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Showing posts with label - - - SSS - - -. Show all posts


Sake yokai Legends

. Japanese Legends and Folktales - Introduction - .

source :

Sake 酒 and local (monster) legends 妖怪伝説

. Sake 酒 rice wine for rituals and festivals .
- Introduction

The following legends, stories and memos are collected from the Yokai Database.
- source :

. Sake and Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 .

. Sake and Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 .

. Tanuki the badger and Sake Legends 狸とお酒 .

. Sake Legends and Buddhist Temples 酒とお寺 .

. Sake Legends and Shinto Shrines 酒と神社 .


. Shuten Dōji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji "Sake Child" Yokai Monster .


. Azuki-Arai 小豆洗い Monster washing azuki beans .
a sake label


Akita 秋田県

北秋田郡 Kita Akita gun 上小阿仁村 Kamiko Ani (Kamikoani)

kaijuu 怪獣 the wild beast
In the small hamlet of Kamibutsusha 上仏社集落 someone wanted to cut down a tree of Japanese pears (nashi 梨の木) near the swamp ガニ沼 Ganinuma.
But there lived a wild beast of unknown features. So he offered some o-miki and rice bran to appease the beast. After the man left, someone eat all these offerings.
Ani village is famous for the many bear hunters.


Aomori 青森県

anzan no kami 安産の神,子安さま Deity for an easy birth
This deity is venerated in the homes of midwives. At the 23th day of the first lunar month (now January) they pray for a safe delivery and health of the children they help to deliver. The women they had helped in the past year and the pregnant one's she is advising come to her home and celebrate, with food and o-miki.
Some thank the deity for the birth in the past year, others pray for easy delivery in the coming year with o-miki.

. azan kosodate 安産子育て amulets for children .


niijusanya sama 二十三夜様, Seishi Bosatsu 勢至菩薩
In the hamlet of 田子町 矢田郎 Yataro (Takko village) the rituals on day 23 (usually in mid-autumn) are performed. In the home of the ritual master they hang up a scroll with Seishi Bosatsu and light candles. O-miki is offered and then drunk by all participants. The good fortunes of the future are divined by the weather:
If the moon comes up on a clear sky with no clouds, the harvest will be good.
If the moon is not visible due to clouds there will be a bad harvest.
At the hamlet 福地村法師岡 Hoshioka (Fukuchi village) this is also the day to pray for the Deity of Easy Delivery (see above).
At the hamlet 十和田市栃ノ沢 Tochinosawa (Towada town) this is the same as the day of the deity 秋葉様 Akiba sama and also a festival for children.

. nijuusanya 二十三夜 moon on day 23 .

二十三塚 Nijuzan-zuka memorial - 青森市 Aomori

. Akiba no Kamisama 秋葉神様 and Kamagami 釜神 The Hearth Deity .

. Akibagongen 秋葉権現 Akiba Gongen .


noogami 農神 / ノウガミ様 - obosuna sama オボスナ様 / おぼすな様
deity for agriculture, especially the rice fields
On the 16th day of the ninth lunar month (now celebrated on September 16) this deity takes the seeds and goes back to heaven.
Farmers prepare 16 round mochi rice cakes , ナベダンゴ meat balls, auspicious rice with red beans, boiled vegetables with beans and other food offerings. At the sanctuary of the deity they offer o-miki, sweets and the food and then take it home to their own shelf of the gods as offerings, often twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
- - - - - obosuna is the local dialect for Ubusuna.

. ta no kami 田の神さま Deity of the Rice Fields .

. ubusunagami 産土神 Ubusuna Deity of one's birthplace .


odeshiko sama オデシコ様 deeshiko デエシコ - odaishiko sama オダイシコ様
Its festival is on the 24th day of the 10th lunar month.
As a food offering nabedango ナベダンゴ meat balls are prepared, with three pairs of special chopsticks made from wood of the peach tree and kaya 茅 miscanthus. One pair must be longer than the other two. Beside the food, o-miki is offered on the shelf of the Gods.
In former times farmers also offered rice gruel with red beans 小豆粥.

The origin of this odaishiko deity is not clear.
Some sources say it is a deity venerated by poor farmers with many children.

- reference -

. hashi, ohashi, o-hashi お箸 chopsticks .


Ehime 愛媛県

大洲市 Ozu 蔵川村 Kurakawa

In the year 享保5年 1720 in autumn a farmer from Otani village walked along the 観音堂 Kannon Hall of Kurakawa village, when he saw a woman washing clothes in the small river. She told him it was quite dangerous to walk along the small river in the dark and invited him to her home. She gave him a bamboo tube filled with sake, which he drank and then fell asleep.
When he woke up the next morning he found himself lying near a fresh grave of someone and the sake he had drunk last night was in fact the liquid of the sacred Shikimi tree.
This grave must have been of an unfortunate woman who died in childbirth or maybe one of a mountain priest from Koya san 高野聖.

. shikimi (シキミ, 樒) Illicium religiosum, Skimmia japonica .


Fukushima 福島県

原町区泉字宮前 - 相馬市 Soma

Sakaido 酒井戸 the Sake Well
In the beginning of the Kamakura period (1185 - 1333) there was a well near the Kannon Hall 観音堂 called 酒井戸 Sakaido (Sake Well). At the time of its founder, the mountain priest 泉長者 Izumi Chosha, there was truly Sake coming out of the well.
Legend knows he came all the way from 紀州熊野 Kumano in Kishu (Wakayama), led by a bird to this place here. From the place where is home was there can still be tiles unearthed.
And the Kannon Hall houses a statue of an eleven-headed Kannon, which was his protector deity.
The local people still come here to pray, but the well now has just very clear water, but no sake.

「いずみのさかいど」 Izumi no Sakaido
- source :


Gifu 岐阜県

吉城郡 Yoshiki gun 坂下村 Sakashimo

Yama no Kami 山の神 Deity of the Mountains
On the 9th day of the 2nd lunar month there is a special prayer group for this deity, when he brings the seeds back from the mountains, where he stayed during the winter time. He stays around as "ta no kami", deity of the fields, until the 9th day of the 10th month.
On both of these days it is not allowed to fell a tree before 10 in the morning.
All the menfolk of the village go to a sanctuary of this deity to offer o-miki and gohei mochi ゴヘイモチ / 五平餅 grilled rice dumplings.

. yama no kami 山の神 Deity of the Mountains .

. gohei mochi, goheimochi 五平餅 grilled rice dumplings .


Ibaraki, Ibaragi 茨城県


Kagawa 香川県

大川郡 Okawa gun 長尾町 Nagao

Amadare Koojin アマダレコウジン ”Kojin deity in the dripping rain”
Sometimes people fall down unconsciuos when leaving the home in a hurry. This is seen as an unlucky meeting with the Kojin deity.
To get better, the person has to offer o-miki to the deity for seven days.

. Kōjin, Koojin 荒神 Kojin, the "Wild Deity" .


Yooro no Taki 養老の滝 Yoro no Taki Waterfall
Once a pious son scooped some water from the waterfall pool and brought it home to his old parents. When they took a sip - oo wonder - it had turned into sake.

The famous Yōrō Falls (養老の滝, Yōrō no Taki) is a waterfall in Yōrō Park located in the town of Yōrō, Yōrō District, Gifu, Japan.
There are a few other waterfalls in Japan with this name.

. yooro no kooshi 養老の孝子 filial piety at Yoro .
clay doll from Gifu, Ichihara 市原


Kumamoto 熊本県

yamawaro ヤマワロ / 山童 "child of the mountain"
When entering a mountain forest for work the woodcutters have to take some o-miki.
Sometimes, when after a lot of effort with the saw a tree would still not fall, it was said to be the bad influence of the "Mountain Child". So they had to offer him some o-miki and ask him to go away elsewhere.
Also when other unforeseen things happened during the work in the mountain forest they would offer o-miki and ask for help.

- source : -

. Yamawaro 山童 and Kappa 河童 .
- Introduction -


Nagasaki 長崎県

西海市 Saikai 西彼町 Seihi

Suijin sawari 水神ざわり Taboos for the Deity of Water
There are many taboos about rivers providing drinking water, related to Suijin 水神 the Deity of Water,
Do not throw pottery or metal things into the river, do not expose your own body in the river.
If there are sick people in the family, the water deity of their well seems to be offended 水神様のおさわり. In that case you have to offer o-miki, salt and rice to the deity to get healed.

. - suijin 水神 water deity - .


Gaappa ガーッパ Kappa
In the rivers near Seihi village there live many Gaappa (Kappa in local dialect).
There are many nice river pools in the shade of willow and other trees. In one of them there is a Gaappa stone ガーッパ石 where people sometimes offer o-miki.
The Gaappa comes donw from the mountains and fields to challenge the farmers to a bout of Sumo wrestling. When the Kappa has to bow the plate on his head will empty and the human wins. But if the Kappa wins it will eat the liver of the human.
Some people get bewitched by the Kappa and begin to wrestle with large fish instead.
Some people preserve the hair of a Kappa torn out while wrestling.
The Gaappa likes raw fish and rice with red beans.

. Kappa 河童伝説 Gaappa Legends from Nagasaki .


Nagano 長野県

hyootanishi, hyootan-ishi 瓢箪石 the Gourd Stone
Once there was a head of a family who liked to drink far too much and so the Deity got angry at him. He split the gourd container, which the man used to carry his sake around.
And because of this the man died.
Now the gourd cried all night long and wanted to be filled with sake. So the Deity offered the gourd to a Buddhist temple, where it was put on a stone, and then it stopped crying. If someone stepped on this stone, he would get a fit of fever おこり / 瘧.

- - - - - The Hyotan, a popular container for sake!

. hyootan 瓢箪 Hyotan and Sake .


Nara 奈良県

吉野郡 Yoshino gun 十津川村 Totsukawa mura

Daija 大蛇 The Huge Serpent
Once upon a time someone took a pee in the pool of Maramaki Waterfall ハラマキの滝, where the Huge Serpent lives. To appologize he offered a large bottle of o-miki. But that night the priest who did the offering was moaning and groaning all night and nobody could sleep,


Niigata 新潟県

上越市 Joetsu
. Offering o-miki at 不動山 Mount Fudoyama .

西頚城郡 Nishi Kubiki gun 能生町 No-O

Kappa 河童 the water goblin
Once a Grandpa living at the river Sennogawa cut off the hand of a Kappa.
So the Kappa took some sake and fish as presents and asked the Grandpa to have his hand back.
The Grandpa made Kappa promise never to harm people or take away their fish catch any more - and then he gave him the hand back.

. Kappa 河童伝説 legends from Niigata .


三条市 Sanjo town

Tengusama, Tengu sama 天狗様 the Tengu
There lived a Tengu in the mountains who brought a lot of damage to the village at the foot of the mountain.
An oracle of the shrine maiden got the following result:
This is the divine retribution of the Tengu. To appease him you have to offer o-miki to this shrine every year during the New Year celebrations.
When the farmers made the offering, they realized that all the sake was gone until the 8th day of the 10th lunar month of the year - the Tengu had drunk it all.

Tengu no Mai sake 天狗の舞 the dance of Tengu

. Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .


source : youkaiyashikizake

Yokai Yashiki Sake 妖怪屋敷酒 Sake with a Monsters Mansion
The monsters on this label are
Hidarugami ひだる神, Karasu Tengu with a beak カラス天狗 and Big Tengu 大天狗

. Hidarugami ヒダル神 Hunger Deity .


Oita 大分県
佐伯市 Saiki town

Inugami 犬神 "Dog Deity"
Some folks around here hate this deity, others are grateful to it. Some come to it to pray for healing. When they get ill, they call for 祈祷師 a faith healer from Saiki, who offers o-miki and the healing begins.

- quote -
Inugami (犬神, lit. "dog god") is a class of being from Japanese mythology, which is similar to the Shikigami and who belongs to the range of the spirits, the Kami.

as depicted in Sawaki Suushi's Hyakkai-Zukan.

Japanese folklore describes Inugami as zoomorphic or anthropomorphic, dog-like beings, often similar to werewolves. They are masters of black magic.
- - - Traditions
Folklore has it that Inugami can be conjured from a complex and cruel ceremony: A common pet dog must be buried up to his neck, only the head remains free. Then a bowl with food or water must be placed close but in unreachable distance before the snout of the dog. Several days after that, when the dog is about to perish and tortured by hallucinations, his head must be severed and buried beneath a noisy street. After a certain time, head and body must be placed in a well prepared shrine. Now an Inugami can be evoked.

Similar to Shikigami, possessed paper mannequins, Inugami are evoked for criminal activities, such as murdering, kidnapping and mutilation of the victims. If the evoker is perfectly trained, he can order his Inugami to possess humans and manipulate them. The victim is often forced to kill itself or other people, or to act like a lunatic. But Inugami are also said to be very dangerous for the evoker himself: since the Inugami´s soul is blinded by its desire for revenge and its unstoppable rage, the Inugami can quickly escape the master´s control and kill his own evoker.

Families that keep Inugami in their household are called Inugami-mochi (meaning "Those who have a dog-god as a pet"). It´s tradition within these households that family members always marry members from other Inugami-mochi only.
- source : wikipedia

. Inugami and Legends with tofu  豆腐伝説 .

. NUE, nue 鵺, 鵼, 恠鳥, or 奴延鳥 the Nue monster .
- - - - - The cursed Nue came floating in the sea to Shikoku.
Its head landed in Sanuki and became a monkey deity.
Its tail landed in Iyo and became a serpent deity.
Its hands and feet landed in Tosa and became a dog deity 犬神 Inugami .

. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and his messenger, the inugami 犬神 Wolf Deity .


Kappa 河童 Kappa
One evening when the visitors of the inn went to the beach to enjoy the cool, there was a couple of Kappa. First the visitors thought it was a secret meeting of some humans planning some evil, but then they realized it was Mister and Missus Kappa and they run back to the inn in haste.
From that night on, one of the visitors could not sleep any more at night and kept moaning and groaning.
He hoped 水神様 the Deity of Water would be able to heal him So he offered some o-miki to the bridge at the mouth of river 色利川 Iroigawa - and indeed - he was healed.

. Kappa 河童伝説 legends from Oita .


Saitama 埼玉県

秩父郡 Chichibu 小鹿野町 Ogano

Tengu 天狗 The Mountain Goblin
Once there was a very experienced woodcutter in the mountains. One day he was about to do a very important job and forgot completely to offer some o-miki to the local Tengu, instead, he offended the Tengu with his words.
While he was at work, the sky suddenly became all black and thunder began to roar. Then a huge boulder, large as a mountain, was flying over the man and his helpers and then fell down, burrying all below the boulder.
This was the revenge of the Tengu, they say.

. Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .


Tochigi 栃木県
鹿沼市 粟野町

dodai ishi no tatari 土台石のたたり



Yamagata 山形県

. Fudo Myo-O at 川西町 Kawanishi .


Yamanashi 山梨県

kitsune ga hito o bakasu キツネが人を化かす

Yama no kamisama ヤマノカミサン


- source -

yokai database : お神酒 / お酒
- source :
for 酒 sake, there are 488 entries -(tba)
莚命酒,霊験 / 不死,酒 / 諸白の酒 / 恵美酒 / 酒魔 / 神酒倉 / .蝶,酒 / 蜂の巣,酒 - and many more

amazake 甘酒 sweet rice wine - 15 entries (tba)
甘酒婆 /甘酒地蔵 / ミコ神 / 山姥,鬼,山男,鬼婆
- source :


shochu 焼酎 monster schnaps labels from Kyushu

source : 気ままに酒ブログ

瑞泉(沖縄) awamori from Okinawa


Inside the Shrine - Shintō Concepts, What’s What
. Mark Schumacher .

. Matsunoo Taisha 松尾大社 Matsunoo Grand Shrine .
- Shinto Shrines related to making, selling and drinking Sake -

. Sake 酒 rice wine for rituals and festivals .


. Japanese Legends and Folktales - Introduction - .

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

- #sakelegends -




Sake rituals festivals


Sake 酒 rice wine for rituals and festivals

- quote -
Sake and Japanese Culture
The god of sake was also the god of rice growing and harvesting.
So when the people prayed for good growing conditions and thanked the god for a good harvest, they connected with the god of sake. Sake linked the people to their gods, and then linked people together in congeniality. In this way, sake took on a vital role in religious festivities, agricultural rites, and many different ceremonial events, from marriages to funerals.
. . . Sake is more than a drink taken to enjoy a tipsy time — it also serves a vital social purpose at the defining moments in life.
- quote by Takeo Koizumi -

. sake 酒 saké, saki - Japanese rice wine .
- Introduction -

The following is a summary of the many pages about Sake in the Darumapedia.
It will be updated regularly, so please come back visiting.

Gabi Greve, April 2015

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- - - - - Offerings of sake barrels from the breweries

CLICK for more photos !

. Matsunoo Taisha 松尾大社 Matsunoo Grand Shrine
Matsuno'o Taisha - Matsu-no-o .

A shrine to celebrate the making, selling and drinking of Sake.


- - - - - Sake for Rituals - - - - -

Before cutting down a big cedar tree, the wood cutter pours a cup of sake on the stem and roots of the tree and says a short prayer.
Then the chainsaw starts to work.

Gabi Greve, in my garden, April 2015

oshaku, o-shaku お酌 pouring sake
Drinking sake is a social event.
You never pour your own cup, but have a friend (or payed geisha) sit at your side for that purpose.
Once your own cup is emptied, you pour a drink for the other person.

There are special manner manuals on how to do this properly.
- source :

shukuhai 祝杯 sake for a toast on an auspicious situation

source : marippe3.exblog.j

sharing a drink
with eternal friends -
spring in the air

Gabi Greve, April 2015


. miki, shinshu お神酒 Sake of the Gods .
- quote -
Rice wine (sake) offered to the kami, a necessary part of the food offerings known as shinsen. Usually referred to as omiki, or alternately as shinshu, the term miki is a combination of two characters, the honorific mi and the character for "wine" (ki).
. . . . . In ancient documents, miki is also called miwa, and the deity Miwa no kami 三輪の神 is thus famous as the kami who presides over sake.
- source : Saito Michiko

- quote -
The religious use of sake (o-miki お神酒)
In the word o-miki, the reading "ki" is assigned to the character for sake. As such, the final meaning would again be akin to "the sake that helps one prosper," but perhaps this time there is a bit more of a religious association. Linguistically, sakae-no-ki changed to sakae-no-ke, sakae-ke and sake-ke before arriving at the vernacular manifestation we use today.
- source : John Gauntner

. sakaki 榊 sakaki tree, Cleyera japonica, masakaki .
The sacred tree of Japanese Shinto.


otoso, o-toso お屠蘇 -お屠蘇 seasoned sweet rice wine

In the Edo period, Mirin was drunk as a sweet sake. Otoso, traditionally drunk on Shōgatsu New Year was made by soaking a spice mixture in mirin. It can be seen as a kind of herbal medicine for a long life.
In the Kansai style of cooking, mirin is briefly boiled before using, to allow some of the alcohol to evaporate, while in the Kantō regional style, the mirin is used untreated. Kansai-style boiled mirin is called nikiri mirin (煮切り味醂), literally "thoroughly boiled mirin."

. mirin 味醂 - みりん sweet rice wine


sansan kudo. san san kudo  三三九度 
“thrice three, nine times”- “three three nine times”

- quote -
Japanese Wedding Traditions: San San Kudo
This ceremony is a ritualized drinking of sake by the couple, and sometimes their parents as well which serves as a binding ceremony. There are three sakazuki (ceremonial sake cups) stacked one on top of the other in a tier. Both the bride and the groom sip from each cup three times, hence the “three three nine times”. Three cannot be divided in two, making it a particularly lucky number for a wedding in Japanese culture.
- Symbolism in a San San Kudo Ceremony
There are many different ideas about the symbolism of the three sake cups. Some believe it represents heaven, earth, and mankind, others believe it represents the love, wisdom, and happiness which grow over time in a marriage. Another source says the three cups represents three human flaws of hatred, passion, and ignorance.
- Variations of San San Kudo
Because this is such an old tradition, there are many variations. For example, sometimes parents join which expands the symbolism of three, as there are now three couples. Occasionally, couples only sip three times (only once on each cup), instead of three times on each cup. Technically, this is incorrect, as the name defines the ceremony as “three three nine times”.
- source :

kenpai 献盃 offering a drink

. Kenpaishiki 献盃式 in memory of Saint Shinran .
Drinking sake in a memorial service, at temple Honganji and others
January 1.

A special form of "social drinking" at a naorai 直会(なおらい) party:

CLICK for more photos !

After some meetings and rituals and also at the winning party of a sumo wrestler, a large sake cup 大杯 is handed around and each one has to take a sip.

. Naorai 直会 banquet that accompanies a matsuri .

. Naorai at Kashima Shrine 鹿島神宮 Kashima Jingu .


. enju hai 延寿盃 Enju sake cup for a long life .
New Year ceremony enju sai 延寿祭 at Kashihara Jingu 橿原神宮, Nara

. hana no sake 花の酒 rice wine for blossom viewing .
..... hanamizake 花見酒 sake for the spring cherry blossom Hanami

. hatsumoode 初詣 first shrine visit of the New Year .
Often there are edible gold flakes in the first auspicious sake cup.

. jichinsai 地鎮祭 ground-breaking ceremony .
Before construction work, to pacify the earth deity and to purify the spot where construction will be carried out.

. jirooshu 治聾酒 sake to cure deafness .

. Kaenashi no kenpai 栢梨の献盃 .
a ritual drink of sake brewed with the juice of Japanese pears (nashi) from the village of Kaenashi in Settsu province 摂津国栢梨.
For the butsumyooe 仏名会 Buddha's Name Ceremony in winter.

. kijizake (kiji sake) 雉子酒, "pheasant ricewine" .
. . . . . kiji shu 雉子酒 / o kiji おきじ
Offered to all New Year visitors to the Emperor's palace.

. kiku no sake 菊の酒 chrysanthemum sake .
kikuzake 菊酒 - kikuka no sake 菊花の酒
for the Chrysanthemum Festival in September
- and
gumi no sake 茱萸の酒 sake with silverberries - for a long life

. nihonshu no hi 日本酒の日 Sake Day - October 01 .

ogi nite sake kumu 扇にて酒くむ
. drinking sake from a hand fan - a dance .

. tsukimizake 月見酒 drinking sake while moon viewing .

. yukimizake 雪見酒 drinking sake whilst viewing the snow falling .

Many rituals are also kigo for haiku.
. WKD - Ricewine, rice wine (sake, saké, saki) Reiswein .


- - - - - Sake Festivals - - - - -

sake matsuri 酒祭り - Sake festivals are very popular !

- reference - 酒祭り
- reference - Sake festival

Most festivals have a religious origin, but some are now rather commercial with the objective to sell local sake.

- - - ABC-order of the festival name

doburoku sai どぶろく祭 Doburoku festival

At the shrine 白川八幡神社 Shirakawa Hachimangu in Gifu, there is a festival where doburoku rice wine is brewed for this shrine festival and then served to more than 5000 visitors.

Gifu 岐阜県 Hagimachi 萩町

doburoku どぶろく / 濁酒 nigorizake 濁り酒, unrefined sake
. Food and Drink from Gifu prefecture 岐阜県 .


. Furukawa no okoshi daiko 古川の起し太鼓 "wake-up drums from Furukawa"
The participants wear white headband, white “tabi (Japanese socks)” and stomach band made from bleached cotton. Hida in mid April is still chilly and blows cold wind at night, but it has no effect to their body heated with sake and high spirits.
Gifu, 飛騨古川 Hida Furukawa town


. Iriya Jinja Hokake Matsuri 揖屋神社 穂掛祭 . - Matsue
. . . the crowd is given super yummy sake in bamboo cups.


. Kanda Myoojin Matsuri 神田明神祭り Kanda Myojin Festival . Edo / Tokyo
In summer for the Sanno Festival and in autumn for the Kanda festival rich merchants put a golden folding screen in front or their shop, placed a wooden stand in front of it (sanpoo 三方) and put up some offerings of sacred rice wine (miki お神酒) .


Kyokusui no En 曲水の宴 "floating poems on water"

CLICK for more photos !

A poetry ritual held at various shrines and parks in Japan.
Kyokusui was a pastime of the nobility in ancient times. A lacquer sake cup was set adrift in a stream and the participants, watching on a downstream bank, had to compose a short poem and then drink the sake in the cup when it reached them.

- reference -


. Saikusa matsuri 三枝祭 Saikusa Lily Festival
Isagawa jinja 率川神社, Nara

During the festival black (nigori) and white sake (pure) (shiroki, kuroki) is poured into two barrels as an offering to the shrine deities. These barrels are decorated with many bamboo lilies from Mount Miwa.
This ritual dates back to the reign of Emperor Monmu Tenno 文武天皇 (701–703).
The black sake was made with ash. Sake brewers added ash of camellia and evergreen trees as a way to cut the acidity.
Sake made in Izumo, Higo and Satsuma were especially famous for their black coloring.


Sake Matsuri Hibita Jinja 酒祭 - 比々多神社
An the end of November

Sake brewers from all over Japan come here to pray.

. Hibita Jinja 比々多神社 .
1472 Sannomiya, Isehara, Kanagawa


Sake Matsuri Saijo 酒まつりは西条 - Hiroshima
Hiroshima annually ranks 4th or 5th in volume of sake produced, and Saijo is one of Japan’s most famous brewing districts. In celebration of this, once a year everyone goes to the local park and attempts to drink as much of it as possible.

You can wander around the breweries and sample some of their products (the free stuff is generally lower quality though). Or join the masses in the Sake Hiroba 酒ひろば in the park, where for ¥1300 (¥1600 on the day) you get your own little cup from which to sample the 900 kinds of sake from all over the country on offer.

If you get there in good time there is plenty of high quality stuff to be had, and it’s a great opportunity to experience the diversity (and potency) of sake. There is no re-admission to the main Sake Hiroba, so if you want to do tour the breweries and stagger around the back streets, you should probably do that first.
- source :

- source : (Japanese)

There is a special food in Saijo Town:
. bishonabe, bisho nabe 美酒鍋 hodgepodge simmered with sake only .
bisho nabe びしょ鍋 : The workers in a sake factory were called "bisho" , from the sound of splashing water, bisho bisho ビショビショ. For the Chinese characters, the present version was then choosen for more effect, meaning "Beautiful Ricewine" 美酒鍋.


. Sake Summit in Nangai  酒遊サミットinなんがい 
Daisen town, Akita


. shiritsumi matsuri 尻摘祭 rump-bumping festival
hitting the buttocks festival - rear-end sumo
At Otonashi Jinja 音無神社 Otonashi shrine, Shizuoka


. Tagata Shrine Fertility Festival 田県神社の豊年祭
Komaki, Nagoya
The festival is fun with a lot of sake drinking, however the background of the festival is rather more serious.


. Togakushi Soba Festival 戸隠そば祭り
People buy small sake cups on the eve of the festival and eat soba at any (or all!) of the twenty one participating restaurants.
Togakushi Shrine 戸隠神社, Nagano


End-of-season Festivities:
Koshiki-daoshi and Kaizou
- source : John Gauntner's Sake World


The Buddhist version of Sake is called
the Water of Wisdom, Hanya no Mizu, 般若の水,
and consumed even by monks and priests at prestigeous temple compounds.
source : The Insider's Guide to Sake - Philip Harper

. Sake, Ricewine and Daruma .
Nihonshu 日本酒 the Drink of Japan

masumasu Daruma 升々だるま
- - - - - masumasu ますます 【益々】/  升ます
... is an expression for things getting better and better.

. masuzake, masu sake 升酒 rice wine served in a wooden masu .


- - - - - Other references to Sake - - - - -

. Azuki-Arai 小豆洗い Monster washing azuki beans .
a sake label

. Doosojin 道祖神 Dosojin Wayside Deities .
Some couples are exchanging a coup of sake (shuugizoo 祝儀像).
Usually he holds the small cup and she pours for him. Or he holds a ladle and she holds a fan (杓扇).

. Fujiwara no Hidehira 藤原秀衡 (1122? - 1187) .
Yoshitsune and Benkei  義経と弁慶
Hidehira had his son promise to continue to shelter Yoshitsune and his retainer Benkei, but the son gave into Yoritomo and surrounded the castle with his troops, forcing Yoshitsune to commit seppuku (his head would be preserved in sake and given to Yoritomo) and resulting in the famous standing death of Benkei. Yoritomo destroyed the Fujiwara domain and killed Hidehira's son.

. - Kizakura Gekkeikan キザクラ 黄桜 "Yellow Cherry Blossom" - .
Sake and the Kappa かっぱ water goblin

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 the haiku poet and his sake and sakazuki .
. . . and poems about people being drunk . . .
ararezake あられ酒 "Hail Wine" from Nara
There is also a sweet potato schnaps with this name.

. sakazuki 杯/盃/坏 small cup for sake .
choku, ochoku ちょく【猪口】Choko, O-choko and  食いのみ guinomi

. Sake no Hosomichi 酒のほそ道 "The Narrow Roads of Ricewine" .
Razuweru Hosoki ラズウェル細木 Rozwell Hosoki

. Suzumon 鈴 家紋 Suzumon Family Clan .
Suzumon and Sake
Sake has been linked so closely to shrines that we have a common saying “sacred sake is offered to every god”. Since the gratitude and prayer for good harvest of rice are key elements of Shinto, sake, or rice wine, is essential for festivals and rituals. Therefore, it was common that priests brewed sake in shrines.
. . . Long-lasting sake brewing since ancient times is handiwork that predecessors respecting gods and nature have cultivated. Suzumon continues to dedicate our sake to Toyoakizu shrine, our local tutelary god, and Kumano Hongu Taisha shrine, which our ancestor has a link with, when the Rei-taisai festivals (regular rites and festivals) are held, cherishing our link with these shrines.

. tokkuri 徳利  sake flask .
kayoi-tokkuri, kayoidokkuri, kayoi-dokkuri  通い徳利 
binboo tokkuri, binboodokkuri 貧乏徳利 for the poor
binboodaru 貧乏樽 bimbodaru, Tokkuri for the poor
- - - - - atsukan 熱カン hot rice wine in a tokkuri
- - - - - sakedaru 酒樽 sake barrel


. Mingei 民芸 Folk Art of Japan .
CLICK on the photos below for more sake and mingei times !

. dorei どれい / 土鈴 clay bells .

. kokeshi こけし wooden dolls .

. tenugui 手ぬぐい small hand towels .


Inside the Shrine - Shintō Concepts, What’s What
. Mark Schumacher .

. Matsunoo Taisha 松尾大社 Matsunoo Grand Shrine
Matsuno'o Taisha - Matsu-no-o .

A shrine in Kyoto to celebrate the making, selling and drinking of Sake.
Also introducing other shrines closely related to sake.

. Yokai Sake 妖怪 酒 and local monster legends .


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

- #sakerituals #sakefestivals #reiswein -




- - - SSS - - -

. ABC-List of Shrines and Temples .

- - - - - - - - - - Shinto Shrines - - - - - - - - - -

. Shinto Deities 神 kami .


. Sada Jinja 佐太神社 Sada Jinja . - Matsue

. Saginomiya Hachiman Jinja 鷺宮八幡神社 . - Nakano, Tokyo

. Sai Jinja 狭井神社 . Nara

. Saijo Inari Fox Shrine 最上稲荷 . 最上位経王大菩薩. Okayama

. Sakai Jinja 境神社 . Misakicho, Okayama

. Sakaki Jinja 榊神社 / 第六天榊神社 Dairokuten Sakaki Jinja . - Tokyo

. Sakaori no Miya 酒折宮 and Yamato Takeru 日本武尊

. Sakatoki Jinja 酒解神社 . - Kyoto

. Sakura Jingu 桜神宮 . - Tokyo

. Sakurada Jinja 櫻田神社 / 桜田神社 . - Roppongi, Tokyo

. Sakuraoka Daijinguu 櫻岡大神宮 Sakuraoka Daijingu . Sendai, Miyagi

. Samezu Hachiman Jinja 鮫洲八幡神社 Samezu Hachiman Shrine . Tokyo

. Samuhara jinja サムハラ神社 「■□■△」 . Osaka

. Sannoo Jinja, Sannō Jinja 山王神社 Tameike Sanno Shrine . - Tokyo
..... Hie Jinja 日枝神社, 日吉神社 Hiyoshi Shrine.

. sannomiya 三の宮 third shrines .

. Sarue Jinja 猿江神社 / Sarue Inari 猿江稲荷 "Monkey Inlay" .
- and 猿藤太 Mashira no Tota. Tokyo

. Saru Jinja 猿神社 "Monkey Shrine" . Tsuyama, Okayama

. Sarumaru Jinja 猿丸神社と猿丸大夫 . - Kyoto

. Seiganji 誓願寺 Seigan-Ji . Nagoya, Aichi

. Seimei Jinja 清明神社 . Kyoto.
Abe no Seimei 阿倍晴明 (921 - 1005)

. Seki Jinja 関神社 "border shrine" . - Kyoto
- - - . Seki Semimaru Jinja 関蝉丸神社 .
at Oosaka no seki 逢坂の関 Osaka no seki, border between Yamashiro and Omi

. Sekino Shrine, Takaoka 高岡関野神社 . Toyama

. Sekizan Zen-In 赤山禅院 . - Kyoto

. Sengen Jinja 浅間神社 . for Mount Fuji 富士山 . Yoshida, Gunma

. Setsuan Inari Jinja 蛻庵稲荷神社 . - Nagano

. Shakujii Myōjinshi 石神井明神祠 Shakuji Myojin Shrine . - Nerima

. Shiba Daijinguu 芝大神宮 . Tokyo. Shiba Daimyojin Shrine

. Shibagaki Shrine 柴籬神社 . - Osaka

. Shibata Jinja 柴田神社 . - Fukui
Sanshimai Jinja 三姉妹神社

. Shimo Jinja 霜神社 "Frost Shrine" - Shimomiya . - Mount Aso, Kyushu
- the legend of Kihachi 鬼八

. Shinagawa Jinja 品川神社 . Tokyo

. Shinmei Daijinguu 神命大神宮 Shinmei Daijingu . Tokyo

. Shinmei Jinja 神明神社 . Toba, Mie
- - - - - Ishigami san 石神さん Stone Deity for woman divers

. Shinonome Jinja 東雲神社 . Matsuyama, Ehime

. Shinra Jinja 新羅神社 - a Korean connection . Fukui

. Shinzan Jinja 新山神社 . Akita

. Shiogama Jinja 鹽竈神社 . Shiogama town, Miyagi

. Shirahige Jinja 白鬚神社 Shrines in Japan .

. Shirakwaw Kashima Jinja 白河 鹿嶋神社 . Fukushima

. Shirohebi Jinja 岩国白蛇神社 Iwakuni .

. Shishimizuka jinja 鹿見塚神社 . - Tokyo

. Shitateru Hime Jinja 下照姫神社 Shrines . - Shita-teru-hime-no-mikoto 下照媛

. Shitaya Jinja 下谷神社 . - Ueno, Tokyo

. Shiwahiko Jinja 志波彦神社 / Shiogama Jinja 塩釜神社 .

. Shooan 西高井戸松庵稲荷神社 Nishi-Takai Shoan Inari Jinja . Suginami, Tokyo

. Shoo Hachimanguu 正八幡宮 Sho Hachimangu .

Shooin Jinja 松蔭神社 Shoin Jinja - Tokyo - Yoshida Shoin 吉田松陰
- - Shoin Jinja - facebook

. Shooki Jinja 鍾馗神社 Shoki Jinja Shrine . - Kyoto

. Shusse Inari Jinja 出世稲荷神社 . Kyoto

. sooja 総社 Soja shrines、"combined shrines" .

. Sooja Daijinguu 総社大神宮 Soja Daijingu . Echizen, Fukui
- - - - - Osonja San おそんじゃさん

. Soshino Hachimangu 祖師野八幡宮 . - Gifu, Gero Onsen

. Star Shrines, Hoshi Jinja 星神社 .
.. and Myooken Bosatsu (Myoken)

. Suehiko Jinja 陶彦神社 and 深川神社 Fukagawa Jinja . - Aichi, Komainu

. Sueyama Jinja 陶山神社 . Arita, Saga, a shrine for the God of Pottery

. Suga Jinja 須我神社 . - Izumo

. Suga Jinja 須賀神社 . Kyoto

. Sugimori Jinja 椙森神社 . - Tokyo

. Suikyo Jinja 水鏡神社 - Suikyo Tenjin 水鏡天神 Suikyo Tenjin . - "Water Mirror Shrines" *

. Suimu Jinja 水無神社 . - Nagano, Kiso Fukushima

. Suitenguu 水天宮 Suitengu, Shrine for the Water God . Tokyo

. Sumiyoshi Jinja 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Shrines .
- Sumiyoshi Taisha 住吉大社 - and legends

. Sumo Jinja 相撲神社 . - Nara

. Susa Jinja 須佐神社 / 須佐大宮 . - Izumo

. Susaki Jinja, Suzaki Jinja 洲崎神社 . Aichi

. Suwa Taisha 諏訪大社 / Suwa Jinja 諏訪神社 . Shinano. Nagano

. Suzuki Jinja 鈴木神社 . Amakusa, Nagasaki - for Suzuki Shigenari 鈴木重成 (1588 - 1653)


- - - - - - - - - - Buddhist Temples - - - - - - - - - -

. Saichooji 西長寺 Saicho-Ji . Yamaguchi - Fudo

. Saidaiji 西大寺 Saidai-Ji Koyasan . - Kagoshima. Fudo

. Saidaiji 西大寺 Saidai-Ji . Okayama

. Saidooji 済渡寺 Saido-Ji . - Okayama

. Saifukuji 最福寺 Saifuku-Ji . - Kagoshima. Fudo
- Priest 池口恵観 Ekan Ikeguchi Ekan

. Saifuku-Ji 西福寺 Kaiun Fudo 開運不動. - Ibaraki, Isohama

. Saiganji 西岸寺 Saigan-Ji . - and 任口上人 Ninko Shonin. Fushimi, Kyoto

. Saigan-Ji 西岸寺 - Kannon .

. Saigandenji 西巌殿寺 Saiganden-Ji . - Yakushi

. Saihooji 西方寺 / 西法寺 Saihoji, Saiho-Ji Nagano.

. Saiho-Ji 西方寺 Higiri Fudo 日ぎり不動尊 . - Yokohama

. Saijooji 最乗寺 Saijo-Ji - 大雄山 Daiyuzan . - Kanagawa
- Tengu Dōryō 道了大権現 Doryo Daigongen

. Saikaiji 済海寺 Saikai-Ji .

. Saikooin 西光院 Saiko-In . - Fudo

. Saikooin 西廣院 Saiko-In . Ichihara

. Saikooin 西光院 Saiko-In . Yakushi, Inage

. Saikooji 西光寺 Saiko-Ji . - Fudo, Shimonoseki

. Saikooji 西光寺 Saiko-Ji . - Sendai, Miyagi
Ootaki Fudo 大滝不動 Otaki Fudo - at the BIG Waterfall

. Saimyooji 最明寺 Saimyo-Ji. Kazusa, Yakushi

. Saimyooji 最明寺 Saimyo-Ji. Shikoku.

. Saimyooji 最明寺 Saimyo-Ji - Yakuyoke Fudo .

. Saishoofukuji 最勝福寺 Saishofuku-Ji . - Yakushi

. Saishooin 最勝院 Saisho-In - 不動堂 Fudo Hall . - Byodo-In

. Saishoo In 最勝院 Saisho-In . - Hirosaki, Aomori
..... 猫突不動明王 Nekotsuki Fudo Myo-O

. Saishooin 最勝院 Saisho-In . - Fudo, Kannon

. Saishooji 最勝寺 Saisho-Ji Kannon .

. Saishooji 西勝寺 Saisho-Ji . - Fukushima - Fudo

. Saizenji 西善寺 Saizen-Ji . - Yakushi, Kazusa

. Sakurado Yakushi 桜堂薬師 / 櫻堂薬師 . - Gifu

. Sanbutsuji 三佛寺 Sanbutsu-Ji . Yokohama - Kannon

. Sanbutsuji Mitokusan 三徳山三仏寺 . - Tottori, Nageire-Do

. Sanjuusan Gendoo 三十三間堂 Sanjusan Gendo Hall . Kyoto

- . Sanjūsangen-dō 深川三十三間堂 Fukagawa Sanjusan Gendo, Tokyo .

. Sankoji 三鈷寺 Sanko-Ji - Kyoto -"temple of the three-pronged vajra .
... with 金色不動尊 konjiki Golden Fudo

. Sankooji 三光寺 Sanko-Ji . - Yakushi

. Sanmeiin 三明院 Sanmei-In . - Oita. Fudo

. Sanpooji 三寳寺 ( 三宝寺)Sanpo-Ji - Kyoto
..... and - Tokyo, Nerima Ward

. Sanzenin 三千院 Sanzen-In . Ohara, Kyoto.

. Saranuma Fudo 皿沼不動 永昌院 Eisho-In .
- 東叡山寛永寺 The Hieizan of the East - Adachi, Tokyo

. Sasano Kannon 笹野観音 . Yamagata

. Seianji 栖安寺 Seian-Ji . Kazusa

. Seichooji Seichô-ji 清荒神 清澄寺 Seicho-Ji . - Hyogo, Takarazuka - Kiyoshikôjin

. Seiganji 聖願寺 Seigan-Ji . - Nagoya, Aichi - Ubakoyama 姥子山 Fudo

. Seiganji 清巖寺 Seigan-Ji . - Kannon, Sugamo

. Seikakuin 正覺院 / 正覚院 Seikaku-In . - Fudo

. Seikooji, Seikō-Ji 星光寺 Seiko-Ji . - Kyoto

. Seikyooji 清鏡寺 Seikyo-Ji . - Yamaguchi

. Seirinji Kannon 清林寺 観音 Seirin-Ji Kannon .

Seiryooji 清涼寺 Seiryo-Ji (Seiryoji)
... and Shakado 釈迦堂 The Shaka Hall, Kyoto

. Seiryuujii, Shooryuuji 青竜寺 Seiryu-Ji Temples .
Azure Dragon of the East

. Seisen-Ji 正仙寺 / Fukiage Fudo 吹上不動 . Tochigi

. Seishinji 青森寺 Seishin-Ji 成田山 Naritasan . - Aomori
..... 成田不動尊 Narita Fudo

. Seishinji 聖心寺 Seishin-Ji 五色山 Goshikisan . - Aomori. Aizen Myo-O

. Seishuuji 聖衆寺 Seishu-Ji . - Mie

. Seisuiji Kannon 清水寺 観音 . - Tokyo

. Seitaiji 清泰寺 Seitai-Ji . - Fudo and Kannon

. Sekidera 関寺 . - and Sekidera Komachi 関寺小町

. Sekijooji 石上寺 Sekijo-Ji . Mie

Sekkooji 石光寺 Sekko-Ji - Nara
. Sekko-Ji - pokkuri  ぽっくり amulets for a sudden death, "drop dead" .

. Seneiji 専栄寺  / 専榮寺 Senei-Ji . - Chiba - pokkuri Benten ポックリ弁天

. Sengakuji 泉岳寺 Sengaku-ji .
and the 47 Ronin (Chushingura 忠臣蔵)

. Senjuji 千手寺 / 専修寺 temples called Senju-Ji . .
Kameoka, Kyoto // Mie // Okayama

. Senkokuji 泉谷寺 Senkoku-Ji .

. Senkooin 仙光院 Senko-In . - Arakawa, Tokyo
..... Miminashi Fudoo 耳無不動 "Fudo without ears"

. Senkooji 全興寺 Senko-Ji / 地獄堂 Jigoku-Do "Hall of Hell" . - Osaka

. Senmi Yakushi-Ji 川見薬師寺 (せんみやくしじ)Kawami Yakushi-Ji . - Aichi

. Sennyoji 千如寺 Sennyo-Ji 雷山 Raizan . - Saga. Fudo
- and priest 清賀上人 Seiga

. Senpukuji 泉福寺 Senpuku-Ji - Fudo .

. Senpukuji 千福寺 Senpuku-Ji - Kannon .

. Senpukuji 千福寺 Senpuku-Ji . 信貴山別院 Shigisan Betsu-In, Mie

. Sennenji 専念寺 Sennen-Ji .

. Sennyuuji 泉涌寺 Sennyu-Ji . - Kyoto - 楊貴妃観音 Yokihi Kannon

. Senryuuji 泉龍寺 Senryu-Ji . - Tochigi. Fudo

. Senryū-ji 泉龍寺 . - Chofu, Komae

. Senryuuji 泉竜寺 Senryu-Ji “Fountain Dragon Temples” .

. Senshooji 専称寺 Sensho-Ji . - Yokohama

. Senzooin 仙蔵院 Senzo-In . - 仙蔵寺 Senzo-Ji / Ichihara

. Sesonin 世尊院 Seson-In . - Yokohama

. Shaka-In 釈迦院 - Kumamoto .

. Shibahara Fudo Hall 芝原不動堂 . - Saitama

. Shibamata Taishakuten 柴又帝釈天 - 題経寺 Daikyo-Ji . - Tokyo

. Shidodera 志度寺 Shido-Dera . - Kagawa. Henro 86

. . SHIKOKU HENRO .. Archives from Temple 01 to 88 . .
 SHIKOKU 不動 Fudo Myo-O Pilgrims to 36 Temples

. Shin Daibutsu-Ji 新大仏寺 New Daibutsu Temple . Iga town, Mie

. Shinjooin 真乗院 Shinjo-In . - Fudo, Ishigami

. Shinjoin 心城院 Shinjo-In . - Tokyo
- - - - - Yanagi no i 柳の井 well of the willow / Yushima Kannon 湯島観音

. Shinmyoo-In 岩屋山志明院 - Shinmyo-In Iwaya Fudo 岩屋不動 . - Kyoto

. Shinpooji 心法寺 Shinpo-Ji .

. Shinpukuji 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji . - Kanagawa. 和田不動 Wada Fudo

. Shinpukuji 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji . - Mie, Kanbe

. Shinpukuji 真福寺 Shipuku-Ji . - Saitama, 笹目 Sasame - Fudo

. Shinpukuji 真福寺 Shipuku-Ji . - Saitama, 辻 Tsuji Fudo

. Shinpukuji 真福寺 / 眞福寺 Kannon - Yokohama .

. Shinpukuji 真福寺 / 眞福寺 Shinpuku-Ji . 宝生院 Hoshoin - Nagoya

. Shinpuku-Ji 真福寺 Ichijo-In 一乗院 Tsukuba Fudo 筑波不動 .

. Shinshooji 神照寺 Shinsho-Ji . - Shiga, Nagahama

. Shinzooin 真蔵院 Shinzo-In . - Ichihara Henro

. Shippooryuuji 七宝瀧寺 Shipporyu-Ji . -Osaka - Fudo

. Shisendoo 詩仙堂 Shisen-do . Kyoto - Jozan-ji 丈山寺

. Shitennoji 四天王寺 Shitenno-Ji . Osaka

. Shooboo-in 正宝院 Shobo-In - Tobi Fudo 飛不動尊 Flying Fudo . Tokyo

. Shoobooji 聖寶寺 / 聖宝寺 Shobo-Ji . - Mie

. Shoobooji 岩間山正法寺 Shobo-Ji . - Shiga / - 岩間寺 - Iwamadera Fudo

. Shoochi-in 正智院 Shochi-In . - Wakayama, Koyasan Fudo

. Shoodaiji 聖代寺 Shodai-Ji . Shikoku Henro. Fudo

. Shooden-In 聖天院 Shoden-In - (Shoten-In) . - -勝楽寺 Shoraku-Ji, Saitama

. Shoofukuji 崇福寺 Shofuku-Ji . Nagasaki

. Shoofukuji 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji . - Fudo, Saitama

. Shoofukuji 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji . - Yokohama

. Shoofukuji 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji . - Yakushi, Kawasaki

. Shoogenji 昌元寺 Shogen-Ji . - Yakushi

. Shoogenji 松源寺 Shogen-Ji . - Nakano

. Shōgetsu-in Taidō, Shoogetsuin 松月院 大堂 Shogetsu-In Taido . - Itabashi

. Shoogonji 荘厳寺 Shogon-Ji / Hatagaya Fudo  幡ヶ谷不動 . - Shibuya, Tokyo

. Shooheiji 正平寺 Shohei-Ji . - Yakushi, Kyushu

. Shoohooin 正法院 Shoho-In . - Yakushi, Chiba

. Shoojooji 勝常寺 Shojo-Ji .  Aizu Wakamatsu, Fukushima / - and Priest Tokuitsu 得一 徳溢

. Shoojooke In 清浄華院 Shojoke-In . Kyoto

. Shookakuin 正覚院 Shokaku-In . - Aizen, Suma

. Shookakuji 勝覚寺 Shokaku-Ji . - Yakushi, Chiba

. Shookanji 正観寺 Shokan-Ji . - Kannon, Kanagawa

. Shookakuin 正覚院 Shokaku-In Sumadera . - Aizen, Hyogo

. Shoomanin 勝鬘院 Shoman-In . - Aizen, Osaka

. Shoomyooji 正明寺 Shomyo-Ji . - Shiga / Fudo

. Shoonenji 称念寺 Shonen-Ji . Tsuboi 坪井宿, Okayama

. Shoorinzan 少林山 達磨寺 Shorinzan Daruma Temple . Takasaki, Gunma 高崎

. Shooryuuji 昌竜寺 Shoryu-Ji . Miyazaki, Yakushi

. Shoosanji 焼山寺 Shosan-Ji, Shozan-Ji . - Tokushima / Shikoku Henro 12 - with Fudo Myo-O

. Shoosenji 小川寺 Shosen-Ji . - Edo / for 小川九郎兵衛 Ogawa Kurobei (1622 - 1670)

. Shoosenji 正泉寺 Shosen-Ji / Namamugi Fudo 生麦不動尊 .

. Shooshinji 崇真寺 Shoshin-Ji . Inageta, Tochigi. Fudo 20

. Shoosooin, Shōsō-in 正倉院 Shosoin, Shoso-In . Treasure House, Todai-Ji, Nara

. Shussekiji 出石寺 Shusseki-Ji .

. Shuinji 種因寺 Shuin-Ji .

. Shuutoku-in 種徳院 Shutoku-In . - Sano, Ibaraki
こち亀六地蔵 Kochikame Roku Jizo and 両津勘吉 Ryotsu Kankichi (Manga)

. Shuuzenji 修善寺 Shuzen-Ji, Shuzenji . - Shizuoka

. Sokujooin 即成院 Sokujo-In .

. Sooenji 相円寺 / 相圓寺 Soen-Ji .

. Sooganji 總願寺 Sogan-Ji . - Saitama / - 不動ヶ岡不動尊 Fudo-ga-oka Fudo Son

. Soogenji 宗源寺 Sogen-Ji . - Tokyo, Waseda

. Soojiji 総持寺 Soji-Ji . - Osaka.
Fujiwara Yamakage 藤原山陰 and the Kitchen Knife Ceremony

. Soji-Ji 総持寺 / 田無不動 Tanashi Fudo . - Tokyo

. Soojoogadani Fudoo Doo 僧正ガ谷不動堂
Fudo Hall in Sojogatani / 僧正谷 .

. Sookeiji 宗慶寺 Sokei-Ji . - Koishikawa, Bunkyo / . Gokurakusui 極楽水“Paradise Water” well

. Sookoji 宗興寺 Soko-Ji . - Yokohama

. Soorinji 双林寺 Sorin-Ji . - Kurihara, Miyagi. Yakushi

. Sooseiji 宗清寺 Sosei-Ji . - Tokyo, Waseda

. Sootokuji 宗徳寺 Sotoku-Ji . - Mie, Kameyama

. Sumadera 須磨寺 . . and 色の浜 Ironohama
- - - Shrine Tada Jinja ... 多太神社 ... and Matsuo Basho

. Sugimotodera 杉本寺 Sugimoto-Dera - . Kamakura

. Suzumushidera 鈴虫寺 Suzumushi Temple . Kyoto


. saiden 斎田 ritual Shrine paddy / shinden 神田 "divine rice field" .
- - - - - iwaida 祝田 "field for celebrations" / nukihoden, nukihoda 抜穂田 "field to pull out ripe rice ears"
- - - - - shinsen-den 神饌田, miyaden 宮田, gokūden 御供田,
- - - - - mitoshiro, mitashiro 御戸代 / 御刀代 / 御田代 .

- Saitobaru kofungun 西都原古墳群 Kofun mounds at Saitobaru -

. sakaki 榊 sacred Sakaki tree . - Cleyera japonica

. Sake Legends and Buddhist Temples 酒とお寺 .

. Sake Legends and Shinto Shrines 酒と神社 .

. sake-ishi 鮭石 "salmon stones" - iwakura 磐座 / 岩座 sacred rock, divine rocks .

. Sanbo Kojin 三宝荒神 "the fierce deities of the three treasures" .

sandoku 三毒 "three poisons" of the mind and heart

. sandoo, sandō 参道 Sando access road to a shrine or temple .

. sange 散華 "scattering blossoms" amulets .

. sanmitsu 三密 "three secrets" of Shingon 真言 .

. sanjuuroku dooji 三十六童子 Sanjuroku Doji - 36 attendants of Fudo Myo-O .

. Sanno Gongen 山王権現 and Hie shrines.

. sanshu no jingi 三種の神器 Sanshu no Shinki - Three Imperial Regalia .
- Mikusa no Kandakara -
the sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi (草薙劍),
the mirror Yata no Kagami (八咫鏡), and
the jewel Yasakani no Magatama (八尺瓊曲玉).

. Saruhachi 申八梵王 / さるはちぼんのう Saruhachi Bonno deity .
- Sarutahiko deity 猿田彦, 猿田彦神 - Sarugami 猿神 Monkey Deity

. satomiya 里宮 village shrines .

. sazare ishi さざれ石 - 細石 boulder grown from pebbles .

. seibyoo, seibyō 聖廟 Seibyo. holy mausoleum.
soobyoo, sobyō 宗廟 Sobyo - mausoleum for the ancestors
for Confucius and other deified persons

. sekibutsu 石仏 stone Buddhas .
- - - - - . sekibutsu 石仏 stone Buddhas by Bunei, Okayama .

. Sekison San 石尊山 Venerable Stone Deities .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Sex, Japan's Sexual Gods - Fertility rites .

. shaden 社殿 main Shrine building .

. shagoo  社号 shago "Name of a shrine", naming .
Names of types of shrines, such as daijinguu, jinguu, guu, taisha, and sha.

. Shibaten しばてん / 芝天 Kappa water deity from Tosa / Kochi .

. shichidoo garan 七堂伽藍 shichido garan / Temple compound with seven buildings .
garan 伽藍 temple compound

. shichi daiji 七大寺 seven large temples in Nara . > - - Nanto Shichi doo 南都七堂

. Shichifukujin, Shichi Fukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .

. shichinin misaki 七人ミサキ "Misaki of seven people" .

. shichisha gongen 七社権現 Gongen from Seven Shrines .
- - - - -伊豆権現 Izu Gongen、箱根権現 Hakone Gongen、日光権現 Nikko Gongen、白山権現 Hakusan Gongen、
熊野権現 Kumano Gongen, 蔵王権現 Zao Gongen and 山王権現 Sanno Gongen.

. Shido Shogun 四道将軍 Generals Dispatched to Four Circuits .

. Shikigami 式神, Shiki no Kami 式の神 .

. shimenawa 注連縄 a sacred rope .

. shimotsuki matsuri 霜月祭り shimotsuki festivals .

. shinbatsu 神罰 divine punishment .

. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .

. shinbyoo 神廟 Shinbyo "a sacred place for the deity".
Ise shrine and others with deified person enshrined

. shinbutsu 神仏 kami to hotoke .
shinbutsu shūgō, shinbutsu shuugoo 神仏習合 syncretism - shinbutsu bunri 神仏分離 separation
- - - - - . shinbutsu in Edo  江戸の神仏 Kami and Hotoke in Edo .

. shinbutsu reijo junpai no michi 神仏霊場巡拝の道 Shinbutsu pilgrimage .

. shindan 神壇 shelf for the kami - saidan 祭壇 - kamidoko かみどこ .

. shingoo, shingō 神語 Shingo. divine title .
myoojin 明神, daibosatsu大菩薩, gongen 権現 . . .

. shingun 神軍 / jingun ジングン heavenly army phenomenon .
- yane 矢根, yanone 矢の根 lit. "arrow root" - arrowhead

. shinguu, shingū  新宮 Shingu "new shrine" category .

. shinigami 死神 God of Death "Grim Reaper" .

. shinka 神火と伝説 Legends about "divine fire" .

. shinkyoo 神鏡 Shinkyo - "mirror of the kami", divine mirror .

. shinrei, mitama 神霊 / 心霊 divine spirit, Geist . -

. shinsatsu 神札 , mamorifuda 守り札 .

. Shinsenen 神泉苑 Shinsen-En Garden - Kyoto .

. shinshi 淫祠 Hokora shrine for a doubtful, unreliable deity .

. shinzoo 神像 statues of Shinto kami deities .

. shiryoo 死霊 spirit of the dead - sorei 祖霊 ancestral spirits .

. shinsen 神饌(しんせん) Shinto- Food offerings - Shinto-Speiseopfer .
- - - - - “honorable food” mige 御食(みけ), minie 御贄(みにえ). cooked and prepared food 熟饌(じゅくせん jukusen), raw food 生饌(せいせん)seisen. Ritual fire for the cooking has to be made with a flint stone (忌火・いみび)imibi / inbi.
- - - - - shinsenmai 神饌米 rice for the Kami
- - - - - mitana shinsen  御棚神饌 food offerings at shrine Kasuga Taisha

. Shinto and Oni Demons 神道と鬼 .

. shinza 神座 / 神籬 seat of the deity, divine seat, divine throne .
- - - - - shintai (神体 body of the kami), or go-shintai (御神体 sacred body of the kami)

. shoogongu  荘厳具 Shogun-Gu, ritual decorations .

. Shoogunzuka 将軍塚 Shōgunzuka, Shogunzuka Mound in Kyoto .

. shookonsha 招魂社 - "spirit-inviting shrine" . - Gokoku jinja 護国神社 Gokoku Shrine

. Shōmu Tennō 聖武天皇 Emperor Shomu Tenno (707 - 755 ) .

. shoosha, oyashiro, koyashiro 小社 small shrine .

. shooshi 小祠 small Hokora shrine .

. shugojin 守護神 protector deities .

. shusse 出世 shrines and temples to pray for a good career .

. sojin, soshin, oyagami 祖神 spirits of ancestral deities .

. sonsha 村社 "villge shrine" .

. soorin 相輪, Sorin, finial on a roof .
ryuusha, ryusha 竜車, 竜舎 "Dragon wheel, dragon vehicle"

. sorei 祖霊 ancestral spirits, ancestor spirits .
- - - - - soreisha 祖霊社 "shrine for the ancestor sprits"

. sosha そしゃ "other shrines" .

. sotoba 卒塔婆 と伝説 Legends about grave markers .

. sorakamisan Sora Kami San 空神さん Deity of the Sky / Tengu .

. suki saiden 主基斎田 divine rice paddy in the auspicious West .

. sunafumi 砂踏み walking on sacred sand - henro pilgrims .



- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -

- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -

- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -

- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -

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