Tsuki Jinja 調神社
"moon shrine" 月の宮 / 調宮 tsuki no miya
埼玉県さいたま市浦和区岸町3 - Saitama - 調神社
The name derives from mitsugi 貢(みつぎ) offerings to superiors and deities, since its storehouse had been built in olden times.
Also refering to Itsuki no miya 斎宮(いつきのみや), itsuki are the aristocratic ladies serving at Ise Shrine.
This later turnes to TSUKI 月 the moon.

haiden 拝殿 the main hall

koma usagi 狛兎 rabbit statues as guardians at the gate
. shinshi 神使 the divine messenger .
is the Usagi.
. koma... 狛 guardian animals .

kumade rake for good luck
waiting for the moon on the 12th day of the 12th month , 十二日まち juuninichi machi
. kumade omamori 熊手御守り Kumade rake amulet .
photo source : tencoo.fc2web.com/jinja - I.HATADA
- - - deities in residence
天照大御神 Amaterasu Omikami
豊宇気姫命 Toyouke Hime no Mikoto
素盞嗚尊 Susano-o no mikoto
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- quote
Tsuki Shrine is a shrine for Moon God.
Moon God is a brother of the Sun Goddess. They don’t talk to each other – hence day and night. The Japanese believes that rabbit is a messenger of Moon God which “brings happiness”. And so the shrine has statues of Rabbits within it.
- source : springlady.wordpress.com
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This shrine is famous for the full moon rituals since the old times.

The Rabit and the Moon - decoration

ema 絵馬 votive tablet

CLICK for more amulets.
A flea market on the fourth Saturday to find your favorite this-and-that.
- more about rabbit and moon shrines :
- source : sinsi/fukuda/usagi
. Daikoku and rabbits 兎大黒 usagi Daikoku amulets .
. koma... 狛 guardian animals .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
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