Latest Update April 2013
. Japanese Buddhas and Deities .
Japanese Buddhas and Deities
.................. Introducing Buddha Statues
History of Buddha Statues in Japan 仏像の歴史
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. The Nyorai Group 如来
Amida Buddha 阿弥陀如来
Dainichi Nyorai 大日如来 The Great Sun, Center of the Universe
O-Take Nyorai お竹如来
Shaka Nyorai 釈迦如来 Gautama Buddha
Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来、Buddha of Medicine
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. The Bosatsu Group 菩薩
. Bosatsu 菩薩 Bodhisattva Group .
Daigen Shuri Bosatsu 招宝七郎大権修理菩薩
monastery-protecting spirit (gogaranjin 護伽藍神)
and temple Anryu-Ji 安竜寺
Fugen Bosatsu 普賢菩薩(ふげんぼさつ) (Samantabhadra)
and the white Elephant
Hoki Bosatsu, Hooki Bosatsu 法起菩薩 ... "Hoodoo Sennin" 法道仙人, Temple Bodaiji 菩提寺, Saint Tokudo 徳道上人
... ... ... Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩
Ajimi Jizo 嘗試地蔵 and Kobo DaishiKoya san
Jizo as Jigoku Bosatsu 地獄菩薩, Namu Jigoku Daibosatsu
Asekaki Jizoo, the Sweating Jizo 汗かき地蔵
Hadaka Jizoo Naked Jizo 裸地蔵
Hooroku Jizoo ほうろく地蔵 with an earthen pot on his head
(Horoku Jizo 焙烙地蔵)
Miso Jizoo 広島のみそ地蔵
O-Bake Jizoo 化け地蔵 the monstrous Jizo statues Nikko
Omokaru Jizoo, Heavy or Light Jizo おもかる地蔵、重軽地蔵
Shinpei-Ji 心平寺 地蔵 Kencho-Ji, Kamakura
Shioname Jizo 塩嘗地蔵 Salt-tasting Jizo in Kamakura
Yonaki Jizo and babies crying at night 夜泣き地蔵
... ... ... Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩
Batoo Kannon, Horseheaded Kannon 馬頭観音
Hakodate 33 Kannon Pilgrimage 西国移土三十三観音, 函館市湯川寺
Hatakiri Kannon はたきり観音さん, Shikoku Henro 10
Jundei Kannon, Juntei Kannon 准胝 観音 Mother of all Buddhas
Maria Kannon マリア観音 Christians in Nagasaki
Nyoirin Kannon, Wishfulfilling Kannon如意輪観音
..... Seiryuu Gongen, Dragon Deity Zennyo 清瀧権現
O-Shichi Kannon お七観音 at temple Tanjo-Ji in Okayama 誕生寺 (Tanjooji)
Senju Kannon, with 1000 Arms and Juuichimen Kannon with 11 heads 千手観音, 十一面観音
Shichimen Kannon 七面観音 Nichiren and Mount Minobu
Shichimen Daibosatsu 七面大菩薩
Usuzumi Kannon, Light Charcoal Cherry Tree Kannon 薄墨観音
Kokuuzoo Bosatsu 虚空蔵菩薩 Kokuzo Bosatsu
Akashagarbha Bodhisattva.
Bodhisattva of Wisdom and Memory
Maso Bosatsu, Senrigan and Junpuji 媽祖菩薩, 千里眼, 順風耳
Memyo Bosatsu 馬鳴菩薩. Ashvagosha
Miroku Bosatsu 弥勒菩薩 Maitreya
Monju Bosatsu 文殊菩薩 Manjushri
Myoken Bosatsu (Myooken Bosatsu) 妙見菩薩
and Star Shrines in Japan, Hoshi Jinja 星神社
Seishi Bosatsu 勢至菩薩 Mahasthamaprapta
Sengen Daibosatsu 浅間大菩薩 Deity of Mount Fuji
Daibosatsu is a term of Buddhist origin, and refers to a "great kami that has awakened to the Way of the Bodhisattva."
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. The Myo-O Group 明王の部
Aizen Myo-O 愛染明王
Daigensui 大元帥明王 Taigen (Atavaka)
Daiitoku Myo-O 大威徳明王 Yamaantaka
. . . . Fudo Myo-O ... see above
Goosanze Myo-O 降三世明王 Gosanze Trilokavijaya
Kujaku Myo-O 孔雀明王 The Pheasant Wisdom King
Ususama Myo-O 烏瑟沙摩明王
Ucchusma, deity of the toilet
Zao Gongen 蔵王権現
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. The Ten Group, Tenbu 天部 Deva, Devas
Ashura, Asura (あしゅら) 阿修羅
Benzaiten 弁財天, Benten 弁天 Benzai-Ten
..... Benten and the Gods of Water
Bishamonten、Tamonten 多聞天 (Vaishravana) 毘沙門天、毘沙門の使ひ
Bishukatsuma 毘首羯磨 (Vishvakarman ヴィシュヴァカルマン)
Daikoku Ten 大黒天 Daikoku sama
Dairokuten Ma-O ... 第六天魔王, 大六天 Take Jizaiten 他化自在天
Dakiniten, Dakini Ten (Vajra Daakini) 荼枳尼天
Datsueba 奪衣婆 or 脱衣婆 the Old Hag of Hell
Ebisu ... 夷 恵比寿 恵比須 えびす、エビス God of Good Luck
Enma Ten, Enma Oo (Emma): The King of Hell閻魔天、閻魔王
..... The Ten Kings of Hell, Juu Oo 十王
Gigeiten 伎芸天 Daijizai Tennyo 大自在天女 and
Daijizai Ten 大自在天 (Shiva)
Gohoojin 護法神 Protectors of the Buddhist law
Hotei 布袋 Pu-Tai
Idaten 韋駄天 (Skanda)
Juuni Shinshoo 十二神将 Twelve Heavenly Generals,
12 Warrior Generals
Kankiten (Ganesh) Elephant-headed deity
Kichijoten 吉祥天 Kichijooten (Lakshmi, Shri Mahadevi)
Kishibojin 鬼子母神, Kishimojin, Kangimo, Kariteimo 訶梨帝母
Madarajin, Matarajin, Matara Shin 摩多羅神 Mathara, Mahakala
Mao son 護法魔王尊 Gohoo Maoo Son
and the three sonten 尊天 of Kurama mountain temple
Marishiten 摩利支天 Marishi Ten
Nio, Deva Kings 仁王 (Nioo, Niou)
Shomen Kongo 青面金剛 Shoomen Kongoo
Taishakuten, Taishaku Ten 帝釈天
Indra, Sakra Deva, Shakra Devanam Indra
and the Koshin Cult (kooshin 庚申, ka no e saru)
The Gods of the four elements 風水天地の神様
水神 Suijin, 風神 Fuujin, 地神 Chijin, 火神 Kajin
Seven Gods of Good Luck 七福神 Shichifukujin
Saints and holy figures
Binzuru 賓頭盧 (Pinzuru)
. MORE Fellow Pilgrims .
. Memorial Days of Poets .
Hibutsu ... 秘仏 ... Secret and hidden Buddha statues
Temples and Shrines of Japan
Busshi 仏師 ... Buddhist Sculptors Gallery
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Shinto Deities 神道の神様
..... The Gods of Japan and Haiku (kami to hotoke)
. female Kami - 神道 - 女性の神々 .
- - - - - - - - - -
Akiba Gongen - 秋葉権現現Akibagongen at Mt. Akiba
. Amayo no mikoto 雨夜尊 Deity of Blind People .
Amenoakarutama no Mikoto 天明玉命 - Toyotama 豊玉姫
Ame no Iwatowake 天石門別神 Ama no Iwatowake
and Kaguyama in Nara 香具山, Amanokaguyama 天香久山
Ame no Koyane no mikoto 天児屋根命 Amenokoyane
Azumi no Isora Maru 阿曇磯良丸 Isoramaru, 安曇の磯良
Amenooshihomimi アメノオシホミミ
..... 正勝吾勝勝速日天忍穂耳尊
Masakakatsukachihayahi Ame no oshihomimi no mikoto
Atago Gongen - 愛宕権現
to prevent fire
Ame-no-Uzume-no-mikoto (天宇受売命, 天鈿女命) Ame no Uzume, Ama no Uzume
Amaterasu Oomikami (Omikami) 天照大神
Aragamisama, Koojin sama 荒神様 Hearth Deity
Dokujin, dokoojin 土公神
Kamagami 釜神 The Hearth Deity in Miyagi
Arukigami 歩行神 the God of Wandering with Basho and Issa
Sozorogami そぞろ神 / Sowasowa no kami そわそわの神
Bimbogami, Binboo Gami 貧乏神 God of Poverty
Byaku-I Gongen ... 飯山白衣権現White Kannon Gongen, at Ii no Yama
Daishoogun 大将軍神 Daishogun no kami, Lord of the Stars
His name is also 素戔鳴尊 スサノオ Susano-O.
Eiyoo Gongen 栄誉権現 Venerable Guard Deity
a tanuki from Toshogu Shrine
Futsunomitama 布都御魂(ふつのみたま)
Sajifutsu no kami 佐士布都神 - Mikafutsunokami 甕布都神
The personification of a divine sword.
Gozu Tenno, Ten-Oo 牛頭天王 Bull-headed King of Heaven
..... Japanese god of the plague, Gion Festival Kyoto.
Gooo, Go-Oo, Go-O 牛王
Hachiman Shin 八幡神 and Hachiman Daibosatsu 八幡大菩薩)
Hakusan Shichi Gongen 白山七権現
Hakusan shinkoo 白山信仰 Hakusan faith. Shirayama shrines
Hitokotonushi 一言主 "God of One Word" at Katsuragi Mountain, 一言主神社
Hondawake no mikoto 譽田別命 - 品陀和気命 Homudawake .
Another name for Hachiman Daishin 八幡大神
Another name is Oojin Tennoo 応神天皇 Ojin Tenno
Hoosoogami, Hoosooshin 疱瘡神 God of Smallpox, Hosogami
Ichikishima hime 市杵島姫 Ichikishima Hime-no-Kami (市杵島姫神)
Tagitsu Hime-no-Kami (湍津姫神)
Tagori Hime-no-Kami (田心姫神)
and the Munakata shrines 宗像大社 Munakata Taisha
Iizuna no Gongen 飯網の権現 ... at Iizuna Mountain, Izuna Gongen
Ikasuri no Kami 座摩の神 Five Deities of the Land
生井神 Ikui no kami, Protector of life
福井神 Sakui no kami, Bringer of good luck
綱長井神 Tsunagai no kami, Luck for fishing
波比岐神 Hahiki no kami, Protector of home and garden
阿須波神 Asuwa no kami, Protector of legs and travelling
Ikushima no kami 生島神 Protector of the Land and the Islands
..... Ikunitama no kami 生国魂神(イクニタマノカミ)
..... Sakikunitama no kami咲国魂神(サキクニタマノカミ)
Tarushima no kami 足島神 "Fulfillment"
Ikushima Tarushima Jinja 生島足島神社, Osaka
Inari Myojin 稲荷明神 - the Fox Deity
Inuhime-no-kami, Inuhime no Kami 伊奴姫神 "Princess Dog Deity"
Iwakamutsukari no Mikoto 磐鹿六雁命 God of the Kitchen Knife and Cooking
高家神社 Takabe Shrine, Chiba
Izanagi 伊弉諾 - 伊弉冉尊 - Izanami 伊邪那美命
Jinguu Koogoo 神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo
Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇 First Emperor Jimmu
Jishu Gongen 地主権現 Local Gongen
at Kiyomizudera Kyoto 清水寺, Jishu Jinja 地主神社
Kappa Daimyojin 河童大明神 Great Deity Kappa
Kenryusan Daigongen 剣龍山大権現薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai
Kimon Konjin 鬼門金神 and Kitamuki Fudo 北向き不動... Fudo facing North. also Kitamuki Kannon, Kitamuki Jizo and others. the "Demon Gate", kimon
Konpira Daigongen . 金毘羅大権現 Kompira Daigongen . Kotohira, Shikoku
Kotoamatsukami 別天津神 "distinguishing heavenly kami"
zooka no sanjin 造化の三神 three deities of creation
Ame no minaka nushi no kami 天之御中主神
Takamimusuhi no kami 高御産巣日神
Kami musuhi no kami 神産巣日神
Kuni no Tokotachi no mikoto 国常立尊主神 Kunitokotachi
Kushinadahime - Kushinada hime 櫛名田媛 .
Inada hime no mikoto 稲田姫命(いなだひめのみこと)
Magami 真神 ancient Wolf Deity and 太占 futomani divination
Mikumari, Mikomori Myōjin 御子守明神
御子守 - Mikomori Sannyoshin 御子守三女神
Tamayorihime 玉依姫. - Mikumari jinja 水分神社
Mimigo Ookami 耳明大神 Mimigo Jinja 耳明神社
"Mishakuji-sama" みしゃくじさま, Mishaguji sama ミシャグジさま , ミシャグジ神 and shrine 御社宮司社, Lake Suwa
Nai no kami 地震神 God of Earthquakes
Ninigi no Mikoto 瓊瓊杵尊/邇邇芸命 and Kirishima
Niutsuhime 丹生都比女 。丹生都比売
Nooten Ookami 脳天大神 Noten Okami Snake Deity
龍王院 Ryuo-In - Dragon God Shrine, Kinpusenji, Yoshino
Okunitama no Kami 大国魂神
Yamato no Ookuni Tama no Kami 倭大国魂神
Yachihoko no Kami 八千矛神
Mi-Toshi no Kami 御年神
Omizunu no Kami 淤美豆奴神, 淤美豆奴命..
Legends of Izumo no Kuni. "God of Great Water"
Omodaru 於母陀流神, Ayakashikone and Dairoku Tenma O 第六天魔王
Ooyama kui no kami 大山咋神(くいのかみ) O-yama-gui-no-kami
better known as Sanoo, 山王 "Mountain King"
Ooyamatsumi 大山祇神, 大山積神, 大山津見神
Oyamatsumi no Mikoto God dwelling in Mountains
Sannoo 山王 Sanno, the "Mountain King"
and the Hiyoshi shrines 日吉神社. San-O, Sann-No,
Sekimamorigami 関守神 Deities of Checkpoints
Sakai no myoojin 境の明神, Sekido Myoojin 関戸明神 deity Sekido Myojin
Seki no Myoojin 関の明神 Myojin Deity to protect a checkpoint
- Ichihime no kami 市姫の神
- Hashihime no kami 橋姫の神
Sekison Gongen 石尊権現
Stone Deity at Mount Oyama 大山, Kanagawa
Shichimen Daimyojin 七面大明神
Shichimen Tennyo (七面天女) celestial nymph
Heavenly Lady from Mount Shichimen
Shinba ... 神馬Horse of the Gods, jinme, 神駒(かみこま)
Shirosama, O-Shirosama, Kaikogami and other SILK related deities ...
蚕神, おしらさま, 蚕影明神 ...
Suijin, the God of Water 水神 . Suiten. Mizu no Kamisama. Suitengu 水天宮
Sukuna, Ryoomen Sukuna Sukuna with two faces 両面宿儺
- - - and - Sukunahikona no mikoto 少彦名命 Sukuna Hikona
Sumiyoshi Myoojin 住吉明神 Sumiyoshi Myojin and Sumiyoshi Shrines in Japan 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja
. . Sun and Moon Deities of Japan Nitten, Gatten and more
日天,月天, 明星天子
Sutoku Tenno, Sotoku, Sudo 崇徳天皇 (1119 - 1142)
Suzuki Myoojin 鈴木明神 Amakusa, Kumamoto
Suzuki Shigenari 鈴木重成 (1588 - 1653)
Takaokami 高おかみ神 God of Rain Kuraokami, Kuramitsuha
Tamayorihime, Tamayoribime, Tamayori hime no mikoto 玉依姫命
Ta no Kami, Yama no Kami. Deities of the Fields and Mountains
Tokusa no Kandakara 十種神宝 The Ten Heavenly Treasures
Toshigami 年神 God of the Year, Toshidon and other names
Toyoukehime no Kami 豊受大神 Toyouke no Ookami
Oogetsu Hime no Kami 大宜都比売神
Uba Gongen 姥権現Mount Iidesan
鵜草葺不合尊 Ugayafukiaezu no mikoto 盧茲草葺不合尊
father of Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇
Ukemochi no Mikoto 保食命 Ukemochi no Kami 宇気母智命 Uke Mochi
Umisachihiko 海幸彦 Hoteri no mikoto 火照命(ほでりのみこと)
Wakahirume 雅日女尊 Wakahirume no mikoto
Oosakatoke no kami 大酒解神
Kosaketoke no kami 小酒解神
Wakumusubi 稚産霊命 - Wakumusuhi 和久産巣日神
Yakujin 厄神(やくじん) Yakujin Myo-O 厄神明王,
Mondo Yakujin 門戸厄神
"deity of preventing bad luck"
"deity to bring bad luck"
Yakubyoogami 疫病神 Deity to bring bad fortune and disease
Yamasachihiko 山幸彦 Hiko hohodemi no mikoto 彦火火出見尊
Yoshida Shinto 吉田神道
Yoshida Kanetomo 吉田兼倶(1435-1511)
Yakusanoikazuchi 八雷神 eight gods of Thunder
Yakusa no ikazuchi no kami
..... and Fuujin Raijin 風神雷神 Gods of Wind and Thunder
Shingō 神語
A "divine title" affixed to the name of a kami.
A wide variety of titles have come into use in accordance with the unique characteristics of kami, and as a result of historical changes in the way kami have been understood. In the ancient period, the title mikoto was used, while expressions such as myōjin ("shining kami"), daibosatsu (great bodhisattva), and gongen (avatar) came into use as a product of kami-buddha combinatory cults (shinbutsu shūgō). During the Edo period, the title reisha ("spirit shrine") was applied to the departed spirits of human beings.
The title mikoto, written variously with the characters 命 or 尊 was used in ancient classics such as Kojiki and Nihongi as a title of respect for both kami and noble persons. It is believed that mi represents an honorific prefix, while koto means "thing," "event," or "word"; together, the reading mikoto has been interpreted as referring to a "noble personage," "minister" or "medium" (mikotomochi), and "noble child" (miko; see mikogami).
Nihongi differentiates between the usage of characters 尊 and 命 for mikoto, stating that the earlier character is used to refer only to kami of the utmost dignity with direct linkage to the imperial descent, while the latter character is used for all other kami.
The title myōjin 明神 as applied to Japanese kami is believed to evolved from an earlier term myōjin 名神 ("eminent kami"), which was used in ancient works like Engishiki to refer to kami of particularly noteworthy power. Under the influence of the homophonic myōjin 明神 ("shining deity") found in Chinese and Buddhist texts, the latter character combination came to be applied to indigenous kami as well.
Daibosatsu is obviously a term of Buddhist origin, and refers to a "great kami that has awakened to the Way of the Bodhisattva." The title daibosatsu is first seen in 781, when the kami Hachiman was honored with the title Gokoku Reigen Iriki Jintsū Daibosatsu ("Great Bodhisattva of National Protection and Marvelous Spirit Power"). From that time, the title daibosatsu has been applied to numerous other kami, including Fuji Sengen Daibosatsu and Tado Daibosatsu.
Gongen (avatar) is likewise of Buddhist origin, a term deriving from the doctrine of honji suijaku ("original essence, manifest traces"). According to this belief, buddhas may provisionally manifest themselves in this world in the form of kami or deities indigenous to various locales. Some well-known kami bestowed with this title include Kumano Gongen, Kasuga Gongen, and Hakusan Gongen.
The title reisha originates with the Yuiitsu Shinto school of the Yoshida family, which first used the term to refer to a shrine erected over the grave of the school's founder. Mano Tokitsuna's Kokin shingaku ruihen describes reisha as "a general term referring to shrines devoted to the spirits of human beings," but the term was also later used as a title for the kami themselves. Within Yoshida Shintō, the titles reijin reisha and myōjin were all applied to deceased human spirits, and this usage influenced the use of the terms in other schools as well, including Yoshikawa Shintō and Suika Shintō, where they were applied to persons who had mastered the deepest imports of the religion. Some of these individuals included Yoshikawa Koretari, posthumously titled Miaredō Reisha, and Yamazaki Ansai, who was titled Suika Reisha.
Another unusual example of the attribution of shingō to humans is that of Sugawara Michizane, who was titled tenjin or "heavenly deity."
source : Sato Masato, Kokugakuin 2005
yuiitsu soogen, Yuiitsu-sogen, Yui-Itsu Sogen 唯一宗源神道
also known as Yoshida Shinto or Urabe Shinto
- reference : shinto yuiitsu sogen -

My Books in German
Buddhistische Kultgegenstände Japans
by Gabi Greve
(Buddhist Ritual and Ceremonial Tools, butsugu, hoogu)
Ich widme dieses Buch, in grosser Dankbarkeit, einem grossen Sensei, Dietrich Seckel.
Okayama Pref., Japan 1996
Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who,
Ein Wegweiser zur Ikonografie von japanischen Buddhastatuen
by Gabi Greve 1994
(All about Japanese Buddhastatues)
With a Review by Dietrich Seckel
The best ONLINE introduction !
! Mark Schumacher !
(I am contributing to this site too.)
Buddhism and Shinto
Michael Hofmann, March 2010
Buddha Statues and Japanese Deities by
. Master Carver Enku 円空 .
Shinto deities and haiku by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
The first visit or ceremony for a deity is often a KIGO!
. WKD : New Year Ceremonies
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