Himekoso Jinja 媛社神社
Shitateru Hime Jinja 下照姫神社 - see below
Let us take a look at the deities involved in this. There is a strong connection to the deities of Korea.
Akaruhime no kami 阿加流比売神(あかるひめのかみ) 耀姫
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Akaruhime - Himekoso no kami
According to the Suinin Tennōki, called Himekoso no yashiro no kami (deity of the Himekoso shrine), and wife of Amenohiboko.
According to the Kojiki account, a woman of low rank in the Korean kingdom of Silla was impregnated by a ray of sunlight and gave birth to a red ball, which came into the possession of the king's son Amenohiboko.
The ball turned into a beautiful young woman, which the prince then made his wife. But the prince insulted the young woman, with the result that she returned to her "original home" (Japan), landing at Naniwa (near present-day Ōsaka), where she remained.
The Jinmyōcho of the Engishiki lists an Akaruhime Jinja in its section for the Sumiyoshi District of Settsu Province, and the shrine was likely one dedicated to this same kami. The Engishiki entry regarding the Festivals of the Seasons (shijisai) includes a note to the effect that the shrine Shitateruhime no Yashiro is "also called Himekoso no Yashiro."
Since Kojiki mentions "Akaruhime no kami residing in the Himegoso Shrine of Naniwa," it is likely that Akaruhime later came to be known as Shitateruhime.
- source : Nishioka Kazuhiko - Kokugakuin
Shitateruhime したてるひめ - 下照姫 / 下照媛
The daughter of the land deities (kunitsukami) Ōkuninushi and Takiribime, and who became the wife of Amewakahiko when he descended from heaven to negotiate for the "transfer of the land" (kuniyuzuri). When Amewakahiko died, Shitateruhime's wailing voice reached the Plain of High Heaven, and at his funeral, his father Amatsukunitama and other relatives mistook Shitateruhime's visiting step-brother Ajisukitakahiko for the deceased Amewakahiko. This error enraged Ajisukitakahiko, who flew off; Shitateruhime raised a eulogy to her brother in a style of verse known as hinaburi ("rustic song").
- source : Mori Mizue - Kokugakuin
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This goddess is popularly supposed to have been extremely beautiful, whence perhaps the name, which might be taken to imply that her beauty shone forth from under her garments as in the case of So-towori-hime
- source : www.sacred-texts.com

あかる姫まつり Akaruhime Festival
source : junyasu.blogspot.jp Osaka
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Himekoso Shrine

The shrine is dedicated to a big name god (Engishiki Daimyoujin Taisha) and is listed in the engishiki book of shrine names. Four gods are worshipped, including Shitateruhime no Mikoto.
The origin of the shrine is very old as Shitateruhime no Mikoto was worshipped on Akume Mountain in 28BC. In 607, when the figure of the god was moved to the main shrine, the Emperor honored the ceremony with his presence. In 859, the rank of the shrine was raised.
Due to the fires of the Battle of Ishiyama in 1570, the shrine moved to its current location. It houses the guardian deity of the old Kohashi Village, and owns many cultural assets. One can learn the history of the culture of Naniwa (Osaka) from this shrine.
3-8-14 Higashiobase, Higashinari-ku
- source : www.city.osaka.lg.jp/contents
There are very few shrines with the Himekoso name 媛社神社 in Japan.
Himekoso Jinja 比売許曽神社(ひめこそじんじゃ)
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source : kamnavi.jp/ym/hiboko
One is in Soja, Okayama.
- Reference : 日本語
- Reference : English
Shitateru Hime Jinja 下照姫神社 Shrine for Princess Shitateruhime
Fukuoka, Hakata - 福岡市博多区祇園

There is even the theory that this princess was Himiko.
- source : www.jinjatootera.com
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
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