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Showing posts with label - - - AAA - - -. Show all posts


Aburahi Jinja Shiga

. Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Aburahi Jinja 油日神社 Aburahi Shrine, Shiga

滋賀県甲賀市甲賀町油日1042 / 1042 Kokacho Aburahi, Koka, Shiga

- quote
Located in Koka, Shiga Prefecture, not much is known about the establishment of Aburahi-jinja but it is known that Shotoku Taishi founded it. Long ago it is said that the god 油日大明神 Aburahi-dai-myojin ascended the nearby mountain of Aburahidake; upon his ascent he emitted a dazzling light like that of oil that was lit on fire, and thus the name 油火“Aburahi” was given to the mountain.
Due to this legend, this shrine receives much reverence from people who work in the oil industry. The shrine has an unusual “straight line” layout with a solemn “romon” gate, prayer hall, and main hall. All of these were constructed during the Muromachi Period (1336 - 1573) and all of them are designated as Important Cultural Property of Japan.
There are also trees on the premises that are over 700 years old and an umbrella pine tree that is designated as a Natural Monument of Shiga Prefecture.

Every year on the first of May a “Taiko Dance” is held as a prayer for rain; this is designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Asset of Japan.
Another event that is held is the “Yakko-buri”(Yakkofuri); this event is held every 5 years and involves a procession of over 60 people singing unique songs and wearing eye-catching costumes. This event is designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Asset of Shiga Prefecture.
- source :


- - - - - Deitiy in residence - - - - -
Aburahigami, Aburahi no Kami 油日あぶらひ神
油日大神 Aburahi no Okami

In the Eastern Hall 東相殿に罔象女神 - Mizuba no Me no Kami
In the Western Hall 西相殿に猿田彦神 - Sarutahiko no Kami

This deity brings good luck and winning in war and was thus revered by the Samurai.
And also by merchants dealing in abura - Oil.

福大夫面 面、長さ20cm、巾14.8cm、mask

- quote -
福大夫面附ずずい子 mask and zuzuiko figure

- reference source : -

zuzuiko is a word deformation of suzu 鈴 (bell), referring to a strong man with a large penis. It is a symbol of fertility and agricultural blessings for a good harvest.
This figure dates back to about 1508 or 1509. It is about 52 cm high.


- - - - - The Shrine was founded by
聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi (574 - 622)
用明天皇朝 Yomei Tenno (? - 587) - or - 天武天皇 Tenbu Tenno (? - 686)

. tenpi, tenbi, tenka 天火 "fire from heaven" .
天火(落雷 rakurai) lightning
hi no tama 火の玉 ball of fire

and aburabi 油火 "oil fire"

Aburahidake 油日岳(694m)

The whole mountain Aburahidake is seen as the female deity
. Mizuha no me no kami 罔象女神 Mizuba no Me no Kami .


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets - Daruma in five colors

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- source :

The shrine has often been a part of TV dramas:
- reference source : -

- quote -
朝野の崇敬と甲賀の総社 The most important of the Shrines of Koka
即ち明応年間本殿造営の御奉加は実に近郷一円に亘り、油日谷、大原谷、佐治谷、岩室郷に於いて 頭殿 をはじめ多くの所役をつとめて当社大祭を奉仕し来たことは千年来の事実である。岩室の鎮守瀧樹神社、小佐治の明神佐治神社、石部の古社吉御子吉姫神社等の間に現に存している幾多の縁由、杣、横田、野洲、遠くは大戸の地域に及ぶ郡下全円その史実古伝に於いて或は神輿を頒ち、之を祭り、祭日を特定し、或は分霊と伝え、親子の縁を称し、その崇敬の跡を豊富に存している。
- reference source : -


Yearly Festivals 年中行事

Yakkofuri 奴振 Yakko-furi
and Taiko Odori 太鼓踊 Drum Dance

This festival is held every five years on May 1. The last time was in 2016


油日祭りの奴振・甲賀市 - with more photos
- reference source : -

CLICK for more photos !

- reference : aburahi shrine yakko -

. yakko 奴 halberd-bearers and servants of a Daimyo .

2月18日 祈年祭 New Year Ritual

9月11日 岳ごもり - staying at the top of the mountain and burning a ritual fire all night.

9月13日 大宮ごもり - Autumn Festival
11月23日 新嘗祭 Niiname Ritual

諸願成就月次祭 - 毎月1日 Monthly rituals on the 1st.
油の月次祭 - 毎月13日 Monthly rituals on the 13th.


. Shootoku Taishi, Shōtoku Taishi 聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi .

- Reference : 油日神社
- Reference : aburahi jinja

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

aburahi no kami no gosaiden no tagame kana

the giant water bug
from the Shrine fields of the God
Aburahi no Kami . . .

岡井省二 Okai Shoji (1925 - 2001)
Haiku poet from Mie.

. tagame 田亀 / 水爬虫(たがめ) "field turtle" .
Japanese giant water bug / beetle / Lethocerus deyrollei
- kigo for all summer -


- #aburahi #aburahijinja #aburahishiga -


Aoso Jinja Sendai

. Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Aoso Jinja 青麻神社 "Green Hemp Shrine", Miyagi, Sendai
宮城県仙台市宮城野区岩切青麻山 / Aosozawa-32 Iwakiri, Miyagino Ward, Sendai

the headquarters of Aoso shrines all over the country. It was founded in 852 by Hozumi Yasumasa 穂積保昌, the ancestor of the current shrine priest’s family, who came to this area from Kyoto. He enshrined
Amaterasu Omikami 天照大御神 (the sun goddess),
Ame no Minakanushi no Kami 天之御中主神 (the god of the universe), and
Tsukuyomi no Kami 月読神 (the god of the moon)
in the cave where holy water sprang out; hereby the shrine is famous as the place where the sun, the stars and the moon are enshrined together.

Yasumasa taught the villagers how to grow hemp plants.
It is said that the shrine name “Aoso,” which literally means Green Hemp, was derived from this episode. The shrine has been known for its divine power to cure and prevent palsy, and it is said that if you visit this shrine three times, you will never be stricken with palsy for the rest of your life.

As the Hozumi clan was involved in maritime industry, the shrine is also worshipped as the deity of navigation safety.
The famous fine water “Osuzu” springs out in the precinct. A lot of visitors come to take a drink of this holy water.
- quote by Nipponkichi -


- quote -
Eidai Kagura of the Sakaki School in Tomiya town 富谷町
handed down in Ohgame, is characterized by dancing in ancient ceremonial court costumes derived from a myth, and with drum and flute music. It was originally transmitted from the Shinto commissioner to the 32nd priest of Aoso Shrine in Sendai, and then started to be performed in Kashima Amatariwake Shrine in 1848. Since then it has been continuously transmitted from generation to generation for more than 1500 years. It is now being performed by many citizens as an intangible cultural property of the town. It is recognized as a very rare Kagura that still observes an ancient style of performing only by actions without words or lyrics. Today, this Kagura is performed every year in April in dedication to the god of the shrine.
- source : -


Sakakiryuu Aosa Kagura 榊流青麻神楽 Aoso Kagura

Hinokawa Kami no Mai 肥川上舞(ひのかわかみのまい)

- source :


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulet

ema 絵馬 votive tables

- - - - - HP of the shrine
- source : -


Yearly Festivals 年中行事

歳旦祭 -- 1月1日 -- 新年特別祈祷斎行
松納焚上祭 -- 1月14日 -- 午後六時焚上
厄祓 -- 1月~2月節分  
春季例大祭 -- 5月1日~3日 -- 例祭・春祭特別祈祷斎行
榊流青麻神楽奉納 - Kagura
夏越茅輪くぐり -- 6月晦日  
七五三 -- 11月上~中旬  
秋祭 -- 11月23日 -- 新嘗祭斎行
月次祭 -- 毎月1日


. Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源の義経 and Aoso Shrine .

. Hitachibo Kaison Sennin 常陸坊海尊仙人 .
Retainer of 源の義経 Yoshitsune
He is venerated at Aoso Jinja as a deity to heal eye diseases 眼病の神.


. Amaterasu Omikami 天照大神 .

. Ame no Minakanushi no Kami 天之御中主神 .


- - - - - Tsukiyomi 月読 / 月夜見 (つきよみ) - - - - -
Tsukuyomi no Kami 月読神 , Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto - Deity of the moon
Tsukiyomi no Mikoto 月夜見尊(つきよみのみこと) 月読命
Tsukiyomi no Mikoto Aramitama 月夜見尊荒御魂(つきよみのみことのあらみたま)
Tsukiyumi no Mikoto月弓命

Amulet from Ise Shrine

- quote -
Tsukuyomi no mikoto
Other names: Tsuki no kami (Nihongi), Tsukiyumi no mikoto (Nihongi).
The second of Izanagi and Izanami's "three noble children," and usually considered a male kami with rule over the night. The name tsuku-yomi is thought to be originally related to the lunar calendar, and refers to the "reading" (yomu) of the phases of the "moon" (tsuki). According to Kojiki and an "alternate writing" in Nihongi, Tsukuyomi came into being when Izanagi washed his right eye as he was undergoing ablution. Tsukuyomi was entrusted by Izanagi with rule variously over the sea (Nihongi) or over the realm of night (Kojiki). In the main account of Nihongi, Tsukuyomi is produced jointly from Izanagi and Izanami, and is entrusted to the sky as a complement to the sun kami.
In another "alternate writing" related by Nihongi, Tsukuyomi comes into being from the white copper mirror held in Izanagi's right hand. These accounts of the kami's genesis, involving the juxtaposition of left eye to right eye, left hand to right hand, and sun to moon, tend to agree with the interpretation of Tsukuyomi as a male counterpart to Amaterasu, who is commonly considered female.
In Kojiki,
Tsukuyomi does not appear again after the anecdote regarding his birth, but an "alternate writing" in Nihongi relates that Tsukuyomi originally resided together with Amaterasu in heaven, but after killing the kami of foods Ukemochi, he was condemned by Amaterasu as an "evil kami" and forced to live apart from the sun, resulting in the separation of day and night.
Nihongi's record of Emperor Kensō
includes an episode in which a human medium delivers an oracle of the moon kami stating that land should be offered to the kami Takamimusuhi. The fact that the aforementioned "alternate writing" transmitted by Nihongi describes Tsukuyomi as ruler of the sea and killer of the food deity Ukemochi gives him characteristics in common with the kami Susanoo; in consideration of the theme of the killing of the food deity and the relation of the moon to harvest in the lunar calendar, Tsukuyomi can be considered a tutelary of agriculture.
is the object of worship (saijin) at the detached shrine (betsugū) Tsukuyomi no Miya of the Grand Shrines of Ise (Ise Jingū), as well as at several shrines listed in the Engishiki (see shikinaisha) in the Yamashiro and Ise areas.
- source : Mori Mizue, Kokugakuin 2005 -

Tsukiyomi-no-miya 月夜見宮 Shrine for Tsukiyomi
. gekuu, gekū 外宮 Geku Outer shrine complex of Ise .


- quote -
Tsukuyomi or Tsukiyomi (月読, also known as Tsukiyomi-no-mikoto),
is the moon god in Shinto and Japanese mythology. The -no-mikoto ending is a common honorific suffix for the names of gods, of similar meaning to "the grand, the great, the exalted". The name "Tsukuyomi" is a compound of the Old Japanese words tsuku (月, "moon, month", becoming modern Japanese tsuki) and yomi (読み, "reading, counting").
The Nihon Shoki mentions this name spelled as Tsukuyumi (月弓, "moon bow"), but this yumi is likely a variation in pronunciation of yomi (読み, "reading, counting").
An alternate interpretation is that his name is a combination of tsukiyo (月夜, "moonlit night") and mi (見, "looking, watching").
"Yomi" may also refer to the Japanese underworld, though this interpretation is unlikely.

Unlike the myths of ancient Greece or Rome, the Japanese moon deity is male. This is clear in the earliest mentions in sources such as the Kojiki and the Man'yōshū, where Tsukuyomi's name is sometimes rendered as Tsukuyomi Otoko (月讀壮士, "moon reading man") or as Tsukihito Otoko (月人壮士, "moon person man").

Tsukuyomi was the second of the "three noble children" (三貴子, みはしらのうずのみこ, Mihashira-no-uzunomiko) born when Izanagi-no-Mikoto, the god who created the first land of Onogoro-shima, was cleansing himself of his sins while bathing after escaping the underworld and the clutches of his enraged dead wife, Izanami-no-Mikoto. Tsukuyomi was born when he washed out of Izanagi's right eye. However, in an alternate story, Tsukuyomi was born from a mirror made of white copper in Izanagi's right hand.

After climbing a celestial ladder, Tsukuyomi lived in the heavens, also known as Takamagahara, with his sister Amaterasu Ōmikami, the sun goddess who also later became his wife.

Tsukuyomi angered Amaterasu when he killed Uke Mochi, the goddess of food. Amaterasu once sent Tsukuyomi to represent her at a feast presented by Uke Mochi. The goddess made the food by turning to the ocean and spitting out a fish, then facing the forest and game came out of her mouth, and finally turned to a rice paddy and coughed up a bowl of rice. Tsukuyomi was utterly disgusted by the fact that, although it looked exquisite, the meal was made in a disgusting manner, and so he killed her.
Soon, Amaterasu learned what happened and she was so angry that she refused to ever look at Tsukuyomi again, forever moving to another part of the sky. This is the reason that day and night are never together.
In later versions of this myth, Uke Mochi is killed by Susanoo instead.
- source : wikipedia -

- quote -
. . . . . Another kami identified with Inari is Uke-mochi, the Shinto goddess of food. According to a myth recorded in the Nihongoki,
Uke vomited rice and fish to give to Tsukiyomi, the Moon Kami, at a banquet. (This may have symbolized the eternal recycling of food from one life form to another.) In any case, Tsukiyomi apparently did not appreciate the gesture, for he killed Uke instantly. Her dead body then produced all the foods and animals that are related to agriculture.
. . . . . According to the legend recounted in the Nihon Shoki (“Chronicles of Japan”), the moon god, Tsukiyomi, was dispatched to earth by his sister, the sun goddess Amaterasu, to visit Ukemochi no Kami. (According to the Kojiki, “Records of Ancient Matters,” it was another brother, the storm god Susanoo, who was sent on the mission.) The food goddess welcomed him by facing the land and disgorging from her mouth boiled rice, turning toward the sea and spewing out all kinds of fishes, and turning toward the land and disgorging game. She presented these foods to him at a banquet, but he was displeased at being offered the goddess’s vomit and drew his sword and killed her. When he returned to heaven and informed his sister of what he had done, she became angry and said, “Henceforth I shall not meet you face to face,” which is said to explain why the Sun and Moon are never seen together.
- source : Mark Schumacher -

- Reference : 月夜見尊
- Reference : Tsukiyomi


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Chiba 千葉県 長生郡 Chosei district

Aoso sama 青麻様 - 天狗 Aoso Sama and Tengu
The 鹿間家の屋敷神 Deity of the House of Shikama is called Aoso Sama. It is Tengu.
On the first day of the fourht and ninth month he is welcomed as the deity of 中風 illness and 赤飯 red festival rice is offered. Since he does not likeカボチャとネギ pumpkin and leek, this family does not prepare them at all.

Tengu from Aoso Jinja 天狗様 青麻神社

Miyagi, Sendai, 宮城野区 Miyagino Ku

Sobakomezaka 蕎麦米坂 and Aoso Kaido 青麻街道

The Aoso Kaido road passes the slight slope up to 高森城跡 the remains of Takamori Castle.


- source : nichibun yokai database -


. asa 麻 (あさ) hemp in Japan .

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

- #aosojinja #sendaiaososhrine #tsukiyomi -




- - - AAA - - -



- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -


- - - A A A - - -

- - - - - - - - - - Shrines - - - - - - - - - -

. Abukuma Jinja 阿武隈神社 . - Fukushima

. Aburahi Jinja 油日神社 "Oil Fire Deity" . - Koka, Shiga

. Achi Jinja 阿智神社 . - Kurashiki, Okayama

. Agata jinja 縣神社 . - Uji, Nara

. Akabane Hachiman Jinja 赤羽八幡神社 . - Kita, Tokyo

. Akama Jingu 赤間神宮 . Shimonoseki

. Akatani no Yama Jinja 赤谷の山神社 . Niigata

. Akimoto Jinja 秋元神社 . Kyoto

. Ama no Iwato Jinja, Amanoiwato-jinja 天岩戸神社 Amano Iwato Shrine . Miyazaki

. Amanokoyane no Mikoto 天児屋根神 / 天児屋根命 / 天児屋命 .
- Amenokoyanenomikoto/Amenokoyanomikoto / Ameno Koyane

. Amatsu Jinja 天津神社 . Okayama, Bizen

. Amewakahiko Jinja 天稚彦神社 Amewaka no Hiko . - Shiga

. Anyoji 安養寺 Anyo-Ji, An’yō-ji . - Tokyo

. Aoba Jinja 青葉神社 . Sendai, Miyagi

. Aoi Aso Jinja 青井阿蘇神社 . Kumamoto

. Aoni Jinja 青鬼神社(Aooni Jinja ) Aoni Shrine . Hakuba, Nagano

. Aoshima Jinja 青島神社 Aoshima Shrine . Miyazaki

. Aoso Jinja 青麻神社 "Green Hemp Shrine" . - Miyagi, Sendai

. Aoto Jinja 青砥神社 . - Katsushika, Tokyo
- and Aoto Fujitsuna 青砥藤綱

. Arakuma Jinja 荒熊神社 . - Aichi, Chita 知多町

阿羅波比神社 Arawai Jinja / 阿羅波比社 Arawai no Yashiro, Matsue, Shimane

Arima Toosen Jinja 有馬 湯泉神社 Tosen Shrine in Arima Hot Spring Hyogo

. Arimichi Jinja, Aritoshi Jinja 蟻通神社 "ant path Shrine" . - Izumisano, Osaka

. Asagaya Shinmeigu 阿佐谷神明宮 . - Suginami, Tokyo
- hachinan yoke 八難除 avoiding the eight disasters

. Asama Jinja 浅間神社 . Shizuoka (Sengen Jinja)

. Asama Jinja 浅間神社 . Yamanashi. Kai Ichi no Miya 甲斐一の宮

. Ashigami Jinja 足神神社  Shrine for the Deity of Legs - Uji Jinja 宇治神社 . - Ise, Ujiyamada, Mie

. Ashioo sha 足王社 Ashi-O shrine - Hakusan Guu 白山宮足王社 Hakusan shrine . - Aichi

. Aso jinja 阿蘇神社 Aso Shrine in Kumamoto . Kyushu
- Aso Shrine, Fukuoka 福岡県 杷木町

. Atago shrines of Japan 愛宕神社 .

. Atsuta Jinguu 熱田神宮 Atsuta Jingu .  Nagoya, Aichi

. Awashima Jinja 淡島神社 . - Nagasaki

. Awashima Jinja 淡島神社 . Wakayama

. Awashima Jinja 粟島神社 . - Uto, Kumamoto - 熊本県宇土市

. Awata Jinja 粟田神社 . - Kyoto


- - - - - - - - - - Temples - - - - - - - - - -

. Adashino, Temple Nenbutsu-ji 仏野念仏寺 . Kyoto

. Aikyoo-In 愛敬院 Aikyo-In . - Miyagi
. . . . . 駒場滝不動尊 Komabataki Waterfall Fudo, near Abukuma 阿武隈

. Airaji 相良寺 Aira-Ji .
center - Shoojooji 勝常寺 Shojo-Ji
East - Enichiji 慧日寺 Enichi-Ji
West - Kami Unai Yakushi Doo 上宇内薬師堂 Yakushi Do Hall
North 北山薬師 Kitayama Yakushi - 大正寺 Taisho-Ji
South - Nodera Yakushi 野寺薬師 - 慈光寺 Jiko-Ji

. Aizenin 愛染院 Aizen-In / 願成寺 Ganjo-Ji . - Mie

. Aizu Yakushi-Ji 会津薬師寺 . - Fukushima. and 高田不動 Takada Fudo

Akashi sanjuusan kasho 明石西国33ヶ所  Kobe Pilgrimage to 33 Temples

. Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来 .

. Andoji 安渡寺 Ando-Ji .

. Anfukuji / Anpukuji 安福寺 Anfuku-Ji Anpuku-Ji . - 夕顔観音堂 Yugao Kannon Hall

. Anpukuji 安福寺 Anpuku-Ji, . - Yakushi, Amida

. Anichiji 阿日寺 Anichi-Ji . - Nara

. Anju Jizoo Doo 安寿 地蔵堂 Anju Jizo Do Hall
Anamizu 穴水, Sado Islan, Ishikawa
me-arai Jizoo 目洗い地蔵 "Jizo to wash your eyes"

. Ankokuji 安国寺 Ankoku-Ji temples .
Hiroshima, Nagano

. Anrakuji 安楽寺 Anraku-Ji . Shishigatani 鹿ケ谷, Kyoto

. Anrakuji 安楽寺 Anraku-Ji . Fudo - Otani, Saitama

. Anryuuji 安竜寺 Anryu-Ji “Peaceful Dragon Temple”.

. Anzenji 安禅寺 / 安禪寺 Anzen-Ji .

. Asakusa Kannon 浅草観音 . Tokyo
Temple Sensooji 浅草寺 Sensoji - fujikoo 富士講 Fujiko , Fuji pilgrims

. Arako Kannon 荒子観音 Arako Kannon Temple .
Nagoya, Aichi 名古屋市中川区

. Ashikuraji 芦峅寺 Ashikura-Ji .
雄山神社 Oyama Jinja and 岩峅寺 Iwakuraji, Toyama 富山県


. abi jigoku 阿鼻地獄 / mugen jigoku 無間地獄 Avīci, Hell of Avici .

. ahirukusa moji 阿比留草文字 ahiru kusa characters .
..... jindai moji 神代文字 “scripts of the age of the gods”

. 赤倉山 Akakurasan - Akakura Fudo . - Tsugaru, Aomori
..... 津軽赤倉山神社 Tsugaru Akakura Jinja

. Akuro Jin 悪路神 the deity Akuro / Aterui .

. akushin, akujin 悪神 devil, Teufel - majin 魔神 .

. amadera 尼寺 nunnery (monastery for Buddhist nuns) .

. Amanoiwafune Ama no Iwafune, Ame no Iwafune .
天の岩船 / 和の斎船 / 天の磐船 / あまのいわふね / アマノイワフネ Boulder in Katano, Osaka

. amagoi no miya 雨乞宮 shrine for rain rituals .

. Amanoiwato, Ama no Iwato 天岩戸 cave where Amaterasu Omikami hid . - Miyazaki
- - - - - and - Amanoyasukawara 天安河原 Ama no Yasukawara  

. Amaterasu Omikami 天照大神 .

. Ametsuchi Heaven and Earth .

. anafudoo 穴不動 Ana Fudo in a Cave .

. aramitama 荒魂 violent spirit - nigimitama 和魂 .

. Awagigahara 阿波岐原 Sacred Awagigahara Forest . - Miyazaki

. Azumi no Isora 阿曇磯良 .
- Azumi no Isora Maru 阿曇磯良丸 Isoramaru - Hakata and Hotaka shrine, Nagano
- Ame no Koyane no mikoto 天児屋根命 Amenokoyane



- #aaaa ##aaa #amidanyorai


Ahiru Kusa characters


ahirukusa moji 阿比留草文字 ahiru kusa characters

Izumo moji 出雲文字
Fujihase moji 節墨譜文字
Hayahito no te 薩人書 (from Satsuma)

jindai moji 神代文字 “scripts of the age of the gods”

- quote
Jindai moji or Kamiyo moji (Japanese: 神代文字 “scripts of the age of the gods”)
are characters that was said to be scripts used in ancient Japan. Debates since Edo period and Japanese academic society regard Jindai moji as forgeries. Although ancient character researchers insisted the existence as Uetsufumi or Hotsumatae found, it is denied in historiography because of no existence of earthenware with it. People who believe in the existence use the word Jindai moji in the meaning of "ancient characters". Since around mid-Edo period some people have been saying ancient characters were found in remains, Kofuns and mountains such as Chikushi characters, Hokkaido characters. Hundreds kinds of Jindai moji were said to be found.

Jindai moji was firstly addressed in the end of Kamakura period by Urabe no Kanekata (卜部兼方) in Shaku Nihongi mentioning his father, Urabe no Kanefumi, assumed ancient people could not have performed oracle bone style fortunetelling with turtles (亀卜, Kameura; turtle fortunetelling) as described in Nihon Shoki without having characters. Though there was no Jindai moji characters introduced in Muromachi period, some types of Jindai moji appeared in Edo period and each of them named after the source article or the place the characters discovered. Debate over the existence erupted in Edo period. Japanese academic society denies the existence.

... While scholars generally have negative opinions, Some scholars such as Inbe Masamichi (忌部正通)、Arai Hakuseki、Hirata Atsutane 、Takamasa Omiya(大国隆正) affirmed the existence of Jindai moji which Urabe no Kanekata (卜部兼方) first mentioned in Shaku-Nihongi in Kamakura era.

- - - - - Famous Jindai Moji
Woshite characters(ヲシテ文字)
Izumo characters(出雲文字)
Ahiru characters(阿比留文字、肥人書)
Ahiru kusa characters(阿比留草文字、薩人書)
Tsukushi characters(筑紫文字)
Katakamuna characters(カタカムナ文字、八鏡化美津文字)
Hokkaido characters(北海道異体文字、アイヌ文字)
Ryukyu characters(琉球古字)
Toyokuni characters(豊国文字、神宮文字)
Tsushima characters (対馬文字)

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


不思議な文字 - strange characters
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- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


source : facebook

stone memorial from Hikawa Jinja in Kawaguchi


- Reference : 阿比留草文字

- Reference : English

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .





Aoshima Jinja


Aoshima Jinja 青島神社 Aoshima Shrine
〒889-2162 宮崎県宮崎市青島2丁目13番1号 - Miyazaki city, Aoshima
Hyuuga no Kuni 日向之国 The Land of Hyuga

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The deities enshrined here are

Hikohohodemi no mikoto 彦火火出見命 (also known as Yamasachihiko Yamasachi Hiko),
Toyotama-hime 豊玉姫命 (Princess Toyotama, wife of Yamasachihiko, daughter of the god of the sea) and
Shiotsuchi-no-Okina, Shiotsuchi no Oji, Shiozutsu no Ookami 塩筒大神 (old man of the the sea). 塩竈明神
- details see below -

It is not exactly clear when the shrine was built, but it was noted as a “Emperor Saga's Gyoagamematsuru Aoshima Daimyojin (a kind of god)“ by Kokushi official inspection notes on “products of Hyuga”. It is said that it was enshrined before the year 820.

In ancient times, the whole island was sacred ground and until the Edo period entry onto the island was not permitted.
Entry onto the island was only permitted from the 16th day of 3rd month to the end of the 3rd month of the Chinese calender. Also, it was forbidden for people from other regions to pray there.

After that, from May 23 of the 2nd year of the Genbun era (1737) permission was given for others to pray there and then the shrine gathered visitors from throughout Japan.
- source :


Aoshima shrine is supposed to give a divine blessing, especially to those who want to be married and sells ema 絵馬 votive tablets and other amulets for this purpose.

emakake 絵馬掛け
A special path through jungle and facilities to hang the ema votive tablets to pray for a good partner or good meeting.

With the story of Yamasachi Hiko, Umisachi Hiko and Toyotama Hime.

In the world of the sea, Yamasachi-hiko climbed a large tree in front of the palace of Watatsumi-Toyotama-hiko, guardian of the world of the sea. While he was there, Princess Toyotama came to the well to draw water. Startled to see a man in a tree, Princess Toyotama rushed back home and told her parents, "I saw a man in a tree when I went to the well to draw water. He looks noble and I am sure he is a very distinguished person." The god of the sea asked Yamasachi-hiko who he was. Yamasachi-hiko replied that he was the child of a god who had descended from heaven.

The god of the sea welcomed Yamasachi-hiko as an important guest, with much feasting and dancing. After a while, Yamasachi-hiko married Princess Toyotama and they lived together in the palace of the sea god.

Now that the fishhook was found, Yamasachi-hiko was able to return it to his brother. As he was about to leave for the earthly world, Princess Toyotama said to him, "Our baby will be born soon When I go into labor I will come to find you. So, please build a house there and wait for me."
Yamasachi-hiko went back to the earthly world, carrying the fishhook and two magic balls given to him by the sea god.

Yamasachi-hiko, feeling relieved, started to build a house for Princess Toyotama. However, before it was completed, Princess Toyotama came to him and told him that the baby was about to be born. She went into the house, warning him not to come and watch. At first, Yamasachi-hiko waited outside patiently. However, eventually he lost patience and looked inside. He found a huge shark giving birth to a baby.
Princess Toyotama's true form had been revealed to Yamasachi-hiko. She was heartbroken and went back to the world of the sea, leaving behind her newborn baby. The baby named Hikonagisa-Takeugaya-Fukiaezu-no-Mikoto, was brought up by Princess Toyotama's younger sister, Princess Tamayori.
He grew up and married Princess Tamayori who had brought him up. They had four children together: Hikoitsuse-no-Mikoto, Iinahi-no-Mikoto, Mikeirino-no-Mikoto and Kamuyamato-lwarebiko-no-Mikoto.

- - - - - Homepage of the shrine - English -
- source :

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Toyotama hime
Toyotama hime and Tamayori hime are the daughters of the sea god Watatsumi in Shintō mythology.
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- Smaller shrines in the compound -

Wadatsumi Jinja 海積神社
- Toyotamahiko no Mikoto 豊玉彦命
- Sukuhikona na Mikoto  彦名命

Iso Jinja 石神社
- Hikohono Ninigi no Mikoto 彦火瓊瓊杵命
- Konohana Sakuyahime no Mikoto  木花開耶姫
- Iwanagahime no Mikoto 磐長姫命

Mi-Oya Jinja, Mioya Jinja 御祖神社
- This is a shrine for the ujiko members of the shrine community to pray for their souls.

Motomiya 元宮 "Original Shrine"
This is the beginning of the shrine complex. There have been remains of sherds from the Yayoi period and other findings.

The compounds have a subtropical climate with many amazing plants.

MORE about
. Ninigi, Sakuyahime and Iwanagahime .

. . Three Deities of Watatsumi / Wadatsumi 綿津見三神 . .


- Amulet to find a good partner

kamibina 神雛 "dolls of the Gods"
referring to Yamasachihiko and his wife, Toyotama.
The male doll has an eboshi had of status, the female doll has black hair, a red robe and a golden sash.

This amulet dates back to about 1775.
They are also used for other wishes to the deities, like easy birth, free from illness, safety on sea for fishermen, traffic safety and others.

- - - - - Homepage of the shrine - Japanese - with more Information -
- source :

There is also a Museum of Legends of Deities from Hyuga
Hyuuga Shinwakan 日向神話館 Hyuga Shinwakan
- source :


source and many more :

shiawase mamori しあわせ守り amulet for happiness
With the design of palm trees and the rock formation of the "Ogre's Washboard".


- quote
At Aoshima Shrine you can also throw plates. You have to hit a certain area and then it means you’ll be blessed with good fortune.
- - - With more photos and explanations :
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hadaka mairi 青島神社はだか参り Naked Shrine Visit
January 15

Takes place during the daytime on the beach, facing wave-shaped rocks called "Ogre's Washboard".
Local people and worshippers of the shrine dip into the sea to pray for safety and a good harvest in the coming year.

. Hadaka matsuri 裸祭り Naked Festivals .


Aoshima 青島 "Green Island"

This island is related to the legend of

. Umi no Sachihiko 海幸彦 - Yama no Sachihiko 山幸彦 .
They are the children of Ninigi and Konohana Sakuyahime.

. Toyotama Hime 豊玉姫 Princess Toyotama .

One of the main features of the island is that it is surrounded by unique rock formations referred to as the

oni no sentaku ita 鬼の洗濯板 "Ogre's Washboard".

- further reference - Aoshima, Miyazaki


- - - - - - A deity with many names in the old records :

Shiozutsu-no-Okina 塩筒老翁,
Shiozutsu no Oji, Shiozutsu no Ookami 塩筒大神 (old man of the the sea) 塩土老翁神
Shiotsuchi no Okina 塩土老翁, Shiotsuchi no Oji, Shiotsuchi no Kami 塩椎神

Kotokatsu Kunikatsu Nagasa - Koto Katsu Kuni Katsu Naga sa no Kami 事勝因勝長狭神

Shiotsuchi 潮つ霊, 潮つ路 - Deity who resides over the tide.

Shiogama Myoojin 鹽竈明神 / 塩釜明神 Shiogama Myojin, Deity of the Salt Chauldron

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Kotokatsukunikatsunagasa - Kotokatsu kunikatsunagasa no mikoto
A local kami who greeted the heavenly grandchild Ninigi upon his arrival at Kasasa of Ata no Nagaya (in Kagoshima Prefecture) after his descent from heaven (tenson kōrin).
Nihongi states that the kami made a free-will offering of the land to Ninigi. According to a variant "alternate writing" also provided by Nihongi, the kami is identified with Shiotsuchi no oji ("old man of the sea"), an offspring of Izanagi. Shiotsuchi no oji is described elsewhere as guiding Hohodemi to the Palace of the Sea, and telling Emperor Jinmu about the "fair land to the east," with the result that he is viewed as a tutelary kami of the sea.
- source : Kadoya Atsushi, Kokugakuin

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Here the Deity in a Noh play, same as 住吉明神(塩土老翁)Sumiyoshi Myojin.
He appears with long white hair to teach people the art of writing Waka poetry.

Also called 漁翁 "Old man of the fish"
- source : myacyouen-hitorigoto

. Shiogama jinja 鹽竈神社 .
Miyagi, Shiogama City - Shrine Shiwahiko Jina 志波彦神社


. Kojiki 古事記と宮崎 Sacred Places in Miyazaki .
"Record of Ancient Matters" and stories of Japanese deities

. Miyazaki Folk Art 宮崎県 and omamori 御守り Amulets .

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

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