Shisendoo 詩仙堂 Shisen-do "Hall of the Great Poets"

Ishiyama Joozan 石山丈山 Jozan
. WKD : Joozan Ki 丈山忌 Jozan Memorial Day .
May 23. 1583年(天正11年) - 1672年6月18日(寛文12年5月23日)
Poet and Scholar of Chinese poetry in the early Edo period.
Jozan had worked for Tokugawa Ieyasu and distinguished himself during the Summer Battle of Oasaka 大坂夏の陣.
- Reference - Ishiyama Jozan -
Shisen-do (詩仙堂, also known as Jozan-ji 丈山寺)
is a quiet hermitage at the foot of the hills, in the north-east of Kyoto city. It was built by retired samurai Jozan Ishikawa (1583-1672) in 1641, which makes the place more than 350 years old (and well conserved for this age!) Jozan devoted the later part of his life to studies, mostly Chinese classics and garden architecture. Jozan selected the name "Shisen-do" after the 36 classic Chinese poets portraits he had hanging in his study (but exactly what the link is, I don't know). These portraits are still visible today and, due to their old age, you are kindly requested not to take pictures of them (because, you know, no one knows how to disable the flash of a compact camera...)
Jozan-sama studied until his death at 90 years old. Quite exactly how the hermitage became a temple I can't tell from the little documentation that I have. But in the early 1700s the temple was owned and cared for by a series of Buddhist priests. Later in the mid 1700s, a zen priest or nun was chosen to be the keeper of the hermitage, and this tradition continues to this day.
source : damien.douxchamps.net
Inside in a special room are paintings of the 37 Immortal Chinese poets.
shisen no ma 詩仙の間

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
- - - - - HP of the temple in English- The Hermitage Shisen-Do

source : www.kyoto-shisendo.com

- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

Ishiyama Jozan
kaze kaoru haori wa eri mo tsukurohazu
fragrant summer wind -
this haori coat has a neckband
with so many patches
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written on the 1st day of the 6th lunar month 1691, 元禄4年6月1日
Basho had stayed at Shisen-Do 詩仙堂 Shizen-Do hall with Sora and Kyorai. This is a small hermitage which Ishiyama Joozan 石山丈山 Jozan had build in Ichijooji 一乗寺 Ichijo-Ji, a district in Sakyo, 左京 Kyoto.

source : itoyo/basho
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. WKD : haori 羽織 Haori coat and Basho .
. WKD : kaze kaoru 風薫 fragrant (summer) breeze .
Joozan no ume saki ni keri shizendoo
the plum of Jozan
is blossoming now -
Shisen-Do hall
Tr. Gabi Greve
. Masaoka Shiki visiting temples and shrines .
詩仙堂あかりのごとく百合咲けり 原コウ子
詩仙堂まひまひつぶろ縞確か 鈴木栄子
詩仙堂熟柿が落ちてくしや~に 川崎展宏
詩仙堂花なき庭の添水かな 貞永金市
詩仙堂道に干さるゝ炭団かな 小杉余子
詩仙堂雨の扉の蝸牛 田中王城
鬱蒼と夏木の気骨詩仙堂 木津凉太
食用の茸出てゐし詩仙堂 茨木和生
初冬の竹緑なり詩仙堂 内藤鳴雪
唐椿白極まれり詩仙堂 尾関佳子
花楓にて空紅し詩仙堂 日原傳
甘干に軒も余さず詩仙堂 松瀬青々
秋日和鉈豆干しぬ詩仙堂 水落露石
鹿おどし背山昏れゆく詩仙堂 柳田聖子
春の日や木賊色濃き詩仙堂 鈴木貞雄
木洩日の尾の緋鯉なり詩仙堂 瀧澤和治
添水よりも薪割る音の詩仙堂 米澤吾亦紅
竹に来てつるむ鳥あり詩仙堂 松瀬青々
茶梅ちる雨降る日ざし詩仙堂 飯田蛇笏
葉末よりもみぢ始る詩仙堂 高澤良一
うつぎ咲く緑の雨や詩仙堂 佐藤春夫
一つ葉や文机古りし詩仙堂 永沼弥生
source : HAIKUreikuDB

source : shigaarch/Topics
. . sennin 仙人 immortals, mountain hermits, poets .
. Konpukuji, Konbukuji 金福寺 / 金福寺 Konpuku-Ji .
In Kyoto, Ichijooji district - Ichijoo-Ji Konbuku-Ji 一乗寺金福寺 Ichijo-Ji
Another famous temple of this district with a "Basho-An" in his memory.
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