
Yama no Kami 03 Tengu

. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 - Introduction .

Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain - Legends .

- collecting

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Yamanokami, 山犬 Yamainu (wolf) and Tengu - Legends .

. Yamanokami, Tengu and taiko 太鼓 beating the big drum .
Aichi, Nagasaki, Toyama (matogi) - tengubayashi 天狗ばやし Tengu plays festival music

. Yamanokami no yadorigi 山の神さんの宿り木 sacred tree for Yamanokami .


....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....

山の神 Yamanokami,yamainu, yama-inu 山犬 wolf
Yamanokami venerated as a wolf and Tengu live in the deep and high mountains and are venerated there.

宝飯郡 Hai district 音羽町 Otowa

A Tengu (other sources quote Yamanokami) stood on a large boulder. On 山の講の日 the Day of Mountain God Rituals, the villagers came close and Tengu took a sharp look at them, calling each one by his name. Since then, the villagers did not dare to go to the mountain again on that day.

....................................................................... Fukui 福井県 .....
武生市 Takefu 坂口村 Sakaguchi

Tengu san 狗さん
The festival for Yamanokami is on the 9th day of the first and 12th lunar month. They say Yamanokami is a Tengu.
If people go to the mountain forest before 10 in the morning, they will get an injury.
Yamanokami is planting seeds for the coming year and does not want to be disturbed.
Special trees in the forest are sacred to Yamanokami and used 天狗の御休み場 by the Tengu to rest.

. Yamanokami and Legends from 福井県 Fukui .

遠敷郡 Onyu district 名田庄村 Natasho

The scroll for rituals of the 山ノ神講 Yamanokami prayer group shows a Tengu sitting on a huge tree.
The charcoal makers often hear the sound of a huge Tengu drum. There is also a huge 天狗岩 Tengu rock.
During the rituals for 六斉念仏 Rokusai Nenbutsu there is also the sound of a huge drum.
When the charcoal makers work, they hear the sound, but if they stop working, they do not hear it.

. Tengu and Legends from 福井県 Fukui .

....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
福島市 Fukushima city

Yamanokami is male and seen as a Tengu.
He comes to the villages on the the first day of the new year, the 17th of the second and 10th lunar month.
On these days all forest workerd assemble at the home of their leader, prepare mochi 餅 rice cakes and drink Sake.
If someone goes to the mountain forest and faces a calamitiy, they say it is the curse of Yamanokami.

. Yamanokami and Legends from 福島県 Fukushima .

....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....
郡上郡 Gujo district

tengudaoshi, tengu-daoshi 天狗倒し /テングダオシ Tengu breaks down trees
Yamanokami is a person with a long red nose and dislikes Buddhist recitals. He breaks down trees and scatters leaves with strange sounds. This is called Tengudaoshi.
Spme people think Yamanokami and Tengu are the same, others think Yamanokami is like a small child, inviting people into the deep forest and causing harm. Food offerings for Yamanokami are made like food for children, so that he will never be hungry.

About 90 years ago, a man named トラタロウ Torataro went to the mountain and did not come home for three days and nights. All went out to look for him, beating drums. They found him sitting high on a tree. Yamanokami or maybe Tengu must have dragged him up there !

People making charcoal are venerating Yamanokami as a woman. She does not like unclean things and human women coming to the mountain.
Others say she is a Tengu.
On hatsu-tora 初寅 the first day of the Tiger in the second lunar month people are not allowed to go into the mountain forest. If they do, Tengu comes and counts them as one more tree.

吉城郡 Yoshiki district 上宝村 Kamitakara

During 大原騒動 the Ohara uprising in 1771 there was 太郎助 Tarosuke from Hara, who had gotten special strength from Yamanokami. At あかさか峠 Akasaka Pass a bull had gotten stuck and could not move any more. What happened? When they looked there was a Tengu. So Tarosuke just kept going and the bull followed him slowly with the help of Yamanokami.

. Yamanokami and legends from Gifu .

....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....

山の神は天狗 Yamanokami is seen as a Tengu in most regions of Gunma.
He is also called 山祇 Yamasomi, Yama Somi, a Tengu, especially at 相州の大山 Mount Oyama at Sagami and 上州の妙義山 Mount Myogisan in Gunma.

吾妻郡 Azuma district 六合村 (くにむら) Kuni mura

Tengu is seen as a 山の荒神 Wild Mountain Deity. If people pray to him close to their home, they will be cursed.

群馬郡 Gunma district 倉渕村 Kurabuchi

O-Tengu Sama お天狗様 is Yamanokami.
On the 15th day of the 9th lunar month, all villagers celebrate with miki お神酒 ritual Sake and sekihan 赤飯 red auspicious rice.

甘楽郡 Kanra district 南牧村 Nanmoku

Ogura no Yamanokami 小倉の山の神 at 小倉山 Mount Ogurayama
Tengu is the kenzoku 眷属 attendant of Yamanokami.
Tengu likes fire, so he is venerated in places where houses can not be seen.

Okubo no Yamanokami 大久保の山の神 at 大久保山 Mount Okubo
On the top of 四ツ又山 mount Yotsumatayama is venerated.
On the peak on the right ロクヤサン Rokuya san is verneated. (rokuya 六夜 ?)
On the peak to the left Atago san 愛宕サン is venerated.

Ogami no Yamanokami 大上の山の神 is venerated at 大上山 Mount Ogami
On the 24th day of the first lunar month, the village headman makes a ritual wand and prays to Tengu and Inari.
Yamanokami is a male deity and protects the forest workers.

Shimohoshio no Yamanokami下星尾の山の神 at 下星尾山 Mount Shimohoshiosan
The deity of this mountain is a Tengu.

みどり市 Midori town 東町 Azumacho

A madogi 窓木 "window tree" has branches bent like a window. Yamanokami and Tengu like to sit there and watch below.
These trees are not to be cut down.

多野郡 Tano district 上野村 Uenomura

At 笠丸山 Kasamaruyama (1,124 m) villagers come to venerate Yamanokami on the night of tookanya 十日夜 tenth day of the tenth lunar month.
On this night, Tengu sama is off to Izumo and Yamanokami has to be the rusuban 留守番 caretaker.

On the night of the tenth people prepare special mochi 餅 ritual rice cakes and make offerings to the small shrines of 八幡様 Hachiman Sama, 十二様 Juni Sama, 道陸神 Dosojin, the Wayside Deities and お天狗様 O-Tengu sama, the local Tengu.
The Mochi for the Tengu are especially long and narrow, called O-Tengu Sama no Obi お天狗様の帯 Belt of the Tengu. They are placed on the roof of the small sanctuary, cut in 108 small stripes.
Other offerings are long radish and chrysanthemums.
In some regions, people take the Mochi home after making an offering and eat them.
In 三ノ倉 Sannokura they are called Tengu no Sawa Mochi 天狗のサワ餅. People either place them on the sanctuary and leave or they take home an offering that had been made by a person before them. This is called Tengu Sama no Omigoku 天狗様のオミゴク Offering for the Tengu.

利根郡 Tone district 片品村 Katashina

. juuni sama 十二様 Juni Sama, "Honorable 12" deities, .
Trees with forked roots or trunks belong to Yamanokami (as Juni sama) and the Tengu. They are not to be cut down.

碓氷郡 Usui district 松井田町 Matsuida

A tree with a three-forked trunk belongs to Yamanokami. Tengu also come to sit here. These trees are not to be cut down.

. Yamanokami and legends from Gunma .

....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....
東広島市 Higashi-Hiroshima 八本松町 Hachihonmatsu

On the 6th day of the first lunar month, people take away the kadomatsu 門松 corner decorations.
On this day Yamanokami gets an offering of zoosui 雑炊 rice porridge.
Tengu gets 燗始 his first hot sake and the forest workers take a rest.

....................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県  .....
能美郡 Nomi district 新丸村 Shinmaru-mura

Yamanokami is the same as a Tengu.
On days were it is not allowed to go to the mountain, all forest workers must rest. If someone does not keep this taboo and goes to work, he will get hurt and have other misfortunes.

....................................................................... Iwate 岩手県  .....
下閉伊郡 Shimo-Hei district 岩泉町 Iwaizumi

Yamanokami no hooki 山の神の箒 broom of Yamanokami
A 吉野桜 Yoshinozakura cherry blossom tree which is befallen of the tengusubyoo 天狗巣病 "nest of a Tegnu", witch's broom disease is called
"Broom of Yamanokami".

A witch's broom or witches' broom is a deformity in a woody plant, typically a tree, where the natural structure of the plant is changed. A dense mass of shoots grows from a single point, with the resulting structure resembling a broom or a bird's nest.
- quote wikipedia-

....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県  .....

In a mountain forest where Yamanokami is venerated, there is 大松 a large pine tree where a Tengu lives.
One day a beautiful girl from the village went missing. This mist have been the wicked deed of a Tengu. When they searched around the pine tree, they found the girl sitting there.

津久井町 Tsukui

A tree with a two-forked or three-forked trunk belongs to Yamanokami. If such a tree is cut down, a Tengu will come for revenge.

....................................................................... Kochi 高知県 .....
吾川村 Agawa village

A pinetree which looks like an umbrella is called 傘松 Kasamatsu.
It is sacred to Yamanokami and also a tree where the Tengu take a rest.

大川村 Okawa village

The Tengu laughs with a voice that sounds like a mountain slide. He likes trees with two trunks and Yamanokami no hooki 山の神の箒 broom of Yamanokami.
Trees where Yamanokami is resting are called マドキ Madoki or メウトギ Meutoki

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
亀岡市 Kameoka

There lives a Tengu at 篠村の長尾 Nagao in Shino mura village.
On the 9th day of the first lunar month, the day of Yamanokami, he throws the seeds of shino 篠 bamboo grass to the villagers who come for a ritual. Those who are hit by it will have bad luck, a fire or other disaster in the coming year.

....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
東筑摩郡 Higashi-Chikuma district 四賀村 Shiga mura village

The yamainu 山犬 wolf is the messenger of Yamanokami,so are the monkey and the wild boar.
Yamanokami has a wild temper and is also seen as the ancestor or an incarnation of the Tengu.

北安曇野郡 Kita-Azumino district 小谷村 / おたり Otari

Tengu is seen as a kind of monster with one eye and one leg. Or maybe a yamainu 山犬 wolf.

....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....

A forest worker suddenly became a high fever and headache and hurried back home. This illness was the curse of Yamanokami, seen as Tengu. This often happens on a sunny day.

....................................................................... Oita 大分県 .....

. Tenguzoo 天狗像, Tenguyama 天狗山 / 阿蘇野峠 .

....................................................................... Shimane 島根県 .....

. Yamanokami and Yamanba 山姥 / 山ン婆 mountain hag monster .
Yamanba is another name for Yamanokami, others say it is the wife of a Tengu.
- - - - -
. Taboo words for Yamanokami and Tengu .

....................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 .....

. cutting down a 銀杏 a Gingko tree .

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
神津島 Kozushima island

. cutting down sugi no ki 杉の木 an old cedar tree .

....................................................................... Toyama 富山県 .....

Since Tengu is Yamanokami, his name is never used, people just say ano hito アノヒト "this person".
yatsudaikouchi ヤツダイコウチ means the Tengu beats a large drum with eight colors.
If people hear this sound, they should not go to the mountain forest.
The 20th day of the first lunar month is the festival for Yamanokami. On this day the Tengu play
hanetsuki 羽根つき / hagoita 羽子板 Battledore, Shuttlecock and people should not go into the mountain forest.
yamanobaba ヤマンババ the old hag from the mountain does not do bad things.
There is also a yama otoko ヤマオトコ "mountain man", but he is different from Yamanokami.

中新川郡 Nakaniikawa 上市町 Kamiichi town

Tengu live in trees with a Y shape. They are the same as Yamanokami and can fly freely in the sky. They also kick people around, if they have done bad things.
Women shuold not go alone into the mountain forest.

西砺波郡 Nishitonami district 福光町 Fukumitsu town

Someone stayed n the mountain hut over night and heard the sound of trees falling down, but next morning not one tree was on the ground.
Next day he took some sake 酒 rice wine and pourd it at the roots of the trees, thus the noise stopped.
- - - - -
Tengu sama no ki テングサマノキ tree of Tengu sama
Two trees which have joined on the way up to form one trunk are called
kamisama no ki カミサマノキ or Tengusama no ki テングサマノキ.
The Tengu pass between these trees and they thould not be cut down.

下新川郡 Shimoniikawa district

On the festival day for Tengu people should not go into the mountain forest.
If they do the Tengu will capture them and eat them.

高岡市 Takaoka city 福岡町 Fukuoka town

The forest workers say that Yamanokami (Tengu sama) is coming to the forest on the 9th day of the 12th lunar month to collect 木の実 nuts from trees.
On the 9th day of the 3rd lunar month he plants the seeds and nuts.
The menfolk celebrate in the 12th lunar month on that day to express their gratitude. preparing
goheimochi ゴヘイモチ / 五平餅 rice dumplings and drink a lot of sake 酒 rice wine.

. gohei mochi, goheimochi 五平餅 grilled rice dumplings .

....................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県  .....

The deity of 大峯山 Mount Ominesan is a Tengu. He follows the orders of Yamanokami.

....................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 .....
美弥郡 Mine district

. Katsuragi san 桂木山 Mount Katsuragi (702 m) .
..... Yamanokami no mori 山の神の森 "the forest of Yamanokami".

....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 .....

. toriigi トリイギ(鳥居木) Torii tree .
Tree grown in the form of a Torii Shinto gate.

- - - - -

. . tengudaoshi 天狗倒し "Tengu knocking down trees" . .
- in 甲府市 Kofu city 中道町 Nakamichi machi town


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
99 to collect


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. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #yamanokamitengu #tenguyamanokami -

Yama no Kami 02 Kappa

. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Introduction .

Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Kappa the Water Goblin

. 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Kappa, the Water Goblin of Japan! .

. hyoosubo ヒョウスボ カッパ /兵主坊 Hyosubo .
Suiten 水天, 水神 deity of the water and also deity of the mountains (Yama no Kami 山の神)

. かりこ坊 Karikobo is venerated as Yama no Kami .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
大島郡 瀬戸内町



- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
20 to explore (01)


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. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami -

Yama no Kami - Reference

. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Introduction .

Ta no Kami 田の神 God of the Rice Fields
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
- Reference, Books and Links -


Hatakeyama 畠山篤 Hatakeyama Atsushi

岩木山の神と鬼 Gods and Demons from Mount Iwakisan (Aomori)

岩木山の神の由来譚の生成― 百沢寺・イタコ・村人の語り(百沢寺が語る岩木山権現由来譚;二つ目の丹後日和の由来;三つ目の丹後日和の由来;丹後日和の背景と変容;イタコが語る“お岩木様一代記” ほか)
岩木山の鬼と水利伝承― 津軽の鬼・山人・大人(鬼・山人・大人伝承の分布と分類;単純型;山幸型;農耕型;鉄器型 ほか)bbb


- - - - - Books about 田の神 - - - - -

田の神図鑑―鹿児島風土記 Kagoshima Fudoki

森田悌、 金田久璋

薩摩の田の神さぁ ― 榊晃弘写真集 Satsuma no Ta no Kamisaa
榊 晃弘

酒井 卯作

下野 敏見


- - - - - Books about 山の神 - - - - -

山の神 / ネリー・ナウマン, Nelly Naumann

- further explanation of the contents :
- reference source : kinokuniya.co.jp... -

Nelly Nauman (1922 - 2000) - Obituary
- source : Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture -

Nelly Nauman was German.
Yama no kami, die Gottheit der Jager und Waldarbeiter
Yama no kami — die japanische Berggottheit
"Susanoo und Yama no kami"


山の神/神々の誕生 |/ 吉野裕子 Yoshino Hiroko (1916 - 2008)

山の神 易・五行と日本の原始蛇信仰 / 吉野裕子

山の神と日本人―山の神信仰から探る日本の基層文化 / 佐々木高明

山の神さま・仏さま 面白くてためになる山の神仏の話 / 太田昭彦

- more to google -


- - - - - Links about 田の神 - - - - -

山の神・田の神 - Information
- reference source : shinshizo.com... -

Ta-no-kami: “Kami of the rice paddy,” a tutelary of rice production.
locally called Ta no Kansa
It is possible that the Ta-no-kami (lit. the “Ta” deity) may have been derived from the The Hindu Danu, Eurasian Proto-Indo-European Dana/Danu->Da deity.
- - - - - very long essay
- source : japanesemythology.wordpress.com/ta-no-kami-god-of-the-rice-paddy -


- - - - - Links about 山の神 - - - - -

Yama no Kami Mai 舞い Kagura dance
- reference source : tohoku21.net/kagura/kagura... -

山の神・田の神 - 民俗学のテーマ
申八梵王 Saruhachi Bonno deity
- reference source : shinshizo.com... -

尺殿明神 : 伊賀市白樫、岡八幡宮の山ノ神
- reference source : blog.goo.ne.jp/pzm4366/e... -

Yama no Kami Onsen 温泉 - Hanamaki, Iwate

Yama no Kami men 面 - masks for Noh


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -


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. Ta no Kami, Ta-no-Kami 田の神 Tanokami, God of the Fields .

. - Yama no Kami 山の神 Introduction - .
. - Yama no Kami and Fudo Myo-O .
. - Yama no Kami and Kappa .
. - Yama no Kami and Oni .
. - Yama no Kami and Tengu .
. - Individual Mountain Peak Deities .
. - Regional Legends - From Aichi to Yamanashi .
. - Haiku and Kigo 俳句と季語 .
.......... yama no kami matsuri 山の神祭 Festival of Yama no Kami, December 12


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokamireference #godofthemountains #tanokami -

Yama no Kami Legends

. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami, Kami of the Fields - Introduction .

Yama no Kami, Yama-no-Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
Introduction and Legends

Yama no Kami is an important deity of the rice farming communities and comes in many colors in rural Japan.
Yama here refers to the
. Satoyama 里山 "Village Mountain Forest" .
In Spring he comes down to the rice fields to protect the harvest, then called
Ta no Kami 田の神 God of the Fields
paddy field kami, god of the rice paddies, spirit of the rice field
Ta no Kami is the busier part of this two-fold deity.

In Autumn after the harvest, Ta no Kami goes back to the Satoyama mountain or forest behind the village to take a rest and collect strength for the next season.
There are many stone monuments in his honour near the fields and at roadsides.
During festivals in his honor, people hang paintings in their home or the local Shinto shrine to venerate this deity.
Some Yama no Kami have even taken on rather individual features of a local hero.

(2) yama no kami - A god of the mountains who is worshiped by hunters, charcoal-burners, and woodcutters.
The deity enshrined is Ôyamatsumi no mikoto or Konohanasakuyahime. There are various traditions connected with the worship of this yama no kami, but the practice of offering an ocean fish called okoze is particularly widespread.
This deity is thought to differ from the yama no kami of farming communities described above.
source : kokugakuin

山神 やまがみ Yamagami
山祇 やまつみ Yamatsumi


- - - - - Table of Contents - - - - -

. Ta no Kami, Ta-no-Kami 田の神 Tanokami, God of the Fields - Introduction .

. - Yama no Kami 山の神 - Introduction - . (this page)
. - Yamanokami kofun 山の神古墳 Yamanokami tumulus mound .
. - Yama no Kami and Fudo Myo-O . (this page)
. - Yama no Kami and Kappa .
. - Yama no Kami and Oni . (this page)
. - Yama no Kami and Okoze stone fish .
. - Yama no Kami and Tengu .
. - Yama no Kami and the sacred Sakaki tree .
. - Yamanokami no yadorigi 山の神さんの宿り木 sacred tree for Yamanokami .
. - Yama no Kami riding a white horse 白馬 Hakuba .
. - Individual Mountain Peak Deities .
. - Yamanokami Onsen 山の神温泉 hot springs .
. - Regional Legends - From Aichi to Yamanashi .
. - Yama no Kami matsuri festivals .
. - Haiku and Kigo 俳句と季語 for Yama no Kami .
. - Yamanokami ヤマノカミ / 山ノ神 Trachidermus fasciatus fish .
. Yamanokami and hatsuka 二十日 day 20 of each month .
. Yama no Kami - various news items .
. shingun 神軍 / jingun ジングン the Kami are fighting .

- - - - - Yamanokami has some animal messengers :
. Sarugami 猿神 The Monkey Deity .
. Inugami 犬神 The Wolf Deity .
. habu 波布 pit viper .
. inoshishi 猪 wild boar .
. kitsune 狐 fox .
. risu リス / 栗鼠 squirrel .
. shika 鹿 deer .
. usagi 兎 rabbit, hare .

- . Ta no Kami, Yama no Kami - Reference, Books and Links .

. sanki, yama-oni, yamaoni 山鬼の鬼伝説 / ヤマオニ .
- yama no oni 山の鬼 Mountain Oni Demon Legends -

Yamataroo 山太郎 Yamataro is Yamanokami in Kumamoto and Miyazaki.


- - - - - Yama no Kami - Introduction - - - - -

- quote -
Yamanokami - "Kami of the mountain."
While the term yama no kami is a general expression referring to any kami dwelling in a mountain, a number of differences exist between low-land agriculturalists and mountain folk (people who make their living from various forestry or mountain-related occupations) in the character of their yama no kami and respective ways of worshiping such kami. While the expression yama no kami is found throughout Japan, other locale-specific terms also exist, including sanjin, jūniyamakami, osatosama, and sagamisama.

Agriculturalists in many parts of Japan share the belief that the yama no kami and ta no kami (rice field kami) share a dual identity, traveling between mountain and village in spring and fall. In the spring, the yama no kami descends from the mountain and enters the rice field, where it becomes the ta no kami which looks over the growth of grain. Following the fall harvest, the ta no kami leaves the rice paddy and returns to the mountain, where it becomes the yama no kami until the next spring. This phenomenon indicates that the kami involved is conceived of as a single entity sharing both characterstics of yama no kami and ta no kami, and leading to a widely accepted theory that the kami's original identity was that of an ancestral spirit.

For Japanese farmers, the yama no kami represents a tutelary of agriculture responsible for bringing the water that is most crucial to rice farming. In contrast, the mountain peoples who make their livings by hunting, charcoal burning and forestry generally consider the yama no kami a tutelary of the mountain, but they do not share agriculturalists' belief that the yama no kami and ta no kami alternate between mountain and rice paddy. While some agriculturalists believe that the yama no kami is female, mountain peoples extend the concept by saying that the yama no kami bears twelve children each year, thus representing a kami with strong reproductive capabilities, and in some areas leading to an identification with the ubugami, a tutelary of infants and childbirth (see also ubusunagami). Further, woodturners (latheusing woodworkers called kijishi or rokuroshi), consider the yama no kami to be a married pair, and thus enshrine paired male and female images of the kami.

Mountain people's practices regarding the yama no kami tend to involve strict taboos or imi, for example, prohibitions against entering the mountain on the day of the kami's festival: since the kami counts the mountain's trees on that day; it is said that anyone cutting down a tree that day will be pinned under it and die. The yama no kami is also sometimes said to dislike women, or to be adverse to the pollutions of childbirth and menstruation. Some say that the yama no kami is an ugly hag, with the result that rituals are performed to flatter the kami by offering her items thought to be even uglier, in hopes she will respond by granting worshipers blessings from the mountains. This belief was thus linked to the practice of offering stonefish to the kami of the mountain.
- source : Kokugakuin, Iwai Hiroshi -

. ubusunagami, chinjugami, ubugami 産神 "deity of birth" .
and deities of personal worship


Yama no Kami 山の神 has only one eye
Amanomahitotsu no kami 天目一箇神 / Amatsumara 天津麻羅
- "the one-eyed kami of heaven"

source : google.co.jp

- quote -
Amatsumara 天津麻羅
Other names: Amenomahitotsu no kami (Kogo shūi)
A kami of ironworking (kajishin).
Kojiki states that as the blacksmith of the Plain of High Heaven, Amatsumara was called upon to refine the iron used for making mirrors, using the "hard rocks of heaven" and the "metal mountain of heaven" located above the "Tranquil River of Heaven" (Amenoyasukawa). Together with Ishikoridome, he was said to have assisted in the making of the mirror used to lure Amaterasu from her hiding place in the rock cave of heaven. The name Amatsumara means ma-ura ("eye divination"), which some believe means "one-eyed," a reference to an occupational hazard of blacksmiths.
..... Mori Mizue, 2005, Kokugakuin

This deity is also called
noogami 農神 / ノウガミ様 No-gami - obosuna sama オボスナ様 / おぼすな様 Obosuna, Ubusuna deity
deity for agriculture, especially the rice fields and sake rituals.

. juunisama 十二様 Juni Sama "Honorable 12" Deities .

. katame no Kami 片目の神 Kami with one eye .


Some sources quote another deity as Yamanokami

. Ooyamatsuminomikoto 大山祇神, 大山積神, 大山津見神 Oyama Tsumi no Mikoto .
Oyamatsumi no Mikoto, Ōyamatsumi - protector of trees and the forest


楠元の山の神 Kusumoto no Yama no Kami

This stone statue was made in 1712.
- with more photos of Ta no Kami from Aira, Kagoshima
触田(ふれた)の田の神 / 福岡家の田の神 / 西田の田の神 / 日木山里の田の神
木津志の田の神 / 木津志堂崎の田の神
- reference source : city.aira.lg.jp/bunkazai/kanko... -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


- - - - - Yama no Kami and Fudo Myo-O - - - - -

. 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O - Introduction .

....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
刈田郡 Katta district 七ヶ宿町 Shichikashuku

Once upon a time
a master carpenter from Hida wanted to build 不動堂 a hall for Fudo Myo-O in one night. It was summer and the nights were quite short, so he could not finish his work. Therefore he threw away all the wood he had prepared and left the village. They all became different rocks along the left side of the river 白石川 Shiroishigawa, now called
To our day, the Yama no Kami takes pity on things here and if there is a flooding of the river, he stops it at the border of the village.

. Hida no Takumi 飛騨の匠 expert carpenter from Hida .

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
西多摩郡 Nishitama district 桧原村 Hinohara village

When one becomes a true servant of the Kami, one is able to see its various features:
The Kami of 和田の山 Mount Wada is seen as 蛇 a serpent.
The Kami of 大沢の山 Mount Ozawa is seen as 小さい蛇 a small serpent.
The Kami of another mountain was seen as a pregnant woman.
The roadside Kami at the village border is seen as 火の神 a God of Fire.
Obusu-sama オズスナ様(産土神), the deity of birth is seen as Fudo Myo-O.


- - - - - Yama no Kami and 鬼 Oni Demons - - - - -

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .

岩木山の神と鬼 Gods and Demons from Mount Iwakisan (Aomori)
畠山篤 Hatakeyama Atsushi

岩木山の神の由来譚の生成― 百沢寺・イタコ・村人の語り(百沢寺が語る岩木山権現由来譚;二つ目の丹後日和の由来;三つ目の丹後日和の由来;丹後日和の背景と変容;イタコが語る“お岩木様一代記” ほか)
岩木山の鬼と水利伝承― 津軽の鬼・山人・大人(鬼・山人・大人伝承の分布と分類;単純型;山幸型;農耕型;鉄器型 ほか)

....................................................................... Akita 秋田県 .....

Once upon a time
the 男鹿の本山の神 Yama no Kami from the main mountain Honzan of the Oga Peninsula had demons as his followers.
They were allowed to go down to the villages on the 15th day of the New Year and scare the people.

. Namahage なまはげ / 生剥げ from Oga Hanto .

....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....

. 南佐久郡 Minamisaku - Last day of the Year .

....................................................................... Nara 奈良県 .....
吉野郡 Yoshino district 上北山村 Kami-Kitayama village

. the cave 大蛇嵓 Daijagura at Odaigahara 大台ケ原 .

....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
佐渡郡 Sado district

Kinpokusan 金北山の神 Mount Kinpokusan (1,172 m)

. Tonchibo トンチボ, Tonchiboo トンチボウ Tanuki from Sado .
Tonchibo is also a local name for the Deity of the Mountain Forest, Yama no Kami 山の神, and thus a taboo word for the local fisherman.

白根市 Shirone town

. gaki 餓鬼 hungry ghosts .

....................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 .....
下関市 Shimonoseki 蓋井島 Futaoijima Island

On this island there are four forests sacred to the Yama no Kami, 山の神の森 Yama no Kami no Mori.
They have their special legend.
A very long time ago
Four Oni demons from Shinra (Silla, Korea) came over the sea to invade Japan. 神功皇后 Regent-Empress Jingu Koogo invited them to a banquet and served them Sake with poison to get rid of them. Three of them fell down in the forest of Futaoi. One Demon fell down in 高野の森 the forest of Takano. Their enboku 魂魄 Demon Souls cursed the place and the islanders, so the islanders finally built a shrine to appease their souls.

蓋井島の八幡宮 Hachimangu on Futaoi Island

山の神の祭 Festival for Yama no Kami
- reference source : ameblo.jp/shimonose9m/entry... -


. Yama no Kami - Legends - From Aichi to Yamanashi .

. Ta no Kami, Ta-no-Kami 田の神 Tanokami, God of the Fields .

. sanki, yama-oni, yamaoni 山鬼の鬼伝説 / ヤマオニ .
- yama no oni 山の鬼 Mountain Oni Demon Legends -


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bi-lingual book by Nelly Naumann


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #yamanokamiinfo ##yamanokami #shingun -


Takayama Inari Tsugaru

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Takayama Inari Jinja 高山稲荷神社 Takayama Inari Shrine, Aomori

青森県つがる市牛潟町鷲野沢147-1 / Washinosawa-147-2 Ushigatacho, Tsugaru, Aomori

- quote
Takayama Inari Shrine is famous throughout northern Japan and is revered as a very efficacious shrine for prayers dealing with maritime safety, bountiful harvests, and business prosperity.
Its seemingly innumerable line of red torii gates is spectacular with the gates’ curves and twists being likened to those of a dragon.
The shrine is dedicated to the god Inari, a popular deity among Japanese shrines, the most famous being the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto.
Every year, the shrine attracts many visitors during its Grand Spring Festival and during the New Year’s holidays.
- source : city.tsugaru.aomori.jp...

- reference source : t-ate.com/archives... -

. Inari Matsuri 稲荷祭 Fox Shrine Festivals .


shuin 朱印 stamp

引退した祠がずらりと並ぶ - 小神祠公園

Inari fox statues from all over Tohoku are "retired" here in a special park.

Old small shrines from all over Tohoku are "retired" here in a special park.

- - - - -  HP of the Shrine
- source : bqspot.com/tohoku/aomori -


- Reference : 高山稲荷神社
- Reference : English

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #takayamainari #tsugarutakayama -



. kami 神 Shinto deities - Introduction .

Amewakahiko, Ame-Waka-Hiko 天若日子 / 天稚彦  / あめわかひこ
Ame wakahiko / Ame no wakahiko

- quote -
The child of Amatsukunitama. In preparation for the Descent of the Heavenly Grandchild (tenson kōrin), Amenohohi was first sent from the Plain of High Heaven to the residence of the earth kami Ōkuninushi, to pacify the Central Land of Reed Plains and engage in negotiations for its transfer to the Heavenly Grandchild. Amenohohi did not return, however, with the result that Amenowakahiko was entrusted with bow and arrow from the heavenly kami, and dispatched with the same mission. According to Kojiki, this appointment was at the recommendation of Omoikane, while Nihongi states that it was at the recommendation of all the heavenly kami.

Amewakahiko, however, took to wife Shitateruhime, the daughter of Ōkuninushi, and made plans to rule himself over the Central Land. Like his predecessor, Amewakahiko sent no report back to the Plain of High Heaven, with the result that Takamimusuhi and others convened a council of the heavenly kami; upon deliberation, they decided to dispatch the pheasant Nakime to inquire of Amewakahiko's true intentions. But Amawakahiko, urged on by Amenosagume, used the bow and arrow received from the heavenly kami to shoot the pheasant Nakime. The arrow pierced Nakime and continued to climb to heaven where it was found by Takamimusuhi; discerning the false heart of Amewakahiko, he flung the arrow back down at the Central Land where it struck Amewakahiko mortally in the breast.
Nihongi records that at the time he was killed, Amewakahiko was resting after observing the festival of first fruits (Niinamesai), while Kojiki states that he was lying in bed one morning. The histories relate that this event was the origin of the maxim, "fear a returning arrow," and the story is also touched upon in the "norito for the exorcism of a vengeful deity" (Tataru kami utsushiyarau).

Amewakahiko's name is mentioned in the fragmentary records of the Settsu no kuni fudoki, the Utsubo monogatari, Sagoromo monogatari, as well as the later Otogi zōshi. His name appears to have been widely used as a generic reference to male deities who descended from heaven to earth.
Deities called Amewakahiko are worshiped at some shikinaisha in the province of Izumo.
- source : Mori Mizue 2005 - Kokugakuin -


- quote -
A Demon in the Sky:
The Tale of Amewakahiko, a Japanese Medieval Story

By Reider, Noriko T.

In most cultures demons and dragons reside at the heart of the supernatural, where their distinct status reflects their various cultural roles. This is also true of Japanese culture and folklore, where these creatures play prominent roles.
For present-day Japanese, oni (demons or ogres) typically reside in Buddhist hell to punish mortal sinners, but for their medieval counterparts, the oni's role and the space oni occupied were much more flexible. Perhaps a prime example of this is Amewakahiko söshi (Tale of Amewakahiko; fifteenth century), a fictional story that recounts one legendary origin of Tanabata (Festival of the Weaver, the Star Festival), the celebration of the annual meeting of the Weaver Maid and the Cowherd, who represent the stars Vega and Altair, respectively. In this version of the Tanabata story, an oni is standing in the beautiful serene sky. This oni turns out to be the father of a kairyüö (Kairyu-O, a dragon king of the ocean) who also lives in the sky. This dragon king calls himself Amewakahiko (sometimes Amewakamiko), hence the title.

The plot of The Tale of Amewakahiko
is similar to "Cupid and Psyche" by Lucius Apuleius (second century CE). Some scholars in Japan recognize "Cupid and Psyche" as the source of The Tale of Amewakahiko, and others read the dragon king's tale as indigenous to Japan. Although there is no finally persuasive evidence that the Japanese tale was influenced by "Cupid and Psyche," it is worthwhile to examine the Apuleian tale's connection to The Tale of Amewakahiko and to share these different scholarly perspectives from Japan in an English-language publication. Thus in this essay I discuss the various possible origins of the tale. Thinking of The Tale of Amewakahiko in a Japanese folkloric and literary context reveals a specifically medieval Japanese view of space boundaries (or lack thereof) of underground, earth, and heaven that oni and a dragon travel; it also suggests that studies of ancient and classical Japanese literature (periods of ancient and classical literature, 645-1185 CE) by medieval Japanese scholars influenced the choice of the characters' names and their actions in this tale.

--- Plot and Genre of The Tale of Amewakahiko
One day a huge serpent appears in front of a wealthy family's house. The serpent demands one of the family's three daughters for his wife or, he threatens, he will destroy the whole family. The two older daughters refuse, but the youngest daughter consents. A huge house is built near a pond as part of the wedding preparations requested by the serpent, and there, alone, she awaits her snake husband. When the gigantic serpent appears, he asks the girl to cut off his head. As she does so, a handsome, young gentleman appears, and they live happily in their newly built house. After a while, the husband reveals his true identity as a dragon king of the ocean and tells the girl that he must go to the sky to do some business. He tells her how to find him in the sky if he does not come back. He then orders her not to open a certain treasure chest-if the chest is opened, he tells her, he will not be able to return to earth. While he is away, her two older sisters visit her and become jealous of her wealth and happiness. They open the treasure chest from which only smoke arises. When the girl learns that her husband cannot return anymore, she goes to Kyoto as instructed by her husband before he left and buys a gourd whose vine grows to the sky in one night.

Climbing the vine up to the sky, the girl journeys in search of her husband, whose name, the reader has learned, is Amewakahiko (or Amewakamiko). With great difficulty, she finally finds him. Although they are happy together, Amewakahiko expresses his concern that if his father, an oni, becomes aware of her, there could be trouble. So whenever his father visits him, the dragon king changes his wife into a pillow or fan. But the secret is finally revealed one day, and the oni-father takes her away and imposes on her four difficult tasks. …
- source : questia.com/library/journal -


. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .

. Ryuu-oo 竜王 Ryu-O - The Dragon King .


Amewakahiko Jinja 天稚彦神社 Shrine Amewakahiko

Built during the 戦国時代 Period of the Warring States by 高野瀬氏 Lord Takanose to protect his castle, the town and his people.
Many people come here on the 17th of each month to celebrate and attend rituals.

- reference : 天稚彦神社 -


Amewakahiko Sooshi, sōshi 天稚彦草子 Amewakahiko Soshi scroll
Scroll of the Tale of Amewakahiko

painter: Tosa Hirochika (Japanese, c. 1439-1492)

- reference source : amewakahiko soshi -


Klassische Weisheiten aus Japan: Mit der Bilderrolle 'Amewakahiko no soshi'
Kurzer, Michael

Beim Büchlein “Klassische Weisheiten aus Japan” handelt es sich um eine äußerst überschaubare Sammlung von japanischen Sprichwörtern, Märchen und poetischen und religiösen Texten. Dazwischen sorgt die Bilderrolle “Amewakahiko no soushi” des Malers Fujiwara Tosa Hirokane für Abwechslung.
source : japaninfo.at/news/buch


- Reference : 天稚彦 / アメノワカヒコ
- Reference : Amewakahiko

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .

. Tanabata 七夕 The Star Festival .


- #amewakahiko #amenowakahiko -


Yanegami on the roof

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Yanegami 屋根神 Deity on the Roof
Yanegamisama 屋根神様

A small shrine on the roof, mostly of a merchant, to protect the estate and the shop.
Mostly seen in Aichi and Gifu.

A small shrine sits on the lowest roof under the eaves. It is usually holding an amulet from 秋葉神社 Akiba Jinja to protect against fire and misfortune. Other amulets may be from Ise Jingu or 津島神社 Tsushima Shrine. In Nagoya it is often from 熱田神宮 Atsuta Jingu.
Other local names are 秋葉さん Akiba San or お天王さん O-Tenno-San.
軒神さま Nokigami sama, 氏神さん Ujigamisan
町の神さま Machi no Kamisama, 町内神社 Chonai Jinja (Shrine of the village)

Since it is difficult to climb up to the eaves for prayer and rituals, many of these shrines have been re-located inside the home, near the entrance.

The regular rituals are held by the village community, small interest groups or just one family.
In Nagoya there are groups with more than 100 families.
Regular rituals are held at the New Year and each month on the 1st and 15th day, usually from early morning to late afternoon, when the offerings are taken down to be eaten at home.
People climb on the ladder and offer vegetables and fruit on a special tray. Some hang a violet curtain around the Shrine. Others hang a lantern on these days.
Very seldom an official Shinto priest is called to perform the rituals. Sometimes even a Buddhist priest or Yamabushi mountain priest can be called.

There are not many old records about the Yanegami. Maybe people hoped that the higher up the shrine was, the better their prayers would reach the Deity.

. Tsushima Jinja 津島神社 and the Tsushima Festival .

- quote -
Tsushima Shrine (津島神社 Tsushima Jinja) is a Shinto shrine in Tsushima, Aichi Prefecture.
Nationally famous, it heads the Tsushima shrine network, dedicated to the so-called Tsushima Cult (津島信仰 Tsushima Shinkō). This Tōkai-centered network with its about-3,000-member shrines is the tenth-largest in the country.
The main kami of this faith are Gozutennō (牛頭天王 lit. ox-headed heaven king), the god of pestilences, and Susanoo, two deities which have been conflated together.
For this reason, like other shrines of the network it is also called Tsushima Gozutennō-sha (津島牛頭天王社 lit. Tsushima Gozutennō Shrine).
Shrine legend says that Gozutennō's aramitama (its violent side) stays at Izumo-taisha, whereas its nigemitama (calm aspect) came to Japan from the Korean peninsula after stopping in Tsushima Island, between Korea and Japan. This may explain the relationship between the two Tsushimas suggested by the common name.
The shrine holds a festival called Tsushima Matsuri (津島祭り) in the sixth month of the lunar calendar (July in the Gregorian calendar) during which boats called danjiri (車楽) are floated on the Tennō River, and reeds are released into the water.
The shrine is built in the local owari-zukuri style, of which few extant examples remain.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- quote
An interesting feature on a warehouse is the rooftop shrine, called Yanegami (屋根神).
This rooftop deity honours Tsushima, Akiba and Atsuta Shrines. A small altar erected on the roof is a Nagoya custom. It is a means to ward off disease and disasters, and reflects the great devotion of ordinary people.
- source : Shike-michi (四間道) in Nagoya / wikipedia -

. yane 屋根 roof and roof tiles .

. ujigami 氏神 clan or village deities .


屋根神様の種類 - Different types of Yanegami shrines
- reference source : sogo-multi.net/2011/yanegami -


- reference : 屋根神 wikipedia
- Reference : 屋根神
- Reference : yanegami roof

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yanegami #tsushimashrine -


Fukuo Shrine Mie

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Fukuo Jinja 福王神社 Fukuo Shrine, Mie

三重郡菰野町大字田口 / Taguchi, Komono, Mie District, Mie

The shrine is located up on a steep slope, the 天狗坂 Tengusaka. It was established more than 1200 years ago by 聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi to venerate Bishamonten.
The main days of rituals are on days with a 3, where many people come to venerate.
During the time of 敏達天皇 Emperor Bitatsu Tenno (538 - 585), a statue carver named 安阿弥 Annami came from 百済 Kudara, Korea, and carved the statue of Bishamonten. Shotoku Taishi later placed it here to pray for the safety of the country and to protect shrine 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu.

There are many very old sugi 杉 cedar trees in the compound.
One of them, said to be more than 1000 years old, is the sacred 太子杉 Taishi Sugi.
The forest around the temple used to belong to the 桑名藩 Kuwana domain.
Nearby there was also the famous cedar tree Tengu sugi 天狗杉 Tengu cedar in the Kuwana forest, but this cedar does not exist any more.

- - - - - Deity in residence - - - - -
毘沙門天王 Bishamonten-O

. Bishamon-Ten . 毘沙門天 Vaishravana .

. 聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi .


Mount 福王山 Fukuosan is famous for its Tengu legends and there are various Tengu statues on the access road.

猿田彦神 Sarutahiko

. Sarutahiko no Ookami 猿田彦大神 the Great Deity Sarutahiko .

The top of the mountain is rather flat and the local people called it
Tengu no Odori Koba 天狗の踊り小場 Small place for the Tengu to dance.


Tengu Soba 天狗そば Tengu Soba Buckwheat noodles

Tengu Saka 天狗坂 Tengu Slope Bicycle Race

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
Look at many photos, all the way up to the uppermost shrine.
- source : jummy1015.blog91.fc2.com -


Yearly Festivals 年中行事

春の大祭 Great Spring Festival
秋の大祭 Great Autumn Festival

Tengu Oharai, O-harai 天狗おはらい Tengu Purification Ritual / 天狗のお払い at Setsubun

source : bankun.jp/staff_blog/fukuoujinja...

天狗の福もちつき Tengu pounding Fukumochi

. tengumochi 天狗餅 Tengu mochi rice cakes .


- Reference : 三重県菰野町 / 福王神社

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #fukuojinja -