shinigami 死神 God of Death "Grim Reaper"

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Shinigami (死神, "god of death" or "grim reaper")
are gods that invite humans towards death, or induce feelings of wanting to die in humans, as applied to concepts in Japanese religion, classics, folk religion, or popular culture. There also exist similar concepts outside of Japan.
- - - Shinigami in Japanese religion
In Buddhism,
there is the Mara that is concerned with death, the Mrtyu-mara. It is a demon that makes humans want to die, and it is said that upon being possessed by it, in a shock, one would suddenly want to commit suicide, so it is sometimes explained as a "shinigami". Also, in the Yogacarabhumi-sastra, a writing on Yogacara, it was a demon that decided the time of people's deaths. The Yama, the king of the Underworld, as well as oni like the Ox-Head and Horse-Face are also considered a type of shinigami.
In Shinto,
in Japanese mythology, Izanami gave humans death, so Izanami is sometimes seen as a shinigami.
However, Izanami and Yama are also thought to be different from the death gods in western mythology, and since atheism has been posited in Buddhism, it is sometimes seen that concept of a death god does not exist to begin with. Even though the kijin and onryō of Japanese Buddhist faith have taken humans' lives, there is the opinion that there is no "death god" that merely lead people into the world of the dead.
Shinigami in ningyō jōruri
Shinigami in classical literature
Shinigami in folk religion
Shinigami in modern popular culture
- - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Izanami 伊邪那美命 and Izanagi 伊弉諾 .
. Emma (Enma ten, Enma Oo) 閻魔天、閻魔王 Yama, king of hell .
- - - The three deities most feared in Japan:
. Shinigami 死神 God of Death "Grim Reaper" .
. Binbogami, Binboo Gami 貧乏神 Bimbogami, God of Poverty .
. Yakubyoogami 疫病神 Yakubyogami, Deity of Diseases .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Donba ドンバ a water strider
Donba is almost like a Kappa.
If someone is pulled away by a Donba, there will be more death
in 3, 7 and 13 years.
If the Shinigami is holding on to someone, Donba appears and pulls him down.
Donba likes to eat the intestines of a dead person.
- source : nichibun yokai database -
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
shinigami ni yobarete mezameshi aki sudare
called by the God of Death
I wake up -
blinds in autumn
Inagaki Kikuno 稲垣きくの
. WKD : aki sudare 秋簾 blinds in autumn .
sudare are mostly made of bamboo to keep a room in the shadow and cool.
shinigami no mie-kakureshi yo wa sakura
the God of Death
plays hide and seek -
a world of cherry blossoms
Hozu Misao 保津操
shinigami wa binan narubeshi ogi no koe
the God of Death
should be a good-looking man -
voices of miscanthus
Ikeda Sumiko 池田澄子 (1936 - )

source : maboroshinomori
. WKD : ogi no koe 荻の声 "voice of the common reed" . Miscanthus sacchariflorus
kigo for early autumn
shinigami ni yori nokosarete aki no kure
the god of death
did not get me today -
autumn dusk
Maybe Issa is overlooking a valley in evening twilight, remembering some friends or relatives that have already gone . . .
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 - Introduction . .
死神が春の踏切番に憑く 仁平勝 東京物語
死神が時を渡つて来て死にぬ 永田耕衣 陸沈考
死神が死んで居るなり百日紅(さるすべり) 永田耕衣(1900-97)
死神とあそぶこゝちや金魚飼ふ 山田文易
死神と問答しつつ日記買ふ 須山俊夫
死神と背中合はせの春隣 小出秋光
死神と逢う娯しさも杜若 永田耕衣 陸沈考
死神により残されて秋の暮 一茶
死神に尻餅つかせ鎌鼬 林 翔
死神に居留守をつかふ寝正月 山下律子
死神に踏み込まれたるカンナの家 高澤良一 随笑
死神のへつらい笑う帰り花 橋 間石
死神の御手をのがれて髪洗ふ 植田房子
死神の素通りしたり韮雑炊 小泉八重子
死神の薄き履物花ざくろ 磯貝碧蹄館
死神の行きし雪稜月遺り 福田蓼汀 秋風挽歌
死神の覗く鳥鍋囲むなり 清水基吉 寒蕭々
死神の追ひ来る冬を籠りけり 小林康治
死神はうからまで来し桃啜る 中戸川朝人
死神は下戸かも我は年酒くむ 林 翔
死神は美男なるべし荻の声 池田澄子
死神もうつらうつらと日向ぼこ 遠藤若狭男
死神を召使ひをり冬籠 小林康治
死神を見送つて居る牡丹かな 永田耕衣
死神を蹴る力なき蒲団かな 高浜虚子
死神を蹶る力無き蒲団かな 高浜虚子
死神を遠く遊ばせ寒椿 八木林之助
死神侍らせ粗衣爽かに独り酒 三谷昭 獣身
死神馳す晴れに吹雪いて八ケ岳 小澤實
死に神のかの指遺い縷紅草 増田まさみ
死に神の遠出してゐる春障子 尾崎隆則
死に神は死ねぬ神かな二重虹 山崎十生「招霊術入門」
死に神は美男なるべし荻の声 池田澄子 たましいの話
死に神は近づけまいぞ着膨れて 鉄山幸子
死に神を負ひ香水の香をまとひ 櫛原希伊子
死者を早や死に神去りし花柘榴 右城暮石 上下
白牡丹緋牡丹死神がとほし 廣瀬町子
禁欲の死に神はじけ鳳仙花 増田まさみ
緑蔭を看護婦がゆき死神がゆく 石田波郷
腐刻画の死神笑ふ花七日 星野石雀
若者には若き死神花柘榴 中村草田男「萬緑」
蒲団干すついでに死神も干す 前田吐実男
足袋かさね穿いて死神よせつけず 富田潮児
身ほとりに死神を飼ひ冬籠 小林康治 『華髪』
隣家まで来た死神に挨拶する 鈴木石夫
霜ひびき犬の死神犬に来し 西東三鬼
たたみ込む暑や死神に手を貸して 高澤良一 素抱
ちぢみ着る死神と寝し髪すゝぎ(一応、床払ひ) 殿村菟絲子
人暑うして死神が死ににけり 永田耕衣 自人
少年の死神が待つ牡丹かな 永田耕衣
手の中に死神がいる寒暮なり 寺田京子
手を打つて死神笑ふ河豚汁 矢田挿雲
日参の死神のヒマ潰しかな 永田耕衣
春一番死神もまた矢を放つ 古賀まり子 緑の野以後
枯れふかくきて死神をつきはなす 安江里枝
source : HAIKUreikuDB

- #shinigami -
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