. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Jinja 神社と伝説 Shrines and their legends .
tamashi 魂 the soul
Legends from the book 私の心霊体験 by 秋田豊 Akita Yutaka.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
daenkei 楕円形の桃色がかった赤色のちょうちんのようなもの an oval lantern
kanashibari 金縛り - "bound in metal", sleep demons. temporary feeling of paralysis
otoko no hito no katachi ni mieta hashira 男の人の形にみえた柱
shooji ga moe-agaru 障子が燃え上る the papper sliding doors are burning
会津若松市 Aizu Wakamatsu city
kami 神
naki-yamenai mago 泣き止まない孫 a grandchild does not stop crying
shinrei taiken 心霊体験,- 雨 rain
shinrei taiken 心霊体験 - 父 a father
shinrei taiken 心霊体験 - 父 a father
shinrei taiken 心霊体験 - 父 a father
shinrei taiken 心霊体験,otto 夫 a husband
shinrei taiken 心霊体験 - shi 死 death
toosan no boorei 父さんの亡霊 the ghost of a father
totsuzen me no mae ga kuraku naru 突然目の前が暗くなる
耶麻郡 Yama district 猪苗代町 Inawashiro town
hi no tama 火の玉 a fireball
. hi no tama 火の玉 fireball legends .
jisatsu no shirase 自殺の知らせ news of a suicide
shinin ga dango o taberu 死人が団子を食べる a dead person eats dumplings
shi no o-shirase 死の知らせ
sosei 蘇生 revival
....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
tamashi no yutai (yuukyuu) 魂の遊体
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
30 私の心霊体験 (20)
- more : fujinkoron.jp/articles -
. Jinja 神社と伝説 Shrines and their legends .
- ##tamashii #shinrei ##soul -
Showing posts with label - - - TTT - - -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - - TTT - - -. Show all posts
Takagi Jinja Sumida
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Takagi Jinja 高木神社 Takagi Shrine
Tokyo, Sumida ward, Oshiage 東京墨田区押上2-37-9
O-Musubi Jinja お結び神社
O-Nigiri Jinja おにぎり神社
The meaning of rice "omusubi" comes from the main deity of this Shrine:
- - - - - Deities in residence - - - - -
高皇産霊神 (たかみむすびのかみ) Takami musubi no kami
a deity for knotting "couples" together (in Japanese "musubu 結" and "en-musubi 縁結").
The popular name for a nigiri rice ball "musubi" came to be given to this shrine as a nick name.
Takamimusuhi no kami. Takamimusuhinokami 高木神
- quote -
Takamimusubi (高御産巣日神, lit. "High Creator")
is a god of agriculture in Japanese mythology, who was the second of the first beings to come into existence.
It is speculated that Takamimusubi was the original god that the Japanese imperial family claimed descent from.
According to Kojiki,
when the heaven and earth were created, Ame-no-Minakanushi was the first one to appear in Takamagahara, Takamimusubi the second, and Kamimusubi the third.
- Family -
He is the father of several gods including Takuhadachiji-hime, Omoikane, Futodama (some versions Takammusubi is the grandfather of Futodama) and some versions Ame-no-oshihomimi. According to Nihon Shoki, he is the father of Sukunabikona.
According to Shinsen Shōjiroku, he is the grandfather of Tamanoya.
He is the grandfather of Ninigi-no-Mikoto, who descended on Ashihara no Nakatsukuni first as a member of the Imperial Family and was a grandson of Amaterasu, according to the Nihon Shoki.
- Worship -
Izumo-taisha is one of the shrines dedicated to Takamimusubi.
Hasshinden was once a temple that enshrined him.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- quote -
The musubi gods: A comparative survey of binding gods, binding magic and their origins
According to the Mythology Dictionary:
Japanese – A Shinto creator-god. One of 3 primaeval beings.
One of the 5 Separate Heavenly. Deities. One of the Eight Imperial Deities. In some accounts, a goddess representing the female principle. In some accounts, referred to as Kamimusubi, Kami-musubi,Kami-musubi, Kamu-mimusubi, Kamu-mimusubi, Kami-mimasubi, Kami-mimasubi, Kami-mimusubi, Kami-mimusubi, Zoka-no-sanshin, Zoka-no-sanshin, Takamimusubi or Zoka-no-kami ..
Musu came from Umusu (産むす) /”U” was dropped out. It means “arise naturally”.
Hi (bi) means spirit or spiritual work.
From Alexei Batchourine’s “The Shinto Concept of Kami” at Www.shinto.org musubu or musubi has the vernacular common meaning of “to tie”, or “to bind” or “to link” and which indicates “a power which gives birth and life force”:
- much more in this reference -
- source : japanesemythology.wordpress.com ... -
shuin 朱印 stamp
omamori お守り amulets
- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- source : takagi-jinjya.com -
. Kameari Takagi Jinja 亀有の高木神社 .
Katsushika 葛飾区西亀有4-15-20
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Rice balls (onigiri, o-nigiri おにぎり) .
- #takagi #omusubi #enmusubi #sumida #takamimusubi #onigiri -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Takagi Jinja 高木神社 Takagi Shrine
Tokyo, Sumida ward, Oshiage 東京墨田区押上2-37-9
O-Musubi Jinja お結び神社
O-Nigiri Jinja おにぎり神社
The meaning of rice "omusubi" comes from the main deity of this Shrine:
- - - - - Deities in residence - - - - -
高皇産霊神 (たかみむすびのかみ) Takami musubi no kami
a deity for knotting "couples" together (in Japanese "musubu 結" and "en-musubi 縁結").
The popular name for a nigiri rice ball "musubi" came to be given to this shrine as a nick name.
Takamimusuhi no kami. Takamimusuhinokami 高木神
- quote -
Takamimusubi (高御産巣日神, lit. "High Creator")
is a god of agriculture in Japanese mythology, who was the second of the first beings to come into existence.
It is speculated that Takamimusubi was the original god that the Japanese imperial family claimed descent from.
According to Kojiki,
when the heaven and earth were created, Ame-no-Minakanushi was the first one to appear in Takamagahara, Takamimusubi the second, and Kamimusubi the third.
- Family -
He is the father of several gods including Takuhadachiji-hime, Omoikane, Futodama (some versions Takammusubi is the grandfather of Futodama) and some versions Ame-no-oshihomimi. According to Nihon Shoki, he is the father of Sukunabikona.
According to Shinsen Shōjiroku, he is the grandfather of Tamanoya.
He is the grandfather of Ninigi-no-Mikoto, who descended on Ashihara no Nakatsukuni first as a member of the Imperial Family and was a grandson of Amaterasu, according to the Nihon Shoki.
- Worship -
Izumo-taisha is one of the shrines dedicated to Takamimusubi.
Hasshinden was once a temple that enshrined him.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- quote -
The musubi gods: A comparative survey of binding gods, binding magic and their origins
According to the Mythology Dictionary:
Japanese – A Shinto creator-god. One of 3 primaeval beings.
One of the 5 Separate Heavenly. Deities. One of the Eight Imperial Deities. In some accounts, a goddess representing the female principle. In some accounts, referred to as Kamimusubi, Kami-musubi,Kami-musubi, Kamu-mimusubi, Kamu-mimusubi, Kami-mimasubi, Kami-mimasubi, Kami-mimusubi, Kami-mimusubi, Zoka-no-sanshin, Zoka-no-sanshin, Takamimusubi or Zoka-no-kami ..
Musu came from Umusu (産むす) /”U” was dropped out. It means “arise naturally”.
Hi (bi) means spirit or spiritual work.
From Alexei Batchourine’s “The Shinto Concept of Kami” at Www.shinto.org musubu or musubi has the vernacular common meaning of “to tie”, or “to bind” or “to link” and which indicates “a power which gives birth and life force”:
- much more in this reference -
- source : japanesemythology.wordpress.com ... -
shuin 朱印 stamp
omamori お守り amulets
- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- source : takagi-jinjya.com -
. Kameari Takagi Jinja 亀有の高木神社 .
Katsushika 葛飾区西亀有4-15-20
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Rice balls (onigiri, o-nigiri おにぎり) .
- #takagi #omusubi #enmusubi #sumida #takamimusubi #onigiri -
torii shrine gate legends
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
torii 鳥居と伝説 Shrine gate legends
. torii 鳥居 gate of a Shinto Shrine - Introduction .
source : jinjajin.jp/modules ...
. torii kuguri 鳥居潜り walking through a Shinto torii gate .
mini torii kuguri ミニ鳥居潜り crawling through a small torii gate
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
名古屋市 Nagoya city 熱田区 Atsuta ward
. Atsuta Jingu 熱田神宮 Atsuta Shrine, Nagoya .
....................................................................... Aomori 青森県 .....
. torii no oniko 鳥居の鬼コ Demons of the Toorii gates .
....................................................................... Fukuoka 福岡県 .....
. kane no torii 銅鳥居 The Great Bronze Gate .
ni no torii 二の鳥居 second Shrine gate / san no torii 三の鳥居 third Shrine gate
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
. the river 鳥居川 Toriigawa .
....................................................................... Tokyo 東京 .....
. Mimeguri Inari Jinja 三囲稲荷神社 Mimeguri Inari Shrine .
The Mitsui family had a torii 鳥居 Shrine gate made with three pillars: 三囲神社の三柱鳥居.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
74 鳥居 to collect
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #torii #toriilegends #shrinegate -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
torii 鳥居と伝説 Shrine gate legends
. torii 鳥居 gate of a Shinto Shrine - Introduction .
source : jinjajin.jp/modules ...
. torii kuguri 鳥居潜り walking through a Shinto torii gate .
mini torii kuguri ミニ鳥居潜り crawling through a small torii gate
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
名古屋市 Nagoya city 熱田区 Atsuta ward
. Atsuta Jingu 熱田神宮 Atsuta Shrine, Nagoya .
....................................................................... Aomori 青森県 .....
. torii no oniko 鳥居の鬼コ Demons of the Toorii gates .
....................................................................... Fukuoka 福岡県 .....
. kane no torii 銅鳥居 The Great Bronze Gate .
ni no torii 二の鳥居 second Shrine gate / san no torii 三の鳥居 third Shrine gate
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
. the river 鳥居川 Toriigawa .
....................................................................... Tokyo 東京 .....
. Mimeguri Inari Jinja 三囲稲荷神社 Mimeguri Inari Shrine .
The Mitsui family had a torii 鳥居 Shrine gate made with three pillars: 三囲神社の三柱鳥居.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
74 鳥居 to collect
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #torii #toriilegends #shrinegate -
Tenjin Tenshin Sama legends
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Tenjin Sama, Tenshin Sama 天神様 Honorable Deity of Heaven
The Kami of the Sky, as expressed in 天神地衹 Tenshin Chigi.
. Ametsuchi 天地 Tenchi - Heaven and Earth, Univers .
天の神と地の神 the Deity of Heaven and the Deity of Earth
天津神 / 天つ神 Amatsukami and
国津神 / 国つ神 Kunitsukami
. zooka no sanshin (sanjin) 造化の三神 three Deities of creation .
Kotoamatsukami 別天津神
. Tenjin Sama - Sugawara Michizane Legends 天神菅原道真伝説 .
天神様 Tenjin Sama refers to a shrine for Michizane.
Legends about his shrines are collected here.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
犬山市 Inuyama city // 天神様
The Tenjin Sama from the shrine at 今井 Imai liked children. They often took the statue to 岩鼻の淵 the beach and played with it, but when they were told not to do that, suddenly the villagers became ill and disasters happened.

石作神社 Ishizukuri Jinja 知県犬山市今井宮ノ洞
- source : buccyake-kojiki.com... -
. shishigashira 獅子頭 lion head from Ishizukuri Jinja .
南知多町 Minami-Chita town 久村 Kumura hamlet
A villager named 松左衛門 Matsuzaemon went out to collect moku 藻 seaweed. Among the green leaves he found a golden statue of Tenjin Sama.
From that day on, Tenjin appeared in his dream every night, asking for a new place to be venerated. Until now he is venerted at 山海 Sankai hamlet.
....................................................................... Akita 秋田県 .....
上小阿仁村 Kamikoani village
shironezumi, shiro nezumi 白ネズミ a white mouse
Once upon a time, 八郎太郎 Hachirotaro wanted to make a lake and live at 七座 Shichiza.
But Tenjin Sama, who lived at Shichiza, got angry. He sent his white mouse to destroy the seki 堰 weir.
Since Hachirotaro could not live there any more, he fled to Hachirōgata 八郎潟 Hachirogata.
. Hachirōgata (八郎潟 Hachirō-gata) .
....................................................................... Fukui 福井県 .....
. Tenshinsama 天神様 Tenshin Sama .
The Kami of the Sky, as expressed in 天神地衹 Tenshin Chigi.
During the New Year he comes down from the Sky and becomes 年神 Toshigami.
On the 25 day of January he goes back to Heaven.
....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....
高山市 Takayama city 上宝町 Kamitakara town // 天神様
Grandfather 大宅 貫一郎 Oyake Kanichiro had a zaimokuya 材木屋 lumber shop.
Tenjin Sama appeared in his dream and said "I want to go to your home!" So he went to 富山 Toyama to pick him up. He found a desolate wayside shrine with a small statue. He gave some money to the villagers and took the Deity with him. After a little while, the grandmother of Kanichiro had pain in her arm. When he looked at the statue of Tenjin, he saw that a nezumi ネズミ mouse had nibbled on his arm. He called a carpenter and had the arm repaired. Grandmother's pain was also healed.
....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....
津名郡 Tsuna district 五色町 Goshiki town // 天神様
. uma 馬 koma 駒伝説 horse legends .
The painter 白川芝山 Shirakawa Shizun / 白芝山 (1759 - 1850) had painted a horse on an ema 絵馬 votive tablet in the Tenjin Shrine. The horse came to life and went outside damaging the fields and eat grass. He therefore painted some grass and reins on the tablet to keep the horse in place.

- Awaji Bunka Kaikan -
. ema 絵馬 と伝説 Legends about votive tablets .
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
国つ神 Kunitsukami
At the Shrine 宝満神社 in the South of 種子島 Tanegashima island they venerate 玉依姫 Princess Tamayori Hime.
At the Shrine 浦田神社 in the North of the Island they venerate ウガヤフキアエズ尊 / 鸕鶿草葺不合尊 Ugayafukiaezu no Mikoto.
- quote -
Other names: Hikonagisatake ugayafukiaezu no mikoto (Kojiki)

The son of Hohodemi (Ninigi's son) and Toyotamabime (Watatsumi's daughter);
the father of Emperor Jinmu. Ugayafukiaezu's name ("cormorant-rush-thatching-unfinished") is associated with the events of his birth; according to an "alternate writing" related by Nihongi, the name was given by his mother Toyotamabime. As an offspring of the imperial grandchild by a sea goddess, he was born within a parturition hut built beside the seashore. But his mother's labor began before the parturition hut was fully thatched with cormorant feathers, and Toyotamabime was seen in labor by Ninigi. In humiliation, Toyotamabime wrapped the newborn child in grass, and abandoned him by the seashore, where he was found and raised by Toyotamabime's sister Tamayoribime.
According to another "alternate writing" of Nihongi,
Toyotamabime could not bring herself to abandon the child, and took him up and returned with him to her palace in the sea. Since she felt it unfit that an offspring of the Heavenly Grandchild be raised within the sea, however, she gave him to her sister Tamayoribime to be taken to the land. Ugayafukiaezu later married his aunt Tamayoribime and fathered the kami Itsuse no mikoto, Inahi no mikoto, Mikenu no mikoto, and Kamuyamatoiwarebiko (Emperor Jinmu).
- reference source : Kokugakuin Mori Mizue -
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
木曽郡 Kiso district 上松町 Agematsu town
. Hayataro 霊犬早太郎伝説 The legend of the spiritual dog Hayataro. .
at the temple 光前寺 Kozen-Ji,
During the annual festival of the nearby Shrine 天神宮 Tenjingu, Tenjin Gu a young woman had to be offered.
Three monsters came to eat the woman. The priest of the Shrine found out about Hayataro and had him drive the monsters.
But then Hayato died himself and is now venerated at Kozen-Ji.
. Hayataro 霊犬早太郎伝説 The legend of the spiritual dog Hayataro. .
....................................................................... Nara 奈良県 .....
月ヶ瀬村 Tsukigase village
. kaminari 雷と伝説 Legends about Thunder and Lightning .
The daikan 代官 assistant deputy governor went to the Tenjin Shrine and his horse drank from the 手水鉢 basin for the ritual purification of hands.
A man who asked him to stop this was hit with his whip. After the Daikan had walked away for about 500 meters, there came a black cloud and he rushed down a slope on his horse. A lightning struck him and he and his horse fell down the valley.
This slope is now called Daikanzaka 代官坂 "Slope of the Daikan".
. temizu, choozu 手水 ritual purification of hands .
....................................................................... Oita 大分県 .....
国東郡 Kunisaki district 姫島村 Himeshima village // 天神様
People are not allowed to throw ume 梅 plums, dried plums or the stones of plums into the sea.
The family crest of Michizane is the plum and he does not like plums to be thrown away.
....................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県 .....
引佐町 Inasa town 天神様
. the brave dog しっぺい太郎 Shippeitaro (or Hayataro) .
at 見付 Mitsuke.
....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
第六天神様 / 第六天神社 Shrine Dairoku Tenjin Sha
. ekibyoo 疫病 epidemy and 第六天神様 Dairokutenjin Sama - Asakusa .
....................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県 .....
日高郡 Hidaka district みなべ町 Minabe town // 天神様
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
Around 1920 there was a construction work going on at 大橋の天神様 the Great Bridge of the Tenjin Shrine. From a cave there appeared a huge yellow serpent with a dot pattern and five small serpents on her back. This was the Messenger of Tenjin Sama.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
28 天神様 (14)
国つ神 OK
- #tenjinsama #tenjin #tenshin #universe #creation #sugawaramichizane #michizane -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Tenjin Sama, Tenshin Sama 天神様 Honorable Deity of Heaven
The Kami of the Sky, as expressed in 天神地衹 Tenshin Chigi.
. Ametsuchi 天地 Tenchi - Heaven and Earth, Univers .
天の神と地の神 the Deity of Heaven and the Deity of Earth
天津神 / 天つ神 Amatsukami and
国津神 / 国つ神 Kunitsukami
. zooka no sanshin (sanjin) 造化の三神 three Deities of creation .
Kotoamatsukami 別天津神
. Tenjin Sama - Sugawara Michizane Legends 天神菅原道真伝説 .
天神様 Tenjin Sama refers to a shrine for Michizane.
Legends about his shrines are collected here.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
犬山市 Inuyama city // 天神様
The Tenjin Sama from the shrine at 今井 Imai liked children. They often took the statue to 岩鼻の淵 the beach and played with it, but when they were told not to do that, suddenly the villagers became ill and disasters happened.

石作神社 Ishizukuri Jinja 知県犬山市今井宮ノ洞
- source : buccyake-kojiki.com... -
. shishigashira 獅子頭 lion head from Ishizukuri Jinja .
南知多町 Minami-Chita town 久村 Kumura hamlet
A villager named 松左衛門 Matsuzaemon went out to collect moku 藻 seaweed. Among the green leaves he found a golden statue of Tenjin Sama.
From that day on, Tenjin appeared in his dream every night, asking for a new place to be venerated. Until now he is venerted at 山海 Sankai hamlet.
....................................................................... Akita 秋田県 .....
上小阿仁村 Kamikoani village
shironezumi, shiro nezumi 白ネズミ a white mouse
Once upon a time, 八郎太郎 Hachirotaro wanted to make a lake and live at 七座 Shichiza.
But Tenjin Sama, who lived at Shichiza, got angry. He sent his white mouse to destroy the seki 堰 weir.
Since Hachirotaro could not live there any more, he fled to Hachirōgata 八郎潟 Hachirogata.
. Hachirōgata (八郎潟 Hachirō-gata) .
....................................................................... Fukui 福井県 .....
. Tenshinsama 天神様 Tenshin Sama .
The Kami of the Sky, as expressed in 天神地衹 Tenshin Chigi.
During the New Year he comes down from the Sky and becomes 年神 Toshigami.
On the 25 day of January he goes back to Heaven.
....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....
高山市 Takayama city 上宝町 Kamitakara town // 天神様
Grandfather 大宅 貫一郎 Oyake Kanichiro had a zaimokuya 材木屋 lumber shop.
Tenjin Sama appeared in his dream and said "I want to go to your home!" So he went to 富山 Toyama to pick him up. He found a desolate wayside shrine with a small statue. He gave some money to the villagers and took the Deity with him. After a little while, the grandmother of Kanichiro had pain in her arm. When he looked at the statue of Tenjin, he saw that a nezumi ネズミ mouse had nibbled on his arm. He called a carpenter and had the arm repaired. Grandmother's pain was also healed.
....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....
津名郡 Tsuna district 五色町 Goshiki town // 天神様
. uma 馬 koma 駒伝説 horse legends .
The painter 白川芝山 Shirakawa Shizun / 白芝山 (1759 - 1850) had painted a horse on an ema 絵馬 votive tablet in the Tenjin Shrine. The horse came to life and went outside damaging the fields and eat grass. He therefore painted some grass and reins on the tablet to keep the horse in place.

- Awaji Bunka Kaikan -
. ema 絵馬 と伝説 Legends about votive tablets .
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
国つ神 Kunitsukami
At the Shrine 宝満神社 in the South of 種子島 Tanegashima island they venerate 玉依姫 Princess Tamayori Hime.
At the Shrine 浦田神社 in the North of the Island they venerate ウガヤフキアエズ尊 / 鸕鶿草葺不合尊 Ugayafukiaezu no Mikoto.
- quote -
Other names: Hikonagisatake ugayafukiaezu no mikoto (Kojiki)
The son of Hohodemi (Ninigi's son) and Toyotamabime (Watatsumi's daughter);
the father of Emperor Jinmu. Ugayafukiaezu's name ("cormorant-rush-thatching-unfinished") is associated with the events of his birth; according to an "alternate writing" related by Nihongi, the name was given by his mother Toyotamabime. As an offspring of the imperial grandchild by a sea goddess, he was born within a parturition hut built beside the seashore. But his mother's labor began before the parturition hut was fully thatched with cormorant feathers, and Toyotamabime was seen in labor by Ninigi. In humiliation, Toyotamabime wrapped the newborn child in grass, and abandoned him by the seashore, where he was found and raised by Toyotamabime's sister Tamayoribime.
According to another "alternate writing" of Nihongi,
Toyotamabime could not bring herself to abandon the child, and took him up and returned with him to her palace in the sea. Since she felt it unfit that an offspring of the Heavenly Grandchild be raised within the sea, however, she gave him to her sister Tamayoribime to be taken to the land. Ugayafukiaezu later married his aunt Tamayoribime and fathered the kami Itsuse no mikoto, Inahi no mikoto, Mikenu no mikoto, and Kamuyamatoiwarebiko (Emperor Jinmu).
- reference source : Kokugakuin Mori Mizue -
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
木曽郡 Kiso district 上松町 Agematsu town
. Hayataro 霊犬早太郎伝説 The legend of the spiritual dog Hayataro. .
at the temple 光前寺 Kozen-Ji,
During the annual festival of the nearby Shrine 天神宮 Tenjingu, Tenjin Gu a young woman had to be offered.
Three monsters came to eat the woman. The priest of the Shrine found out about Hayataro and had him drive the monsters.
But then Hayato died himself and is now venerated at Kozen-Ji.
. Hayataro 霊犬早太郎伝説 The legend of the spiritual dog Hayataro. .
....................................................................... Nara 奈良県 .....
月ヶ瀬村 Tsukigase village
. kaminari 雷と伝説 Legends about Thunder and Lightning .
The daikan 代官 assistant deputy governor went to the Tenjin Shrine and his horse drank from the 手水鉢 basin for the ritual purification of hands.
A man who asked him to stop this was hit with his whip. After the Daikan had walked away for about 500 meters, there came a black cloud and he rushed down a slope on his horse. A lightning struck him and he and his horse fell down the valley.
This slope is now called Daikanzaka 代官坂 "Slope of the Daikan".
. temizu, choozu 手水 ritual purification of hands .
....................................................................... Oita 大分県 .....
国東郡 Kunisaki district 姫島村 Himeshima village // 天神様
People are not allowed to throw ume 梅 plums, dried plums or the stones of plums into the sea.
The family crest of Michizane is the plum and he does not like plums to be thrown away.
....................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県 .....
引佐町 Inasa town 天神様
. the brave dog しっぺい太郎 Shippeitaro (or Hayataro) .
at 見付 Mitsuke.
....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
第六天神様 / 第六天神社 Shrine Dairoku Tenjin Sha
. ekibyoo 疫病 epidemy and 第六天神様 Dairokutenjin Sama - Asakusa .
....................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県 .....
日高郡 Hidaka district みなべ町 Minabe town // 天神様
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
Around 1920 there was a construction work going on at 大橋の天神様 the Great Bridge of the Tenjin Shrine. From a cave there appeared a huge yellow serpent with a dot pattern and five small serpents on her back. This was the Messenger of Tenjin Sama.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
28 天神様 (14)
国つ神 OK
- #tenjinsama #tenjin #tenshin #universe #creation #sugawaramichizane #michizane -
Toshitokujin legends
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Toshitokujin 歳徳神 God of the New Year - Legends
shoogatsu sama 正月様 Shogatsu Sama - Deity of the New Year
Toshigami 年神 / 歳神 Kami of the Year

. Toshitokujin 歳徳神 God of the Year.
- Introduction and Haiku -
. shinnen 新年 the New Year .
The New Year of the Gregorian calendar falls on 1 January.
. The Asian Lunar Calendar and its seasons .
spring begins, February 4, risshun 立春
summer begins, May 6, rikka 立夏
autumn begins, August 8, risshuu 立秋
winter begins, November 7, rittoo 立冬
. kamidana 神棚 household Shinto altar, "shelf for the Gods" .
- A special one is often set up for the New Year celebrations.
. Sai no Kami 幸神 / 幸の神 / さいの神 / サイノカミ
Deity of Fortune and Good Luck .
toshi no kami 歳の神 Deity of the Year (another name for Sai no Kami).
u no hi, unohi 卯の日 the first day of the rabbit
collecting legends

Toshigamidana 年神棚 Shelf to venerate the Toshigami
Article by 榎戸貞治郎 Enokido Sadajiro
Also called
Toshitokudana 年徳棚
Ehodana 恵方(えほう)棚
The shelf is set up in the direction (eho) of the Deity of the Year.
If people do not have place for a shelf, they celebrate and make offerings in the 床の間 Tokonoma
or at the normal 神棚 Kamidana of the family.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
3自然を読む民俗:山口県 - 内日 の五年神
Yamaguchi, Utsui - Gonengami
吉村美広 Yoshimura Mihiro

If the villagers forget this ritual of every five years, monkeys comes from the mountains to remind them
at 赤田代 Akatashiro.
- 五年神神事 下関・秋吉台・宇部エリア = Yama no Kami
- reference source : oidemase.or.jp/tourism... -
....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
choochin no yoo na hi 提灯のような火 a fire like a lantern
Late at night on the last day of the year, behind the sanctuary for Ujigami there was a light coming down and a strange sound was heard.
The elders of the village say this is the time when Toshitokujin comes down for the New Year.
. ujigami 氏神 clan KAMI deities .
....................................................................... Fukui 福井県 .....
Tenjinsama 天神様 Tenjin Sama
The Kami of the Skay, as espressed in 天神地衹 Tenshin Chigi.
During the New Year he comes down from the Sky and becomes 年神 Toshigami.
- quote -
神祇 Jingi, 天神地祇 Tenshin Chigi
An appellation for the objects of worship in Shinto.
An honorific term extolling the sacred authority and sublime virtue of spiritual beings.
- source : kokugakuin -
kamigami no toshitori 神々のトシトリ New Year for the Gods
Different Kami have different days to start a new year:
お地蔵様 O-Jizo sama on the 23 and 天神様 Tenjin sama on the 25th.
. Aomori 青森県 - Yama no Kami .
....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
福島市 Fukushima city 中茂庭 Nakamoniwa
Toshigami sama 年神様
comes down on the 8th day of the 12th lunar month. He is venerated at the Shrine Tensho Kodai Jingu 天照皇太神宮 Tenshokodai Jingu.

- reference : Tenshokodai Jingu -
Fukushima いわき市 Iwaki
Shogatsu Sama 正月様 comes in Spring, according to the lunar calendar on the 15th day of the first lunar month. People make a small fire and on the smoke the Deity rides to heaven. Sometimes they are two, takasago 高砂 an old couple as an auspicious sight.
Fukushima 須賀川市 Sukagawa city
O-Shogatsu Sama お正月様 is a woman. Since she did not marry, she is happy if young men come to get wakamizu 若水 the first water of the year.
On January 8 people make an offering of azukigayu あずきがゆ rice gruel with small soy beans to see the Deity off. In former times it was the 15th of January, when the offerings contained some white rice gruel. But as the farmers got poor, they could not afford this and used small soy beans.
....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....
邑楽郡 Ora district 大泉町 Oizumi town
Toshigami Sama 年神様
comes on the day 卯の日 U no Hi to supervise taue 田植え the planting of the fields.
Gunma 館林市 Tatebayashi city 下早川田 Shimo-Sagawada
When planting rice seedlings on u no hi 卯の日 the day of the rabbit, Toshitokugami comes down on 卯の刻 the hour of the rabbit.
....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....
. Toshitoku san トシトクさん - Tanokami and the wild boar .
He comes on the day of Inoko Wild Boar, therefore people leave the door open and also the kotatsu コタツ heated table for him to come and sit in the home.
The comes to the fields on the 1st day of the second lunar month and leaves for his home on 亥の日 the day of the wild boar in the 10th lunar month.
三次市 Miyoshi city 三良坂町 Mirasaka town
On the second day of the second lunar month, children get a moxabustion treatment called ヤイト yaito.
On this day Toshitokujin goes back to Takamagahara 高天原 the Fields of Heaven.
. yaitobi やいと日 day for moxabustion treatment .
....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
Toshigami San 年神さん
In the hamlet of 真鈴 Marin when people wake up on gantan 元旦 the first day of the New Year, they have to open the door of the zashiki 座敷 living room to let Toshigami San inside.
Kagawa 東かがわ市 Higashi-Kagawa city
Toshigami 年神
okuri shogatsu オクリ正月 is the day to send off the deity on The 15th of January. This day is also called
Jugonichi shogatsu 十五日正月 New Year day of the 15th.
People make offerings to the Toshigami and pray for a good harvest and safety for the family. Then they go to the river with the offerings, light a fire with shimenawa 注連 a ritual rope and eat the offerings.
This is also called dondo トンド (Dondo Yaki)
The smoke of the fire is used by Toshigami to go back to the sky.
. dondon yaki どんどん焼き ritual fire at New Year .
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
曽於郡 Soo district
. Toshigami and 山の神 Yama no Kami .
....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 .....
足柄上郡 Ashigara-Kami district 山北町 Yamakita town
Toshigami 年神 / 歳神
Toshigami comes every year on the first day of January and leaves on the 14th day.
In other villages he leaves on u no hi ウの日 / 卯の日 the first day of the rabbit.
On this day people make offerings of azuki mochi 小豆餅 rice cakes with auspicious red beans.
On the first day of the New Year people make offerings of zooni 雑煮 to Toshigami and Kuwagami 桑神 the protector deity of mulberries and silk.
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
曽於郡 Soo district
. Toshigami, Yamanokami and Tanokami .
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
大年神社 / 王歳神社 / 大歳神社 Otoshi Jinja

- There are many shrines with this name in Japan.
The deity Toshigami 年神 / 歳神 is venerated there.
- Wikipedia has a list -
tanuki 狸 badger
Near the corner on the road to the shrine 大年神社 Otoshi Jinja it often happened that a Tanuki posing as a priest came out and threw sand at the pilgrims.
Kyoto 三和町 Miwacho Ashibuchi Fukuchiyama
. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .
The part North of the Shrine 王歳神社 Otoshi Jinja is called Yuri-ga-hana 百合ヶ花 "lily flowers". This is where the Ushioni lives.
On the mountain side of the river is Yonaki Matsu 夜泣き松 "the pine which cries at night". The Ushioni lives in the cave above it.
Sometimes he comes out behind the pine and plays tricks on the humans.
Near the Shrine is a withered matsu no ki 松の木 pine tree. Toward the end of the Meiji period there was just part of the stem left.
People peel a bit of the bark and make a small fire. Children who see this fire will stop yonaki 夜泣き crying at night.
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
黒川郡 Kurokawa district 大和町 Taiwa village
In this village 歳の神 Toshi no Kami is called in the local dialect
オドストクズン Odosudokuzun, Odosu toku zun (Otoshi Toku Jin).
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
According to ancient Asian lore, the new year comes with a new female deity.
She comes on the evening of day 30 of the 12th lunar month. People prepare the special kamidana 神棚 Shelf of the Gods for her.
When the year is over they tear it down and burn it, then built a new one.
南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 川上村 Kawakami village
. Doosojin 道祖神 Dosojin, Dososhin - the Wayside Gods .
The Dosojin are venerated in December as お正月様 the Deities of the New Year.
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
正月準備:年神様 Niigata no Toshigami Sama
新潟県史 資料編22 民俗1 大竹信雄 Otake Nobul
東蒲原郡 Higashi-Kanbara district 阿賀町 Aga town
. chinjugami 鎮守神 tutelary deities .
Toshitokujin comes for the New Year as a tutelary deity.
Niigata 糸魚川市 Itoigawa city
Toshi no Kami 年の神 comes on the New Year day from the direction of アキ / 亜希 Aki.
All preparations for his coming must be finished by lunchtime.
No more cleaning of the home after lunchtime. If someone uses a broom, Toshitokujin will be swept out.
Niigata 長岡市 Nagaoka city 福島町 Fukushima town
For the New Year, komedawara 米俵 a bale of rice from last year's harvest is decorated in the living room as a welcome for Toshigami sama 年神様.
In many parts 歳徳神 Toshitokujin comes on the first u no hi 卯の日 the day of the rabbit.
If this falls on the 12th day of the year, it is a bad omen and might bring a bad harvest.
Niigata 中魚沼郡 Naka-Uonuma district 津南町 Tsunan town
Shogatsu sama 正月様
comes home from Tenjiku 天竺 India in January. Once he met Daishi Sama 大師様 Kobo Saishi on the way. Daishi Sama nad eaten rice cakes and crumbs, but Shogatsu sama laughed and said, he had gotten quite a lot of food offerings to eat.
Niigata 佐渡市 Sado city
For the New Year a special toshidana 歳棚 (kamidana) shelf for the New Year is put up for 歳徳神 Toshitokujin.
He comes from the direction of 亜希 Aki town and goes back to this direction.
Niigata 十日町市 Tokamachi city
正月様 Shogatsu Sama - Deity of the New Year
Toshigamisama 歳神様 comes from the high sky and thus lands on a high tree.
Niigata 十日町市 Tokamachi city 松之山 Matsunoyama
歳徳神 Toshitokujin comes on the 30st of December.
A special kamidana 神棚 Shelf of the Gods is put up for her.
After the New Year celebration, this shelf is taken down.
....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 .....
In the oku no ma 奥の間 living room in the back people prepare a special kamidana 神棚 shelf ror the gods to venerate 年神 Toshigami.
They also venerate other deities there, like the Gods from 出雲大社 Izumo Shrine and 金毘羅 Konpira shrine together with the Ujigami 氏神 clan deities.
In a separate small shelf below this they venerate 金神 Konjin and 庚申 Koshin.
Toshigami is also called ワカドシ Wakadoshi san, "Young Deity" and has only one leg, so they offer only one new zoori 草履 sandal.
If they offer the sandals they were wearing then a horse or cow was lost, they are sure to find the animal.
. Konjin 金神 "God of metals" .
. Kooshin 庚申 Koshin, ka no e saru deity .
Okayama 美作市 Mimasaka town
Wakatoshi sama 若年様 "Honorable Young Deity"
The nando 納戸 / ナンド closet for storage, is often used for the young couple as a bedroom.
For the New Year, they prepare a special shelf to venerate San no Kami 産の神 the Deity of Birth together with 若年様 the Deity of the New Year.
. san no kami お産の神 deity of birth .
....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
Saitama 北埼玉郡 Kita-Saitama district 騎西町 Kisai town
Toshigami sama 年神様
This Deity comes on the morning of the New Year, so the master of the house has to prepare the decorations and offerings.
The Deity leaves the home on u no hi 卯の日 the first day of the rabbit and the decorations and offerings are taken down.
The food offerings are used to prepare zooni 雑煮 New Year soup.
Saitama 大里郡 Osato district 妻沼町 Menuma town
On the 15th of January, people prepare azukigayu あずきがゆ rice gruel with small soy beans as an offering to お正月様 O-Shogatsu Sama. Sometimes they keep a bit. If helps when stung by a bee.
Keeping the gruel until the 18th day and then eating one bite for each family member will prevent the family from getting ill.
....................................................................... Shimane 島根県 .....
Toshigami Sama 年神様
This deity brings a special toshidama 年玉 New Year Gift on the last day of the Year.
Once a man, who did not want go get older, hid in the thicket to have a look. Since Toghigami threw the gifts from above, he could not see him.
So he could not help but getting older another year.
Shimane 八束郡 Yatsuka district 美保町 Miho town
Toshigami 年神
has only one leg. Once he came down in a field of nasu 茄子 eggplants and lost one leg.
....................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 .....
January 15th is called okuri-shogatsu 送り正月 "seeing off the New Year".
All the decorations made for the New Year are being taken to the local Shinto shrine and burned in a special ritual.
After that special kagamimochi 鏡餅 rice cakes for the New Year are offered, they are fried in this fire, taken home and eaten with the family.
Tokushima 池田町 Ikeda town
January 15 is the koshoogatsu 小正月 "small New Year", 歳徳神 Toshitokujin is offered a new light and special food on the shelf.
Tokushima 美馬郡 Mima district 貞光町 Sadamitsu town
January 15 is the koshoogatsu 小正月 "small New Year", sometimes called agari shoogatsu 上がり正月 - day to put down the New Year decorations and sending 歳徳神 Toshitokujin home.
Tokushima 三野町 Mino town
January 15 is the koshoogatsu 小正月 "small New Year, sometimes called okuri shoogatsu おくり正月 "sending the New Year off".
The New Year decorations are burned at the local Shinto Shrine or under a bridge.
歳徳神 Toshitokujin is sent off with the smoke of these fires.
Tokushima 三好郡 Miyoshi district 東祖谷山村 Higashi-Iyayamason village
年神さん,正月神さん okuri shoogatsu オクリ正月
January 15 is 小正月 the small new year, also called okuri shoogatsu オクリ正月.
All the food offerings from the kamidana 年棚 shelf are put into a pot and cooked over a fire.
The Deity uses the smoke of the fire to go back to the sky.
....................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 .....
豊浦郡 Toyoura district 豊浦町 Toyoura town // 大歳神社 Otoshi Jinja
. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .
In the year 958, the monster Ushioni came from 新羅国 Silla in Korea and lived at the castle of mount 鬼ヶ城山 Onigajo. From there he did a lot harm to the farmers living there.
The daughter of the priest a the shrine 大歳神社 Otoshi Jinja became the concubine of this Ushioni.
On the evening of th 14th day of the 10th lunar month, the priest shot an arrow at the Ushioni and hit his eye. The Demon fled to the mountain and died on its top.
Since then the mountain is called Mount Onigajo.
Flies at the top of the mountain have only one eye.

- reference : nichibun yokai database -
年神 / 正月様
51 元旦 gantan - collecting in the comments

- source : pinterest -
- #toshitokujin #newyear #toshigami #koshogatsu #kamidana #kagamimochi #sainokami #dosojin -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Toshitokujin 歳徳神 God of the New Year - Legends
shoogatsu sama 正月様 Shogatsu Sama - Deity of the New Year
Toshigami 年神 / 歳神 Kami of the Year
. Toshitokujin 歳徳神 God of the Year.
- Introduction and Haiku -
. shinnen 新年 the New Year .
The New Year of the Gregorian calendar falls on 1 January.
. The Asian Lunar Calendar and its seasons .
spring begins, February 4, risshun 立春
summer begins, May 6, rikka 立夏
autumn begins, August 8, risshuu 立秋
winter begins, November 7, rittoo 立冬
. kamidana 神棚 household Shinto altar, "shelf for the Gods" .
- A special one is often set up for the New Year celebrations.
. Sai no Kami 幸神 / 幸の神 / さいの神 / サイノカミ
Deity of Fortune and Good Luck .
toshi no kami 歳の神 Deity of the Year (another name for Sai no Kami).
u no hi, unohi 卯の日 the first day of the rabbit
collecting legends

Toshigamidana 年神棚 Shelf to venerate the Toshigami
Article by 榎戸貞治郎 Enokido Sadajiro
Also called
Toshitokudana 年徳棚
Ehodana 恵方(えほう)棚
The shelf is set up in the direction (eho) of the Deity of the Year.
If people do not have place for a shelf, they celebrate and make offerings in the 床の間 Tokonoma
or at the normal 神棚 Kamidana of the family.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
3自然を読む民俗:山口県 - 内日 の五年神
Yamaguchi, Utsui - Gonengami
吉村美広 Yoshimura Mihiro
If the villagers forget this ritual of every five years, monkeys comes from the mountains to remind them
at 赤田代 Akatashiro.
- 五年神神事 下関・秋吉台・宇部エリア = Yama no Kami
- reference source : oidemase.or.jp/tourism... -
....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
choochin no yoo na hi 提灯のような火 a fire like a lantern
Late at night on the last day of the year, behind the sanctuary for Ujigami there was a light coming down and a strange sound was heard.
The elders of the village say this is the time when Toshitokujin comes down for the New Year.
. ujigami 氏神 clan KAMI deities .
....................................................................... Fukui 福井県 .....
Tenjinsama 天神様 Tenjin Sama
The Kami of the Skay, as espressed in 天神地衹 Tenshin Chigi.
During the New Year he comes down from the Sky and becomes 年神 Toshigami.
- quote -
神祇 Jingi, 天神地祇 Tenshin Chigi
An appellation for the objects of worship in Shinto.
An honorific term extolling the sacred authority and sublime virtue of spiritual beings.
- source : kokugakuin -
kamigami no toshitori 神々のトシトリ New Year for the Gods
Different Kami have different days to start a new year:
お地蔵様 O-Jizo sama on the 23 and 天神様 Tenjin sama on the 25th.
. Aomori 青森県 - Yama no Kami .
....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
福島市 Fukushima city 中茂庭 Nakamoniwa
Toshigami sama 年神様
comes down on the 8th day of the 12th lunar month. He is venerated at the Shrine Tensho Kodai Jingu 天照皇太神宮 Tenshokodai Jingu.

- reference : Tenshokodai Jingu -
Fukushima いわき市 Iwaki
Shogatsu Sama 正月様 comes in Spring, according to the lunar calendar on the 15th day of the first lunar month. People make a small fire and on the smoke the Deity rides to heaven. Sometimes they are two, takasago 高砂 an old couple as an auspicious sight.
Fukushima 須賀川市 Sukagawa city
O-Shogatsu Sama お正月様 is a woman. Since she did not marry, she is happy if young men come to get wakamizu 若水 the first water of the year.
On January 8 people make an offering of azukigayu あずきがゆ rice gruel with small soy beans to see the Deity off. In former times it was the 15th of January, when the offerings contained some white rice gruel. But as the farmers got poor, they could not afford this and used small soy beans.
....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....
邑楽郡 Ora district 大泉町 Oizumi town
Toshigami Sama 年神様
comes on the day 卯の日 U no Hi to supervise taue 田植え the planting of the fields.
Gunma 館林市 Tatebayashi city 下早川田 Shimo-Sagawada
When planting rice seedlings on u no hi 卯の日 the day of the rabbit, Toshitokugami comes down on 卯の刻 the hour of the rabbit.
....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....
. Toshitoku san トシトクさん - Tanokami and the wild boar .
He comes on the day of Inoko Wild Boar, therefore people leave the door open and also the kotatsu コタツ heated table for him to come and sit in the home.
The comes to the fields on the 1st day of the second lunar month and leaves for his home on 亥の日 the day of the wild boar in the 10th lunar month.
三次市 Miyoshi city 三良坂町 Mirasaka town
On the second day of the second lunar month, children get a moxabustion treatment called ヤイト yaito.
On this day Toshitokujin goes back to Takamagahara 高天原 the Fields of Heaven.
. yaitobi やいと日 day for moxabustion treatment .
....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
Toshigami San 年神さん
In the hamlet of 真鈴 Marin when people wake up on gantan 元旦 the first day of the New Year, they have to open the door of the zashiki 座敷 living room to let Toshigami San inside.
Kagawa 東かがわ市 Higashi-Kagawa city
Toshigami 年神
okuri shogatsu オクリ正月 is the day to send off the deity on The 15th of January. This day is also called
Jugonichi shogatsu 十五日正月 New Year day of the 15th.
People make offerings to the Toshigami and pray for a good harvest and safety for the family. Then they go to the river with the offerings, light a fire with shimenawa 注連 a ritual rope and eat the offerings.
This is also called dondo トンド (Dondo Yaki)
The smoke of the fire is used by Toshigami to go back to the sky.
. dondon yaki どんどん焼き ritual fire at New Year .
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
曽於郡 Soo district
. Toshigami and 山の神 Yama no Kami .
....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 .....
足柄上郡 Ashigara-Kami district 山北町 Yamakita town
Toshigami 年神 / 歳神
Toshigami comes every year on the first day of January and leaves on the 14th day.
In other villages he leaves on u no hi ウの日 / 卯の日 the first day of the rabbit.
On this day people make offerings of azuki mochi 小豆餅 rice cakes with auspicious red beans.
On the first day of the New Year people make offerings of zooni 雑煮 to Toshigami and Kuwagami 桑神 the protector deity of mulberries and silk.
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
曽於郡 Soo district
. Toshigami, Yamanokami and Tanokami .
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
大年神社 / 王歳神社 / 大歳神社 Otoshi Jinja

- There are many shrines with this name in Japan.
The deity Toshigami 年神 / 歳神 is venerated there.
- Wikipedia has a list -
tanuki 狸 badger
Near the corner on the road to the shrine 大年神社 Otoshi Jinja it often happened that a Tanuki posing as a priest came out and threw sand at the pilgrims.
Kyoto 三和町 Miwacho Ashibuchi Fukuchiyama
. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .
The part North of the Shrine 王歳神社 Otoshi Jinja is called Yuri-ga-hana 百合ヶ花 "lily flowers". This is where the Ushioni lives.
On the mountain side of the river is Yonaki Matsu 夜泣き松 "the pine which cries at night". The Ushioni lives in the cave above it.
Sometimes he comes out behind the pine and plays tricks on the humans.
Near the Shrine is a withered matsu no ki 松の木 pine tree. Toward the end of the Meiji period there was just part of the stem left.
People peel a bit of the bark and make a small fire. Children who see this fire will stop yonaki 夜泣き crying at night.
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
黒川郡 Kurokawa district 大和町 Taiwa village
In this village 歳の神 Toshi no Kami is called in the local dialect
オドストクズン Odosudokuzun, Odosu toku zun (Otoshi Toku Jin).
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
According to ancient Asian lore, the new year comes with a new female deity.
She comes on the evening of day 30 of the 12th lunar month. People prepare the special kamidana 神棚 Shelf of the Gods for her.
When the year is over they tear it down and burn it, then built a new one.
南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 川上村 Kawakami village
. Doosojin 道祖神 Dosojin, Dososhin - the Wayside Gods .
The Dosojin are venerated in December as お正月様 the Deities of the New Year.
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
正月準備:年神様 Niigata no Toshigami Sama
新潟県史 資料編22 民俗1 大竹信雄 Otake Nobul
東蒲原郡 Higashi-Kanbara district 阿賀町 Aga town
. chinjugami 鎮守神 tutelary deities .
Toshitokujin comes for the New Year as a tutelary deity.
Niigata 糸魚川市 Itoigawa city
Toshi no Kami 年の神 comes on the New Year day from the direction of アキ / 亜希 Aki.
All preparations for his coming must be finished by lunchtime.
No more cleaning of the home after lunchtime. If someone uses a broom, Toshitokujin will be swept out.
Niigata 長岡市 Nagaoka city 福島町 Fukushima town
For the New Year, komedawara 米俵 a bale of rice from last year's harvest is decorated in the living room as a welcome for Toshigami sama 年神様.
In many parts 歳徳神 Toshitokujin comes on the first u no hi 卯の日 the day of the rabbit.
If this falls on the 12th day of the year, it is a bad omen and might bring a bad harvest.
Niigata 中魚沼郡 Naka-Uonuma district 津南町 Tsunan town
Shogatsu sama 正月様
comes home from Tenjiku 天竺 India in January. Once he met Daishi Sama 大師様 Kobo Saishi on the way. Daishi Sama nad eaten rice cakes and crumbs, but Shogatsu sama laughed and said, he had gotten quite a lot of food offerings to eat.
Niigata 佐渡市 Sado city
For the New Year a special toshidana 歳棚 (kamidana) shelf for the New Year is put up for 歳徳神 Toshitokujin.
He comes from the direction of 亜希 Aki town and goes back to this direction.
Niigata 十日町市 Tokamachi city
正月様 Shogatsu Sama - Deity of the New Year
Toshigamisama 歳神様 comes from the high sky and thus lands on a high tree.
Niigata 十日町市 Tokamachi city 松之山 Matsunoyama
歳徳神 Toshitokujin comes on the 30st of December.
A special kamidana 神棚 Shelf of the Gods is put up for her.
After the New Year celebration, this shelf is taken down.
....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 .....
In the oku no ma 奥の間 living room in the back people prepare a special kamidana 神棚 shelf ror the gods to venerate 年神 Toshigami.
They also venerate other deities there, like the Gods from 出雲大社 Izumo Shrine and 金毘羅 Konpira shrine together with the Ujigami 氏神 clan deities.
In a separate small shelf below this they venerate 金神 Konjin and 庚申 Koshin.
Toshigami is also called ワカドシ Wakadoshi san, "Young Deity" and has only one leg, so they offer only one new zoori 草履 sandal.
If they offer the sandals they were wearing then a horse or cow was lost, they are sure to find the animal.
. Konjin 金神 "God of metals" .
. Kooshin 庚申 Koshin, ka no e saru deity .
Okayama 美作市 Mimasaka town
Wakatoshi sama 若年様 "Honorable Young Deity"
The nando 納戸 / ナンド closet for storage, is often used for the young couple as a bedroom.
For the New Year, they prepare a special shelf to venerate San no Kami 産の神 the Deity of Birth together with 若年様 the Deity of the New Year.
. san no kami お産の神 deity of birth .
....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
Saitama 北埼玉郡 Kita-Saitama district 騎西町 Kisai town
Toshigami sama 年神様
This Deity comes on the morning of the New Year, so the master of the house has to prepare the decorations and offerings.
The Deity leaves the home on u no hi 卯の日 the first day of the rabbit and the decorations and offerings are taken down.
The food offerings are used to prepare zooni 雑煮 New Year soup.
Saitama 大里郡 Osato district 妻沼町 Menuma town
On the 15th of January, people prepare azukigayu あずきがゆ rice gruel with small soy beans as an offering to お正月様 O-Shogatsu Sama. Sometimes they keep a bit. If helps when stung by a bee.
Keeping the gruel until the 18th day and then eating one bite for each family member will prevent the family from getting ill.
....................................................................... Shimane 島根県 .....
Toshigami Sama 年神様
This deity brings a special toshidama 年玉 New Year Gift on the last day of the Year.
Once a man, who did not want go get older, hid in the thicket to have a look. Since Toghigami threw the gifts from above, he could not see him.
So he could not help but getting older another year.
Shimane 八束郡 Yatsuka district 美保町 Miho town
Toshigami 年神
has only one leg. Once he came down in a field of nasu 茄子 eggplants and lost one leg.
....................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 .....
January 15th is called okuri-shogatsu 送り正月 "seeing off the New Year".
All the decorations made for the New Year are being taken to the local Shinto shrine and burned in a special ritual.
After that special kagamimochi 鏡餅 rice cakes for the New Year are offered, they are fried in this fire, taken home and eaten with the family.
Tokushima 池田町 Ikeda town
January 15 is the koshoogatsu 小正月 "small New Year", 歳徳神 Toshitokujin is offered a new light and special food on the shelf.
Tokushima 美馬郡 Mima district 貞光町 Sadamitsu town
January 15 is the koshoogatsu 小正月 "small New Year", sometimes called agari shoogatsu 上がり正月 - day to put down the New Year decorations and sending 歳徳神 Toshitokujin home.
Tokushima 三野町 Mino town
January 15 is the koshoogatsu 小正月 "small New Year, sometimes called okuri shoogatsu おくり正月 "sending the New Year off".
The New Year decorations are burned at the local Shinto Shrine or under a bridge.
歳徳神 Toshitokujin is sent off with the smoke of these fires.
Tokushima 三好郡 Miyoshi district 東祖谷山村 Higashi-Iyayamason village
年神さん,正月神さん okuri shoogatsu オクリ正月
January 15 is 小正月 the small new year, also called okuri shoogatsu オクリ正月.
All the food offerings from the kamidana 年棚 shelf are put into a pot and cooked over a fire.
The Deity uses the smoke of the fire to go back to the sky.
....................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 .....
豊浦郡 Toyoura district 豊浦町 Toyoura town // 大歳神社 Otoshi Jinja
. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .
In the year 958, the monster Ushioni came from 新羅国 Silla in Korea and lived at the castle of mount 鬼ヶ城山 Onigajo. From there he did a lot harm to the farmers living there.
The daughter of the priest a the shrine 大歳神社 Otoshi Jinja became the concubine of this Ushioni.
On the evening of th 14th day of the 10th lunar month, the priest shot an arrow at the Ushioni and hit his eye. The Demon fled to the mountain and died on its top.
Since then the mountain is called Mount Onigajo.
Flies at the top of the mountain have only one eye.

- reference : nichibun yokai database -
年神 / 正月様
51 元旦 gantan - collecting in the comments

- source : pinterest -
- #toshitokujin #newyear #toshigami #koshogatsu #kamidana #kagamimochi #sainokami #dosojin -
Yamanokami fish Trachidermus fasciatus
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Yamanokami, Trachidermus fasciatus ヤマノカミ / 山ノ神
川の神 Kawanokami, Kawa no Kami
神勧請 Kamikanjo

- quote -
ヤマノカミ(山ノ神、学名 Trachidermus fasciatus )は、
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
This fish is closely related to the belief in Yamanokami in various regions of Japan, especially Fukuoka and Saga.
- quote -
Trachidermus fasciatus is a species of fish in the superfamily Cottoidea, the sculpins, and the only member of the monotypic genus Trachidermus. Its common name is roughskin sculpin. It has also been called four-gilled perch.
It is native to the coastlines of China, Japan, and Korea, where it occurs at the mouths of rivers.
This species is about 20 cm (8 in) long and weighs up to 350 grams.It has a large, spineless head with a wide mouth and small eyes near the tip of the snout. The upper jaw is slightly projecting. The dorsal fin has 8 spines and 19 to 20 soft rays and the anal fin has no spines but 17 to 18 soft rays. This fish lacks scales but its body surface is textured with "knobbles". The gill opening is large and each gill has two orange stripes.
This fish lives in rivers, estuaries, and coastal ocean waters. It is catadromous; adults spawn on mudflats at the river mouths, and after hatching, the juveniles swim upstream to freshwater river habitat.
... The habitat of the fish is degraded in some areas, particularly the river mouths of coastal China. Pollution from rapid urban development, overfishing, and the construction of dams and dikes threaten the species in this region. Changes in the hydrology of the area, mainly from dams, are most concerning because they prevent the migration of the fish in the river systems.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
It resembles the kajika カジカ family, Cottus pollux.

source : kotobank.jp/word...
- Reference : 日本語
- Reference : English
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
- #Trachidermus #yamanokamifish #fishyamanokami -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Yamanokami, Trachidermus fasciatus ヤマノカミ / 山ノ神
川の神 Kawanokami, Kawa no Kami
神勧請 Kamikanjo

- quote -
ヤマノカミ(山ノ神、学名 Trachidermus fasciatus )は、
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
This fish is closely related to the belief in Yamanokami in various regions of Japan, especially Fukuoka and Saga.
- quote -
Trachidermus fasciatus is a species of fish in the superfamily Cottoidea, the sculpins, and the only member of the monotypic genus Trachidermus. Its common name is roughskin sculpin. It has also been called four-gilled perch.
It is native to the coastlines of China, Japan, and Korea, where it occurs at the mouths of rivers.
This species is about 20 cm (8 in) long and weighs up to 350 grams.It has a large, spineless head with a wide mouth and small eyes near the tip of the snout. The upper jaw is slightly projecting. The dorsal fin has 8 spines and 19 to 20 soft rays and the anal fin has no spines but 17 to 18 soft rays. This fish lacks scales but its body surface is textured with "knobbles". The gill opening is large and each gill has two orange stripes.
This fish lives in rivers, estuaries, and coastal ocean waters. It is catadromous; adults spawn on mudflats at the river mouths, and after hatching, the juveniles swim upstream to freshwater river habitat.
... The habitat of the fish is degraded in some areas, particularly the river mouths of coastal China. Pollution from rapid urban development, overfishing, and the construction of dams and dikes threaten the species in this region. Changes in the hydrology of the area, mainly from dams, are most concerning because they prevent the migration of the fish in the river systems.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
It resembles the kajika カジカ family, Cottus pollux.

source : kotobank.jp/word...
- Reference : 日本語
- Reference : English
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
- #Trachidermus #yamanokamifish #fishyamanokami -
Yamanokami Regional 29 Tottori Toyama
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Tottori 鳥取県 and Toyama 富山県
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
....................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県 .....
. Mount Daisen 大山 .
1,729 metres, volcano

source : ameblo.jp/mitsumatarenge...
五合目山の神さん Yamanokami san at the 5th station
source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/momotarou78book...
. Seikooboo 清光坊 Seikobo, Seiko-Bo
Hookiboo 伯耆坊 Hokibo, Hoki-Bo // 伯耆大山清光坊 Hoki Daisen Seiko-Bo .
The Tengu from Mount Daisensan
. Sanbo Taro, Mitsuho Taro 三穂太郎 と伝説 - Legends .
The Kan clan around Mount Nagisan 那岐山
岩美郡 Iwami district 岩美町 Iwami town
The 9th day of the second and tenth lunar month are the festival days for Yamanokami, where he goes out to count the trees.
If a person goes to the forest on these days, he will be counted as a tree and die.
At 荒金集落 the Arakane hamlet these are the days where Yamanokami gives birth and people are not allowed to go to the forest. If they do they will get hurt or even loose their life.
東伯郡 Tohaku district 琴浦町 Kotoura town
On the 9th day of the second lunar month Yamanokami plants trees and on the 9th day of the 10 lunar month he comes to count them, so people are not allowed to go to the mountain on these days.
Sometimes Yamanokami causes kamikaze 神風 a "divine wind" typhoon and people working in the forest die.
- - - - -
Yamanokami no tatari 山の神の祟り the curse of Yamanokami
In the village of 向原 Mukaihara lived a man named 中村朝光 Nakamura Asamitsu. He had a forest in his estate where Yamanokami was venerated.
One day he cut down a matsu 松 pine dedicated to Yamanokami. Very soon the family suffered from the curse of Yamanokami, so they planted four new ones in his honor.
The forest does not exist any more, but there is a small sanctuary for Yamanokami where six pine trees grow, with a sacred rope around them.
. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 .
....................................................................... Toyama 富山県 .....
. Yamanokami and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .
- with many legends !
- - - - - ヤマノバーバノタイコ,Yamanbaaba no taiko and マトギ matogi
The 9th day of the 2nd lunar month is the Day of Yamanokami and forest workers take a rest.
If for some very special reason they have to go, they take some rice wrapped in paper and hang it from a branch of the tree as an offering to obtain the permission of Yamanokami.
The pancreas of a bear has special powers. To give it as an offering to Yamanokami, the hunter has to say "I will make a wish later..." and throw it behind himself from under his left armpit. He must not look in this direction and leave the place quietly.
- - - - -
Yamanokami no tsukai 山の神の使い messenger of Yamanokami
. okoze 虎魚 / 鰧魚 / オコゼ / ヲコゼ / オコジョ stonefish .
This is also said in 下新川郡 Shimoniikawa district 朝日町 Asahi town.
onbaba オンババ / 姥神 (Ubagami) "Old Grandma Mountain God"
For the autumn festival there is a special hut with a roof where Yamanokami is venerated as Onbaba.
She has the form of a person coming down from the sky to rest on 松の木 a pine tree and her mouth is wide open.
. Ubagami 姥神 lit. "old woman deity" - "Grandmother Deity" .
. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 .
中新川郡 Nakaniikawa district 立山町 Tateyama town
Yamanokami no tsukai 山の神の使い messenger of Yamanokami
If someone wants to go to the mountain forest and meets a risu リス squirrel on the way, he has to turn back.
This is also said in Nanto town.
- - - - -
After cutting a tree one has to make sure that the spikes on the cut are flattened properly with a saw.
Otherwise Yamanokami might stumble over them when she passes here at night.
南砺市 Nanto town
. kuma くま / 熊 と伝説 Legends about bears .
A bear is the Lord of the Mountain or Yamanokami.
If someone shoots a bear the weather will turn very bad - クマドリアレ kumadori are -.
Once a huge bear was killed and hailstones begun to fall in summer.
高岡市 Takaoka city
On the festival day of Yamanokami people are not allowed to go into the forest, since Yamanokami roams there.
富山市 Toyama city
If someone whistles or hums in the mine pits, Yamanokami will not like this.
魚津市 Uozu city
If someone goes to the forest on yakubi やくび / 厄日 an unlucky day he will get hurt.
Once the young O-Tama went to the forest to 芝刈り cut weeds on the day of Yamanokami. She met the angry deity on the way and was thrown into a deep gorge by her.
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .

- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #tottori #toyama #ubagami -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Tottori 鳥取県 and Toyama 富山県
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
....................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県 .....
. Mount Daisen 大山 .
1,729 metres, volcano

source : ameblo.jp/mitsumatarenge...
五合目山の神さん Yamanokami san at the 5th station

source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/momotarou78book...
. Seikooboo 清光坊 Seikobo, Seiko-Bo
Hookiboo 伯耆坊 Hokibo, Hoki-Bo // 伯耆大山清光坊 Hoki Daisen Seiko-Bo .
The Tengu from Mount Daisensan
. Sanbo Taro, Mitsuho Taro 三穂太郎 と伝説 - Legends .
The Kan clan around Mount Nagisan 那岐山
岩美郡 Iwami district 岩美町 Iwami town
The 9th day of the second and tenth lunar month are the festival days for Yamanokami, where he goes out to count the trees.
If a person goes to the forest on these days, he will be counted as a tree and die.
At 荒金集落 the Arakane hamlet these are the days where Yamanokami gives birth and people are not allowed to go to the forest. If they do they will get hurt or even loose their life.
東伯郡 Tohaku district 琴浦町 Kotoura town
On the 9th day of the second lunar month Yamanokami plants trees and on the 9th day of the 10 lunar month he comes to count them, so people are not allowed to go to the mountain on these days.
Sometimes Yamanokami causes kamikaze 神風 a "divine wind" typhoon and people working in the forest die.
- - - - -
Yamanokami no tatari 山の神の祟り the curse of Yamanokami
In the village of 向原 Mukaihara lived a man named 中村朝光 Nakamura Asamitsu. He had a forest in his estate where Yamanokami was venerated.
One day he cut down a matsu 松 pine dedicated to Yamanokami. Very soon the family suffered from the curse of Yamanokami, so they planted four new ones in his honor.
The forest does not exist any more, but there is a small sanctuary for Yamanokami where six pine trees grow, with a sacred rope around them.
. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 .
....................................................................... Toyama 富山県 .....
. Yamanokami and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .
- with many legends !
- - - - - ヤマノバーバノタイコ,Yamanbaaba no taiko and マトギ matogi
The 9th day of the 2nd lunar month is the Day of Yamanokami and forest workers take a rest.
If for some very special reason they have to go, they take some rice wrapped in paper and hang it from a branch of the tree as an offering to obtain the permission of Yamanokami.
The pancreas of a bear has special powers. To give it as an offering to Yamanokami, the hunter has to say "I will make a wish later..." and throw it behind himself from under his left armpit. He must not look in this direction and leave the place quietly.
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Yamanokami no tsukai 山の神の使い messenger of Yamanokami
. okoze 虎魚 / 鰧魚 / オコゼ / ヲコゼ / オコジョ stonefish .
This is also said in 下新川郡 Shimoniikawa district 朝日町 Asahi town.
onbaba オンババ / 姥神 (Ubagami) "Old Grandma Mountain God"
For the autumn festival there is a special hut with a roof where Yamanokami is venerated as Onbaba.
She has the form of a person coming down from the sky to rest on 松の木 a pine tree and her mouth is wide open.
. Ubagami 姥神 lit. "old woman deity" - "Grandmother Deity" .
. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 .
中新川郡 Nakaniikawa district 立山町 Tateyama town
Yamanokami no tsukai 山の神の使い messenger of Yamanokami
If someone wants to go to the mountain forest and meets a risu リス squirrel on the way, he has to turn back.
This is also said in Nanto town.
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After cutting a tree one has to make sure that the spikes on the cut are flattened properly with a saw.
Otherwise Yamanokami might stumble over them when she passes here at night.
南砺市 Nanto town
. kuma くま / 熊 と伝説 Legends about bears .
A bear is the Lord of the Mountain or Yamanokami.
If someone shoots a bear the weather will turn very bad - クマドリアレ kumadori are -.
Once a huge bear was killed and hailstones begun to fall in summer.
高岡市 Takaoka city
On the festival day of Yamanokami people are not allowed to go into the forest, since Yamanokami roams there.
富山市 Toyama city
If someone whistles or hums in the mine pits, Yamanokami will not like this.
魚津市 Uozu city
If someone goes to the forest on yakubi やくび / 厄日 an unlucky day he will get hurt.
Once the young O-Tama went to the forest to 芝刈り cut weeds on the day of Yamanokami. She met the angry deity on the way and was thrown into a deep gorge by her.
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
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. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
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