Bunei Sekibutsu 文英様石仏 Stone Buddhas of the Bunei style - Okayama -
Build after the attacks of Hideyoshi on Takamatsu castle in Okayama, about 140 pieces of stone memorials with shallow engraving.
One typical trait is the the nose like a potato and the triangular eyes.
They represent simple forms of the Buddhist and Shinto deities.
They are called BUNEI 文英 because that was the name of the stone mason, carved in the first four stones found. Bunei was a monk at temple 福成寺 Fukujo-Ji in Takamatsu ward of Okayama, belonging to the Nenbutsu school
念仏講. He was active from 1534 - 1547.
Most of his stone statues are found in Takamatsu/Hirano, Soja, Ashimori and Akasaka.
文英座元石仏 - zamoto is the manager or proprietor of a stone-mason business.
With detailed maps :
source : isinohotoke.net/okayamamap.
Marebito まれびと / 客 / 賓 / 客人 Rare person.
A term originally referring to a visitor.
Orikuchi Shinobu defined marebito as spiritual entities that periodically visit village communities from the other world — the "everlasting world" (tokoyo) across the sea — to bring their residents happiness and good fortune.
Orikuchi traced the prototype of the marebito to ancestral spirits (sorei). Despite the dread and disdain of community residents for the marebito, their belief that the marebito bring blessings led to the development of customs for and notions of welcoming the marebito. Orikuchi theorized that the belief in the marebito forms the basis of folk religion in Japan. Examples of marebito as masked and costumed deities that bring blessings to people include the Namahage of Akita Prefecture as well as the Akamata/Kuromata and Mayuganashi in Yaeyama, Okinawa Prefecture.
source : Iwai Hiroshi, Kokugakuin 2007

客人大明神 Kyakujin Daimyojin
. Marebito Daimyoojin - protector deity Nr. 20 from Omi .
報恩寺文英様石仏 - temple Hoon-Ji
遍照寺文英様石仏 - temple Henjo-Ji
高松城周辺の文英様石仏 - around the ruins of Takamatsu castle
岡山市大崎の文英様石仏 - Osaki, Okayama town
岡山市門前の文英様石仏 - Monzen, Okayama town
田上寺跡石仏 - Ashimori
久米薬師堂石仏 - Soja, Kume Yakushi Hall
常楽寺の文英様石仏 - temle Joraku-Ji, 岡山市草ヶ部
持宝院の文英石仏 - 十一面観音 - Juichimen Kannon
中島文英石仏 - 地蔵菩薩 - Jizo Bosatsu
大崎廃寺跡の文英石仏 - 延命地蔵 Enmei Jizo

koshinage Jizoo 腰投げ地蔵 "hip-throw" Jizo -
from Nishi Kamo village 岡山市西加茂
These statues are said to help with pain in the hips and lower back. Many people came here to pray for help with their pain, but nowadays the two statues are almost covered by weeds.

They are basically the style of an Enmei Jizo 延命地蔵 to prolong the life.
They are about 40 cm high. Both have the typical round face with a potato-like round nose.
source : www.isinohotoke.net
. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 Kshitigarbha .
Bishamonten Magaibutsu - 毘沙門天磨崖仏

石槌山毘沙門天磨崖仏 - Kurashiki, Ishizuchisan
Mount Ishizuchisan is about 165 meters high. The carving is 390 cm high and 37 cm wide.
Bishamon-Ten is shown standing on a jaki 邪鬼 demon.
庚申山毘沙門天磨崖仏 - Shinjo
日差山毘沙門天磨崖仏 - Kurashiki
福山八畳岩毘沙門天磨崖仏 - Soja
鷲峰山毘沙門天磨崖仏 - Yakake
Look at the photos here:
source : www.isinohotoke.net/kibi2
. Bishamon-Ten . 毘沙門天 Tamonten (Vaishravana) .
Kibi no Sekibutsu 吉備の石仏 Stone Buddhas from Kibi

保月三尊板碑・六面石幢 - Takahashi, Hozuki Sanzon Three Deities
This granite stone slab is about 315 cm high. Each of the three Buddhas has a double nimbus and sits in a small cave carved into the stone.
They are Shaka Nyorai, Amida Nyorai and Jizo Bosatsu.
山崎六地蔵・不動磨崖仏 - Soja - Jizo and Fudo Myo-o
総願寺跡宝塔 - Kurashiki, temple Sogan-Ji
楢津阿弥陀石仏 - Narazu Amida
Look at the photos here:
source : www.isinohotoke.net/kibi4
under construction
. Magaibutsu 磨崖仏 Stone Carvings and Sculptures .
. Sekibutsu 石仏 Stone Buddhas .
Sekibutsu 石仏 - Stone Carvings of Buddhist Deities
The oldest known sekibutsu 石仏 (stone sculpture) in Japan is the Buddha Triad (Sansonzou 三尊像)
at Ishiidera 石位寺 Temple (Nara; late 7th century).
source : Mark Schumacher -
Magaibutsu 磨崖仏 Images Carved in Cliffs, Large Rock Outcrops, or in Caves
source : Mark Schumacher -
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