. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Atsuta Jingu 熱田神宮 Atsuta Shrine, Nagoya
The Kojiki explains that Atsuta Shrine was founded to house the Kusanagi no Tsurugi, a legendary sword.
Atsuta Shrine is located in “Atsuta Forest,” a spacious, verdant shrine grove. Atsuta no mori 熱田の森.
. Atsuta Shrine and its many Festivals .
Over 70 ceremonies and festivals are held annually at the shrine.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (草薙の剣)
is a legendary Japanese sword and one of three Imperial Regalia of Japan.
originally called Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi (天叢雲剣, "Heavenly Sword of Gathering Clouds"),
but its name was later changed to the more popular Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi ("Grass-Cutting Sword").
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
kusanagi no tsurugi 草薙剣
This sword had been stolen three times, but came flying back two times.
The third time the sword killed the thief before coming back.
. 天の叢雲 "Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi" and Susano-O .
In 1838, a pair of brothers had the dead body of their father pass though 一の鳥居 the first Torii gate of 熱田神社 the Atsuta Shrine.
They were banned from the town. The home of the brothers fell into decay and they both became kojiki 乞食 beggars.
. torii 鳥居と伝説 Shrine gate legends .
Aichi あま市 Ama city
At 妙心山正法寺 the Zen Temple Shoho-Ji there is a bottle with four stones buried in the ground.
There was a farmer passing the nearvy river who always washed four melons and four eggplants in the river, before he went to sell them. His load was always heavy but after washing the vegetables, it felt light.
The same happened to a vendor of salt.
There was also a bottle in the bamboo grove with water of a good fragrance.
This bottle was given as an offering to 熱田社 the Atsuta Shrine each year on the 5th of June.
- quote -
June 5th, the Atsuta festival at Atsuta Shrine
The Atsuta Jingu Shrine Festival is one of the major festivals of Nagoya and the Chubu Region of Central Japan and will be held at the famous Atsuta Jingu Shrine. The festival is held every June 5th and is also known as Shobu-sai or Annual Celebration of Atsuta Jingu Shrine.
An imperial envoy is sent to the shrine to offer goheimotsu (strips of white paper for Shinto rituals). Atsuta Jingu Shrine and its environs are filled with such attractions as kentou makiwara (light tributes tied with straw), fireworks at Jingu Koen (Shrine Park), various martial arts and entertainment competitions, and kodomo mikoshi (portable shrines for children).
- source : centrip-japan.com... -
Aichi 知多郡 Chita district
kamisama no o-fuda sama 神様のお札様 the amulet of the Deity
Around 1860, the amulets from Atsuta Shrine came raining from the sky in many regions of Japan.
The people rejoiced and danced, singing
ee ja nai ka , ee ja naika 「ええじゃないか、ええじゃないか」.
A farmer who was on a visit to 伊勢神宮 the Ise Jingu Shrine was walking through a forest, when the amulets fell down from the sky. He picked them up and went back home to 大井 Oi city.
But there the amulets had allso fallen from the sky and he waw quite surprized.
- quote -
The Ee ja nai ka and the Meiji Restoration
Hosono Yōsai 細 野 要 斎 (1811–1878), an Owari domain official, left a voluminous diary titled Kankyō manpitsu 感興漫筆 (Random Jottings Composed at Leisure), containing accounts from 1836 to 1878.
Entries addressing the late months of 1867 describe the ee ja nai ka ええじゃないか phenomenon that developed in Nagoya. Yōsai’s portrayals of the ee ja nai ka contradict its received image as a rowdy pandemonium in which the populace expressed their resentment against the Tokugawa regime.
Rather, what we see is a series of localized religious activities commemorating talismans (ofuda お札) that reportedly fell from the sky, many of them representing deities particularly popular in Nagoya.
Based on an examination of Kankyō manpitsu, this article argues that the relationship between the ee ja nai ka and the Meiji Restoration must be evaluated on a region-specific basis and that the narrative of the Meiji Restoration is not directly relevant to understanding the nature of the ee ja nai ka in Nagoya.
- source : brill.com/view/journals... -
Aichi 名古屋市 Nagoya city 熱田区 Atsuta ward
Atsuta Jingu no kaji 熱田神宮の火事 fire at Atsuta Shrine
At the foot of a large kusu no ki 楠 camphor tree a beggar was asleep.
He woke up because there was a fire coming from the tree and had almost reached the main Shrine hall.
The head priest wanted to save goshintai 御神体 the object of worship of the Shrine, but the key to the hall did not fit.
The father of the head priest came by and could open the lock.
The father had gotten a message from the Deity about the coming fire.
After the fire was quenched, the father went back to his home.
When the head priest went to his father's home to thank him, the father said he had never left his home and did not know about thie fire.
It must have been the Deity who had saved the hall.
Aichi 名古屋市 Nagoya city 守山区 Moriyama ward
. 伝教大師 Priest Dengyo Daishi and 竜女 the Female Dragon .
....................................................................... .......................................................................
Temple Jingu-Ji in Atsuta 熱田神宮寺
Gokiso, Showa Ward, Nagoya
医王山神宮寺 Iosan Jingu-Ji had been founded in 813.
tori 鳥 a bird
When they wanted to construct a gate for 熱田神宮寺 the Temple Jingo-Ji in Atsuta and had dug into the ground for about one meter, something moved.
The workers were surprized and continued carefully. They found a bird in the ground, the size of a raven, which flew up and away.
Five days later the priest died.
- - - - -
One year they wanted to clean the sacred well of 熱田神宮寺 the Temple Jingo-Ji in Atsuta .
They scooped out all the water from the well and at the bottom in the sand they found a bird with black feathers like a raven. The bird flew up into the sky.
A few days later the priest of the 医王院 Temple Io-In died.
Maybe this was related, people wondered.
....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
松山市 Matsuyama city
Atsuta sama 熱田様 Honorable Atsuta
A farmer was plowing his field when the oxen suddenly stopped, jumped up and wanted to run away.
When the farmer dug at this place, he found a jinseki 神石 sacred stone.
The villagers built a small Shrine, callilng it 熱田神社 Atsuta Jinja, and venerated the stone
....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
Fukubutsuzoo 福仏坊 a priest named Fukubutsuzo, Auspicious priet
Once there lived a strange man in the mountains of Aizu.
Ne never came down to the village and avoided meeting people.
Around 1645 a forest worker had seen him and said he looked like an old man of about 70 or 80 years.
In fact he had come to the village when he was about 25 tears old and told a villager that he had ovserved the calting of a bell in 熱田 Atsuta (Aichi).
This bell must have been more than a few hunded years old . . . how strange.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- #atsuta #atsutashrine #atsutajingu #atsutajinja -
Ubusunagami clan deity legends
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Ubusunagami 産土神 と 伝説 clan deity legends
Ubugami 産神 "deity of birth"
. Ubusunagami 産土神 clan deity - introduction .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
. Ubusunagami at 白山神社 Shirayama Jinja .
Aichi 江南市 Konan city 石枕町 Ishimakura town (stone pillow town)
. Inari 稲荷と伝説 Legends about the Fox Deity .
Once an old woman had a traveler stay at her home, giving him a stone pillow, then took his belongings and killed him.
Then she was cursed by the deities and died.
The villagers built a small Shrine to appease her soul.
Later they called it a Shrine for Inari and it became 産土神 the clan deity for the village.
also called 石作神社, 石作神社, 神明宮
Aichi 岡崎市 Okasaki city 古部町 Kobu town
. Chinju Sama, Chinjusama 鎮守様 Guardian Deity .
....................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 .....
印旛郡 Inba district 酒々井町 Shisui town
When a baby is born, it has to be brought to 産土神 the Shrine of Ubusunagami.
In front of the Shrine mother will pinch its nose to make it cry out loud. This will cause it to grow up strong and healthy.
100 days after the birth, the baby is given stones to bite on to make its teeth strong.
....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....
amagoi waka 雨乞和歌 Waka poem for a rain ritual
. The Samurai 水野義風 Mizuno Gifu .
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
伊具郡 Igu district 丸森町 Marumori town
If a person has died in the village, the craws begin to make a lot of noise.
At night the dogs begin to howl in a gloomy voice.
If the person who had died was a believer of Shinto, his soul goes to 産土神 the Ubusugagami.
If he was a Buddhist, his soul goes to the local Bodaiji 菩提寺 family temple.
When the soul passes in front of a crow or a dog, they make gloomy voices.
....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
Mie 員弁郡 Inabe district 大安町 Daian Town
People who posess some earth from the Shrine of their 産土神 Ubusunagami will not get kakke 脚気 beriberi.
People with motion sickness on a vehicle should put some earth from the shrine on their navel to get better.
. Yamanokami 山の神 - 産土神 Ubusunagami .
Mie 志摩郡 Shima district 大正町 Taisho town
. dandara booshi ダンダラボウシ “Dandarabocchi” .
deidaarabotchi デエダラボッチ, ダイダラボッチ Daidarabotchi monster / デーデッポ Deedeppo
The ワラジヒキ祭り Waraji Hiki Festival (Shima City) in memori of this event is held at the End of September.
It is in memory of this event:
Once there was a huge man, about 10 meters large, with only one eye and one leg, Dandara Boshi. He asked a woman who was knitting large straw sandals what this was and she told him "An offering for the Ubusugami."
He became afraid and run away.
....................................................................... Nagano .....
. 天照大神宮 Tenshokotai Jingu and Amaterasu Omikami .
....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 .....
heso no o koojin ヘソノオ荒神 Kojin of the umbilical cord
Ubusuna Kojin 産土荒神 is the Kojin-version of the Ubusunagami deity.
He is venerated during a birth.
In the Bitchu region he is called heso no oo Kojin ヘソノオ荒神 Kojin of the umbilical cord.
ushi koojin 牛荒神 Kojin of the bull
This deity is popular in the North of Okayama, where many cattle and horses are held. It is the local version of the Ubusunagami, turned to the animals. He is especialy popular in the mountainous region of 伯耆大山 Mount Hoki Daisen. . Aragami.Kojin 荒神と伝説 Legends about the Aragami deity .
....................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 .....
Ohareji no kami 大主の神 / オハルジノカミ clan and family deity
He is a clan and family deity, especially for farmers and fishermen.
Once on an island an old man had suddenly without any reason burned down the Shrine for 大主の神 the clan deity.
He was cursed and died and this whole family died out too.
source : miyako-tour.com/spot/onushishrine
Onushi Shrine 大主神社
....................................................................... Osaka 大阪府 .....
藤井寺市 Fujiidera city
Shrine 産土神社 Ubusuna Jinja, Osaka, Fujiidera, Koyama 4-7-9
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
A man had made offerings at the Shrine Ubusuna Jinja, when a fox came and ate them.
The man went there observing what happened when a beautiful lady (the fox had shape-shifted) came to invite him to have a bath.
When he came to his senses, he sat in a water pot and all the food offerings were gone.
- quote -
Fujii-dera (? 葛井寺) is a Buddhist temple in Fujiidera, Osaka, Japan.
The temple is associated with Shingon Buddhism and has as its main image a sculpture of the Thousand-armed Kannon. It is the fifth temple on the Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage.
- source : wikipedia -
....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
西多摩郡 Nishitama district 桧原村 Hinohara village
Obusuna-sama オズスナ様(産土神), the deity of birth is seen as Fudo Myo-O.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
45 産神 collecting // 産土神 ok
- #ubusunagami #ubugami #clandeity -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Ubusunagami 産土神 と 伝説 clan deity legends
Ubugami 産神 "deity of birth"
. Ubusunagami 産土神 clan deity - introduction .
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
. Ubusunagami at 白山神社 Shirayama Jinja .
Aichi 江南市 Konan city 石枕町 Ishimakura town (stone pillow town)
. Inari 稲荷と伝説 Legends about the Fox Deity .
Once an old woman had a traveler stay at her home, giving him a stone pillow, then took his belongings and killed him.
Then she was cursed by the deities and died.
The villagers built a small Shrine to appease her soul.
Later they called it a Shrine for Inari and it became 産土神 the clan deity for the village.
also called 石作神社, 石作神社, 神明宮
Aichi 岡崎市 Okasaki city 古部町 Kobu town
. Chinju Sama, Chinjusama 鎮守様 Guardian Deity .
....................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 .....
印旛郡 Inba district 酒々井町 Shisui town
When a baby is born, it has to be brought to 産土神 the Shrine of Ubusunagami.
In front of the Shrine mother will pinch its nose to make it cry out loud. This will cause it to grow up strong and healthy.
100 days after the birth, the baby is given stones to bite on to make its teeth strong.
....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....
amagoi waka 雨乞和歌 Waka poem for a rain ritual
. The Samurai 水野義風 Mizuno Gifu .
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
伊具郡 Igu district 丸森町 Marumori town
If a person has died in the village, the craws begin to make a lot of noise.
At night the dogs begin to howl in a gloomy voice.
If the person who had died was a believer of Shinto, his soul goes to 産土神 the Ubusugagami.
If he was a Buddhist, his soul goes to the local Bodaiji 菩提寺 family temple.
When the soul passes in front of a crow or a dog, they make gloomy voices.
....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
Mie 員弁郡 Inabe district 大安町 Daian Town
People who posess some earth from the Shrine of their 産土神 Ubusunagami will not get kakke 脚気 beriberi.
People with motion sickness on a vehicle should put some earth from the shrine on their navel to get better.
. Yamanokami 山の神 - 産土神 Ubusunagami .
Mie 志摩郡 Shima district 大正町 Taisho town
. dandara booshi ダンダラボウシ “Dandarabocchi” .
deidaarabotchi デエダラボッチ, ダイダラボッチ Daidarabotchi monster / デーデッポ Deedeppo
The ワラジヒキ祭り Waraji Hiki Festival (Shima City) in memori of this event is held at the End of September.
It is in memory of this event:
Once there was a huge man, about 10 meters large, with only one eye and one leg, Dandara Boshi. He asked a woman who was knitting large straw sandals what this was and she told him "An offering for the Ubusugami."
He became afraid and run away.
....................................................................... Nagano .....
. 天照大神宮 Tenshokotai Jingu and Amaterasu Omikami .
....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 .....
heso no o koojin ヘソノオ荒神 Kojin of the umbilical cord
Ubusuna Kojin 産土荒神 is the Kojin-version of the Ubusunagami deity.
He is venerated during a birth.
In the Bitchu region he is called heso no oo Kojin ヘソノオ荒神 Kojin of the umbilical cord.
ushi koojin 牛荒神 Kojin of the bull
This deity is popular in the North of Okayama, where many cattle and horses are held. It is the local version of the Ubusunagami, turned to the animals. He is especialy popular in the mountainous region of 伯耆大山 Mount Hoki Daisen. . Aragami.Kojin 荒神と伝説 Legends about the Aragami deity .
....................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県 .....
Ohareji no kami 大主の神 / オハルジノカミ clan and family deity
He is a clan and family deity, especially for farmers and fishermen.
Once on an island an old man had suddenly without any reason burned down the Shrine for 大主の神 the clan deity.
He was cursed and died and this whole family died out too.
source : miyako-tour.com/spot/onushishrine
Onushi Shrine 大主神社
....................................................................... Osaka 大阪府 .....
藤井寺市 Fujiidera city
Shrine 産土神社 Ubusuna Jinja, Osaka, Fujiidera, Koyama 4-7-9
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
A man had made offerings at the Shrine Ubusuna Jinja, when a fox came and ate them.
The man went there observing what happened when a beautiful lady (the fox had shape-shifted) came to invite him to have a bath.
When he came to his senses, he sat in a water pot and all the food offerings were gone.
- quote -
Fujii-dera (? 葛井寺) is a Buddhist temple in Fujiidera, Osaka, Japan.
The temple is associated with Shingon Buddhism and has as its main image a sculpture of the Thousand-armed Kannon. It is the fifth temple on the Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage.
- source : wikipedia -
....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
西多摩郡 Nishitama district 桧原村 Hinohara village
Obusuna-sama オズスナ様(産土神), the deity of birth is seen as Fudo Myo-O.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
45 産神 collecting // 産土神 ok
- #ubusunagami #ubugami #clandeity -
Hakusan Shrine Legends
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Hakusan Jinja 白山神社 Hakusan Shrines and their Legends
. Many Hakusan shrines 白山神社 in Japan .
The most important is
Shirayama Hongu Shrine 白山本宮 - Ishikawa prefecture 石川県白山市三宮町
The characters 白山 can be read as Hakusan or Shirayama, both meaning "White Mountain".
. HAKUSAN 白山 - Details by Mark Schumacher .
白山大権現 Hakusan Daigongen Deity
Former Buddhist Deities have been transformed into Hakusan Deities :
- - - 三所権現
白山妙理権現 - - 十一面観音菩薩
大行事権現(垂迹は菊理媛神 - - 聖観音菩薩
大汝権現(大己貴命) - - 阿弥陀如来
- - - 五王子権現
太郎王子 - - 不動明王
次郎王子 - - 虚空蔵菩薩
三郎王子 - - 地蔵菩薩
四郎王子(毘沙門天) Bishamonten - - 文殊菩薩
五郎王子 - - 弥勒菩薩
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
A villager of the hamlet were people of 加賀の新田氏 the Nitta clan from Kaga lived had their ubusugami 産土神 deity of their birth place venerated at 白山神社 the Hakusan Shrine. The messenger of the deity was a hebi 蛇 serpent. This serpent was large and thick and had many children.
. ubusugami 産土神 clan deity legends .
Aichi 知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita town // 白竜
tateishi sama 立石さま Honorable Standing Stone
On the mountain road connecting 須佐 Susa and 小佐 Kosa there is a small Shrine.
A stone named Tateishi sama 立石さま Honorable Tateishi is venerated there.
People come here to pray for Safety at Sea, Protection from Disasters and Health for the Family.
Some say it is the grave of a nobleman and gold was hidden in the grave.
It links to a great cave where hakuryuu 白竜 a White Dragon lived.
Aichi 犬山市 Inuyama city 寺内町 Jinai town
hakuryuu 白龍 white dragon
At the roots of the old pine tree at 白山神社 Shirayama Shrine there lived goshiki ryuujin 五色龍神 a dragon Deity with five colors. source : kingoryujin/status...
If people tried to touch the tree or break branches for firewood, they would experience of lot of bad luck.
Eventually people would not come here any more and the Shrine fell into decay.
At that time the 白山竜神 dragon deity of Shirayama appeared in a dream of a local fisherman.
At the root of the pine appeared a halo and said if they would revive the shrine, all would find good luck and his family would not experience illnes or poverty ever again.
The fisherman did as he was told in the dream and lived happily ever after.
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
Aichi 東加茂郡 Higashi-Kamo district 下山町 Shimoyama town
. koi 鯉 と伝説 Legends about carps - Karpfen .
The master of the local pond 玉金の池 was a koi 鯉 carp.
One day a man shot it with a gun and ate the fish, but soon he became ill with palsy.
The friend who had told him about the carp became a mouth disease.
Since then people did not fish in the pond any more.
If the villagers clean the pond during a drought, it will soon start to rain.
In July they make an offerind of a life carp to 白山神 the Shirayama Shrine.
....................................................................... Akita 秋田県 .....
横手市 Yokote city
oosuzu 大鈴, a large temple bell
Once a man walked around the compound of Shirayama Shrine at night, he could hear the sound of a huge bell rolling down, between his legs and then disappeard.
When he reached the graveyard of the temple 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji and crossed the bridge, the bell came rolling again, passed between his legs and then disappeared.
Hakusan Shrine, Akita, Yokote, Omorimachi Uwamizo, 岩瀬51 / 横手市大森町上溝 岩瀬51
source : akita-jinjacho.sakura.ne.jp...
....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....
郡上市 Gujo city 和良村 Waramura village
butsuzoo 仏像 a Buddha statue
Each member of the family 中島家 Nakajima, 熊崎家 Kumazaki and 熊崎家 Kumasaki once had the same dream:
"Go digging in the fields in front of the shrine. "
When they did they found a black Buddha statue.
They brought the statue to 白山神社 the Hakusan Shrine as an offering, but it got lost later.
Gifu 加茂郡 Kamo district 西白川村 Nishi-Shirakawa village
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
In the forest of 白山神社 Hakusan Shrine there was a strange noise of trees falling down, maybe twice a year.
They say this must be the doing of the local Tengu.
....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
hakuryuu 白竜 Hakuryu white dragon and tenpaku 天白 Tenpaku
In Mie prefecture and Aichi, Nagoya, there are many place names called 天白 Tenpaku.
The name is also used for families and Shinto Shrines. But nobody knows why.
Maybe it comes from the saying
水神昇天白竜 The Female God of Water goes to Heaven as a White Dragon.
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
栗原市 Kurihara city 築館 Tsukidate town
ryuujo 龍女 dragon woman
The spirit of the 白山神社 Hakusan Shrine appeared as a beautiful young child.
The child complained that two dragon women were fighting about the Shrine and tried to prevent an old and a young woman from appearing.
It confined the two dragon women in the nearby pond.
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
Miyagi 柴田郡 Shibata district 柴田町 Shibata town 海老穴 Ebina
. ebi えび / 海老 / 蝦 lobster, prawn, shrimp .
In the back of 海老穴の白山神社 the Shirayama Shrine in Ebina there is a hole where water comes out.
In former times there was a huge ebi 海老 lobster, hence the name of the area.
Every year, the villagers had to make an offering of a young woman to the lobster.
One year a girl from a hunter family was chosen and she offered to go.
She sat in front of the hole and prayed all night.
Suddenly a strong flash of lightning was seen, heading toward the sky.
Next morning the girl was still sitting there in prayer and the lobster was gone for ever.
source : blog.livedoor.jp/miyagiyokai...
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
南魚沼郡 Minami-Uonuma district 六日町 Muikamachi town
. kani 蟹 crab, crabs legends .
At 白山神社 the Hakusan Shrine there is a special tamoto ishi 袂石 memorial stone for the nun 妙音比丘尼 Myoon Bikuni, who lived in the Muromachi period.
If people come here to pray, their tooth ache will be healed.
People also offer images of crabs and crabs are not killed in this town.
- - - - -
The matsu 松 pine tree behind 白山神社 the Shirayama Shrine was called
musubi no matsu ムスビノ松 pine to tie branches.
If people tied branches and made a wish, it would be fulfilled.
In this area people do not put up kadomatsu 門松 New Year pine decorations.
Niigata 小千谷市 Ojiya city
The Kami from 白山神社 Shirayama Shrine has only one eye, because she hurt the other one. Now people do not grow mugi 麦 wheat and goma ゴマ sesame.
Niigata 佐渡市 Sado city 畑野町 Hatano town
. kami no ta asobi 神の田遊び the Rice-field Fun Ritual .
- - - - -
At the pond in Okubo in Hatano town 文覚上人 Saint Mongaku had performed water ablutions. The pond was sacred and no women were allowed in it. Children were forbidden to pee near the pond. If they did, they would get a stomach ache.
. Mongaku 文覚 Priest Mongaku (1120 – 1200) .
....................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県 .....
河内郡 Kawachi district 上三川町 Kaminokawa town
hakuryuu 白竜 Hakuryu white dragon
On the way back from elementary school, a boy was chased by a white dragon. He was very afraid.
....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
練馬区 Nerima ward
. legends about Nerima ward and the Zelkova tree .
source : nerimakanko.jp...
....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 .....
hakuryuu 白竜 Hakuryu, White Dragon
The Waterfall basin Hakuja no Taki 白蛇の滝 the the waterfall of the White Serpent is very deep and maybe has no end.
It is about 4 km long like a tunnel and reaches 最上川 the river Mogamigawa.
If anyone falls in this basin, he will never come back.
The master of this waterfall eventually went to heaven and became a hakuryuu 白竜 white dragon.
村山市 Murayama city 河島山 Kawashimayama
ryuujin 竜神 dragon deity
In the compound of the local 白山神社 Hakusan Shrine there is a pond called 白山池 Hakusan Pond.
If rain rituals are performed during a drought and people walk around the pond three days, there will be two dragons coming out of the pond going toward heaven - soon it rains. The dragons are a loving couple.
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
河島山白山神社 Kawashimayama Shirayama Shrine
....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 .....
北杜市 Hokuto city 白州町 Hakushu town
. kitsune no yome-iri 狐の嫁入り "the fox taking a bride" procession .
On the road leading to 白山神社 the Shirayama Shrine there are often kitsune no yomeiri 狐の嫁入り fox processions.
On evenings with rain villagers saw lanterns going on and off. Sometimes they saw a creature like a bride with watabooshi 綿帽子 a torn wedding hat.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
佐渡大久保 - 「白山神社の田遊神事」とその周辺
- #hakusanshrine #hakusanlegends #shirayama -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Hakusan Jinja 白山神社 Hakusan Shrines and their Legends
. Many Hakusan shrines 白山神社 in Japan .
The most important is
Shirayama Hongu Shrine 白山本宮 - Ishikawa prefecture 石川県白山市三宮町
The characters 白山 can be read as Hakusan or Shirayama, both meaning "White Mountain".
. HAKUSAN 白山 - Details by Mark Schumacher .
白山大権現 Hakusan Daigongen Deity
Former Buddhist Deities have been transformed into Hakusan Deities :
- - - 三所権現
白山妙理権現 - - 十一面観音菩薩
大行事権現(垂迹は菊理媛神 - - 聖観音菩薩
大汝権現(大己貴命) - - 阿弥陀如来
- - - 五王子権現
太郎王子 - - 不動明王
次郎王子 - - 虚空蔵菩薩
三郎王子 - - 地蔵菩薩
四郎王子(毘沙門天) Bishamonten - - 文殊菩薩
五郎王子 - - 弥勒菩薩
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
A villager of the hamlet were people of 加賀の新田氏 the Nitta clan from Kaga lived had their ubusugami 産土神 deity of their birth place venerated at 白山神社 the Hakusan Shrine. The messenger of the deity was a hebi 蛇 serpent. This serpent was large and thick and had many children.
. ubusugami 産土神 clan deity legends .
Aichi 知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita town // 白竜
tateishi sama 立石さま Honorable Standing Stone
On the mountain road connecting 須佐 Susa and 小佐 Kosa there is a small Shrine.
A stone named Tateishi sama 立石さま Honorable Tateishi is venerated there.
People come here to pray for Safety at Sea, Protection from Disasters and Health for the Family.
Some say it is the grave of a nobleman and gold was hidden in the grave.
It links to a great cave where hakuryuu 白竜 a White Dragon lived.
Aichi 犬山市 Inuyama city 寺内町 Jinai town
hakuryuu 白龍 white dragon
At the roots of the old pine tree at 白山神社 Shirayama Shrine there lived goshiki ryuujin 五色龍神 a dragon Deity with five colors. source : kingoryujin/status...
If people tried to touch the tree or break branches for firewood, they would experience of lot of bad luck.
Eventually people would not come here any more and the Shrine fell into decay.
At that time the 白山竜神 dragon deity of Shirayama appeared in a dream of a local fisherman.
At the root of the pine appeared a halo and said if they would revive the shrine, all would find good luck and his family would not experience illnes or poverty ever again.
The fisherman did as he was told in the dream and lived happily ever after.
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
Aichi 東加茂郡 Higashi-Kamo district 下山町 Shimoyama town
. koi 鯉 と伝説 Legends about carps - Karpfen .
The master of the local pond 玉金の池 was a koi 鯉 carp.
One day a man shot it with a gun and ate the fish, but soon he became ill with palsy.
The friend who had told him about the carp became a mouth disease.
Since then people did not fish in the pond any more.
If the villagers clean the pond during a drought, it will soon start to rain.
In July they make an offerind of a life carp to 白山神 the Shirayama Shrine.
....................................................................... Akita 秋田県 .....
横手市 Yokote city
oosuzu 大鈴, a large temple bell
Once a man walked around the compound of Shirayama Shrine at night, he could hear the sound of a huge bell rolling down, between his legs and then disappeard.
When he reached the graveyard of the temple 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji and crossed the bridge, the bell came rolling again, passed between his legs and then disappeared.
Hakusan Shrine, Akita, Yokote, Omorimachi Uwamizo, 岩瀬51 / 横手市大森町上溝 岩瀬51
source : akita-jinjacho.sakura.ne.jp...
....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....
郡上市 Gujo city 和良村 Waramura village
butsuzoo 仏像 a Buddha statue
Each member of the family 中島家 Nakajima, 熊崎家 Kumazaki and 熊崎家 Kumasaki once had the same dream:
"Go digging in the fields in front of the shrine. "
When they did they found a black Buddha statue.
They brought the statue to 白山神社 the Hakusan Shrine as an offering, but it got lost later.
Gifu 加茂郡 Kamo district 西白川村 Nishi-Shirakawa village
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
In the forest of 白山神社 Hakusan Shrine there was a strange noise of trees falling down, maybe twice a year.
They say this must be the doing of the local Tengu.
....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
hakuryuu 白竜 Hakuryu white dragon and tenpaku 天白 Tenpaku
In Mie prefecture and Aichi, Nagoya, there are many place names called 天白 Tenpaku.
The name is also used for families and Shinto Shrines. But nobody knows why.
Maybe it comes from the saying
水神昇天白竜 The Female God of Water goes to Heaven as a White Dragon.
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
栗原市 Kurihara city 築館 Tsukidate town
ryuujo 龍女 dragon woman
The spirit of the 白山神社 Hakusan Shrine appeared as a beautiful young child.
The child complained that two dragon women were fighting about the Shrine and tried to prevent an old and a young woman from appearing.
It confined the two dragon women in the nearby pond.
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
Miyagi 柴田郡 Shibata district 柴田町 Shibata town 海老穴 Ebina
. ebi えび / 海老 / 蝦 lobster, prawn, shrimp .
In the back of 海老穴の白山神社 the Shirayama Shrine in Ebina there is a hole where water comes out.
In former times there was a huge ebi 海老 lobster, hence the name of the area.
Every year, the villagers had to make an offering of a young woman to the lobster.
One year a girl from a hunter family was chosen and she offered to go.
She sat in front of the hole and prayed all night.
Suddenly a strong flash of lightning was seen, heading toward the sky.
Next morning the girl was still sitting there in prayer and the lobster was gone for ever.
source : blog.livedoor.jp/miyagiyokai...
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
南魚沼郡 Minami-Uonuma district 六日町 Muikamachi town
. kani 蟹 crab, crabs legends .
At 白山神社 the Hakusan Shrine there is a special tamoto ishi 袂石 memorial stone for the nun 妙音比丘尼 Myoon Bikuni, who lived in the Muromachi period.
If people come here to pray, their tooth ache will be healed.
People also offer images of crabs and crabs are not killed in this town.
- - - - -
The matsu 松 pine tree behind 白山神社 the Shirayama Shrine was called
musubi no matsu ムスビノ松 pine to tie branches.
If people tied branches and made a wish, it would be fulfilled.
In this area people do not put up kadomatsu 門松 New Year pine decorations.
Niigata 小千谷市 Ojiya city
The Kami from 白山神社 Shirayama Shrine has only one eye, because she hurt the other one. Now people do not grow mugi 麦 wheat and goma ゴマ sesame.
Niigata 佐渡市 Sado city 畑野町 Hatano town
. kami no ta asobi 神の田遊び the Rice-field Fun Ritual .
- - - - -
At the pond in Okubo in Hatano town 文覚上人 Saint Mongaku had performed water ablutions. The pond was sacred and no women were allowed in it. Children were forbidden to pee near the pond. If they did, they would get a stomach ache.
. Mongaku 文覚 Priest Mongaku (1120 – 1200) .
....................................................................... Tochigi 栃木県 .....
河内郡 Kawachi district 上三川町 Kaminokawa town
hakuryuu 白竜 Hakuryu white dragon
On the way back from elementary school, a boy was chased by a white dragon. He was very afraid.
....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
練馬区 Nerima ward
. legends about Nerima ward and the Zelkova tree .
source : nerimakanko.jp...
....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 .....
hakuryuu 白竜 Hakuryu, White Dragon
The Waterfall basin Hakuja no Taki 白蛇の滝 the the waterfall of the White Serpent is very deep and maybe has no end.
It is about 4 km long like a tunnel and reaches 最上川 the river Mogamigawa.
If anyone falls in this basin, he will never come back.
The master of this waterfall eventually went to heaven and became a hakuryuu 白竜 white dragon.
村山市 Murayama city 河島山 Kawashimayama
ryuujin 竜神 dragon deity
In the compound of the local 白山神社 Hakusan Shrine there is a pond called 白山池 Hakusan Pond.
If rain rituals are performed during a drought and people walk around the pond three days, there will be two dragons coming out of the pond going toward heaven - soon it rains. The dragons are a loving couple.
. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
河島山白山神社 Kawashimayama Shirayama Shrine
....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 .....
北杜市 Hokuto city 白州町 Hakushu town
. kitsune no yome-iri 狐の嫁入り "the fox taking a bride" procession .
On the road leading to 白山神社 the Shirayama Shrine there are often kitsune no yomeiri 狐の嫁入り fox processions.
On evenings with rain villagers saw lanterns going on and off. Sometimes they saw a creature like a bride with watabooshi 綿帽子 a torn wedding hat.
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
佐渡大久保 - 「白山神社の田遊神事」とその周辺
- #hakusanshrine #hakusanlegends #shirayama -
Suwa Jinja Legends
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Suwa Jinja 諏訪神社 Suwa Shrines and their Legends
. Great Suwa Shrine 諏訪大社 Suwa Taisha, Nagano .
Lower Suwa Shrine, Misayama 御射山
- - - Enshrined deities:
Tateminakata no Mikoto 建御名方命
Yasakatome no Mikoto 八坂刀売命
O-Suwa Sama, Suwa Sama 御諏訪様 the "Suwa Deity"
. hakuja (shirohebi) 白蛇 white serpent - messenger of the Deity .
There are many sub-shrines with this name in other parts of Japan.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- quote -
Kōga Saburō 甲賀三郎 Koga Saburo
is a character in Japanese folklore associated with the Suwa region.
Many variants on the basic story exist; the following summary is based on the earliest literary version of the tale found in the Shintōshū.
The third son of a local landlord of Kōka District in Ōmi Province, a distinguished warrior named Kōga Saburō Yorikata (甲賀三郎諏方) was searching for his lost wife, Princess Kasuga (春日姫 Kasuga-hime) in a cave in Mount Tateshina in Shinano, with his two elder brothers.
The second brother, who was jealous of Saburō's prowess and fame and who coveted Kasuga, traps the latter inside the cave after they had rescued the princess.
With no way out, Saburō has no other choice but to go deeper into the cave, which was actually an entrance to various underground realms filled with many wonders. After travelling through these subterranean lands for a long period of time, he finally finds his way back to the surface, only to find himself transformed into a giant snake or dragon.
With the help of Buddhist monks (who turn out to be gods in disguise), Saburō regains his human form and is finally reunited with his wife.
Saburō eventually becomes Suwa Myōjin, the god of the Upper Shrine of Suwa, while his wife becomes the goddess of the Lower Shrine.
This version of the legend explains the origin of the name 'Suwa' (諏訪 or 諏方) via folk etymology
as being derived from Saburō's personal name, Yorikata (諏方).
- source : wikipedia -
....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
南宇和郡 Minami-Uwa district 城辺町 Johen city
O-Rei san おれいさん the babysitter O-Rei
O-Rei san おれいさん The babysitter of 庄屋 the village headman family, O-Rei, had by accident dropped the baby into the well and it died. The angry father threw O-Rei also into the well to kill her.
But soon the headman felt a curse and became very ill.
To find peace of mind he had special rituals for O-Rei held at 諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine.
....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....
When they tried to relocate 諏訪神 the Suwa Shrine to built a castle, a reija 霊蛇 ghost serpent appeared. It lied on the road and did not move. Someone took the branch of a plum tree and hit the serpent on the head. The serpent had a wound on the left eye and left, never to be seen.
Since that event, the ujiko 氏子 parishioners of the shrine never planted plum trees again.
. ujiko 氏子 local worshiper, parishioner of a Shinto shrine .
Gifu 荻原町 Hagiwara town
aodaishoo, ao daishoo 青大将 Japanese rat snake
For the festival at 諏訪神社 Suwa Jinja people wanted to get the mikoshi 神輿 portable shrine out, but a Japanese rat snake was lying in there and did not move. A retainer of the 金森家 Kanamori family got angry, took the branch of a plum tree and hit the serpent on the head. The serpent had a wound on the left eye and left, never to be seen.
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
いわき市 Iwaki city
. ema 絵馬 と伝説 Legends about votive tablets .
At 諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine of 下平窪 Shimo-Hirakubo there is an ema 絵馬 votive tablet of an old woman giving Sake to 金太郎 Kintaro.
This was maybe offered with the wish to be healthy in old age to enjoy Sake.
. Kintaro 金太郎 the Golden Boy .
At 八幡神社 the Hachiman Shrine at 草野 Kusano and at 諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine at 絹谷 Kinuya there are ema 絵馬 votive tablets from Dewa Sanzan 出羽三山 the three mountains of Dewa. They depict a priest standing unter a waterfall.
In front of the waterfall is a mirror and sometimes people can see the Deity in this mirror.
- At the Suwa Shrine in 絹谷 Kinuya is also an Ema with a serpent. The Serpent is the protector of kaiko 蚕 silk worms, because it eats the rats.
. kinu 絹 legends and tales about silk and silk worms .
....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....
渋川市 Shibukawa city 赤城町 Akagi town
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .
To prepare a water pipe for 江戸玉川上水 the Tamagawa waterway to Edo the villagers cut the shinboku 神木 sacred tree in the compound of the Suwa Shrine. But over night the tree had grown back.
Another time there was red liquid dripping out of the tree. This was a sign that a forest worker from Echigo had died.
....................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 .....
茨城町 Ibaraki town
. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
and the keyaki 欅 zelkova tree at お諏訪様 the Suwa Shrine
Ibaraki 古河市 Koga city
. shii 椎 the Shii-oak, Pasania .
In the compound of 古河城 Koga castle there was a huge 椎の木 Shii-oak tree, venerated as shinboku 神木 a divine tree, to host the Deity of Suwa. The tree became very huge, so the villagers cut it down. But when they used the wood as firewood, the place became cursed.
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .
. keyaki 欅と伝説 Legends about the Zelkova tree .
....................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県 .....
鳳至郡 Fugeshi district 穴水町 Anamizu town
. ryuutoo, ryūtō 龍燈 Ryuto, "dragon lantern" .
At 一本木諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine of Ippongi, there was a strange "dragon light", a ball of fire to be seen at the huge boulder in the sea on the last day of the year. The fire ball would head toward the Suwa Shrine and then back to the sea to Ryuto Misaki 龍燈崎 "Cape Dragon Light".
....................................................................... Iwate 岩手県 .....
和賀郡 Waga district
aki matsuri 秋祭り autumn festival
If it rains on the day of the autumn festival of 諏訪神社 the local Suwa Shrine, it will also rain on other Suwa Shrines in the area.
....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
さぬき市 Sanuki city
shokki 食器 dishes
On the festival day of the 諏訪神社 Suwa Shrine there come many visitors and there are not enough dishes to serve them all.
The priest goes to the Shrine on the day before the festival and anounces how many visitors will come. On the Festival day there are just the right number of dishes in a cave near the Shrine. After the festival the priest brings the dishes back to the cave.
One day a family did not bring back the dishes and from that day on, people could not borrow dishes from the Shrine any more.
....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 .....
津久井郡 Tsukui district
. ushi no koku mairi 丑の刻参り .
The double-hour of the bull from one to three at night used for a curse.
Once a woman betrayed by her lover went to 諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine at the double-hour of the bull.
Her hair hung down, the robes were in disarray and she clutched a razor with her teeth.
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
綾部市 Ayabe city
One of the seven wonders of Kyoto :
一日で熟す諏訪神社の柿 the kaki persimmons of the tree at Suwa Shrine ripen in just one day.
source : ayabebunkazai.blog ...
....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
四日市市 Yokkaichi city
. 大入道 The O-Nyudo of Yokkaichi .
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
仙台市 Sendai city 青葉区 Aoba ward
jatai banzan 蛇体番山 (ジャタイバンザン) straw serpent from Banzan
For a rain ritual, people prepare a large serpent made of straw. Inside they put a living serpent and more straw and then carry it to 番山 Banzan, where the ritual is performed.
Near 蛇台原 Jadaihara close to 下愛子の諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine at Shimo-Ayashi they make a large serpent of straw.
Banzan has three districts, 東番山 Higashi, 中番山 Naka and 西番山 Nishi. At Nishi-Banzan they call it "jatai banzan".
For rain rituals during a period of long rain, they go to the 黒滝不動 Kurotaki Fudo Waterfall tt the North side of Naka-Banzan of offer the straw serpent. Then the rain will stop.
. amagoi 雨乞いと伝説 Legends about rain rituals / Regenzauber .
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
nana fushigi 七不思議 the seven wonders of the Suwa Shrine in Suwa city
湖水の神幸 Kami walking over the water
元旦の蛙狩り catching frogs on the first day of the year
正月十五日五穀の筒粥 cooking rice in a bamboo pipe on the 15th January
三月酉日の高野の耳割鹿 on the day of the rooster in March splitting ears of the deer
六月朔月の御田植の新木 on the day of the new moon in June rice planting
午の日午の刻宝殿の点漏 water leaking from the treasure hall on the day of the horse, at the hour of the horse
葛井の清水 clear water of the kuzu arrowroot pond
. nanafushigi 七不思議 "The Seven Wonders" of Japan .
. Omiwatari 御神渡 O-Miwatari "God's Crossing" of the Lake .
Nagano 北安曇郡 Kita-Azumi district 白馬村 Hakuba village
. katsura 桂 Japanese Judas tree, Cercidiphyllum japonicum .
katsura no ki かつらの木 Katsura tree
雨降宮嶺方諏訪神社 Amefurimiyaminekatasuwa Shrine
The deity in resicence at 嶺方雨降宮諏訪社 Minekata amefuri no miya Suwasha is a jatai 蛇体 a serpent.
It had come from Echigo and wondered where to go, until it reached Nagano. At that moment, there was a great light emanating from the Katsura tree.
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
Nagano 南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district
chinshoo 沈鐘 the sunken temple bell
At the riverpool 七曲りの渕 Nanamagari no fuchi there was a sunken bell and the villagers could not pull it out. One villager mumbled: "If we ever get it out, we should give ti to 松原の諏訪様 the Suwa Shrine at Matsubara." Now all of a sudden they could pull it out and even now it is at the Suwa shrine at Matsubara. Matsubarasuwa Shrine 松原諏訪神社
4316 Toyosato, Koumi, Minamisaku District, Nagano
- homepage of the Shrine . matsubarasuwajinja -
- - - - - . ujigami 氏神 clan KAMI deities .
In the ground of the Ujigami at 諏訪様 Suwa Shrine there lived once many serpents. The villagers asked the priest of the nearby temple to perform 蛇封じ special rituals to drive out the serpents and read the sutras. After that, the serpents did not appear any more.
Nagano 南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 小海町 Koumi town
. asa 麻 hemp .
At 佐久穂町 Sakuho town, 諏訪様 the Suwa Deity does not like hemp, because once it had an eye pierced by a stem of hemp.
Therefore the local villagers do not grow hemp.
. mitsume no usagi 三つ目のうさぎ rabbit with three eyes .
o-kyozuka no yoru no ame お経塚の夜の雨 rain in the evening at the sutra mound
West of the 諏訪神社 Suwa Shrine three is kyozuka 経塚 a sutra mound.
In the forest of this sutra mound there is one place where it rains just a bit on every night.
In this area they say if rain falls at night, there will be bakemono 化け物 a monster coming out.
suo no ki すおうの木 Caesalpinia sappan tree, Indian redwood
This tree resembles the つがの木 Tsuga sieboldii, southern Japanese hemlock tree. If people use the bark of this tree for dyeing things, they can get any color they like. This tree grows in the compound of お諏訪様 the Suwa Shrine, but nobody ever dared to use the bark.
Takanebayashi no horagaishi 高根林のほらが石
conch-shell stone of Takanebayashi forest
North of the forest of Suwa Jinja there is a stone looking like a horagai 法螺貝 consh-shell.
If there are strange things to happen in the village, the stone makes a warning sound of a conch-shell.
Nearby is also a statue of 地蔵様 Jizo Bosatsu, and some call the stone
Jizo no horagaishi 地蔵のほらが石 conch-shell stone of Jizo.
. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
ryooha no susuki 両葉のすすき pampas grass with leaves on both sides
There was a place where this special pampas grass grew wild. If anyone got it, he would be lucky for life.
It grows in the compound of 諏訪神社 Suwa Shrine, but nobody dared to get any.
. susuki 薄 (すすき) pampas grass .
Nagano 諏訪市 Suwa city
kaeru 蛙 frogs
At 信州諏訪大社 the Great Shrine of Suwa there was a frog venerated at the river 御手洗川 Mitarashigawa, the river where people purify their hands in the water.
Once the Shrine priest cut the ice of the river with an ax and frogs came jumping out. He caught three frogs and used them as an aim for shooting with his arrow.
In the year 1706, on the last day of the year, there was a strong rain and all the ice had melted. So the priest could not get any frogs. But when the first day of the New Year had come, the priest saw three frogs squatting at the stairs to the Shrine. So he could proceede with the rituals. This is one of the seven wonders of the Great Shrine of Suwa.
Nagano 上田市 Ueda city
. kuzuryū, kuzu ryuu 九頭龍 Kuzuryu, "9-headed dragon" at Togakushi .
Once upon a time, 諏訪様 the Deity of the Suwa Shrine transformed into a woman and got married. When she gave birth, a creature with nine heads came creeping and sliding out.
It was Kuzuryu 九頭龍 the nine-headed dragon, which is now venerated at 戸隠 Togakushi.
....................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県 .....
長崎市 Nagasaki city
. yakudoshi 厄年 "years of calamity" .
On the 1st day of June men of the age of 41, their yakudoshi 厄年 year of calamity, go to 諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine for a special purification ritual.
After that they go to a restaurant or bar and start drinking. These men do not go home the whole day.
If they would go home, they will be cursed.
- quote -
the major Shinto shrine of Nagasaki, and home to the Nagasaki Kunchi (kunchi (くんち) means "festival"). It is located in the northern part of the city, on the slopes of Mount Tamazono-san, and features a 277-step stone staircase leading up the mountain to the various buildings that comprise the shrine.
Suwa shrine was established as a way of stopping and reverting the conversion to Christianity that was taking place in Nagasaki. In modern times it remains an important and successful center of the community.
The shrine in Nagasaki is one of many Suwa shrines, all of which are dedicated to Suwa-no-Kami, a kami of valor and duty, and are linked with Suwa Taisha, the head shrine of Suwa-no-Kami worship. Two other kami spirits are also enshrined at Suwa shrine, all three of which are celebrated during the Kunchi.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
長岡市 Nagaoka city
katame no kamisama 片目の神様 Kami with one eye
諏訪様 The deity of Suwa Shrine once fell down and pierced one eye with the ears of wheat. Therefore the people in this area do not grow wheat.
Many villagers are said to have one very small eye.
. Yamanokami legends . 片目片足の神様 the Deity with one Eye and one Leg.
. katame no Kami 片目の神 Kami with one eye - legends .
- - - - -
魚沼市 Uonuma city
諏訪様 The deity of the Suwa Shrine once had a bout of Sumo wrestling in a field of goma ゴマ sesame. The shells of the sesame pierced its eyes and it became a deity with one eye.
....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
秩父郡 Chichibu district 吉田町 Yoshida town
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
A couple which did not have any children went to お諏訪様 the Suwa Shrine to pray and indeed, the woman got pregnant. When the girl was 15 years old, it suddenly wanted to go to the Suwa shrine. The parents thought it strange and had some purification rituals held. The girl then jumped to the local pond and became a daija 大蛇 huge serpent.
....................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県 .....
浜松市 Hamamatsu city 龍山町 Tatsuyama town
o-hataki オハタキ / o-hataki mochi オハタキ餅 / おはたき餅 bare and long steamed rice cake
On the second day of the New Year, people pound rice at 諏訪神社 Suwa Shrine in a stone mortar. They use the powder to make rice cakes, called o-hataki mochi.
If people eat them, they will not become ill all year long.
. mochi 餅と伝説 Legends about rice cakes .
....................................................................... Toyama 富山県 .....
富山市 Toyama city
. Aragamisama, Koojin sama 荒神様 Kojin Wild Deity .
During the festival of 諏訪神社 Suwa Shrine, there are two hikiyama 曳山 festival floats, one for each deity.
The floats from each neighbourhood pass each other, hitting the floats and fighting.
This is done because the deity of Suwa Shrine and the Kojin deity like to have a fights.
Thus the festival became known as kenka matsuri 喧嘩まつり fighting festival.
....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県.....
北杜市 Hokuto city
. meoto keyaki 夫婦欅 "husband and wife Zelkova" tree .
Yamanashi 北都留郡 Kita-Tsuru district
shikazuka no tatari 鹿塚のたたり curse of the deer mound
The Suwa Shrine of 川久保 Kawakubo is counted as one of the 24 major Suwa Shrines of 信州 Shinshu.
At the Shrine they collect the heads of deer. The same order was given to the Suwa Shrine at 小菅 Kosuge.
The bodies of the deer were buried at the border between 山沢 and 大久保. A sekito 石塔 stone pagoda was erected above the grave. If people defile this pagoda, they will be cursed.
南巨摩郡 Minami-Koma district 南部町 Nanbu town
Suwa Jinja no Kami 諏訪神社の神 The Deity of Suwa Shrine
The messenger of Suwa Shrine is hakuja (shirohebi) 白蛇 a white serpent. It came down on the river, riding on 「麻からのくき」 a hemp leaf.
The villagers from 睦合村 Mutsuai village 塩沢部落 Shiozawa hamlet saw it first, scooped it from the water and built a small Shrine to venerte it. To honor the situation, the villagers do not grow asa 麻 hemp any more.
Now they hold a festival in its honor at the Suwa Shrine on April 15 every year. During the festival, the mikoshi 神輿 portable Shrine in placed in a small hut erected for this purpose at the banks of the river 富士川 Fujikawa.
But one year they did not erect the small hut and and soon after densenbyoo 伝染病 an epidemic came over the hamlet.
This was the curse of the Deity. Therefore the next year they build the hut again and all went well.
. hayariyamai はやり病 / Ryukobyo 流行病と伝説 Legends about epidemics .
伝染病 Densenbyo contagious diseases / pandemic
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- #suwajinja #suwashrine #suwataisha #hakuja #shirohebi -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
Suwa Jinja 諏訪神社 Suwa Shrines and their Legends
. Great Suwa Shrine 諏訪大社 Suwa Taisha, Nagano .
Lower Suwa Shrine, Misayama 御射山
- - - Enshrined deities:
Tateminakata no Mikoto 建御名方命
Yasakatome no Mikoto 八坂刀売命
O-Suwa Sama, Suwa Sama 御諏訪様 the "Suwa Deity"
. hakuja (shirohebi) 白蛇 white serpent - messenger of the Deity .
There are many sub-shrines with this name in other parts of Japan.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- quote -
Kōga Saburō 甲賀三郎 Koga Saburo
is a character in Japanese folklore associated with the Suwa region.
Many variants on the basic story exist; the following summary is based on the earliest literary version of the tale found in the Shintōshū.
The third son of a local landlord of Kōka District in Ōmi Province, a distinguished warrior named Kōga Saburō Yorikata (甲賀三郎諏方) was searching for his lost wife, Princess Kasuga (春日姫 Kasuga-hime) in a cave in Mount Tateshina in Shinano, with his two elder brothers.
The second brother, who was jealous of Saburō's prowess and fame and who coveted Kasuga, traps the latter inside the cave after they had rescued the princess.
With no way out, Saburō has no other choice but to go deeper into the cave, which was actually an entrance to various underground realms filled with many wonders. After travelling through these subterranean lands for a long period of time, he finally finds his way back to the surface, only to find himself transformed into a giant snake or dragon.
With the help of Buddhist monks (who turn out to be gods in disguise), Saburō regains his human form and is finally reunited with his wife.
Saburō eventually becomes Suwa Myōjin, the god of the Upper Shrine of Suwa, while his wife becomes the goddess of the Lower Shrine.
This version of the legend explains the origin of the name 'Suwa' (諏訪 or 諏方) via folk etymology
as being derived from Saburō's personal name, Yorikata (諏方).
- source : wikipedia -
....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
南宇和郡 Minami-Uwa district 城辺町 Johen city
O-Rei san おれいさん the babysitter O-Rei
O-Rei san おれいさん The babysitter of 庄屋 the village headman family, O-Rei, had by accident dropped the baby into the well and it died. The angry father threw O-Rei also into the well to kill her.
But soon the headman felt a curse and became very ill.
To find peace of mind he had special rituals for O-Rei held at 諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine.
....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....
When they tried to relocate 諏訪神 the Suwa Shrine to built a castle, a reija 霊蛇 ghost serpent appeared. It lied on the road and did not move. Someone took the branch of a plum tree and hit the serpent on the head. The serpent had a wound on the left eye and left, never to be seen.
Since that event, the ujiko 氏子 parishioners of the shrine never planted plum trees again.
. ujiko 氏子 local worshiper, parishioner of a Shinto shrine .
Gifu 荻原町 Hagiwara town
aodaishoo, ao daishoo 青大将 Japanese rat snake
For the festival at 諏訪神社 Suwa Jinja people wanted to get the mikoshi 神輿 portable shrine out, but a Japanese rat snake was lying in there and did not move. A retainer of the 金森家 Kanamori family got angry, took the branch of a plum tree and hit the serpent on the head. The serpent had a wound on the left eye and left, never to be seen.
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
いわき市 Iwaki city
. ema 絵馬 と伝説 Legends about votive tablets .
At 諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine of 下平窪 Shimo-Hirakubo there is an ema 絵馬 votive tablet of an old woman giving Sake to 金太郎 Kintaro.
This was maybe offered with the wish to be healthy in old age to enjoy Sake.
. Kintaro 金太郎 the Golden Boy .
At 八幡神社 the Hachiman Shrine at 草野 Kusano and at 諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine at 絹谷 Kinuya there are ema 絵馬 votive tablets from Dewa Sanzan 出羽三山 the three mountains of Dewa. They depict a priest standing unter a waterfall.
In front of the waterfall is a mirror and sometimes people can see the Deity in this mirror.
- At the Suwa Shrine in 絹谷 Kinuya is also an Ema with a serpent. The Serpent is the protector of kaiko 蚕 silk worms, because it eats the rats.
. kinu 絹 legends and tales about silk and silk worms .
....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県 .....
渋川市 Shibukawa city 赤城町 Akagi town
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .
To prepare a water pipe for 江戸玉川上水 the Tamagawa waterway to Edo the villagers cut the shinboku 神木 sacred tree in the compound of the Suwa Shrine. But over night the tree had grown back.
Another time there was red liquid dripping out of the tree. This was a sign that a forest worker from Echigo had died.
....................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 .....
茨城町 Ibaraki town
. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
and the keyaki 欅 zelkova tree at お諏訪様 the Suwa Shrine
Ibaraki 古河市 Koga city
. shii 椎 the Shii-oak, Pasania .
In the compound of 古河城 Koga castle there was a huge 椎の木 Shii-oak tree, venerated as shinboku 神木 a divine tree, to host the Deity of Suwa. The tree became very huge, so the villagers cut it down. But when they used the wood as firewood, the place became cursed.
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .
. keyaki 欅と伝説 Legends about the Zelkova tree .
....................................................................... Ishikawa 石川県 .....
鳳至郡 Fugeshi district 穴水町 Anamizu town
. ryuutoo, ryūtō 龍燈 Ryuto, "dragon lantern" .
At 一本木諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine of Ippongi, there was a strange "dragon light", a ball of fire to be seen at the huge boulder in the sea on the last day of the year. The fire ball would head toward the Suwa Shrine and then back to the sea to Ryuto Misaki 龍燈崎 "Cape Dragon Light".
....................................................................... Iwate 岩手県 .....
和賀郡 Waga district
aki matsuri 秋祭り autumn festival
If it rains on the day of the autumn festival of 諏訪神社 the local Suwa Shrine, it will also rain on other Suwa Shrines in the area.
....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
さぬき市 Sanuki city
shokki 食器 dishes
On the festival day of the 諏訪神社 Suwa Shrine there come many visitors and there are not enough dishes to serve them all.
The priest goes to the Shrine on the day before the festival and anounces how many visitors will come. On the Festival day there are just the right number of dishes in a cave near the Shrine. After the festival the priest brings the dishes back to the cave.
One day a family did not bring back the dishes and from that day on, people could not borrow dishes from the Shrine any more.
....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 .....
津久井郡 Tsukui district
. ushi no koku mairi 丑の刻参り .
The double-hour of the bull from one to three at night used for a curse.
Once a woman betrayed by her lover went to 諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine at the double-hour of the bull.
Her hair hung down, the robes were in disarray and she clutched a razor with her teeth.
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
綾部市 Ayabe city
One of the seven wonders of Kyoto :
一日で熟す諏訪神社の柿 the kaki persimmons of the tree at Suwa Shrine ripen in just one day.
source : ayabebunkazai.blog ...
....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
四日市市 Yokkaichi city
. 大入道 The O-Nyudo of Yokkaichi .
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
仙台市 Sendai city 青葉区 Aoba ward
jatai banzan 蛇体番山 (ジャタイバンザン) straw serpent from Banzan
For a rain ritual, people prepare a large serpent made of straw. Inside they put a living serpent and more straw and then carry it to 番山 Banzan, where the ritual is performed.
Near 蛇台原 Jadaihara close to 下愛子の諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine at Shimo-Ayashi they make a large serpent of straw.
Banzan has three districts, 東番山 Higashi, 中番山 Naka and 西番山 Nishi. At Nishi-Banzan they call it "jatai banzan".
For rain rituals during a period of long rain, they go to the 黒滝不動 Kurotaki Fudo Waterfall tt the North side of Naka-Banzan of offer the straw serpent. Then the rain will stop.
. amagoi 雨乞いと伝説 Legends about rain rituals / Regenzauber .
....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
nana fushigi 七不思議 the seven wonders of the Suwa Shrine in Suwa city
湖水の神幸 Kami walking over the water
元旦の蛙狩り catching frogs on the first day of the year
正月十五日五穀の筒粥 cooking rice in a bamboo pipe on the 15th January
三月酉日の高野の耳割鹿 on the day of the rooster in March splitting ears of the deer
六月朔月の御田植の新木 on the day of the new moon in June rice planting
午の日午の刻宝殿の点漏 water leaking from the treasure hall on the day of the horse, at the hour of the horse
葛井の清水 clear water of the kuzu arrowroot pond
. nanafushigi 七不思議 "The Seven Wonders" of Japan .
. Omiwatari 御神渡 O-Miwatari "God's Crossing" of the Lake .
Nagano 北安曇郡 Kita-Azumi district 白馬村 Hakuba village
. katsura 桂 Japanese Judas tree, Cercidiphyllum japonicum .
katsura no ki かつらの木 Katsura tree
雨降宮嶺方諏訪神社 Amefurimiyaminekatasuwa Shrine
The deity in resicence at 嶺方雨降宮諏訪社 Minekata amefuri no miya Suwasha is a jatai 蛇体 a serpent.
It had come from Echigo and wondered where to go, until it reached Nagano. At that moment, there was a great light emanating from the Katsura tree.
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
Nagano 南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district
chinshoo 沈鐘 the sunken temple bell
At the riverpool 七曲りの渕 Nanamagari no fuchi there was a sunken bell and the villagers could not pull it out. One villager mumbled: "If we ever get it out, we should give ti to 松原の諏訪様 the Suwa Shrine at Matsubara." Now all of a sudden they could pull it out and even now it is at the Suwa shrine at Matsubara. Matsubarasuwa Shrine 松原諏訪神社
4316 Toyosato, Koumi, Minamisaku District, Nagano
- homepage of the Shrine . matsubarasuwajinja -
- - - - - . ujigami 氏神 clan KAMI deities .
In the ground of the Ujigami at 諏訪様 Suwa Shrine there lived once many serpents. The villagers asked the priest of the nearby temple to perform 蛇封じ special rituals to drive out the serpents and read the sutras. After that, the serpents did not appear any more.
Nagano 南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 小海町 Koumi town
. asa 麻 hemp .
At 佐久穂町 Sakuho town, 諏訪様 the Suwa Deity does not like hemp, because once it had an eye pierced by a stem of hemp.
Therefore the local villagers do not grow hemp.
. mitsume no usagi 三つ目のうさぎ rabbit with three eyes .
o-kyozuka no yoru no ame お経塚の夜の雨 rain in the evening at the sutra mound
West of the 諏訪神社 Suwa Shrine three is kyozuka 経塚 a sutra mound.
In the forest of this sutra mound there is one place where it rains just a bit on every night.
In this area they say if rain falls at night, there will be bakemono 化け物 a monster coming out.
suo no ki すおうの木 Caesalpinia sappan tree, Indian redwood
This tree resembles the つがの木 Tsuga sieboldii, southern Japanese hemlock tree. If people use the bark of this tree for dyeing things, they can get any color they like. This tree grows in the compound of お諏訪様 the Suwa Shrine, but nobody ever dared to use the bark.
Takanebayashi no horagaishi 高根林のほらが石
conch-shell stone of Takanebayashi forest
North of the forest of Suwa Jinja there is a stone looking like a horagai 法螺貝 consh-shell.
If there are strange things to happen in the village, the stone makes a warning sound of a conch-shell.
Nearby is also a statue of 地蔵様 Jizo Bosatsu, and some call the stone
Jizo no horagaishi 地蔵のほらが石 conch-shell stone of Jizo.
. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
ryooha no susuki 両葉のすすき pampas grass with leaves on both sides
There was a place where this special pampas grass grew wild. If anyone got it, he would be lucky for life.
It grows in the compound of 諏訪神社 Suwa Shrine, but nobody dared to get any.
. susuki 薄 (すすき) pampas grass .
Nagano 諏訪市 Suwa city
kaeru 蛙 frogs
At 信州諏訪大社 the Great Shrine of Suwa there was a frog venerated at the river 御手洗川 Mitarashigawa, the river where people purify their hands in the water.
Once the Shrine priest cut the ice of the river with an ax and frogs came jumping out. He caught three frogs and used them as an aim for shooting with his arrow.
In the year 1706, on the last day of the year, there was a strong rain and all the ice had melted. So the priest could not get any frogs. But when the first day of the New Year had come, the priest saw three frogs squatting at the stairs to the Shrine. So he could proceede with the rituals. This is one of the seven wonders of the Great Shrine of Suwa.
Nagano 上田市 Ueda city
. kuzuryū, kuzu ryuu 九頭龍 Kuzuryu, "9-headed dragon" at Togakushi .
Once upon a time, 諏訪様 the Deity of the Suwa Shrine transformed into a woman and got married. When she gave birth, a creature with nine heads came creeping and sliding out.
It was Kuzuryu 九頭龍 the nine-headed dragon, which is now venerated at 戸隠 Togakushi.
....................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県 .....
長崎市 Nagasaki city
. yakudoshi 厄年 "years of calamity" .
On the 1st day of June men of the age of 41, their yakudoshi 厄年 year of calamity, go to 諏訪神社 the Suwa Shrine for a special purification ritual.
After that they go to a restaurant or bar and start drinking. These men do not go home the whole day.
If they would go home, they will be cursed.
- quote -
the major Shinto shrine of Nagasaki, and home to the Nagasaki Kunchi (kunchi (くんち) means "festival"). It is located in the northern part of the city, on the slopes of Mount Tamazono-san, and features a 277-step stone staircase leading up the mountain to the various buildings that comprise the shrine.
Suwa shrine was established as a way of stopping and reverting the conversion to Christianity that was taking place in Nagasaki. In modern times it remains an important and successful center of the community.
The shrine in Nagasaki is one of many Suwa shrines, all of which are dedicated to Suwa-no-Kami, a kami of valor and duty, and are linked with Suwa Taisha, the head shrine of Suwa-no-Kami worship. Two other kami spirits are also enshrined at Suwa shrine, all three of which are celebrated during the Kunchi.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
長岡市 Nagaoka city
katame no kamisama 片目の神様 Kami with one eye
諏訪様 The deity of Suwa Shrine once fell down and pierced one eye with the ears of wheat. Therefore the people in this area do not grow wheat.
Many villagers are said to have one very small eye.
. Yamanokami legends . 片目片足の神様 the Deity with one Eye and one Leg.
. katame no Kami 片目の神 Kami with one eye - legends .
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魚沼市 Uonuma city
諏訪様 The deity of the Suwa Shrine once had a bout of Sumo wrestling in a field of goma ゴマ sesame. The shells of the sesame pierced its eyes and it became a deity with one eye.
....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
秩父郡 Chichibu district 吉田町 Yoshida town
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
A couple which did not have any children went to お諏訪様 the Suwa Shrine to pray and indeed, the woman got pregnant. When the girl was 15 years old, it suddenly wanted to go to the Suwa shrine. The parents thought it strange and had some purification rituals held. The girl then jumped to the local pond and became a daija 大蛇 huge serpent.
....................................................................... Shizuoka 静岡県 .....
浜松市 Hamamatsu city 龍山町 Tatsuyama town
o-hataki オハタキ / o-hataki mochi オハタキ餅 / おはたき餅 bare and long steamed rice cake
On the second day of the New Year, people pound rice at 諏訪神社 Suwa Shrine in a stone mortar. They use the powder to make rice cakes, called o-hataki mochi.
If people eat them, they will not become ill all year long.
. mochi 餅と伝説 Legends about rice cakes .
....................................................................... Toyama 富山県 .....
富山市 Toyama city
. Aragamisama, Koojin sama 荒神様 Kojin Wild Deity .
During the festival of 諏訪神社 Suwa Shrine, there are two hikiyama 曳山 festival floats, one for each deity.
The floats from each neighbourhood pass each other, hitting the floats and fighting.
This is done because the deity of Suwa Shrine and the Kojin deity like to have a fights.
Thus the festival became known as kenka matsuri 喧嘩まつり fighting festival.
....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県.....
北杜市 Hokuto city
. meoto keyaki 夫婦欅 "husband and wife Zelkova" tree .
Yamanashi 北都留郡 Kita-Tsuru district
shikazuka no tatari 鹿塚のたたり curse of the deer mound
The Suwa Shrine of 川久保 Kawakubo is counted as one of the 24 major Suwa Shrines of 信州 Shinshu.
At the Shrine they collect the heads of deer. The same order was given to the Suwa Shrine at 小菅 Kosuge.
The bodies of the deer were buried at the border between 山沢 and 大久保. A sekito 石塔 stone pagoda was erected above the grave. If people defile this pagoda, they will be cursed.
南巨摩郡 Minami-Koma district 南部町 Nanbu town
Suwa Jinja no Kami 諏訪神社の神 The Deity of Suwa Shrine
The messenger of Suwa Shrine is hakuja (shirohebi) 白蛇 a white serpent. It came down on the river, riding on 「麻からのくき」 a hemp leaf.
The villagers from 睦合村 Mutsuai village 塩沢部落 Shiozawa hamlet saw it first, scooped it from the water and built a small Shrine to venerte it. To honor the situation, the villagers do not grow asa 麻 hemp any more.
Now they hold a festival in its honor at the Suwa Shrine on April 15 every year. During the festival, the mikoshi 神輿 portable Shrine in placed in a small hut erected for this purpose at the banks of the river 富士川 Fujikawa.
But one year they did not erect the small hut and and soon after densenbyoo 伝染病 an epidemic came over the hamlet.
This was the curse of the Deity. Therefore the next year they build the hut again and all went well.
. hayariyamai はやり病 / Ryukobyo 流行病と伝説 Legends about epidemics .
伝染病 Densenbyo contagious diseases / pandemic
- reference : nichibun yokai database -
- #suwajinja #suwashrine #suwataisha #hakuja #shirohebi -
kamugatari divine speach
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
kamugatari 神語 divine speach
かみがたり kamigatari かむがたり kamugatari かんがたり kangatari
shingo 神話 シンゴ divine title
shintaku 神託 oracle /
- quote
The daughter of Susanoo and the principal wife of Ōnamuchi. Ōnamuchi visited Susanoo in the underworld land of Ne no katasukuni (see Ne no kuni) and there met Suseribime, but Susanoo presented Ōnamuchi with numerous trials before he would permit the two to be married. Aided by Suseribime, Ōnamuchi succeeded in overcoming the trials, and at last escaped from Ne no kuni. As Ōnamuchi fled, Susanoo called after him, urging him to use his valor to subjugate his brother kami, to take on the new name Ōkuninushi and rule the land with Suseribime as his principal wife.
Although Ōnamuchi had earlier married Yakamihime of Inaba, he honored Susanoo's request and made Suseribime his principal wife, returning Yakamihime to Inaba. But Ōnamuchi also enraged Suseribime by traveling to the Niigata area, where he married the local maiden Nunakawahime. In confusion, Ōnamuchi decided to leave Izumo for the Yamato area, but he was reconciled to Suseribime and the two renewed their wedding vows, remaining settled in Izumo. The poem sequences exchanged during this episode between Nunakawahime, Ōnamuchi, and Suseribime were thereafter referred to as kamugatari ("divine speech").
- source : Mori Mizuexxx kokugakuin
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、「幸魂奇魂守給幸給」(さきみたま くしみたま まもりたまえ さきはえたまえ)の事で、最も重要な「唱詞(となえことば)」でもある。
出雲大社や出雲大社教などでは、神語を唱えたり、奉書する伝統がある。 仏教徒が「南無阿弥陀仏」を唱えたり、キリスト教徒が「アーメン」と言ったりするように、出雲大社では「幸魂奇魂守給幸給」である。
神語の起源は日本神話にある。大己貴神が国造りの半ばで少彦名命に常世郷に先立たれて困難に直面し、出雲国に至り言挙げした時、海のかなたから、光る神が近づいてきた。それが「幸魂奇魂」(さきみたまくしみたま)であった。[1] そして「今何処にか住まむと欲ふ」との問いに「三諸山(みむろのやま)に住まむと欲ふ」と答えたので、大己貴神その地に宮を作り大三輪の神となった。 大国主大神は、「幸魂奇魂」の存在を知り、そして自分自身の中に潜む「幸魂奇魂」の霊力により「縁結びの神」になられた。 「幸魂奇魂」の「幸」(さき)は、「咲き」や「裂き」であり、増殖や分裂である。 「幸魂奇魂」の「奇」(くし)は、「串」や「櫛」であり、「整え」や「統一」を意味する。 「幸魂奇魂」は「分化繁殖」したモノを「整え統一」させ、大国主大神の道に神習い、明るく和やかな日々が送れるということを意味する[2]。 「神語」すなわち「幸魂奇魂守給幸給」(さきみたま くしみたま まもりたまえ さきはえたまえ)の神語は通常は三唱するが、非常にゆっくりと、また独特な節回しで唱える。 また神事では神職や参列者も神語を声に出して一緒に唱えることが多い。なお、出雲以外でも大神神社[3]や大国主大神を奉斎する神社が神語を用いる例もある。
なお葬儀や慰霊祭などでは幽冥神語(ゆうめいしんご)「幽世大神憐給恵給幸魂奇魂守給幸給」(かくりよのおおかみ あわれみたまえめぐみたまえ さきみたまくしみたま まもりたまえさきわえたまえ)を唱える。その他に神語を墨書し出雲大社に献納申し上げる「神語奉書」も盛大に行われている。
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A "divine title" affixed to the name of a kami. A wide variety of titles have come into use in accordance with the unique characteristics of kami, and as a result of historical changes in the way kami have been understood. In the ancient period, the title mikoto was used, while expressions such as myōjin ("shining kami"), daibosatsu (great bodhisattva), and gongen (avatar) came into use as a product of kami-buddha combinatory cults (shinbutsu shūgō). During the Edo period, the title reisha ("spirit shrine") was applied to the departed spirits of human beings.
The title mikoto, written variously with the characters 命 or 尊was used in ancient classics such as Kojiki and Nihongi as a title of respect for both kami and noble persons. It is believed that mi represents an honorific prefix, while koto means "thing," "event," or "word"; together, the reading mikoto has been interpreted as referring to a "noble personage," "minister" or "medium" (mikotomochi), and "noble child" (miko; see mikogami).
Nihongi differentiates between the usage of characters 尊 and 命 for mikoto, stating that the earlier character is used to refer only to kami of the utmost dignity with direct linkage to the imperial descent, while the latter character is used for all other kami.
The title myōjin 明神 as applied to Japanese kami is believed to evolved from an earlier term myōjin 名神 ("eminent kami"), which was used in ancient works like Engishiki to refer to kami of particularly noteworthy power. Under the influence of the homophonic myōjin 明神 ("shining deity") found in Chinese and Buddhist texts, the latter character combination came to be applied to indigenous kami as well.
Daibosatsu is obviously a term of Buddhist origin, and refers to a "great kami that has awakened to the Way of the Bodhisattva." The title daibosatsu is first seen in 781, when the kami Hachiman was honored with the title Gokoku Reigen Iriki Jintsū Daibosatsu ("Great Bodhisattva of National Protection and Marvelous Spirit Power"). From that time, the title daibosatsu has been applied to numerous other kami, including Fuji Sengen Daibosatsu and Tado Daibosatsu.
Gongen (avatar) is likewise of Buddhist origin, a term deriving from the doctrine of honji suijaku ("original essence, manifest traces"). According to this belief, buddhas may provisionally manifest themselves in this world in the form of kami or deities indigenous to various locales. Some well-known kami bestowed with this title include Kumano Gongen, Kasuga Gongen, and Hakusan Gongen.
The title reisha originates with the Yuiitsu Shinto school of the Yoshida family, which first used the term to refer to a shrine erected over the grave of the school's founder. Mano Tokitsuna's Kokin shingaku ruihen describes reisha as "a general term referring to shrines devoted to the spirits of human beings," but the term was also later used as a title for the kami themselves. Within Yoshida Shintō, the titles reijin reisha and myōjin were all applied to deceased human spirits, and this usage influenced the use of the terms in other schools as well, including Yoshikawa Shintō and Suika Shintō, where they were applied to persons who had mastered the deepest imports of the religion. Some of these individuals included Yoshikawa Koretari, posthumously titled Miaredō Reisha, and Yamazaki Ansai, who was titled Suika Reisha.
Another unusual example of the attribution of shingō to humans is that of Sugawara Michizane, who was titled tenjin or "heavenly deity." See also shin'i, shinkai.
- source : kokugakuin Satō Masato -
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #kamugatari #kamigatari #shingo -
. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
kamugatari 神語 divine speach
かみがたり kamigatari かむがたり kamugatari かんがたり kangatari
shingo 神話 シンゴ divine title
shintaku 神託 oracle /
- quote
The daughter of Susanoo and the principal wife of Ōnamuchi. Ōnamuchi visited Susanoo in the underworld land of Ne no katasukuni (see Ne no kuni) and there met Suseribime, but Susanoo presented Ōnamuchi with numerous trials before he would permit the two to be married. Aided by Suseribime, Ōnamuchi succeeded in overcoming the trials, and at last escaped from Ne no kuni. As Ōnamuchi fled, Susanoo called after him, urging him to use his valor to subjugate his brother kami, to take on the new name Ōkuninushi and rule the land with Suseribime as his principal wife.
Although Ōnamuchi had earlier married Yakamihime of Inaba, he honored Susanoo's request and made Suseribime his principal wife, returning Yakamihime to Inaba. But Ōnamuchi also enraged Suseribime by traveling to the Niigata area, where he married the local maiden Nunakawahime. In confusion, Ōnamuchi decided to leave Izumo for the Yamato area, but he was reconciled to Suseribime and the two renewed their wedding vows, remaining settled in Izumo. The poem sequences exchanged during this episode between Nunakawahime, Ōnamuchi, and Suseribime were thereafter referred to as kamugatari ("divine speech").
- source : Mori Mizuexxx kokugakuin
- quote -
、「幸魂奇魂守給幸給」(さきみたま くしみたま まもりたまえ さきはえたまえ)の事で、最も重要な「唱詞(となえことば)」でもある。
出雲大社や出雲大社教などでは、神語を唱えたり、奉書する伝統がある。 仏教徒が「南無阿弥陀仏」を唱えたり、キリスト教徒が「アーメン」と言ったりするように、出雲大社では「幸魂奇魂守給幸給」である。
神語の起源は日本神話にある。大己貴神が国造りの半ばで少彦名命に常世郷に先立たれて困難に直面し、出雲国に至り言挙げした時、海のかなたから、光る神が近づいてきた。それが「幸魂奇魂」(さきみたまくしみたま)であった。[1] そして「今何処にか住まむと欲ふ」との問いに「三諸山(みむろのやま)に住まむと欲ふ」と答えたので、大己貴神その地に宮を作り大三輪の神となった。 大国主大神は、「幸魂奇魂」の存在を知り、そして自分自身の中に潜む「幸魂奇魂」の霊力により「縁結びの神」になられた。 「幸魂奇魂」の「幸」(さき)は、「咲き」や「裂き」であり、増殖や分裂である。 「幸魂奇魂」の「奇」(くし)は、「串」や「櫛」であり、「整え」や「統一」を意味する。 「幸魂奇魂」は「分化繁殖」したモノを「整え統一」させ、大国主大神の道に神習い、明るく和やかな日々が送れるということを意味する[2]。 「神語」すなわち「幸魂奇魂守給幸給」(さきみたま くしみたま まもりたまえ さきはえたまえ)の神語は通常は三唱するが、非常にゆっくりと、また独特な節回しで唱える。 また神事では神職や参列者も神語を声に出して一緒に唱えることが多い。なお、出雲以外でも大神神社[3]や大国主大神を奉斎する神社が神語を用いる例もある。
なお葬儀や慰霊祭などでは幽冥神語(ゆうめいしんご)「幽世大神憐給恵給幸魂奇魂守給幸給」(かくりよのおおかみ あわれみたまえめぐみたまえ さきみたまくしみたま まもりたまえさきわえたまえ)を唱える。その他に神語を墨書し出雲大社に献納申し上げる「神語奉書」も盛大に行われている。
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
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A "divine title" affixed to the name of a kami. A wide variety of titles have come into use in accordance with the unique characteristics of kami, and as a result of historical changes in the way kami have been understood. In the ancient period, the title mikoto was used, while expressions such as myōjin ("shining kami"), daibosatsu (great bodhisattva), and gongen (avatar) came into use as a product of kami-buddha combinatory cults (shinbutsu shūgō). During the Edo period, the title reisha ("spirit shrine") was applied to the departed spirits of human beings.
The title mikoto, written variously with the characters 命 or 尊was used in ancient classics such as Kojiki and Nihongi as a title of respect for both kami and noble persons. It is believed that mi represents an honorific prefix, while koto means "thing," "event," or "word"; together, the reading mikoto has been interpreted as referring to a "noble personage," "minister" or "medium" (mikotomochi), and "noble child" (miko; see mikogami).
Nihongi differentiates between the usage of characters 尊 and 命 for mikoto, stating that the earlier character is used to refer only to kami of the utmost dignity with direct linkage to the imperial descent, while the latter character is used for all other kami.
The title myōjin 明神 as applied to Japanese kami is believed to evolved from an earlier term myōjin 名神 ("eminent kami"), which was used in ancient works like Engishiki to refer to kami of particularly noteworthy power. Under the influence of the homophonic myōjin 明神 ("shining deity") found in Chinese and Buddhist texts, the latter character combination came to be applied to indigenous kami as well.
Daibosatsu is obviously a term of Buddhist origin, and refers to a "great kami that has awakened to the Way of the Bodhisattva." The title daibosatsu is first seen in 781, when the kami Hachiman was honored with the title Gokoku Reigen Iriki Jintsū Daibosatsu ("Great Bodhisattva of National Protection and Marvelous Spirit Power"). From that time, the title daibosatsu has been applied to numerous other kami, including Fuji Sengen Daibosatsu and Tado Daibosatsu.
Gongen (avatar) is likewise of Buddhist origin, a term deriving from the doctrine of honji suijaku ("original essence, manifest traces"). According to this belief, buddhas may provisionally manifest themselves in this world in the form of kami or deities indigenous to various locales. Some well-known kami bestowed with this title include Kumano Gongen, Kasuga Gongen, and Hakusan Gongen.
The title reisha originates with the Yuiitsu Shinto school of the Yoshida family, which first used the term to refer to a shrine erected over the grave of the school's founder. Mano Tokitsuna's Kokin shingaku ruihen describes reisha as "a general term referring to shrines devoted to the spirits of human beings," but the term was also later used as a title for the kami themselves. Within Yoshida Shintō, the titles reijin reisha and myōjin were all applied to deceased human spirits, and this usage influenced the use of the terms in other schools as well, including Yoshikawa Shintō and Suika Shintō, where they were applied to persons who had mastered the deepest imports of the religion. Some of these individuals included Yoshikawa Koretari, posthumously titled Miaredō Reisha, and Yamazaki Ansai, who was titled Suika Reisha.
Another unusual example of the attribution of shingō to humans is that of Sugawara Michizane, who was titled tenjin or "heavenly deity." See also shin'i, shinkai.
- source : kokugakuin Satō Masato -
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #kamugatari #kamigatari #shingo -
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