. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Tenjin Sama, Tenshin Sama 天神様 Honorable Deity of Heaven
The Kami of the Sky, as expressed in 天神地衹 Tenshin Chigi.
. Ametsuchi 天地 Tenchi - Heaven and Earth, Univers .
天の神と地の神 the Deity of Heaven and the Deity of Earth
天津神 / 天つ神 Amatsukami and
国津神 / 国つ神 Kunitsukami
. zooka no sanshin (sanjin) 造化の三神 three Deities of creation .
Kotoamatsukami 別天津神
. Tenjin Sama - Sugawara Michizane Legends 天神菅原道真伝説 .
天神様 Tenjin Sama refers to a shrine for Michizane.
Legends about his shrines are collected here.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
犬山市 Inuyama city // 天神様
The Tenjin Sama from the shrine at 今井 Imai liked children. They often took the statue to 岩鼻の淵 the beach and played with it, but when they were told not to do that, suddenly the villagers became ill and disasters happened.

石作神社 Ishizukuri Jinja 知県犬山市今井宮ノ洞
- source : buccyake-kojiki.com... -
. shishigashira 獅子頭 lion head from Ishizukuri Jinja .
南知多町 Minami-Chita town 久村 Kumura hamlet
A villager named 松左衛門 Matsuzaemon went out to collect moku 藻 seaweed. Among the green leaves he found a golden statue of Tenjin Sama.
From that day on, Tenjin appeared in his dream every night, asking for a new place to be venerated. Until now he is venerted at 山海 Sankai hamlet.
....................................................................... Akita 秋田県 .....
上小阿仁村 Kamikoani village
shironezumi, shiro nezumi 白ネズミ a white mouse
Once upon a time, 八郎太郎 Hachirotaro wanted to make a lake and live at 七座 Shichiza.
But Tenjin Sama, who lived at Shichiza, got angry. He sent his white mouse to destroy the seki 堰 weir.
Since Hachirotaro could not live there any more, he fled to Hachirōgata 八郎潟 Hachirogata.
. Hachirōgata (八郎潟 Hachirō-gata) .
....................................................................... Fukui 福井県 .....
. Tenshinsama 天神様 Tenshin Sama .
The Kami of the Sky, as expressed in 天神地衹 Tenshin Chigi.
During the New Year he comes down from the Sky and becomes 年神 Toshigami.
On the 25 day of January he goes back to Heaven.
....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....
高山市 Takayama city 上宝町 Kamitakara town // 天神様
Grandfather 大宅 貫一郎 Oyake Kanichiro had a zaimokuya 材木屋 lumber shop.
Tenjin Sama appeared in his dream and said "I want to go to your home!" So he went to 富山 Toyama to pick him up. He found a desolate wayside shrine with a small statue. He gave some money to the villagers and took the Deity with him. After a little while, the grandmother of Kanichiro had pain in her arm. When he looked at the statue of Tenjin, he saw that a nezumi ネズミ mouse had nibbled on his arm. He called a carpenter and had the arm repaired. Grandmother's pain was also healed.
....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....
津名郡 Tsuna district 五色町 Goshiki town // 天神様
. uma 馬 koma 駒伝説 horse legends .
The painter 白川芝山 Shirakawa Shizun / 白芝山 (1759 - 1850) had painted a horse on an ema 絵馬 votive tablet in the Tenjin Shrine. The horse came to life and went outside damaging the fields and eat grass. He therefore painted some grass and reins on the tablet to keep the horse in place.

- Awaji Bunka Kaikan -
. ema 絵馬 と伝説 Legends about votive tablets .
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
国つ神 Kunitsukami
At the Shrine 宝満神社 in the South of 種子島 Tanegashima island they venerate 玉依姫 Princess Tamayori Hime.
At the Shrine 浦田神社 in the North of the Island they venerate ウガヤフキアエズ尊 / 鸕鶿草葺不合尊 Ugayafukiaezu no Mikoto.
- quote -
Other names: Hikonagisatake ugayafukiaezu no mikoto (Kojiki)
The son of Hohodemi (Ninigi's son) and Toyotamabime (Watatsumi's daughter);
the father of Emperor Jinmu. Ugayafukiaezu's name ("cormorant-rush-thatching-unfinished") is associated with the events of his birth; according to an "alternate writing" related by Nihongi, the name was given by his mother Toyotamabime. As an offspring of the imperial grandchild by a sea goddess, he was born within a parturition hut built beside the seashore. But his mother's labor began before the parturition hut was fully thatched with cormorant feathers, and Toyotamabime was seen in labor by Ninigi. In humiliation, Toyotamabime wrapped the newborn child in grass, and abandoned him by the seashore, where he was found and raised by Toyotamabime's sister Tamayoribime.
According to another "alternate writing" of Nihongi,
Toyotamabime could not bring herself to abandon the child, and took him up and returned with him to her palace in the sea. Since she felt it unfit that an offspring of the Heavenly Grandchild be raised within the sea, however, she gave him to her sister Tamayoribime to be taken to the land. Ugayafukiaezu later married his aunt Tamayoribime and fathered the kami Itsuse no mikoto, Inahi no mikoto, Mikenu no mikoto, and Kamuyamatoiwarebiko (Emperor Jinmu).
- reference source : Kokugakuin Mori Mizue -
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
木曽郡 Kiso district 上松町 Agematsu town
. Hayataro 霊犬早太郎伝説 The legend of the spiritual dog Hayataro. .
at the temple 光前寺 Kozen-Ji,
During the annual festival of the nearby Shrine 天神宮 Tenjingu, Tenjin Gu a young woman had to be offered.
Three monsters came to eat the woman. The priest of the Shrine found out about Hayataro and had him drive the monsters.
But then Hayato died himself and is now venerated at Kozen-Ji.
. Hayataro 霊犬早太郎伝説 The legend of the spiritual dog Hayataro. .
....................................................................... Nara 奈良県 .....
月ヶ瀬村 Tsukigase village
. kaminari 雷と伝説 Legends about Thunder and Lightning .
The daikan 代官 assistant deputy governor went to the Tenjin Shrine and his horse drank from the 手水鉢 basin for the ritual purification of hands.
A man who asked him to stop this was hit with his whip. After the Daikan had walked away for about 500 meters, there came a black cloud and he rushed down a slope on his horse. A lightning struck him and he and his horse fell down the valley.
This slope is now called Daikanzaka 代官坂 "Slope of the Daikan".
. temizu, choozu 手水 ritual purification of hands .
....................................................................... Oita 大分県 .....
国東郡 Kunisaki district 姫島村 Himeshima village // 天神様
People are not allowed to throw ume 梅 plums, dried plums or the stones of plums into the sea.
The family crest of Michizane is the plum and he does not like plums to be thrown away.
....................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県 .....
引佐町 Inasa town 天神様
. the brave dog しっぺい太郎 Shippeitaro (or Hayataro) .
at 見付 Mitsuke.
....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
第六天神様 / 第六天神社 Shrine Dairoku Tenjin Sha
. ekibyoo 疫病 epidemy and 第六天神様 Dairokutenjin Sama - Asakusa .
....................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県 .....
日高郡 Hidaka district みなべ町 Minabe town // 天神様
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
Around 1920 there was a construction work going on at 大橋の天神様 the Great Bridge of the Tenjin Shrine. From a cave there appeared a huge yellow serpent with a dot pattern and five small serpents on her back. This was the Messenger of Tenjin Sama.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
28 天神様 (14)
国つ神 OK
- #tenjinsama #tenjin #tenshin #universe #creation #sugawaramichizane #michizane -
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