. Ta no Kami 田の神 - Table of Contents .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
Ta no Kami, Tanokami 田の神 God of the Fields
Shanichi Sama, Shajitsu Sama 社日様 God of the Shrine Day
Sakugami Sama 作神様 God of the Harvest
- quote -
shanichi 社日
The tsuchinoe day nearest to the vernal and autumnal equinoxes; the "irregular holiday" (holidays celebrated on days when the sun is not situated at one of the 24 equal divisions of its annual orbit) celebrated on those two days.
Individually the two are called shunsha (the "vernal shanichi") and shūsha (the "autumnal shanichi"), but if one simply says shanichi then it usually refers to shunsha. On these days, people take a break from farming, and a custom of meeting in shanichikō (shanichi community associations) and chijinkō (earth kami community associations) also exists.
Also, the spring shanichi is considered to be the standard day for the soaking and softening of seeds.
In China, shanichi was the festival day for celebrating the sha (Ch: she), which refers to the "land kami," the "tribal kami," or the celebrations devoted to them. The date of shanichi celebrations in China varied by region and time period, but their functions generally have not: the spring shanichi was to pray for agricultural production and the autumn shanichi was to express gratitude for the harvest and to divine the coming harvest year.
Japan's shanichi celebrations also came from these traditions, but as it spread from region to region, the content of the events took on great variation.
For example, people living in Tokushima Prefecture have a custom in which they call on Ojishisama and celebrate that kami in parish festivals in which the tōya (secular households overseeing the ritual in their area) pounds mochi.
On shanichi, the people of Nagano Prefecture honor the ta no kami, or "kami of the fields," in their celebrations. They believe that in the spring, the ta no kami descends from the mountains to watch over the rice cultivation and returns again to the mountains in the fall, and worship him by pounding mochi in both spring and autumn.
In Oita Prefecture's Hida basin, people call this holiday "sajitsu," or "saji" and believe that on the saji in February, the kami Sakugamisama descends from heaven and in the autumn saji he ascends to heaven.
In part of Fukuoka Prefecture's Kaho District, people call it oshioi, and have a custom of purifying the house within and without using ocean sand brought home from the beach.
- reference source : Kokugakuin - Yumiyama Tatsuya 2007 -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 .....
栗原市 Kurihara
毘沙門様 Bishamon Sama
Bishamon Sama is a greedy deity. If one borrows money it has to be given back in double.
He is also seen as Sakugami.
On the 13th day of the first month, farmers place 20 soy beans into the hearth. If they all become black, it will be a good harvest this year.
If only half will get black, only half of the good harvest.
On the 15th day of the 6th month, cucumbers are offered in the hope they will induce 豊作 a good harvest.
. Bishamon-Ten 毘沙門天 Vaishravana .
....................................................................... Miyazaki 宮崎県 .....
西臼杵郡 Nishi-Usuki district 鞍岡町 Kuraoka
Daikoku Sama 大黒様 is seen as 作神様 Sakugami Sama.
. Daikoku Ten 大黒天 Daikoku Sama .
....................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県 .....
Sakugami Sama is called セン神様 / センガミサマ Sengami Sama.
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
南魚沼郡 Minami-Uonuma district 六日町 Muikamachi
社日様 Shajitsu Sama,田の神様 Tanokami Sama,作神様 Sakugami Sama
On the Day of the Shrine in Spring (shunsha 春社) (usually in the third month) in the early morning before the birds begin to sing, Tanokami is coming down. Since he likes fish, people make offerings of fish salad, fish soup and rice with soy beans. Farmers get up early and put 鍬 / 鋤 the hoes and plows outside the barn for blessings. This is an equivalent for the ritual tauchi 田打ち the first "hitting of the fields".
From the Shrine Day in spring until the Shrine Day in autumn (usually in the ninth month) the deity seen as 作柄 the supervisor of the harvest.
If the deity comes late in spring and leaves soon in autumn, it will be a good harvest, because this deity likes to eat a lot, and if he stays too long, the harvest will suffer.
シャジツサマ Shajitsu Sama
Rituals for this deity are held on the nearest 戊の日 Day of the Wild Boar close to the spring and autumn equinox.
- Related Kigo for Spring -
. shanichi, shajitsu 社日 "day of the shrine" .
..... "day of the shrine" shanichi 社日)、shanichi sama 社日様(しゃにちさま)
..... visiting the shrine day, shanichi moode 社日詣(
..... rain on the old man of the shrine, shaoo no ame 社翁の雨
..... swallows of the shrine, sha en 社燕
This day varies according to the Asian Lunar Calendar.
The god of the earth had a special festival twice a year around the spring and autumn equinox to welcome him and send him off. The day was defined to be the "light or elder day of the earth" tsuchi no e 戊, according to the Asian lunar calendar and the knowledge of the five elements.
This day is also called "Shrine Day" shanichi 社日. On this shrine day, farmers would assemble at the local shrine and dance for the gods, praying for a good harvest in spring (shunsha 春社)and thanking for a good harvest in autumn(shuusha 秋社 Shusha).
In autumn, the god of the earth was then sent off to the mountain, to live there until next spring as the "god of the mountain, yama no kami 山の神.
東蒲原郡 Higashi-Kanbara district 鹿瀬町 Kanosemachi
On the evening of the 15th day of the second month in Spring 16 rice balls are made as an offering, 二月の十六団子 nigatsu no juuroku dango.
On the next morning, they are eaten by the family. Before eating them, the empty 臼 mortar is hit with the mallet to make a sound, in order to make the Sakugami come down from heaven.
In Autumn on the 15th day of the 10th month another set of 16 rice balls is prepared, this time the 十月の十六団子 juugatsu no juuroku dango.
This time the mortar is not hit with the mallet, but the mallet is simply laid over the mortar. This is put on a high place in the kitchen, to show the Sakugami the way back to heaven.
. dango 団子 and ritual offerings .
佐渡郡 Sado district
シャニチサマ Shanichi Sama
Rituals for this deity are held on the nearest 戊の日 Day of the Wild Boar close to the spring and autumn equinox.
If the deity comes late in spring and leaves soon in autumn, it will be a good harvest, because this deity likes to eat a lot, and if he stays too long, the harvest will suffer.
....................................................................... Oita 大分県 .....
速見郡 Hayami district 日出町 Hiji
In the hamlet of 南畑部落 Nanbata Shanichi Sama is venerated as 田の守り神 the protector deity of the fields.
....................................................................... Shiga 佐賀県 .....
東松浦郡 Higashi-Matsuura district 鎮西町 Chinseicho
kitsune 狐 fox
Each farm house venerates 稲荷様 the rice Deity Inari sama as the Sakugami Sama on the day hatsu-uma 初午, the first day of the horse .
The Inari Kami of the 藤田家 Fujita family came from Kyoto
. hatsu-uma 初午 First Day of the Horse .
in February
Inari Jinja 稲荷神社 First Day of the Horse at Fox Shrines
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
社日様 / 作神様
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. Ta no Kami 田の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #tanokami #yamanokami #shanichi #sakugami -
Tanokami, Yama no Kami Legends
. Ta no Kami 田の神 - Table of Contents .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
Ta no Kami, Tanokami 田の神 God of the Fields
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Many legends involve both names of this deity.
In some regions he is coming down to the fields three times a year to watch over the harvest.
....................................................................... Fukui 福井県 .....
Most rice farming communities celebrate the departure of Tanokami after the harvest. Some have a special matsuri 祭り Tanokami festival, where children participate in a parade.
Children carry a kodomo mikoshi 子供神輿 protable shrine along the paths of the harvested fields, to express gratitude. Then they walk past each farming house and finally the Mikoshi is placed back in the shrine of the 氏神 Ujigami.
- quote -
The most important 15 villages are:
祭りの当日、子どもたちは集落の氏神にお参り、お祓いを受けた神輿(子ども達により事前に飾りつけられる)を先頭に、子ども達が並び、道中を賑やかに太鼓を叩き、「さんよーれー さんよーれー」等と掛け声をかけ、田植えの済んだ田んぼを見回り、その後各家を巡回する。訪問を受けた家では、安置された神輿に参拝し、お供えをする。集落の全戸を巡回すると神輿を氏神に納め祭りが終了する。
- reference source : info.pref.fukui.jp/bunka/bunkazai...-
. ujigami 氏神 and ujiko 氏子 local worshiper, parishioner of a Shinto shrine .
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
南魚沼郡 Minami-Uonuma district 六日町 Muikamachi
. 社日様 Shajitsu Sama,田の神様 Tanokami Sama,作神様 Sakugami Sama .
Shajitsu Sama, Shanichi Sama 社日様 God of the Shrine Day
when this Kami comes down to the fields or leaves for the mountain
北蒲原郡 Kita-Kanbara district 紫雲寺町 Shiunjimachi
koosaku no kamisama 耕作の神様 Kosaku no Kami, Deity of Cultivation
Tanokami comes down to the fields on the 16th of the third month and goes back to the mountain on the 16th of the 11th month.
On both days farmers are not allowed to go either to the mountain or to the fields. They prepare 16 botamochi - ohagi ボタモチおはぎ sweet rice balls as offerings on the kamidana 神棚 family shelf of the Gods. They also prepare sekihan 赤飯 auspicious red rice as an offering, finally eaten by the family.
Tanokami is seen as a Deity of Cultivation who resides in the mountain.
Even when he goes back to the mountain in Autumn he is not called 山の神 Yama no Kami.
. ohagi おはぎ sweet wrapped rice cakes .
- - - - - A legend from Okinawa about Kosaku no Kami :
There is a kaiushi 怪牛 monster bull with eight horns and eight legs, sometimes even 16 legs (8 in front and 8 in back) called ナマントカナシ Namantokanashi.
It beats the fields with its many legs and is thus a 耕作の神様 Kosaku no Kami.
. Takeminakata no Mikoto 津御名方命 as Deity of Cultivation .
中蒲原郡 Naka-Kanbara district 村松町 Muramatsumachi
O-Ta no Kami お田の神 "Honorable Tanokami"
Early in the morning of the 16th day of the 3rd month, people hit the empty mortar to produce a welcoming sound for the Tanokami to come down from the mountain. They prepare 16 karako dango カラコ団子 rice dumplings as offerings in the tokonoma 床の間 alcove. In the evening soy beans are boiled and eaten.
On the 16th day of November (the 10th lunar month in the old calendar) they celebrate the Day of O-Tanokami, when the Deity goes back. Again, they prepare karako dango, this time as an offering in the kamidana 神棚 family shelf of the Gods. The Deity fries these dumplings near 炉縁 the fireplace and then leaves for the mountain.
....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 .....
西置賜郡 Nishi-Okitama district 小国町 Oguni
Tanokami dango 田の神団子 dumplings for Tanokami
On the 15th and 16th of the 10th month, Tanokami goes back to the mountains.
People prepare special dumplings for him and offer them on the 米びつ container to keep rice.
They hit the mortar with the pestle to make a special sound.
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
43 田の神 山の神 to explore (13)
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. Ta no Kami 田の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #tanokami #yamanokami #sakugami #shajitsu #shanichi -
. Ta no Kami 田の神 - Table of Contents .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
Ta no Kami, Tanokami 田の神 God of the Fields
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
Many legends involve both names of this deity.
In some regions he is coming down to the fields three times a year to watch over the harvest.
....................................................................... Fukui 福井県 .....
Most rice farming communities celebrate the departure of Tanokami after the harvest. Some have a special matsuri 祭り Tanokami festival, where children participate in a parade.
Children carry a kodomo mikoshi 子供神輿 protable shrine along the paths of the harvested fields, to express gratitude. Then they walk past each farming house and finally the Mikoshi is placed back in the shrine of the 氏神 Ujigami.
- quote -
The most important 15 villages are:
祭りの当日、子どもたちは集落の氏神にお参り、お祓いを受けた神輿(子ども達により事前に飾りつけられる)を先頭に、子ども達が並び、道中を賑やかに太鼓を叩き、「さんよーれー さんよーれー」等と掛け声をかけ、田植えの済んだ田んぼを見回り、その後各家を巡回する。訪問を受けた家では、安置された神輿に参拝し、お供えをする。集落の全戸を巡回すると神輿を氏神に納め祭りが終了する。
- reference source : info.pref.fukui.jp/bunka/bunkazai...-
. ujigami 氏神 and ujiko 氏子 local worshiper, parishioner of a Shinto shrine .
....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
南魚沼郡 Minami-Uonuma district 六日町 Muikamachi
. 社日様 Shajitsu Sama,田の神様 Tanokami Sama,作神様 Sakugami Sama .
Shajitsu Sama, Shanichi Sama 社日様 God of the Shrine Day
when this Kami comes down to the fields or leaves for the mountain
北蒲原郡 Kita-Kanbara district 紫雲寺町 Shiunjimachi
koosaku no kamisama 耕作の神様 Kosaku no Kami, Deity of Cultivation
Tanokami comes down to the fields on the 16th of the third month and goes back to the mountain on the 16th of the 11th month.
On both days farmers are not allowed to go either to the mountain or to the fields. They prepare 16 botamochi - ohagi ボタモチおはぎ sweet rice balls as offerings on the kamidana 神棚 family shelf of the Gods. They also prepare sekihan 赤飯 auspicious red rice as an offering, finally eaten by the family.
Tanokami is seen as a Deity of Cultivation who resides in the mountain.
Even when he goes back to the mountain in Autumn he is not called 山の神 Yama no Kami.
. ohagi おはぎ sweet wrapped rice cakes .
- - - - - A legend from Okinawa about Kosaku no Kami :
There is a kaiushi 怪牛 monster bull with eight horns and eight legs, sometimes even 16 legs (8 in front and 8 in back) called ナマントカナシ Namantokanashi.
It beats the fields with its many legs and is thus a 耕作の神様 Kosaku no Kami.
. Takeminakata no Mikoto 津御名方命 as Deity of Cultivation .
中蒲原郡 Naka-Kanbara district 村松町 Muramatsumachi
O-Ta no Kami お田の神 "Honorable Tanokami"
Early in the morning of the 16th day of the 3rd month, people hit the empty mortar to produce a welcoming sound for the Tanokami to come down from the mountain. They prepare 16 karako dango カラコ団子 rice dumplings as offerings in the tokonoma 床の間 alcove. In the evening soy beans are boiled and eaten.
On the 16th day of November (the 10th lunar month in the old calendar) they celebrate the Day of O-Tanokami, when the Deity goes back. Again, they prepare karako dango, this time as an offering in the kamidana 神棚 family shelf of the Gods. The Deity fries these dumplings near 炉縁 the fireplace and then leaves for the mountain.
....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県 .....
西置賜郡 Nishi-Okitama district 小国町 Oguni
Tanokami dango 田の神団子 dumplings for Tanokami
On the 15th and 16th of the 10th month, Tanokami goes back to the mountains.
People prepare special dumplings for him and offer them on the 米びつ container to keep rice.
They hit the mortar with the pestle to make a special sound.
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
43 田の神 山の神 to explore (13)
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. Ta no Kami 田の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #tanokami #yamanokami #sakugami #shajitsu #shanichi -
Yamanokami Regional 19 Miyagi
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Miyagi 宮城県
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
Yamanokami Sha 山神社(やまのかみしゃ)Shrine
宮城県遠田郡美里町 Toda district, Misato town, Kogota
Kogota (小牛田町 Kogota-chō) was a town located in Tōda District, Miyagi
the Yamanokami Shrine and various ancient burial mounds dating from before 250BC.
山神社は、崇徳天皇の御代である永治元年(1141年)、摂津国の住人で、現宮司家の祖先である小山田清寧 Oyamada Kiyoyasu が家の守り神として勧請したのが始まりだと伝えられている。その後、清寧の後裔である浄円が元亀2年(1571年)に神璽(神体)を奉じて、陸奥国遠田郡小牛田旧屋敷にやってきて移り住み、天正3年(1575年)には祠を建てて神体を鎮め祀ったという。
寛文2年(1662年)、仙台藩により小牛田駅が造られ、南小牛田村の町割りが行われた際に旧屋敷地区から近くの南小牛田町屋敷地区に間口九間・奥行四間の社殿が造営され、そこに遷座した。 ...
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
akakura no yamanokami 赤倉の山の神 Yamanokami from Mount Akakura
Once a woman was happy to announce to the ancestors that she had brought up her children and went to worship at Mount Akakura. But there she was possesed by Yamanokami.
. Mountains named Akakura .
heso no o へその緒 umbilical cord
After giving birth, a woman gets an amulet from Yamanokami and some hemp rope to wrap around the umbilical cord. Together with the name and date of birth she puts it in a bag and keeps it.
When the person thus born dies, this bag is placed into the coffin (in the Matsushima and Sendai region).
. heso no o へその緒と伝説 Legends about the umbilical cord .
. Tengu no kamikakushi 天狗と神かくし / カミカクシ abduction .
If a child gets lost and does not come home any more, people of old thought it was taken away by a Tengu or Yamanokami.
So they took bells and gongs and went to the mountain forest to search.
Once a child got lost while playing "hide and seek" till late in the evening and thought it was taken away by Yamanokami !
makura 枕 pillow
As a wish for a save birth, a woman has to go to 塩釜神社 Shiogama Jinja Shrine and to the shrine for Yamanokami and get a pillow from each one. After a safe birth, she brings back the pillows.
The pillow is usually kept at the kamidana 神棚 shelf of the Gods.
During birth, it is kept near the pillow of the woman. Very seldom it may be borrowed to a woman in the neighbourhood who does not have one.
. kamidana 神棚 household Shinto altar, "shelf for the Gods" .
. mochi 餅と伝説 Legends about rice cakes .
okasane mochi オカサネ餅 piled-up rice cakes
A decoration for the New Year. After offering them to Yamanokami, they are eaten by the family members.
If they have cracks, the weather in the coming year will be fine.
If they have no cracks, there will be a lot of rain in the coming year.
osaidogiyaki オサイドギヤキ burning the offerings
On the evening of the 15th day of the first lunar month, the offerings for Yamanokami were burned at the entrance of the home.
If all the offerings of soybean shells and straw burned down, the coming year would bring a good harvest.
If some parts remained, there would be a rather bad harvest.
Takebera Taro 竹箆太郎 Shippei Taro
. The legend of the spiritual dog Hayataro 霊犬早太郎伝説 .
Nagano, Kozen-Ji Temple : Legend of 岩見重太郎 Iwami Jutaro (Kanesuke Susukita) and Shippeitaro (Hayataro)
yamairi no kinki 山入りの禁忌 taboos about going to the mountain
On the 12th day of the second lunar month was 山の神の祭日 the Festival of Yamanokami and nobody was allowed to go into the mountain forest.
But one day a young fellow went to the forest to cut down a tree. On a huge boulder deep down the river walley he saw a half-naked woman with long black hair. When he called at her, she gave him a strange look. He fled in a hurry, but later became ill and died soon after.
This woman was Yamanokami.
... matagi no kinki マタギの禁忌 taboos for bear hunters
If the wife of a hunter had given birth, her husband should not go to the mountain for 27 days, because Yamanokami dislikes 穢れ unclean things.
Others say they had to stay out of the mountain forest until the seventh night was over.
If a hunter would go anyway, he did not find any animal to shoot. Others would loose their way and not come home.
Another hunter was found having committed suicide in the forest . . . and more strange tales are told.
. matagi 又鬼 - マタギ と伝説 Legends about bear hunters .
伊具郡 Igu district 丸森町 Marumori
. Sanno Iwaya 山王岩屋,Sarutobi 猿跳 Monkeys Jumping .
山王権現 Sanno Gongen and 安倍貞任 Abe no Sadato
阿武隈川峡谷 the gorge of river Abukuma
刈田郡 Katta district 七ヶ宿町 Shichikashuku
. zaimoku iwa, zaimoku-iwa 材木岩 Timber Rocks .
and the river 白石川 Shiroishigawa,
. Kobo Daishi 弘法大師 and Zaimoku-Iwa .
at Gifu 岐阜県, 上宝村 Kamitakaramura, 双六 Sugoroku
栗原郡 Kurihara district
Yamanokami does not like the love song サンサシグレ "sansa shigure" , which is song for various rituals.
Forest workers are not allowed to hum the melody while working.
Hunters are not allowed to use the word MONKEY while they are in the moutains.
- - - - -
栗原郡 Kurihara district 花山村 Hanayama village
花山村御嶽山(石楠花山)The mountain is also called Shakunage Yama.
Ontake Jinja, Miyagi 御嶽神社 with Shakunage fields.
- reference source : miyagi-kankou.or.jp... -
御嶽山の神 Ontakesan no Kami / Mitakeyama no Kami
Mount Ontake / Mitake in Miyagi is only 472 m high.
During the season the whole moutain seems covered with rhododendron, Shakunage.
If someone comes to pick the flowers, the weather will turn bad, because Yamanokami, who loves these flowers, becomes angry.
. shakunage 石南花 rhododendron .
黒川郡 Kurokawa district 大和町 Taiwa
tomeyama 止め山 "rest of the mountain"
On the 12th day of the 10th lunar month, villagers observe a day of "Rest of the Mountain", when Yamanokami goes back to the mountain.
This day and the 12th day of the second lunar month are the days when Yamanokami walks in the mountains.
People who do forest work on these days will get some heavenly punishment.
仙台市 Sendai city 太白区 Taihaku
. 万二万三郎 The Brothers Banji and Banzaburo .
- - - - -
Taihakuyama no Kami 太白山の神 Yamanokami from Mount Taihaku
udo 独活 Japanese Spikenard
Since Yamanokami lost her eye when trying to get some spikenard, the villagers at the foot of the mountain never grow or eat this vegetable.
. udo 独活 Japanese Spikenard, Aralia cordata, .
登米郡 Tome district
. hibashira 火柱と伝説 Legends about a pillar of fire .
On the 12th day of each month, the Day of Yamanokami, people are not allowed to go into the forest.
People make a pillar of fire. If someone is hit by a pillar of fire, his home will have a fire.
That is the curse of sakasabashira 逆さ柱 the upside-down pillar.
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
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. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #yamanokamimiyagi #miyagi -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Miyagi 宮城県
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
Yamanokami Sha 山神社(やまのかみしゃ)Shrine
宮城県遠田郡美里町 Toda district, Misato town, Kogota
Kogota (小牛田町 Kogota-chō) was a town located in Tōda District, Miyagi
the Yamanokami Shrine and various ancient burial mounds dating from before 250BC.
山神社は、崇徳天皇の御代である永治元年(1141年)、摂津国の住人で、現宮司家の祖先である小山田清寧 Oyamada Kiyoyasu が家の守り神として勧請したのが始まりだと伝えられている。その後、清寧の後裔である浄円が元亀2年(1571年)に神璽(神体)を奉じて、陸奥国遠田郡小牛田旧屋敷にやってきて移り住み、天正3年(1575年)には祠を建てて神体を鎮め祀ったという。
寛文2年(1662年)、仙台藩により小牛田駅が造られ、南小牛田村の町割りが行われた際に旧屋敷地区から近くの南小牛田町屋敷地区に間口九間・奥行四間の社殿が造営され、そこに遷座した。 ...
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akakura no yamanokami 赤倉の山の神 Yamanokami from Mount Akakura
Once a woman was happy to announce to the ancestors that she had brought up her children and went to worship at Mount Akakura. But there she was possesed by Yamanokami.
. Mountains named Akakura .
heso no o へその緒 umbilical cord
After giving birth, a woman gets an amulet from Yamanokami and some hemp rope to wrap around the umbilical cord. Together with the name and date of birth she puts it in a bag and keeps it.
When the person thus born dies, this bag is placed into the coffin (in the Matsushima and Sendai region).
. heso no o へその緒と伝説 Legends about the umbilical cord .
. Tengu no kamikakushi 天狗と神かくし / カミカクシ abduction .
If a child gets lost and does not come home any more, people of old thought it was taken away by a Tengu or Yamanokami.
So they took bells and gongs and went to the mountain forest to search.
Once a child got lost while playing "hide and seek" till late in the evening and thought it was taken away by Yamanokami !
makura 枕 pillow
As a wish for a save birth, a woman has to go to 塩釜神社 Shiogama Jinja Shrine and to the shrine for Yamanokami and get a pillow from each one. After a safe birth, she brings back the pillows.
The pillow is usually kept at the kamidana 神棚 shelf of the Gods.
During birth, it is kept near the pillow of the woman. Very seldom it may be borrowed to a woman in the neighbourhood who does not have one.
. kamidana 神棚 household Shinto altar, "shelf for the Gods" .
. mochi 餅と伝説 Legends about rice cakes .
okasane mochi オカサネ餅 piled-up rice cakes
A decoration for the New Year. After offering them to Yamanokami, they are eaten by the family members.
If they have cracks, the weather in the coming year will be fine.
If they have no cracks, there will be a lot of rain in the coming year.
osaidogiyaki オサイドギヤキ burning the offerings
On the evening of the 15th day of the first lunar month, the offerings for Yamanokami were burned at the entrance of the home.
If all the offerings of soybean shells and straw burned down, the coming year would bring a good harvest.
If some parts remained, there would be a rather bad harvest.
Takebera Taro 竹箆太郎 Shippei Taro
. The legend of the spiritual dog Hayataro 霊犬早太郎伝説 .
Nagano, Kozen-Ji Temple : Legend of 岩見重太郎 Iwami Jutaro (Kanesuke Susukita) and Shippeitaro (Hayataro)
yamairi no kinki 山入りの禁忌 taboos about going to the mountain
On the 12th day of the second lunar month was 山の神の祭日 the Festival of Yamanokami and nobody was allowed to go into the mountain forest.
But one day a young fellow went to the forest to cut down a tree. On a huge boulder deep down the river walley he saw a half-naked woman with long black hair. When he called at her, she gave him a strange look. He fled in a hurry, but later became ill and died soon after.
This woman was Yamanokami.
... matagi no kinki マタギの禁忌 taboos for bear hunters
If the wife of a hunter had given birth, her husband should not go to the mountain for 27 days, because Yamanokami dislikes 穢れ unclean things.
Others say they had to stay out of the mountain forest until the seventh night was over.
If a hunter would go anyway, he did not find any animal to shoot. Others would loose their way and not come home.
Another hunter was found having committed suicide in the forest . . . and more strange tales are told.
. matagi 又鬼 - マタギ と伝説 Legends about bear hunters .
伊具郡 Igu district 丸森町 Marumori
. Sanno Iwaya 山王岩屋,Sarutobi 猿跳 Monkeys Jumping .
山王権現 Sanno Gongen and 安倍貞任 Abe no Sadato
阿武隈川峡谷 the gorge of river Abukuma
刈田郡 Katta district 七ヶ宿町 Shichikashuku
. zaimoku iwa, zaimoku-iwa 材木岩 Timber Rocks .
and the river 白石川 Shiroishigawa,
. Kobo Daishi 弘法大師 and Zaimoku-Iwa .
at Gifu 岐阜県, 上宝村 Kamitakaramura, 双六 Sugoroku
栗原郡 Kurihara district
Yamanokami does not like the love song サンサシグレ "sansa shigure" , which is song for various rituals.
Forest workers are not allowed to hum the melody while working.
Hunters are not allowed to use the word MONKEY while they are in the moutains.
- - - - -
栗原郡 Kurihara district 花山村 Hanayama village
花山村御嶽山(石楠花山)The mountain is also called Shakunage Yama.
Ontake Jinja, Miyagi 御嶽神社 with Shakunage fields.
- reference source : miyagi-kankou.or.jp... -
御嶽山の神 Ontakesan no Kami / Mitakeyama no Kami
Mount Ontake / Mitake in Miyagi is only 472 m high.
During the season the whole moutain seems covered with rhododendron, Shakunage.
If someone comes to pick the flowers, the weather will turn bad, because Yamanokami, who loves these flowers, becomes angry.
. shakunage 石南花 rhododendron .
黒川郡 Kurokawa district 大和町 Taiwa
tomeyama 止め山 "rest of the mountain"
On the 12th day of the 10th lunar month, villagers observe a day of "Rest of the Mountain", when Yamanokami goes back to the mountain.
This day and the 12th day of the second lunar month are the days when Yamanokami walks in the mountains.
People who do forest work on these days will get some heavenly punishment.
仙台市 Sendai city 太白区 Taihaku
. 万二万三郎 The Brothers Banji and Banzaburo .
- - - - -
Taihakuyama no Kami 太白山の神 Yamanokami from Mount Taihaku
udo 独活 Japanese Spikenard
Since Yamanokami lost her eye when trying to get some spikenard, the villagers at the foot of the mountain never grow or eat this vegetable.
. udo 独活 Japanese Spikenard, Aralia cordata, .
登米郡 Tome district
. hibashira 火柱と伝説 Legends about a pillar of fire .
On the 12th day of each month, the Day of Yamanokami, people are not allowed to go into the forest.
People make a pillar of fire. If someone is hit by a pillar of fire, his home will have a fire.
That is the curse of sakasabashira 逆さ柱 the upside-down pillar.
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
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. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #yamanokamimiyagi #miyagi -
Yamanokami Regional 18 Kyoto Mie
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Kyoto 京都府 and Mie 三重県
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
Yamanokami no daija 山の神の大蛇 great serpent of Yamanokami
6-1 Koyamanakajimacho, Yamashina Ward, Kyoto,
- reference source : kyoto-np.co.jp/info/sightseeing... -
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
Yamanokami Jinja 山の神神社
京都府京都市左京区久多川合町 / Sakyō-ku, Kutakawaichō
This shrine is very remote.
In summer there is a camping ground and children come to play in the 久多川 Kutakawa river.
亀岡市 Kameoka
. Yama no Kami 山の神 and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .
篠村の長尾 Shinomura, Nagao
京都市 Kyoto
kikai 奇怪 something strange
In 1828, there came a mudslide down from 地蔵山 Mount Jizoyama at Toribeno 鳥辺野. It came all the way down to a place sacred to Yamanokami. The villagers found a large 壺 pot, but thought it quite strange but tried to dig it out completely. Suddenly there was a sound coming out of the ground. The laborer who heard this died on the spot. Later other villagers and even children got ill and died.
An old nun was asked for an oracle. When she fell in trance, they put 幣 a ritual wand in her hands. She begun to talk, saying the soul was a relative of 明智 Akechi and had been buried on the mountain and then called "Yama no Kami", but was still full of anger. So they held rituals at the Jizo hall and buried the pot there, but there were still people dying in the village.
. Toribeno 鳥辺野, とりべの 鳥べの .
an old burrial ground since the Heian period in the Higashiyama 東山 area near Mt. Amidagamine 阿弥陀が峰 in Kyoto.
Yamanokami no batsu 山の神の罰 the punishment of Yamanokami
On the 15th day of the first lunar month, Yamanokami goes to the mountain and throws out seeds for shiba 柴 small firewood trees. On this day villagers are not allowed to go into the mountain forest.
One person did it anyway and never came back. The next summer a villager named 孫助 Magosuke found his robes in takitsubo 滝壷 the basin at the bottom of the waterfall.
But they never found his dead body.
Yamanokami san 山の神さん
In Spring Yamanokami rides on 白兎 a white rabbit and throws seeds of trees and plants on the ground.
In Autumn Yamanokami rides again on his white rabbit and collects seeds of trees and plants.
This Yamanokami has large wings.
. hakuto, shiro usagi 白兎 the white rabbit / hare .
南丹市 Nantan
. katame no buna 片目の鮒 the crucian carp with one eye . .
Once upon a time, Yamanokami needed the offering of a girl every year, but thanks to purifying rituals of a mountain priest he lost this habit and was contend with the offering of a crucian carp. And after a few years, he needed only the offering of a crucian carp with one eye.
....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
三重県旧美里町 Mie prefecture, former Misato village / Misatochō-Kōzawara
Yamanokami from Kozawara 高座原の山の神」
The mountain range of 布引山 Nunobiki divides Iga and Ise.
One of the mountains is 経が峰 Kyogamine (814 m) and to its South-East is a region called 芸濃 Geino.
A male and female Yamanokami are placed near the ancient rocks.
- Look at more photos here
- reference source : blog.goo.ne.jp/pzm4366... -
員弁郡 Inabe district 大安町 Daian cho town
Yamanokami 山の神 - 産土神 Ubusunagami
If a person keeps some earth from the mountain of Yamanokami, he will not get Beriberi.
If a person gets dizzy when driving in a car it helps to put some of the earth on the navel.
. ubusunagami 産土神 Ubusuna Deity of the birth place .
熊野市 Kumano
Yama no Kamisama 山の神様
Yamanokami is a woman.
Once upon a time someone went deep in to the mountains and daw a woman wearing washing a beautiful Kimono in the river. She told him never to talk about this meeting to anybody.
It was Yamanokami indeed !
. yamaotoko 山男 Mountain Man" monster .
大西喜作 Onishi Kisaku and the cock of Yamanokami
名張市 Nabari
To avoid a curse from Yamanokami, people are not allowed to work in the mountain forests on the 10th lunar month, when all the Kami meet in Izumo.
志摩郡 Shima district
If someone cuts down a tree dedicated to Yamanokami, he will fall ill.
鈴鹿市 Suzuka
On the 7th day of the first lunar month villagers go to the local shrine, collect branches of 松 pine trees and wild bamboo and make a fire.
They bring ritual kirimochi 切り餅 cut rice cakes, one for each member of the family and roast them on the fire.
This will help them to avoid illness and bring good luck.
Yamanokami is also very fond of children and protects them.
度会郡 Watarai district
Yama no Kami is a woman. She stays at the sea from the third to the eighth lunar month.
The other months she stay in the mountains.
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #yamanokamikyoto #yamanokamimie #kyoto -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Kyoto 京都府 and Mie 三重県
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府 .....
Yamanokami no daija 山の神の大蛇 great serpent of Yamanokami
6-1 Koyamanakajimacho, Yamashina Ward, Kyoto,
- reference source : kyoto-np.co.jp/info/sightseeing... -
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
Yamanokami Jinja 山の神神社
京都府京都市左京区久多川合町 / Sakyō-ku, Kutakawaichō
This shrine is very remote.
In summer there is a camping ground and children come to play in the 久多川 Kutakawa river.
亀岡市 Kameoka
. Yama no Kami 山の神 and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .
篠村の長尾 Shinomura, Nagao
京都市 Kyoto
kikai 奇怪 something strange
In 1828, there came a mudslide down from 地蔵山 Mount Jizoyama at Toribeno 鳥辺野. It came all the way down to a place sacred to Yamanokami. The villagers found a large 壺 pot, but thought it quite strange but tried to dig it out completely. Suddenly there was a sound coming out of the ground. The laborer who heard this died on the spot. Later other villagers and even children got ill and died.
An old nun was asked for an oracle. When she fell in trance, they put 幣 a ritual wand in her hands. She begun to talk, saying the soul was a relative of 明智 Akechi and had been buried on the mountain and then called "Yama no Kami", but was still full of anger. So they held rituals at the Jizo hall and buried the pot there, but there were still people dying in the village.
. Toribeno 鳥辺野, とりべの 鳥べの .
an old burrial ground since the Heian period in the Higashiyama 東山 area near Mt. Amidagamine 阿弥陀が峰 in Kyoto.
Yamanokami no batsu 山の神の罰 the punishment of Yamanokami
On the 15th day of the first lunar month, Yamanokami goes to the mountain and throws out seeds for shiba 柴 small firewood trees. On this day villagers are not allowed to go into the mountain forest.
One person did it anyway and never came back. The next summer a villager named 孫助 Magosuke found his robes in takitsubo 滝壷 the basin at the bottom of the waterfall.
But they never found his dead body.
Yamanokami san 山の神さん
In Spring Yamanokami rides on 白兎 a white rabbit and throws seeds of trees and plants on the ground.
In Autumn Yamanokami rides again on his white rabbit and collects seeds of trees and plants.
This Yamanokami has large wings.
. hakuto, shiro usagi 白兎 the white rabbit / hare .
南丹市 Nantan
. katame no buna 片目の鮒 the crucian carp with one eye . .
Once upon a time, Yamanokami needed the offering of a girl every year, but thanks to purifying rituals of a mountain priest he lost this habit and was contend with the offering of a crucian carp. And after a few years, he needed only the offering of a crucian carp with one eye.
....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
三重県旧美里町 Mie prefecture, former Misato village / Misatochō-Kōzawara
Yamanokami from Kozawara 高座原の山の神」
The mountain range of 布引山 Nunobiki divides Iga and Ise.
One of the mountains is 経が峰 Kyogamine (814 m) and to its South-East is a region called 芸濃 Geino.
A male and female Yamanokami are placed near the ancient rocks.
- Look at more photos here
- reference source : blog.goo.ne.jp/pzm4366... -
員弁郡 Inabe district 大安町 Daian cho town
Yamanokami 山の神 - 産土神 Ubusunagami
If a person keeps some earth from the mountain of Yamanokami, he will not get Beriberi.
If a person gets dizzy when driving in a car it helps to put some of the earth on the navel.
. ubusunagami 産土神 Ubusuna Deity of the birth place .
熊野市 Kumano
Yama no Kamisama 山の神様
Yamanokami is a woman.
Once upon a time someone went deep in to the mountains and daw a woman wearing washing a beautiful Kimono in the river. She told him never to talk about this meeting to anybody.
It was Yamanokami indeed !
. yamaotoko 山男 Mountain Man" monster .
大西喜作 Onishi Kisaku and the cock of Yamanokami
名張市 Nabari
To avoid a curse from Yamanokami, people are not allowed to work in the mountain forests on the 10th lunar month, when all the Kami meet in Izumo.
志摩郡 Shima district
If someone cuts down a tree dedicated to Yamanokami, he will fall ill.
鈴鹿市 Suzuka
On the 7th day of the first lunar month villagers go to the local shrine, collect branches of 松 pine trees and wild bamboo and make a fire.
They bring ritual kirimochi 切り餅 cut rice cakes, one for each member of the family and roast them on the fire.
This will help them to avoid illness and bring good luck.
Yamanokami is also very fond of children and protects them.
度会郡 Watarai district
Yama no Kami is a woman. She stays at the sea from the third to the eighth lunar month.
The other months she stay in the mountains.
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #yamanokamikyoto #yamanokamimie #kyoto -
Yama no Kami Regional 17 Kumamoto
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Kumamoto 熊本県
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
山の神釣堀センター Yamanokami Tsuribori Fishing center
山鹿市菊鹿町 / 2051 Kikukamachi Kamiuchida, Yamaga
. Yamawaroo やまわろ / ヤマワロ / 山童 Yamawaro, Yama-Waro
"Child of the Mountain" / Yamawaraji .
- - - - - and his alter ego
Kappa 河童 "Child of the River"
Bronze Statue at the Mizuki Shigeru Road in Sakai Minato / Tottori 水木しげるロード
ushi 牛 cow, ox, bull
The day for the festival of Yamanokami is the day of the Bull / Oxen.
If people eat meat on this day and the go to the mountain to work, they will have accidents and get wounded.
天草郡 Amakusa district
kamikakushi 神隠し kidnapped by the gods
Once a man cut down the big tree of Yamanokami. Then there were three days of strong wind.
When the wife and child of that man went out for a walk later, they suddenly disappeared and were not seen again.
球磨郡 Kuma district
Yamataroo 山太郎 Yamataro is Yamanokami.
When building a mountain hut, ritual branches have to be stood up in the four directions to let Yamanokami know that humans will use this part of land for some time.
If this offering is not done, Yamataro will come at night and shake the hut, throw stoned and destroy the walls.
In that case the forest workers will have to make an apology ritual and built the hut anew.
玉名郡 Tamana district 玉東町 Gyokuto 木葉 Konoha hamlet
. 木葉猿 Konoha Saru 木の葉猿 monkey from Konoha village .
八代市 Yatsushiro 東陽村 Toyo mura
gago, gawappa ガゴ,ガワッパ local name for the Kappa
山の神様はガゴである. Yamanokami is Gago.
. Kappa legends from Kumamoto .
ヤマワロ Yamawaro - with one eye
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #yamanokamikumamoto #kumamoto #yamawaro -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Kumamoto 熊本県
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
山の神釣堀センター Yamanokami Tsuribori Fishing center
山鹿市菊鹿町 / 2051 Kikukamachi Kamiuchida, Yamaga
. Yamawaroo やまわろ / ヤマワロ / 山童 Yamawaro, Yama-Waro
"Child of the Mountain" / Yamawaraji .
- - - - - and his alter ego
Kappa 河童 "Child of the River"
Bronze Statue at the Mizuki Shigeru Road in Sakai Minato / Tottori 水木しげるロード
ushi 牛 cow, ox, bull
The day for the festival of Yamanokami is the day of the Bull / Oxen.
If people eat meat on this day and the go to the mountain to work, they will have accidents and get wounded.
天草郡 Amakusa district
kamikakushi 神隠し kidnapped by the gods
Once a man cut down the big tree of Yamanokami. Then there were three days of strong wind.
When the wife and child of that man went out for a walk later, they suddenly disappeared and were not seen again.
球磨郡 Kuma district
Yamataroo 山太郎 Yamataro is Yamanokami.
When building a mountain hut, ritual branches have to be stood up in the four directions to let Yamanokami know that humans will use this part of land for some time.
If this offering is not done, Yamataro will come at night and shake the hut, throw stoned and destroy the walls.
In that case the forest workers will have to make an apology ritual and built the hut anew.
玉名郡 Tamana district 玉東町 Gyokuto 木葉 Konoha hamlet
. 木葉猿 Konoha Saru 木の葉猿 monkey from Konoha village .
八代市 Yatsushiro 東陽村 Toyo mura
gago, gawappa ガゴ,ガワッパ local name for the Kappa
山の神様はガゴである. Yamanokami is Gago.
. Kappa legends from Kumamoto .
ヤマワロ Yamawaro - with one eye
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #tanokami #yamanokamikumamoto #kumamoto #yamawaro -
Ta no Kami Festivals matsuri
. Ta no Kami 田の神 - Table of Contents .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
ta no kami matsuri 田の神祭り Tanokami festivals and rituals
for the God of the Rice Fields and for 山の神祭り Yamanokami
Sai no Kami 幸の神 God of Good Fortune
There are many seasonal festivals and rituals to honor the God of the Rice Fields.
Sometimes the dates get mixed up between the old lunar calendar months and the modern counting.
Ebino no Tanokami Matsuri
Most festivals are held on the day 16 of a lunar month, one day after the full moon
. izayoi 十六夜 (いざよい) moon on day 16 .
In Spring to welcome Yama no Kami to the fields
In Autumn to see him off to the mountain.
Many rituals involve the offering of 16 rice dumplings.
. juuroku dango 十六団子 dumpling offerings for day 16 .
. ae no koto, aenokoto あえのこと / 饗事 Entertaining the God of the Fields .
Noto Peninsula 能登半島 Noto Hantoo
- kuwa hajime, kuwahajime 鍬始 kuwa matsuri 鍬祭り festival of the hoe - February 10
- tauchi shoogatsu 田打正月 ritual New Year ploughing - February 11
Ebino no Tanokami Matsuri えびの田の神祭り
- see top picture -
- reference : pref.miyazaki.lg.jp/contents... -
Echizen no Tanokami Matsuri 越前の田の神祭り
. Tanokami festivals in Fukui .
Children carry a kodomo mikoshi 子供神輿 protable shrine ....
Gero no Tanokami Matsuri 下呂の田の神祭り
Gero Onsen下呂温泉 Gero Hot Spring - Gifu
- reference : bosenkan.co.jp... -
Tanokami Matsuri - Flower Hat Festival
- quote -
February, | at Mori-Minashi-Hachiman Shrine, Gero Hot Springs, Gifu Pref.
Hanakasa Matsuri(花笠まつり)森水無八幡神社(岐阜県下呂市)
- reference and photos -
. hiburi matsuri 火振り祭 "fire-swinging festival" .
at Shrine Aso Jinja 阿蘇神社 Kumamoto, now on March 16.
The origin of this ritual goes back to welcoming the god of the fields back in spring, to greet his wife (goze mukae 御前迎え) .
. Niigata 新潟県 白根市 Shirone town .
On the 16th day of the second and tenth month a Tanokami Matsuri 田の神まつり festival for Tanokami is held at the farm houses.
. ta no kansaa matsuri 田の神さあ祭り / 田の神さぁ / タノカンサー.
鹿児島の田の神さあ Kagoshima
In Kyushu, the Ta no kansaa 田の神さあ is still venerated in more than 300 communities ...
- Ta no Kami of the Nishida Fields 西田の田の神さあ
姶良郡姶良町下名西田 Aira district Nishida Shimomyō
This Tanokami protects the Shrine fields of 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Jingu. His face is that of an old man with a beard. The statue is about 90 cm high.
In the right hand he holds a meshige メシゲ (shamoji rice paddle in the local dialect), in the left hand a bowl for cooked rice.
This is the classical form of Tanokami as represented in local Kagoshima dance rituals.
The Tanokami Mai 田の神舞 dance ritual at the shrine is held on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month (now on a Sunday near to it).
After this dance, the saotome 早乙女 rice planting women begin their work.
. Kagoshima Jingu 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Shrine .
In Kagoshima, offerings made to 大黒様 Daikoku sama are not eaten by girls. This will keep the Kami in the home.
On the first day of the 10th lunar month, Daikoku (the Tanokami) goes off to Izumo to meet the other Kami.
永田川流域の田の神 - 山田町 Yamada Town
A statue from 1723, the figure looks like a priest, with a rice paddle in the right hand and a stick in the left.
- more photos and source : 永田川流域の田の神 Nagatagawa -
Wakasa no Tanokami Matsuri 若狭の田の神祭り
Wakasa no Yamanokami Matsuri 山の神祭り
"Oikemono Jinji (オイケモノ神事)" O Ikemono Jinji is held at Kamo Jinja Kamisha (加茂神社上社) in Wakasa, Fukui.
Oikemono Jinji is an annual and unique ritual to perform divination of this year's harvest, and it was continuously held since about 1000 years ago.
. . . It is believed that the enshrined deity "Yama-no-kami (山の神)" is involved in the seeding.
. Wakasa Kamo Jinja 加茂神社 .
. - - - - - - 田の神 山の神 kigo for haiku related to seasonal events - - - - - .
- - - - - Kigo for Late Spring
ceremony of opening the water channels ..... mizuguchi matsuri 水口祭
preparing a seat for the Field God, ..... ta no kami no koshikake 田の神の腰掛
After opening the water channels and heaving earth on the space above them, this is decorated with some branches and leaves as a seat for Tanokami.
Ceremony for the Seeds
..... tane matsuri 種祭 / ..... nawashiro matsuri 苗代祭
. ono jimai 斧仕舞 packing away the axes .
- - - - - Kigo for early summer
. sanbai oroshi さんばい降し calling the god of the fields .
sanbai matsuri さんばい祭 festival for the god of the fields
sanbai okuri さんばい送り sending off Sanbai
sanbai machi さんばい待ち waiting for the god of the fields
- sanbai 三拝 -
- - - - - Kigo for mid-summer
. sanaburi 早苗饗 (さなぶり) end of rice planting .
tauejimai 田植仕舞 celebrating the end of the rice planting activities
「早上(さのぼり」sanobori indicates a day for Tanokami to go back to 天 the sky.
The farmers take a day of rest and walk along the planted fields with a Shinto priest leading them in the thank-you-prayers to the Tanokami. Later they have a feast of sekihan 赤飯 ritual red rice and mochi 餅 dumplings and enjoy some funny dance performance.
. saotome 早乙女 rice-planting woman .
They make offerings to Tanokami and wear auspicious blue and white robes before going into the fields for planting.
. satsuki imi 五月忌 Absention, abstinence in Satsuki
Satsuki is the name for the fifth month of the lunar calendar.
Now 6 Jun – 6 Jul. This is the season of rice planting and welcoming the god of the fields.
. taichuu no majinai 退虫の呪 spell against insects
On the eighth day of the fourth month.
This day was the one when the god of the mountain came back down to the fields for the rice-growing season and was celebrated in many regions.
- - - - - Kigo for early winter
. hiburi matsuri 火振り祭 "fire-swinging festival" .
Aso Shrine Festivals 阿蘇神社 - "fire-swinging festival" Aso Shrine, Kumamoto
The origin of this ritual goes back to welcoming the god of the fields back in spring, to greet his wife (goze mukae 御前迎え(ごぜむかえ) .
. kami no rusu 神の留守 "the Kami are absent" .
kami no tabi 神の旅 the gods are travelling,
After the harvest, Tanokami takes a break to meet all the other Kami at Izumo.
yama no kami matsuri 山の神祭 festival for the god of the mountain
yama no maki koo 山の神講prayer group for the god of the mountain
..... yama no koo 山の講(やまのこう)
yama no ko matsuri 山の講祭festival of the prayer group for the god of the mountain
Held in the winter months at various shrines.
The prayer groups consisted of people who worked in the mountains. They had offerings twice a year, in early spring to open the season and in early winter to give thanks for the year.
. tookanya 十日夜 night of the tenth
(tenth day of the tenth lunar month)
Harvest thanksgiving for the god of the fields, celebrated in Eastern and Northern Japan.
(nowadays around November 15). It was day shortly before a full-moon day of old.
. inoko mochi, i no ko mochi 亥の子餅 rice cakes for the wild boar festival - Legends
They were prepared in the hour of the boar and eaten as a harvest thanksgiving. This a custom coming from China.
Here the deity honored is also seen as the God of the Fields (ta no kami).
Inoko is a festival on 旧暦10月の亥の日 the day of the wild boar in the tenth lunar month. On this day 田の神 the Tanokami goes back to the mountains.
Festival of the Goddess 摩利支天 Marishi Ten and her animal, the Wild Boar.
. kagashiage, kakashi age 案山子揚 taking the scarecrows down .
Usually done on the tenth day of the tenth lunar month.
A custom of Nagano prefecture.
The scarecrow is taken from the field and placed in the garden of the home, harvest offerings to the god of the fields (ta no kami) are then made.
. yama no kami matsuri 山の神祭 festival for the god of the mountain .
yama no kami koo 山の神講 prayer group for the god of the mountain
..... yama no koo 山の講(やまのこう) / yama no ko matsuri 山の講祭(やまのこまつり)
. kami no rusu 神の留守 the gods are absent .
The tenth lunar month (now November), after the harvest when the Japanese gods had done their duty, they left their local shrines for a bit of a vacation. They would all go for an audience and to celebrate at the great shrine of Izumo, so the rest of Japan was "without gods".
- - - - - Kigo for the New Year
. kagihiki shinji 鉤引神事 ritual of pulling with hooks .
..... 鉤引(かぎひき)pulling with hooks, tug-of-war with hooks
also known as Uchiue matsuri.
Ritual to honor the deity of the mountain, in various mountain regions of Japan, especially in Nara, Mie and Kumamoto.
Sai no kami no kanjin 幸の神の勧進 Praying to the God of Good Fortune
On January 15.
This custom is mostly followed in the Tohoku region.
Sai no Kami 幸の神 God of Good Fortune
Also called
Sae no kami 障の神 - 塞の神
A kind of Dosojin, Wayside Deity and also Tanokami
幸(さい)の神と竜 ― 古代が分る鍵 Sai no Kami and the Dragon
谷戸貞彦 Yato Sadahiko
Sai no Kami originated in the San-In region of Western Japan as a deity to protect the farming village by guaranteeing descendants to live in good fortune for ever.
第一章 道の神 - Kami of the Road
第二章 世界の石の神 - Stone Kami in the World
第三章 久那斗の大神 - Kunaji no Kami 岐神 / Kunado no Kami 岐の神 (kami of the border)
第四章 幸姫命 - Sachihime no Mikoto
第五章 サルタ彦大神 - Sarutahiko
第六章 竜神と斎の木 - Dragon Deity and sacred trees
第七章 幸の神と行事 - Festivals for Sai no Kami : 元日の変遷と祭り -- Tanokami 田の神と通過儀礼 -- 渡来人の祭り -- 子孫繁栄の祭り
- reference source : d1.dion.ne.jp/~kunado... -
Saikami Myojin 幸神明神 Great Deity of Good Fortune
Sashikami Myojin サシカミミョウジン
- - - - - In Tokyo
Once the children played with a statue of 明神様 Myojin Sama and let it float in water. An old man of the hamlet took it away from them. Two or three days later, he became very ill.
Maybe this was because he had taken the statue, so he let if float again in water and was soon healed.
. Doosojin 道祖神 The Wayside Gods, Guardians of the Road .
Shakujin 石神, lit. "stone kami"
- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -
. Ta no Kami 田の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #tanokamimatsuri #godofthefieldsfestivals #tanokamimatsuri #yamanokami #kunadonokami #sainokami -
. Ta no Kami 田の神 - Table of Contents .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
ta no kami matsuri 田の神祭り Tanokami festivals and rituals
for the God of the Rice Fields and for 山の神祭り Yamanokami
Sai no Kami 幸の神 God of Good Fortune
There are many seasonal festivals and rituals to honor the God of the Rice Fields.
Sometimes the dates get mixed up between the old lunar calendar months and the modern counting.
Ebino no Tanokami Matsuri
Most festivals are held on the day 16 of a lunar month, one day after the full moon
. izayoi 十六夜 (いざよい) moon on day 16 .
In Spring to welcome Yama no Kami to the fields
In Autumn to see him off to the mountain.
Many rituals involve the offering of 16 rice dumplings.
. juuroku dango 十六団子 dumpling offerings for day 16 .
. ae no koto, aenokoto あえのこと / 饗事 Entertaining the God of the Fields .
Noto Peninsula 能登半島 Noto Hantoo
- kuwa hajime, kuwahajime 鍬始 kuwa matsuri 鍬祭り festival of the hoe - February 10
- tauchi shoogatsu 田打正月 ritual New Year ploughing - February 11
Ebino no Tanokami Matsuri えびの田の神祭り
- see top picture -
- reference : pref.miyazaki.lg.jp/contents... -
Echizen no Tanokami Matsuri 越前の田の神祭り
. Tanokami festivals in Fukui .
Children carry a kodomo mikoshi 子供神輿 protable shrine ....
Gero no Tanokami Matsuri 下呂の田の神祭り
Gero Onsen下呂温泉 Gero Hot Spring - Gifu
- reference : bosenkan.co.jp... -
Tanokami Matsuri - Flower Hat Festival
- quote -
February, | at Mori-Minashi-Hachiman Shrine, Gero Hot Springs, Gifu Pref.
Hanakasa Matsuri(花笠まつり)森水無八幡神社(岐阜県下呂市)
- reference and photos -
. hiburi matsuri 火振り祭 "fire-swinging festival" .
at Shrine Aso Jinja 阿蘇神社 Kumamoto, now on March 16.
The origin of this ritual goes back to welcoming the god of the fields back in spring, to greet his wife (goze mukae 御前迎え) .
. Niigata 新潟県 白根市 Shirone town .
On the 16th day of the second and tenth month a Tanokami Matsuri 田の神まつり festival for Tanokami is held at the farm houses.
. ta no kansaa matsuri 田の神さあ祭り / 田の神さぁ / タノカンサー.
鹿児島の田の神さあ Kagoshima
In Kyushu, the Ta no kansaa 田の神さあ is still venerated in more than 300 communities ...
- Ta no Kami of the Nishida Fields 西田の田の神さあ
姶良郡姶良町下名西田 Aira district Nishida Shimomyō
This Tanokami protects the Shrine fields of 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Jingu. His face is that of an old man with a beard. The statue is about 90 cm high.
In the right hand he holds a meshige メシゲ (shamoji rice paddle in the local dialect), in the left hand a bowl for cooked rice.
This is the classical form of Tanokami as represented in local Kagoshima dance rituals.
The Tanokami Mai 田の神舞 dance ritual at the shrine is held on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month (now on a Sunday near to it).
After this dance, the saotome 早乙女 rice planting women begin their work.
. Kagoshima Jingu 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Shrine .
In Kagoshima, offerings made to 大黒様 Daikoku sama are not eaten by girls. This will keep the Kami in the home.
On the first day of the 10th lunar month, Daikoku (the Tanokami) goes off to Izumo to meet the other Kami.
永田川流域の田の神 - 山田町 Yamada Town
A statue from 1723, the figure looks like a priest, with a rice paddle in the right hand and a stick in the left.
- more photos and source : 永田川流域の田の神 Nagatagawa -
Wakasa no Tanokami Matsuri 若狭の田の神祭り
Wakasa no Yamanokami Matsuri 山の神祭り
"Oikemono Jinji (オイケモノ神事)" O Ikemono Jinji is held at Kamo Jinja Kamisha (加茂神社上社) in Wakasa, Fukui.
Oikemono Jinji is an annual and unique ritual to perform divination of this year's harvest, and it was continuously held since about 1000 years ago.
. . . It is believed that the enshrined deity "Yama-no-kami (山の神)" is involved in the seeding.
. Wakasa Kamo Jinja 加茂神社 .
. - - - - - - 田の神 山の神 kigo for haiku related to seasonal events - - - - - .
- - - - - Kigo for Late Spring
ceremony of opening the water channels ..... mizuguchi matsuri 水口祭
preparing a seat for the Field God, ..... ta no kami no koshikake 田の神の腰掛
After opening the water channels and heaving earth on the space above them, this is decorated with some branches and leaves as a seat for Tanokami.
Ceremony for the Seeds
..... tane matsuri 種祭 / ..... nawashiro matsuri 苗代祭
. ono jimai 斧仕舞 packing away the axes .
- - - - - Kigo for early summer
. sanbai oroshi さんばい降し calling the god of the fields .
sanbai matsuri さんばい祭 festival for the god of the fields
sanbai okuri さんばい送り sending off Sanbai
sanbai machi さんばい待ち waiting for the god of the fields
- sanbai 三拝 -
- - - - - Kigo for mid-summer
. sanaburi 早苗饗 (さなぶり) end of rice planting .
tauejimai 田植仕舞 celebrating the end of the rice planting activities
「早上(さのぼり」sanobori indicates a day for Tanokami to go back to 天 the sky.
The farmers take a day of rest and walk along the planted fields with a Shinto priest leading them in the thank-you-prayers to the Tanokami. Later they have a feast of sekihan 赤飯 ritual red rice and mochi 餅 dumplings and enjoy some funny dance performance.
. saotome 早乙女 rice-planting woman .
They make offerings to Tanokami and wear auspicious blue and white robes before going into the fields for planting.
. satsuki imi 五月忌 Absention, abstinence in Satsuki
Satsuki is the name for the fifth month of the lunar calendar.
Now 6 Jun – 6 Jul. This is the season of rice planting and welcoming the god of the fields.
. taichuu no majinai 退虫の呪 spell against insects
On the eighth day of the fourth month.
This day was the one when the god of the mountain came back down to the fields for the rice-growing season and was celebrated in many regions.
- - - - - Kigo for early winter
. hiburi matsuri 火振り祭 "fire-swinging festival" .
Aso Shrine Festivals 阿蘇神社 - "fire-swinging festival" Aso Shrine, Kumamoto
The origin of this ritual goes back to welcoming the god of the fields back in spring, to greet his wife (goze mukae 御前迎え(ごぜむかえ) .
. kami no rusu 神の留守 "the Kami are absent" .
kami no tabi 神の旅 the gods are travelling,
After the harvest, Tanokami takes a break to meet all the other Kami at Izumo.
yama no kami matsuri 山の神祭 festival for the god of the mountain
yama no maki koo 山の神講prayer group for the god of the mountain
..... yama no koo 山の講(やまのこう)
yama no ko matsuri 山の講祭festival of the prayer group for the god of the mountain
Held in the winter months at various shrines.
The prayer groups consisted of people who worked in the mountains. They had offerings twice a year, in early spring to open the season and in early winter to give thanks for the year.
. tookanya 十日夜 night of the tenth
(tenth day of the tenth lunar month)
Harvest thanksgiving for the god of the fields, celebrated in Eastern and Northern Japan.
(nowadays around November 15). It was day shortly before a full-moon day of old.
. inoko mochi, i no ko mochi 亥の子餅 rice cakes for the wild boar festival - Legends
They were prepared in the hour of the boar and eaten as a harvest thanksgiving. This a custom coming from China.
Here the deity honored is also seen as the God of the Fields (ta no kami).
Inoko is a festival on 旧暦10月の亥の日 the day of the wild boar in the tenth lunar month. On this day 田の神 the Tanokami goes back to the mountains.
Festival of the Goddess 摩利支天 Marishi Ten and her animal, the Wild Boar.
. kagashiage, kakashi age 案山子揚 taking the scarecrows down .
Usually done on the tenth day of the tenth lunar month.
A custom of Nagano prefecture.
The scarecrow is taken from the field and placed in the garden of the home, harvest offerings to the god of the fields (ta no kami) are then made.
. yama no kami matsuri 山の神祭 festival for the god of the mountain .
yama no kami koo 山の神講 prayer group for the god of the mountain
..... yama no koo 山の講(やまのこう) / yama no ko matsuri 山の講祭(やまのこまつり)
. kami no rusu 神の留守 the gods are absent .
The tenth lunar month (now November), after the harvest when the Japanese gods had done their duty, they left their local shrines for a bit of a vacation. They would all go for an audience and to celebrate at the great shrine of Izumo, so the rest of Japan was "without gods".
- - - - - Kigo for the New Year
. kagihiki shinji 鉤引神事 ritual of pulling with hooks .
..... 鉤引(かぎひき)pulling with hooks, tug-of-war with hooks
also known as Uchiue matsuri.
Ritual to honor the deity of the mountain, in various mountain regions of Japan, especially in Nara, Mie and Kumamoto.
Sai no kami no kanjin 幸の神の勧進 Praying to the God of Good Fortune
On January 15.
This custom is mostly followed in the Tohoku region.
Sai no Kami 幸の神 God of Good Fortune
Also called
Sae no kami 障の神 - 塞の神
A kind of Dosojin, Wayside Deity and also Tanokami
幸(さい)の神と竜 ― 古代が分る鍵 Sai no Kami and the Dragon
谷戸貞彦 Yato Sadahiko
Sai no Kami originated in the San-In region of Western Japan as a deity to protect the farming village by guaranteeing descendants to live in good fortune for ever.
第一章 道の神 - Kami of the Road
第二章 世界の石の神 - Stone Kami in the World
第三章 久那斗の大神 - Kunaji no Kami 岐神 / Kunado no Kami 岐の神 (kami of the border)
第四章 幸姫命 - Sachihime no Mikoto
第五章 サルタ彦大神 - Sarutahiko
第六章 竜神と斎の木 - Dragon Deity and sacred trees
第七章 幸の神と行事 - Festivals for Sai no Kami : 元日の変遷と祭り -- Tanokami 田の神と通過儀礼 -- 渡来人の祭り -- 子孫繁栄の祭り
- reference source : d1.dion.ne.jp/~kunado... -
Saikami Myojin 幸神明神 Great Deity of Good Fortune
Sashikami Myojin サシカミミョウジン
- - - - - In Tokyo
Once the children played with a statue of 明神様 Myojin Sama and let it float in water. An old man of the hamlet took it away from them. Two or three days later, he became very ill.
Maybe this was because he had taken the statue, so he let if float again in water and was soon healed.
. Doosojin 道祖神 The Wayside Gods, Guardians of the Road .
Shakujin 石神, lit. "stone kami"
- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -
. Ta no Kami 田の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #tanokamimatsuri #godofthefieldsfestivals #tanokamimatsuri #yamanokami #kunadonokami #sainokami -
Yama no Kami Regional 15 Kagoshima Kanagawa
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Kagoshima 鹿児島県 and Kanagawa 神奈川県
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
In Kagoshima, Tanokami is more important!
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
In some areas Yamanokami can be seen as a Kappa when he goes to a river.
. 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Kappa, the Water Goblin of Japan! .
Yamanokami is seen as
. suijin 水神 / mizu no kami 水の神 deity of water .
KAPPA 河童 and SUIJIN 水神
kawa no kami 川の神 Yamanokami is seen as a Deity of the River
. kenmun 水蝹 water spirit, kind of sea turtle Yokai .
Kenmun are hairy water and tree spirits from the Amami islands in southern Japan. They are friends with Kappa.
yamankan saa ヤマンカンサア Yama no Kami san
kansaa no ki カンサアン木 tree of Yama no Kami
(local dialect)
Such trees are also called Tengu no matsu 天狗松 and people have to stay away from them.
. Yamanokami no yadorigi 山の神さんの宿り木 sacred tree for Yamanokami .
- - - - -
a man slept under an old sugi no ki 杉の木 cedar tree. He heard Yamanokami talking:
"Your son will die on his seventh birthday! He will be eaten by a suzuki スズキ Japanese sea perch."
When he came home, his son had just been born. On his seventh birthday, he bound the boy to a pillar in the house and thus saved him.
- - - - -
a man heard the sound of falling trees at night. When he went looking next morning, he found some trees had fallen down. This must have been done by Yamanokami.
a fisher was in danger of hitting another fishing boat. When he looked again, the other boat had disappeared.
- - - - -
habu ハブ / 波布 poisonous serpent
Seen as the messenger of Yamanokami.
On festivals and rituals for Yamanokami, the Habu is regularly coming out to watch.
Once a carpenter forgot to respect the ritual day for Yamanokami (second day of the first lunar month). He wanted to do some work, but on his tools there were four Habu curled up to prevent him from taking them.
. habu ハブ Okinawa Pit Viper .
A Habu is any of four species of poisonous snakes found in the Ryukyu Islands.
. Animal messengers of Yamanokami .
鹿児島市 Kagoshima city
suijin sama 水神様 Deity of Water
Once a hunter was heard the tale of a boy being taken away on the 16th day of the 5th month after a certain amount of yesrs - and when he came home his son had just been born.
On this day, after the certain amount of years had passed, he bound the boy to a pillar in the house and thus saved him.
In former times people also wrote the name of a child on a cucumber and threw it in the nearby river, as an offering to Kappa, the Deity of Water.
大島郡 Oshima district
kawa no kami 川の神 Deity of the River
At 徳之島 Tokunoshima
There is a special festival for 水神 Suijin, every four years on 壬(みづ)の日 the day of Mizu. The leader of the festival has to make water ablutions for purification. On the way home he is not allowed to stop at any home. If he does, members of that other family are not allowed to partake in the festival. The others all feared to meet him on this day.
- - - - -
A man from Tokunoshima
once disappeared in the clouds in the mountain forest of Oshima. The other villagers went looking for him, blowing conch shells, but did not find him.
After seven days, he came down from the mountain, quite confused, bubbeling about Yamanokami.
- - - - -
At one evening
a fisherman on his way home in the evening met Yamanokami and took a shot at him. On the next day, he suddenly mumbled
"Ooooh, I was so scared, so scared!" and fell to his death on the spot.
- - - - -
At Katsuura 勝浦
a beautiful girl suddenly went missing. Later they found her cloths, but not the girl.
Three years later her father met the girl way up on the mountain. She told him
"I am married to Yamanokami now and live very happily. But I am not allowed ever to go back to our village!"
and then she disappeared.
- - - - -
yookai 妖怪 Yokai monster
On a full moon night at 12 they heard the sound of a Shamisen in the village at the foot of the mountain.
It was the spooky hour of 丑三ツ時 Ushimitsu. They also heard the voice of a man or a woman, mumbeling waiwai.
When the villagers sneaked closer, there was nobody. The fearful voices from the mountain came from Yamanokami.
. ushimitsu 丑三 the double-hour of the bull .
大島郡 Oshima district 瀬戸内町 Setouchi
iwa no kuzureru oto 岩のくずれる音 sound of breaking rocks
On kanoe no hi 庚の日 a special day in the 10th lunar month, Yamanokami come down to the beach for fishing. On that night villagers are not allowed to go to the mountain or the beach.
When Yamanokami walks along the mountain ridge, there is the sound of rocks breaking under her feet.
薩南郡 Satsunan, Satsuma-Nan district 山崎村 Yamasaki mura
yamahime, yama hime 山ヒメ princess of the mountain
Yamanokami is a woman. If someone meets this princess in the mountains at night, she might begin to laugh until her eyes become invisible and the villager has to run away as fast as he cen.
If he throws away his lantern with the burning candle, she will pick it up and this will give him time to flee.
Yamahime came to a family and asked them to give her the baby, she would like to bring it up.
From that day on, the family became rich and had fish at their doorstep every morning.
曽於郡 Soo district
. Toshigami 年神 Deity of the Year .
During the festival, the 叉木家 Matagi family goes to the top of the mountain behind their home and the 上野家 Ueno family to the bottom of the mountain (where Tanokami resides) to greet and venerate Toshigami (Yamanokami).
It is a delicate deity and if they do not keep the rituals, family members will suffer accidents.
- - - - -
Since Yamanokami is seen as female, men working in the mountain forest have to prepare well and dress well.
Once a woman got suspicious of her husband going so well dressed, and followed him secretly. She saw her husband work in the bottom of a valley, where a beautiful woman helped him. When the wife called out, the woman appeared in one second. And the husband fell into the valley to his death.
- - - - -
. inoshishi 猪 wild boar .
Once upon a time
a hunter wanted to shoot a wild boar, but hit Yamanokami instead. He soon became ill and died.
Yamanokami is a woman wearing beautiful robes, they say.
. inoshishi 猪 wild boar, Sus scrofa .
- - - - -
. garappa ガラッパ / Garappa Don ガラッパドン Kappa .
In Summer, Garappa is 川の神 a river deity, in Winter, be becomes Yamanokami.
His call is ピーピー pii pii. If someone goes to the river in the late evening to fetch water, he can see the Garappa.
....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 .....
. Yama no Kami matsuri 山の神祭り Yamanokami festivals .
. Yamanokami and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .
. Yamanokami no yadorigi 山の神さんの宿り木 sacred tree for Yamanokami .
Aoki アオキ / 青木 Aucuba japonica, Japanese laurel // madogi 窓木(マドギ)"window tree"
There are many taboos about cutting these trees.
The 17th day of the first lunar month is the Day of Yamanokami.
足柄上郡 Ashigara-Kami district 三保村 Miho mura
They respect
Yamanokami no yasumigi 山の神の休み木 a tree to rest for Yamanokami
Once the head of a group of forest workers wanted to take 御神酒徳利 the Tokkuri bottle for ritual sake offered to Yamanokami. But he slipped, fell down and broke his leg.
So he later stopped to go to the forest for work and leave this part for Yamanokami.
Another head man went there to cut down the forest, but he fell and broke his head.
- - - - -
A tree with three equally large branches is called
三本立 and is venerated as a tree of Yamanokami to rest, tomarigi トマリギ.
They are not allowed to cut id down.
川崎市 Kawasaki
. Mikaribaba, Mikari Basan 蓑借り婆さん / ミカリバアサン "old hag Mikari" .
津久井郡 Tsukui district 藤野町 Fujino
The 17th day of the first lunar month is the Day of Yamanokami. On this day forest workers are not allowed to go to the forest.
They make a bow and arrow from bamboo and offer it to Yamanokami.
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #kagoshima #kanagawa -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 Yamanokami - Introduction .
. Ta no Kami 田の神 Tanokami - Introduction .
Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and Legends from Kagoshima 鹿児島県 and Kanagawa 神奈川県
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
In Kagoshima, Tanokami is more important!
....................................................................... Kagoshima 鹿児島県 .....
In some areas Yamanokami can be seen as a Kappa when he goes to a river.
. 河童 / かっぱ / カッパ - Kappa, the Water Goblin of Japan! .
Yamanokami is seen as
. suijin 水神 / mizu no kami 水の神 deity of water .
KAPPA 河童 and SUIJIN 水神
kawa no kami 川の神 Yamanokami is seen as a Deity of the River
. kenmun 水蝹 water spirit, kind of sea turtle Yokai .
Kenmun are hairy water and tree spirits from the Amami islands in southern Japan. They are friends with Kappa.
yamankan saa ヤマンカンサア Yama no Kami san
kansaa no ki カンサアン木 tree of Yama no Kami
(local dialect)
Such trees are also called Tengu no matsu 天狗松 and people have to stay away from them.
. Yamanokami no yadorigi 山の神さんの宿り木 sacred tree for Yamanokami .
- - - - -
a man slept under an old sugi no ki 杉の木 cedar tree. He heard Yamanokami talking:
"Your son will die on his seventh birthday! He will be eaten by a suzuki スズキ Japanese sea perch."
When he came home, his son had just been born. On his seventh birthday, he bound the boy to a pillar in the house and thus saved him.
- - - - -
a man heard the sound of falling trees at night. When he went looking next morning, he found some trees had fallen down. This must have been done by Yamanokami.
a fisher was in danger of hitting another fishing boat. When he looked again, the other boat had disappeared.
- - - - -
habu ハブ / 波布 poisonous serpent
Seen as the messenger of Yamanokami.
On festivals and rituals for Yamanokami, the Habu is regularly coming out to watch.
Once a carpenter forgot to respect the ritual day for Yamanokami (second day of the first lunar month). He wanted to do some work, but on his tools there were four Habu curled up to prevent him from taking them.
. habu ハブ Okinawa Pit Viper .
A Habu is any of four species of poisonous snakes found in the Ryukyu Islands.
. Animal messengers of Yamanokami .
鹿児島市 Kagoshima city
suijin sama 水神様 Deity of Water
Once a hunter was heard the tale of a boy being taken away on the 16th day of the 5th month after a certain amount of yesrs - and when he came home his son had just been born.
On this day, after the certain amount of years had passed, he bound the boy to a pillar in the house and thus saved him.
In former times people also wrote the name of a child on a cucumber and threw it in the nearby river, as an offering to Kappa, the Deity of Water.
大島郡 Oshima district
kawa no kami 川の神 Deity of the River
At 徳之島 Tokunoshima
There is a special festival for 水神 Suijin, every four years on 壬(みづ)の日 the day of Mizu. The leader of the festival has to make water ablutions for purification. On the way home he is not allowed to stop at any home. If he does, members of that other family are not allowed to partake in the festival. The others all feared to meet him on this day.
- - - - -
A man from Tokunoshima
once disappeared in the clouds in the mountain forest of Oshima. The other villagers went looking for him, blowing conch shells, but did not find him.
After seven days, he came down from the mountain, quite confused, bubbeling about Yamanokami.
- - - - -
At one evening
a fisherman on his way home in the evening met Yamanokami and took a shot at him. On the next day, he suddenly mumbled
"Ooooh, I was so scared, so scared!" and fell to his death on the spot.
- - - - -
At Katsuura 勝浦
a beautiful girl suddenly went missing. Later they found her cloths, but not the girl.
Three years later her father met the girl way up on the mountain. She told him
"I am married to Yamanokami now and live very happily. But I am not allowed ever to go back to our village!"
and then she disappeared.
- - - - -
yookai 妖怪 Yokai monster
On a full moon night at 12 they heard the sound of a Shamisen in the village at the foot of the mountain.
It was the spooky hour of 丑三ツ時 Ushimitsu. They also heard the voice of a man or a woman, mumbeling waiwai.
When the villagers sneaked closer, there was nobody. The fearful voices from the mountain came from Yamanokami.
. ushimitsu 丑三 the double-hour of the bull .
大島郡 Oshima district 瀬戸内町 Setouchi
iwa no kuzureru oto 岩のくずれる音 sound of breaking rocks
On kanoe no hi 庚の日 a special day in the 10th lunar month, Yamanokami come down to the beach for fishing. On that night villagers are not allowed to go to the mountain or the beach.
When Yamanokami walks along the mountain ridge, there is the sound of rocks breaking under her feet.
薩南郡 Satsunan, Satsuma-Nan district 山崎村 Yamasaki mura
yamahime, yama hime 山ヒメ princess of the mountain
Yamanokami is a woman. If someone meets this princess in the mountains at night, she might begin to laugh until her eyes become invisible and the villager has to run away as fast as he cen.
If he throws away his lantern with the burning candle, she will pick it up and this will give him time to flee.
Yamahime came to a family and asked them to give her the baby, she would like to bring it up.
From that day on, the family became rich and had fish at their doorstep every morning.
曽於郡 Soo district
. Toshigami 年神 Deity of the Year .
During the festival, the 叉木家 Matagi family goes to the top of the mountain behind their home and the 上野家 Ueno family to the bottom of the mountain (where Tanokami resides) to greet and venerate Toshigami (Yamanokami).
It is a delicate deity and if they do not keep the rituals, family members will suffer accidents.
- - - - -
Since Yamanokami is seen as female, men working in the mountain forest have to prepare well and dress well.
Once a woman got suspicious of her husband going so well dressed, and followed him secretly. She saw her husband work in the bottom of a valley, where a beautiful woman helped him. When the wife called out, the woman appeared in one second. And the husband fell into the valley to his death.
- - - - -
. inoshishi 猪 wild boar .
Once upon a time
a hunter wanted to shoot a wild boar, but hit Yamanokami instead. He soon became ill and died.
Yamanokami is a woman wearing beautiful robes, they say.
. inoshishi 猪 wild boar, Sus scrofa .
- - - - -
. garappa ガラッパ / Garappa Don ガラッパドン Kappa .
In Summer, Garappa is 川の神 a river deity, in Winter, be becomes Yamanokami.
His call is ピーピー pii pii. If someone goes to the river in the late evening to fetch water, he can see the Garappa.
....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 .....
. Yama no Kami matsuri 山の神祭り Yamanokami festivals .
. Yamanokami and Tengu 天狗 the Mountain Goblin .
. Yamanokami no yadorigi 山の神さんの宿り木 sacred tree for Yamanokami .
Aoki アオキ / 青木 Aucuba japonica, Japanese laurel // madogi 窓木(マドギ)"window tree"
There are many taboos about cutting these trees.
The 17th day of the first lunar month is the Day of Yamanokami.
足柄上郡 Ashigara-Kami district 三保村 Miho mura
They respect
Yamanokami no yasumigi 山の神の休み木 a tree to rest for Yamanokami
Once the head of a group of forest workers wanted to take 御神酒徳利 the Tokkuri bottle for ritual sake offered to Yamanokami. But he slipped, fell down and broke his leg.
So he later stopped to go to the forest for work and leave this part for Yamanokami.
Another head man went there to cut down the forest, but he fell and broke his head.
- - - - -
A tree with three equally large branches is called
三本立 and is venerated as a tree of Yamanokami to rest, tomarigi トマリギ.
They are not allowed to cut id down.
川崎市 Kawasaki
. Mikaribaba, Mikari Basan 蓑借り婆さん / ミカリバアサン "old hag Mikari" .
津久井郡 Tsukui district 藤野町 Fujino
The 17th day of the first lunar month is the Day of Yamanokami. On this day forest workers are not allowed to go to the forest.
They make a bow and arrow from bamboo and offer it to Yamanokami.
- reference source : nichibun yokai database -
. Legends about Yamanokami 山の神と伝説 .
- - - - - . Join the Updates of Facebook ! . - - - - -
. Yama no Kami 山の神 - Table of Contents - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
sangaku shinkoo 山岳信仰 religion of the High Mountains is a different matter.
. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .
- #yamanokami #godofthemountains #kagoshima #kanagawa -
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