. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Yasaka Jinja 八坂神社 Yasaka Shrine, Kyoto - Legends
Also called Gion Jinja 祇園神社 Gion Shrine.
There are now many Yasaka Shrines in Japan.
. Yasaka Shrine and the Gion Festival .
祇園祭 Gion Matsuri Festival - - - There are many kigo related to the Gion Festival.
yamaboko 山鉾 (やまぼこ)Gion Festival floats
. Gozu Tenno 牛頭天王 - Legends.
In 869, the people were suffering from plague and pestilence which was attributed to Gozu Tennō 牛頭天王.
. hayariyamai はやり病 / Ryukobyo 流行病と伝説 Legends about epidemics .
densenbyoo 伝染病 Densenbyo contagious diseases // ekiri 疫痢 plague // ekibyoo 疫病 epidemic
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 .....
成田市 Narita city
千葉県成田市吉岡 Chiba, Narita, Kichioka
- reference source -
The ujiko 氏子 parishioners of the Yasaka Shrine never eat eggs.
. ujiko 氏子 local worshiper, parishioner of a Shinto shrine .
....................................................................... Fukuoka 福岡県 .....
小倉 Kokura city
Jonai, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
- homepage of Kokura Yasaka Shrine -
At the shrine 小倉八坂神社 Kokura Yasaka Jinja there is a legend about the beginning of the festival.
Once Lord 細川越中守忠興 Hosokawa Tadaoki (1563 - 1646) went hunting with hawks and took a rest at 不動山 Mount Fudoyama.
There was one small stone shrine and when Tadaoki placed his staff against it, it opened and one 霊鷹 sacred hawk flew out of it. The hawk kicked out both eyes of Tadaoki. He felt great pain, went home soon but would not heal at all. He realized it was the punishment of Gozu Tenno and had a shrine built in his honor. After a performance of a ritual Kagura Yudate, 神楽湯立, one eye begun to heal. He had 能興行 No Kogyo rituals of Noh performed and the other eye begun to heal too.
....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....
尾道市 Onomichi city
Gion Jinja 祇園神社 Gion Shrine
広島県尾道市土堂 Tsuchido, Onomichi, Hiroshima
- reference source -
About 300 years ago there was a severe ekibyo 疫病 epicemic in the region and the local fishermen and merchants suffered a lot. To help them the head priest of 鞆の浦の祇園神社 the Gion Shrine of Tomonoura prepared many amulets and went to Onomichi, but the local villagers did not let him in, because they said there was a Gion Shrine in Onomichi. They gathered at the nearby temple 常称寺 Josho-Ji and offered prayers too. Indeed, the epidemic stopped miraculously and Onomichi returned to a quiet fishing village.
Many villagers believe in 祇園さま Gion Sama and from June 7 for seven days they celebrate a large festival to honor the deity.
....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 .....
津久井郡 Tsukui district 城山町 Shiroyama town
. hitodama 人魂 / 人玉と伝説 Legends about the lights of the human soul .
The main festival of Yasaka Shrine is on August 1. Sometimes on a bright evening, when the mikoshi 神輿 floats parade through the town there appear hitodama 人玉 lights like human souls among the floats.
....................................................................... Kochi 高知県 .....
幡多郡 Hata district 大月町 Otsuki town
960 Himenoi, Otsuki, Hata district, Kochi
八坂宮 Yasaka no Miya Shrine
During the war, an important person came to this shrine and said "If you do not worship here, you will be cursed!" Then he died. So the villagers now pray for him here.
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
京都祇園八坂神社七不思議 The seven wonders from Yasaka Shrine - there are varieties
The West Gate 西楼門(にしろうもん) Nishiromon (Sairomon), formerly called Kagomon 籠門 / also Goryumon
saru 猿 monkey
kiji 雉 pheasant
竜宮まで届く底無し井戸 a well to the dragon palace
Futami Iwa 二見石
kinukake iwa 衣掛岩
chikaramizu 力水
ryuuboe 龍吼
ryuuketsu 龍穴
Tadamori no tooroo 忠盛灯篭 / ? 油取りの燈籠
yonakiishi 夜啼石
- source : yasakajinjya-nanafushigi... -
東山区 Higashiyama ward
kaibutsu 怪物 monster
About 800 years ago on a very stormy rainy night, at the 八坂神社 Yasaka Shrine, there appeared a monster holding something that looked like a bundle of thick needles over its head. The soldiers of 平忠盛 Taira no Tadamori (? - 1153) were much afraid, but when they looked closer, they realized it was the kannushi 神主 Shinto priest who had covered his head with wheat straw during the rain.
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
仙台市 Sendai city 青葉区 Aoba ward
宮城県仙台市宮城野区岩切字若宮前11-7 / Wakamiyamae, Iwakiri, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi
Kappagami カッパ神 the Kappa deity
During a お花湯立 divination ritual with hot water at the 八坂神社 Yasaka Shrine, people bring two kyuuri 胡瓜 cucumbers, one as an offering for the deity and one to throw in the river as an offering to Kappagami 河童神 the Kappa Deity. The villagers do not eat cucumbers until this festival is over and they made their offerings.
Gozu Tenno Gozu Tenno 牛頭天王 likes cucumbers.
Gion Kappa 祇園かっぱ The Kappa Water Goblin connection
祇園さま Gionsama, Gion Sama, Gion-Sama - The Gion Deity
The messenger of お稲荷さん the Inari deity is the fox, but the messenger of the deity Gion sama is the Kappa.
Therefore on the festival for Gion Sama children must not play in the river to avoid accidents. Instead they have to throw cucumbers into the river from the bridge.
. Gion Sama 祇園さま / Gion Kappa 祇園かっぱ .
. . Miyagi 宮城県 Kappa Legends 河童伝説 .
. sugi no ki 杉の木と伝説 Legends about the cedar tree .
It is a taboo to cut the sugi 杉 cedar tree in the compound of 八坂神社 Yasaka Shrine or pick up some needles from the ground.
Once the tree seemed to bend and almost fall down, so a miko 巫女 shrine maiden performed an oracle ritual.
She was told to leave the tree alone, the Deity would care for it.
....................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県 .....
甲賀市 Koka city 水口町 Minakuchi town
Behind the Shrine 八坂神社 Yasaka Jinja is Ryuu-ga-mori 竜ヶ森 the Dragon Forest.
There stood a huge sugi 杉 cedar tree which 6 people could hardly cover with their arms around it. A dragon lived in this tree. The tree was hit twice by lighting, and at the second time, the Dragon went back to heaven.
This special tree broke down during the Isewan Typhoon.
Nearby is a Ryuu-ga-ido 竜ヶ井戸 "Dragon Well" which is used for amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals and prayers.
. amagoi 雨乞いと伝説 Legends about rain rituals / Regenzauber .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- #yasakashrine #yasakajinja #gozutenno #Gionjinja #gionshrine -
majin akushin devil legends
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
majin, mashin 魔神 - akujin, akushin 悪神 devil, Teufel
. Oni 鬼 the Japanese Demons .
A counterpart of Oni is the akuma 悪魔, translated as Devil
(but a bit different from the Christian image of THE Devil (Teufel) or Satan.)
evil spirit, fiend
reddo debiru レッドデビル red devil Daruma

- source : krazy-dotty.blogspot.jp... -
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
nekodake ni majin atsumeba toshi kururu
when the devils come
to meet at Mount Nekodake
the year comes to an end ...
保坂春苺 Hosaka Shui
- quote -

The Myth & Legend of Nekodake, one of the five peak of Mount Aso - 2,207 m.
Aso Mountain which consist of five brothers. Takadake known as the eldest brother, followed by
Nakadake, Eboshidake, Kishimadake and the last being Nekodake.
... Nekodake, being the youngest among his brothers is a very mischievous boy and always quarreling and giving trouble to his elder brothers.
- source : aso-denku.jp/englis... -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Hitotsume Kozo 一つ目小僧 Young Monk with One Eye .
... me hitotsu kozoo 目一つ小僧 is simetimes seen as 悪神 Akushin.
....................................................................... Aomori 青森県 .....
// 悪神
When 菊地ミヤ Kikuji Miya was 11 years old, she had reikan 霊感 a religious inspiration.
She was taught by the Kami and sometimes could see the appearance of a Kami. When her husband died, she went to the mountain to meditate.
During a perios of danjiki 断食 fasting, she met the Kami, but was overcome by doubts about zenshin 善神 the good or akushin 悪神 the bad Kami and threw her shintai 神体 statue of the Kami into the river. The statue came back, but now her inspiration told her to burn it first ant then throw it into the river. She also had another period of fasting.
She did not hear anything from the Kami for about 2 weeks, so she put the statue in a basket and stood under a waterfall.
When she asked about akushin 悪神 the devil, some strange things appeared but she could see it after one week.
People said that Miya has always done as the Kami had told her.
....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
// 悪神
At the beach they prepare a small hut, 鳥小屋 Torigoya, for a ritual on January 14 (the end of the New Year period), make offerings on a small alter and then burn the hut.
In the fire of the hut they roast mochi 餅 rice cakes and lite the pipes to use the smoke to make 悪病・悪神 the bad deities of Illness and Evil leave.
The rest of the ashes they take home and spread it at the entrance as mayoke 魔よけ an amulet.
. mochi 餅と伝説 Legends about rice cakes .
Fukushima 相馬郡 Soma district 飯館村 Iitate village // 悪神
If someone has a grave illness and the akushin 悪神 needs to be driven out, people call for a priest to hold rituals.
Especially for netusbyoo 熱病 illness with high fever they called a powerful priest.
....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....
利根郡片品村花咲 Tone district, Katashina village Hanasaki hamlet
. hanasaki ishi 花咲石 Hanasaki Stone with flowers .
Gunma 勢多郡 Seta district 鬼石町 鬼石町 Onishi machi // 鬼石 Oni Ishi
. Onishi Jinja 鬼石神社 Onishi Shrine .
The protector deity of stones was called 鬼石明神 Onishi Myojin and is known at least since 1703.
Daibagami (daibakami) だいば神 / 大馬神 is a strange illness of horses.
....................................................................... Hokkaido 北海道 .....
網走市 Abashiri city 浦士別町 Urashibetsu town // akujjn 悪神
Two sisters were lured to the river by akushin 魔神 two Deveil brothers. The elder sister feared they would be eaten and run away as fast as she could.
....................................................................... Kochi 高知県 .....
majin no bakegi 魔神の化木 a tree becoming a devil
A man was about to cut down a large tree in his fields, when suddenly his stomach begun to hurt very much and he died.
Now his younger brother tried to cut the tree and burned the saw dust in a fire. That night an old man with white hair appeared in his dream.
He said he was 魔神の化木 Akujin, the incarnation of the tree, and said he would take away the cut part.
When the man awoke next morning, he realized his right arm was cut off at the shoulder.
Kochi 中村市 Nakamura city // 魔神
meshi o kuwan kaka 飯を食わん嬶 a wife that did not eat rice
A greedy man got a wife that did not eat any rice. He thought that was strange, hid in the straw and observed her.
At lunchtime he saw her cook a large portion of rice and eat it with two mouths at her head.
That day when the man was in the bath, the wife took the bath tub and carried it deep into the mountain. The husband got hold of a branch and jumped out of the tub.
Now he saw that a devil had shape-shifted into a kumo クモ spider and would come back in the evening.
That evening he made a fire in the stove and when he saw the spider coming down, he burned it.
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
A strange O-Ise Sama お伊勢様 the Deity of Ise had come down to the village, but the elders told the villagers it was just majin 魔神 the devil and they could get rid of him with harae 祓え a purifiction ritual. They did it and all was well again.
. harae 祓 purification ritual .
Miyagi 塩竃市 Shiogama city 浦戸 Urado / Urato
When the deity 塩釜明神 Shiogama Myojin had come to the area, a devil named 香背男(かしろを) Kashirao chases it to the island 桂島 Katsurajima. The chase went up and down the mountains and the devil was finaly slain at the beach near トヤケ山 mount Toyake.
The beach is now known as 鬼ヶ浜 Onigahama. The place where the body was buried is now called 香背崎 Kashirasaki.
. Shiogama Myojin 塩釜明神 Shiogama Deity .
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake legends .
The wife of 甲賀三郎頼方 Koga Saburo Yorikata had been kidnapped by a mashin 魔神 devil. Saburo and his two brothers went to the cave at 蓼科山 mount Tateshinayama to search for her, but the two brothers could not get out any more.
Yorikata had eaten awamochi 栗餅 foxtail millet rice cakes, the offerings for the deity in the cave, and stopped being a human.
He turned into a huge serpent and lived on in 諏訪湖 Lake Suwa.
. mochi 餅と伝説 Legends about rice cakes .
Nagano 木曽郡 Kiso district 木曽町 Kiso town
akushin sama 悪神様 the honorable devil
This bad deity is bewitching people. To get rid of the bewitchment, people have to pray ask 御嶽教の人 for absolution rituals.
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
新発田市 Shibata city // 悪神
. Kamaitachi, kama itachi 鎌鼬(かまいたち) "sickle weasel" wind god Yokai.
If someone is cut by the sickle of a Kamaitachi, even if the wound is deep there is little bleeding and little pain.
If a man happens to enter the sphere where a Kami is wielding his sword, he might get this wound.
It is seen as the deed of the devil 悪神 Akujin. A good medicine for this kind of wound is burning Ise goyomi 伊勢暦 a calender from the Ise shrine and place the ashes on the wound.
The powder can also be spread on a weasel to make it disappear.
. Ise goyomi 伊勢暦 calender from the Shrine of Ise .
....................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 .....
石垣市 Ishigaki city
. dokuro 髑髏 skull legends .
....................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県 .....
下都賀郡 Shimo-Tsuga district // 悪神
. koto hajime 事始 beginning of work and activities .
On the 28th day of February, people used to celebrate the beginning of work in the New Year.
They prepare special food and put it in a basket with holes on a long pole on the roof.
The akushin 悪神 devil will stare at the holes, but not dare to come into the home.
....................................................................... Toyama 富山県 .....
. nanakusa gayu 七草粥 ritual gruel with seven Spring vegetables .
If people prepare ritual rice gruel with seven herbs, the akushin 悪神 devil will not come into the home.
It will also prevent people from falling ill and bring them good luck in the coming year.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- #majin #devil #akuma #teufel #nekodake #debiru -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
majin, mashin 魔神 - akujin, akushin 悪神 devil, Teufel
. Oni 鬼 the Japanese Demons .
A counterpart of Oni is the akuma 悪魔, translated as Devil
(but a bit different from the Christian image of THE Devil (Teufel) or Satan.)
evil spirit, fiend
reddo debiru レッドデビル red devil Daruma

- source : krazy-dotty.blogspot.jp... -
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
nekodake ni majin atsumeba toshi kururu
when the devils come
to meet at Mount Nekodake
the year comes to an end ...
保坂春苺 Hosaka Shui
- quote -

The Myth & Legend of Nekodake, one of the five peak of Mount Aso - 2,207 m.
Aso Mountain which consist of five brothers. Takadake known as the eldest brother, followed by
Nakadake, Eboshidake, Kishimadake and the last being Nekodake.
... Nekodake, being the youngest among his brothers is a very mischievous boy and always quarreling and giving trouble to his elder brothers.
- source : aso-denku.jp/englis... -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Hitotsume Kozo 一つ目小僧 Young Monk with One Eye .
... me hitotsu kozoo 目一つ小僧 is simetimes seen as 悪神 Akushin.
....................................................................... Aomori 青森県 .....
// 悪神
When 菊地ミヤ Kikuji Miya was 11 years old, she had reikan 霊感 a religious inspiration.
She was taught by the Kami and sometimes could see the appearance of a Kami. When her husband died, she went to the mountain to meditate.
During a perios of danjiki 断食 fasting, she met the Kami, but was overcome by doubts about zenshin 善神 the good or akushin 悪神 the bad Kami and threw her shintai 神体 statue of the Kami into the river. The statue came back, but now her inspiration told her to burn it first ant then throw it into the river. She also had another period of fasting.
She did not hear anything from the Kami for about 2 weeks, so she put the statue in a basket and stood under a waterfall.
When she asked about akushin 悪神 the devil, some strange things appeared but she could see it after one week.
People said that Miya has always done as the Kami had told her.
....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
// 悪神
At the beach they prepare a small hut, 鳥小屋 Torigoya, for a ritual on January 14 (the end of the New Year period), make offerings on a small alter and then burn the hut.
In the fire of the hut they roast mochi 餅 rice cakes and lite the pipes to use the smoke to make 悪病・悪神 the bad deities of Illness and Evil leave.
The rest of the ashes they take home and spread it at the entrance as mayoke 魔よけ an amulet.
. mochi 餅と伝説 Legends about rice cakes .
Fukushima 相馬郡 Soma district 飯館村 Iitate village // 悪神
If someone has a grave illness and the akushin 悪神 needs to be driven out, people call for a priest to hold rituals.
Especially for netusbyoo 熱病 illness with high fever they called a powerful priest.
....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....
利根郡片品村花咲 Tone district, Katashina village Hanasaki hamlet
. hanasaki ishi 花咲石 Hanasaki Stone with flowers .
Gunma 勢多郡 Seta district 鬼石町 鬼石町 Onishi machi // 鬼石 Oni Ishi
. Onishi Jinja 鬼石神社 Onishi Shrine .
The protector deity of stones was called 鬼石明神 Onishi Myojin and is known at least since 1703.
Daibagami (daibakami) だいば神 / 大馬神 is a strange illness of horses.
....................................................................... Hokkaido 北海道 .....
網走市 Abashiri city 浦士別町 Urashibetsu town // akujjn 悪神
Two sisters were lured to the river by akushin 魔神 two Deveil brothers. The elder sister feared they would be eaten and run away as fast as she could.
....................................................................... Kochi 高知県 .....
majin no bakegi 魔神の化木 a tree becoming a devil
A man was about to cut down a large tree in his fields, when suddenly his stomach begun to hurt very much and he died.
Now his younger brother tried to cut the tree and burned the saw dust in a fire. That night an old man with white hair appeared in his dream.
He said he was 魔神の化木 Akujin, the incarnation of the tree, and said he would take away the cut part.
When the man awoke next morning, he realized his right arm was cut off at the shoulder.
Kochi 中村市 Nakamura city // 魔神
meshi o kuwan kaka 飯を食わん嬶 a wife that did not eat rice
A greedy man got a wife that did not eat any rice. He thought that was strange, hid in the straw and observed her.
At lunchtime he saw her cook a large portion of rice and eat it with two mouths at her head.
That day when the man was in the bath, the wife took the bath tub and carried it deep into the mountain. The husband got hold of a branch and jumped out of the tub.
Now he saw that a devil had shape-shifted into a kumo クモ spider and would come back in the evening.
That evening he made a fire in the stove and when he saw the spider coming down, he burned it.
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
A strange O-Ise Sama お伊勢様 the Deity of Ise had come down to the village, but the elders told the villagers it was just majin 魔神 the devil and they could get rid of him with harae 祓え a purifiction ritual. They did it and all was well again.
. harae 祓 purification ritual .
Miyagi 塩竃市 Shiogama city 浦戸 Urado / Urato
When the deity 塩釜明神 Shiogama Myojin had come to the area, a devil named 香背男(かしろを) Kashirao chases it to the island 桂島 Katsurajima. The chase went up and down the mountains and the devil was finaly slain at the beach near トヤケ山 mount Toyake.
The beach is now known as 鬼ヶ浜 Onigahama. The place where the body was buried is now called 香背崎 Kashirasaki.
. Shiogama Myojin 塩釜明神 Shiogama Deity .
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake legends .
The wife of 甲賀三郎頼方 Koga Saburo Yorikata had been kidnapped by a mashin 魔神 devil. Saburo and his two brothers went to the cave at 蓼科山 mount Tateshinayama to search for her, but the two brothers could not get out any more.
Yorikata had eaten awamochi 栗餅 foxtail millet rice cakes, the offerings for the deity in the cave, and stopped being a human.
He turned into a huge serpent and lived on in 諏訪湖 Lake Suwa.
. mochi 餅と伝説 Legends about rice cakes .
Nagano 木曽郡 Kiso district 木曽町 Kiso town
akushin sama 悪神様 the honorable devil
This bad deity is bewitching people. To get rid of the bewitchment, people have to pray ask 御嶽教の人 for absolution rituals.
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
新発田市 Shibata city // 悪神
. Kamaitachi, kama itachi 鎌鼬(かまいたち) "sickle weasel" wind god Yokai.
If someone is cut by the sickle of a Kamaitachi, even if the wound is deep there is little bleeding and little pain.
If a man happens to enter the sphere where a Kami is wielding his sword, he might get this wound.
It is seen as the deed of the devil 悪神 Akujin. A good medicine for this kind of wound is burning Ise goyomi 伊勢暦 a calender from the Ise shrine and place the ashes on the wound.
The powder can also be spread on a weasel to make it disappear.
. Ise goyomi 伊勢暦 calender from the Shrine of Ise .
....................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 .....
石垣市 Ishigaki city
. dokuro 髑髏 skull legends .
....................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県 .....
下都賀郡 Shimo-Tsuga district // 悪神
. koto hajime 事始 beginning of work and activities .
On the 28th day of February, people used to celebrate the beginning of work in the New Year.
They prepare special food and put it in a basket with holes on a long pole on the roof.
The akushin 悪神 devil will stare at the holes, but not dare to come into the home.
....................................................................... Toyama 富山県 .....
. nanakusa gayu 七草粥 ritual gruel with seven Spring vegetables .
If people prepare ritual rice gruel with seven herbs, the akushin 悪神 devil will not come into the home.
It will also prevent people from falling ill and bring them good luck in the coming year.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- #majin #devil #akuma #teufel #nekodake #debiru -
shinshi otsukai messenger
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
shinshi 神使 messenger of god, divine messenger
kami no o-tsukai 神のお使い / 神の使い
. Yama no Kami, Yama-no-Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain .
- - - - - Yamanokami has some animal messengers :
. Sarugami 猿神 The Monkey Deity .
. Inugami 犬神 The Wolf Deity .
. Hebigami 蛇神 The Snake Deity .
. hitotsume kozo 一つ目小僧 and 厄神 .
. inoshishi 猪 wild boar .
. kitsune 狐 fox .
. ningyo 人魚 human fish .
. risu リス / 栗鼠 squirrel .
. shika 鹿 deer .
. usagi 兎 rabbit, hare .

source : smtrc.jp/town-archives/city/nara...
神の使い 鹿は奈良の象徴
- more animal messengers of other deities -
. hachi 蜂 bee - Futaarayama Jinja 二荒山神社 .
. hato 鳩 dove - Hachimangu shrines 八幡宮 .
. hebi 蛇 snake / serpent - Benzaiten 弁才天 at Oomiwa Jinja 大神神社 .
. Inari Daimyojin 稲荷大明神 Great Fox Deity .
. inoshishi 猪 wild boar - Go-O Jinja 護王神社 - Wake Jinja 和気神社 .
. kame 亀 turtle - Matsunoo Taisha 松尾大社 .
. kani 蟹 crab - Konpira Shrine 金刀比羅宮 .
. karasu 烏 crow - Kumano Sanzan 熊野三山 .
. koi 鯉 carp - Osaki Jinja 大前神社 .
the deity venerated is - Ebisu 恵比寿, he usually holds a tai 鯛 sea bream.
. kujira 鯨 whale fish - God of the Sea 海の神 .
. mukade ムカデ centipede - Bishamonten 毘沙門天 .
. nezumi 鼠 mouse / rat - Daikoku Ten大黒天 .
. niwatori 鶏 rooster - Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮 / Isonokami Jingu 石上神宮 .
. ookami, okami 狼 wolf - Mitsumine Jinja 三峰神社 / 三峯 .
. sagi 鷺 heron - Kehi Jingu 氣比神宮 .
. shirohebi 白蛇 white serpent - Suwa Jinja 諏訪神社 .
. tora 虎 tiger - Mount Shigisan 信貴山 Chogo Sonshi-Ji 朝護孫子寺 .
. tsuru 鶴 crane - Suwa Taisha 諏訪大社 .
. umihebi, orochi 海蛇 sea snake - Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 .
. unagi 鰻 eel .
. usagi 兎 rabbit / hare - Sumiyoshi Taisha 住吉大社 / Okazaki Jinja 岡崎神社/ Tsuki Jinja 調神社 .
. ushi 牛 bull, oxen - Tenmangu 天満宮 . - Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真
- Reference : 神のお使い
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
クジラは海の資源か神獣か Is the whale a source of meat from the sea or a divine animal?

kujira 鯨 whale fish ,umigami 海神
In areas where they fish for for whales and also in areas where they do not, he is venerated as the messenger of
. Umi no Kami 海の神 God of the Sea .
宮城県 Miyagi 気仙沼市 Kesennuma city 唐桑町 / 白鯨 white whale
. Shrine Osaki Jinja 御崎神社 .
There is a legend from a shipwrecked boat, that was rescued by 白鯨 a large white whale fish and brought to this shore safely.
The white whale, as the deity 御崎明神 Osaki Myojin, came riding on 白馬 a white horse. He sat down on the beach on a mat of warabi ワラビ bracken, fern,.
So the people in this area, to show their respect of the deity, never eat whale meat or bracken.
. unagi 鰻 eel - Mishima Taisha 三嶋大社 .
鹿児島県 Kagoshima 大島郡 Oshima district 瀬戸内町 Setouchi town
In the hamlet 大島郡古仁屋町勝浦 Katsuura there was one izumi 泉 spring, where many eels lives. hHe nearby villagers venerated them as divine messengers and would never catch or eat them.
Some had a mark on the head as special messengers.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
南設楽郡 Minami-Shitara district 長篠村 Nagashina village
yamakagashi ヤマカカシ poisonous snake, Rhabdophis family
If there is raimei 雷鳴 a thunderstorm, this snake is going up to heaven (or so some people say.)
This snake is a divine messenger, the messenger of Atago 愛宕 or the messenger of 山の神 Yamanokami.
....................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 .....
船橋市 Funabashi city
The messenger of the Shrine at Funabashi is shika 鹿 the deer. Six people who had killed a deer got a divine punishment. Their homes burned down and they all got a high fever and died the same day.
....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
松山市 Matsuyama city
. Sai no Kami, Sainokami 塞の神 and 道祖神 Dosojin, Dososhin deities .
Sai no Kami is venerated in many villages. The Deity is also seen as a matsu 松 pine tree and often shirohebi 白蛇 a white serpent lives there.
This serpent is seen as 塞の神の使い the messenger of the Deity.
....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
いわき市 Iwaki city
The messenger at the Shrine 四八社神 Shishu Jinja is kamome かもめ a sea gull. People are not allowed to catch and eat this bird.
四十八社山神社 - Shimokori-14 Shimokoriyama, Tomioka, Futaba District, Fukushima
南会津郡 Minami-Aizu district 檜枝岐村 Hinoemata village
. Hashiba no Banba 橋場のばんば the old woman at the bridge .
....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
shiro mamushi 白蝮 white viper
This animal is also called オハッスン Ohassun.
It is the messenger of the deity and thus never hunted.
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
habu 波布 pit viper
The messenger of 山の神 Yamanokami. On special ritual days it might appear.
One day on the second day of the New Year, a carpenter prepared offerings and there he saw two vipers coiled on this tool box.
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
亀岡市 Kameoka city 大井町 Oi town
. Carp Koi Daimyojin 鯉大明神 from Tanba province .
....................................................................... Kumamoto 熊本県 .....
shinshi no tori 神使の鳥 a bird as divine messenger
Going down the river 球磨川 Kumagawa there is a stone gate and cave named 神の瀬 / 神瀬 Kami no Se.
In this cave lived a bird with only one leg, the divine messenger, venerated by the local people.
They fear if they capture the bird, the village will be cursed.
If they drink from the water in the cave, all illness will be cured and they will live a long healthy life.
球磨村 神瀬石灰洞窟
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
....................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 .....
東臼杵郡 Higashi-Usuki district 諸塚村 Morotsuka village
. shirozaru シロザル / 白猿 hakuen - a white monkey .
of 市山大明神 Ichiyama Daimyojin.
- - - - -
At the stone lantern near the torii 鳥居 gate of the Shrine 愛宕神社 Atago Jinja there lives hebi 蛇 a serpent as 神の使い the messenger of the Deity.
宮崎市 Miyazaki city 青島 Aoshima
miyakodori 都鳥 / yurikamome, 百合鴎 ユリカモメ hooded gull, Larus ridibundus
In Aoshima there lived a couple of hooded gulls. They were venerated as divine messengers.
Miyazaki 登米市 Tome city
oino, o-ino オイノ, (oinu, o-inu オイヌ) 狼 wolf
The pronounciation oino instead oinu is an expression of veneration.
Once upon a time, a wolf had come from Mitsumine Shrine as a divine messenger. If people met him, they would greet him and say
"Honorable Wolf, please protect our fields carefully!"
. Shrine Mitsumine Jinja 三峰神社 / 三峯 .
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
茅野市 Chino city
shinshi no tori 神使の鳥 a bird as messenger
At the peak of 蓼科の峯 Mount Tateshina there lives 神鳥 a divine bird, resembling a raichoo 雷鳥 Raicho snow grouse, "Thunderbird".
In the morning and evening its voice can be heard to announce the time. The male bird is rather black, the female more yellow, with a black breast and white spots on it.
The chicks like to eat matsu no mi 松の実 pine nuts and green pine leaves.
- - - - -
shinshi no tori, uma 神使の鳥,馬 bird and horse as divine messenger
In former times when many horses were kept outside, about six were selected and offered to 権現 the Gongen Deity.
When the horses kneeled in front of the Shrine, a divine bird messenger came with small branches of a pine tree and offered them to the horses. The horses took them in their mouth and went home. If the branches are kept close, the horses will not have problems with wild animals or dokuhebi 毒蛇 poisonous serpents.
Nagano 諏訪市 Suwa city
shinshi no kitsune 神使の狐 the fox as divine messenger

source : suwatakken.naganoblog...
諏訪湖 Lake Suwako freezes every year in the coldest season.
During that time, the 神狐 divine Fox messenger might walk over the lake to the Suwa Shrine. Sometimes even horses with heavy burdens can cross it.
If there is no Fox messenger walking over the ice, it is not strong enough.
In Spring, when it gets warmer and the ice melts, the fox comes back from the Shrine and walks back over the lake. From that time on, humans can not cross any more and the ice melts.
. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain and fox legends .
....................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 .....
石垣市 Ishigaki city / 神の使い
karasu 烏 a crow
The crow is seen as the messenger of the Deity. It is called bunaji 女頭(婢、ブナジ).
....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
春日部市 Kasuga city
. three masks of 竜神 the Dragon Deity .
....................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県 .....
犬上郡 Inugami district 多賀町 Taga town
During the main festival on November 1 there are many ritual offerings at 八幡神社 the Shrine Hachiman Jinja.
A senjiki dana センジキ棚 special ritual shelf for offering of rice, called senjiki 握り飯(センジキ). When the priest claps his hands two times, the sound will wake two karasu 烏 crows which come to eat the offerings. They are the messengers of this Shrine and are called
okarasu, o-karasu オカラス "venerable crows".
....................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県 .....
東伯郡 Tohaku district 三朝町 Misasa town
shiro ookami 白狼 a white wolf
. Legends from Misasa Onsen 三朝温泉 Misasa Hot Spring .
....................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県 .....
. Keyamura Rokusuke 毛谷村 六助 .
A strong farmer turned samurai and messenger of the Deity. He got records of the art of war from a Shrine at the foothills of Mount Hikatayama, where the Deity Kora 高良 is venerated.
みなべ町 Minabe Town
A 天狗 Tengu is the messenger of 秋葉の神 the Akiba deity.
. Akibagongen 秋葉権現 Akiba Gongen .
....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 .....
長井市 Nagai city / 神の使い
. shishimai 獅子舞 a lion dance for Inari .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- #shinshi #kaminotsukai #kaminootsukai #otsukai #messenger #usagi -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
shinshi 神使 messenger of god, divine messenger
kami no o-tsukai 神のお使い / 神の使い
. Yama no Kami, Yama-no-Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain .
- - - - - Yamanokami has some animal messengers :
. Sarugami 猿神 The Monkey Deity .
. Inugami 犬神 The Wolf Deity .
. Hebigami 蛇神 The Snake Deity .
. hitotsume kozo 一つ目小僧 and 厄神 .
. inoshishi 猪 wild boar .
. kitsune 狐 fox .
. ningyo 人魚 human fish .
. risu リス / 栗鼠 squirrel .
. shika 鹿 deer .
. usagi 兎 rabbit, hare .

source : smtrc.jp/town-archives/city/nara...
神の使い 鹿は奈良の象徴
- more animal messengers of other deities -
. hachi 蜂 bee - Futaarayama Jinja 二荒山神社 .
. hato 鳩 dove - Hachimangu shrines 八幡宮 .
. hebi 蛇 snake / serpent - Benzaiten 弁才天 at Oomiwa Jinja 大神神社 .
. Inari Daimyojin 稲荷大明神 Great Fox Deity .
. inoshishi 猪 wild boar - Go-O Jinja 護王神社 - Wake Jinja 和気神社 .
. kame 亀 turtle - Matsunoo Taisha 松尾大社 .
. kani 蟹 crab - Konpira Shrine 金刀比羅宮 .
. karasu 烏 crow - Kumano Sanzan 熊野三山 .
. koi 鯉 carp - Osaki Jinja 大前神社 .
the deity venerated is - Ebisu 恵比寿, he usually holds a tai 鯛 sea bream.
. kujira 鯨 whale fish - God of the Sea 海の神 .
. mukade ムカデ centipede - Bishamonten 毘沙門天 .
. nezumi 鼠 mouse / rat - Daikoku Ten大黒天 .
. niwatori 鶏 rooster - Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮 / Isonokami Jingu 石上神宮 .
. ookami, okami 狼 wolf - Mitsumine Jinja 三峰神社 / 三峯 .
. sagi 鷺 heron - Kehi Jingu 氣比神宮 .
. shirohebi 白蛇 white serpent - Suwa Jinja 諏訪神社 .
. tora 虎 tiger - Mount Shigisan 信貴山 Chogo Sonshi-Ji 朝護孫子寺 .
. tsuru 鶴 crane - Suwa Taisha 諏訪大社 .
. umihebi, orochi 海蛇 sea snake - Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 .
. unagi 鰻 eel .
. usagi 兎 rabbit / hare - Sumiyoshi Taisha 住吉大社 / Okazaki Jinja 岡崎神社/ Tsuki Jinja 調神社 .
. ushi 牛 bull, oxen - Tenmangu 天満宮 . - Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真
- Reference : 神のお使い
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
クジラは海の資源か神獣か Is the whale a source of meat from the sea or a divine animal?
kujira 鯨 whale fish ,umigami 海神
In areas where they fish for for whales and also in areas where they do not, he is venerated as the messenger of
. Umi no Kami 海の神 God of the Sea .
宮城県 Miyagi 気仙沼市 Kesennuma city 唐桑町 / 白鯨 white whale
. Shrine Osaki Jinja 御崎神社 .
There is a legend from a shipwrecked boat, that was rescued by 白鯨 a large white whale fish and brought to this shore safely.
The white whale, as the deity 御崎明神 Osaki Myojin, came riding on 白馬 a white horse. He sat down on the beach on a mat of warabi ワラビ bracken, fern,.
So the people in this area, to show their respect of the deity, never eat whale meat or bracken.
. unagi 鰻 eel - Mishima Taisha 三嶋大社 .
鹿児島県 Kagoshima 大島郡 Oshima district 瀬戸内町 Setouchi town
In the hamlet 大島郡古仁屋町勝浦 Katsuura there was one izumi 泉 spring, where many eels lives. hHe nearby villagers venerated them as divine messengers and would never catch or eat them.
Some had a mark on the head as special messengers.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
南設楽郡 Minami-Shitara district 長篠村 Nagashina village
yamakagashi ヤマカカシ poisonous snake, Rhabdophis family
If there is raimei 雷鳴 a thunderstorm, this snake is going up to heaven (or so some people say.)
This snake is a divine messenger, the messenger of Atago 愛宕 or the messenger of 山の神 Yamanokami.
....................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 .....
船橋市 Funabashi city
The messenger of the Shrine at Funabashi is shika 鹿 the deer. Six people who had killed a deer got a divine punishment. Their homes burned down and they all got a high fever and died the same day.
....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
松山市 Matsuyama city
. Sai no Kami, Sainokami 塞の神 and 道祖神 Dosojin, Dososhin deities .
Sai no Kami is venerated in many villages. The Deity is also seen as a matsu 松 pine tree and often shirohebi 白蛇 a white serpent lives there.
This serpent is seen as 塞の神の使い the messenger of the Deity.
....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
いわき市 Iwaki city
The messenger at the Shrine 四八社神 Shishu Jinja is kamome かもめ a sea gull. People are not allowed to catch and eat this bird.
四十八社山神社 - Shimokori-14 Shimokoriyama, Tomioka, Futaba District, Fukushima
南会津郡 Minami-Aizu district 檜枝岐村 Hinoemata village
. Hashiba no Banba 橋場のばんば the old woman at the bridge .
....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
shiro mamushi 白蝮 white viper
This animal is also called オハッスン Ohassun.
It is the messenger of the deity and thus never hunted.
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
habu 波布 pit viper
The messenger of 山の神 Yamanokami. On special ritual days it might appear.
One day on the second day of the New Year, a carpenter prepared offerings and there he saw two vipers coiled on this tool box.
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
亀岡市 Kameoka city 大井町 Oi town
. Carp Koi Daimyojin 鯉大明神 from Tanba province .
....................................................................... Kumamoto 熊本県 .....
shinshi no tori 神使の鳥 a bird as divine messenger
Going down the river 球磨川 Kumagawa there is a stone gate and cave named 神の瀬 / 神瀬 Kami no Se.
In this cave lived a bird with only one leg, the divine messenger, venerated by the local people.
They fear if they capture the bird, the village will be cursed.
If they drink from the water in the cave, all illness will be cured and they will live a long healthy life.
球磨村 神瀬石灰洞窟
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
....................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 .....
東臼杵郡 Higashi-Usuki district 諸塚村 Morotsuka village
. shirozaru シロザル / 白猿 hakuen - a white monkey .
of 市山大明神 Ichiyama Daimyojin.
- - - - -
At the stone lantern near the torii 鳥居 gate of the Shrine 愛宕神社 Atago Jinja there lives hebi 蛇 a serpent as 神の使い the messenger of the Deity.
宮崎市 Miyazaki city 青島 Aoshima
miyakodori 都鳥 / yurikamome, 百合鴎 ユリカモメ hooded gull, Larus ridibundus
In Aoshima there lived a couple of hooded gulls. They were venerated as divine messengers.
Miyazaki 登米市 Tome city
oino, o-ino オイノ, (oinu, o-inu オイヌ) 狼 wolf
The pronounciation oino instead oinu is an expression of veneration.
Once upon a time, a wolf had come from Mitsumine Shrine as a divine messenger. If people met him, they would greet him and say
"Honorable Wolf, please protect our fields carefully!"
. Shrine Mitsumine Jinja 三峰神社 / 三峯 .
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
茅野市 Chino city
shinshi no tori 神使の鳥 a bird as messenger
At the peak of 蓼科の峯 Mount Tateshina there lives 神鳥 a divine bird, resembling a raichoo 雷鳥 Raicho snow grouse, "Thunderbird".
In the morning and evening its voice can be heard to announce the time. The male bird is rather black, the female more yellow, with a black breast and white spots on it.
The chicks like to eat matsu no mi 松の実 pine nuts and green pine leaves.
- - - - -
shinshi no tori, uma 神使の鳥,馬 bird and horse as divine messenger
In former times when many horses were kept outside, about six were selected and offered to 権現 the Gongen Deity.
When the horses kneeled in front of the Shrine, a divine bird messenger came with small branches of a pine tree and offered them to the horses. The horses took them in their mouth and went home. If the branches are kept close, the horses will not have problems with wild animals or dokuhebi 毒蛇 poisonous serpents.
Nagano 諏訪市 Suwa city
shinshi no kitsune 神使の狐 the fox as divine messenger

source : suwatakken.naganoblog...
諏訪湖 Lake Suwako freezes every year in the coldest season.
During that time, the 神狐 divine Fox messenger might walk over the lake to the Suwa Shrine. Sometimes even horses with heavy burdens can cross it.
If there is no Fox messenger walking over the ice, it is not strong enough.
In Spring, when it gets warmer and the ice melts, the fox comes back from the Shrine and walks back over the lake. From that time on, humans can not cross any more and the ice melts.
. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain and fox legends .
....................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 .....
石垣市 Ishigaki city / 神の使い
karasu 烏 a crow
The crow is seen as the messenger of the Deity. It is called bunaji 女頭(婢、ブナジ).
....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
春日部市 Kasuga city
. three masks of 竜神 the Dragon Deity .
....................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県 .....
犬上郡 Inugami district 多賀町 Taga town
During the main festival on November 1 there are many ritual offerings at 八幡神社 the Shrine Hachiman Jinja.
A senjiki dana センジキ棚 special ritual shelf for offering of rice, called senjiki 握り飯(センジキ). When the priest claps his hands two times, the sound will wake two karasu 烏 crows which come to eat the offerings. They are the messengers of this Shrine and are called
okarasu, o-karasu オカラス "venerable crows".
....................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県 .....
東伯郡 Tohaku district 三朝町 Misasa town
shiro ookami 白狼 a white wolf
. Legends from Misasa Onsen 三朝温泉 Misasa Hot Spring .
....................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県 .....
. Keyamura Rokusuke 毛谷村 六助 .
A strong farmer turned samurai and messenger of the Deity. He got records of the art of war from a Shrine at the foothills of Mount Hikatayama, where the Deity Kora 高良 is venerated.
みなべ町 Minabe Town
A 天狗 Tengu is the messenger of 秋葉の神 the Akiba deity.
. Akibagongen 秋葉権現 Akiba Gongen .
....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 .....
長井市 Nagai city / 神の使い
. shishimai 獅子舞 a lion dance for Inari .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- #shinshi #kaminotsukai #kaminootsukai #otsukai #messenger #usagi -
saikigu ritual instruments
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
saikigu 祭器具 ritual intruments
shingu 神具 votive objects

- quote -
Hassokuan, Sanbô, Takatsuki 八足案, 三方, 高坏
Utensils used in religious ceremonies, including the following:
Sanbô 三方
A stand used to bear the shinsen or food offerings. Usually made of unpainted hinoki (Japanese cypress).
Oshiki 折敷
The tray placed on top of the sambô.
Hassokuan 八足案
Eight-footed table used to bear items such as heihaku, shinsen, and tamagushi.
Takatsuki 高坏
Pedestal table used to bear the shinsen. In ancient times it was made of clay, but later it came to be made of wood and lacquered.
The kaku-takatsuki is angular, and the maru-takatsuki is round.
- source and photos : kokugakuin -

. shinsen 神饌 Shinto - Food offerings .

source : tsukudo.jp/sahou-kamidana
kigu shokunin 木具職人 craftsman making wooden tables

source : edoichiba.jp..kigu...
They make special wooden tables for rituals and food offerings.
Made from hinoki 檜 Japanese cypress.
. Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #saikigu #rituals #instruments #sanbo #sanpo #sambo -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
saikigu 祭器具 ritual intruments
shingu 神具 votive objects

- quote -
Hassokuan, Sanbô, Takatsuki 八足案, 三方, 高坏
Utensils used in religious ceremonies, including the following:
Sanbô 三方
A stand used to bear the shinsen or food offerings. Usually made of unpainted hinoki (Japanese cypress).
Oshiki 折敷
The tray placed on top of the sambô.
Hassokuan 八足案
Eight-footed table used to bear items such as heihaku, shinsen, and tamagushi.
Takatsuki 高坏
Pedestal table used to bear the shinsen. In ancient times it was made of clay, but later it came to be made of wood and lacquered.
The kaku-takatsuki is angular, and the maru-takatsuki is round.
- source and photos : kokugakuin -

. shinsen 神饌 Shinto - Food offerings .

source : tsukudo.jp/sahou-kamidana
kigu shokunin 木具職人 craftsman making wooden tables

source : edoichiba.jp..kigu...
They make special wooden tables for rituals and food offerings.
Made from hinoki 檜 Japanese cypress.
. Edo craftsmen 江戸の職人 .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #saikigu #rituals #instruments #sanbo #sanpo #sambo -
Gozu Tenno Legends
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Gozu Tenno Legends 牛頭天王伝説 / 牛頭天皇
. Gion matsuri 祇園祭り Gion festival .
In 869, the people were suffering from plague and pestilence which was attributed to the rampaging deity
Gozu Tennō (牛頭天王).

Emperor Seiwa ordered that the people pray to the god of the Yasaka Shrine 八坂神社, Susanoo-no-mikoto. Sixty-six stylized and decorated halberds, one for each province in old Japan, were prepared and erected at Shinsen-en, a garden, along with the portable shrines (mikoshi) from Yasaka Shrine.
. Yasaka Jinja 八坂神社 Yasaka Shrine - Legends .
- quote -
Gozu Tennō
Literally, "ox-head-heaven-king." Also called Gion Tenjin, Gozu Tennō is a product of kami-buddha "combinatory" religion, worshiped at the Gion Shrine (Yasaka Jinja) in Kyoto, and at other shrines such as Tsushima, Tennō, Susanoo, and Yakumo. Originating as a deity of pestilence, Gozu Tennō is worshiped within observances related to the festival known as Gion-e.
A variety of ritual formulae
and sacred histories purport to explain the origins and nature of Gozu Tennō; historically originating in India, the deity's features underwent successive transformations and systematic development as it was transmitted to China and Japan. The actual details of its transmission and the process of amalgamation with other deities, however, are complex issues and not universally agreed upon.
In India, the deity was called Gosirsa Devaraja, a minor tutelary deity in Buddhism known as a protector of the Monastery of the "Jeta Grove" (Jp., Gion Shōja), while in Tibet it was known as the deity of "Ox-Head Mountain" (Jp. Gozusan). Transmitted to China, the deity's cult merged with esoteric Buddhism, Daoism, and Yin-Yang beliefs, and then was transmitted to Japan, where it experienced further mingling with Japanese Yin-Yang (Onmyōdō) divination.
The deity also became associated
with the legend of a Japanese kami of plague called Sominshōrai and was identified with the kami Susanoo; taking on a trinitarian nature that incorporated characteristics of Susanoo's consort and child, he also came to be identified with the Japanese kami Onamuchi.
On the popular level, however,
Gozu Tennō's chief features continued to emphasize his nature as a deity of epidemic disease. The Gion Goryō-e first observed in the tenth century became widely popular and was institutionalized as a regular summer observance to exorcise the evil spirits responsible for frequent outbreaks of epidemic disease.
With origins as a spirit causing disease,
Gozu Tennō was in time transformed into a tutelary that protected its worshipers from such epidemics, taking on further characteristics as a deity of justice, a deity that ascertained truth (Tadashi no kami), and a deity of the cardinal directions. As observances of the Gion-e type spread regionally, Gozu Tennō was also established as a local tutelary deity (chinju no kami).
- source : kokugakuin Yonei Teruyoshi -

Gion Daimyojin 祇園大明神
. Somin Shorai 蘇民将来 .

- quote -
the Gion Shrine of Yasui-Konpira-gu
The ema (votive plaque) celebrates the eight base pillars in personified form as eight strong men. In this way the subshrine not only acknowledges the shrine’s Buddhist past but is dedicated to one of Shinto’s prime concerns – extraordinary displays of power (which are seen as a manifestation of the lifeforce).
- source : greenshinto.com... -
. hayariyamai はやり病 / 流行病と伝説 Legends about epidemics .
densenbyoo 伝染病 Densenbyo contagious diseases / pandemic
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. tsurumen 犬神人 / ツルメソ / inujinin (いぬじにん、いぬじんにん、つるめそう) .
When Gozu Tenno first came down from Heaven on this earth, he had two dogs with him. They gave birth and the baby soon turned into a human, Tsurumen.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Truth and legends of Sominshorai Gozu Tenno 蘇民将来 / 巨端将来
- quote -
The deity also became associated with the legend of a Japanese kami of plague called Sominshōrai and was identified with the kami Susanoo; taking on a trinitarian nature that incorporated characteristics of Susanoo's consort and child, he also came to be identified with the Japanese kami Onamuchi.
- reference source : kokugakuin Yonei Teruyoshi -
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
. 津島大社 Tsushima Taisha / 津島神社 Tsushima Jinja - Aichi .
............................................................................. Ehime 愛媛県
. Great Tsushima Shrine 津島大社 Tsushima Taisha .
津島牛頭天王社 Tsushima Gozu Tenno Shrine
- extensive reference about Gozu Tenno -
「牛頭天王と蘇民将来伝説の真相」 by 長井博 Nagai Hiroshi
Ehime 喜多郡 Kita district
On 用の山 Mount Yonoyama (540 m) there is a shrine for Gozu Tenno 牛頭天王神社, where Susano-o no Mikoto is worshipped. There was a huge カシの木 Kashi oak tree in the compound, which the villagers cut down to build the shrine. But it turned out to become a curse of Gozu Tenno and all the babies and young children of the village died.
The villagers heard the sound of someone dancing a ritual Kagura dance and went to have a look, but there was nobody. Eventually a diviner told them that it was the angry Gozu Tenno. He wanted them to get new trees from a different mountain nearby and re-plant them here go get the peace back in the village.
. Oak Trees / Quercus .
Ehime 宇和島市 Uwajima city
The land of the Shinto Shrine was sold and the new owner used it for fields. Now strange things happened:
Rocks came tumbling down the mountain and people died. This was the curse of the deity of the 天王社 Tenno Shrine and the farmer stopped to use the fields.
............................................................................. Fukuoka 福岡県
北九州市 Kita-Kyushu city 小倉北区 Kokura-North ward
Kokura Yasaka Shrine 小倉八坂神社
2-2 Jonai, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka

source : traveltowns.jp/spots...
- quote -
Yasaka Shrine in Kokura, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture,
is the highest ranked shrine in the city and it stands on the ruin of the Kitanomaru building of Kokura Castle. The shrine was once called Gionsha and it was located in Imoji-machi.
It was renamed Yasaka Shrine in the Meiji Period and transferred to íts current location in 1934.
The shrine already existed in the beginning of the Heian Period (794 to 1185) and it honored the god Susanouno-mikoto. After the Battle of Sekigahara (1600), 細川越中守忠興 Hosokawa Tadaoki was awarded a fiefdom in Kokura and he moved to Kokura Castle from Tango. He rebuilt the shrine in Imoji-machi and named it Gionsha, at where twelve deities including Susanouno-mikoto were worshiped.
According to legend, during his hunting trip with a falcon, Tadaoki found a small shrine and peeked inside for closer look at the statue of a deity. Suddenly, a falcon flew out from the shrine and damaged Tadaoki’s eyes with its talons. Facing the possible crisis of losing his eyes, Tadaoki saw it as a god’s punishment and he built a magnificent shrine to ask for forgiveness. His eyes are said to have healed after that.
Yasaka Shrine has long been deeply venerated as a guardian shrine by locals. The Kokura Gion Festival, held every July, is known as one of the Three Greatest Gion Festivals in Japan and the splendid performance of the Gion Taiko Drum is a must-see event that enchants spectators.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp... -
............................................................................. Fukushima 福島県
. divination at the Shrine 蟇目鹿島神社 Hikime Kashima Jinja .
............................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県
出石郡 Izushi district 高橋村 Takahashi village
At the Shrine for Gozu Tenno there was roosugi 老杉 an old cedar tree.
From the 10th lunar month until winter people could hear the sound of drums near the tree. Sometimes there was the sound of the tree falling down.
On the night of the third day of the 11th lunar month at the time of ushimitsu 丑満ツ / 丑三つ there comes a storm an the trees are groaning.
This is when the gods come home from their yearly trip to 出雲 Izumo.
. ushi mitsu 丑満ツ / 丑三つ the double-hour of the ox .
A time when the spirits of the dead and the gods are alive too.
............................................................................. Mie 三重県
山田村 Yamada village
The 牛頭天皇社 Shrine for Gozu Tenno was swept away on the 8th of April in 1265 during a flooding. To determine the place for rebuilding the Shrine, the villagers put some branches of yanagi 枯柳 the old willow tree in the ground and one of them became a tree over night. So they used this area for the new Shrine.
............................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県
. Kappagami カッパ神 the Kappa deity .
Kappagami san 河童神さん The Kappa Deity
June 15 is the day of 河童祭 the Kappa Festival. At 牛頭天王神社 the shrine of Gozu Tenno and other places special water rituals are held. People make offerings of cucumbers, a speciality of Kappa san. Children get special amulets from the Kappa Shrine 河童神社 and after that they can enjoy swimming in the river.
June 10 is the day of 牛頭天王祭 the festival for Gozu Tenno. People make offerings of cucumbers and later throw them into the water, praying for the protection of the children.
Isora Jinja 磯良神社 - the Kappa Shrine
Miyagi, Kami District, Shikama 色麻町
. Kappa Legends from Miyagi .
Miyagi 名取市 Natori city 増田 Masuda
umazuka, uma-zuka 馬塚 horse mound
A place to venerate 第六天神 Dairokutenjin.
Once the mikoshi 神輿 portable shrine of 小豆島牛頭天王 Gozu Tenno from Shodoshima passed here. The weather suddenly turned wild and the shinme 神馬 sacred horse died.
Now people can experience healing for cattle and horses.
. Dairokuten Ma-O 第六天魔王 Big Number Six Heavenly Deity .

第六天神社 Shrine Dairokuten Jinja
Built in 1506.
- source : jinjajin.jp/modules/newdb... -
............................................................................. Nagano 長野県
小海町 Koumi
Once a villager was leading his horse when it suddenly stepped into a huge hole in the ground. From the bottom of the hole came a voice
"I am the Gread Deity Gozu Tenno. If you do not venerate me in this village, I will curse you all!"
Therefor all villagers now venerate him in the Eastern Direction at the top of Mount 馬場山Babayama.
............................................................................. Nara 奈良県
. 狩野元信 Kanō Motonobu, Kano Hogen (1476―1559). .
painting at Shrine 神波多神社 Kanhata Jinja
............................................................................. Niigata 新潟県
新発田市 Shibata city
二階堂マキの作物禁忌 A special day for Nikaido Maki
At the 天王社 Tenno-sha dedicated to 二階堂マキ the main festival in on June 15. Nidoimo Taro is boiled and offered at the shrine. When the nearby villagers bring cucumbers, they boil them with rice gruel.
Nikaido Maki said people would get ill if they grow cucumbers.
nidoimo 二度芋 a kind of Taro that can be harvested twice a year (nido).
- reference source : niigata-u.com/files... -
須佐之男神社(新発田市天王〈てんのう〉) / かつて天王宮(牛頭天王)
............................................................................. Okayama 岡山県
There are many shrines in his honor, where he is called 天王様 Tenno Sama.
Some are called 祇園宮 Gion no Miya.
............................................................................. Saitama 埼玉県
飯能市 Hanno town 中沢 Nakazawa
Gozu Tenno likes cucumbers 胡瓜 and they are also a motive in the crest.
In the river 名栗川 Nagurigawa there lives a clan of 河童 Kappa, a famous group in 奥武蔵 the Oku-Musashi area. On the fullmoon night of the sixth lunar month, they all meet for a feast. On this occasion, the villagers throw cucumbers into the river and pray there will be no harm from the water.
This custom is not kept any more.
Nearby in Hachioji 八王子 at a shrine there is a religious restriction 禁忌 not to plant cucumbers. The villagers of the Group to venerate Gozu 牛講 keep this taboo very strictly at the shrine.
reference : 牛頭天王信仰と民間伝承 ― 奥武蔵・天王山八王寺― by 荒井貢次郎 Arai Kojiro
............................................................................. Shizuoka 静岡県
御前崎市 Omaezaki city
Sakuragaike 桜が池 / 桜ヶ池 "the cherty-blossom pond"
In 遠江国笠原庄桜村 Sakura village there are two small ponds, 男池女池 "the pond for men and the pond for women", together called 桜が池 Sakuragaike. At the pond is a Shrine for 牛頭天王 Gozu Tenno.
During the Summer equinox, people make an offering of sekihan 赤飯 red auspicious rice and place it in a barrel, with a wish. A good swimmer has to push it to the middle of the pond and then let go. The swimmer then has to swim on to the other side. The water begins to swirl and the barrel is pulled down. According to the wishes of the people, the number of barrels is different in ever year.
. Sakuragaike 桜が池 "The Cherry Blossom Pond" - Legends .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
reference : 『梅津長者物語』と『牛頭天王縁起』- お伽草子庶民物の塑像 - 真下美弥子 Mashita Misako
- 牛頭天王縁起 - pdf file
- #gozu #gozutenno #oxheaded #giondaimyojin #epidemic #pandemic #densenbyo #hayariyamai -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Gozu Tenno Legends 牛頭天王伝説 / 牛頭天皇
. Gion matsuri 祇園祭り Gion festival .
In 869, the people were suffering from plague and pestilence which was attributed to the rampaging deity
Gozu Tennō (牛頭天王).

Emperor Seiwa ordered that the people pray to the god of the Yasaka Shrine 八坂神社, Susanoo-no-mikoto. Sixty-six stylized and decorated halberds, one for each province in old Japan, were prepared and erected at Shinsen-en, a garden, along with the portable shrines (mikoshi) from Yasaka Shrine.
. Yasaka Jinja 八坂神社 Yasaka Shrine - Legends .
- quote -
Gozu Tennō
Literally, "ox-head-heaven-king." Also called Gion Tenjin, Gozu Tennō is a product of kami-buddha "combinatory" religion, worshiped at the Gion Shrine (Yasaka Jinja) in Kyoto, and at other shrines such as Tsushima, Tennō, Susanoo, and Yakumo. Originating as a deity of pestilence, Gozu Tennō is worshiped within observances related to the festival known as Gion-e.
A variety of ritual formulae
and sacred histories purport to explain the origins and nature of Gozu Tennō; historically originating in India, the deity's features underwent successive transformations and systematic development as it was transmitted to China and Japan. The actual details of its transmission and the process of amalgamation with other deities, however, are complex issues and not universally agreed upon.
In India, the deity was called Gosirsa Devaraja, a minor tutelary deity in Buddhism known as a protector of the Monastery of the "Jeta Grove" (Jp., Gion Shōja), while in Tibet it was known as the deity of "Ox-Head Mountain" (Jp. Gozusan). Transmitted to China, the deity's cult merged with esoteric Buddhism, Daoism, and Yin-Yang beliefs, and then was transmitted to Japan, where it experienced further mingling with Japanese Yin-Yang (Onmyōdō) divination.
The deity also became associated
with the legend of a Japanese kami of plague called Sominshōrai and was identified with the kami Susanoo; taking on a trinitarian nature that incorporated characteristics of Susanoo's consort and child, he also came to be identified with the Japanese kami Onamuchi.
On the popular level, however,
Gozu Tennō's chief features continued to emphasize his nature as a deity of epidemic disease. The Gion Goryō-e first observed in the tenth century became widely popular and was institutionalized as a regular summer observance to exorcise the evil spirits responsible for frequent outbreaks of epidemic disease.
With origins as a spirit causing disease,
Gozu Tennō was in time transformed into a tutelary that protected its worshipers from such epidemics, taking on further characteristics as a deity of justice, a deity that ascertained truth (Tadashi no kami), and a deity of the cardinal directions. As observances of the Gion-e type spread regionally, Gozu Tennō was also established as a local tutelary deity (chinju no kami).
- source : kokugakuin Yonei Teruyoshi -
Gion Daimyojin 祇園大明神
. Somin Shorai 蘇民将来 .

- quote -
the Gion Shrine of Yasui-Konpira-gu
The ema (votive plaque) celebrates the eight base pillars in personified form as eight strong men. In this way the subshrine not only acknowledges the shrine’s Buddhist past but is dedicated to one of Shinto’s prime concerns – extraordinary displays of power (which are seen as a manifestation of the lifeforce).
- source : greenshinto.com... -
. hayariyamai はやり病 / 流行病と伝説 Legends about epidemics .
densenbyoo 伝染病 Densenbyo contagious diseases / pandemic
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. tsurumen 犬神人 / ツルメソ / inujinin (いぬじにん、いぬじんにん、つるめそう) .
When Gozu Tenno first came down from Heaven on this earth, he had two dogs with him. They gave birth and the baby soon turned into a human, Tsurumen.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Truth and legends of Sominshorai Gozu Tenno 蘇民将来 / 巨端将来
- quote -
The deity also became associated with the legend of a Japanese kami of plague called Sominshōrai and was identified with the kami Susanoo; taking on a trinitarian nature that incorporated characteristics of Susanoo's consort and child, he also came to be identified with the Japanese kami Onamuchi.
- reference source : kokugakuin Yonei Teruyoshi -
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
. 津島大社 Tsushima Taisha / 津島神社 Tsushima Jinja - Aichi .
............................................................................. Ehime 愛媛県
. Great Tsushima Shrine 津島大社 Tsushima Taisha .
津島牛頭天王社 Tsushima Gozu Tenno Shrine
- extensive reference about Gozu Tenno -
「牛頭天王と蘇民将来伝説の真相」 by 長井博 Nagai Hiroshi
Ehime 喜多郡 Kita district
On 用の山 Mount Yonoyama (540 m) there is a shrine for Gozu Tenno 牛頭天王神社, where Susano-o no Mikoto is worshipped. There was a huge カシの木 Kashi oak tree in the compound, which the villagers cut down to build the shrine. But it turned out to become a curse of Gozu Tenno and all the babies and young children of the village died.
The villagers heard the sound of someone dancing a ritual Kagura dance and went to have a look, but there was nobody. Eventually a diviner told them that it was the angry Gozu Tenno. He wanted them to get new trees from a different mountain nearby and re-plant them here go get the peace back in the village.
. Oak Trees / Quercus .
Ehime 宇和島市 Uwajima city
The land of the Shinto Shrine was sold and the new owner used it for fields. Now strange things happened:
Rocks came tumbling down the mountain and people died. This was the curse of the deity of the 天王社 Tenno Shrine and the farmer stopped to use the fields.
............................................................................. Fukuoka 福岡県
北九州市 Kita-Kyushu city 小倉北区 Kokura-North ward
Kokura Yasaka Shrine 小倉八坂神社
2-2 Jonai, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka

source : traveltowns.jp/spots...
- quote -
Yasaka Shrine in Kokura, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture,
is the highest ranked shrine in the city and it stands on the ruin of the Kitanomaru building of Kokura Castle. The shrine was once called Gionsha and it was located in Imoji-machi.
It was renamed Yasaka Shrine in the Meiji Period and transferred to íts current location in 1934.
The shrine already existed in the beginning of the Heian Period (794 to 1185) and it honored the god Susanouno-mikoto. After the Battle of Sekigahara (1600), 細川越中守忠興 Hosokawa Tadaoki was awarded a fiefdom in Kokura and he moved to Kokura Castle from Tango. He rebuilt the shrine in Imoji-machi and named it Gionsha, at where twelve deities including Susanouno-mikoto were worshiped.
According to legend, during his hunting trip with a falcon, Tadaoki found a small shrine and peeked inside for closer look at the statue of a deity. Suddenly, a falcon flew out from the shrine and damaged Tadaoki’s eyes with its talons. Facing the possible crisis of losing his eyes, Tadaoki saw it as a god’s punishment and he built a magnificent shrine to ask for forgiveness. His eyes are said to have healed after that.
Yasaka Shrine has long been deeply venerated as a guardian shrine by locals. The Kokura Gion Festival, held every July, is known as one of the Three Greatest Gion Festivals in Japan and the splendid performance of the Gion Taiko Drum is a must-see event that enchants spectators.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp... -
............................................................................. Fukushima 福島県
. divination at the Shrine 蟇目鹿島神社 Hikime Kashima Jinja .
............................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県
出石郡 Izushi district 高橋村 Takahashi village
At the Shrine for Gozu Tenno there was roosugi 老杉 an old cedar tree.
From the 10th lunar month until winter people could hear the sound of drums near the tree. Sometimes there was the sound of the tree falling down.
On the night of the third day of the 11th lunar month at the time of ushimitsu 丑満ツ / 丑三つ there comes a storm an the trees are groaning.
This is when the gods come home from their yearly trip to 出雲 Izumo.
. ushi mitsu 丑満ツ / 丑三つ the double-hour of the ox .
A time when the spirits of the dead and the gods are alive too.
............................................................................. Mie 三重県
山田村 Yamada village
The 牛頭天皇社 Shrine for Gozu Tenno was swept away on the 8th of April in 1265 during a flooding. To determine the place for rebuilding the Shrine, the villagers put some branches of yanagi 枯柳 the old willow tree in the ground and one of them became a tree over night. So they used this area for the new Shrine.
............................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県
. Kappagami カッパ神 the Kappa deity .
Kappagami san 河童神さん The Kappa Deity
June 15 is the day of 河童祭 the Kappa Festival. At 牛頭天王神社 the shrine of Gozu Tenno and other places special water rituals are held. People make offerings of cucumbers, a speciality of Kappa san. Children get special amulets from the Kappa Shrine 河童神社 and after that they can enjoy swimming in the river.
June 10 is the day of 牛頭天王祭 the festival for Gozu Tenno. People make offerings of cucumbers and later throw them into the water, praying for the protection of the children.
Isora Jinja 磯良神社 - the Kappa Shrine
Miyagi, Kami District, Shikama 色麻町
. Kappa Legends from Miyagi .
Miyagi 名取市 Natori city 増田 Masuda
umazuka, uma-zuka 馬塚 horse mound
A place to venerate 第六天神 Dairokutenjin.
Once the mikoshi 神輿 portable shrine of 小豆島牛頭天王 Gozu Tenno from Shodoshima passed here. The weather suddenly turned wild and the shinme 神馬 sacred horse died.
Now people can experience healing for cattle and horses.
. Dairokuten Ma-O 第六天魔王 Big Number Six Heavenly Deity .

第六天神社 Shrine Dairokuten Jinja
Built in 1506.
- source : jinjajin.jp/modules/newdb... -
............................................................................. Nagano 長野県
小海町 Koumi
Once a villager was leading his horse when it suddenly stepped into a huge hole in the ground. From the bottom of the hole came a voice
"I am the Gread Deity Gozu Tenno. If you do not venerate me in this village, I will curse you all!"
Therefor all villagers now venerate him in the Eastern Direction at the top of Mount 馬場山Babayama.
............................................................................. Nara 奈良県
. 狩野元信 Kanō Motonobu, Kano Hogen (1476―1559). .
painting at Shrine 神波多神社 Kanhata Jinja
............................................................................. Niigata 新潟県
新発田市 Shibata city
二階堂マキの作物禁忌 A special day for Nikaido Maki
At the 天王社 Tenno-sha dedicated to 二階堂マキ the main festival in on June 15. Nidoimo Taro is boiled and offered at the shrine. When the nearby villagers bring cucumbers, they boil them with rice gruel.
Nikaido Maki said people would get ill if they grow cucumbers.
nidoimo 二度芋 a kind of Taro that can be harvested twice a year (nido).
- reference source : niigata-u.com/files... -
須佐之男神社(新発田市天王〈てんのう〉) / かつて天王宮(牛頭天王)
............................................................................. Okayama 岡山県
There are many shrines in his honor, where he is called 天王様 Tenno Sama.
Some are called 祇園宮 Gion no Miya.
............................................................................. Saitama 埼玉県
飯能市 Hanno town 中沢 Nakazawa
Gozu Tenno likes cucumbers 胡瓜 and they are also a motive in the crest.
In the river 名栗川 Nagurigawa there lives a clan of 河童 Kappa, a famous group in 奥武蔵 the Oku-Musashi area. On the fullmoon night of the sixth lunar month, they all meet for a feast. On this occasion, the villagers throw cucumbers into the river and pray there will be no harm from the water.
This custom is not kept any more.
Nearby in Hachioji 八王子 at a shrine there is a religious restriction 禁忌 not to plant cucumbers. The villagers of the Group to venerate Gozu 牛講 keep this taboo very strictly at the shrine.
reference : 牛頭天王信仰と民間伝承 ― 奥武蔵・天王山八王寺― by 荒井貢次郎 Arai Kojiro
............................................................................. Shizuoka 静岡県
御前崎市 Omaezaki city
Sakuragaike 桜が池 / 桜ヶ池 "the cherty-blossom pond"
In 遠江国笠原庄桜村 Sakura village there are two small ponds, 男池女池 "the pond for men and the pond for women", together called 桜が池 Sakuragaike. At the pond is a Shrine for 牛頭天王 Gozu Tenno.
During the Summer equinox, people make an offering of sekihan 赤飯 red auspicious rice and place it in a barrel, with a wish. A good swimmer has to push it to the middle of the pond and then let go. The swimmer then has to swim on to the other side. The water begins to swirl and the barrel is pulled down. According to the wishes of the people, the number of barrels is different in ever year.
. Sakuragaike 桜が池 "The Cherry Blossom Pond" - Legends .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
reference : 『梅津長者物語』と『牛頭天王縁起』- お伽草子庶民物の塑像 - 真下美弥子 Mashita Misako
- 牛頭天王縁起 - pdf file
- #gozu #gozutenno #oxheaded #giondaimyojin #epidemic #pandemic #densenbyo #hayariyamai -
Ishigami Stone Deity
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
- - - Iwagami 岩神 Rock Deity - - -
手力男命 / 天之手力男神 / 天手力男神 Ame no Tajikara Onokami, Amenotajikara O no Kami
天手力男神 Amenotadikaraonokmi / Ame-no-tajikarao

. Ishigami 石神 Stone Deity .
- - - The related deity Iwagami is introduced on this page:
Iwagami 岩神 "rock deity"
Often a special rock or boulder venerated by the villagers.

source and more photos: maebasisi/IwagamiInari...
御岩神社 - 岩神稲荷神社 Iwagami Inari Jinja
群馬県前橋市昭和町3-29-6 Gunma, Maebashi city, Showa town
In the back of the shrine is a huge boulder, iwagami no tobiishi 岩神の飛石 "the flying stone of the rock deity".
- Reference : kojiki.kokugakuin...
. shingun 神軍 / jingun ジングン heavenly army phenomenon .
Stones like arrowheads falling from the sky.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - Iwagami 岩神 often refers to an unusual rock formation, venerated as a deity.
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
豊川市 Toyokawa city 八幡町 Yawata town // 岩神
uwabami うわばみ is an old name for a large serpent.
Once upon a time, there lived a huge serpent in the area, as big as a huge tree. It caused a lot of damage to the local farmers. So they hired a Samurai to kill the serpent. They took the head of the serpent and venerated it.
uwabami うわばみ / 蟒蛇 is an old name for a very large serpent. In the local dialect, it changed to Iwagami.
The Uwabami name later changed to Orochi おろち, a serpent that likes Sake rice wine and is represented in the legend of
. Yamata no Orochi (ヤマタノオロチ) 八岐大蛇、八俣遠呂智、八俣遠呂知, .
- quote -
Translation: giant snake, great serpent
Alternate names: orochi, daija
Habitat: wilderness
Diet: carnivorous, very fond of alcohol; gluttonous
Uwabami are enormous serpents. Apart from their incredible size, they closely resemble ordinary snakes. They make their homes in the wilderness, far from civilization.
- Details are here :
- source : yokai.com/uwabami -
....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
館村 Datemura village // 岩神明神
tora no maki 虎之巻 scroll with a tiger
Once upon a time, umakata 馬方 the owner of a horse was on his way home when he met an old ill pilgrim on the road. He took him to his home and nursed him. Just before his death, the pilgrim said: "This is a secret scroll, you must never look at it!" and gave him the scroll.
Later there was a fire in the village and the horse owner took the scroll and brought it to the shrine where 岩神明神 Iwagami Myojin is venerated.
It stayed there with its name, Scroll with a Tiger and nobody has ever looked at it.
. umakata 馬方 owner of a horse .
....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....
庄原市 Shobara city 東城町 Tojo town
. Ishigami san 石神さん The Venerable Stone Deity .
....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
高松市 Takamatsu city 東植田町 Higashi-Ueta town // 岩神
Tanuki-chi タヌキ地 / 狸地 "Tanuki land"
At the foot of the mountain there are two rocks, venreated as 岩神 Iwagami.
East of them there was a small field, but people should not use it because bad things would happen. Tanuki, the messenger of Iwagami, would play his tricks.
So this field was called Tanuki-chi タヌキ地 / 狸地 "Tanuki land".
. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
上京区 Kamigyo ward
. Iwagami Jinja 岩上神社 / 岩神祠 / 岩神さん / Iwagami 石神 / イワガミ .
....................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 .....
西都市 Saito city 銀鏡 Shiromi // 石神
tatsu no koma 龍の駒 horse of a dragon
On the Westernn slope of 龍房山 Mount Ryubusuyama there is a hamlet called 秋切集落 Akkiri.
There is 石神 a stone deity named Ryu no Tama 龍之玉. In the nearby river the tatsu no koma 龍の駒 horse of the deity comes do drink.

銀鏡(しらみ)神社 Shirami Jinja / 銀鏡神社(しろみ神社) Shiromi Shrine
- reference source : pmiyazaki.com/siromi_j... -
....................................................................... Nara 奈良県 .....
五條市 Gojo city 小島町 Kojima town // 岩神
In the hamlet of Kojima the ground is of one solid piece of rock. All stones and rocks around it are seen as
岩神様 Iwagami Sama.
Is someone takes a stone away, he will be cursed, there will be sickness in his family and people will die, the family will die out.
The villagers hold rituals at a small shrine to appease the deity.

Iwagami Jinja 岩神神社
415 Kojimacho, Gojo, Nara
For the veneration of the huge rock.
source and more photos : ameblo.jp/keith4862...
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
. Oiwa Jinja 御岩神社 / お岩神社 / Kabire Jingu 賀毘礼神宮.
in Ibaraki, with a Tengu.
Isonokami, iso no kami 石上 (ishi no ue) 石上サン on a rock
Ryugan Jinja 龍岩神社 in Shimane -- タツイワ様 Tatsuiwa San
Shiraiwa Jinja 白岩神社 in Kochi
- #ishigami #stonedeity #stone #rock #iwagami -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
- - - Iwagami 岩神 Rock Deity - - -
手力男命 / 天之手力男神 / 天手力男神 Ame no Tajikara Onokami, Amenotajikara O no Kami
天手力男神 Amenotadikaraonokmi / Ame-no-tajikarao

. Ishigami 石神 Stone Deity .
- - - The related deity Iwagami is introduced on this page:
Iwagami 岩神 "rock deity"
Often a special rock or boulder venerated by the villagers.

source and more photos: maebasisi/IwagamiInari...
御岩神社 - 岩神稲荷神社 Iwagami Inari Jinja
群馬県前橋市昭和町3-29-6 Gunma, Maebashi city, Showa town
In the back of the shrine is a huge boulder, iwagami no tobiishi 岩神の飛石 "the flying stone of the rock deity".
- Reference : kojiki.kokugakuin...
. shingun 神軍 / jingun ジングン heavenly army phenomenon .
Stones like arrowheads falling from the sky.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- - - Iwagami 岩神 often refers to an unusual rock formation, venerated as a deity.
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
豊川市 Toyokawa city 八幡町 Yawata town // 岩神
uwabami うわばみ is an old name for a large serpent.

Once upon a time, there lived a huge serpent in the area, as big as a huge tree. It caused a lot of damage to the local farmers. So they hired a Samurai to kill the serpent. They took the head of the serpent and venerated it.
uwabami うわばみ / 蟒蛇 is an old name for a very large serpent. In the local dialect, it changed to Iwagami.
The Uwabami name later changed to Orochi おろち, a serpent that likes Sake rice wine and is represented in the legend of
. Yamata no Orochi (ヤマタノオロチ) 八岐大蛇、八俣遠呂智、八俣遠呂知, .
- quote -
Translation: giant snake, great serpent
Alternate names: orochi, daija
Habitat: wilderness
Diet: carnivorous, very fond of alcohol; gluttonous
Uwabami are enormous serpents. Apart from their incredible size, they closely resemble ordinary snakes. They make their homes in the wilderness, far from civilization.
- Details are here :
- source : yokai.com/uwabami -
....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
館村 Datemura village // 岩神明神
tora no maki 虎之巻 scroll with a tiger
Once upon a time, umakata 馬方 the owner of a horse was on his way home when he met an old ill pilgrim on the road. He took him to his home and nursed him. Just before his death, the pilgrim said: "This is a secret scroll, you must never look at it!" and gave him the scroll.
Later there was a fire in the village and the horse owner took the scroll and brought it to the shrine where 岩神明神 Iwagami Myojin is venerated.
It stayed there with its name, Scroll with a Tiger and nobody has ever looked at it.
. umakata 馬方 owner of a horse .
....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....
庄原市 Shobara city 東城町 Tojo town
. Ishigami san 石神さん The Venerable Stone Deity .
....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
高松市 Takamatsu city 東植田町 Higashi-Ueta town // 岩神
Tanuki-chi タヌキ地 / 狸地 "Tanuki land"
At the foot of the mountain there are two rocks, venreated as 岩神 Iwagami.
East of them there was a small field, but people should not use it because bad things would happen. Tanuki, the messenger of Iwagami, would play his tricks.
So this field was called Tanuki-chi タヌキ地 / 狸地 "Tanuki land".
. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
上京区 Kamigyo ward
. Iwagami Jinja 岩上神社 / 岩神祠 / 岩神さん / Iwagami 石神 / イワガミ .
....................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 .....
西都市 Saito city 銀鏡 Shiromi // 石神
tatsu no koma 龍の駒 horse of a dragon
On the Westernn slope of 龍房山 Mount Ryubusuyama there is a hamlet called 秋切集落 Akkiri.
There is 石神 a stone deity named Ryu no Tama 龍之玉. In the nearby river the tatsu no koma 龍の駒 horse of the deity comes do drink.

銀鏡(しらみ)神社 Shirami Jinja / 銀鏡神社(しろみ神社) Shiromi Shrine
- reference source : pmiyazaki.com/siromi_j... -
....................................................................... Nara 奈良県 .....
五條市 Gojo city 小島町 Kojima town // 岩神
In the hamlet of Kojima the ground is of one solid piece of rock. All stones and rocks around it are seen as
岩神様 Iwagami Sama.
Is someone takes a stone away, he will be cursed, there will be sickness in his family and people will die, the family will die out.
The villagers hold rituals at a small shrine to appease the deity.

Iwagami Jinja 岩神神社
415 Kojimacho, Gojo, Nara
For the veneration of the huge rock.
source and more photos : ameblo.jp/keith4862...
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
. Oiwa Jinja 御岩神社 / お岩神社 / Kabire Jingu 賀毘礼神宮.
in Ibaraki, with a Tengu.
Isonokami, iso no kami 石上 (ishi no ue) 石上サン on a rock
Ryugan Jinja 龍岩神社 in Shimane -- タツイワ様 Tatsuiwa San
Shiraiwa Jinja 白岩神社 in Kochi
- #ishigami #stonedeity #stone #rock #iwagami -
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