Showing posts with label - - Z - - Shrine - - -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - Z - - Shrine - - -. Show all posts


funadama funatama boat deity

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .

船神 the Boat Deity Funagami

funadama 船玉 / 船霊 / 船魂 guardian deity of a boat
funadama san 船玉さん / フナダマサン / funatama フナタマ

the Goddess of the ocean, widely worshipped by Japanese fishermen. Her shrines are niches made in the masts of ships where many items are kept. She grants good catches!
Suijin, a water Goddess, often has shrines at lakes, ponds, springs and wells. She is sometimes said to take the form of fish or large, sometimes white, snakes. Women play a key role in her worship and a few large shrines (Suitengu in Tokyo, for example) are primarily focused on helping pregnant women deliver safely.

In the original Japanese Shinto Religion, there are many versions of a God of Water, which shows how important water is to a rice planting agricultural society.

Here are just a few, this will be subject to further checking.

市杵嶋姫神 いちきしまひめのかみ Ichiki Shima Hime no Kami
闇淤加美神 くらおかみのかみ。水の神・龍神様。Kurao Kami no Kami, Kura Okami Dragon Deity
高淤加美神 たかおかみのかみ。水の神・龍神様。Takao Kami no Kami, Dragon Deity (淤加美神 Okami no Kami)
宗像の神 むなかたのかみ。海上交通の神様。水の神様。Munakata no Kami
罔象女神 みづはのめのかみ。水を司る神。雨乞いの神。Mizuha no Me no Kami
source to read : (Records of Ancient Matters)

. Mizuhanome 水速女命 Female Deity of Water .

. Munakata no Kami 宗像の神 - The Munakata Shinto Belief .
Shrine Munakata Taisha (宗像大社), Fukuoka
Ichikishima Hime-no-Kami (市杵島姫神)

. Suijin sama 水神様 Mizu no Kamisama 水の神様 .

. Ryuujin 龍神, 竜神 Ryujin, the Dragon God .

. kainan 海難 shipwrecked from a typhoon 台風 .


“Sea Theologies: Elements for a Conceptualization of Maritime Religiosity in Japan”
Fabio Rambelli
A glaring blind-spot in Japanese religious studies is the lack of attention dedicated to conceptual (and theological) elements in sea-based beliefs and practices. As a consequence, we know very little about the theology of the sea and sea deities dwelling in the abyss. This talk will focus on three different aspects of sea-related cults: the role of the sea in the Nakatomi no harae great purification ritual, the status of treasure ships (takarabune), and the nature of boat spirits (funadama). These three elements are normally treated separately, and are not explored in their theological and philosophical implications, but the talk will show that, when combined, they offer a unique perspective on Japanese maritime religiosity as it was practiced and imagined by different agents and groups: fishing communities (as in the case of funadama), ritual specialists and intellectuals (in the commentaries on the Nakatomi no harae), and larger communities (as in the images of takarabune associated with widespread cults of the seven gods of good fortune or shichifukujin). It will be argued that these three elements function as semiotic shifters−representations and agents of change, transformation, and movement, all features of maritime religiosity.
- - - - - Lecture in Kyoto, May 30, 2017
- source : ... -


funadama sama 船霊さま amulets for Funadama
funadama 船霊は「船玉、船魂」

The one's from Chiba are top left.
Top right are from Shizuoka, bottom left from Wakayama (mamoribina 守り雛), bottom right from Okayama.

They are a pair of hina dolls made from paper.
They are an amulet to protect the boatsmen.

. Folk Toys from Chiba .


. Funadama Jinja 船魂神社 - Hakodate, Hokkaido
and 波分不動明王 Namiwake Fudo Myo-O 


Funadama Jinja 船玉神社
神奈川県藤沢市大鋸 / Daigiri, Fujisawa, Kanagawa

- - - - - Deity in residence - - - - -
弟橘姫命 Oto Tachibanahime no Mikoto


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets
諸願成就、水難除け、海上・交通安全、旅行安全 for safety at sea and on the road, and when traveling

The main festival is on May 15.

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- source : -


船玉神社 Funatama Jinja
大阪府大阪市住吉区住吉 Osaka, Sumiyoshi ward

- - - - - Deities in residence - - - - -
猿田彦神 Sarutahiko
天鳥船神 Amenotorifune no Kami (鳥之石楠船神 Torinoiwa Kusufune no Kami)


shuin 朱印 stamp

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- reference source : -


Funadamaguu 船玉宮 Shrine Funadama Gu
福井県吉崎御坊 Fukui Yoshizaki Gobo
Yoshizaki-gobō was a temple in the town of Arawashi, Sakai District.
It is best known for its connection to Rennyo, the founder of the Ikkō sect of Buddhism.

As a protector deity, it has various names from Shinto and Buddhist background:
舟玉神 Funadama Shin /船玉宮 Funadama Gu / 船玉明神 Funadama Myojin / 船玉権現 Funadama Gongen
船玉菩薩 Funadama Bosatsu

- reference source : Kazuo on facebok -


Funadama matsuri 船玉祭 / 船玉まつり Festivals for Funadama
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Funadama matsuri 船玉祭 Festival of the Ship's Treasures
Maso Festival 媽祖祭 - Soofukuji 崇福寺 Temple Sofuku-Ji, Nagasaki

Hoodoosan Jinja 宝登山神社 Hodosan Jinja in Saitama, August 15.
This boat festival at Nagatoro 長瀞 dates back to the Tokugawa period. Travelers from Chichibu used to raft down to Edo and prayed at the shrine for safe passage along the Arakawa river.


Funadama kofun 船玉古墳 Funatama burial mound
Ibaraki, Chikusei

- reference source : -

. kofun jidai 古墳時代 the burial mound period - 250 to 538 .


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


source : Ship Goddesses, Boat Ghosts, And Sea Monks (Funadama, Funa Yurei, Umi Bozu)


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Funadama 船魂
The Funadama is an incarnation of 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon with 11 Heads.
People put some female hair in the box, two dice for the 双六 Sugoroku game and
45 coins of the 大観通宝 Daikan Tsuho.
The box is fastened under 帆柱 the main sail supporting mast.
The dice have to be placed carefully: 1 up, 6 down and 2 facing the inside of the boat.

. sugoroku 双六 Sugoroku board game .


船霊様,suzumushi no naku yoo na oto 鈴虫の鳴くような音




. Funadama and Umibozu 海坊主 legends .

....................................................................... Chiba 千葉県

Jingu Kogo 功皇后,Sumiyoshi no Kami 住吉の神  Funadama no Kami 船玉の神  

.......................................................................  Ehime 愛媛県

Ehime, 伊予郡 Iyo district 松前町 Masaki town

The Funadama deity dislikes 女、蛇、猪、猿、猫、味噌、ラッキョウ
women, serpents, wild boars, monkeys, cats, Miso paste and shallots.
So these words are not to be used on a boat.

Ehime 松山市 Matsuyama city

funadama sama 船霊様

Ehime, 越智郡 Ochi district, 魚島村 Uoshima village

Funadama sama 船霊様

....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
揖斐郡 Ibi district 揖斐川町 Ibigawa town

tengu 天狗 Tengu
夜遅く峠を歩くと天狗が出て人を追っかけたり、いたずらしたり、目に見えなくても、近くに天狗が現れると、髪の毛が逆立ったり、顔に怪我をしたりする。ある時若者たちが天狗を懲らしめようと松の木に腰掛けていた天狗を縛り上げた。すると貴船神社 the Shrine Kifune Jinja へ仕返しに現れ、池へ臼を投げ入れた。その臼は他の池から浮かび上がってきたという。
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
二本松市 Nihonmatsu city

. kamoishi, kamo-ishi 鴨石 "duck stone" .
at 伊佐沼 the Isanuma marsh and 貴船神社 the Shrine Kifune Jinja.

Fukushima, いわき市 Iwaki city

funadama sama 船だまさま

....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県

aka soshiru 赤ソシル


Funadama Sama 船魂様
The female Funadama Sama does not like just one woman in a boat. If a woman has to use it by herself,
she usually keeps a doll to appease the Deity.
The box is fastened under the main sail supporting mast, see above.


Funatama 船霊
This Funatama likes gambling, so eight coins and a borad of the game 双六 Sugoroku
are seen as its 神体 Divine Representation.
The Deity does not like kuchinawa くちなわ serpents.
Before something bad happens or sometimes a few days before that,
it makes the sound チリンチリン chirin-chirin to announce the event.



....................................................................... Hokkaido 北海道

bakuchi ishi 博知石 gambling stones
. bakuchi ishi 博知石 gambling stones .
and a fisherman called 徳蔵 Tokuzo.

....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県
Hyogo 明石市 Akaishi city 大久保町 Okubo town

funadama san 船玉さん

Hyogo 赤穂市 Ako city

funadama san 船玉さん

....................................................................... Ibaragi 茨城県

東茨城郡 Higashiibaragi district

ishi 石 a stone
Iwafune Jinja 岩船神社 Shrine

....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県

A man called Hirayama from the island Tanegashima went to Kyoto
京に行こうと船に乗ったところ、Fukuoka 大隈国の内浦あたりで暴風雨に遭い、船は漂流した。そこで船神に祈り、12の方角を書いた紙を結んで神前に置き、念珠の房で探ると西南と出たのでその方角に舵を取る。途中不安になったが幾度試しても西南と出るので、信じて進むとやがて陸地が見えて一行は助かった。


yuurei sen 幽霊船 a ghost ship

....................................................................... Kochi 高知県

船魂様 Funadama Sama
Funatade 船たで / 船タデ is a process of smoking out the bottom of a boat to make it stronger against rotting in the the sea water.
During this process, the Funadama Sama must be taken out.

- reference source : -

. a legend from Ehime 愛媛県 about funatade 船たで a boatsman .

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都
亀岡市 Kameoka city

daija 大蛇
大昔、亀岡は湖で、大国主命が樫船神社 the Shrine Kashifune Jinja から船を借りてこの湖を切り開くと、そこに大蛇が住んでいたので退治した。亀岡町の鍬山神社 the Shrine Kuwayama Jinja の山車のひとつはその伝説をあらわすものである。

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .

....................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県



kusu no ki 楠の木


Umibozu 海坊主

五島市 Goto city

Umibozu 海坊主,iso onna 磯女 (isome)

....................................................................... Oita 大分県
東国東郡 Higashi-Kunisaki district 姫島村 Himejima village

funadama sama 船霊様

....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県

Funadama sama 船霊様
Funadama sama is a female deity. She makes the sound チリンチリン chirin-chirin to announce a coming danger.
The carpenter who makes the ship also makes a sanctuary for Fudadama. He includes
サイコロ2個 12 dice and 銭12枚 12 coins, one for each month.
In danger of a shipwreck, the fishermen can knock at the door of the shrine various times for divine help.

久米郡 Kume district 久米町 Kume town

ookamisama 狼様 a wolf
. ookami 狼 / オオカミ Okami, wolf legends .

....................................................................... Osaka 大阪府
大阪市 Osaka city

O funadama sama お船玉さま

....................................................................... Saga 佐賀県

Funatama no saezuri 船魂のサエズリ the twittering of Funatama
When Funatama can be heard making a sound チュチュチュ chuchuchu it is a bad foreboding.
The sound moves from the front to the stern. This sound is also called
"the twittering of the Funatama" 船魂さんのサエサス saesazu, 船魂さんがナカス Funatama san ga nakasu".

....................................................................... Shimane 島根県

Funadama San 船魂さん
If Funadama is in a good moot, a sound like リリン、リリン ririn ririn can be heard from the rudder.

Funatama 舟魂
In bad weather, when the boat is about to sink, Funatama walks around with the sound キョロキョロ kyoro-kyoro.
The captain then has to wash his face with salt water and grip the oar really strong.

....................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県
牧之原市 Makinohara city

sai to ma 賽と魔

....................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県
萩市 Hagi city

funadama sama 船玉様

Yamaguchi, 豊北町 Hohokucho town

hiki funadama ヒキフナダマ

Yamaguchi, 下関市 Shimonoseki city

hiki funadama ひき船玉


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
56 船霊 (06)
69 フナダマ (00)
- - OK - フナタマ - 船魂 -
- - OK - 船神
- - OK - 船玉


funadama no shiroki namidatchi juunigatsu

the white waves
of the Funadama godess -
this december

Kawamura Sachiko 川村祥子


- ##funadama ##funatama #boatdeity #funagami #funakami -


Ebisu Shrine Furubira Hokkaido

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Ebisu Jinja 恵比寿神社 Ebisu Shrine
古平町 Furubira town, 北海道 Hokkaido / 古平郡古平町大字浜町989番地

- - - - - Deity in residence
Kotoshironushi no Kami 事代主神

- reference source : -


. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

Tengu no Hiwatari Matsuri 天狗の火渡り Tengu walking through the flames
Festival in September
Also at Kotohira Jinja 琴平神社

猿田彦 Sarutahiko the Grand Tengu parades through the town and then walks through the high flames three times.

- reference source : -

- reference : 古平 北海道 恵比寿神社 -


source : Matt Alt


. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference - 古平町 天狗の火渡り-
- reference - furubira hokkaido tengu festival -


Furubira occupies the eastern end of the north coast of the Shakotan Peninsula facing the Japan Sea. The town is largely built around the Furubira River, which runs from the highlands of the Shakotan Peninsula into the Japan Sea.
Furubira was established as one of many Pacific herring fishing settlements in the region at the beginning of the Edo period (1603 – 1868).
Manganese was once mined at the head of the Furubira River; mining ceased in the town in 1984. The mine was located at Inakuraishi.
The Port of Furubira,
located near Cape Maruyama, is an active fishing port. Shrimp, Alaska pollack, and saltwater clams are a mainstay of the economy. The Furubira River provides irrigation for the production of rice, potatoes, and soy beans. Beef, pork, and poultry are also raised in the town.
- quote wikipedia -


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. Sarutahiko no Ookami 猿田彦大神 the Great Deity Sarutahiko .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


- #tengumatsuri #tenguhiwatari #hiwataritengu #furubirahokkaido #furubira -


Yama no Kami Legends

. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami, Kami of the Fields - Introduction .

Yama no Kami, Yama-no-Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
Introduction and Legends

Yama no Kami is an important deity of the rice farming communities and comes in many colors in rural Japan.
Yama here refers to the
. Satoyama 里山 "Village Mountain Forest" .
In Spring he comes down to the rice fields to protect the harvest, then called
Ta no Kami 田の神 God of the Fields
paddy field kami, god of the rice paddies, spirit of the rice field
Ta no Kami is the busier part of this two-fold deity.

In Autumn after the harvest, Ta no Kami goes back to the Satoyama mountain or forest behind the village to take a rest and collect strength for the next season.
There are many stone monuments in his honour near the fields and at roadsides.
During festivals in his honor, people hang paintings in their home or the local Shinto shrine to venerate this deity.
Some Yama no Kami have even taken on rather individual features of a local hero.

(2) yama no kami - A god of the mountains who is worshiped by hunters, charcoal-burners, and woodcutters.
The deity enshrined is Ôyamatsumi no mikoto or Konohanasakuyahime. There are various traditions connected with the worship of this yama no kami, but the practice of offering an ocean fish called okoze is particularly widespread.
This deity is thought to differ from the yama no kami of farming communities described above.
source : kokugakuin

山神 やまがみ Yamagami
山祇 やまつみ Yamatsumi


- - - - - Table of Contents - - - - -

. Ta no Kami, Ta-no-Kami 田の神 Tanokami, God of the Fields - Introduction .

. - Yama no Kami 山の神 - Introduction - . (this page)
. - Yamanokami kofun 山の神古墳 Yamanokami tumulus mound .
. - Yama no Kami and Fudo Myo-O . (this page)
. - Yama no Kami and Kappa .
. - Yama no Kami and Oni . (this page)
. - Yama no Kami and Okoze stone fish .
. - Yama no Kami and Tengu .
. - Yama no Kami and the sacred Sakaki tree .
. - Yamanokami no yadorigi 山の神さんの宿り木 sacred tree for Yamanokami .
. - Yama no Kami riding a white horse 白馬 Hakuba .
. - Individual Mountain Peak Deities .
. - Yamanokami Onsen 山の神温泉 hot springs .
. - Regional Legends - From Aichi to Yamanashi .
. - Yama no Kami matsuri festivals .
. - Haiku and Kigo 俳句と季語 for Yama no Kami .
. - Yamanokami ヤマノカミ / 山ノ神 Trachidermus fasciatus fish .
. Yamanokami and hatsuka 二十日 day 20 of each month .
. Yama no Kami - various news items .
. shingun 神軍 / jingun ジングン the Kami are fighting .

- - - - - Yamanokami has some animal messengers :
. Sarugami 猿神 The Monkey Deity .
. Inugami 犬神 The Wolf Deity .
. habu 波布 pit viper .
. inoshishi 猪 wild boar .
. kitsune 狐 fox .
. risu リス / 栗鼠 squirrel .
. shika 鹿 deer .
. usagi 兎 rabbit, hare .

- . Ta no Kami, Yama no Kami - Reference, Books and Links .

. sanki, yama-oni, yamaoni 山鬼の鬼伝説 / ヤマオニ .
- yama no oni 山の鬼 Mountain Oni Demon Legends -

Yamataroo 山太郎 Yamataro is Yamanokami in Kumamoto and Miyazaki.


- - - - - Yama no Kami - Introduction - - - - -

- quote -
Yamanokami - "Kami of the mountain."
While the term yama no kami is a general expression referring to any kami dwelling in a mountain, a number of differences exist between low-land agriculturalists and mountain folk (people who make their living from various forestry or mountain-related occupations) in the character of their yama no kami and respective ways of worshiping such kami. While the expression yama no kami is found throughout Japan, other locale-specific terms also exist, including sanjin, jūniyamakami, osatosama, and sagamisama.

Agriculturalists in many parts of Japan share the belief that the yama no kami and ta no kami (rice field kami) share a dual identity, traveling between mountain and village in spring and fall. In the spring, the yama no kami descends from the mountain and enters the rice field, where it becomes the ta no kami which looks over the growth of grain. Following the fall harvest, the ta no kami leaves the rice paddy and returns to the mountain, where it becomes the yama no kami until the next spring. This phenomenon indicates that the kami involved is conceived of as a single entity sharing both characterstics of yama no kami and ta no kami, and leading to a widely accepted theory that the kami's original identity was that of an ancestral spirit.

For Japanese farmers, the yama no kami represents a tutelary of agriculture responsible for bringing the water that is most crucial to rice farming. In contrast, the mountain peoples who make their livings by hunting, charcoal burning and forestry generally consider the yama no kami a tutelary of the mountain, but they do not share agriculturalists' belief that the yama no kami and ta no kami alternate between mountain and rice paddy. While some agriculturalists believe that the yama no kami is female, mountain peoples extend the concept by saying that the yama no kami bears twelve children each year, thus representing a kami with strong reproductive capabilities, and in some areas leading to an identification with the ubugami, a tutelary of infants and childbirth (see also ubusunagami). Further, woodturners (latheusing woodworkers called kijishi or rokuroshi), consider the yama no kami to be a married pair, and thus enshrine paired male and female images of the kami.

Mountain people's practices regarding the yama no kami tend to involve strict taboos or imi, for example, prohibitions against entering the mountain on the day of the kami's festival: since the kami counts the mountain's trees on that day; it is said that anyone cutting down a tree that day will be pinned under it and die. The yama no kami is also sometimes said to dislike women, or to be adverse to the pollutions of childbirth and menstruation. Some say that the yama no kami is an ugly hag, with the result that rituals are performed to flatter the kami by offering her items thought to be even uglier, in hopes she will respond by granting worshipers blessings from the mountains. This belief was thus linked to the practice of offering stonefish to the kami of the mountain.
- source : Kokugakuin, Iwai Hiroshi -

. ubusunagami, chinjugami, ubugami 産神 "deity of birth" .
and deities of personal worship


Yama no Kami 山の神 has only one eye
Amanomahitotsu no kami 天目一箇神 / Amatsumara 天津麻羅
- "the one-eyed kami of heaven"

source :

- quote -
Amatsumara 天津麻羅
Other names: Amenomahitotsu no kami (Kogo shūi)
A kami of ironworking (kajishin).
Kojiki states that as the blacksmith of the Plain of High Heaven, Amatsumara was called upon to refine the iron used for making mirrors, using the "hard rocks of heaven" and the "metal mountain of heaven" located above the "Tranquil River of Heaven" (Amenoyasukawa). Together with Ishikoridome, he was said to have assisted in the making of the mirror used to lure Amaterasu from her hiding place in the rock cave of heaven. The name Amatsumara means ma-ura ("eye divination"), which some believe means "one-eyed," a reference to an occupational hazard of blacksmiths.
..... Mori Mizue, 2005, Kokugakuin

This deity is also called
noogami 農神 / ノウガミ様 No-gami - obosuna sama オボスナ様 / おぼすな様 Obosuna, Ubusuna deity
deity for agriculture, especially the rice fields and sake rituals.

. juunisama 十二様 Juni Sama "Honorable 12" Deities .

. katame no Kami 片目の神 Kami with one eye .


Some sources quote another deity as Yamanokami

. Ooyamatsuminomikoto 大山祇神, 大山積神, 大山津見神 Oyama Tsumi no Mikoto .
Oyamatsumi no Mikoto, Ōyamatsumi - protector of trees and the forest


楠元の山の神 Kusumoto no Yama no Kami

This stone statue was made in 1712.
- with more photos of Ta no Kami from Aira, Kagoshima
触田(ふれた)の田の神 / 福岡家の田の神 / 西田の田の神 / 日木山里の田の神
木津志の田の神 / 木津志堂崎の田の神
- reference source : -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


- - - - - Yama no Kami and Fudo Myo-O - - - - -

. 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O - Introduction .

....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
刈田郡 Katta district 七ヶ宿町 Shichikashuku

Once upon a time
a master carpenter from Hida wanted to build 不動堂 a hall for Fudo Myo-O in one night. It was summer and the nights were quite short, so he could not finish his work. Therefore he threw away all the wood he had prepared and left the village. They all became different rocks along the left side of the river 白石川 Shiroishigawa, now called
To our day, the Yama no Kami takes pity on things here and if there is a flooding of the river, he stops it at the border of the village.

. Hida no Takumi 飛騨の匠 expert carpenter from Hida .

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
西多摩郡 Nishitama district 桧原村 Hinohara village

When one becomes a true servant of the Kami, one is able to see its various features:
The Kami of 和田の山 Mount Wada is seen as 蛇 a serpent.
The Kami of 大沢の山 Mount Ozawa is seen as 小さい蛇 a small serpent.
The Kami of another mountain was seen as a pregnant woman.
The roadside Kami at the village border is seen as 火の神 a God of Fire.
Obusu-sama オズスナ様(産土神), the deity of birth is seen as Fudo Myo-O.


- - - - - Yama no Kami and 鬼 Oni Demons - - - - -

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .

岩木山の神と鬼 Gods and Demons from Mount Iwakisan (Aomori)
畠山篤 Hatakeyama Atsushi

岩木山の神の由来譚の生成― 百沢寺・イタコ・村人の語り(百沢寺が語る岩木山権現由来譚;二つ目の丹後日和の由来;三つ目の丹後日和の由来;丹後日和の背景と変容;イタコが語る“お岩木様一代記” ほか)
岩木山の鬼と水利伝承― 津軽の鬼・山人・大人(鬼・山人・大人伝承の分布と分類;単純型;山幸型;農耕型;鉄器型 ほか)

....................................................................... Akita 秋田県 .....

Once upon a time
the 男鹿の本山の神 Yama no Kami from the main mountain Honzan of the Oga Peninsula had demons as his followers.
They were allowed to go down to the villages on the 15th day of the New Year and scare the people.

. Namahage なまはげ / 生剥げ from Oga Hanto .

....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....

. 南佐久郡 Minamisaku - Last day of the Year .

....................................................................... Nara 奈良県 .....
吉野郡 Yoshino district 上北山村 Kami-Kitayama village

. the cave 大蛇嵓 Daijagura at Odaigahara 大台ケ原 .

....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
佐渡郡 Sado district

Kinpokusan 金北山の神 Mount Kinpokusan (1,172 m)

. Tonchibo トンチボ, Tonchiboo トンチボウ Tanuki from Sado .
Tonchibo is also a local name for the Deity of the Mountain Forest, Yama no Kami 山の神, and thus a taboo word for the local fisherman.

白根市 Shirone town

. gaki 餓鬼 hungry ghosts .

....................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 .....
下関市 Shimonoseki 蓋井島 Futaoijima Island

On this island there are four forests sacred to the Yama no Kami, 山の神の森 Yama no Kami no Mori.
They have their special legend.
A very long time ago
Four Oni demons from Shinra (Silla, Korea) came over the sea to invade Japan. 神功皇后 Regent-Empress Jingu Koogo invited them to a banquet and served them Sake with poison to get rid of them. Three of them fell down in the forest of Futaoi. One Demon fell down in 高野の森 the forest of Takano. Their enboku 魂魄 Demon Souls cursed the place and the islanders, so the islanders finally built a shrine to appease their souls.

蓋井島の八幡宮 Hachimangu on Futaoi Island

山の神の祭 Festival for Yama no Kami
- reference source : -


. Yama no Kami - Legends - From Aichi to Yamanashi .

. Ta no Kami, Ta-no-Kami 田の神 Tanokami, God of the Fields .

. sanki, yama-oni, yamaoni 山鬼の鬼伝説 / ヤマオニ .
- yama no oni 山の鬼 Mountain Oni Demon Legends -


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bi-lingual book by Nelly Naumann


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #yamanokamiinfo ##yamanokami #shingun -


Takayama Inari Tsugaru

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Takayama Inari Jinja 高山稲荷神社 Takayama Inari Shrine, Aomori

青森県つがる市牛潟町鷲野沢147-1 / Washinosawa-147-2 Ushigatacho, Tsugaru, Aomori

- quote
Takayama Inari Shrine is famous throughout northern Japan and is revered as a very efficacious shrine for prayers dealing with maritime safety, bountiful harvests, and business prosperity.
Its seemingly innumerable line of red torii gates is spectacular with the gates’ curves and twists being likened to those of a dragon.
The shrine is dedicated to the god Inari, a popular deity among Japanese shrines, the most famous being the Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto.
Every year, the shrine attracts many visitors during its Grand Spring Festival and during the New Year’s holidays.
- source :

- reference source : -

. Inari Matsuri 稲荷祭 Fox Shrine Festivals .


shuin 朱印 stamp

引退した祠がずらりと並ぶ - 小神祠公園

Inari fox statues from all over Tohoku are "retired" here in a special park.

Old small shrines from all over Tohoku are "retired" here in a special park.

- - - - -  HP of the Shrine
- source : -


- Reference : 高山稲荷神社
- Reference : English

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #takayamainari #tsugarutakayama -


Fukuo Shrine Mie

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Fukuo Jinja 福王神社 Fukuo Shrine, Mie

三重郡菰野町大字田口 / Taguchi, Komono, Mie District, Mie

The shrine is located up on a steep slope, the 天狗坂 Tengusaka. It was established more than 1200 years ago by 聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi to venerate Bishamonten.
The main days of rituals are on days with a 3, where many people come to venerate.
During the time of 敏達天皇 Emperor Bitatsu Tenno (538 - 585), a statue carver named 安阿弥 Annami came from 百済 Kudara, Korea, and carved the statue of Bishamonten. Shotoku Taishi later placed it here to pray for the safety of the country and to protect shrine 伊勢神宮 Ise Jingu.

There are many very old sugi 杉 cedar trees in the compound.
One of them, said to be more than 1000 years old, is the sacred 太子杉 Taishi Sugi.
The forest around the temple used to belong to the 桑名藩 Kuwana domain.
Nearby there was also the famous cedar tree Tengu sugi 天狗杉 Tengu cedar in the Kuwana forest, but this cedar does not exist any more.

- - - - - Deity in residence - - - - -
毘沙門天王 Bishamonten-O

. Bishamon-Ten . 毘沙門天 Vaishravana .

. 聖徳太子 Prince Shotoku Taishi .


Mount 福王山 Fukuosan is famous for its Tengu legends and there are various Tengu statues on the access road.

猿田彦神 Sarutahiko

. Sarutahiko no Ookami 猿田彦大神 the Great Deity Sarutahiko .

The top of the mountain is rather flat and the local people called it
Tengu no Odori Koba 天狗の踊り小場 Small place for the Tengu to dance.


Tengu Soba 天狗そば Tengu Soba Buckwheat noodles

Tengu Saka 天狗坂 Tengu Slope Bicycle Race

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
Look at many photos, all the way up to the uppermost shrine.
- source : -


Yearly Festivals 年中行事

春の大祭 Great Spring Festival
秋の大祭 Great Autumn Festival

Tengu Oharai, O-harai 天狗おはらい Tengu Purification Ritual / 天狗のお払い at Setsubun

source :

天狗の福もちつき Tengu pounding Fukumochi

. tengumochi 天狗餅 Tengu mochi rice cakes .


- Reference : 三重県菰野町 / 福王神社

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #fukuojinja -


Kaitei Underwater Shrine and Susaki

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Kaitei Jinja 海底神社 Underwater Shrine, Chiba
千葉県館山市「波左間海中公園」 / Tateyama town, Hasama Underwater Park

This shrine is located under water in Hasama Underwater Park, about 600 meters from the beach, at an underwater elevation called 高根 Takane.

The building is about 3.5 m high. The Torii gate is about 18 meters deep in the water.
The shrine building is 12 meters deep in the water.
To visit the shrine, people need diving equipment.

It is a sub-shrine of 洲崎神社 Susaki Jinja and was constructed with the wish and prayers to prevent water damage and accidents at sea by a local diving shop in July 1997.

The shimenawa しめ縄飾り sacred rope is made by the divers from plastic rope and renewed every year for the New Year rituals. The priest also has to use a diving suit to get there for the annual service.

It is said to be the only underwater shrine in Japan.

- - - - - HP of the underwater Shrine (水中神社)
- source : -


Susaki Jinja 洲崎神社 (Sunosaki Jinja)
千葉県館山市洲崎1697 / Chiba, Tateyama, Susaki (Suzaki)
洲宮神社 Sunomiya Jinja

It used to be the shrine 安房国一宮 Ichinomiya of Awa no Kuni.
It was built in 807.

- - - - - Deities in residence - - - - -
天比理乃咩命 Amenohirinome no Mikoto
formerly called 洲ノ神(すさきのかみ) Susaki no Kami (Sunosaki)
(天比理刀咩命 (あめのひりとめのみこと) Amenohiritome no Mikoto)

天太玉命(あめのふとだまのみこと)Amenofutodama no Mikoto
天富命(あめのとみのみこと)Amenotomi no Mikoto

- quote -
Taokihooi 手置帆負命 Taokihooi no kami
Ancestral kami (sojin) of the Inbe clan.
A kami related to the manufacture of shrine structures and implements. According to Kogo shūi, Taokihooi was ancestor of the Inbe of Sanuki (present-day Kagawa Prefecture). Together with Hikosashiri no mikoto, he was directed by Futodama (offspring of Takamimusuhi) to fabricate the "heavenly measures," "divine palace," and various military implements used to lure Amaterasu from the rock cave of heaven where she had hidden.

Under the leadership of Futodama's descendant Amenotomi no mikoto,
the descendants of Taokihooi and Hikosashiri no mikoto for the first time used sacred axes and adzes to cut mountain timber for the construction of Jinmu's main palace at Kashihara, and thereafter worked as fabricators of spear shafts. An "alternate writing" related by Nihongi states that in exchange for Ōmononushi's agreement to "transfer the land" (kuniyuzuri), Takamimusuhi vowed to provide Ōmononushi with eternal worship, and among the celebrants assigned to perform rites is listed one Taokihooi, ancestral kami of the Inbe of Kii (makers of sedge hats).
- source : Mori Mizue - kokugakuin -


shuin 朱印 stamp

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- source :


Yearly Festivals 年中行事

The main Festival around August 20.
みのこ踊り奉納 Minoko Odori dance ritual

- CLICK for more photos !


Cape Suno (洲崎 Suno-saki)
is a cape on the Pacific Ocean, in the city of Tateyama, Chiba Prefecture, Japan.
The cape is located at the southwestern point of Bōsō Peninsula on the island of Honshu, and marks the point between the inner and outer parts of the peninsula.
Cape Sunosaki is home to the Sunosaki Shrine, which was historically the supreme shrine (Ichinomiya) of Awa Province. By tradition it was built early in the Nara period.
The Sunosaki Shrine dance, the Sunosaki-odori, performed during religious observances at the shrine in June and August, is designated a national-level Intangible Cultural Property of Japan.
Yōrō-ji, a nearby Buddhist temple within the Sunosaki District of Tateyama, is historically closely linked with the Sunosaki Shrine.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !



. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

The tidal current at Sunomisaki is very fast and called 潮の道 "road of the sea". The fishermen are very afraid of this place.
The ghosts of shipwrecked fishermen come home along this path and all are afraid of this
ayashi no 怪しの潮路 "the mysterious tideway".

- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


There are other places called Susaki (Suzaki) or Sunosaki in Japan.

. Susaki Jinja 洲崎神社 - Aichi .

. Suzaki 洲崎 in Edo / Tokyo .
Suzaki Shiohigari 潮干狩 Shellfish gathering at low tide

. Wakanoura matsuri 和歌浦祭 - Wakayama .
... after the festival, the mikoshi palanquin was carried to Suzaki beach 須崎.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

hinode mishi Susaki no modori hatsu Fudo

back from the sunrise
at Sunomisaki -
first Fudo Ritual

中野三允 Nakano Sanin (1879 - 1955)
A disciple of Masaoka Shiki


kareashi o karite susaki no kaku kana

正岡子規 Masaoka Shiki.




- #suichu #kaitei #underwatershrine #susaki #suzaki #sunosaki #susakichiba -