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Showing posts sorted by date for query Kyoto. Sort by relevance Show all posts


Gozu Tenno Legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Gozu Tenno Legends 牛頭天王伝説 / 牛頭天皇

. Gion matsuri 祇園祭り Gion festival .
In 869, the people were suffering from plague and pestilence which was attributed to the rampaging deity
Gozu Tennō (牛頭天王).

Emperor Seiwa ordered that the people pray to the god of the Yasaka Shrine 八坂神社, Susanoo-no-mikoto. Sixty-six stylized and decorated halberds, one for each province in old Japan, were prepared and erected at Shinsen-en, a garden, along with the portable shrines (mikoshi) from Yasaka Shrine.

. Yasaka Jinja 八坂神社 Yasaka Shrine - Legends .


- quote -
Gozu Tennō
Literally, "ox-head-heaven-king." Also called Gion Tenjin, Gozu Tennō is a product of kami-buddha "combinatory" religion, worshiped at the Gion Shrine (Yasaka Jinja) in Kyoto, and at other shrines such as Tsushima, Tennō, Susanoo, and Yakumo. Originating as a deity of pestilence, Gozu Tennō is worshiped within observances related to the festival known as Gion-e.
A variety of ritual formulae
and sacred histories purport to explain the origins and nature of Gozu Tennō; historically originating in India, the deity's features underwent successive transformations and systematic development as it was transmitted to China and Japan. The actual details of its transmission and the process of amalgamation with other deities, however, are complex issues and not universally agreed upon.
In India, the deity was called Gosirsa Devaraja, a minor tutelary deity in Buddhism known as a protector of the Monastery of the "Jeta Grove" (Jp., Gion Shōja), while in Tibet it was known as the deity of "Ox-Head Mountain" (Jp. Gozusan). Transmitted to China, the deity's cult merged with esoteric Buddhism, Daoism, and Yin-Yang beliefs, and then was transmitted to Japan, where it experienced further mingling with Japanese Yin-Yang (Onmyōdō) divination.
The deity also became associated
with the legend of a Japanese kami of plague called Sominshōrai and was identified with the kami Susanoo; taking on a trinitarian nature that incorporated characteristics of Susanoo's consort and child, he also came to be identified with the Japanese kami Onamuchi.
On the popular level, however,
Gozu Tennō's chief features continued to emphasize his nature as a deity of epidemic disease. The Gion Goryō-e first observed in the tenth century became widely popular and was institutionalized as a regular summer observance to exorcise the evil spirits responsible for frequent outbreaks of epidemic disease.
With origins as a spirit causing disease,
Gozu Tennō was in time transformed into a tutelary that protected its worshipers from such epidemics, taking on further characteristics as a deity of justice, a deity that ascertained truth (Tadashi no kami), and a deity of the cardinal directions. As observances of the Gion-e type spread regionally, Gozu Tennō was also established as a local tutelary deity (chinju no kami).
- source : kokugakuin Yonei Teruyoshi -

Gion Daimyojin 祇園大明神

. Somin Shorai 蘇民将来 .


- quote -
the Gion Shrine of Yasui-Konpira-gu
The ema (votive plaque) celebrates the eight base pillars in personified form as eight strong men. In this way the subshrine not only acknowledges the shrine’s Buddhist past but is dedicated to one of Shinto’s prime concerns – extraordinary displays of power (which are seen as a manifestation of the lifeforce).
- source : -


. hayariyamai はやり病 / 流行病と伝説 Legends about epidemics .
densenbyoo 伝染病 Densenbyo contagious diseases / pandemic

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


. tsurumen 犬神人 / ツルメソ / inujinin (いぬじにん、いぬじんにん、つるめそう) .
When Gozu Tenno first came down from Heaven on this earth, he had two dogs with him. They gave birth and the baby soon turned into a human, Tsurumen.


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Truth and legends of Sominshorai Gozu Tenno 蘇民将来 / 巨端将来

- quote -
The deity also became associated with the legend of a Japanese kami of plague called Sominshōrai and was identified with the kami Susanoo; taking on a trinitarian nature that incorporated characteristics of Susanoo's consort and child, he also came to be identified with the Japanese kami Onamuchi.
- reference source : kokugakuin Yonei Teruyoshi -

....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....

. 津島大社 Tsushima Taisha / 津島神社 Tsushima Jinja - Aichi .

............................................................................. Ehime 愛媛県

. Great Tsushima Shrine 津島大社 Tsushima Taisha .

津島牛頭天王社 Tsushima Gozu Tenno Shrine
- extensive reference about Gozu Tenno -
「牛頭天王と蘇民将来伝説の真相」 by 長井博 Nagai Hiroshi

Ehime 喜多郡 Kita district

On 用の山 Mount Yonoyama (540 m) there is a shrine for Gozu Tenno 牛頭天王神社, where Susano-o no Mikoto is worshipped. There was a huge カシの木 Kashi oak tree in the compound, which the villagers cut down to build the shrine. But it turned out to become a curse of Gozu Tenno and all the babies and young children of the village died.
The villagers heard the sound of someone dancing a ritual Kagura dance and went to have a look, but there was nobody. Eventually a diviner told them that it was the angry Gozu Tenno. He wanted them to get new trees from a different mountain nearby and re-plant them here go get the peace back in the village.

. Oak Trees / Quercus .

Ehime 宇和島市 Uwajima city

The land of the Shinto Shrine was sold and the new owner used it for fields. Now strange things happened:
Rocks came tumbling down the mountain and people died. This was the curse of the deity of the 天王社 Tenno Shrine and the farmer stopped to use the fields.

............................................................................. Fukuoka 福岡県
北九州市 Kita-Kyushu city 小倉北区 Kokura-North ward

Kokura Yasaka Shrine 小倉八坂神社
2-2 Jonai, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka

source :

- quote -
Yasaka Shrine in Kokura, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture,
is the highest ranked shrine in the city and it stands on the ruin of the Kitanomaru building of Kokura Castle. The shrine was once called Gionsha and it was located in Imoji-machi.
It was renamed Yasaka Shrine in the Meiji Period and transferred to íts current location in 1934.
The shrine already existed in the beginning of the Heian Period (794 to 1185) and it honored the god Susanouno-mikoto. After the Battle of Sekigahara (1600), 細川越中守忠興 Hosokawa Tadaoki was awarded a fiefdom in Kokura and he moved to Kokura Castle from Tango. He rebuilt the shrine in Imoji-machi and named it Gionsha, at where twelve deities including Susanouno-mikoto were worshiped.
According to legend, during his hunting trip with a falcon, Tadaoki found a small shrine and peeked inside for closer look at the statue of a deity. Suddenly, a falcon flew out from the shrine and damaged Tadaoki’s eyes with its talons. Facing the possible crisis of losing his eyes, Tadaoki saw it as a god’s punishment and he built a magnificent shrine to ask for forgiveness. His eyes are said to have healed after that.
Yasaka Shrine has long been deeply venerated as a guardian shrine by locals. The Kokura Gion Festival, held every July, is known as one of the Three Greatest Gion Festivals in Japan and the splendid performance of the Gion Taiko Drum is a must-see event that enchants spectators.
- source : -

............................................................................. Fukushima 福島県

. divination at the Shrine 蟇目鹿島神社 Hikime Kashima Jinja .

............................................................................. Hyogo 兵庫県
出石郡 Izushi district 高橋村 Takahashi village

At the Shrine for Gozu Tenno there was roosugi 老杉 an old cedar tree.
From the 10th lunar month until winter people could hear the sound of drums near the tree. Sometimes there was the sound of the tree falling down.
On the night of the third day of the 11th lunar month at the time of ushimitsu 丑満ツ / 丑三つ there comes a storm an the trees are groaning.
This is when the gods come home from their yearly trip to 出雲 Izumo.

. ushi mitsu 丑満ツ / 丑三つ the double-hour of the ox .
A time when the spirits of the dead and the gods are alive too.

............................................................................. Mie 三重県
山田村 Yamada village

The 牛頭天皇社 Shrine for Gozu Tenno was swept away on the 8th of April in 1265 during a flooding. To determine the place for rebuilding the Shrine, the villagers put some branches of yanagi 枯柳 the old willow tree in the ground and one of them became a tree over night. So they used this area for the new Shrine.

............................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県

. Kappagami カッパ神 the Kappa deity .
Kappagami san 河童神さん The Kappa Deity
June 15 is the day of 河童祭 the Kappa Festival. At 牛頭天王神社 the shrine of Gozu Tenno and other places special water rituals are held. People make offerings of cucumbers, a speciality of Kappa san. Children get special amulets from the Kappa Shrine 河童神社 and after that they can enjoy swimming in the river.
June 10 is the day of 牛頭天王祭 the festival for Gozu Tenno. People make offerings of cucumbers and later throw them into the water, praying for the protection of the children.

Isora Jinja 磯良神社 - the Kappa Shrine
Miyagi, Kami District, Shikama 色麻町
. Kappa Legends from Miyagi .

Miyagi 名取市 Natori city 増田 Masuda

umazuka, uma-zuka 馬塚 horse mound
A place to venerate 第六天神 Dairokutenjin.
Once the mikoshi 神輿 portable shrine of 小豆島牛頭天王 Gozu Tenno from Shodoshima passed here. The weather suddenly turned wild and the shinme 神馬 sacred horse died.
Now people can experience healing for cattle and horses.

. Dairokuten Ma-O 第六天魔王 Big Number Six Heavenly Deity .

第六天神社 Shrine Dairokuten Jinja
Built in 1506.
- source : -

............................................................................. Nagano 長野県
小海町 Koumi

Once a villager was leading his horse when it suddenly stepped into a huge hole in the ground. From the bottom of the hole came a voice
"I am the Gread Deity Gozu Tenno. If you do not venerate me in this village, I will curse you all!"
Therefor all villagers now venerate him in the Eastern Direction at the top of Mount 馬場山Babayama.

............................................................................. Nara 奈良県

. 狩野元信 Kanō Motonobu, Kano Hogen (1476―1559). .
painting at Shrine 神波多神社 Kanhata Jinja

............................................................................. Niigata 新潟県
新発田市 Shibata city

二階堂マキの作物禁忌 A special day for Nikaido Maki
At the 天王社 Tenno-sha dedicated to 二階堂マキ the main festival in on June 15. Nidoimo Taro is boiled and offered at the shrine. When the nearby villagers bring cucumbers, they boil them with rice gruel.
Nikaido Maki said people would get ill if they grow cucumbers.
nidoimo 二度芋 a kind of Taro that can be harvested twice a year (nido).

- reference source : -
須佐之男神社(新発田市天王〈てんのう〉) / かつて天王宮(牛頭天王)

............................................................................. Okayama 岡山県
There are many shrines in his honor, where he is called 天王様 Tenno Sama.
Some are called 祇園宮 Gion no Miya.

............................................................................. Saitama 埼玉県
飯能市 Hanno town 中沢 Nakazawa

Gozu Tenno likes cucumbers 胡瓜 and they are also a motive in the crest.
In the river 名栗川 Nagurigawa there lives a clan of 河童 Kappa, a famous group in 奥武蔵 the Oku-Musashi area. On the fullmoon night of the sixth lunar month, they all meet for a feast. On this occasion, the villagers throw cucumbers into the river and pray there will be no harm from the water.
This custom is not kept any more.
Nearby in Hachioji 八王子 at a shrine there is a religious restriction 禁忌 not to plant cucumbers. The villagers of the Group to venerate Gozu 牛講 keep this taboo very strictly at the shrine.

reference : 牛頭天王信仰と民間伝承 ― 奥武蔵・天王山八王寺― by 荒井貢次郎 Arai Kojiro

............................................................................. Shizuoka 静岡県
御前崎市 Omaezaki city

Sakuragaike 桜が池 / 桜ヶ池 "the cherty-blossom pond"
In 遠江国笠原庄桜村 Sakura village there are two small ponds, 男池女池 "the pond for men and the pond for women", together called 桜が池 Sakuragaike. At the pond is a Shrine for 牛頭天王 Gozu Tenno.
During the Summer equinox, people make an offering of sekihan 赤飯 red auspicious rice and place it in a barrel, with a wish. A good swimmer has to push it to the middle of the pond and then let go. The swimmer then has to swim on to the other side. The water begins to swirl and the barrel is pulled down. According to the wishes of the people, the number of barrels is different in ever year.

. Sakuragaike 桜が池 "The Cherry Blossom Pond" - Legends .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -

reference : 『梅津長者物語』と『牛頭天王縁起』- お伽草子庶民物の塑像 - 真下美弥子 Mashita Misako

- 牛頭天王縁起 - pdf file


- #gozu #gozutenno #oxheaded #giondaimyojin #epidemic #pandemic #densenbyo #hayariyamai -

Ishigami Stone Deity

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

- - - Iwagami 岩神 Rock Deity - - -

手力男命 / 天之手力男神 / 天手力男神 Ame no Tajikara Onokami, Amenotajikara O no Kami
天手力男神 Amenotadikaraonokmi / Ame-no-tajikarao 

. Ishigami 石神 Stone Deity .
- - - The related deity Iwagami is introduced on this page:


Iwagami 岩神 "rock deity"
Often a special rock or boulder venerated by the villagers.

source and more photos: maebasisi/IwagamiInari...

御岩神社 - 岩神稲荷神社 Iwagami Inari Jinja
群馬県前橋市昭和町3-29-6 Gunma, Maebashi city, Showa town
In the back of the shrine is a huge boulder, iwagami no tobiishi 岩神の飛石 "the flying stone of the rock deity".


- Reference : kojiki.kokugakuin...

. shingun 神軍 / jingun ジングン heavenly army phenomenon .
Stones like arrowheads falling from the sky.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - Iwagami 岩神 often refers to an unusual rock formation, venerated as a deity.

....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
豊川市 Toyokawa city 八幡町 Yawata town // 岩神

uwabami うわばみ is an old name for a large serpent.

Once upon a time, there lived a huge serpent in the area, as big as a huge tree. It caused a lot of damage to the local farmers. So they hired a Samurai to kill the serpent. They took the head of the serpent and venerated it.
uwabami うわばみ / 蟒蛇 is an old name for a very large serpent. In the local dialect, it changed to Iwagami.
The Uwabami name later changed to Orochi おろち, a serpent that likes Sake rice wine and is represented in the legend of
. Yamata no Orochi (ヤマタノオロチ) 八岐大蛇、八俣遠呂智、八俣遠呂知, .

- quote -
Translation: giant snake, great serpent
Alternate names: orochi, daija
Habitat: wilderness
Diet: carnivorous, very fond of alcohol; gluttonous
Uwabami are enormous serpents. Apart from their incredible size, they closely resemble ordinary snakes. They make their homes in the wilderness, far from civilization.
- Details are here :
- source : -

....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
館村 Datemura village // 岩神明神

tora no maki 虎之巻 scroll with a tiger
Once upon a time, umakata 馬方 the owner of a horse was on his way home when he met an old ill pilgrim on the road. He took him to his home and nursed him. Just before his death, the pilgrim said: "This is a secret scroll, you must never look at it!" and gave him the scroll.
Later there was a fire in the village and the horse owner took the scroll and brought it to the shrine where 岩神明神 Iwagami Myojin is venerated.
It stayed there with its name, Scroll with a Tiger and nobody has ever looked at it.

. umakata 馬方 owner of a horse .

....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....
庄原市 Shobara city 東城町 Tojo town

. Ishigami san 石神さん The Venerable Stone Deity .

....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
高松市 Takamatsu city 東植田町 Higashi-Ueta town // 岩神

Tanuki-chi タヌキ地 / 狸地 "Tanuki land"
At the foot of the mountain there are two rocks, venreated as 岩神 Iwagami.
East of them there was a small field, but people should not use it because bad things would happen. Tanuki, the messenger of Iwagami, would play his tricks.
So this field was called Tanuki-chi タヌキ地 / 狸地 "Tanuki land".

. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
上京区 Kamigyo ward

. Iwagami Jinja 岩上神社 / 岩神祠 / 岩神さん / Iwagami 石神 / イワガミ .

....................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 .....
西都市 Saito city 銀鏡 Shiromi // 石神

tatsu no koma 龍の駒 horse of a dragon
On the Westernn slope of 龍房山 Mount Ryubusuyama there is a hamlet called 秋切集落 Akkiri.
There is 石神 a stone deity named Ryu no Tama 龍之玉. In the nearby river the tatsu no koma 龍の駒 horse of the deity comes do drink.

銀鏡(しらみ)神社 Shirami Jinja / 銀鏡神社(しろみ神社) Shiromi Shrine
- reference source : -

....................................................................... Nara 奈良県 .....
五條市 Gojo city 小島町 Kojima town // 岩神

In the hamlet of Kojima the ground is of one solid piece of rock. All stones and rocks around it are seen as
岩神様 Iwagami Sama.
Is someone takes a stone away, he will be cursed, there will be sickness in his family and people will die, the family will die out.
The villagers hold rituals at a small shrine to appease the deity.

Iwagami Jinja 岩神神社
415 Kojimacho, Gojo, Nara
For the veneration of the huge rock.
source and more photos :


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


. Oiwa Jinja 御岩神社 / お岩神社 / Kabire Jingu 賀毘礼神宮.
in Ibaraki, with a Tengu.
Isonokami, iso no kami 石上 (ishi no ue) 石上サン on a rock

Ryugan Jinja 龍岩神社 in Shimane -- タツイワ様 Tatsuiwa San

Shiraiwa Jinja 白岩神社 in Kochi




- #ishigami #stonedeity #stone #rock #iwagami -


Ishigami Stone Deity 2

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

Ishigami 石神 Stone Deity
石の神 Ishi no Kami

手力男命 / 天之手力男神 / 天手力男神 Ame no Tajikara Onokami, Amenotajikara O no Kami
天手力男神 Amenotadikaraonokami / Ame-no-tajikarao

Jinseki 石神 a place name in Hiroshima


. Iwagami 岩神 "rock deity" .
Often a special rock or boulder venerated by the villagers.

. Shibagami 柴神 / シバガミ Shibagami / 柴取り神 Shibatorigami .
and トンビョウ神 Tonbyogami

. magaibutsu 磨崖仏散歩 Stone Cliff Buddhas .


Isonokami, iso no kami 石上 (ishi no ue) 石上サン on a stone

- quote -

homepage of

. Isonokami Jingu 石上神宮 .


- - - - - Various shrines with the name Ishigami Jinja 石神神社 / 石神社 - - - - -

- quote -
The "Ishigami-san" (Stone God) on the grounds of 神明神社 Shinmei Jinja Shrine
is worshipped by the women divers since the old days as a god who "grants at least one wish of a woman".
In the present day, many women from all parts of Japan come to worship here.
All you have to do is to write just one wish on the "Wish Paper", and post the Wish Paper in the wish box in front of "Ishigami-san", then pray.
A rather unique good luck charm, which has the embroidery of a star and grills, is also popular.
Because a star could be drawn in one stroke, the women divers believed "they could return where they started after the dive".
Also, the grills implied that "there is no open space from where a demon could enter".
- source : -


source :

高千穂の石神神社 (いしがみじんじゃ)in Takachiho
Deity in Residence is 牛神大明神 Ushigami Daimyojin
. ushigami 牛神 Kami of cattle .
= Ta no Kami, Ta-no-Kami 田の神 Tanokami, God of the Fields


. Onishi Jinja 鬼石神社 Onishi Shrine .
Onishi 鬼石町(おにしまち) was a town located in Tano District, Gunma Prefecture.
The region produced many stones 石の産地.
The protector deity of stones was called 鬼石明神 Onishi Myojin and is known at least since 1703.

oni ishi 鬼石 lit. Demon Stone

- Reference : kojiki.kokugakuin...


. shingun 神軍 / jingun ジングン heavenly army phenomenon .
Stones like arrowheads falling from the sky.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -




- - - Ishigami 石神 often refers to an unusual stone formation, venerated as a deity.

reference : 蒲生郡安土町老蘇式内奥石神社『神社本紀』

青森県黒石市牡丹平大山祇神社 砲弾鬼石神
大山祇神社(おおやまづみじんじゃ)Oyamazumi Jinja


Hakoishi Jinja 箱石神社
in 宮城県 Miyagi 石巻市 Ishinomaki city

. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
A ujigami 氏神 clan deity of the ashigaru 足軽 soldiers of the Sendai domain, who lived in 成田町 the Narita town, along 北上川 the river Kitakamigawa.
When 坂上宿禰高道 Sakanoue Sukune passed here in 863 to fight the Emishi, he found his death here.
His soul turned into a dragon and caused great flooding. To appease his soul, the shrine was erected.

. ashigaru 足軽 "light legs", common foot soldier .

. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .


Retsuishi Jinja 裂石神社 "split stone" Shrine
in Yamanashi 山梨県, Enzan city - 岩盤から湯が湧出
The saddle of the deity riding to Retsuishi Shrine became a stone.

At the temple 裂石山 雲峰寺 Retsuishizan Unpo-Ji
source :


Tateiwa Jinja 立石神社 (たていわじんじゃ) "standing stone" in various places / 立石稲荷
- photos -


. ubusuna ishi うぶすな石 stone for the Deity of Birth .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

// 石の神
There is 自然石の神 a natural stone deity called 松倉様 Matsukura sama.
They say if flew here in one night.

source :
Matsukura Jinja 松倉神社
Aomori, 五所川原市前田野目


....................................................................... Akita 秋田県 .....
秋田市 Akita city 金足 Kanaashi

Ishigami Sama 石神様
At 鳰崎 Niozaki there are two hokora 祠 small Shrines, one dedicated to 石神様 Ishigami Sama and one to 白山様 Hakusan Sama.
At the Hakusan Shrine, amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals are performed. If they do not bring any result, the next rain ritual is performed at the Shrine for Ishigami Sama.
. amagoi 雨乞いと伝説 Legends about rain rituals / Regenzauber .

....................................................................... Aomori 青森県 .....
大石神社 Shrine Oishi Jinja

Gomiso ゴミソ a Shaman like the Itako
Around 1920, 工藤むら Kudo Mura was worried about the health of his daughter さだ Sada. He consulted a local Gomiso Shaman, who told him she should to go to 赤倉山 Mount Akakurayama.
For three years and three months, she went to venerate the ウブスナさま Ubusuna-Sama in the village of 鼻和村 Hanawa. At the end of this time, 成田の不動様 the great Fudo of Narita showed his form. The following year from the New Year on she went to Akakura and the shrine 大石神社 Oishi Jinja for three days of prayer and eventually became a Gomiso Shaman.
The Shrine 赤倉山神社 Akakurayama Jinja is located at Higashiiwakisan-1-39 Hyakuzawa, Hirosaki.

....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
今治郡 Imabari district // 石神サン

There is kyoseki 巨石 a huge stone megalith and if people touch it, their stomach will begin to ache.

There are various large stones in Imabari.

伯方島 宝股山 石神
石清水八幡神社 磐座
伯方島 喜多浦八幡神社の亀石
- reference and more photos : shamon/kyoseki/ehime/imabari... -

Ehime 西条市 Saijo city 千町 Sencho town // 石の神体

osainoki san, o-sai no ki san おさいのきさん honorable tree at the border
This type of tree is located ath the borders of a village.
One is at 旧加茂村内部落 Kamo village Murauchi hamlet at the pond 御代池 / 御代ヶ池(みよがいけ) Myogaike, where ia rock is venerated as Kami.
At its side are many zoori 草履 straw sandals.
It is venerated as tagori no kami タゴリの神 (tagori means coughing).
If prayers have helped to cure, people offer straw sandals.

. Sekigamisama 咳神様 Deity of coughing .

....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....

source :

hanasaki ishi 花咲石 - ハナサキイシ Hanasaki Stone
Yamato Takeru was on his way to Northern Japan to fight 悪勢(おぜ)Oze, a bad grouop of people.
In the mountains lived majin 魔神 a bad deit (Oze), which did not follow the orders of the Imperial Court but brought trouble to the villagers.
This bad deity was overpowered and burned. His daughter was a pure girl, but the soldiers of Takeru captured and killed her. Her maid servant cried herself to death and her soul became a stone. The stone was called Hanasaki "Stone of flowering blossoms".
The stone is now a historical landmark in 片品村 Katashina village.
Another version of the legend tells of the wife of Oze, which had hidden in a cave. The enemy set fire to the cave and she died in the flames. Her dead body begun to grow into a large stone, with the pattern of rainbow-colored botan 牡丹 peony blossoms.
After her death, the villagers begun to get ill and have misfortunes, so they built a red torii 鳥居 Shrine gate and venerated the place as
This part of Katashina village is called 花咲 Hanasaki Hamlet.

. Yamato Takeru 日本武尊 .

. majin 魔神 - akushin, akujin 悪神 devil, Teufel .

....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....
神石郡 Jinseki district 神石高原町 Kogencho town // 石神さん

A 伊勢参りの旅人 pilgrim to the Ise Shrine forgot a package on iwa 岩 a rock, but the villagers found it. First they wanted to throw it away but the next day they put it back in the rock. This went on for a few days and eventually they opened it.
Inside were tamagushi 玉串 branch offerings. The villagers placed them on the rock and venerated them as shintai 神体 the Body of Kami.
Later a stone mason wanted to split the rock, but red blood came out of it.
The stone had originally been the size of a bed, but now it begun to grow more and more into the sky.

. tamagushi 玉串 offering of a sacred Sakaki branch .

. shintai 神体 "body of the deity" .

Hiroshima 庄原市 Shobara city 東城町 Tojo town

. Ishigami san 石神さん The Venerable Stone Deity .

....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....
明石市 Akashi city // 明石の神 Kami from Akashi

. Kakinomoto Jinja 柿本神社 Shinto Shrine in Akashi, Hyogo .
moojoozakura 盲杖櫻 / 盲杖桜 "Blind Stick Cherry".
A blind person from 筑紫 Tsukushi no Kuni province come here and repeated the prayer for a certain time:
ほのゞとまこと明石の神ならば 我にも見せよ人丸の塚
When he could see again, he placed his blind stick here and it grew into a cherry tree.

Hyogo 神戸市 Kobe city まや山天上寺 Mayasan Tenjo-Ji

yakusui shinkoo 薬水信仰 belief in healing water
At the temple Tenjo-Ji there is a special stone monument with a hole on the top, where the water collects.
In former times this was attributed to 石神 Ishigami or 石仏地蔵碑 a stone statue of Jizo Bosatsu.
The water would heal eye diseases.

. Maya san Tenjooji 摩耶山天上寺 Tenjo-Ji .

....................................................................... Iwate 岩手県 .....
八幡平市 Hachimandaira city

Shizukuishi Jinja 滴石神社

At this Shrine there is a mysterious stone with an opening like a bottle to pour a drink. On its top it makes a sound like シズクイシ "shizuku ishi", on the bottom it makes a dripping sound like tantan タンタン. Many people come here to take a look. The local headman who had to guide the visitors became weary of the job and split the top of the spring stone. As a curse his family became very poor, but the story was told from grandfather to grandchild.

....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
さぬき市 Sanuki city // 田石の神様 Taishi no Kamisama

. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
The neighbour of 広瀬 Hirose san once said "I am going to pray at 田石の神様 Taishi no Kamisama sanctuary. When he wanted to go back, it was already quite dark. Suddenly 白い狸 a white tanuki appeared in front of him. This Tanuki, quite a Yokai monster, was called Ashimagari 足まがり Ashi-Magari, trying to prevent him from going straight .
But he kicked the animal with one leg, so it disappeared.
It took him more than 12 hours to get home.

....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 .....
鎌倉市 Kamakura city

At the Shrine 石神神社 Ishigami Jinja (In the compound of Goryo Jinja) there is an annual ritual on the 25th of July to appease the local 河童 Kappa. Young men with bowls of offerings swim as far as the point from where the island of Enoshima can be seen, then they throw the offerings into the sea. This will prevent the Kappa from doing harm to the swimmers on the famous beach.
. Kappa Legends from Kanagawa 神奈川 .

....................................................................... Kochi 高知県 .....
幡多郡 Hata district 西土佐村 Nishi-Tosa village // 石神さん

. kannazuki 神無月 month where the Kami are absent .
kami no rusu 神の留守 the gods are absent
This is the 10th lunar month, when the Kami father at 出雲 Izumo.
During that time Izumo no matsu 出雲の松 the pine of Izumo begins to bend.
Konpira san 金毘羅さん and 石神さん Ishigami san do not go.

. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 matsu no ki .

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
上京区 Kamigyo ward

iwagami 石神 / イワガミ Iwagami Deity
The rock at 下の石神 Shimo no Iwagami has been pulled here by 高松殿 the lord of Takamatsu. There had been a strange light every night at the top, so the wet nurse of the lord was awarded to become priestess at the temple / shrine to venerate and appease Ishigami 石神寺 / 石神社.
The Shrine is also known as 岩神神社 Iwagami Jinja, 「岩神祠(いわがみし/いわがみ の ほこら)」 Iwagami no Hokora, 、「岩神さん」 Iwagami san or 「岩上神社」 Iwagami Jinja.

Iwagami Shrine (岩上神社) - Daikokucho, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto
- quote -
It Shrine is very small. When I first visited the place, I almost overlooked it, because the shrine consists of only one water basin and one main building. The size of the shrine is about 10 square meters of land. However, it has obviously been enshrined importantly by local people for a long time.
This shrine’s object of worship is this rock.
There is an interesting story related to this rock. In ancient times, this rock used to be placed at Nijo Horikawa. However, people in those days decided to relocate the rock to different places, and they did so several times. The rock was actually really upset about it, and some people heard the sound of crying from the rock at night. What is more, soon after the relocations, many unfortunate accidents happened in Kyoto over and over again. People of that time were terrified and started to believe that these accidents were results of the rock’s wrath. Consequently, people decided to establish a shrine to appease the wrath of the rock, and they restored the peace in the city. Today, we can still see the rock enshrined at Iwagami Shrine. - source and more photos : -

....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
河藝郡 Kawage district 栗眞村 Kurima village // 石神

A woman in the village became ill. An oracle told her, it was because the family had burned down the little forest around the local Shrine for 石神 Ishigami. Since then the family begun to pray at the Shrine and never cut a tree from there again.

....................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 .....
西都市 Saito city 銀鏡 Shiromi // 石神

tatsu no koma 龍の駒 horse of a dragon
On the Westernn slope of 龍房山 Mount Ryubusuyama there is a hamlet called 秋切集落 Akkiri.
There is 石神 a stone deity named Ryu no Tama 龍之玉. In the nearby river the tatsu no koma 龍の駒 horse of the deity comes do drink.

銀鏡(しらみ)神社 Shirami Jinja / 銀鏡神社(しろみ神社) Shiromi Shrine
- reference source : -

....................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 .....
マユイシノカミは前石の神 mayuishi no kami

モンイシノカミ mon ishi no kami
門の石の神 stone deity of the gate

パライシノカミ para ishi no kami
パライシノカミ(腹石 hara no ishi) は柱石の神である。

シティイシノカミshitii ishi no kami

ウヤイシノカミ waya ishi no kami

....................................................................... Osaka 大阪府 .....
天王寺区 Tennoji ward

During the construction of 四天王寺 Shitenno-Ji temple, ox carts were used to transport the stones. When the construction was finished, one bull turned into a stone.
He is now venerated at 石神の祠 a small Ishigami Shrine, Ishigami Do 石神堂.

. Temple Shitenno-Ji 四天王寺 .

....................................................................... Saga 佐賀県 .....
東松浦郡 Higashi-Matsuura district 鎮西町 Chinzei town // 石の神

ochosusama, o-chosu sama おちょす様 Deity to protect children
At the roadside is a stone deity named O-Chosu Sama, venerated in a small shrine with a thatched roof.
On the 20th day of the New Year there is 的射り a ritual of children shooting at a target. The small shrine was once relocated to 十二社宮 the place for 12 Shrines, but a priest said this was not good, so it was brought back to its old place.
In former times, children had used bamboo sticks to pick the stone, but a farmer stopped them.
The farmer soon died of a curse from the Deity.
. kodomo no kami 子供の神 Deity to protect children .

....................................................................... Shimane 島根県 .....
浜田市 Hamada city

Once upon a time, there was a huge rock. If people touched it, they got crazy or even died. When スサノオノミコト the Deity Susanoo no Mikoto split it into two parts, the strange things did not happen any more. One of these rocks gave name to the Shrine erected there, 石神神社 Ishigami Jinja.

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
練馬区 Nerima ward

. Shakujii Park 石神井公園 Shakujii Koen .
石神井神社 Shrine Shakujii Jinja

sakana 魚 fish
At 石神井の池 the pond in Shakuji Park there lived a strange fish, each of its scales looked like a torii 鳥居 gate of a Shinto shrine.
During flooding this fish is swept out to the surrounding rice and vegetable fields. The villagers revere it as a messenger of the deity of Shajuji Shrine and never catch it.

- - - - - 石神井川 River Shakujigawa
Once a man heard the bell of a bicycle along the river Shakujigawa.
There were very few bycicles in this area and it might have been the mischief of the ghost of someone who had once fallen into the river and drowned.
Suddenly the place became quite popular and many people came to look out for the ghost.
Finally they realized it was the voice of frogs and the excitement died down.

. Yamata no orochi 山田の大蛇 / 八岐大蛇 huge monster serpent .

....................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 .....
防府市 Hofu city // 立石

Tateishi Inari 立石稲荷 / 立石稲荷神社
Dannouracho, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi

Built in the slope in three steps.

Tateishi Inari Myojin 立石稲荷明神
Once the elder brother was very sick and his life in danger. The parents went to 立石稲荷社 Tateishi Inari Jinja to pray for his recovery. The next morning there was a long flag from white cotton hanging from the ceiling. The flag touched the cheek of the boy, fell down before the mother and then vanished. The sick boy recovered very soon. The flag must have been from the Deity of the Tateishi Shrine.

. momen 木綿 legends about cotton .
大島郡 Oshima district 周防大島町 Suo Oshima town

On the mountain near the Shrine 志度石神社 Shidoishi Jinja there is a bird with white patterns below its wings. It is said to be fed by the Deity itself.
On the 11th day of the new year, there is a ritual called Otogui, O-to kui 御鳥喰 "feeding the bird", when the bird is fed. If the bird does not eat the food, there will be a bad year with disasters ahead.

....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 .....
// 石の神

On the 14th day of the New Year the Dosojin 道祖神 Wayside Gods are venerated as 石の神 Ishi no Kami. The fire of the ritual will protect children from getting ill.
. Doosojin 道祖神 Dosojin, Dososhin - Legends about Wayside Gods .

. Yooka sama. Yōka 八日様 Yoka Sama, the Honorable Day Eight .
oyooka sama お八日様 O-Yoka Sama


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- #ishigami #stonedeity #stone #rock #iwagami #rockdeity #tateishi #shibaori #jizo #jinzeki #shakuji #magaibutsu -


shinrei spirit legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

shinrei 神霊, mitama / 心霊 divine spirit, Geist

Sometimes a dead person can come back to haunt or help others as a bad or good ghost or a divine spirit.

. Shrine Uji Jinja 宇治神社 .
The following persons and their Spirits are venerated here :

大職冠鎌足神霊 (タイショクカンカマタリシンレイ)Taishokukan Kamatari Shinrei / 藤原鎌足 Fujiwara no Kamatari
和気清麿神霊 (ワケノキヨマロシンレイ)Wake no Kiyomaro Shinrei
菅原道真神霊 (スガワラノミチザネシンレイ)Sugawara no Michizane Shinrei
楠正成神霊 (クスノキマサシゲシンレイ)Kusunoki Masashige Shinrei
羽倉東麿神霊 (ハクラアズママロシンレイ)Hakura Azuma Maro Shinrei
岡部真淵神霊 (オカベマブチシンレイ)Okabe Mabuchi Shinrei / 賀茂 真淵 Kamo no Mabuchi
本居宣長神霊 (モトオリノリナガシンレイ)Motoori Norinaga Shinrei
平田篤胤神霊(ヒラタアツタネシンレイ)Hirata Atsutane Shinrei


aramitama 荒魂 / 荒御魂 - nigimitama 和魂
- quote -
This is one of the ways of referring to a spirit (mitama)
by its function or inner workings, placing it in opposition to nigimitama.
Aramitama is recognized and understood as the ferocious, rough, or violent manifestation of a spirit (mitama).
Although the nigimitama is the normal condition of the spirit,
the aramitama appears during times of war or natural disasters.
This aramitama changes back to the nature of nigimitama by receiving ritual attention.
However, using aramitama to refer to the state wherein the spirits of kami (shinrei) or their power become manifest is thought to have been closer to the original usage.
Among shrines, many worship the two aspects of the mitama separately.
For example, Sumiyoshi Shrine in Shimonoseki worships the aramitama of the Sumiyoshi kami,
while Sumiyoshi Taisha in Osaka worships its nigimitama.
- source : kokugakuin - Yonei Teruyoshi -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

mitama, goryoo 御霊 a spirit
Utsushimi 現御身(うつしみ) is the shinrei 神霊 divine spirit of a kami 神 Shinto Deity in this world.
tama 霊 spirit
is a general term for spirit or soul in ancient times. In addition to human spirit, it also refers to spirit or spiritual force in nature.
A human soul is considered a spiritual entity that comes from outside and dwells in the body, endowing the individual with energy and personality. The word tamashii (spirit, soul) presumably had an original meaning of the "function of tama."
Mitama (御魂、御霊) is an honorific term for tama. When it is written with the characters 神霊 (mitama), it refers to the spirit of a kami.
Later on, the spelling of 御霊 came to be used exclusively for goryō, a spirit that brings hazards to human society.
- reference : .. -

....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minamichita town

shinbatsu 神罰 heavenly punishment
Another name for 神霊 Shinrei is Okutari sama オワタリサマ O-Kutari sama or Ojinjiki sama オジンジキサマ O-Jinjiki

At 八王子社 the Shrine Hachiojisha at Shinojima 篠島 Shino Island
the festival is held once a year on the 3rd and 4th day of January.
From 八王寺社 the Shrine Hachiojisha
- quote -
Shinojima Lord's Procession Festival
This unique festival is one of the trademarks of the small and tranquil island of Shinojima,
located right in the middle of the Mikawa Bay entrance between the Chita and Atsumi peninsulas.
The ritual of the Daimyo Gyoretsu Procession is carried out in order to protect
Ojinjiki-sama, the spirit of Hachioji Shrine, while it is moved to Shinmei Shrine
and brought back on the following day.
It is believed that the power of Ojinjiki-sama will make onlookers go blind,
so all the lights in the road between the two shrines are turned off during the ceremony.
On the next day, after a shamanic dance at the Shinojima Beach,
the crowd of almost-naked men will get in a big brawl in order to decide
who gets the Otanagi-sama of the "Shinboku" Divine Tree.
- reference source : ... -
- reference source : shinojima-matsuri ... -

Hachioji Jinsha 八王子神社 Shrine for the 8 Oji Princes
Yahashira Jinja 八柱神社 (やはしらじんじゃ)
- reference source : wikipedia -

....................................................................... Akita 秋田県 .....
秋田市 Akita city

reimu 霊夢 vision in a dreamshinrei 神霊
At the Shrine for the Deity 三吉大明神 Miyoshi Daimyojin at 大平山 Mount Taiheisan
a believer once had a strange dream.
If a man goes to the top of the mountain to worship the deity he will get great profits.
Since the wife of the believer had seen the same dream,
both built a small Shrine and thus had many wishes granted.
After a wish is granted they must make an offering of mochi 餅 rice cakes.
Otherwise they will be cursed.

....................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 .....
印旛郡 Imba district / Inba / 臼井町 Usui town

. tsue 杖と伝説 Legends about a walking staff .
When 八幡宮 the Shrine Hachimangu was founded in Usui,
the local lord 臼井太郎興胤 Usui Taro Okitane (? - 1313, age 25) placed his walking stick in the ground.
If the staff would stand and grow, this would be the show of shinrei 神霊 a divine spirit.
The staff began to grow and became 樟の神木 the divine Kusunoki camphor tree.
臼井八幡宮 Shrine Usui Hachimangu

....................................................................... Fukui 福井県 .....
川俣町 Kawamata town

reikoku 霊告 revelation
The Shrine for the Deity 甲太明神 Kotai Myojin was built on a relevation of the Deity.
A muku no ki 椋の木 Muku tree Aphananthe aspera was growing in one night.
The place was then called muku seichi 椋生地 place where the Muku grows.

皇太明神神社 Shrine Kotai Myojin Jinja - Shiga
- reference source : -

....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
いわき市 Iwaki city

At 諏訪神社 the Shrine Suwa Jinja in Iwaki city and 泉崎の八幡神社 the Shrine Hachiman Jinja in Izumisaki
there are ema 絵馬 amulets in rememberance of a pilgrimage to 出羽三山 the Three Mountains of Dewa.
They depict pilgrims at a ritual of the waterfall.
In front of the waterfall is a mirror, which represents 神霊 Shinrei, the divine spirit.

....................................................................... Hokkaido 北海道 .....

. 源の義経 Minamoto no Yoshitsune .
At the homes of the Ainu there are two open windows.
One is called 「かもいとの」Kamoitono and
the other one 「ふうくはん」Fuukuhan.
They are venerated with food offerings.
Kamoi represents 神霊 Shinrei, the divine spirit and
Fuukuhan represents the spirit of Yoshitsune

....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....

Konpira Shin reikoku 金比羅神霊験 the miracle of the Konpira Deity
金右衛門 Kinemon was a lumber dealer. He put all his lumber on a ship.
The sailors wanted to steal his money and tried to kill him.
They tied him up and threw him into the sea.
That night in the yard of Kinemon's home, his wife heard a strange sound
and she saw Kinemon tied up and falling down.
Kinemon was a strong believer in 金比羅 the Konpira Deity and had prayed
to Konpira San to save him.
When he went to Konpira and told the story, he got his money back.
He gave all the money to the Shrine to built Kondo 金堂 a Golden Hall there.

養老町 Yoro town

taki no shinrei 滝の神霊 Shinrei, the divine spirit of a waterfall
People who take ablutions in 鼓ヶ滝 the waterfall Tsuzumigataki or
in 養老の滝 the waterfall Yoro no Taki in Gifu have to keep special taboos.
If they use a gourd to scoop water or eat the fish from the river or cook soy beans with the water,
they will make the deity of the waterfall angry and might die on the spot.
養老の滝 the waterfall Yoro no Taki
- quote -
Yoro falls has been chosen as one of the Top 100 Waterfalls and one of the 100 Best Spring Water Sites in Japan.
It is also famous for a legend that tells the story of a pious son who ladles some water from the waterfall
to give to his ailing father, only to find that it tastes like sake!
- source : .. -

....................................................................... Kumamoto 熊本県 .....

reiken 霊験 a miracle,shinrei 神霊 divine spirit
If the price for rice becomes very high or if there will be a natural disaster
a special star appears above 阿蘇山 Mount Asosan.
On the 13th of May suddenly all the mice left the houses,
on the 17th rain begun to fall and destroyed the fields,
on the 18th birds flew away from 藤崎祇園 Fujisaki Gion.
On that day in the evening there was a huge eruption of the volcano Asosan.

- - - - - 肥後 Higo

shaboku 社木 divine Shinto Shrine tree
The shaboku 社木 divine trees at 肥後の野原八幡 the Shrine Nohara Hachimangu in Higo
had fallen down during a Taifun.
But then there was a large trembling of the ground and all the trees were standing up again.
People think this was not unusual, but due to the shinrei 神霊 divine spirit of the place.
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .

one more legend about shaboku

福岡県 Fukuoka 太宰府市 Dazaifu city

shaboku to tatari 社木の祟 the curse of the divine Shrine tree
During the time of 清原岑成 Kiyohara no Minenari (799 - 861) as regend of Dazaifu
the damage to the roof of the Shrine had become great and for repair
the people felled the large tree in the Shrine compound.
But Minenari was cursed by the divine tree and died soon after.
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....

伏見区 Fushimi ward

. Toba don 鳥羽殿 Honorable Sir Toba - carps .

....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
松本市 Matsumoto city

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
Foxes are known to bewitch people and make them eat abura-age アブラアゲ / 油揚げ fried Tofu.
Sometimes such a person seems to have become the speaker of 神霊 Shinrei, a divine spirit.
Once a child of 14 years became bewitched and started eading a lot of fried Tofu.
Once the child said "When I become 19, I will stop that!"
And indeed, after his 19th birthday, the child became normal again, after a priest performed a purification ritual.

....................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県 .....
諫早市 Isahaya city

. kaikoo 怪光 mysterious light .
and the divine spirit of Princess . Inadahime 稲田姫 Princess Inada .

....................................................................... Osaka 大阪府 .....
大阪市 Osaka city 生野区 Ikuno ward

shinrei 神霊 the divine spirit
When 仁徳天皇 Emperor Nintoku Tenno (257 - 399) lived at 高津の宮 Takatsu no Miya,
his archery place was at 岡村 Okamura village.
People later built a Shinto Shrine there and venerated Nintoku Tenno as a divine spirit.

三島郡 Mishima district

. Emperor Gotoba Tenno 後鳥羽天皇 / 後鳥羽上皇 .
Around 1595, the famous thief 石川五右衛門 Ishikawa Goemon sneaked into 水無瀬殿 the Hall Minase Dono.
But this was a hall to venerate shinrei 神霊 the divine spirit of Emperor Gotoba.
So his body begun to shrink and he could not leave the place any more.
. Ishikawa Goemon (石川 五右衛門) .

....................................................................... Shimane 島根県 .....
隠岐郡 Oki district

takuhi gongen 焼火権現 Takuhi Divine Fire Deity
At night from the sea around 隠岐 Oki Island, shinka 神火 a divine light was seen, believed to be made
by Takuhi Gongen 焼火権現 the Deity of Divine Fire.
This deity could calm down high waves.
When a boat was near shipwrecking, the sailors prayed to this Deity. Then a divine light would show and they were saved.
. shinka 神火と伝説 Legends about "divine fire" .
shinka 神火 / シンカ "fire of the gods", "light of the gods"
goshinka, go-shinka 御神火 "divine fire" from a volcano

- quote -
焼火神社 Shrine Takuhi Jinja
Deity in residence : 大日霊貴尊(おおひるめむちのみこと) Ohirumemuchi no Mikoto
(This is another name for Amaterasu no Okami.)
Takuhi Shrine, which is located on mountain Takuhi (452m above the sea level), is dedicated to deity of safe sea voyages.
The legend says on 30th December of Japanese lunisolar calendar, three fire balls rose from the sea
and entered the cave where the shrine is located today.
This is the origin of Takuhi Shrine.
A Shinto ritual called “Ryutousai” was held on the day where people from every part of the Oki Islands used to gather at the shrine to worship the sacred fire.
Nowadays, this custom continues on the fifth of lunisolar New Year as “hatsumairi” meaning the first shrine visit of the year.
Each village on the two islands has a dedicated date for the village where the village people gather and celebrate.
The building of the shrine was rebuilt in 1732. It is the most ancient construction on the Oki Islands.
It was constructed with method revolutionary at the time.
Each part was built in Osaka and assembled here (similar to prefabricated construction today).
The shrine has been designated as Important Cultural Property of Japan in 1992.
The historic and religious significance and the timeless beauty of the architecture still remain to this date.
The belief in the burning fire shrine is well known throughout Japan,
as evidenced by its depiction in prints by Katsushika Hokusai and Utagawa Hiroshige.
- reference source : ... -

....................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県 .....
西伯郡 Saihaku district 大山村 Daisen village

uwanari shinji うわなり神事 / 嫐(うわなり)神事 Uwanari Ritual
10数年前、高杉神社 Shrine Takasugi Jinja のうわなり神事に霊依人として参加した人が、
Uwanari was a kabuki play of the Kabuki Jūhachiban, first performed in 1699.
The Eighteen Best Kabuki Plays is a set of kabuki plays, strongly associated with
the Ichikawa Danjūrō line of actors ever since their premieres.

....................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県 .....
田辺市 Tanabe city 本宮町 Hongu town

. Legends about Oni Demons .
A demon had been tormenting the farmers for a long time.
They used a long gun, put in a lead bullet with a prayer to Amida Butsu 南無阿弥陀仏 Buddha Amitaba and shot.
Until now no bullet had an effect, but this time,
a special bullet with shinrei 神霊 the spiritual power of Amida was able to hit the demon and kill him.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
神霊 - ok

- reference : nichibun yokai database -

continued here :
. tamashi 魂 the soul .
Watakushi no Shinrei Taiken 私の心霊体験 My Shinrei experience / 鹿目和子 Kaname Kazuko


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