'shinbutsu reijo junpai no michi' 神仏霊場巡拝の道
pilgrimage routes of Buddhist and Shinto holy places
shinbutsu shūgō 神仏習合 syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism
shinbutsu bunri 神仏分離 separation of Shinto and Buddhism
. shinbutsu 神仏 introduction .
kami to hotoke 神仏 Shinto deities and Buddhas

shinbutsu reijo junpai no michi 神仏霊場巡拝の道
A total of 150 shrines and temples that make up 'Shinbutsu Reijo Kai' (Association of Buddhist/Shinto Holy Places) also put exclusive 'shuincho' red-seal books on sale.
The association was inaugurated in March 2008 in response to an appeal made by religious scholar Tetsuo Yamaori and others. Its objective is to bring back to the present age the spiritual climate of the past in which Japanese people respected both 'kami'(gods) and 'hotoke'(Buddha) in the belief that gods and Buddha coexisted, and to contribute to the peace of mind of modern people and the stability of society.
Japanese people have been making pilgrimages to shrines and temples since old times. The pilgrimage routes start from Ise Shrine in Mie Prefecture and go through Wakayama, Nara, Osaka, Hyogo and Kyoto prefectures before reaching the final stop at Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei in Shiga Prefecture. The association said it wants each individual to choose the way and route suitable to him or her in making a pilgrimage.
On Sept. 8, about 230 Shinto and Buddhist priests paid a visit to Ise Shrine to mark the start of the pilgrimage. It was the first time that prominent Buddhist figures formally visited the shrine.
- source : www.kansai.gr.jp
- source : kokoro/shinbutu.html
List of the 150 shrines and temples in the Kinki region, starting with Ise Shrine
和歌山 - 清浄の道 (01 - 13) - Wakayama - 熊野速玉大社 新宮市
奈良- 鎮護の道 (14 - 41) - Nara
大阪 - 豊楽の道 (42 - 65) - Osaka
兵庫 - 豊饒の道 (66 - 80 - Hyogo
京都 - 楽土の道 (81 - 132) - Kyoto
滋賀 - 欣求の道 (133 - 150) - Shiga - 延暦寺 大津市
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
神仏霊場大阪十五番 Nr. 15 in Osaksa
. Kanshinji 観心寺 Kanshin-Ji .
. Izumo no Kuni Shinbutsu Pilgrimage 出雲國神仏霊場編 .
20 Temples and Shrines

Izumo Shinbutsu Pilgrimage - A Spiritual Journey

The Enza-no-kai Organization is made up of twenty shrines and temples in the prefectures of Shimane and Tottori, and combines the two religions of Shintoism and Buddhism. It was established with the aim of showing the world the importance of harmony and of respecting the 'en' that exist between us all, which has a long tradition in the Izumo region. We also hope that many people will come to the Izumo region, the birthplace of the Japanese spirit, and that on this spiritual journey they will look deep within and find themselves as being a part of the great universe. With this aim, the group established the Izumo Shinbutsu Pilgrimage.

The logo symbolizes the figure of 8 pilgrimage route around Lake Shinji and Naka-umi Lagoon. The red spots are the shrines and the blue ones the temples. It is also a symbol of infinity spreading out into the future.

Pilgrimage Book (Junpai cho)
This specially designed book is for holding the stamps you receive at each temple and shrine.

At each sanctuary you get a 'Shu-in' stamp (500 yen each with a free bead)
Mangan-no-sho - Completion Certificate

Mangan Magatama Bead
- You will receive this bead made from agate with your certificate.
List of the 20 sanctuaries : - - Homepage of the Group
- source : www.shinbutsu.jp/english

- quote
The Gods are everywhere in the old province of Izumo.
The area is also the home of Izumo-no-kuni Shinbutsu Reijo, Japan’s first pilgrimage to combine the two religions of Shintoism and Buddhism. It was established in 2006 by the Enza-no-kai, an organization of local shrines and temples.
The pilgrimage covers 20 temples and shrines across 350 km of the old province of Izumo. The route is arranged in a figure of ‘8’, and starts on the western coast of Shimane Peninsula and runs through the mountains along Lake Shinji to the eastern coast. It then continues to Mt. Daisen in Tottori Prefecture, along the Nakaumi lagoon to Yasugi, deep into the mountains of Unnan, through vast gorges of southern Izumo and finally returns to its starting point in the west.
- source : matsueguide.com/shinbutsu-pilgrimage

A set of videos :
- source : visitshimane.com
The Izumo region is a famous producer of menoo めのう (瑪瑙) , 出雲めのう agate stone. Many are formed into ritual magatama jewels for the imperial family.
. magatama 勾玉 Magatama jewel, curved beads .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
- #shinbutsu #kamihotoke -
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