. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Fuku no Kami, Fukunokami 福の神
God of Good Luck and Happiness
. Fuku no Kami 福の神 God of Good Luck / Fukusuke 福助 .
- quote -
The god of happiness, represented in kyogen 狂言 plays by a masked figure kyogenmen 狂言面.
Fuku-no-kami always has a jovial, laughing expression like that of Ebisu 恵比須, and he is often portrayed using the ebisu mask. There are some masks specifically used for fuku-no-kami, whose features are carved with taut outlines indicating youth and refinement. This mask is used to play the central role in the kyogen play called FUKU-NO-KAMI 福の神.
- source : JAANUS -

- His opponent is
. Binbogami 貧乏神 / ビンボウノカミ Bimbogami, Deity of Poverty .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
ibohikida いぼひきだ a monster toad with warts
This toad-monster used black magic. Others say he is Fukunokami and if he lives below the veranda people should not tease or anger him.
. hikigaeru 蟇蛙 Legends about the toad, Bufo vulgaris .

source : Okinawa China School
....................................................................... Aomori 青森県 .....
. ushi 牛と伝説 Legends about ox, bull, cow . . .
Once a villager got up early in the morning and saw two cows from his home walking to the neighbours house.
The man thought that Fukunokami must be living there and indeed, the neighbour became rich and prosperous.
His own family became extinct.
....................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 .....
山武郡 Sanbu district
Ebisu sama エビス様 Honorable Ebisu
During the New Year, Ebisu walks around the area. To let him have some money, people put out an offering of a square wooden box filled with coins.
Ebisu is also called Ie no Kami 家の神 Kami of the Family.
. Ebisu 恵比寿 and Daikoku 大黒 .
....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
南宇和郡 Minami-Uwa district 愛南町 Ainan town
Before drawing wakamizu 若水 the first water of the year, people light the water surface with taimatsu 松明 a torch.
In former times they could see Fuku no Kami in the water.
. wakamizu 若水 first drawing of water, "young water" .
drawing the first water of the year at the double-hour of the tiger (tora no koku 寅の刻, from four to six in the morning) ...
....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
南会津郡 Minami-Aizu district 南郷村 Nango village
Binbogami 貧乏神
Once a man heard footsteps at night and went out to have a look, there was a boozu 坊主 priest and he asked him:
"Where are you going?"
He replied "貧乏神 Binbogami" and the man was fast to repeat "Binbogami".
Later the priest came back again. This time he was invited into the home with great hospitality and became the Fuku no Kami of the family.
....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....
高崎市 Takasaki city 吉井町 Yoshii town
If one blows the flute in the morning, Fuku no Kami will not come.
....................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 .....
行方郡 Namegata district 麻生町 Aso town
. Setsubun - oni wa soto 鬼は外 "Demons, get out!" .
On the day of Setsubun 節分 the Seasonal Divide people make special offerings, especially of hiiragi柊 a holly branch and put them on butsudan 仏壇 the Buddhist family altar, the kamidana 神棚 shelf of the Gods, for the 井戸の神 Ido no Kami and other places to make sure, the demons do not come in.
The offerings of iwashi イワシ are eaten by fuku no kami 福の神 the God of Good Luck.
. oni to hiiragi 鬼と柊 Demon and the Holly branch .
. Ido no Kami 井戸の神 / Idogami 井戸神 Deity of the Well .
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
. Fukunokami and Binbogami .
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
If one taps on the side of the fireplace or beats a drum in the middle of the night, 貧乏神 Binbogami feels happy.
If one blows a flute in the house, Binbogami will come and Fuku no Kami will flee.
If one sings in the morning while still in bed, Binbogami will come.
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 川上村 Kawakami village
If one tries to heat an empty water pot or hits the handle of the pan, Fuku no Kami will flee.
If one lights a fire for no purpose, 荒神 Aragami sama will send divine punishment.
. Aragami 荒神と伝説 Legends about the Aragami deity .
荒神様 Kojin sama, "rough god", "wild deity" - Hearth deity
....................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県 .....
西海市 Saikai city 西彼町 (せいひちょう) Seibi
On the first day of the New Year Fukunokami is walking around, so people have to hide metal things and money.
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
南蒲原郡 Minami-Kanbara district
If someone hits the bottom of the masu 桝 square wooden box used to measure rice, Fukunokami will run away.

masu with 大黒天 Daikoku the God of Good Luck
. masu 升 / 桝 measuring box .
....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 .....
真庭市 Maniwa town 鹿田 Shikata
. Marishiten 摩利支天 Marishi Ten .
In 落合町 Ochiai town many families venerate Marishi Ten in the home.
In 鹿田の陽堂 Shikata village they venerate him on a great rock in front of the house as Fukunokami.
....................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県 .....
高島市 Takashima city
In people let pieces of a matsu no ki 松の木 pine tree smolder in the irori 囲炉裏 open hearth, Fukunokami can use the smoke to come down and bring good luck.
. irori 囲炉裏 / 居炉裏 / いろり open sunken hearth .
....................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 .....
豊浦郡 Toyoura district 豊田町 Toyota (Toyoda)
Someone said Fuku no Kami had been here and put a mountain of gold on the roots of kaki no ki 柿ノ木 the persimmon tree.
But the man was too afraid to go out and have a look and did not get any.
. Legends about 柿ノ木 the Persimmon Tree .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -

- #fukunokami #godofgoodluck #fukusuke -
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