
Aoso Jinja Sendai

. Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Aoso Jinja 青麻神社 "Green Hemp Shrine", Miyagi, Sendai
宮城県仙台市宮城野区岩切青麻山 / Aosozawa-32 Iwakiri, Miyagino Ward, Sendai

the headquarters of Aoso shrines all over the country. It was founded in 852 by Hozumi Yasumasa 穂積保昌, the ancestor of the current shrine priest’s family, who came to this area from Kyoto. He enshrined
Amaterasu Omikami 天照大御神 (the sun goddess),
Ame no Minakanushi no Kami 天之御中主神 (the god of the universe), and
Tsukuyomi no Kami 月読神 (the god of the moon)
in the cave where holy water sprang out; hereby the shrine is famous as the place where the sun, the stars and the moon are enshrined together.

Yasumasa taught the villagers how to grow hemp plants.
It is said that the shrine name “Aoso,” which literally means Green Hemp, was derived from this episode. The shrine has been known for its divine power to cure and prevent palsy, and it is said that if you visit this shrine three times, you will never be stricken with palsy for the rest of your life.

As the Hozumi clan was involved in maritime industry, the shrine is also worshipped as the deity of navigation safety.
The famous fine water “Osuzu” springs out in the precinct. A lot of visitors come to take a drink of this holy water.
- quote by Nipponkichi -


- quote -
Eidai Kagura of the Sakaki School in Tomiya town 富谷町
handed down in Ohgame, is characterized by dancing in ancient ceremonial court costumes derived from a myth, and with drum and flute music. It was originally transmitted from the Shinto commissioner to the 32nd priest of Aoso Shrine in Sendai, and then started to be performed in Kashima Amatariwake Shrine in 1848. Since then it has been continuously transmitted from generation to generation for more than 1500 years. It is now being performed by many citizens as an intangible cultural property of the town. It is recognized as a very rare Kagura that still observes an ancient style of performing only by actions without words or lyrics. Today, this Kagura is performed every year in April in dedication to the god of the shrine.
- source : town.tomiya.miyagi.jp -


Sakakiryuu Aosa Kagura 榊流青麻神楽 Aoso Kagura

Hinokawa Kami no Mai 肥川上舞(ひのかわかみのまい)

- source : www12.plala.or.jp/aosojin/kagura-


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulet

ema 絵馬 votive tables

- - - - - HP of the shrine
- source : www12.plala.or.jp/aosojin -


Yearly Festivals 年中行事

歳旦祭 -- 1月1日 -- 新年特別祈祷斎行
松納焚上祭 -- 1月14日 -- 午後六時焚上
厄祓 -- 1月~2月節分  
春季例大祭 -- 5月1日~3日 -- 例祭・春祭特別祈祷斎行
榊流青麻神楽奉納 - Kagura
夏越茅輪くぐり -- 6月晦日  
七五三 -- 11月上~中旬  
秋祭 -- 11月23日 -- 新嘗祭斎行
月次祭 -- 毎月1日


. Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源の義経 and Aoso Shrine .

. Hitachibo Kaison Sennin 常陸坊海尊仙人 .
Retainer of 源の義経 Yoshitsune
He is venerated at Aoso Jinja as a deity to heal eye diseases 眼病の神.


. Amaterasu Omikami 天照大神 .

. Ame no Minakanushi no Kami 天之御中主神 .


- - - - - Tsukiyomi 月読 / 月夜見 (つきよみ) - - - - -
Tsukuyomi no Kami 月読神 , Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto - Deity of the moon
Tsukiyomi no Mikoto 月夜見尊(つきよみのみこと) 月読命
Tsukiyomi no Mikoto Aramitama 月夜見尊荒御魂(つきよみのみことのあらみたま)
Tsukiyumi no Mikoto月弓命

Amulet from Ise Shrine

- quote -
Tsukuyomi no mikoto
Other names: Tsuki no kami (Nihongi), Tsukiyumi no mikoto (Nihongi).
The second of Izanagi and Izanami's "three noble children," and usually considered a male kami with rule over the night. The name tsuku-yomi is thought to be originally related to the lunar calendar, and refers to the "reading" (yomu) of the phases of the "moon" (tsuki). According to Kojiki and an "alternate writing" in Nihongi, Tsukuyomi came into being when Izanagi washed his right eye as he was undergoing ablution. Tsukuyomi was entrusted by Izanagi with rule variously over the sea (Nihongi) or over the realm of night (Kojiki). In the main account of Nihongi, Tsukuyomi is produced jointly from Izanagi and Izanami, and is entrusted to the sky as a complement to the sun kami.
In another "alternate writing" related by Nihongi, Tsukuyomi comes into being from the white copper mirror held in Izanagi's right hand. These accounts of the kami's genesis, involving the juxtaposition of left eye to right eye, left hand to right hand, and sun to moon, tend to agree with the interpretation of Tsukuyomi as a male counterpart to Amaterasu, who is commonly considered female.
In Kojiki,
Tsukuyomi does not appear again after the anecdote regarding his birth, but an "alternate writing" in Nihongi relates that Tsukuyomi originally resided together with Amaterasu in heaven, but after killing the kami of foods Ukemochi, he was condemned by Amaterasu as an "evil kami" and forced to live apart from the sun, resulting in the separation of day and night.
Nihongi's record of Emperor Kensō
includes an episode in which a human medium delivers an oracle of the moon kami stating that land should be offered to the kami Takamimusuhi. The fact that the aforementioned "alternate writing" transmitted by Nihongi describes Tsukuyomi as ruler of the sea and killer of the food deity Ukemochi gives him characteristics in common with the kami Susanoo; in consideration of the theme of the killing of the food deity and the relation of the moon to harvest in the lunar calendar, Tsukuyomi can be considered a tutelary of agriculture.
is the object of worship (saijin) at the detached shrine (betsugū) Tsukuyomi no Miya of the Grand Shrines of Ise (Ise Jingū), as well as at several shrines listed in the Engishiki (see shikinaisha) in the Yamashiro and Ise areas.
- source : Mori Mizue, Kokugakuin 2005 -

Tsukiyomi-no-miya 月夜見宮 Shrine for Tsukiyomi
. gekuu, gekū 外宮 Geku Outer shrine complex of Ise .


- quote -
Tsukuyomi or Tsukiyomi (月読, also known as Tsukiyomi-no-mikoto),
is the moon god in Shinto and Japanese mythology. The -no-mikoto ending is a common honorific suffix for the names of gods, of similar meaning to "the grand, the great, the exalted". The name "Tsukuyomi" is a compound of the Old Japanese words tsuku (月, "moon, month", becoming modern Japanese tsuki) and yomi (読み, "reading, counting").
The Nihon Shoki mentions this name spelled as Tsukuyumi (月弓, "moon bow"), but this yumi is likely a variation in pronunciation of yomi (読み, "reading, counting").
An alternate interpretation is that his name is a combination of tsukiyo (月夜, "moonlit night") and mi (見, "looking, watching").
"Yomi" may also refer to the Japanese underworld, though this interpretation is unlikely.

Unlike the myths of ancient Greece or Rome, the Japanese moon deity is male. This is clear in the earliest mentions in sources such as the Kojiki and the Man'yōshū, where Tsukuyomi's name is sometimes rendered as Tsukuyomi Otoko (月讀壮士, "moon reading man") or as Tsukihito Otoko (月人壮士, "moon person man").

Tsukuyomi was the second of the "three noble children" (三貴子, みはしらのうずのみこ, Mihashira-no-uzunomiko) born when Izanagi-no-Mikoto, the god who created the first land of Onogoro-shima, was cleansing himself of his sins while bathing after escaping the underworld and the clutches of his enraged dead wife, Izanami-no-Mikoto. Tsukuyomi was born when he washed out of Izanagi's right eye. However, in an alternate story, Tsukuyomi was born from a mirror made of white copper in Izanagi's right hand.

After climbing a celestial ladder, Tsukuyomi lived in the heavens, also known as Takamagahara, with his sister Amaterasu Ōmikami, the sun goddess who also later became his wife.

Tsukuyomi angered Amaterasu when he killed Uke Mochi, the goddess of food. Amaterasu once sent Tsukuyomi to represent her at a feast presented by Uke Mochi. The goddess made the food by turning to the ocean and spitting out a fish, then facing the forest and game came out of her mouth, and finally turned to a rice paddy and coughed up a bowl of rice. Tsukuyomi was utterly disgusted by the fact that, although it looked exquisite, the meal was made in a disgusting manner, and so he killed her.
Soon, Amaterasu learned what happened and she was so angry that she refused to ever look at Tsukuyomi again, forever moving to another part of the sky. This is the reason that day and night are never together.
In later versions of this myth, Uke Mochi is killed by Susanoo instead.
- source : wikipedia -

- quote -
. . . . . Another kami identified with Inari is Uke-mochi, the Shinto goddess of food. According to a myth recorded in the Nihongoki,
Uke vomited rice and fish to give to Tsukiyomi, the Moon Kami, at a banquet. (This may have symbolized the eternal recycling of food from one life form to another.) In any case, Tsukiyomi apparently did not appreciate the gesture, for he killed Uke instantly. Her dead body then produced all the foods and animals that are related to agriculture.
. . . . . According to the legend recounted in the Nihon Shoki (“Chronicles of Japan”), the moon god, Tsukiyomi, was dispatched to earth by his sister, the sun goddess Amaterasu, to visit Ukemochi no Kami. (According to the Kojiki, “Records of Ancient Matters,” it was another brother, the storm god Susanoo, who was sent on the mission.) The food goddess welcomed him by facing the land and disgorging from her mouth boiled rice, turning toward the sea and spewing out all kinds of fishes, and turning toward the land and disgorging game. She presented these foods to him at a banquet, but he was displeased at being offered the goddess’s vomit and drew his sword and killed her. When he returned to heaven and informed his sister of what he had done, she became angry and said, “Henceforth I shall not meet you face to face,” which is said to explain why the Sun and Moon are never seen together.
- source : Mark Schumacher -

- Reference : 月夜見尊
- Reference : Tsukiyomi


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Chiba 千葉県 長生郡 Chosei district

Aoso sama 青麻様 - 天狗 Aoso Sama and Tengu
The 鹿間家の屋敷神 Deity of the House of Shikama is called Aoso Sama. It is Tengu.
On the first day of the fourht and ninth month he is welcomed as the deity of 中風 illness and 赤飯 red festival rice is offered. Since he does not likeカボチャとネギ pumpkin and leek, this family does not prepare them at all.

Tengu from Aoso Jinja 天狗様 青麻神社

Miyagi, Sendai, 宮城野区 Miyagino Ku

Sobakomezaka 蕎麦米坂 and Aoso Kaido 青麻街道

The Aoso Kaido road passes the slight slope up to 高森城跡 the remains of Takamori Castle.


- source : nichibun yokai database -


. asa 麻 (あさ) hemp in Japan .

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

- #aosojinja #sendaiaososhrine #tsukiyomi -




- backup Karasuyama Teramachi

Karasuyama Temple Town

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

The main page is here

. Karasuyama teramachi 烏山寺町 Karasuyama Temple Town .

- backup January 2017 -


Karasuyama teramachi 烏山寺町 Karasuyama Temple Town

There are 26 temples in the area.
The area is called the Little Kyoto of Setagaya ward 世田谷の小京都.

からすやま寺町の歌 - The song of Karasuyama Temple Town
- reference source : www.youtube.com -

- quote -
The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 brought a virtual tidal wave of displaced refugees, and a flotilla of temples as well. Setagaya’s population nearly doubled, and Teramachi, or “temple town,” near Chitose-Karasuyama, offered land on which 26 temples damaged in the quake were rebuilt.
A variety of Buddhist sects are represented, and one temple, Senkoji, sequesters the grave site of world-renowned ukiyo-e artist Kitagawa Utamaro.
The hush over the area is eerie beyond words.
- A wave to Setagaya
- source : Kit Nagamura / Japan Times -


01 Myookooji 妙高寺 Myoko-ji
Nichiren Sect.

The temple moved to Karasuyama in 1927 after the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923. It retains a grave of the Mizuno family, the lord of the Yamagata domain. There are graves of 藤井右門 Fujii Umon, an advocate of the restoration of the Imperial rule, three Japanese-style painters: 速水御舟 Hayami Gyoshu (1894 -1935), 今村紫紅 Imamura Shiko, 小村雪岱 Komura Settai, and 川之辺一朝 Kawanobe Iccho, a lacquer artist.
Myoko-ji HP : - reference source : myokozi.com -


. 金剛山 Kongozan 悲願寺 Higan-Ji 多聞院 Tamon-In .
Nr. 03 of the Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo

03 Joomanji 乗満寺 Joman-ji
Shinshu-otani School
The temple was originally located in Kaga and called Rinsho Temple. After moving to Setsu, Fushimi, Suruga then Edo, it changed its name to Joman Temple. It moved to Karasuyama in 1924. In the Edo period the temple had many patrons among 江戸期は幕臣関係の檀家 the vassals of the shogun.

04 Nyuurakuji 入楽寺 Nyuraku-ji
Shinshu-otani School
It was built in Hiramatsu-cho, Nihonbashi in 1648. After being moved to Matsuyama-cho, Asakusa, it was burnt down in the Great Kanto Earthquake. It moved to Karasuyama in 1927.


05 Jooeiji 常栄寺 Joei-ji
Jodo-shin Sect. Honganji School

The buildings were all burnt in the Great Kanto Earthquake except for the principal image and the necrology. It moved to Karasuyama from Tsukiji in 1924. There are the remains of a foundation stone of 菊田伊州 Kikuta Ishu, a Japanese-style painter.
Joei-ji HP - reference source : joueiji.net-


06 Genshooji 源正寺 Gensho-ji
Jodo-shin Sect. Honganji School
The temple moved to Karasuyama from Tsukiji in 1932. They have metal tubs made by 藤原正次 Fujiwara Shoji, a master of foundry in the Edo period, which were chosen as cultural assets.

07 Shinryuuji 幸龍寺 Shinryu-ji
Nichiren Sect.
The temple was originally built as a prayer hall for the Tokugawa family. It moved to Hamamatsu, Suruga, Yushima then Asakusa. It was damaged in the Great Kanto Earthquake. Its relocation to Karasuyama began in 1927 and was completed in 1940.


08 Zonmyooji 存明寺 Zonmyo-ji
Shinshu-otani School

The temple was built at Sakurada-mon in the early Edo period. It moved to Azabu in the Meiji period, then to Karasuyama in 1927 after the 1923 earthquake. Teachings written by the chief priest are on display at the gate, and they are changed from time to time.
The temple features a dining facility for needy children, Zonmyōji Kodomo Shokudō - Cafeteria.
Zonmyo-ji HP : - reference source : zonmyoji.jp -


09 Shoo-oo-in 稱往院 Shoo-in
Jodo Sect.
The temple was built in Yushima in 1596, then moved to Asakusa. It moved to Karasuyama in 1927 after the 1923 earthquake.


source : tukitodora.exblog.jp


10 Myooyuji 妙祐寺 Myoyu-ji
Jodo-shin Sect. Honganji School

source : saiseki.net/specialties/temple13

The temple was built in Shibuya in 1625 with the statue of Amidabutsu which was dug out from the ground. It moved to Karasuyama due to the construction of the Ginza Line in 1937 and the re-zoning plan in 1949. They have a unique main building which was built in the Indian style.


11 Soofukuji 宗福寺 Sofuku-ji
Jodo Sect.
The temple moved to Karasuyama from Nippori after the 1923 earthquake.

12 Eiryuuji 永隆寺 Eiryu-ji
Hokke Sect.
日義上人 Nichiyoshi, a holy priest who taught the game of go to Tokugawa Ieyasu, built the temple in Kanda. Daikoku, a stone statue as the temple’s treasure, was given to the temple by お万の方 O-Man, one of Ieyasu’s concubines. The temple moved to Yanaka, Honjo, then to Karasuyama in 1928 after the 1923 earthquake. There is a grave of 三遊亭圓生 Sanyutei Ensho, a comic storyteller who was designated as a living national treasure.

13 Jooinji 浄因寺 Join-ji
Jodo-shin Sect. Honganji School
The temple used to retain a grave of the 福岡黒田藩士 Kuroda family, who were clansmen in Fukuoka. It moved from Azabu to Karasuyama in 1924.

14 Zengyooji 善行寺 Zengyo-ji
Jodo-shin Sect. Honganji School
The temple was originally built around Yokoyama-cho, Chuo-ku in the early Edo period, then moved to Tsukiji due to the large fire in the Meireki period. It moved to Karasuyma after the 1923 earthquake.

15 Manpukuji 萬福寺 Manpuku-ji, Mampukuji
Jodo-shin Sect. Honganji School
The temple was built in Hamacho in the early Edo period, then moved to Tsukiji during the Meireki period. It moved to Karasuyama after the 1923 earthquake.

16 Myoozenji 妙善寺 Myozen-ji
Jodo-shin Sect. Honganji School
北条家家臣菅原正円 Sugawara Shoen, a vassal of the Hojo family, was converted to Buddhism, became a pupil of Shinran and built a thatched cottage in Ise. It is said to have been the origin of the temple. It moved to Tsukiji where the priests were engaged in missionary work. So they have many believers among fish market workers. It moved to Karasuyama in 1927.

17 Myoojuuji 妙寿寺 Myoju-ji
Hokke Sect.
The temple was originally built in Yanaka. It moved to Honjo-sarue, then to Karasuyama in 1924 after the 1923 earthquake. There is a temple bell made by 藤原正次Fujiwara Shoji, a master of foundry, which was partly burnt in the 1923 earthquake. The guest room was relocated from the former house of the 鍋島侯爵邸 Prince Nabeshima. 正隆廟 Shoryubyo, a hall to worship for future generations was newly built in 2000.

18 Senkooji 専光寺 Senko-ji
Jodo Sect.
The temple was originally built in Shinagawa, and moved to Bakurai-cho, then Asakusa. It moved to Karasuyama in 1927 after the 1923 earthquake. The main building and the monks’ living quarters were burnt due to the air raid in 1945. The main building was re-built in 1958. There is a grave of 喜多川歌麿 Kitagawa Utamaro, an ukiyo-e artist.

19 Eiganji 永願寺 Eigan-ji
Shinshu-otani School
越後の堀家家臣浄順 Jojun, a vassal of the Hori family in Echigo became a priest and built the temple in Kanda. It moved to Asakusa. The buildings were damaged by the 1923 earthquake, but its principle image Amida statue and the necrology were saved from the fire.


20 Koogenin 高源院 Kogen-in
Rinzai Sect.

久留米藩有馬家 Arima Yorimoto, the fourth lord of the Kurume domain, was converted to Buddhism and built the temple in Shinagawa. 怡渓和尚 Ikei, the first priest of the temple, mastered the tea ceremony. The Ikei division of the Ishikawa school still exists. The temple moved to Karasuyama in 1926. Its pond, Benten-ike, is known as a spot where wild ducks come and stay. In the center of the pond, there is a little shrine, 浮御堂 Ukigodo, which enshrines 宝生弁財天 Hosho Benzaiten.


21 Genryooin 源良院 Genryo-in
Jodo Sect.
The temple moved to Karasuyama from Asakusa in 1925 due to the 1923 earthquake. It used to be a temple for trainee monks. It enshrines 火伏観世音 Hifuse Kanzeon Bosatsu, which was believed to protect the Edo towns from further damage from the fires.

22 Myooyooji 妙揚寺 Myoyo-ji
Nichiren Sect.
The temple moved to Karasuyama from Yanaka Imosaka in 1928.

23 Genshooji 玄照寺 Gensho-ji
Nichiren Sect.
日延上人 Nichien, a priest brought up by 加藤清正 Kato Kiyomasa, built the temple in Shiba-shirogane. It moved to Karasuyama in 1927. There is a grave of the Togawa family in the Niwase domain and a statue of Kishibozin, the goddess of childbirth and children.


24 Joofukuji 常福寺 Jofuku-ji
Kenpon-hokke Sect.

The temple was built in Asakusa in 1511, then moved to Karasuyama in 1928 due to the 1923 earthquake. In the precincts there are porcelain 狸 Tanuki racoon dogs in all sizes, which symbolize wealth and happiness.
Jofuku-ji HP - reference source : joufukuji.com -


25 Junshooji 順正寺 Junsho-Ji
高柳山 With a statue of Amida Nyorai by 恵心僧都 priest Eshin Sozu (Heian period).

26 Sairenji 西蓮寺 Sairen-ji
Shinshu-otani School
宗誓上人 Shusei, born into a samurai family, became a priest and built the temple in Sakurada-mon. It moved to Torano-mon, Mita then to Karasuyama in 1939. There is a grave of Kokugakuin Kugayama School. There is also a unique temple gate with 築地塀 Tsukiji-style fences.
Sairen-ji BLOG : http://sairen99.cocolog-nifty.com/kotoba


Maps are available from Okubo Sekizai :
4-14-10, Minamikarasuyama, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
- reference : ohkubo-sekizai.co.jp/teramachi/english

- reference : karasuyama teramachi -
- reference : 烏山 寺町 -
- reference : wikipedia -


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #karasuyama #teramachi #templetown #edopilgrims - - - -


Utari Jinja Aichi

. Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Utari Jinja 莵足神社
豊川市小坂井町字宮脇2番地の1 / Miyawaki-2-1 Kozakaicho, Toyokawa, Aichi

- - - - - Deity in residence :

Unagami Sukune no Mikoto 菟上足尼命(うながみ すくねのみこと)
(Unakami (うなかみすくねのみこと)) Unakami-no-miko / 菟上王 Unakami no O

神階が従五位下に進み、延喜式神名帳にもその名が見える。 明治維新の天皇東行の際には、勅使の参向を受けた。明治11年(1878年)には、有栖川宮熾仁親王御宸筆の社号軸を受けた。大正7年(1918年)には、郷社から県社に昇格した。

- Look at photos here:
- reference : wikipedia


The Shrine crest 神紋 is usagi 兎 the hare.

shuin 朱印 stamp of the shrine

菟足神社志留倍 - 由緒

今から二千二百年ほど前、戦国の中国を統一した秦の始皇帝は、徐福から東方海上に蓬 莱など三つの神山があり、そこには不老不死の霊薬があるということを聞いた。そこで、 始皇帝はその霊薬を求めて来るよう徐福に命じ、三千人の童男童女と百工(多くの技術者) を連れ、蓬莱の島に向かわせた。しかし、出発してからのその後の徐福一行の動向はわか っていない。
ところが、わが国には徐福一行の渡来地といわれている所が二十余箇所もある。しかも、 わが小坂井町が徐福渡来地の一箇所として挙げられているのである。それは次のような菟 足神社に係わることからいわれるようになったと考えられている。
一 熊野に渡来した徐福一行は、この地方に移り住み、その子孫が秦氏を名乗っている。
・ 豊橋市日色野町には、「秦氏の先祖は、中国から熊野に渡来し、熊野からこの地方に来た」という言い伝えがある。
・ 牛窪記〔元禄十年(一六九七)頃成立〕には、「崇神天皇御宇二紀州手間戸之湊ヨリ徐氏古座侍郎泛舟、此国湊六本松ト云浜ニ来ル。…中略…徐福ガ孫古座郎三州ニ移リ来ル故ニ、本宮山下秦氏者多シ…」とある。
二 菟足神社の創設者は、「秦氏」ともいわれている。
三 菟足神社には、昔から中国的な生贄神事が行われている。
以上のほか、三河地方が古来から熊野地方とは海路による往来が行われ、熊野信仰の修 験者により熊野に伝わる徐福伝承が伝えられた。また、小坂井町が交通の要地で、東西を 往来する人達のなかからも徐福の故事が伝えられたとも考えられる。

omamori お守り amulets of the Shrine

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- source : genbu.net/data/mikawa/utari -


Kazamatsuri 風まつり Wind Festival
On the second Saturday and Sunday in April.

This festival is famous for its hand-held fireworks (手筒花火), normal fireworks and splendid festival floats.


kazaguruma 風車 wind wheel
Kozakai kazaguruma 小坂井風車

CLICK for more wind wheel photos !

ema 絵馬 votive tablet with the wind wheel

Sold in the shrines as amulets for wind damage, especially at the shrine festivals in April.


Shooki no men 鍾馗面 Mask of Shoki

The mask of Shoki is an amulet made during the time when famine, loss of the silk worms and other disasters hit the region around 1850.
Some villagers put the mask on and ran around, praying for help - and heaven sent help and a good harvest after all.
Now people wearing the mask take part in the festivals of this and other shrines in Takahashi.

. Shooki, Shōki 鍾馗 Shoki, The Demon Queller .

Other masks sold at this shrine to ward off evil influence are from
Tengu and Uzume (O-Kame).

. Aichi Folk Art - 愛知県  .


Utari Jinja Ta Matsuri 菟足神社田祭り - March - 3月12日

Held with prayers for a good harvest.

- source : pref.aichi.jp/kyoiku/bunka -


- Reference : 日本語

- Reference : English

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

- #utarijinja -




Unagihime Jinja Yufuin


Unagihime Jinja 宇奈岐日女神社 Unagi-Hime Shrine
also read Unaguhime, Unagu-Hime (うなぐひめじんじゃ/うなきひめじんじゃ)
2220 Yufuincho Kawakami, Yufu, Oita / 大分県由布市湯布院町川上2220

Yufu Jinja 木綿神社(ゆふじんじゃ) / Yufusan Jinja 木綿山神社

CLICK for more photos !

- quote
Rokusho-Gu 六所宮
The shrine is known as "Rokusho-sama" or the respectful six gods and it now enshrines six Shinto gods.
The proper name is of the shrine is "Unagi-hime Jinja Shrine", but this lady god Unagi or Princess Eel is not included in the six gods.
People of Yufuin have been struggling with water. Our ancestors might have worshiped eel as a spirit of marshes and created this shrine.
Rokushogu use to have a fairly wide precincts and from there, trees were repeatedly cut down for special usages. A historical document records that in late 16th century, when Samurai lord "Otomo Yoshimune" ruled the area, the shrine offered the trees to built great "Yusuhara Hachiman Shrine", the first shrine of the Bungo area in Oita city.
In 1991, Super Typhoon Mireille knocked down all the huge cedars here and you can see the enshrined stumps now.

Ogo-Sha 大杵社 (Oogosha)
Ogo-sha is a subordinate of Unagi-hime Shrine and was established around the same period.
So it may go back to the age of mythological Emperor Keiko.
The great cedar tree of this shrine was designated as a national important cultural asset in 1934. It measures 13.5 m around the base and 35 m high and is more than 1000 years old.
Near the roots is a cavity around 5 m2. In the new year's eve of 1897, fire got into this cavity and it continued to burn for 2 years 2 month and 2 days. People say they saw smokes gashing out from the top part 30 m up in the sky.
Every body thought the tree was killed. However it gained power after this incident.
Maybe the pests were swept out by the fire and smoke.
- source : yufuin.or.jp/global


- - - - - Deities in residence:

Kunitokotashi no Mikoto 国常立尊 (くにとこたちのみこと)
Kunisatsuchi no Mikoto 国狭槌尊 (くにさつちのみこと)
Hikohohodemi no Mikoto 彦火火出見尊 (ひこほほでみのみこと)
Hikonagisatake Ugayabukiaezu no Mikoto 彦波瀲武鸕鷀草葺不合尊 (ひこなぎさたけうがやふきあえずのみこと)

Kamu Yamato Iwarehiko no mikoto 神倭磐余彦尊 (初代神武天皇)Jinmu Tenno
Kamununakawahihi no mikoto 神渟名川耳尊 (かむぬなかわみみのみこと、第2代綏靖天皇)Suizei Tenno

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Lake Kinrinko 金鱗湖 Lake Fish Scales
Legend knows that Unagihime made a bet with an Oni demon that he could not build 100 steps up to her seat on the top of Mount Yufudake or make 100 boulder heaps (or throw 100 large boulders or earth in the area in one night ... sources differ).
Anyway then a rooster announced the morning and the job was not finished. The demon had to leave the area. But there was enough earth in the plain to make place for the farmers to grow crops and the lake had become much smaller.

The lake Kinrinko used to be full of unagi ウナギ(鰻)eel, which were the sacred fish of the deity, and even made into the Deity Unagi Hime herself.

Other legends tell this story of Unagi Hime and the Oni named
Kesaki Gongen 蹴裂権現(けさきごんげん)
He tore a rift in the mountains so that the water of the huge lake could flow out . . . and thus the plain of Yufuin was created.

A statue of Kesaki Gongen is very small, only about as long as a hand.
It was kept in the shrine, but after the buildings were lost in a typhoon, there is now just a small sanctuary in the woods, where no-one visits any more.
A local villager takes the statue home to offer prayers during the winter time. He also shows it to the school children and tells them the old story.


- quote -
Kamuyamatoiwarebiko (Kamu Yamato Iwarebiko)
Other names: Kamuyamato iwarebiko hohodemi no sumera mikoto, Wakamikenu no mikoto, Toyomikenu no mikoto, Sano mikoto, Hatsukuni shirasu sumera mikoto.

Names referring to the first legendary emperor Jinmu.
The fourth child of Ugayafukiaezu and Tamayorihime (daughter of the sea kami Watatsumi; see also umi no kami). Jinmu originally married Ahirahime [in Nihongi, called Ahiratsuhime] in Hyuga, thus siring Tagishimimi no mikoto. Later, he conferred with Itsuse no mikoto and his other brothers and left on a campaign to subdue the eastern provinces. Both Kojiki and Nihongi relate the eastern campaign while interspersing martial songs called Kume-uta.

Hosted by Usatsuhiko and Usatsuhime, and guided by the kunitsukami Shinetsuhiko, the army passed through the provinces of Tsukushi, Toyo, Aki, and Kibi, finally arriving at Naniwa (near present-day Osaka). The army failed to land there, however, and changed course and proceeded instead to Kumano. During that period, the campaign was successful at subjugating the various tribes met, but in the fight with Tomi no Nagasunebiko (in Kojiki), Jinmu's brother Itsuse no mikoto was killed, and Inahi no mikoto (in Nihongi, Inai no mikoto) and Mikenu no mikoto (in Nihongi, Mikeirinu no mikoto) were buffeted by storms at sea and either drowned or departed to the "everlasting land" (Tokoyo), finally leaving Emperor Jinmu as the sole leader.

At Kumano, Jinmu's army was beset by noxious vapors issued by rough kami, and the entire band fell unconscious, but they were saved by the local man Takakuraji, who received an oracular dream from Amaterasu and Takemikazuchi. With the sword Futsu no mitama provided by Takemikazuchi, Jinmu defeated the rough kami.

When the army lost its way on the road, either Takamimusuhi (Kojiki) or Amaterasu (Nihongi) appeared to Jinmu in a dream, telling him to follow the numinous Yatakarasu crow that would be sent as a guide. Following the crow, Jinmu and his army, led by Michi no omi no mikoto arrived at Yoshino, where they were met by the kunitsukami Ihika (in Nihongi, called Ihikari), Iwaoshiwaku, and the child of Niemotsu. There, Jinmu orchestrated the surrender or defeat of the brothers Ukashi the Elder and Ukashi the Younger, the brothers Shiki the Elder and Shiki the Younger, the leaders Yasotakeru and Nagasunehiko, and the Tsuchigumo peoples.

Finally, in his role as the child of the heavenly kami (amatsukami), Jinmu consulted with Nigihayahi no mikoto who had rendered service in subduing local kami like Nagasunehiko, and after receiving Nigihayahi's submission, he completed his eastern campaign and built a palace at Kashihara, where he was coronated.

The account in Nihongi also introduces numerous other episodes involving the campaign to subject the indigenous tribes, including the appearance of a golden kite (a bird of prey); and Jinmu's receipt of an oracular dream, as the result of which he makes ritual implements from the clay of Mt. Amanokagu. These implements he offered in worship to Takamimusuhi in performance of an oath (ukei), appointing Michi no omi to the position of chief ceremonialist.

Following his coronation, Jinmu, through the mediation of Ōkume no mikoto, took as his empress Himetataraisukeyorihime, the child of Mishima no Ōmononushi and the daughter of Mishima no Mizokui. With her, he produced Kamununakawamimi no mikoto and other offspring, and at Torimiyama he constructed a facility for the worship of the imperial ancestral kami. According to Kojiki, he lived to be 127, and died at Kashihara and was buried to the north of the mountain Unebiyama.
- source : Mori Mizue, Kokugakuin 2005 -

. Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇, Jimmu, the first Emperor of Japan .


visitor's stamp of the shrine 宇奈岐日女神社 朱印

豊後国大野郡の俵積神社には、宇奈岐日古 が祀られているらしい。
- Look at more photos.
- source : genbu.net/data/bungo/unaguhime -


Yufuin Onsen 湯布院温泉 Yufuin Hot Spring

- quote -
Yufuin (由布院 as onsen resort, 湯布院 as city)
is a popular hot spring resort, located about ten kilometers inland from Beppu, another, much larger and more developed hot spring resort. Yufuin has a wealth of art museums, cafes and boutiques, and many travelers come to the city just to stroll about town for the day.

Yufuin is located on a flat river basin surrounded by mountains. The most prominent feature of Yufuin's skyline is the twin peaked Mount Yufu (由布岳 Yufudake), which hovers over the town and serves as the backdrop for many scenic views. The area is rural and shortly after leaving the main walking route, travelers will come across the rice paddies and farm houses that make up a considerable part of the town.

The ryokan and hotels of Yufuin are spread out around town, and not clustered along the main street like in many other resort towns. Instead, the main street is lined with cafes, boutiques and small museums, giving Yufuin an atmosphere more like a trendy shopping area than a traditional onsen town. Nonetheless, there is a large number of lodgings with hot spring baths, some of which open their baths to non-staying guests during daytime.

Another natural landmark of Yufuin besides Mount Yufu is Lake Kinrinko (金鱗湖) lit. "Golden Scale Lake".
The water temperature of this lake annually stays same, because of several brooks pouring in and hot spring gushes in the lake.
When the air temperature is lower than water temperature, you can see evaporating fog coming out of surface and the scene turns into a fantastic mood.
In this lake are fish such as tilapia (originated in Africa), crucian carp, carp and other freshwater fish. Legend say, Lake Kinrinko was much bigger in old days, but several landslides that occurred with earthquake made the lake smaller and shallower.
The lake was named by a Confucian scholar Kuso Mori in 1884, who saw the scales of crucian carp shine in gold. It literally means Golden scale Lake.

The small lake is located at the end of the town's main walking route, about a kilometer and a half from the station. Walking paths surround the lake as well as more small shops and cafes, and there is a small shrine located at the lake's southern end. There are also a few public bath houses, one of which, the Shitanyu, can be used by tourists, while the others are for use by local residents only.

Below is a list of some of Yufuin's best baths: - snip -
- source : japan-guide.com -

The hot springs that abound in the town of Yufuin are divided into three distinct areas.

1. Yufuin Hot Springs (由布院温泉):
These springs are situated near the base of Mt. Yufu. Their plentiful flow of hot water and quiet mountain surroundings have long attracted writers and artists to the area. Currently, these springs are ranked with the second highest water flow in Japan, and their combination of natural environments with forward-thinking urban development have made Yufuin Hot Springs a top health resort destination, drawing visitors from all over Japan.

2.Yunohira Hot Springs (湯平温泉):
It has long been said that these springs are effective in treating gastrointestinal disorders. The nearby stone-paved road, built during the Edo period, suits the atmosphere of the Yunohira Hot Springs, with their history as therapeutic baths.
The Haiku Poet Santoka spent some time here.

3. Tsukahara Hot Springs (塚原温泉):
It is said that this secluded spring located north of Mt. Yufu has been flowing since the Heian period. Tsukahara Hot Spring is recognized as one of the three major medicinal baths of Japan, and its strong acidic pH of 1.4 is reputed to be especially effective against skin diseases.
- source : jnto.go.jp/eng/location -


. unagi 鰻 / うなぎ eel, Aal .

. Taneda Santooka 種田山頭火 Taneda Santoka (1882-1940) .


- Reference : 宇奈岐日女神社
- Reference : English

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
- #unagihimejinja #yufuin -

- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

. Yufudake 由布岳 Mount Yufudake and Haiku .

Yufudake ya shiroku keshoo shi o-demukae

you welcome us
with a white makeup -
Mount Yufudake

source : shikata.exblog.jp


shuuten ni kami no horitaru Yufu jihoo

in the autumn sky
the Gods have carved
two peaks of Yufudake

田村木国 Tamura Mokkoku (1889 - 1964)
from Wakayama
published Haiku sōwa in 1947


- #unagihime #kinrinko #lakekinrin -


temizu hand purification


temizu, choozu 手水 ritual purification of hands
mitarashi 御手洗

. Shinto purification misogi 禊 and rituals .
temizu 手水 (purification of hands and mouth) performed by a Shinto priest.

At all Shinto shrines, worshippers and casual visitors are asked to purify themselves (Harai 祓い) of impurity before praying to the Shinto deities. The act of cleansing is called Misogi 禊 or Misogi Harai 禊祓い, and the actual washing of hands and mouth with water is called Temizu 手水.
... Misogi Shūhō 禊修法 means to conduct one's own purification ritual by bathing in the sea, the river,
or by standing underneath a waterfall cascading at freezing temperatures.
- source : Mark Schumacher

. torii kuguri 鳥居潜り walking through a Shinto torii gate .
Walk toward the hand-washing basin (手水 choozu) and cleanse hand, mouth and mind.

. Shinto Shrine Composition .

the temizuya 手水舎 purification font, purification trough
hand-washing basin

where worshippers purify heart and body with pure water; 
temizusha てみずしゃ / 手水舎

- source and more photos : wikipedia -

The sprout is often in the form of a dragon, but other animals, venerated in a shrine, can also be found.

. Water Sprouting Dragon Head 龍の口から水の出る手水鉢 .
shizenseki chouzubachi 自然石手水鉢 lit. natural stone water basin
more shapes of natural stone hand-wash basins


- quote -
mitarashi 御手洗
A place to one side of the approach to a Shinto shrine where visitors perform purification rites, including rinsing the mouth and washing the hands. Often a large rectangular basin or cistern is used to hold the water. A pipe supplies the water with a continual stream at one end. The pipe is sometimes concealed by a dragon's or snake's head.
The mitarashi has a roof but the sides are open.

Varying styles and degrees of elaborateness characterize this type of shelter. If a stream or river flows nearby, as at Ise Jinguu 伊勢神宮, it is used as the place for purification and is called mitarashigawa 御手洗川 (a river for purification rites).
- source : JAANUS -


. Naiku Inner shrine complex of Ise 伊勢神宮内宮 .

The Isuzu River and the Mitarashi 五十鈴川と御手洗場(みたらし) ,
the place for ritual ablutions before entering the Shrine compound


Water-spouting statue of cormorant in Temizuya
(手水舎, purification trough) at Uwase Jinja (宇波西神社).

. Shrine Uwase Jinja 宇波西神社 .


. komainu 狛犬 / 高麗犬 / 胡麻犬 "Korean Dog" .

source : Maruoka on facebook
櫛原天満宮(久留米市東櫛原町) Kushihara Tenmangu, Kurume


尾道・向島・厳島神社の手水鉢 Onomichi, Mukojima Itsukushima Jinja
source : 郷土愛好


- quote -
Japanese Shrine Etiquette, How to do a Temizu
When entering inside a Shinto shrine, the visitor should perform a symbolic cleansing called temizu (from te “hand” and mizu “water” - water to purify the hands). This purification is considered indispensable before visiting the sacred area and it signifies the removal of evil and pollution. For the ritual, every shrine provides an ablution pavilion - chōzuya or temizuya - usually a stone basin filled with clear water, with wooden ladles.

How to properly perform temizu:
Take the ladle with your right hand, fill it with water and pour some water to rinse your left hand. Then, move the ladle to your left hand and pour water over the right hand.
Now, you take again the ladle into your right hand, cup the left hand, pour some water into it and use it to rinse your mouth.
Finally, repeat the rinsing of the left hand and place the ladle back.
- source : muza-chan.net/japan -


- Reference : 御手洗

- Reference : temizu

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

- #temizuya #chozubachi #handwashing #mitarashi -

- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

CLICK for more photos
Mitarashi area at Shimogamo Shrine, Kyoto

. mitarashi dango 御手洗団子 rice dumplings after hand-washing .
- - kigo for late summer - -

These dumplings are eaten at the Mitarashi festival (Mitarashi-E 御手洗会) of
Shrine Shimogamo Jinja in Kyoto 京都の下鴨神社.


There are quite a lot of haiku about the ritual ablutions before visiting a Shrine.

source : my garden webry

fuyuzare ya Kifune no miya no choozubachi

withering in winter -
the hand-wash basin
at Kifune Shrine

洛山人 Rakusanjin

. Kifune Shrine 貴船神社 Kibune Jinja .
Kurama, Kyoto


Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 has quite a lot during all seasons

choozubachi 手水鉢 basin to wash hands
Often also in a the compound of a tea ceramony house.

choozubachi yoko no korogete koke no hana

beside the hand-wash basin
moss blossoms
in abundance



蕃椒手水盥の水赤し 唐辛子

. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .


Takahama Kyoshi 高浜虚子



kawatemizu, kawachoozu 川手水 "river to wash the hands"

涼しさや縁の際なる川手水 / 涼しさや縁からすぐに川手水

this coolness -
right by the veranda
a river to wash hands

Issa had spent the night in Suzaka (Nagano) at the rich merchant Tanaka family 田中本家 in 1823 and felt quite refreshed.
The garden with a large pond ant the mountain in the background had been designed by a gardener from Kyoto.

Now there is also a Museum 田中本家博物館.
source : urawa328/tanakake.html

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 - cultural keywords .


mijikayo ya dooshi shuu no kawatemizu / kawachoozu ( かはちょうず kahachoozu)

this short night -
Edo policemen wash their hands
in the river

. Yosa Buson 蕪村 and the Edo policemen .



参道の脇の流れを初手水 長沼三津夫
おぞましの毛虫こそ居れ手水鉢 島田青峰
お岩木の手水の真清水手に痛し 高澤良一
ゆふだちや洗つて酒を手水鉢 泉鏡花
今朝冬の日当りそめし手水鉢 富安風生
仙蓼(千両)や蛙鳴き出す手水鉢 風斤

其儘に萎びし菊や手水鉢 寺田寅彦
冬ざれや貴船の宮の手水鉢 洛山人
囀りの一羽は下りて手水鉢 比叡 野村泊月
夏影や松の下なる手水鉢 清原枴童 枴童句集
懐手水かきありと言つてみよ 平井照敏

手水おつる下にあつまり嵐の蟹 川島彷徨子 榛の木
手水にも温泉ひきあり紅葉宿 大橋櫻坡子 雨月
手水水涼しかりしを金火鉢 曲言 選集「板東太郎」
手水湯や流しそこなふ雪の上 膳所-弩鳥
手水舎に青竹柄杓年用意 平井 梢
手水鉢に蝸牛落ちぬ何とせし 尾崎迷堂 孤輪
手水鉢の氷砕きゐる遠忌かな 銀漢 吉岡禅寺洞
手水鉢底から開き小鳥来る 平井さち子
手水鉢氷らぬ日なし実南天 草村

春の夜のぬつと使はぬ手水鉢 川崎展宏
春の夜や手水のための片戸さし 小杉余子
朝寒や寒水石の手水鉢 寺田寅彦
涅槃会の毬藻沈めて手水鉢 青木重行
病葉や朝ごと替ふる手水鉢 大橋櫻坡子
白露や草の中なる手水鉢 西山泊雲
秋の水湛へて溢る手水鉢 吉屋信子
筧より受ける手水の淑気かな 村井杜子
練行の手水手水と僧走り 阿波野青畝
腹立てて水呑む蜂や手水鉢 太祇
臨済の手水孑孑おのづから 飴山實
芭蕉風吹いて塵浮く手水鉢 西島麥南 金剛纂

花の夜の手水に立ちて湯醒気味 石塚友二
花八つ手水を貰ひに研師来る 森藤千鶴
花八つ手水張つてある四斗樽 池田順子
花泛けて遅々と日めぐる手水鉢 清原枴童

若餅や手水とばしる美濃の滝 言水
蕣に今朝も手水をわすれたり 酔滴
薄氷や山茶花散り込む手水鉢 寺田寅彦
虫の夜の柄杓探りぬ手水鉢 尾崎迷堂 孤輪
逃げ易き手水の草履大石忌 山田弘子 懐
風寒き流れの音や手水鉢 広瀬惟然
風花や読経の響く手水鉢 中村照子
風邪に臥すや枕に近き手水鉢 雑草 長谷川零餘子
養老の滝壺くめやはつ手水 鳳朗
鶏頭や釘に掛けたる手水樽 尾崎紅葉
source : HAIKUreikuDB


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .



toori akuma 通り悪魔

愛知県 Aichi

iwabune 岩船

Hyogo 神戸市 Kobe

Yakushi Shinko 薬水信仰 Belief in Yakushi Nyorai

香川県 Kagawa Sanuki

ama no naki-ishi 尼の泣き石

ryuu tengu 竜,天狗

0-Daishi san お大師さん Kobo Daishi

Kochi 幡多郡 Hata district

koku son no kami n tatari 黒尊の神の祟り

奈良県 Nara

komori gyooja 子守行者

月ヶ瀬村 Tsukigase

Tenjin and Kaminari 天神,雷

大阪府 Osaka

四天王寺の七不思議 The Seven Wonders of temple Shitenno-Ji
umegae no choozubachi 梅ケ枝の手水鉢

. Shitenno-Ji - 四天王寺 Osaka .

Shizuoka 阿津町 賀茂郡 Kamo district

fuka 鱶 shark

Tokushima 宍喰町 Shiikui


東京都 Tokyo


Wakayama 那賀郡 Nachi

If you pour water from the hand basin over your self, you will make a good career.



Yamanashi 上野原町 Uenohara

gundari san グンダリサン


- source : nichibun yokai database -


- #temizuya #chozubachi -