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Yamanokami inoshishi wild boar

. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .

Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and his messenger, the inoshishi 猪 wild boar

. Ta no Kami, Tanokami 田の神 God of the Rice Fields
and inoko 亥の子 / イノコ / 亥子 the "young wild boar" .

- - - - - Yamanokami has some animal messengers :

. Sarugami 猿神 The Monkey Deity .

. yamainu 山犬 wolf - "mountain dog" .

. inoshishi 猪 wild boar .

. shinshi 神使 divine messenger
kami no o-tsukai 神のお使い / 神の使い .

Inoshishi is the special messenger at Go-O Jinja 護王神社 and Wake Jinja 和気神社.


. Misaki ミサキ / 御先 / 御前 / 御崎 Legends about the Misaki deity .
A deity that can bring misfortune or curses (tatari-gami 祟り神).
Yamanokami is also venerated as ミサキさん Misaki san in some regions, especially in Okayama.


伊吹山の山の神は「白猪」White Wild Boar from Mount Ibukiyama

. Mount Ibuki 伊吹山 Ibukiyama .

Yamato Takeru was a legendary prince and warrior who traveled a lot and defeated his enemies. However, he met his demise at Mt. Ibuki when he battled an evil god disguised as a white boar.
Yamato Takeru defeated the boar, but not before the boar showered him with poisonous mist. He went to Isame no Shimizu in Samegai whose waters healed him.
Then he went on to Ise, but died soon afterward.
- source : -

. Prince Yamatotakeru 日本武尊 Yamato Takeru .


下河辺行平 Shimokobe Yukihira
(around 1180) tried to shoot an Inoshishi, the alter-ego of Yamanokami,
but he missed the shot. He was cursed however and died that night.

Shimokobe Soshi Yukihira was a famous archer who taught archery to shogun Minamoto no Yoriie in 1189.
He was a descendent of Fujiwara no Hidezato, a famous archer of the Heian period.
- Koga Castle 古河城 Koga-jō
The fortification at Koga may date to the late Heian period or early Kamakura period, and the Azuma Kagami refers to a fortification in Koga built by Shimokobe Yukihira before 1180, although it is not certain if it was in this location.
... He reputedly had tremendous martial skill, particularly with the bow, demonstrating his skill frequently in yabusame archery, yumi-hajime (弓始) and deer-hunting.
He later taught archery to Minamoto no Yoriie.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....

南宇和郡 Minami-Uwa district 城辺町 Shobencho

Yamanokami 山の神 Misaki ミサキ
A member of the Konishi family had killed an Inoshishi and was cursed by Yamanokami.
They had killed an Inoshishi which had destroyed the rice fields in Autumn, dug a shishiana 猪穴 hole to throw in the dead body of a wild boar and were thus cursed.

南宇和郡 Minami-Uwa district 城辺町 Shobencho  御荘町 Mishocho

shishi misaki シシミサキ "Wild Boar Misaki Deity"
In 城辺町僧都 Tanabe Sozu there is a place called Shishi Misaki.
During the siege of Mount Heiizan in 1571, many people fled via 上岡 Kamioka. A soozu 僧都 high priest prayed and let them flee when a group of wild boar hunters came by. But a child cried and they were arrested and killed.
The priest and the wild boar had been an incarnation of Yamanokami and so the people now call this event Shishi Misaki.

. Misaki ミサキ / 御先 / 御前 / 御崎 Legends about the Misaki deity .

....................................................................... Gifu .....

. Hoshinomiya Jinja 星宮神社 .
shishiana 猪穴 and shishigaki 猪垣 - holes and walls and wild boars

....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....
神崎郡 Kanzaki district 神河町 Kamikawa

山の神の祟り the curse of Yamanokami
On January 9, 1900, a hunter went hunting for Inoshishi. He had forgotten that this was 山神祭 the day of the festival for Yamagami.
When he rested at a spot where wild boars usually pass, one wild boar came trotting along. He took aim and wanted to press the trigger, when suddenly the wild boar became invisible and instead 黒牛 a huge black bull, like a monster, stood there. This beast became bigger and bigger. Going crazy with fear, he fled the spot and ran home, but never recovered.

山神祭 - おやまのかみさままつり O-Yama no Kami Sama Matsuri
. Yama no Kami matsuri 山の神祭り Yamanokami festivals .

. Yamanokami Koen 「山の神」公園 Park named Yamanokami .
福崎町 Fukusaki 西田原 Nishi-Tawara

There is a statue of a mother inoshishi イノシシ wild boar, a 妖怪 Yokai monster named Yamanokami.

....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....

. Monkey and wolf - messengers of Yamanokami .

....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 .....
富士吉田市 Fujiyoshida

山の神の天罰 divine punishment of Yamanokami
A skilfull hunter almost shot down a wild boar at 富士の裾野 the foot of Mount Fujisan. When the animal came closer, he prayed to Yamanokami to help him win this battle and said it would be the last Inoshishi. And indeed, he could shoot the animal and carry it home. He begun boasting about his "deal with Yamanokami".
But then he went out hunting again and never came home.
When they looked for him, they found him stuck in the snow.
This was the divine punishment of Yamanokami.


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -

. inoshishi 猪と伝説 Legends about the wild boar, Wildschwein .


. coping with Inoshishi in my mountain area .
October 2017


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. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #yamanokami #godofthemountains ##inoshishi #wildboar -


tanokami inoko legends

. Ta no Kami 田の神 - Table of Contents .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .

Ta no Kami, Tanokami 田の神 God of the Rice Fields
and inoko 亥の子 / イノコ / 亥子 the "young wild boar"

Tanokami is also called inokami, i no kami 亥の神 God of the Boar

. inoko, i no ko 亥の子 (いのこ) young wild boar .
observance kigo for early winter - and Marishi-Ten

The day of the boar in the tenth lunar month. In 2017, it is the 8th of November.
This month is also called inotsuki 亥の月 month of the boar.
Rituals on this day are more common in Western Japan.

inoko, i no ko 亥の子 (いのこ) young wild boar
i no hi matsuri 亥の日祭(いのひまつり)festival on the day of the boar
i no kami matsuri 亥の神祭 festival for the deity of the wild boar

inoko mochi 亥の子餅(いのこもち)rice cakes for the wild boar festival
They were prepared in the hour of the boar and eaten as a harvest thanksgiving. This a custom coming from China. Here the deity honored is also seen as the God of the Fields (ta no kami).
Many tea masters close the summer hearth on this day.

inoko ishi 亥の子石(いのこいし)Inoko stone
inokozuki 亥の子突(いのこづき)hit the ground
gencho 玄猪(げんちょ) / gogenjoo 御厳重(ごげんじゅう)
..... genshoo 厳祥(げんしょう)
onarikiri おなりきり

Inoko is a festival on 旧暦10月の亥の日 the day of the wild boar in the tenth lunar month.
On this day 田の神 the Ta no Kami - God of the Fields goes back to the mountains.
While pounding the earth with a special mallet on long strings, the children sing the Inoko song:


Today we celebrate, bury the Oni demons in the ground,
bury the snakes in the ground,
bury demon children with horns in the ground."

On this day people are also not allowed to go to the fields to pick daikon 大根 large radish.

. oni 鬼 the Demons of Japan .

Interpreting Japanese Society: Anthropological Approaches - edited by Joy Hendry
- : inoko -


inoko mochi, i no ko mochi 亥の子餅 rice cakes for the boar festival

They were prepared in the hour of the boar and eaten as a harvest thanksgiving. This a custom coming from China.
They were thought to prevent illness, especially the common cold in winter and would bring many children to the family.
Here the deity honored is also seen as the God of the Fields (ta no kami).

Festival of the Goddess 摩利支天 Marishi Ten and her animal, the Wild Boar.

. kaze no kami 風邪の神 Deity of the common cold - Legends .


inoko ishi 亥の子石 Inoko stone

at 峠条 Taojo, Hiroshima

The stone looks almost like a matsutake 松茸 mushroom. Its head has a diameter of 20 cm and the length is 40 cm.
It is 11,5 kg heavy. It is decorated with colorful paper ornaments and a lot of ropes.
While singing the inoko uta 亥の子唄 Inoko song,
it is carried to all the homes and hit on the floor of the entrance.
This purifying ritual is also called (as a pun)
inoko mochi o tsuku 亥の子餅をつく preparing Inoko mochi.

In 船越 Funakoshi this ritual was called
kenka inoko ケンカ亥の子 fighting of the Inoko

inoko uta 亥の子唄 Inoko song - with many versions - and further information
- reference source :


inoko iwai 亥の子祝い celebrating Inoko

- reference source : K.やまだ in SAGA  -


. toshitokujin 歳德神 Toshitoku Jin, God of the Year .
Another name for Tanokami.
Toshitoku san トシトクさん in Hiroshima (see below)


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Some legends are related to taboos concerning the daikon 大根 radish.
The common theme is:
People should not cut radish on the day of Inoko, because if someone hears the sound of cutting, he will die.
Farmers are also not allowed to go into 大根畑 the radish fields to pull radishes.

. daikon 大根 radish legends .


hebi 蛇 snakes and oni 鬼 demons
On the evening of the Inoko day, young men walk around the village to homes where a baby boy was born this year.
If the family does not give them some money, they shout:

Families who do not celebrate the Inoko evening
will have a Demon child, will have a Snake child !

....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....

今治市 Imabara 玉川町 Tamagawa

The Kotatsu heater is first used on the day of Inoko.
If people celebrate Inoko, they will be blessed for one year.
If people eat eggplants on this day, 風邪の神様 the Deity of common cold disease will come to stay in the house.

. kotatsu コタツ 炬燵 こたつ, おこた heatable table .

北宇和郡 Kitauwa district

愛媛県北宇和郡日吉村下鍵山 - ほんとは幟もある
- reference source photos : -

松山市 Matsuyama

hi no tama 火の玉 ball of fire
On the evening of the day of Inoko, children were walking around when someone called out to be careful of a ball of fire. It was almost blue and had a tail, passing slowly over the roofs of the village.

南宇和郡 Minamuuwa district 愛南町 Ainan

yamainu, yama-inu 山犬 wolf
The wolves from the hamlet 油袋 Yutai.
If children bring Mochi after a birth and on the Inoko day, the wolves walk between their legs or jump over their heads as a blessing.
In 三瓶町 Mikame the wolves also just follow the children.

越智郡 Ochi district 魚島村 Uoshima

nobori 幟 flag on a pole
On the day of Inoko fermers pray to the deities to prevent bad luck and offer them seeds of mugi 麦 barley.
If they do not do this, all their barley seeds will be lost, they will get ill and even die.

温泉郡 Onsen district

On the day of Inoko, children walk past the homes and sing the Inoko song about snakes and demons.
- 亥の子亥の子、亥の子の晩に餅搗いて祝わぬ者は、鬼うめ蛇うめ、角の生えた子うめ -

....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....

因島市 Innoshima

Toshitoku san トシトクさん Deity of the Year
He comes on the day of Inoko, therefore people leave the door open and also the kotatsu コタツ heated table for him to come and sit in the home.

庄原市 Shobara 東城町 Tojo

daikon 大根 radish taboos

....................................................................... Kochi 高知県 .....

On the day of Inoko, people are not allowed to eat gokoku 五穀 the five grains:
soy, wheat, barley, proso millet, and foxtail millet.

....................................................................... Nara 奈良県 .....
大柳生町 Oyagyucho

kitsune キツネ fox
Before the war on the day of Inoko there was an exhibition of the village harvest of the year.
But the foxes built a long procession with lanterns and stole all the food.

....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
南魚沼郡 Minami-Uonuma district 六日町 Muika machi

留守居の神 rusui no kami,恵比寿様 Ebisu sama,便所の神 benjo no kami
On the day of Inoko people prepare Inoko dango 亥の子ダンゴ round rice dumplings.

When most of the Kami left for Izumo, only Ebisu and the Benjo no Kami of the Toilet stayed back in the homes. They were the rusui no kami, Gods keeping back home. For them, the round rice dumplings were an offering. Also called
inokori dango 居残りダンゴ round rice dumplings for those left behind.

. kannazuki, kaminazuki 神無月 かんなづき "Gods are absent" month .
The tenth lunar month (now November), after the harvest when the Japanese gods had done their duty, they left their local shrines for a bit of a vacation and went to the Izumo Shrine.

....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 .....

On 亥の日 the day of the wild boar day in Northern Okayama, the weather usually turns bad with cold and rain.
This is called - inoko are 亥の子荒れ.

勝田町 Katsuta

亥の子 inoko,産の神 san no kami,若年様 wakadoshisama,年神様 toshigamisama
The nando 納戸 storeroom of a house is often used as a bedroom for the young couple and a place to give birth. In the hamlet of 富坂 Tomisaka it is customary to have a shelf in a corner of this room and put offerings for Inoko there.
On another shelf san no kami 産の神 the Deity of Birth is celebrated.
In such a home, the deity of the new year is also celebrated as 若年様 wakadoshisama or 年神様 toshigamisama.

真庭郡 Maniwa district 久世町 Kuse

oni オニ demons
On 亥の子の日 the day of Inoko, the farmers walk around the fields calling
(The same song as given above.)
On the evening of this day people do not go to the radish fields . If someone hears the sound of a radish cut, he will die soon.

新見市 Niimi city 哲西町 Tesseicho

daikon 大根 radish taboos

総社市 Soja town

oni 鬼 demons
On the day of Inoko, when Tanokami goes back to become Yama no Kami, people sing the Inoko song
(The same song as given above.)
daikon 大根 radish taboos

....................................................................... Saga 佐賀県 .....
唐津 Karatsu

- quote -
Inoko Matsuri (young boar festival)
handed down to the Kitahata-Kamihirano region of Karatsu City is held on the day of the Boar of the lunar calendar. By around the end of the Meiji era, the Inoko-ishi (stone) was pounded around in each region but this tradition gradually faded and presently, in the Kamihirano region only, the event is handed down. At the time of the first Inoko, the people were glad at the birth of a boy while at the time of the second Inoko, the birth of a girl was welcomed. Children holding the inoko-ishi stone visit each home of the region, sing a festive song, and pound the stone.

Inoko Tsunahiki (tugs-of-war of young boars)
handed down in Uwaba, Chinzei-machi, Karatsu City was originally performed in order to boost the morale of the people of the region on the October day of the boar, when Toyotomi Hideyoshi dispatched troops to Korea, and the event has since been performed to date in order to celebrate the harvest. Sixty to ninety pieces of agricultural rope are twisted together to make two ropes 60 cm in diameter and 60 meters long, which are bound together at the center to form a rope with a total extended length of about 100 meters. After holding divine service, the people are divided into upper and lower groups and engage in a tug of war. Presently, three tugs of war are held at the signal of fireworks.
(Event-holding date: Second Saturday of November)
- source : -

....................................................................... Shimane 島根県 .....
大田市 Oda city 安濃郡 Ano district 富山村 Tomiyama mura

daikon 大根 radish taboos

The Kotatsu heater is first used. This will protect the home from fire and disaster.

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
多摩村 Tama

daikon 大根 radish taboos

botamochi ボタモチ rice cakes

Botamochi are given to エビス様 Ebisu.

On the day of Inoko, a frog puts some Botamochi in a box and carries them on his back to the Daikon fields. The Daikon are already waiting and stick out their heads, calling
moo inoko ka もう亥の子か "Is is already Inoko time?"
(a pun with moo ii kai? in a children's game).

. botamochi ぼた餅 / 牡丹餅 "peony cakes .
round rice cakes covered with sweet anko powder.

....................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県 .....
東伯郡 Tohaku district 琴浦町 Kotoura

inoko san 亥の子さん,Tanokami san 田の神さん
Inoko san is another name for Tanokami. In February on 亥の日 the day of the boar it comes down from 神棚 the Shelf of the Gods in the home and goes out to the fields.
On the day of the boar in the 10th lunar month, people offer fresh 餅 mochi rice cakes on the Shelf to welcome it back. The mortar for making Mochi must be washed clean and kept outside until the morning so that the "Young Wild Boar" can touch it and make sure it is his own home.


- reference source : nichibun yokai database -


inoko matsuri 亥の子まつり Inoko festival
The story about a boar who died through a ruse of the landlord
Once upon a time in a village in 天草 Amakusa
There lived a mean landlord and his mean daughter. The landlord used to lend money to people. On his land there was a huge boulder, which he could not move away by himself.
So he spread the word he would give his daughter as wife to anyone who would move the boulder.
But, well, the daughter of the mean landlord, nobody wanted her.
There came only one boar willing to do the job. The angry landlord spread another message "I give my daughter all all my riches to the one who moves the boulder!"
Now a few men came, but
not even the strongest man could move the boulder and in the end it was the boar who moved the boulder.
The landlord had to keep his word and let the daughter go as bride with the wild boar.
The happy boar put the bride on his back and gallopped back to his mountain. But as he was running, the mean daughter took a fire stone and straw, lit a fire and burned the back of the animal. Jumping in pain the boar fell from a cliff and died on the spot.
This episode made the rounds in the village and all felt sorry for the boar.
So they decided to have a festival for it on the Day of the Boar in October.

Nihon Mukashibanashi from the Oniike area, Amakusa Kumamoto 鬼池エリア
- reference source : -


. 12 Zociac animals 干支 eto, kanshi .
signs of the zodiac in Chinese astrology
. i (inoshishi) 亥 Boar (wild boar) .


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. Ta no Kami 田の神 - Table of Contents - .

. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .


sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- #tanokamiinoko #godofthefields ##inoko #wildboar -


ichigami deity of market town

. Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

Ichigami 市神 / いちがみ deity of the market town, market deity

There are various shugojin 守護神 protector deities, tutelary deities of market towns, many of then female.

- - - - - In Western Japan they are usually
エビスガミ Ebisugami,蛭子(ひるこ)神 Hirukogami
イチキシマヒメノミコト Ichikishima Hime no Mikoto 市杵島姫 / 大市姫 Oichihime

- - - - - In Eastern Japan they are usually
オオクニヌシノミコト Okuninushi no Mikoto
ヒコホホデミノミコト Hikohohodemi no Mikoto 彦火火出見
コトシロヌシノカミ Kotoshironushi no Kami 事代主命
イチキシマヒメノミコト Ichikishima Hime no Mikoto 市杵島姫 / 大市姫 Oichihime

CLICK for more photos !

They are venerated in various forms, from natural round stones to carved stones with the inscription 市神 or six-sided wooden pillars and small 祠 Hokora shrines.
They were placed at the entrance to a town or a fishing harbour, at a bridge or a four-road crossing.
There are no special days for their festivals but on some special days people make offerings:
正月の蔵(くら)開き Opening of the Storehouse at the New Year
小正月 End of the New Year festivities. (now January 14)

They are closely related to the Dosojin Wayside Deities.

. 道祖神 Dosojin Wayside Deities .

The oldest mention of an Ichigami is in 795, when 藤原冬嗣 Fujiwara no Fuyutsugu enshrined the 宗像大神 Munakata deity as protector of the East and West Town of Kyoto.


There are various shrines in Japan named
Ichigami Jinja 市神神社 Ichigami Shrine


Gifu no Ichigami Jinja
Gifu-ken, Ena-shi, Ōichō, 600

The deity in residence is 恵比寿様 Ebisu sama.
With a special market on every day with a seven - 七日市 / 七日福市.

- reference -


Omi no Ichigami Jinja
15-4 Yokaichihonmachi, Higashiomi, Shiga Prefecture / 滋賀県八日市市本町15-4

- Deities in Residence
事代主命 大国主命 猿田彦大神 額田王

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- source : -


- Reference : 日本語

source and more photos :

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

Ichigami no koma-inu ni tsuno koshitayami

the Komainu
of the Ichiba Deity has horns -
darkness under the trees

田中英子 Tanaka Eiko

. WKD : konoshita yami 下闇(こしたやみ) darkness under the trees .
- kigo for all summer


Legends about the shugoshin 守護神 are in the comments.
- #shugojin #shugojin #tutelary #protector #ichigami -



- - - III I I I - - - JJJ - - -


- - - - - - - - - - Shinto Shrines - - - - - - - - - -

. International Shinto 国際神道  .


. Ichi no Miya, Ichinomiya 一の宮 Ichi no Miya shrines - 一ノ宮、一の宮、一之宮 .
Awaji Ichi no Miya 淡路一ノ宮
Echigo Ichi no Miya 越後一の宮
Higo Ichi no Miya 肥後一の宮
Hitachi Ichi no Miya 常陸一の宮
Ise Ichi no Miya 伊勢一の宮
Iyo Ichi no Miya 伊予一の宮
Kai Ichi no Miya 甲斐一の宮
Mino Ichi no Miya 美濃一の宮
Musashi Ichi no Miya 武蔵一の宮
Oyamato Ichi no Miya 大和一の宮
Shinano Ichi no Miya 信濃一の宮
Yamashiro Ichi no Miya 山城一の宮


. Ichigami 市神 deity of the market town .

. Ichinomiya Daijinguu 一宮大神宮 Ichinomiya Daijingu . Ibaragi

. Igusa Hachimangu Shrine 井草八幡宮 . - Suginami, Tokyo

. Ikagu Jinja 伊香具神社 . - Shiga

. Ikasuri Jinja 坐摩神社 . Zama jinja 座摩神社. Osaka

. Ikejiri Inari Jinja 池尻稲荷神社 . - Meguro, Tokyo

. Ikigo Jinja 生子神社 . Kanuma, Momiyama, Tochigi 鹿沼市樅山

. Ikioka Jinja 生岡神社 . Nikko, Tochigi

. Ikushima Tarushima Jinja 生島足島神社 .
Ikutama Jinja 生玉神社. Osaka - and Ihara Saikaku

. Ikukunitama Jinja 生國魂神社 / 生国魂神社 . - Osaka
nickname : Ikutama-san いくたまさん

. Imado Jinja 今戸神社 . Tokyo

. Imakuma Jinja 今熊神社 and 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji . - Tokyo, Tama

. Imakumano Jinja 新熊野神社 Imakumano Shrine . - Kyoto

Imamiya 今宮 Imamiya branch shrines
. Imamiya Jinja 今宮神社 . Kyoto
- - - - -Imamiya Ebisu Jinja 今宮戎神社, Osaka
. Imamiya Jinja 今宮神社 Imamiya Shrine, Chichibu .

. Iminomiya Jinja 忌宮神社 . Yamaguchi

. Ina Jinja 伊奈神社 . Gotemba, Kanagawa

. Inari Jinja 稲荷神社 Fox Shrines .
. . . . . from all parts of Japan
Fushimi Inari Taisha 伏見稲荷大社 京都 Grand Inari Fox Shrine
Hikan jinja shrine 被官稲荷社
. Kaichu Inari Shrine 皆中稲荷神社 . Tokyo
Kuchi-ire Inari shrine 口入稲荷神社
Yutoku Inari Shrine 祐徳稲荷神社
. Ooji Inari Jinja 王子稲荷神社 Oji Inari Fox Shrine .

. Inu Jinja, Inu-jinja 犬神社 / 伊奴神社 / イヌ神社 dog shrines .
- - - - - Inuyama Jinja 犬山神社
- - - - - Reiken Jinja 霊犬神社
- - - - - Wanchan jinja わんちゃん神社 Wanchan Doggie Shrine

. Inugami 犬神 "Dog Deity" .

. Iruka Jinja 入鹿神社 Iruka Shrine . - Nara - Soga no Iruka 蘇我入鹿 (? - 645)

. Isagawa jinja 率川神社 Isakawa jinja . Nara

. Isanagi Jingu いざなぎじんぐう .

. Isaniwa Jinja 伊佐爾波神社 . Matsuyama, Dogo Hot Spring
- - - - - also called 湯月八幡, Dogo Hachiman 道後八幡

. Isasumi Jinja 伊佐須美神社 . - Aizumisato, Fukushima

Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮 Ise Grand Shrine Mie
. Ise 伊勢と伝説 Legends about the Shrine at Ise .
- . Ise Kaido 伊勢街道 Pilgrim roads to Ise .

. Ishikiri Tsurugiya Jinja 石切劔箭神社 - Ishikiri Jinja 石切神社 .

. Ishiura Jinja 石浦神社 . Kanazawa, Ishikawa

. Isono Jinja 伊曽乃神社 . Ehime, Saijo

. Isonokami Jinguu 石上神宮 - 布留大明神 Furu-ōmyojin.
- - - - - 石上布都御魂神社 Isonokami-futsu-no-mitama-jinja. Tenri, Nara

. Itate Tsuwamono Jinja 射楯兵主神社 . - Kagoshima / Kamafuta Jinja 釜蓋神社 "Kamafuta Pot Lid Shrine"

Itsukushima Shrine 厳島神社 Miyajima 宮島, Hiroshima

. Itsukushima 厳島神社 - Tochigi, Ashikaga .
栃木県足利市本城2丁目 - bijin Benten 美人弁天 Benten for Beauty

. Itsumiya Jinja 五宮神社 . - Nagano

. Iwado Jinja 岩戸神社 . - Noto

. Iwagami Inari Jinja 岩神稲荷神社 . - Gunma

. Iwafune Jinja 磐船神社 . - Katano, Osaka - Tengu

. Iwafune Jinja 岩舟神社 . - Niigata, Murakami

. Iwahashi Jinja 磐椅神社 . - Fukushima

. Iwakisan Ontakesha 岩崎御嶽社 and 穴不動 Ana Fudo . - Aichi

. Iwakura Jinja 石座神社 . - Kyoto - Sakyoo 左京

Iwashimizu Hachiman-gū 石清水八幡宮 Kyoto

. Iwazu Tenjin 岩津天神 . - Okazaki, Aichi

. Iya Jinja 揖夜神社 Shimane .

. Iyadaniji 弥谷寺 Iyadani-Ji . - Kagawa. Henro pilgrims 71

. Izanagi Jingu 伊弉諾神宮 . Awaji Island, Hyogo

. Izu Jinja 伊豆神社 . - Nagano, Tenryu Village

. Izumo Daijingu 出雲大神宮 - Izumo Daijingu . Kyoto, Kameoka
- - - - - in Tamba - Tanba Ichi no Miya 丹波一宮

. Izumo taisha 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine .
Izumo Ōyashiro, Shimane

. Izumo no Kuni Shinbutsu Pilgrimage 出雲國神仏霊場編 .


. Jishu Jinja 地主神社 Jishu Shrine for the local "earth god" deity . Kyoto, Kiyomizu

. Joomine Jinja 城峯神社 Jomine Jinja . - Chichibu, Saitama
- - - - - Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門

. Joonanguu 城南宮 Jonan-Gu, Jonangu Shrine .
Fushimi, Kyoto - and Toba Dono 鳥羽殿 Toba Imperial Retreat villa

. Juniso Jinja 十二所神社 Juniso Shrines . }
- 十二神社, 十二大明神, 大山祇十二神社 .

. Jūrokusho Jinja 十六所神社 Jurokusho Jinja . - Nara
- and temple Ryoosenji, Ryōsen-ji 霊山寺 Ryosen-Ji


- - - - - - - - - - Buddhist Temples - - - - - - - - - -

. Ichibataji 一畑寺 Ichibata-Ji . - Izumo

. Ichijo-In 一乗院 Fudo . - Ibaraki

. Ichijooin 一乗院 Ichijo-In . - Fudo, Saitama

. Ichijooji 一乗寺 Ichijo-Ji . - Kyoto

. Idekuraji 出蔵寺 Idekura-Ji . - Fukushima

. Iga Shikoku 88 Pilgrimage 伊賀四国八十八ヶ所 . - Mie

. Ikegami Honmonji 池上本門寺 Ikegami Honmon-Ji  and Saint Nichiren . - Ota, Tokyo

. Ikooji 威光寺 Iko-Ji . - Edo

. Ikooji 医光寺 Iko-Ji . - Yakushi

. Imayama Daishiji 今山大師寺 Imayama Daishi-Ji . - Nobeoka

. Inabadoo 因幡堂 Inaba-Do at 平等寺 Byodo-Ji . Kyoto / - Yakushi Nyorai

. Iooji 醫王寺 / 医王寺 Io-Ji . - Fudo, Saitama

. Iooji, Io-Ji 医王寺 Ouchi . - Yakushi

. Iooji, Io-Ji 医王寺 Koganei Migawari Fudo 黄金身代わり不動 .

. Ishiteji 石手寺 Ishite-Ji . - Matsuyama, Ehime / Fudo Myo-O
. . . and . Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Buddha of Medicine .

. Ishiyakushiji 石薬師寺 Ishiyakushi-Ji . - Suzuka, Mie

Ishiyamadera 石山寺 Temple Ishiyama-dera

. Isshinji 一心寺 Isshin-Ji . - Oita, Kyushu ..... the tallest statue of Fudo Myo-O

. Isshinji 一心寺 Isshin-Ji - Kita-Shinagawa .

Iwakura waterfall and temple Daiun-Ji 岩倉大雲寺

. Iwaya Fudo 岩屋不動、岩屋山志明院 - Shinmyo-In . - Kyoto

. Iwayaji 岩屋寺 Iwaya-Ji - Shikoku Henro 45 .

. Iwayaji 岩屋寺 Iwaya-Ji 尾張高野山岩屋山奥之院 . - Aichi

. Iyo 12 Yakushi Temples, Shikoku 伊予十二薬師霊場 .
01 - Toorinji 東林寺 Torin-Ji / 02 小谷山医座寺 Iza-Ji / 03 室岡山蓮華寺 Renge-Ji / 04 Saihooji 大楽山西法寺 Saiho-Ji / 05 Onoyama Shookannji 小野山正観寺 Shokan-Ji / 06 Kooshakuji 瑠璃山香積寺 Koshaku-Ji / 07 Chooryuuji 興福山長隆寺 Choryu-Ji / 08 - 雲門寺 Unmon-Ji / 09 玉松山金蓮寺 Konren-Ji / 10 Choorakuji 長楽寺 Choraku-Ji / 11 Joomyooin 浄明院 Jomyo-In / 12 瑠璃光山薬師寺 Yakushi-Ji - and
Anyooji 安養寺 Anyo-Ji / Juurinji 十輪寺 Jurin-Ji / Saikooji 西光寺 Saiko-Ji

. Izaji 小谷山医座寺 Iza-Ji . - Matsuyama, Ehime. Yakushi


. Jakkooin 寂光院 Jako-In . at Inuyama 犬山, Aichi

. Jifukuji 地福寺 Jifuku-Ji . - Tokushima

. Jiganji 慈眼寺 Jigan-Ji . - Fudo

. Jigenji 慈眼寺 Jigen-Ji . - Kannon, Mie

. Jigenji 慈眼寺 Jigen-Ji . - Yakushi, Chiba

. Jigenji 慈眼寺 Jigen-Ji . - - Ichihara, Henro

. Jiho-In 持宝院 Tage Fudo 多気不動尊 . - Tochigi

. Jijuuji 自住寺 Jiju-Ji . Ashiyoshidai, Yamaguchi

. Jikoji 持光寺 . - Yakushi, Saga

. Jiko-Ji 慈光寺 Shibayama Yakushi Fudo 芝山薬師不動 .

. Jikooji 都幾山 慈光寺 Jiko-Ji .
- and 申八梵王 / さるはちぼんのう Saruhachi Bonno deity

. Jimokuji 甚目寺 Jimoku-Ji . - Aichi. Fudo and Kannon

. Jingoji 神護寺 Jingo-Ji, Kyoto, Sanbi 三尾 .

. Jingoji 神護寺 Jingo-Ji - Yakushi, Oita .

. Jinguuji 神宮寺 Jingu-Ji - Fudo, Niu .

. Jinguuji 神宮寺 Jingu-Ji - Yakushi, Mie .

Jinmu-Ji 神武寺, Fudo Myo-O and Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来

. Jionji 慈恩寺 Jion-Ji . - Fukushima, Aizu - Fudo

. Jionji 慈恩寺 Jion-Ji . - Yamagata, Sagae 寒河江市 - Fudo

. Jirinji 慈林寺 Jirin-Ji .

. Jiseiin 慈星院 Jisei-In - 清月寺 Seigetsu-Ji. Fudo

. Jishooin 自性院 Jisho-In . - Yakushi

. Jizoo-In 地蔵院 Jizo-In . - Kuroishi, Aomori

. Jizooji 地蔵寺 Jizo-Ji . - Henro Nr. 05

. Jizooji 地蔵寺 Jizo-Ji and Somen Noodles . - Tochigi

. Jizooji 地蔵寺 - 金錫山 - Jizo-Ji - ganfuujidera 癌封じ寺 . - Gifu

. Jizooji 地蔵寺 Jizo-Ji - Ichinomiya .

. Jooboji 浄法寺 Jobo-Ji and laquere ware . - Iwate

. Joobon Rendaiji 上品蓮台寺 Temple Jobon Rendai-Ji . - Kyoto
..... Eingakyoo 絵因果経 E-Inga-Kyo - Illustrated Sutra of Cause and Effect

. Joodoji 浄土寺 Jodo-Ji . - Akasaka

. Joodoji 浄土寺 Jodo-Ji . - Miyazaki

. Joofukuji 常福寺 Jofuku-Ji temples for Fudo Myo-O .

. Joofukuji 常福寺 Jofuku-Ji / 常福禅寺 Jofukuzenji . - Yakushi, Saga

. Jooganji 成願寺 Jogan-Ji .

. Joogyooji 上行寺 Jogyo-Ji Kamakura .

. Joojuin 成就院(たこ薬師)Temple Joju-In .
and Tako Yakushi, Meguro, Tokyo
. Joojuin 成就院 Joju-In .

. Jokooji 浄光寺 Joko-Ji . - Tokyo
- Kinegawa Yakushi 木下川薬師 Yakushi from Kinegawa

. Jookooji 定光寺 Joko-Ji . Aichi - Enmei Jizo

. Joomanji 常満寺 Joman-Ji .

. Joorakuji 常楽寺 Joraku-Ji Jorakuji . - Tatebayashi, Gunma

. Joorakuin 常楽院 Joraku-In . Fukushima, Aizu - Fudo

. Joorakuji 常楽寺 Joraku-ji . - Kawasaki
- Mangadera 漫画寺 The Manga Temple

. Joorenji 乗蓮寺 Joren-Ji . - Itabashi, Tokyo - Tokyo Daibutsu 東京大仏 Great Buddha of Tokyo

. Jooruriji 浄瑠璃時 Joruri-Ji . - Kyoto
- The Middle Way 中道 Chudo, Amida and Yakushi Nyorai

. Jooruriji 浄瑠璃寺Joruri-Ji . Ehime

. Jooryuuji 浄竜寺 Joryu-Ji “Pure Dragon Temple” .

. Joosenji 浄泉寺 Josen-Ji .

. Jufukuji 寿福寺 Jufuku-Ji .


. ibotori myoojin いぼとり明神 Myojin taking away warts .
- - - - - ibogamisan いぼ神さん / イボ取り / 疣  Shinto deity to take away warts

. ikenie 生贄 / 生け贄 human sacrifice .
- - - - - hitobashira 人柱 "human pillar" - human sacrifice

. ikke ujigami 一家氏神 - ujigami 氏神 clan deities .

. imi 忌み ritual taboo and imigomori 亥巳籠 retreat .

. imiki, imi ki (imigi) 忌み木 "taboo tree" .

. ita honzon 板本尊 main deity carved on a wooden plank .
- - - - - Taishaku Ten in Shibamata, Tokyo  帝釈天 柴又

. ittoo sanrai 一刀三礼 itto sanrai
carving one stroke with the blade and praying three times .

ichiji sanrai 一字三礼 / ippitsu sanrai 一筆三礼

. iwakura 磐座 / 岩座 sacred rock, divine rocks, divine boulders .
- - - - - iwaza 岩座 "stone seat"

. iwasaka 磐境 stone altar .
- - - - - iwakura 岩倉

. Izanagi Ryu いざなぎ流 rituals from 物部町 Monobe, Shikoku .


. jarai じゃらい arrow shooting ritual - New Year .

. jindai moji 神代文字 “scripts of the age of the gods” .
- - - - - including
Ahiru characters(阿比留文字、肥人書)
Fujihase moji 節墨譜文字
Hayahito no te 薩人書 (from Satsuma)
Hokkaido characters(北海道異体文字、アイヌ文字)Ainu moji
Izumo moji 出雲文字
Katakamuna characters(カタカムナ文字、八鏡化美津文字)
Ryukyu characters(琉球古字)from Okinawa
Toyokuni characters(豊国文字、神宮文字)
Tsukushi characters(筑紫文字)
Tsushima characters (対馬文字)
Woshite characters(ヲシテ文字)

. Jinguu, jingû 神宮 Jingu. important shrine .

. Jinguuji 神宮寺 Jingu-Ji   .
- - - jinganji 神願寺 or jingoji 神護寺
Buddhist temples associated with Shinto shrines.

. jinushigami 地主神 - yashikigami 屋敷神 "estate deities" .
jigami 地神

. Jiun Onkoo 慈雲飲光 Priest Jiun Onko (1718 – 1804/1805) .
- - - - - founder of 雲伝神道 Unden Shinto // 葛城神道 Katsuragi Shinto

. Jizooguruma 地蔵車 Jizoo Wheel - "100 prayers circuit" for Jizo Bosatsu .

. Juji, Jichi Bosatsu 十地菩薩 10 stages of a Bodhisattva .

. jumokuso 樹木葬 funeral and grave under trees .

. juunisama, jūni sama 十二様 Juni Sama "Honorable 12" deities .

. juuni ten 十二天 Twelve Juni Ten Deities .



###iii :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


Ikukunitama Jinja Osaka


Ikukunitama Jinja 生國魂神社 / 生国魂神社
nickname : Ikutama-san いくたまさん

13-9 Ikutama-cho, Tennoji-ku, Osaka City

- quote
Engishiki-Myojin taisha that started when the gods Ikushima-no-kami and Tarushima-no-kami were enshrined in Ishiyamazaki (currently the area around Osaka Castle).

The shrine burnt down in the 8th year of the Tensho Period (1580) during the Ishiyama battle, but when Hideyoshi Toyotomi built the Osaka Castle in the 11th year of the Tensho Period, it was moved to the current location. The main pavilion was built two years after relocation, in Ikutama-zukuri style, a style unprecedented in shrine construction, with the main and the adjacent pavilions under one nagarezukuri-style roof, and three gables of chidori-hafu (plover gable), sugari-kara-hafu (cusped gable), and another chidori-hafu.

The current main pavilion was rebuilt after the war and now has concrete walls and sheet copper roofing, but still passes on ancient remnants of the Momoyama Period. The shrine is crowded on certain dates when ceremonies are held every year: on June 30th, the Oharae Ceremony is held to drive away bad luck and illnesses; on July 11th and 12th, the Ikutama Summer Festival; on August 11th and 12th, the Osaka Takigi Noh; and on the first Saturday of September, the Hikohachi Festival, which is held in relation to Hikohachi Yonezawa, the originator of kamikata rakugo.
- source :

. Ikutama Jinja 生玉神社 shrine Ikutama .
and Ikutama Summer Festival


難波坐生国国魂神社(なにはにいます いくくにたまのかみのやしろ)
Ikukunitama no kami no Yashiro

- source and photos :

いくたまさんのお守り omamori amulets


- quote
Since ancient times certain trees or entire groves within shrine precincts were regarded as sacred, as attested by expressions such as "the cryptomeria revered by the priest (hafuri or hōri) of Miwa," or "the sacred forest (kannabi)" (both expressions found in Man'yōshū), or from the records of Emperor Kōtoku in Nihongi, "he despised the way of the kami by felling the trees at the Ikukunitama Shrine."

Hatsuho matsuri
A festival celebrating the first ears of rice harvested is held on October 15 at Ikukunitama Shrine in Tennōji Ward, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture. Formerly held on the twenty-eighth day of the ninth lunar month. Bamboo baskets containing the rice ears, are taken by twelve young girls acting as food servers from the shinsensho, where food offerings are prepared, and presented before a portable shrine (mikoshi) in front of the inner sanctuary (honden). Norito incantations are recited by the chief priest (gūji), followed by the formal offering of tamagushi, as well as other ceremonies, and a kagura dance is performed. This festival is considered to form a pair with Sanae matsuri (Rice Sprouts Festival), a rice-planting observance held at the shrine on May 28.

Uzue shinji
"Rabbit-staff rite." A rite held on January 15 at Itakiso Shrine in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture. Thirteen sticks of cut bamboo are stuck into cooked rice gruel. The richness or meagerness of the year's crops is divined by how much gruel has gotten into the bamboo sticks. The rite dates back to ancient times; the uzue (staff of the rabbit zodiac sign) has disappeared from the ritual, leaving only its name.
Two festivals are held on January 7—" the day of the seven greens" (nanakusa no hi)— at Ikukunitama Shrine in Tennōji Ward, Osaka. These are the wakabasai (festival of new leaves) in which seven varieties of young greens are eaten to prevent all illnesses, and the uzue matsuri, in which uzue staffs are offered to the kami for protection from demons.
- source : Kokugakuin

. uzue 卯杖 (うづえ) stick talsiman .


- quote
Osaka’s Ikukunitama Shrine set to revive ritual for first time in 70 years
Ikukunitama Shrine in Osaka next month will revive a Shinto ritual using a newly built “gohoren,” or a phoenix float, after a hiatus of 70 years.

The float was shown to the media for the first time Tuesday.

A phoenix float was traditionally used at a ritual involving transferring the shrine’s deity from its place of enshrinement to Osaka Castle.
Officials of the shrine, known as “Ikutamasan” and located in Tennoji Ward, said about a decade was needed to plan and build a new float.

The new vessel will be used for the first time during the summer celebration planned for July 12.
The annual event features a procession led by “makura daiko,” or pillow drums, that according to legend Toyotomi Hideyoshi offered in dedication to the shrine’s deity.

Ever since Toyotomi rebuilt the shrine in 1603, it has become a guardian god of Osaka Castle.

During the celebration, which is attended by about 1,000 local residents every year, the “gohoren” is paraded along a 3-km-long route. The festival also features a traditional lion dance performance given by local elementary and junior high school children.

The initiative to rebuild the float was inspired by the parishioners’ long-cherished desire to revive the shrine’s long-held tradition.

According to Ikukunitama Shrine’s officials, the ritual with the use of a phoenix float was last conducted in 1944, not long before World War II came to an end.
Since 1990, the shrine’s deity has been loaded onto a truck and transported to Osaka Castle.

The officials said, however, that the newly built float will only be used to move the deity from the shrine to the castle and that trucks will be used to bring it back home again.
- source : Japan Times - June 25, 2014


Ikutama ningyoo 生玉(いくたま)人形 dolls from Ikutama Shrine

- source : -
CLICK for more photos !

They were once sold at a 駄菓子屋 Dagashia sweet shop in the compounds of the temple 法善寺 Hozen-Ji in Osaka Minami.
Later they were made by 前田直吉 Maeda Naokichi in a sweet shop at Ikutama Shrine. When Naokichi died, his wife and daughter continued to make them, but after WW Ii they died out.
There are seven types, a man with an 立て烏帽子 Eboshi hat, Sanbaso dancer, Samurai, Daimmyo, old woman and old man 武士、大名、娘、老婆、老爺.
The Eboshi might represent the Kamigata Rakugo story teller 米沢彦八 Yonezawa Hikohachi.

. Osaka Folk Art - 大阪府 大阪市 .


- Reference : 生国魂神社
- Reference : English

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .


