Hakusan Guu 白山宮足王社 Hakusan shrine and
Ashioo Sha 足王社and Ashi-O Shrine "for the deity of strong legs"
愛知県日進市本郷町宮下519番地 - Aichi, Nisshin town

source : www.lets-go-aichi.jp
- deities in residence
Kukurihime no Mikoto 菊理姫命(くくりひめのみこと)Kukurihime no kami
- Eleven-faced Kannon
Izanami no Mikoto 伊弉冉尊(いざなみのみこと)
Oonamuji no Mikoto 大巳貴命(おおなむじのみこと)
- Buddha Amida
. The Hakusan shrines 白山神社 in Japan. .

musubi mamori むすび守り - enmusubi himo えんむすびひも
amulets to find (and bind) a good partner or good fortune.
. Enmusubi 縁結, 縁結び, えんむすび .

sensugata omikuji 扇子型のおみくじ sacred lot in the form of a folding fan
. omikuji 御籤 sacred lots, fortunetelling .
. sensu 扇子 folding fan .
At the right side of the main shrine is a smaller sanctuary called

source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/bo_village
Ashioo sha 足王社 Ashi-O shrine
for the deity
Ashinazuchi no kami 足名椎神(あしなづちのかみ) - (アシナヅチ)
This sanctuary had been a wayside shrine in the back of the main shrine, closer to the Iida Kaido road 飯田街道.
Once a lady with aching legs prayed her for better health and was soon healed, so now it is a deity for legs.
Beside the sanctuary is a stone to take away the pain.
itamitori ishi 痛みとり石
source : www.hakusangu.org/ashi
If you stroke it, the pain in your leg will be healed soon.

source : www.lets-go-aichi.jp
Praying here has also helped many professional soccer athletes, so this is also the
sakkaa no kamisama サッカーの神様 deity of soccer
. Soccer World Cup - Daruma amulets .

waraji no omamori わらじお守り amulet with straw sandals for strong and healthy legs
- Homepage of the shrine with more amulets
- source : www.hakusangu.org
Ashinazuchi kagura mask

Ashinazuchi, most commonly translated as "foot stroking elder",
was the husband of Tenazuchi, hand stroking elder, and
the father of Kushinadahime.
- source : ojisanjake.blogspot.jp
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
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