rokusho Shrines
- - - 東北地方 Tohoku Region
嶽六所神社(秋田県大仙市) - Dake Rokusho - Akita
六社神社(山形県山形市) - Yamagata
- - - 関東地方 Kanto Region
旧六所神社(茨城県つくば市) -- Now Shrine Kokage Jinja 蚕影神社
六所神社 (大田区)
六所神社 (世田谷区赤堤)
六所神社 (世田谷区野毛)
六所神社 (世田谷区給田)
- - - 中部地方 Chubu Region
六社神社(静岡県磐田市) 六所神社(愛知県豊田市松平郷) -- related to 鹽竈神社 Shrine Shiogama Jinja
- - - 近畿地方 Kinki Region
六所神社(京都府京都市山科区) -- Many in Yamashina district
- - - 四国地方 Shikoku Region
- - - 九州地方 Kyushu Region
六所宮(大分県由布市) -- 宇奈岐日女神社の別称 Better known as Unagihime Shrine
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- - - Rokusho Shrine - Six Deities
伊弊諾尊(いざなぎのみこと) Izanagi no Mikoto
伊弉冉尊(いざなみのみこと) Izanami no Mikoto
天照大神(あまてらすおおみかみ) Amaterasu Omikami
月夜見尊(つきよみのみこと) Tsukiyomi no Mikoto
素盞嗚尊(すさのおのみこと) Susano-O no Mikoto
大巳貴尊(おおなむちのみこと) Onamuchi no Mikoto
- reference source : kankou-shimane.com ... -
Rokusho Shrines in Sagami (now Kanagawa) 相模国総社六所神社
They are resting places for the deities on their journey to Izumo.
平塚八幡宮 Hiratsuka Hachimangu
- reference source : rokusho.jp/history ... -
. kannazuki 神無月 "gods-absent month", 10th lunar month .
The tenth lunar month (now November), after the harvest when the Japanese gods had done their duty,
they left their local shrines for a bit of a vacation.
They would all go for an audience and to celebrate at the great shrine of Izumo,
so the rest of Japan was "without gods".
. Rokusho-Gu 六所宮 .
Better known as Unagihime Jinja 宇奈岐日女神社 Unagi-Hime Shrine
also read Unaguhime, Unagu-Hime (うなぐひめじんじゃ/うなきひめじんじゃ)
2220 Yufuincho Kawakami, Yufu, Oita / 大分県由布市湯布院町川上2220
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....
揖斐郡 Ibi district 揖斐川町 Ibigawa town
. ryuukotsu 竜骨と伝説 Ryukotsu, Legends about dragon bones .
Once there was a drought and the priest from 六所神社 the Shrine Rokusha Jinja
took out ryuukotsu 竜骨 the dragon bones.
And indeed, it soon begun to rain.
But then it rained more and all was flooded.
Since then, the dragon bones are not shown any more.
....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
Saitama 大宮市 Omiya city
. u no hi 卯の日 legends about the first day of the rabbit .
The first unohi 卯の日 day of the rabbit in the 5th lunar month is related to お六所様 O-Rokusho Sama.
If people plant the rice fields on this day, they will die.
Saitama 戸田市 Toda city / 六所宮 Shrine Rokusho Gu / 六社神社
The sixth day of the 5th lunar month is related to オロクショ様 O-Rokusho Sama.
On this day the deity does the rice planting.
Therefore normal farmers do not plant rice on this day.
....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
府中市 Fuchu city // 六所明神 Rokusho Myojin
The Deity 六所明神 Rokusho Myojin was once made to wait under matsu 松 a pine tree.
Therefore the Deity dislikes pine trees.
. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 matsu no ki .
- - - Tokyo 府中市 Fuchu city
. u no hi 卯の日 legends about the first day of the rabbit .
On the day of the rabbit the Rokusho Deity オロクショウサマ O-Rokusho Sama is planting rice.
Therefore the farmers should not plant rice on that day.
It they do, there will be death in the family.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- ##rokusho #rokushoo #rokusha #sixplaces -
- - - RRR - - -
. Reference and LINKS .
- - - - - - - - - - Shinto Shrines - - - - - - - - - -
. Raiden Jinja 雷電神社 . - Gunma
Rashomon Gate 羅生門 Kyoto and a Demon story
. Reiken Jinja 霊犬神社 Dog Shrine . Shizuoka
. Rikyuu Hachiman 離宮八幡 Rikyu Hachiman . - Uji, Nara. Uji jinja 宇治神社,and Ujigami Jinja 宇治上神社
. Rin Jinja 林神社 for Sweets . - Nara
Hayashijooin no Mikoto 林浄因命 Hayashi Join, Rin Join
. Rokushoguu 六所宮 Rokusho-Gu .
- same as Unagihime Jinja 宇奈岐日女神社 Unagi-Hime Shrine
. Rokusho Jinja 六所神社 Six Deities in Six Shrines .
- - - - - - - - - - Buddhist Temples - - - - - - - - - -
. Raigooji 来迎寺 Raigo-Ji . - Shinjuku
Raikooin 大原来迎院 (らいこういん) Ohara Raiko-In - Raigo-In Kyoto
. Raiooji 来応寺 Raio-Ji - Aichi .
. Rakanji 羅漢寺 Rakan-Ji - 500 Arhats . Meguro, Tokyo
. Raiunji 来雲寺 Raiun-Ji . - Kannon, Saga
. Reibai-In 嶺梅院 . - Akita. Fudo / 補陀寺 Hoda-Ji
. Reikooji 霊光寺 Reiko-Ji . - Yakushi, Izumo
. Rendaiji 蓮台寺 Rendai-Ji - Yugasan 由加山 . Kurashiki, Okayama
. Rengein 蓮厳院 Renge-In 金剛勝山 Kongoshozan . 0 Saga Henro 63
. Rengeji 蓮花寺 Renge-Ji . - Mie, Henro
. Renjooji 蓮城寺 Renjo-Ji . - Oita, Yakushi
. Renkooin, 蓮光院初馬寺 Renkoin, Renkoo-In . Tsu Town
. Renkooji 蓮光寺 Renko-Ji . - Kannon, Ise
. Renshooin 蓮正院 Rensho-In . - Tsugaru, Aomori ..... Kobo Daishi and Fudo Myo-O
. Rinkooji 林光寺 Rinko-Ji . Fudo, Saitama
. Rinkooji 林光寺 Rinko-Ji . Kannon
. Rinnooji 輪王寺 Rinno-Ji . Nikko, Tochigi
. Rinshooin 麟祥院 Rinsho-In, Rinshoin . - Nerima, Tokyo
- and Lady Kasuga 春日局 Kasuga no Tsubone
. Risshooin 立正院 きしもじん Rissho-In Kishimojin . - Fukushima
. Rokkakudoo 六角堂 Rokkaku-Do, Rokkakudo . - Kyoto
and Ikenobo Ikebana 池坊 活け花
. Rokudoo Chinnooji 六道珍皇寺 Rokudo Chinno-Ji . Higashiyama, Kyoto
. Ruriji 瑠璃寺 temples names Ruri-Ji .
- - - - - Rurikooji 瑠璃光寺 temples names Ruriko-Ji - Rurikō-ji
. Ryooanji 龍安寺 /竜安寺 Ryoan-Ji, Ryoanji . Kyoto
Dragon Peace Temple
. Ryoosanji 両山寺 Ryosan-Ji - Futakamiyama 二上山. Misakicho, Okayama
. Ryoosenji, Ryōsen-ji 霊山寺 Ryosen-Ji . - Nara
Ryoozenji, Ryōzen-ji 霊山寺 Ryozen-Ji Tokushima - Fudo
Ryootanji 龍潭寺 Ryotan-Ji Hikone, Shiga
. Ryudai-Ji 龍台寺 Fudo . - Kanagawa, Kawasaki
. Ryuudooji 龍洞寺 Ryudo-Ji "Dragon Cave Temple" .
Ryuu no makura ishi 龍の枕石 stone pillow for the dragon / Dragon's pillow rock
. Ryuufukuji 龍福寺 Ryufuku-Ji . - Mie
. Ryuugaiji 龍蓋寺 Ryugai-Ji "Dragon Lid Temple" / - Okadera 岡寺 .
. Ryuuginji 龍吟寺 Ryugin-Ji - Singing Dragon Temple .
..... Ryoogin An 龍吟庵 Kyoto
ryuugin koshoo 龍吟虎嘯 Dragon and Tiger lore
. Ryuugeji 龍華寺 (竜花寺) Ryuge-Ji "Dragon Flower Temple" .
in various parts of Japan
Ryuuhooji 了法寺 Ryuho-Ji and TORO BENTEN とろ弁天. Hachioji, Tokyo
. Ryuukakuji 龍角寺 Ryukaku-Ji . - Chiba
. Ryuukooji 龍口寺 Ryuko-Ji - Dragon Mouth Temple .
Fujizawa. Saint Nichiren and
Tatsu no Kuchi 竜の口 the "Mouth of the Dragon"
. Ryuukoo Fudoo 龍光不動尊 Ryuko Fudo Son . Ginza
. Ryuukooji 龍光寺 Ryuko-Ji - Temple of Dragon's Ray .
Ryuukooin 龍光院 Ryuko-In // Ryookooin 龍光院 Ryoko-In
. . . . . and
Ryuutokuji 竜得寺 Ryutoku-Ji "Temple of Great Dragon Quality"
. Ryuukooji 龍興寺 Ryuko-Ji . Fukushima - Fudo
. Ryuukooji 龍興寺 Ryuko-Ji . - Oita, Yakushi
. Ryuuoo in 龍王院 Ryuo-In - Dragon God Hall .
at temple Kinpusenji 金峯山寺, Yoshino, Nara
. Ryuuooji 竜王寺 Ryuo-Ji "Dragon King Temple" .
. Ryuusenin 龍泉院 Ryusen-In .
. Ryusen-ji 龍泉寺 龍頭不動尊 Ryuto Fudo . - Tochigi
. Ryuusenji 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji . - Fudo, Saitama
. Ryuusenji 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji "Dragon Fountain Temple" . - Aichi Nagoya
. Ryuusenji 龍泉寺 / 竜泉寺 Ryusen-Ji . - Yakushi, Kyushu
. Ryuusenji 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji - . - Hachioji
. Ryuuzooji 龍蔵寺 / 竜造寺 Ryuzo-Ji . - Yamaguchi. Fudo
. ranma 欄間 transom .
. reiboku 霊木 divine tree, "tree with a divine soul" .
. reibyoo 霊廟 mausoleum - mitamaya 御霊屋 - tamaya 霊屋
- rei-oku 霊屋, o-tamaya お霊屋 .
. reisai 例祭 annual festival .
. Rokugo Manzan 六郷満山 Kunisaki Oita .
. rokuharamitsu 六波羅蜜 six paramitas, six religious practice, roku haramitsu .
. Rokusan sama 六三さま Deity of Illness .
. Root Shinto - Book by Tresi Nonno .
. Reference and LINKS .
- - - - - - - - - - Shinto Shrines - - - - - - - - - -
. Raiden Jinja 雷電神社 . - Gunma
Rashomon Gate 羅生門 Kyoto and a Demon story
. Reiken Jinja 霊犬神社 Dog Shrine . Shizuoka
. Rikyuu Hachiman 離宮八幡 Rikyu Hachiman . - Uji, Nara. Uji jinja 宇治神社,and Ujigami Jinja 宇治上神社
. Rin Jinja 林神社 for Sweets . - Nara
Hayashijooin no Mikoto 林浄因命 Hayashi Join, Rin Join
. Rokushoguu 六所宮 Rokusho-Gu .
- same as Unagihime Jinja 宇奈岐日女神社 Unagi-Hime Shrine
. Rokusho Jinja 六所神社 Six Deities in Six Shrines .
- - - - - - - - - - Buddhist Temples - - - - - - - - - -
. Raigooji 来迎寺 Raigo-Ji . - Shinjuku
Raikooin 大原来迎院 (らいこういん) Ohara Raiko-In - Raigo-In Kyoto
. Raiooji 来応寺 Raio-Ji - Aichi .
. Rakanji 羅漢寺 Rakan-Ji - 500 Arhats . Meguro, Tokyo
. Raiunji 来雲寺 Raiun-Ji . - Kannon, Saga
. Reibai-In 嶺梅院 . - Akita. Fudo / 補陀寺 Hoda-Ji
. Reikooji 霊光寺 Reiko-Ji . - Yakushi, Izumo
. Rendaiji 蓮台寺 Rendai-Ji - Yugasan 由加山 . Kurashiki, Okayama
. Rengein 蓮厳院 Renge-In 金剛勝山 Kongoshozan . 0 Saga Henro 63
. Rengeji 蓮花寺 Renge-Ji . - Mie, Henro
. Renjooji 蓮城寺 Renjo-Ji . - Oita, Yakushi
. Renkooin, 蓮光院初馬寺 Renkoin, Renkoo-In . Tsu Town
. Renkooji 蓮光寺 Renko-Ji . - Kannon, Ise
. Renshooin 蓮正院 Rensho-In . - Tsugaru, Aomori ..... Kobo Daishi and Fudo Myo-O
. Rinkooji 林光寺 Rinko-Ji . Fudo, Saitama
. Rinkooji 林光寺 Rinko-Ji . Kannon
. Rinnooji 輪王寺 Rinno-Ji . Nikko, Tochigi
. Rinshooin 麟祥院 Rinsho-In, Rinshoin . - Nerima, Tokyo
- and Lady Kasuga 春日局 Kasuga no Tsubone
. Risshooin 立正院 きしもじん Rissho-In Kishimojin . - Fukushima
. Rokkakudoo 六角堂 Rokkaku-Do, Rokkakudo . - Kyoto
and Ikenobo Ikebana 池坊 活け花
. Rokudoo Chinnooji 六道珍皇寺 Rokudo Chinno-Ji . Higashiyama, Kyoto
. Ruriji 瑠璃寺 temples names Ruri-Ji .
- - - - - Rurikooji 瑠璃光寺 temples names Ruriko-Ji - Rurikō-ji
. Ryooanji 龍安寺 /竜安寺 Ryoan-Ji, Ryoanji . Kyoto
Dragon Peace Temple
. Ryoosanji 両山寺 Ryosan-Ji - Futakamiyama 二上山. Misakicho, Okayama
. Ryoosenji, Ryōsen-ji 霊山寺 Ryosen-Ji . - Nara
Ryoozenji, Ryōzen-ji 霊山寺 Ryozen-Ji Tokushima - Fudo
Ryootanji 龍潭寺 Ryotan-Ji Hikone, Shiga
. Ryudai-Ji 龍台寺 Fudo . - Kanagawa, Kawasaki
. Ryuudooji 龍洞寺 Ryudo-Ji "Dragon Cave Temple" .
Ryuu no makura ishi 龍の枕石 stone pillow for the dragon / Dragon's pillow rock
. Ryuufukuji 龍福寺 Ryufuku-Ji . - Mie
. Ryuugaiji 龍蓋寺 Ryugai-Ji "Dragon Lid Temple" / - Okadera 岡寺 .
. Ryuuginji 龍吟寺 Ryugin-Ji - Singing Dragon Temple .
..... Ryoogin An 龍吟庵 Kyoto
ryuugin koshoo 龍吟虎嘯 Dragon and Tiger lore
. Ryuugeji 龍華寺 (竜花寺) Ryuge-Ji "Dragon Flower Temple" .
in various parts of Japan
Ryuuhooji 了法寺 Ryuho-Ji and TORO BENTEN とろ弁天. Hachioji, Tokyo
. Ryuukakuji 龍角寺 Ryukaku-Ji . - Chiba
. Ryuukooji 龍口寺 Ryuko-Ji - Dragon Mouth Temple .
Fujizawa. Saint Nichiren and
Tatsu no Kuchi 竜の口 the "Mouth of the Dragon"
. Ryuukoo Fudoo 龍光不動尊 Ryuko Fudo Son . Ginza
. Ryuukooji 龍光寺 Ryuko-Ji - Temple of Dragon's Ray .
Ryuukooin 龍光院 Ryuko-In // Ryookooin 龍光院 Ryoko-In
. . . . . and
Ryuutokuji 竜得寺 Ryutoku-Ji "Temple of Great Dragon Quality"
. Ryuukooji 龍興寺 Ryuko-Ji . Fukushima - Fudo
. Ryuukooji 龍興寺 Ryuko-Ji . - Oita, Yakushi
. Ryuuoo in 龍王院 Ryuo-In - Dragon God Hall .
at temple Kinpusenji 金峯山寺, Yoshino, Nara
. Ryuuooji 竜王寺 Ryuo-Ji "Dragon King Temple" .
. Ryuusenin 龍泉院 Ryusen-In .
. Ryusen-ji 龍泉寺 龍頭不動尊 Ryuto Fudo . - Tochigi
. Ryuusenji 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji . - Fudo, Saitama
. Ryuusenji 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji "Dragon Fountain Temple" . - Aichi Nagoya
. Ryuusenji 龍泉寺 / 竜泉寺 Ryusen-Ji . - Yakushi, Kyushu
. Ryuusenji 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji - . - Hachioji
. Ryuuzooji 龍蔵寺 / 竜造寺 Ryuzo-Ji . - Yamaguchi. Fudo
. ranma 欄間 transom .
. reiboku 霊木 divine tree, "tree with a divine soul" .
. reibyoo 霊廟 mausoleum - mitamaya 御霊屋 - tamaya 霊屋
- rei-oku 霊屋, o-tamaya お霊屋 .
. reisai 例祭 annual festival .
. Rokugo Manzan 六郷満山 Kunisaki Oita .
. rokuharamitsu 六波羅蜜 six paramitas, six religious practice, roku haramitsu .
. Rokusan sama 六三さま Deity of Illness .
. Root Shinto - Book by Tresi Nonno .
Root Shinto
. Reference and LINKS .
Root Shinto by Tresi Nonno
Root Shintō
- quote
Shinto is basic Japanese religion.

Along with Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism it shapes Japanese spiritual landscape. But Shinto is often represented as a rather primitive heap of eclectic cults. In this book author tries to eliminate late borrowings and analyse basic concepts and show inner logic of Root Shinto (early Shinto).
- source : tresi-nonno.blogspot.jp/2014/01
- quote
I am Tresi (Tresi is Ainu female name). I am anthropologist from Japan. I have been studying Shintō since 2003, also I am a follower of a tradition.
Shintō is first and the basic religion of Japan. Along with Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism it shapes the spirit landscape of Japanese culture. Shintō is the only religion of Japan which was not imported but is of islands origin.
It is important to note that term Shintō would better be revised because it is just an artificial term invented in the period of Nara (more exactly about 720 y.) in order to distinguish believes of islands origin from Buddhism and Taoism: in the scroll of Nihon shoki 日本書記devoted to the emperor of Yōmei 用明can be seen the following “Emperor believed in the doctrine of Buddha and honor the way of kami”.
Term Shintō (神道) – “the way of of kami” was invented according to Chinese model of naming of different doctrines: as far as Chinese culture is culture of written signs, doctrines and concepts are expressed in written signs and through these signs can be step by step acquired.
Due to this gradually acquire appears the analogy of “way”, i.e. gradually moving to a certain aim but Shintō was not a "way", it was not a systematic doctrine so we should use this term with certain degree of awareness because using it we accept the Chinese point of view.
If we are going to catch the essence/inner logic of Shintō we have to find its root/roots and if we r going to find its root we have to pay certain attention to the history of Japanese ethnicity cause Shintō was shaped along with the formation of Japanese ethnicity.
Japanese ethnicity is a mix of at least three components: Ainu/Jomon, Austronesian and Korean.
- - continue here :
- source : tresi-nonno.blogspot.jp
- quote
SHINTO – A purely Japanese phenomenon
The origins of Shinto go back to the very earliest times and it is related rather to the animist religions of the ancient Siberian populations.
Shinto gives divine status equally to forces of nature, to animals or to famous people. These divinities are called " kamis " in Japanese and their Chinese equivalent is " shin ". "To" or "do" mean " way " or " method " in Sino-Japanese. So Shinto is literally " the way of the gods ". The most important god is the sun which, among its other virtues, serves as a protection against invasions. So, we can say that the Japanese flag is a Shinto symbol.
The very name of the country, Nippon, is written with two Chinese characters : " ni ", meaning " sun " and " pan ", meaning " root " hence the translation "Empire of the Rising Sun".
Japan comes from the Chinese pronunciation of the same characters, Je-ben. However, the sun does not have a hierarchical role among the Shinto gods : each one has its place. The kami almost always inspire respectful fear. Among these we find mountains, animals like the tiger, the snake or the wolf ; and the Emperor himself. An imperial minister of the IXth century is the kami of calligraphy. There are allegedly 800 million kamis and the nickname given to Japan is Shinkoku, " country of the gods " .
- source : www.1000questions.net/en
nihon - nippon 日本 (にほん / にっぽん)
. Reference and LINKS .
Root Shinto by Tresi Nonno
Root Shintō
- quote
Shinto is basic Japanese religion.

Along with Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism it shapes Japanese spiritual landscape. But Shinto is often represented as a rather primitive heap of eclectic cults. In this book author tries to eliminate late borrowings and analyse basic concepts and show inner logic of Root Shinto (early Shinto).
- source : tresi-nonno.blogspot.jp/2014/01
- quote
I am Tresi (Tresi is Ainu female name). I am anthropologist from Japan. I have been studying Shintō since 2003, also I am a follower of a tradition.
Shintō is first and the basic religion of Japan. Along with Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism it shapes the spirit landscape of Japanese culture. Shintō is the only religion of Japan which was not imported but is of islands origin.
It is important to note that term Shintō would better be revised because it is just an artificial term invented in the period of Nara (more exactly about 720 y.) in order to distinguish believes of islands origin from Buddhism and Taoism: in the scroll of Nihon shoki 日本書記devoted to the emperor of Yōmei 用明can be seen the following “Emperor believed in the doctrine of Buddha and honor the way of kami”.
Term Shintō (神道) – “the way of of kami” was invented according to Chinese model of naming of different doctrines: as far as Chinese culture is culture of written signs, doctrines and concepts are expressed in written signs and through these signs can be step by step acquired.
Due to this gradually acquire appears the analogy of “way”, i.e. gradually moving to a certain aim but Shintō was not a "way", it was not a systematic doctrine so we should use this term with certain degree of awareness because using it we accept the Chinese point of view.
If we are going to catch the essence/inner logic of Shintō we have to find its root/roots and if we r going to find its root we have to pay certain attention to the history of Japanese ethnicity cause Shintō was shaped along with the formation of Japanese ethnicity.
Japanese ethnicity is a mix of at least three components: Ainu/Jomon, Austronesian and Korean.
- - continue here :
- source : tresi-nonno.blogspot.jp
- quote
SHINTO – A purely Japanese phenomenon
The origins of Shinto go back to the very earliest times and it is related rather to the animist religions of the ancient Siberian populations.
Shinto gives divine status equally to forces of nature, to animals or to famous people. These divinities are called " kamis " in Japanese and their Chinese equivalent is " shin ". "To" or "do" mean " way " or " method " in Sino-Japanese. So Shinto is literally " the way of the gods ". The most important god is the sun which, among its other virtues, serves as a protection against invasions. So, we can say that the Japanese flag is a Shinto symbol.
The very name of the country, Nippon, is written with two Chinese characters : " ni ", meaning " sun " and " pan ", meaning " root " hence the translation "Empire of the Rising Sun".
Japan comes from the Chinese pronunciation of the same characters, Je-ben. However, the sun does not have a hierarchical role among the Shinto gods : each one has its place. The kami almost always inspire respectful fear. Among these we find mountains, animals like the tiger, the snake or the wolf ; and the Emperor himself. An imperial minister of the IXth century is the kami of calligraphy. There are allegedly 800 million kamis and the nickname given to Japan is Shinkoku, " country of the gods " .
- source : www.1000questions.net/en
nihon - nippon 日本 (にほん / にっぽん)
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