. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Mizu no Kami, Mizunokami 水の神 Deity of Water - Legends
. Mizu no Kami 水の神 Deity of Water / Suijin 水神 .
- Introduction -
水神様 / スイジンサマ Suijin Sama
venerated in Katsuyama, Okayama
- Another name for this deity is
. Ido no Kami 井戸の神 / Idogami 井戸神 Deity of the Well .
. kawa no kami 川の神と伝説 Legends about the "River Deity" .
. Uma to Mizu no Kami 馬と水の神 Mizunokami and Horse Legends .
. Unagi to Mizu no Kami 鰻と水の神 Mizunokami and Eel Legends .
- - - A dragon is often seen as Mizunokami.
. ryuu, ryū 龍 / 竜 と伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
- - - A serpent is often seen as Mizunokami.
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
- - - The Kappa is often seen as Mizunokami Suijin
. suijin 水神 河童 Kappa as water deity .
and Kappa Jinja 河童神社 Kappa Shinto Shrines
- quote -
Kanahebisui Shrine
Located in Iwanuma City in Miyagi Prefecture, Kanahebisui Shrine boasts a long history spanning 1000 years.
The name Kanahebisui is spelled as "gold, serpent, and water" in Japanese, hence visitors come to worship the golden serpent enshrined here in prayer for good financial fortune and business prosperity.
The shrine also has a good reputation for a variety of flowers such as cherry trees, wisteria, peony and azalea that offer beautiful sceneries from spring through early summer. The breathtaking wisteria trellis that is said to be 300 years old, as well as the garden with approximately 1,300 peony trees, please a great number of visitors in each season.
- source : ana.co.jp/en/jp/japan-travel-planner... -
Kogane Suijin Sake 黄金水神酒
from 金蛇水神社 Kanahebisui Jinja, Kanahebisui Shrine
宮城県岩沼市 Miyagi, Iwanuma city.
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. kani 蟹 crab, Krabbe .
People who believe in 金毘羅権現 Konpira Gongen think that crabs are messengers of Mizunokami.
When they make a wish, they stop eating crabs until it is fulfilled. Some have never eaten a crab in their whole life.
. Konpira Daigongen . 金毘羅大権現 .
............................................................................ Akita 秋田県
仙北郡 Senboku district
. tanishi 田螺 mud snails .
Mud snails are seen as messengers of Mizunokami. They protect from fire.
............................................................................ Fukuoka 福岡県
みやま市 Miyama city 瀬高町 Setaka machi town
Suijin sama スイジンサマ, the Kappa
The Idogami 井戸神 God of the Well is also called Suijin Sama.
Its festival is on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month and called
Kappa San Matsuri 河童さん祭り Festival of Kappan San.
People make special offerings of salt, small sardines a
nd rice packed in large bamboo leaves and add some Sake poured into bamboo tubes.
............................................................................ Fukushima 福島県
いわき市 Iwaki city
mochi 餅 rie cakes for Suijin Sama
On the New Years day people make offerings of mochi 餅 rice cakes, put red chopsticks into them and fasten a mizuhiki 水引 auspicious paper string around it.
This offering is hung on the jizai kagi 自在かぎ / 自在鈎 pot hook over the open hearth.
When the whole family gathers around the hearth, someone takes it of secretly and eats the rice cake to become a strong man.
. irori 囲炉裏 / 居炉裏 / いろり open sunken hearth .
南会津郡 Minami-Aizu district 檜枝岐村 Hinoemata village
On the way to the village Shrine of the village, there is a stone called
Hashiba no baa sama 橋場のばあ様 the old woman at the bridge .
She is the messenger of the Water Deity. People come here to pray for prevention of water accidents.
- Hashiba no Banba 橋場のばんば -
十念寺 Temple Junen-Ji
............................................................................ Ibaraki 茨城県
竹原村 Takehara village
. Kappazuka 河童塚 Mound for Kappa .
............................................................................ Ishikawa 石川県
鳳至郡 Hosu district 門前町 Monzen
daija 大蛇 a huge serpent
In the upper stream of the river 五十洲川 Igisugawa there is a deep river pool where people perform amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals.
The Mizunokami was seen as a huge serpent.
Once this serpent wanted to get a young woman from the village. The parents of the girl made a doll and put some poison inside. They left the doll on the river side and the huge serpent ate it - and then died.
............................................................................ Kagawa 香川県
東かがわ市 Higashi-Kagawa city
Suijin Sama does not like metal things, so they must not be thrown into water.
............................................................................ Kagoshima 鹿児島県
. Legends about the Kappa 河童伝説 from Kyushu.
熊毛郡 Kumage district 上屋久町 Kamiyaku town
suijin sa 水人サア Suijin Sama (in the local dialect)
In the local river lives a Kappa, called ガラッパ Garappa in the local dialect.
Many years ago a fisherman was stolen his mussels and fish by this Kappa.
If people make offerings of salt and rice to 川の水神様 the Mizu no Kamisama, Water Deity of the River, they will have no accidents.
If one coughs loud to announce his presence before going into the river or the sea for fishing, Suijin will not be taken by surprize and not curse anyone.
川内市 Sendai city 向田町 Mukoda town
suijin sekizoo 水神石像,Garappa ガラッパ
There is a large statue of Mizunokami in the village which resembles very much the local Garappa Kappa.
曽於郡 Soo district
Suijin Sama スイジンサマ -
names for the Kappa ガラッパサン Garappa san,ガラッパドン Garappa Don
Garappa don steals cucumbers to eat and pulls children into the river.
Until around 1950 on the day of the Spring Equinox, people could hear a voice like a bird, ピーピー piipii and thought that Suijin Sama is now coming down from the mountains to the river (like Yamanokami and Tanokami).
People can not see the deity, but the sound is frightening and they can not sleep.
In Autumn, when the Deity goes back from the river to the mountain, the villagers do not hear any soune.
鹿児島市 Kagoshima city
山の神様 Yama no Kami Sama and 水神様 Suijin Sama
Once a hunter was in the mountains when his wife gave birth to a boy. A few years later on the 16th day of the 5th lunar month, Suijin Sama would come to get the baby, but the clever father bound the boy tight to a pole and all was fine.
On this day people also write the name of their children on a cucumber, a special food of Kappa san, and throw it into the river as an offering.
. Ido no Kami 井戸の神 / Idogami 井戸神 Deity of the Well .
............................................................................ Kumamoto 熊本県
球磨郡 Kuma district 多良木町 Taragi town
- - - - - names for the Kappa
ガワッパ Gawappa,水神様 Suijin sama,ヤマンタロウ Yama-n-Taro,カワンカミサン Kawa-n-Kami San
People make offerings of dango 団子 rice dumplings for the River Festival and later eat them at home to be protected from mischieves of the River Kappa.
This River Kappa goes back to the mountain forest in Autumn.
At the temple 青蓮寺 Shoren-Ji
They celebrate and get 水神の札 an amulet from Suijin on the first day of the second and 12th month of the lunar calendar.
To prorect them from water accidents, the villagers make mochi 餅 rice cakes, write the ritual name of Kobo Daishi 南無大師遍照金剛 on paper to wrap the rice cakes and place them on a stone by the river or throw them into the river.
............................................................................ Miyagi 宮城県
本吉町 Motoyoshi town
mizu no kami san 水の神さん
When they wanted to built a new road, they had to fill up the well and relocate the statue of 地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu.
Jizo and Mizunokami and Hinokami 火の神 "Deity of Fire" came out every night to meet at the new spot. After some special rituals they stopped to come.
. Legends about Jizo Bosatsu - 地蔵菩薩 .
............................................................................ Miyazaki 宮崎県
. Legends about the Kappa 河童伝説 from Kyushu.
東臼杵郡 Higashi-Usuki district 西郷村 Nishigo village
Hyoosubo ヒョウスボ Hyosubo (a name for Kappa)
Hyosubo is seen as Mizunokami. In Autumn he goes up to the mountains, in Spring he comes down to the river (just like Yamanokami and Tanokami).
When he is up in the mountains, he sometimes calls 「ヒョー」 hyoooo.
都城市 Miyakonojo
gaguresan ガグレサン a Kappa 河童
When giving birth it is best to have three deities near by:
鬼子母神 Kishibojin, 箒神様 Hokigami and 水の神様 Mizunokami (in his form as Gagure san).
............................................................................ Niigata 新潟県
新発田市 Shibata city
Suijin sama 水神様
On the 15th day of the 11th lunar month, people express their gratitude for water.
They make offerings and place them near their ido 井戸 well and along the slope on the beach on branches of the
enoki 榎 nettle tree. To prevent them from meeting any monsters, the villagers do not look back at the tree on their way home.
. enoki 榎 nettletree, Chinese hackberry tree .
............................................................................ Okayama 岡山県
Yamanokami 山の神 and hachi daikoojin 八大荒神 eight great wild deities
The eight great wild deities are venerated at the temple 遍照寺 Hensho-Ji on top of 光明山 Mount Komyosan. The mountain has two peaks and between them is a pond.
In former times people saw a strange light in the pond and thought is must be Yamanokami or Mizunokami.
Later they thought it might have been a large serpent.
真庭市 Maniwa city
. Legends about the Kappa 河童伝説 .
suijin no kodomo 水神の子供 the child of Mizunokami
Since olden times Kappa is seen as the child of Mizunokami. In Northern Okayama he is called
ゴンゴ Gongo.
Along the coast of Kojima he is called
ゴンゴージ Gongooji
In Maniwa, Yubara city is a river pool called
赤子淵 / 赤子ヶ淵 Akagobuchi, Riverpool of the Baby.
If someone passes here alone, he can hear the voice of a crying baby - and then Gongo is coming out, they say.
............................................................................ Okinawa 沖縄県
kinmamon 君真物 / キンマモン a female serpent deity
The character jin 壬 represents water.
To pray for enough rain for a good harvest, people invite 太陽神 a sun deity テルコ Teruko, who can control fire and water at the same time.
On many islands the Deity of the Sea 海神 (Kaijin, Wadazumi) is also seen as the Mizunokami.
A kooro 香炉 incense burner used especially by women is called
kuuru クール Kuru.
Kandin カンディン is a personal deity and like Kuru can be seen as Mizunokami.
Kuru is used by a few women together in prayer groups and when all of this group have died, after the funeral rites, it is disposed of.
Miti nu kan / anda min / nuchi ミディ・ヌ・カン・ヌチ
are various names for Mizunokami.
anda min (アンダ・ミン)/ anda mizu no nushi アンダ水の主 is Mizu no kami.
............................................................................ Nagano 長野県
飯山市 Iiyama city
In the river there lives 水神様 Suijin Sama.
東御市 Tomi city
maruiwa no kashi-wan 丸岩の貸し椀 .
A pious young couple had prayed to the 道祖神 Dosojin, wayside gods and a boy was born.
They wanted to celebrate, but did not have enough trays and bowls for the guests.
At night both saw a beautiful woman in their dreams (Mizunokami), who told them to write the number of trays and bowls on a piece of paper and throw the paper into a crack of the round rock.
They did as advised and next morning the trays and bowls were placed in front of the rock.
After the event they brought them back and the trays and bowls disappeared in no time.
Since then other villagers used the crack in the rock to get help. But then a wicked person did not bring them back and from that time on, no more things were lend for the villagers.
. Zenwanbuchi 膳椀淵 "river pool for trays and bowls". .
. Doosojin 道祖神 Dosojin, Dososhin - Legends about Wayside Gods .
............................................................................ Saitama 埼玉県
If people eat the first harvest of kyuuri きゅうり cucumbers and to not offer them to 水神様 Suijin Sama, their children will have water accidents.
This Suijin Sama is a Kappa, who is known to like cucumbers.
............................................................................ Shiga 滋賀県
甲賀郡 Koka district
. Mizunokami and Yamanokami 山の神 .
at shrine 笠山神社 / 瘡山神社 Kasayama Jinja
............................................................................ Wakayama 和歌山県
日高郡 Hidaka district
. Mizunokami and Yamanokami 山の神 .
- counting trees and fish
............................................................................ Yamaguchi 山口県
豊北町 Hohoku town
. Mizunokami and Yabugami 藪神 / ヤブガミ Kami of the thicket, .
............................................................................ Yamanashi 山梨県
北都留郡 Kita-Tsuru district 小菅村 Kosuge village
Suijin Sama スイジンサマ
is the local name for Mizunokami.
He prevents the river from getting to wild and protects the wells.
When people have to work in a river, they they place a white sheet of paper and salt on a rock, with the inscription:
"Suijin sama, we have to remove this rock, so please go somewhere else."
西山梨郡 Nishi-Yamanashi district 千代田村 Chioda village
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
After having made a new straw roof, people venerate Tengu san, who is seen as Mizunokami, to protect the home from fire.
The ancestors of the yaneya 屋根屋 roof makers is the deity 猿田彦 Sarutahiko, the ancestor of the Tengu.
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
水の神 / スイジンサマ - OK
246 水神 to collect
sakana no bunkashi 魚の文化史 cultural history of fish
矢野憲一 Yano Kenichi (1938 - )
- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -
. Umi no Kami 海の神 God of the Sea / 海神 Watatsumi, Wadatsumi, Kaijin .
. kookai shin, kookaishin 航海神 Kokaishin Deities of Seafarers .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #mizunokami #waterdeity -
Ido no Kami well legends
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Ido no Kami 井戸の神 / Idogami 井戸神 Deity of the Well
Another name for the
. Mizu no Kami, Mizunokami 水の神 Deity of Water .
水神様 / スイジンサマ Suijin Sama
venerated in Katsuyama, Okayama
furui no kami 井戸の神, furui kami, furuikami 古井神 Deity of the old well
source : ameblo.jp/takenichi...
Shrine 御井神社 Mii Jinja "the honorable well"
2518 Hikawacho Naoe, Izumo, Shimane / 斐川町
- quote -
Okuninushi and the Rabbit
..... in Hikawa is Mii Shrine, which has three wells on its grounds
that are said to have been used by Yagami-hime when she gave birth to the child she had with Okuninushi.
- source : japanesemythology... -
井戸の神聖化 - wikipedia
. sarashi i, sarashi-i . 晒井 さらしい cleaning the well .
well-cleaning, i zarai 井浚(いざらい)
ido zarai 井戸浚, 井戸浚い(いどざらい)
ido gae 井戸替(いどがえ)"changeing the well"
- idohori shi 井戸堀師 digging a well or making a new well
idobata kaigi 井戸端会議 debates (gossip) at the well
Women used to come to the village wells and designated places along rivers to do the laundry and the mental laundry (gossip)。
- - - The Kappa is often seen as Mizunokami, Suijin
. suijin 水神 河童 Kappa as a water deity .
and Kappa Jinja 河童神社 Kappa Shinto Shrines
- Reference : 井戸の神
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
Idogami no tooku ni miyuru zooni kana
斎藤夏風 Saito Kafu
yuki akari shite Idogami no kagami mochi
赤石明子 Akashi Akiko
source : fujiclean.co.jp/fujiclean/water...
. kawaya no kami 厠の神 God of the Toilet .
厠神 Benjogami / Kookagami 後架神 Kokagami
The God of the Toilet is the Elder Sister,
The God of the Well, Shinzui san シンズイさん is the younger sister.
At the bottom of the Well fro Shinzui zanthere are three stones.
This deity does not like metal things. If something made of metal falls into the well and is not taken out very soon, people have to abandon this well and make a new one. If they do not, family members will get ganbyoo 眼病 eye disease.
. Legends about eye diseases .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
豊田市 Toyota city 岩倉町 Iwakura town
Idogami sama 井戸神様
In 1881, a family had a performance in the home and then put a cover on the well for everybody to walk over. But this caused a curse of Idogami sama 井戸神様.
The mother of the family got crazy and begun to perform all day long. Grandmother had a toxic disease and when Grandfather went to 観音様 Kannon Sama to pray for her health, she felt better.
....................................................................... Fukuoka 福岡県 .....
. Suijin sama スイジンサマ, the Kappa Water Deity .
The Idogami 井戸神 God of the Well is also called Suijin Sama.
....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....
姫路市 Himeji city 飾磨郡 Shikama district
If someone places a knife on the kama 竈 hearth, Ido no Kamisama 井戸の神様 begins to cry.
. kama, kamado 竈 Legends about the kitchen hearth .
....................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 .....
行方郡 Namegata district 麻生町 Aso town
. Setsubun - oni wa soto 鬼は外 "Demons, get out!" .
On the day of Setsubun 節分 the Seasonal Divide people make special offerings, especially of hiiragi柊 a holly branch and put them on butsudan 仏壇 the Buddhist family altar, the kamidana 神棚 shelf of the Gods, for the 井戸の神 Ido no Kami and other places to make sure, the demons do not come in.
The offerings of iwashi イワシ are eaten by fuku no kami 福の神 the God of Good Luck.
. oni to hiiragi 鬼と柊 Demon and the Holly branch .
. fuku no kami 福の神 God of Good Luck .
....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
三豊郡 Mitoyo district 詫間町 Takuma town
Before filling in an old well, there must be a purification ritual performed.
To make sure the Ido no Kami san 井戸の神さん can come back any time, there must be a bamboo pole in the ground. Ido no Kami can then slip through this pole and come and go as he pleases.
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
薩摩郡 Satsuma district 東郷町 Togo town
After a new well is made, there must be an offering of nasu 茄子 eggplants.
If this is not done, the Mizunokami will leave his tooth bite visible.
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
福知山市 Fukuchiyama city
If people stay too long near the well and talk and talk . . . the Ido no kami 井戸ノ神 gets angry and disappears.
....................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県 .....
西海市 Saikai city 西彼町 Seihi town
Ido no Kami is the same as 水神 Mizugami.
If someone in the family gets ill, Mizugami must be angry.
Making offerings of miki お神酒 ritual rice wine, shio 塩 salt and kome 米 rice grains will cure the person.
....................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県 .....
有田郡 Arida district 金屋町 Kanaya town
Ido no Kamisama is Suijin san 水神さん.
Once an old woman became a strong headache. A healer told her that she had not been respectful to Suijin san 水神さん.
She began to say her prayers regularly and was soon healed.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
井戸神 / 井戸の神 / イドガミ / 井戸ノ神 - ok
- #idookami #welldeity #suijin #mizunokami -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Ido no Kami 井戸の神 / Idogami 井戸神 Deity of the Well
Another name for the
. Mizu no Kami, Mizunokami 水の神 Deity of Water .
水神様 / スイジンサマ Suijin Sama
venerated in Katsuyama, Okayama
furui no kami 井戸の神, furui kami, furuikami 古井神 Deity of the old well
source : ameblo.jp/takenichi...
Shrine 御井神社 Mii Jinja "the honorable well"
2518 Hikawacho Naoe, Izumo, Shimane / 斐川町
- quote -
Okuninushi and the Rabbit
..... in Hikawa is Mii Shrine, which has three wells on its grounds
that are said to have been used by Yagami-hime when she gave birth to the child she had with Okuninushi.
- source : japanesemythology... -
井戸の神聖化 - wikipedia
. sarashi i, sarashi-i . 晒井 さらしい cleaning the well .
well-cleaning, i zarai 井浚(いざらい)
ido zarai 井戸浚, 井戸浚い(いどざらい)
ido gae 井戸替(いどがえ)"changeing the well"
- idohori shi 井戸堀師 digging a well or making a new well
idobata kaigi 井戸端会議 debates (gossip) at the well
Women used to come to the village wells and designated places along rivers to do the laundry and the mental laundry (gossip)。
- - - The Kappa is often seen as Mizunokami, Suijin
. suijin 水神 河童 Kappa as a water deity .
and Kappa Jinja 河童神社 Kappa Shinto Shrines
- Reference : 井戸の神
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
Idogami no tooku ni miyuru zooni kana
斎藤夏風 Saito Kafu
yuki akari shite Idogami no kagami mochi
赤石明子 Akashi Akiko
source : fujiclean.co.jp/fujiclean/water...
. kawaya no kami 厠の神 God of the Toilet .
厠神 Benjogami / Kookagami 後架神 Kokagami
The God of the Toilet is the Elder Sister,
The God of the Well, Shinzui san シンズイさん is the younger sister.
At the bottom of the Well fro Shinzui zanthere are three stones.
This deity does not like metal things. If something made of metal falls into the well and is not taken out very soon, people have to abandon this well and make a new one. If they do not, family members will get ganbyoo 眼病 eye disease.
. Legends about eye diseases .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
豊田市 Toyota city 岩倉町 Iwakura town
Idogami sama 井戸神様
In 1881, a family had a performance in the home and then put a cover on the well for everybody to walk over. But this caused a curse of Idogami sama 井戸神様.
The mother of the family got crazy and begun to perform all day long. Grandmother had a toxic disease and when Grandfather went to 観音様 Kannon Sama to pray for her health, she felt better.
....................................................................... Fukuoka 福岡県 .....
. Suijin sama スイジンサマ, the Kappa Water Deity .
The Idogami 井戸神 God of the Well is also called Suijin Sama.
....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....
姫路市 Himeji city 飾磨郡 Shikama district
If someone places a knife on the kama 竈 hearth, Ido no Kamisama 井戸の神様 begins to cry.
. kama, kamado 竈 Legends about the kitchen hearth .
....................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 .....
行方郡 Namegata district 麻生町 Aso town
. Setsubun - oni wa soto 鬼は外 "Demons, get out!" .
On the day of Setsubun 節分 the Seasonal Divide people make special offerings, especially of hiiragi柊 a holly branch and put them on butsudan 仏壇 the Buddhist family altar, the kamidana 神棚 shelf of the Gods, for the 井戸の神 Ido no Kami and other places to make sure, the demons do not come in.
The offerings of iwashi イワシ are eaten by fuku no kami 福の神 the God of Good Luck.
. oni to hiiragi 鬼と柊 Demon and the Holly branch .
. fuku no kami 福の神 God of Good Luck .
....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
三豊郡 Mitoyo district 詫間町 Takuma town
Before filling in an old well, there must be a purification ritual performed.
To make sure the Ido no Kami san 井戸の神さん can come back any time, there must be a bamboo pole in the ground. Ido no Kami can then slip through this pole and come and go as he pleases.
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
薩摩郡 Satsuma district 東郷町 Togo town
After a new well is made, there must be an offering of nasu 茄子 eggplants.
If this is not done, the Mizunokami will leave his tooth bite visible.
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
福知山市 Fukuchiyama city
If people stay too long near the well and talk and talk . . . the Ido no kami 井戸ノ神 gets angry and disappears.
....................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県 .....
西海市 Saikai city 西彼町 Seihi town
Ido no Kami is the same as 水神 Mizugami.
If someone in the family gets ill, Mizugami must be angry.
Making offerings of miki お神酒 ritual rice wine, shio 塩 salt and kome 米 rice grains will cure the person.
....................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県 .....
有田郡 Arida district 金屋町 Kanaya town
Ido no Kamisama is Suijin san 水神さん.
Once an old woman became a strong headache. A healer told her that she had not been respectful to Suijin san 水神さん.
She began to say her prayers regularly and was soon healed.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
井戸神 / 井戸の神 / イドガミ / 井戸ノ神 - ok
- #idookami #welldeity #suijin #mizunokami -
umi no kami sea legends
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Umi no Kami 海の神 God of the Sea
Watatsumi, Wadatsumi, Kaijin 海神
. The three deities of Wadatsumi 綿津見三神 .
The sea deity Ōwatatsumi no kami
Many legends related to dragons.
His messenger is the kujira 鯨 whale.
. kujira 鯨 whale, Walfisch .
- Introduction and haiku -
海神神社 Kaijin Jinja
Nagasaki - 長崎県対馬市峰町木坂247 / 247 Minemachi Kisaka, Tsushima, Nagasaki
- reference source : shinto-jinja.jp... -
- - - - - A legend known in many parts of Japan
. okoze 虎魚 / 鰧魚 / オコゼ stonefish .
Once 山の神と海の神 the Kami of the Mountain and the Kami of the Sea had a fight and because of Okoze,
Yamanokami, the Kami of the Mountain won.
Since that event, Yamanokami likes Okoze.
Okoze from Bizen Pottery
....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
三豊郡 Mitoyo district 託間町 Takuma cho town
. ookami 狼 Okami, wolf legends .
At the Shrine 三崎神社 Misaki Jinja the wolf is venerated as the messenger of Uminokami. People are not supposed to look at this animal. His howling sounds like gooo-gooo.
A single wolf is the messenger of the deity, but if they come in a group, people have to take precautions.
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
曽於郡 Soo district
Uminokami does not like umeboshi 梅干 dried salted plums, so fishermen should not throw the stones into the water.
....................................................................... Kochi 高知県 .....
幡多郡 Hata district 大月町 Otsuki town
. Empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 - Legends .
Once upon a time, a VERY LONG time,
whales lived on the mountains. When a whale moved its big body, the trees fell down and the plants were destroyed . . . the other animals on the mountain very much in distress. Yamanokami had observed this for some time and then called to Uminokami:
"Hey, God of the Sea, may I give the whale to you to take care of?"
"Sure, why not!" and thus the whale moved to the sea. ....
- reference source : minwa.fujipan.co.jp/area... -
....................................................................... Kumamoto 熊本県 .....
In Kumamoto, ウミノカミ Uminokami is the same as the water goblin Kappa.
When a woman is ready to give birth soon, first they cook 白飯 white rice and put it in a bowl as an offering, put in the rom next to the woman. This is an offering for Uminokami.
If the family does not make this offering, Uminokami might come and get the baby.
. 河童 Kappa legends from Kumamoto 熊本県 .
....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
熊野市 Kumano city
same 鮫 shark
The 14th day of the 6th lunar month is the festival day for Uminokami, also called oojiro sama オオジロ様 Ojiro sama. The festival is also called
Uminokami is also called 磯辺さん Isobe san.
People prepare 3 or 7 shark fish as an offering and nobody goes into the sea on this day.
. same 鮫 (さめ) shark .
....................................................................... Oita 大分県 .....
国東郡 Kunisaki district 姫島村 Himeshima mura village
ryuuguu sama 竜宮様 dragon palace deity, Uminokami
Fishermen should not throw water after washing rice into the sea. They should keep it in a barrel and throw it on the land when they come home.
To muddy the sea water in an affront toward Uminokami and should not be done.
. ryuuguu 竜宮と伝説 Ryugo Legends about the Dragon Palace .
白杵市 Usuki city
kujira 鯨 whale
In the year 1886, fishermen had caught a whale, but when they pulled it on the boat, it was already dead.
Since the whale is the messenger of Uminokami, they put its bones and 一文銭 one coin as an offering and made a fine funeral for the fish.
....................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 .....
. Uminokami is Mizunokami 水の神 .
....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 .....
. Uminokami and Yamanokami having a fight. .
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
96 海神 to collect
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -
. Mizu no Kami, Mizunokami 水の神 Deity of Water - Legends .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #uminokami #godofthesea #ocean #kaijin #ryugu #dragonpalace -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Umi no Kami 海の神 God of the Sea
Watatsumi, Wadatsumi, Kaijin 海神
. The three deities of Wadatsumi 綿津見三神 .
The sea deity Ōwatatsumi no kami
Many legends related to dragons.
His messenger is the kujira 鯨 whale.
. kujira 鯨 whale, Walfisch .
- Introduction and haiku -
海神神社 Kaijin Jinja
Nagasaki - 長崎県対馬市峰町木坂247 / 247 Minemachi Kisaka, Tsushima, Nagasaki
- reference source : shinto-jinja.jp... -
- - - - - A legend known in many parts of Japan
. okoze 虎魚 / 鰧魚 / オコゼ stonefish .
Once 山の神と海の神 the Kami of the Mountain and the Kami of the Sea had a fight and because of Okoze,
Yamanokami, the Kami of the Mountain won.
Since that event, Yamanokami likes Okoze.
Okoze from Bizen Pottery
....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
三豊郡 Mitoyo district 託間町 Takuma cho town
. ookami 狼 Okami, wolf legends .
At the Shrine 三崎神社 Misaki Jinja the wolf is venerated as the messenger of Uminokami. People are not supposed to look at this animal. His howling sounds like gooo-gooo.
A single wolf is the messenger of the deity, but if they come in a group, people have to take precautions.
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
曽於郡 Soo district
Uminokami does not like umeboshi 梅干 dried salted plums, so fishermen should not throw the stones into the water.
....................................................................... Kochi 高知県 .....
幡多郡 Hata district 大月町 Otsuki town
. Empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 - Legends .
Once upon a time, a VERY LONG time,
whales lived on the mountains. When a whale moved its big body, the trees fell down and the plants were destroyed . . . the other animals on the mountain very much in distress. Yamanokami had observed this for some time and then called to Uminokami:
"Hey, God of the Sea, may I give the whale to you to take care of?"
"Sure, why not!" and thus the whale moved to the sea. ....
- reference source : minwa.fujipan.co.jp/area... -
....................................................................... Kumamoto 熊本県 .....
In Kumamoto, ウミノカミ Uminokami is the same as the water goblin Kappa.
When a woman is ready to give birth soon, first they cook 白飯 white rice and put it in a bowl as an offering, put in the rom next to the woman. This is an offering for Uminokami.
If the family does not make this offering, Uminokami might come and get the baby.
. 河童 Kappa legends from Kumamoto 熊本県 .
....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
熊野市 Kumano city
same 鮫 shark
The 14th day of the 6th lunar month is the festival day for Uminokami, also called oojiro sama オオジロ様 Ojiro sama. The festival is also called
Uminokami is also called 磯辺さん Isobe san.
People prepare 3 or 7 shark fish as an offering and nobody goes into the sea on this day.
. same 鮫 (さめ) shark .
....................................................................... Oita 大分県 .....
国東郡 Kunisaki district 姫島村 Himeshima mura village
ryuuguu sama 竜宮様 dragon palace deity, Uminokami
Fishermen should not throw water after washing rice into the sea. They should keep it in a barrel and throw it on the land when they come home.
To muddy the sea water in an affront toward Uminokami and should not be done.
. ryuuguu 竜宮と伝説 Ryugo Legends about the Dragon Palace .
白杵市 Usuki city
kujira 鯨 whale
In the year 1886, fishermen had caught a whale, but when they pulled it on the boat, it was already dead.
Since the whale is the messenger of Uminokami, they put its bones and 一文銭 one coin as an offering and made a fine funeral for the fish.
....................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 .....
. Uminokami is Mizunokami 水の神 .
....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 .....
. Uminokami and Yamanokami having a fight. .
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
96 海神 to collect
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -
. Mizu no Kami, Mizunokami 水の神 Deity of Water - Legends .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #uminokami #godofthesea #ocean #kaijin #ryugu #dragonpalace -
kami no ashiato
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
kami no ashiato 神の足跡 / あしあと footprints of a Kami
kamisama no ashiato 神様の足あと
There are some boulders and rocks with this name.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Legend about a strange rock-formation on the Echizen coast
The footprint is about 5 m long and 2 m wide.
Once upon a time, farmers came here during a long period of drought and prayed for rain.
There was a voice promising "There will be water!" and from behind the cliff the footprints were visible.
- reference source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/syoukousi4... -
Legend says that 琵琶湖 Lake Biwako started as a footprint of the Kami.
- reference source : www.2724.com/biwako... -
- reference source : sirokuronekotokuroneko...-
There is a festival in the town of 塙町 Hanawa in Fukushima,
伊香おすわ様 Ika Osuwa Sama
It has a history of more than 200 years and was introduced to drive out illness like the plague.
About 10 young men 20 years of age get a purification ritual from the Shrine and then run around the village in the evening for about 4 hours. They wear white Tabi socks.
The young men prepare 餅つき Mochi rice cakes. When it gets dark they take 獅子頭 a lion's head and the rice cakes.
They enter each of the about 120 homes through the veranda of the living room and run out through the main door, leaving dirty footprints on the floor.
But since they are the messengers of the "Deity", this dirt may only be cleaned away until the next morning.
The family is sitting in the living room cheering when they come.
- quote
神様の足あと ー 伊香おすわ様
福島県の南東部、茨城県との県境にある塙町の集落、伊香・古宿地区で、毎年 7 月中旬に行われる祭りです。
地区で流行した疫病の厄払いが起源とされ、200 年以上の歴史があるとも言われています。主役は二十歳前後の男たち。...
- source : twellv.co.jp/program
谷川健一 Tanigawa Kenichi
- at amazon com -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
古志郡 Koshi district
. Yamanokami Legends from Niigata 新潟県 .
Yamanokami is a woman with a rather wild character. She has only one eye and one leg.
There is a boulder with one footprint and one imprint of a walking stick,
Yamanokami no ashiato 山の神の足跡石.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #ashiato #footprints #kaminoashiato -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
kami no ashiato 神の足跡 / あしあと footprints of a Kami
kamisama no ashiato 神様の足あと
There are some boulders and rocks with this name.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Legend about a strange rock-formation on the Echizen coast
The footprint is about 5 m long and 2 m wide.
Once upon a time, farmers came here during a long period of drought and prayed for rain.
There was a voice promising "There will be water!" and from behind the cliff the footprints were visible.
- reference source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/syoukousi4... -
Legend says that 琵琶湖 Lake Biwako started as a footprint of the Kami.
- reference source : www.2724.com/biwako... -
- reference source : sirokuronekotokuroneko...-
There is a festival in the town of 塙町 Hanawa in Fukushima,
伊香おすわ様 Ika Osuwa Sama
It has a history of more than 200 years and was introduced to drive out illness like the plague.
About 10 young men 20 years of age get a purification ritual from the Shrine and then run around the village in the evening for about 4 hours. They wear white Tabi socks.
The young men prepare 餅つき Mochi rice cakes. When it gets dark they take 獅子頭 a lion's head and the rice cakes.
They enter each of the about 120 homes through the veranda of the living room and run out through the main door, leaving dirty footprints on the floor.
But since they are the messengers of the "Deity", this dirt may only be cleaned away until the next morning.
The family is sitting in the living room cheering when they come.
- quote
神様の足あと ー 伊香おすわ様
福島県の南東部、茨城県との県境にある塙町の集落、伊香・古宿地区で、毎年 7 月中旬に行われる祭りです。
地区で流行した疫病の厄払いが起源とされ、200 年以上の歴史があるとも言われています。主役は二十歳前後の男たち。...
- source : twellv.co.jp/program
谷川健一 Tanigawa Kenichi
- at amazon com -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
古志郡 Koshi district
. Yamanokami Legends from Niigata 新潟県 .
Yamanokami is a woman with a rather wild character. She has only one eye and one leg.
There is a boulder with one footprint and one imprint of a walking stick,
Yamanokami no ashiato 山の神の足跡石.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #ashiato #footprints #kaminoashiato -
Ubagami shrine
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
ubagami 姥神 lit. "old woman deity" - "Grandmother Deity"
- - - - - The legends from Esashi in Hokkaido know this:
Orii baasan 折居婆さん / オリイバアサン grandmother Orii
Grandmother Orii lived in Esashi. She prayed to the deities every morning and could tell the villagers about the weather of the day. The villagers thought of her as a deity, because her weather forecast was always right.
Once there was a bad catch for herring. That night grandmother Orii saw murasaki no hi 紫の火 a divine purple light in the sky above the sea. As the deity had shown her, she went out to the sea, poured ritual water from a Tokkuri container in that spot and folded her hands in prayer. Now a huge group of herring came by and the villagers had enough to eat for a long time.
When the villagers went to the home of Grandmother Orii, she was gone and since then they prayed to her as
Ubagami 姥神 "the old woman deity".
This name is also read おりん婆(折居婆)Orin Ba.
source : nihon.syoukoukai.com...
Tokkuri iwa 江差のとっくり岩 Tokkuri rock in Esashi
They say the Tokkuri of Grandmother Orii turned upside down and became a rock.
Many herring are fished around this rock.
. nishin 鰊 / 鯡 / 青魚 / 黄魚 herring .
source : Esashi Town Homepage
- Another version of the legend:
Once there lived an old couple in 江差 Esashi which had not enough to eat.
A deity appeared in their dream and told them to explore a certain area of the sea. Next morning they went out and found a lot of herring. Now they could eat fish to their heart's content.
The Ubagami deity venerated in Esashi is seen as this old couple, they are the ancestors of the herring fishermen.
Ubagami Daijinguu 姥神大神宮 Ubagami Daijingu
海道檜山郡江差町姥神町99 / Ubagamichō, Esashi, Hiyama district, Hokkaido
- quote
The Ubagami Daijingu Togyo Festival – held every year from August 9 to 11 – is what the residents of Esashi most look forward to every year. Approximately 50,000 people gather in the town – which has a population of only 8,000 – to watch portable shrines and 13 floats being paraded around the streets.
- A festival that has continued since the Edo Period
Since the Edo Period, Esashi prospered as a herring fishing community, and was greatly influenced by the culture and festivals of the Kansai and Hokuriku regions due to the Kitamae-bune ships that arrived via the Sea of Japan shipping route. The origins of the Ubagami Daijingu Togyo Festival date back 375 years, when it began with the people of Esashi thanking the gods for the plentiful herring catches.
- The chair of the Esashi Sightseeing & Convention Association, Saikaiya Nozomu is also a doll maker who creates the mannequins that ride on the floats, and from an early age he grew up with the shrine festivals. Each of the town’s neighborhood associations is responsible for the management and operation of one of the floats, which cost over 10 million yen to build and between 1.8 and 1.9 million yen per year to maintain. These costs are generously borne by the residents of the neighborhoods and people who were born in or have connections with the town. “People who come from the cities are motivated by Esashi residents’ enthusiasm and passion for the festival,” says Saikaiya. “Perhaps it’s because they sense the eagerness to preserve the local culture inherited from the Edo period.”
Saikaiya’s father was the doll maker who, under the name of Hokuryu, created five of the mannequins that ride on the thirteen floats mannequins. Nozomu is the second-generation Hokuryu. “Mannequins made by myself and my father adorn the festival,” says Saikaiya. “Such emotions cannot be experienced anywhere else.”
- Young people return home for the festival
The children of Esashi are raised on drum & flute lullabies. They are pulling floats as soon as they can walk, and are playing the flute and drums when they become elementary and junior high school pupils. They then take on the role of protecting the float from overhead cables, and when they become adults they are responsible for supervising the parade of floats, with the ultimate aim of becoming one of the people charged with overall responsibility for the float.
- Natsuhara Shigeki,
who works at an elementary school and is also the vice chair of the festival organizing committee tells of an episode that expresses Esashi residents’ feelings toward the festival. “At a job interview in a certain city, a high school student from Esashi asked if he could take a holiday on the same three festival days every year. He explained about the Ubagami Daijingu Togyo Festival and that without the younger generation, the floats would not be mobile and asked the boss for the time off. The boss of the company was surprised and impressed by the high school student’s enthusiasm for his hometown, something that is not so common, and decided to employ him straight away.”
Everyone gets involved in the festival – from young children to senior citizens. All homes prepare alcohol and food to welcome visitors. According to Natsuhara, “Esashi has created a culture in which all people are involved.” Saikaiya also adds “Each household serves local cuisine made with recipes handed down from the past, making it a festival in which food culture is also conveyed.”
- - - MORE
- source : kai-hokkaido.com/en/feature...
- - - - - Deities in residence - - - - -
天照皇大御神 Amaterasu Omikami
天児屋根神 Amanokoyane no Mikoto
住吉大神 Sumiyoshi Daijin
shuin 朱印 stamp
- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- source : hokkaidojinjacho.jp... -
Yearly Festivals 年中行事
- CLICK for more photos !
姥神大神宮渡御祭(うばがみだいじんぐうとぎょさい)Ubagami Daijingu Togyosai
- quote -
Ubagami Daijingu is the oldest shrine in Hokkaido, established in 1447. It is said to have been established as a place for herring-fishers to worship the image of the god they believed in. Once a year, the people of Esashi carry out the Togyosai, in which they offer their thanks for a bountiful catch of fish.
Thirteen richly decorated floats (called “yama” in Esashi) are paraded downtown and uptown in a dignified procession. This festival is clearly dear to the hearts of everyone in Esashi—during the Togyosai, the population of the town swells to five times its normal size because of the many people returning home. The Togyosai is truly a festival fit to represent Hokkaido.
– Reception period: August 1-7, 2017. The festival itself takes place from August 9-11.
- source : hokkaido-sightseeing.com/en... -
天児屋根神 / 天児屋根命 / 天児屋命 Amanokoyane no Mikoto / Ama-no-Koyane-no-mikoto
Amenokoyanenomikoto/Amenokoyanomikoto / Ameno Koyane
He belongs to the deities of Shrine Kasuga Jinja, Nara.
He is considered to be an ancestor of the 中臣 Nakatomi clan and its most famous branch - the Fujiwara clan.
- reference source : kojiki.kokugakuin.ac.jp... -
- quote -
Ameno Koyane
is known to have been one of the Gods of the Five Guilds. He was one of the many Gods present when Ninigi made his descent to Earth. This god and many others agreed after a decree by Amaterasu to serve and follow Ninigi.
Ameno Koyane was also given the extra task, alongside Ameno Futodama to aid and protect Ninigi.
This God is claimed as the ancestor of the Nakatomi Clan.
- The Five Guilds
The Gods of the Five Guilds are a group of Gods with the names Ameno Koyane, Ameno Futodama, Ameno Uzume, Ishikoridome and Tamaya.
Each of these Gods agreed to follow the royal decree of Amaterasu to follow and serve Ninigi after his decent to the Earth. Two of these Gods (Ameno Koyane and Ameno Futodama) were given special decrees to aid and protect Ninigi.
- source : historyofjapan.co.uk... -
Kogotomusubi no Kami 興台産霊神
The father of Amanokoyane, ancestral kami of the Fujiwara clan.
According to the "divine-age" records in Sendai kuji hongi, Kogotomusubi was identified as the mikogami (divine offspring) of Ichichimusuhi no mikoto, a kami in the lineage of another kami, Tsuhayamusuhi no mikoto. Based on the theory that the name Kogoto is formed from a plural prefix attached to the word koto meaning "word," the name has been interpreted to mean kotodama, namely a kami of speech and language.
- source : eos.kokugakuin.ac.jp... -
- Reference : 姥神大神宮
- Reference : Ubagami Hokkaido
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
白井市 Shiroi city 斎川松沢 Saikawa Matsuzawa
chichigami 乳神 "breast deity"
At the root of an old pine tree there was a spring and in the nearby sanctuary there was a stone memorial for Ubagami.
The wife of 用明天皇 Yomei Tenno (518 - 587) gave birth here on a rock called Shitahimo no ishi 下紐の石, but she did not have enough milk to feed the baby. A diviner told her to use the water from the spring and when she drunk it, her milk begun to flow. A stone statue was erected in her honor.
Now many women come here to pray.
Sometimes they scratch a bit of the breast of the statue and drink the powder to make their own milk flow.
As a sign of greatfullness many women later bring a plush doll of a female breast.
. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 .
仙台市 Sendai city
daishimizu 大清水 "great clear water"
It is located on the Eastern side of the bridge Itsutsubachi 五ツ橋. It is one of the three "clear water" locations and sometimes called sato shimizu 里清水.
Since olden times there was a sanctuary for Ubagami.
The water could heal cough from children.
People make offerings of ema 絵馬 votive tablets of a rooster turned upside-down.
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
東蒲原郡 Higashi-Kanbara district 阿賀町 Aga town
Along the river bank the deity Ubagami sama 姥神様 is venerated.
She is also mamorigami 守り神 the protector deity at the entrance of the village.
. mamorigami 守り神と伝説 Legends about protector deities .
....................................................................... Toyama 富山県 .....
. onbaba オンババ / 姥神 (Ubagami) "Old Grandma Mountain God" .
. Tateyama Shinkō 立山信仰 Tateyama mountain worship .
... Temple Ashikura-Ji had around 30 subtemples, of which the 姥堂 Ubadō and the Enmadō were the most important.
... It was only at this one time in the year, on the middle day of the autumn equinox, that women were allowed to enter the precincts, normally forbidden them, as far as the Ubadō, from where, having received the protection of the deity Ubagami, they worshipped the sacred mountain and prayed for rebirth in paradise.
The rite was an enactment of death and rebirth.
- quote -
Tateyama no Onbasama 立山のおんばさま On-Ba Sama
Uba-Ishi 姥石 "Grandmother Rock"
- reference source : webheibon.jp/yamanba... -
- - - Ubagami is sometimes seen as the
. Yamanba, Yamauba 山姥 "old mountain woman", Yokai monster .
....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 .....
都留市 Tsuru city
. Chichigami san 乳神サン "breast deity" .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
山姥神社 Yamanba Jinja / Yamanba Shrine - Yamauba
高知県 Kochi - Shirakidani, Nankoku, Kochi
- HP of the Shrine
- reference source : yamauba.jp... -
. Yamanba, Yamauba 山姥 and 山姫 Yamahime .
Yamanba, Yamamba is the "old hag from the mountain".
. Ishikoridome no kami 石凝姥神 (いしこりどめのかみ)(Ishi-kori-dome-no-kami) .
Nakayama Jinja 中山神社 / 岡山県津山市一宮695 Okayama, Tsuyama town
- #ubagami #togyosai #ubagamitogyosai #ubagamihokkaido #chichigami #breastdeity -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
ubagami 姥神 lit. "old woman deity" - "Grandmother Deity"
- - - - - The legends from Esashi in Hokkaido know this:
Orii baasan 折居婆さん / オリイバアサン grandmother Orii
Grandmother Orii lived in Esashi. She prayed to the deities every morning and could tell the villagers about the weather of the day. The villagers thought of her as a deity, because her weather forecast was always right.
Once there was a bad catch for herring. That night grandmother Orii saw murasaki no hi 紫の火 a divine purple light in the sky above the sea. As the deity had shown her, she went out to the sea, poured ritual water from a Tokkuri container in that spot and folded her hands in prayer. Now a huge group of herring came by and the villagers had enough to eat for a long time.
When the villagers went to the home of Grandmother Orii, she was gone and since then they prayed to her as
Ubagami 姥神 "the old woman deity".
This name is also read おりん婆(折居婆)Orin Ba.
source : nihon.syoukoukai.com...
Tokkuri iwa 江差のとっくり岩 Tokkuri rock in Esashi
They say the Tokkuri of Grandmother Orii turned upside down and became a rock.
Many herring are fished around this rock.
. nishin 鰊 / 鯡 / 青魚 / 黄魚 herring .
source : Esashi Town Homepage
- Another version of the legend:
Once there lived an old couple in 江差 Esashi which had not enough to eat.
A deity appeared in their dream and told them to explore a certain area of the sea. Next morning they went out and found a lot of herring. Now they could eat fish to their heart's content.
The Ubagami deity venerated in Esashi is seen as this old couple, they are the ancestors of the herring fishermen.
Ubagami Daijinguu 姥神大神宮 Ubagami Daijingu
海道檜山郡江差町姥神町99 / Ubagamichō, Esashi, Hiyama district, Hokkaido
- quote
The Ubagami Daijingu Togyo Festival – held every year from August 9 to 11 – is what the residents of Esashi most look forward to every year. Approximately 50,000 people gather in the town – which has a population of only 8,000 – to watch portable shrines and 13 floats being paraded around the streets.
- A festival that has continued since the Edo Period
Since the Edo Period, Esashi prospered as a herring fishing community, and was greatly influenced by the culture and festivals of the Kansai and Hokuriku regions due to the Kitamae-bune ships that arrived via the Sea of Japan shipping route. The origins of the Ubagami Daijingu Togyo Festival date back 375 years, when it began with the people of Esashi thanking the gods for the plentiful herring catches.
- The chair of the Esashi Sightseeing & Convention Association, Saikaiya Nozomu is also a doll maker who creates the mannequins that ride on the floats, and from an early age he grew up with the shrine festivals. Each of the town’s neighborhood associations is responsible for the management and operation of one of the floats, which cost over 10 million yen to build and between 1.8 and 1.9 million yen per year to maintain. These costs are generously borne by the residents of the neighborhoods and people who were born in or have connections with the town. “People who come from the cities are motivated by Esashi residents’ enthusiasm and passion for the festival,” says Saikaiya. “Perhaps it’s because they sense the eagerness to preserve the local culture inherited from the Edo period.”
Saikaiya’s father was the doll maker who, under the name of Hokuryu, created five of the mannequins that ride on the thirteen floats mannequins. Nozomu is the second-generation Hokuryu. “Mannequins made by myself and my father adorn the festival,” says Saikaiya. “Such emotions cannot be experienced anywhere else.”
- Young people return home for the festival
The children of Esashi are raised on drum & flute lullabies. They are pulling floats as soon as they can walk, and are playing the flute and drums when they become elementary and junior high school pupils. They then take on the role of protecting the float from overhead cables, and when they become adults they are responsible for supervising the parade of floats, with the ultimate aim of becoming one of the people charged with overall responsibility for the float.
- Natsuhara Shigeki,
who works at an elementary school and is also the vice chair of the festival organizing committee tells of an episode that expresses Esashi residents’ feelings toward the festival. “At a job interview in a certain city, a high school student from Esashi asked if he could take a holiday on the same three festival days every year. He explained about the Ubagami Daijingu Togyo Festival and that without the younger generation, the floats would not be mobile and asked the boss for the time off. The boss of the company was surprised and impressed by the high school student’s enthusiasm for his hometown, something that is not so common, and decided to employ him straight away.”
Everyone gets involved in the festival – from young children to senior citizens. All homes prepare alcohol and food to welcome visitors. According to Natsuhara, “Esashi has created a culture in which all people are involved.” Saikaiya also adds “Each household serves local cuisine made with recipes handed down from the past, making it a festival in which food culture is also conveyed.”
- - - MORE
- source : kai-hokkaido.com/en/feature...
- - - - - Deities in residence - - - - -
天照皇大御神 Amaterasu Omikami
天児屋根神 Amanokoyane no Mikoto
住吉大神 Sumiyoshi Daijin
shuin 朱印 stamp
- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- source : hokkaidojinjacho.jp... -
Yearly Festivals 年中行事
- CLICK for more photos !
姥神大神宮渡御祭(うばがみだいじんぐうとぎょさい)Ubagami Daijingu Togyosai
- quote -
Ubagami Daijingu is the oldest shrine in Hokkaido, established in 1447. It is said to have been established as a place for herring-fishers to worship the image of the god they believed in. Once a year, the people of Esashi carry out the Togyosai, in which they offer their thanks for a bountiful catch of fish.
Thirteen richly decorated floats (called “yama” in Esashi) are paraded downtown and uptown in a dignified procession. This festival is clearly dear to the hearts of everyone in Esashi—during the Togyosai, the population of the town swells to five times its normal size because of the many people returning home. The Togyosai is truly a festival fit to represent Hokkaido.
– Reception period: August 1-7, 2017. The festival itself takes place from August 9-11.
- source : hokkaido-sightseeing.com/en... -
天児屋根神 / 天児屋根命 / 天児屋命 Amanokoyane no Mikoto / Ama-no-Koyane-no-mikoto
Amenokoyanenomikoto/Amenokoyanomikoto / Ameno Koyane
He belongs to the deities of Shrine Kasuga Jinja, Nara.
He is considered to be an ancestor of the 中臣 Nakatomi clan and its most famous branch - the Fujiwara clan.
- reference source : kojiki.kokugakuin.ac.jp... -
- quote -
Ameno Koyane
is known to have been one of the Gods of the Five Guilds. He was one of the many Gods present when Ninigi made his descent to Earth. This god and many others agreed after a decree by Amaterasu to serve and follow Ninigi.
Ameno Koyane was also given the extra task, alongside Ameno Futodama to aid and protect Ninigi.
This God is claimed as the ancestor of the Nakatomi Clan.
- The Five Guilds
The Gods of the Five Guilds are a group of Gods with the names Ameno Koyane, Ameno Futodama, Ameno Uzume, Ishikoridome and Tamaya.
Each of these Gods agreed to follow the royal decree of Amaterasu to follow and serve Ninigi after his decent to the Earth. Two of these Gods (Ameno Koyane and Ameno Futodama) were given special decrees to aid and protect Ninigi.
- source : historyofjapan.co.uk... -
Kogotomusubi no Kami 興台産霊神
The father of Amanokoyane, ancestral kami of the Fujiwara clan.
According to the "divine-age" records in Sendai kuji hongi, Kogotomusubi was identified as the mikogami (divine offspring) of Ichichimusuhi no mikoto, a kami in the lineage of another kami, Tsuhayamusuhi no mikoto. Based on the theory that the name Kogoto is formed from a plural prefix attached to the word koto meaning "word," the name has been interpreted to mean kotodama, namely a kami of speech and language.
- source : eos.kokugakuin.ac.jp... -
- Reference : 姥神大神宮
- Reference : Ubagami Hokkaido
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
白井市 Shiroi city 斎川松沢 Saikawa Matsuzawa
chichigami 乳神 "breast deity"
At the root of an old pine tree there was a spring and in the nearby sanctuary there was a stone memorial for Ubagami.
The wife of 用明天皇 Yomei Tenno (518 - 587) gave birth here on a rock called Shitahimo no ishi 下紐の石, but she did not have enough milk to feed the baby. A diviner told her to use the water from the spring and when she drunk it, her milk begun to flow. A stone statue was erected in her honor.
Now many women come here to pray.
Sometimes they scratch a bit of the breast of the statue and drink the powder to make their own milk flow.
As a sign of greatfullness many women later bring a plush doll of a female breast.
. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 .
仙台市 Sendai city
daishimizu 大清水 "great clear water"
It is located on the Eastern side of the bridge Itsutsubachi 五ツ橋. It is one of the three "clear water" locations and sometimes called sato shimizu 里清水.
Since olden times there was a sanctuary for Ubagami.
The water could heal cough from children.
People make offerings of ema 絵馬 votive tablets of a rooster turned upside-down.
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
東蒲原郡 Higashi-Kanbara district 阿賀町 Aga town
Along the river bank the deity Ubagami sama 姥神様 is venerated.
She is also mamorigami 守り神 the protector deity at the entrance of the village.
. mamorigami 守り神と伝説 Legends about protector deities .
....................................................................... Toyama 富山県 .....
. onbaba オンババ / 姥神 (Ubagami) "Old Grandma Mountain God" .
. Tateyama Shinkō 立山信仰 Tateyama mountain worship .
... Temple Ashikura-Ji had around 30 subtemples, of which the 姥堂 Ubadō and the Enmadō were the most important.
... It was only at this one time in the year, on the middle day of the autumn equinox, that women were allowed to enter the precincts, normally forbidden them, as far as the Ubadō, from where, having received the protection of the deity Ubagami, they worshipped the sacred mountain and prayed for rebirth in paradise.
The rite was an enactment of death and rebirth.
- quote -
Tateyama no Onbasama 立山のおんばさま On-Ba Sama
Uba-Ishi 姥石 "Grandmother Rock"
- reference source : webheibon.jp/yamanba... -
- - - Ubagami is sometimes seen as the
. Yamanba, Yamauba 山姥 "old mountain woman", Yokai monster .
....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 .....
都留市 Tsuru city
. Chichigami san 乳神サン "breast deity" .
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
山姥神社 Yamanba Jinja / Yamanba Shrine - Yamauba
高知県 Kochi - Shirakidani, Nankoku, Kochi
- HP of the Shrine
- reference source : yamauba.jp... -
. Yamanba, Yamauba 山姥 and 山姫 Yamahime .
Yamanba, Yamamba is the "old hag from the mountain".
. Ishikoridome no kami 石凝姥神 (いしこりどめのかみ)(Ishi-kori-dome-no-kami) .
Nakayama Jinja 中山神社 / 岡山県津山市一宮695 Okayama, Tsuyama town
- #ubagami #togyosai #ubagamitogyosai #ubagamihokkaido #chichigami #breastdeity -
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