kamigaki 神垣 fence of a shrine
"Fence of the Gods", sacred fence
igaki 斎垣 / tamagaki 玉垣 / mizugaki 瑞垣

Priests passing the "Fence of the Gods" to the inner shrine at Ise.
The most famous kamigaki is the fence to the Inner Shrine at Ise.
. WKD : Ise Shrine and its KIGO - 伊勢神宮.
Some fences made from stone slabs are offered by pilgrims and feature the name of the donor on each slab.
Generally the sanctuary of a shrine is surrounded by one or more fences which are known as kamigaki ( sacred fence).
There are several well known sacred fences which identify certain shrines. These have no religious significance. In a few cases, such as the Yasukuni Shrine, for example, the outside-wall is marked with the five lines used by imperial paloces, etc. This indicates a close relationship with the Imperial Family.
When there are several fences each has a name.
The cuter one is called tamagaki or aragaki. The innermost one mizugaki.
At the Outer Shrine of Ise there are four fences in the following order as the shrine is approached : ita ( board) gaki 板垣, soto (outer) tamagaki 外玉垣,uchi (inner) tamagaki 内玉垣 and mizu (august) gaki 瑞垣.
- images of straw fence, wooden fence
source : nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. WKD : fences and hedges - kakine .

source : ja.wikipedia.org
tamagaki 玉垣 Tamagaki outer fence around the whole shrine compound
mizugaki 瑞垣(みずがき)、imigaki, ikaki, igaki 斎垣(いみがき、いかき、いがき)、kamigaki 神垣(かみがき)
垣の内側を「垣内(かきつ)the inside of the fence is called kakitsu
垣の外側を「垣外(かいと)the outside of the fence is called kaito
nakagaki 中垣(なかがき)/ uchigaki 内垣 - fence within a shrine compound
sototamagaki 外玉垣(そとたまがき)
itagaki 板垣(いたがき) fence of boards
aragaki 荒垣(あらがき) "wild fence", the outermost fence / sotogaki 外垣
kuroki tamagaki 黒き玉垣 "black-wood fence"
sukashi tamagaki 透かし玉垣 "openwork fence"
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
神垣や思ひもかけず涅槃像 芭蕉
kamigaki ya omoi mo kakezu Nehanzoo
within the fence of the shrine -
what a surprise to find
(a statue of) Buddha lying down to die
Tr. Gabi Greve
Before the Meiji Restoration in 1868, the distinction between Buddhist temple and Shinto shrine was not so distinct and many religious places housed both types of buildings.
. WKD - Nirvana Ceremony 涅槃会 Nehan-e .
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
kamigaki ya shiroi hana ni wa shiroi choo
fence of the Gods -
a white butterfly
on a white flower
Tr. Gabi Greve
Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶
. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
kamigaki ya o-hyakudo utte kyoo no tsuki
fence of the Gods -
doing the 100 prayers circuit
the moon of today
. Shiba Sonome 斯波園女 (1664-1726) .
. WKD : hyakudo mairi 百度参り "100 prayers circuit" .
Women used to do the "100 prayers circuit" (百度参り hyakudo mairi) to pray for the safety of their husbands on dangerous missions, for the recovery of illness of their loved ones or other very important reasons.
Sometimes ablutions with buckets of cold water were added to make the prayer more effective.
byakushin no kamigaki asa no hototogisu
for a God's fence - in the morning
the hototogisu
Sakurai Haruko 櫻井春子
. WKD : hototogisu ホトトギス, 時鳥 Little Cuckoo .
Cuculus poliocephalis
kamigaki no momiji nagashi to iu ame ka
this rain
brings the red leaves from the kamigaki
to float
. Takano Sujuu 高野素十 Takano Suju .
kamigaki ya choo no nemuri o kami no mune
fence of the Gods -
the sleep of a butterfly is also
in the will of God
Osaki Meidoo 尾崎迷堂 (1891 - 1970)
kamigaki ni hikiyosete ari koyamabuki
to the fence of the Gods
they come leaning -
the dark yellow mountain roses
Nomura Hakugetsu 野村泊月(1882 - 1961)
. WKD : yamabuki 山吹 yellow mountain rose .
Kerria japonica
source : 女の写真日記.com
Nashinoki Jinja 梨木神社, Kyoto
hiyayaka ni igaki o kiyomu yomiya kana
so cool
the shrine fence purified
on the night before the festival
. Takahashi Awajijo 高橋淡路女 .
tamagaki 玉垣 Tamagaki fence of a shrine
A fence enclosing a shrine, sacred area, or the imperial palace.
It is believed that the ancient form of such a fence was a brushwood barrier using trees, but historically such fences have also utilized stone, wood, and in recent years, even concrete. Fences may be given a variety of descriptive names in accordance with the material and style, including
ita tamagaki ("board fence," constructed of thick boards placed side by side),
kuroki tamagaki (lit. "black-wood fence," constructed from boards or logs with unpeeled bark), or
sukashi gaki ("openwork fence," with wide openings).
The term tamagaki is often used generically to refer to both types of fences otherwise known as
mizugaki ("sacred fence") and aragaki ("rough fence").
When a shrine's sacred area is enclosed by multiple layers of fences, the innermost fence is normally called the mizugaki, while the terms tamagaki, or else aragaki or itagaki, are used to refer to the outer fences.
But the terms tamagaki and mizugaki are occasionally used interchangeably as well.
source : Inoue Nobutaka, Kokugakuin
jishin ni mo taeshi tamagaki sanekazura
the Sanekadsura vine fence
around the shrine withstands
even the earthquake
Morita Tooge 森田峠 Morita Toge
. WKD : Kadsura japonica サネカズラ Kadsura vine, Sanekadsura .
tamagaki no ushiro ni tsuzuku haru no yama
behind the shrine fence
all the way
mountains in spring
Sakai Royoo 酒井露酔
tamagaki no naka yori kami no iwa shimizu
within the shrine fence
fresh water flows
from the rock of the Gods
Fujita Seiko 藤田静古
. WKD : iwa shimizu 岩清水 fresh water from the rocks .
kigo for summer
. Shrine Iwashimizu Hachimangu 石清水八幡宮 Kyoto .
tamagaki 玉垣 shrine fence
mizugaki ya sugi honokuraku ume shiroshi
this fence of the shrine -
the cedar trees slightly dark
the plum blossoms white
. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 - 1893.
. Nihon kamigaki - 日本神籬 - himorogi .
「神籬」the traditional reading was 「かみがき」kamigaki 「みづがき」mizugaki.
. WKD : Ise Shrine and its KIGO .
. WKD : fences and hedges - kakine .
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