
Otoyo Jinja Kyoto


Ootoyo Jinja 大豊神社 Shrine Otoyo Jinja
Kyoto, 京都市左京区鹿ケ谷宮ノ前町1

- - - Deities in residence

少彦名命 Sukunahikona no Mikoto
応神天皇 Emperor Ojin
菅原道真 Sugawara no Michizane

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

This shrine is famous for its three guardian animals:

komanezumi  狛鼠 / 狛ネズミ guardian mice
komatobi 狛鳶 guardian black kite
komazaru  狛猿 guardian monkey

- quote
... A long entrance path leads to the shrine. There are not so many visitors, mainly Japanese people who come to pray for health, long life and happiness. There is something unusual about this shrine that sets it apart from other shinto shrines. The guardians of the shrine are mice!
Here a little more about the history of this shrine taken from the web.

Otoyo Shrine (大豊神社) is a small place of worship which is located on the South side of Kyoto’s Tetsugaku no Michi.
Here, instead of shrine dogs, mice guard the shrine. Why mice? Here’s the background story: First, you need to know that in Otoyo Shrine, Okuninushi-no-mikoto, the god of marriage based in Izumo Taisha (a major shrine in Shimane Prefecture), is worshiped as a deity. He was a descendant of Susanoo-no-mikoto, one of the gods in Japanese myths.

According to the Kojiki, which is the oldest historical book in Japan, Okuninushi went to another world. He arrived there and met Princess Suseri, daughter of Susanoo. They fell in love with each other at first sight. Then Susanoo commanded Okuninushi to sleep in a room filled with snakes, but Princess Suseri gave Okuninushi a snake scarf, said to be one of ten ancient treasures. The scarf helped him to sleep safely in the room. Susanoo imposed another ordeal on Okuninushi. Susanoo shot an arrow into a vast plain and made Okuninushi go to retrieve it. When he was searching for it, Susanoo set fire to the surrounding plain. The flames spread quickly and Okuninushi lost all means of escape. Suddenly a mouse appeared and told him that there was a hole in the ground. While he was hiding in the hole, the fire passed overhead. Then, the mouse gave him the arrow. Thanks to the mouse, Okuninushi escaped by a hair’s breadth. He finally married Princess Suseri.

Otoyo Shrine traces its origins back to this story. It is said that mice will bring the health, long life and happiness. The mouse statue on the left has a sake bowl, which means that if you worship here you will have a healthy baby. The one on the right has a scroll. In addition to these statues, there are figures of a monkey and kite (hawk) in this shrine. You can enjoy observing these fascinating animal guardians.

Enshrined at this shrine are Sukunahikona no Mikoto, Emperor Ojin and Sugawara no Michizane. Legend tells that this shrine was built in 887 as a prayer for the recovery of Emperor Uda from his illness.

- source : www.kyotodreamtrips.com


komatobi 狛鳶 guardian black kite
at Atago Yashiro 愛宕社 in the compound

a guardian to prevent fire


komazaru, koma no saru 狛猿 guardian monkey
doing the Sanbaso dance, keeping evil influence away

at Hiyoshi Yashiro 日吉社 Hiyoshi Shrine in the compound

. Sanbasoo 三番叟 Sanbaso Dancer .


Ootoyo Jinja 大豊神社 Otoyo Jinja, Kyoto
nezumi no ema 鼠絵馬 votive tablets
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

One mouse holds a bag or jewel, for getting pregnant, (and rich and all . . .)
One mouse holds the scriptures, for the child to grow up in wisdom.

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/mkmama/e

Clay bells with the two mice


- quote
Cherry and plum blossoms together
In a rare occurrence, a cherry tree and a plum tree at a Shinto shrine in Japan's ancient capital of Kyoto are blossoming at the same time.

The weeping cherry tree and the weeping plum tree are in front of the main hall of   Otoyo Shrine 大豊神社 . The shrine, which was built more than 1,100 years ago, is near a popular tourist site known as the "Philosopher's Path."
The plum tree, which is estimated to be 250 years old, is about 5 meters tall. The cherry tree stands almost 8 meters tall.

Every year, the plum tree is in full bloom around March 10th until the end of the month, while the cherry tree blossoms in early April.

Temperatures were unusually high in March, causing the cherry tree to begin to blossom late last week.
A shrine official says the cherry tree and the plum tree are blossoming together for the first time in 30 years. The blossoms are likely to remain until the end of this week.
source : NHK world news Mar. 26, 2013

- further English reference -


. Shrine, Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .





mini torii kuguri


torii kuguri 鳥居潜り walking through a Shinto torii gate

The Torii stands at the border of the sacred compound. Before entering, you stop before the gate and make one deep bow. Be aware that you are now entering a sacred compound and be greatful for this.
The middle part of the access road from the torii to the shrine is reserved for the deities, so you should not walk in the middle. After bowing, proceede to the right or left and pass the gate.
Walk toward the hand-washing basin (手水 temizu, choozu) and cleanse hand, mouth and mind.

. torii 鳥居 Gate of a Shinto Shrine .

. temizuya 手水舎 purification font, purification trough .

Here we are especially looking at the small mini torii gates.

mini torii kuguri ミニ鳥居潜り crawling through a small torii gate


At Iwazu Tenjin Shrine, this is done when a special wish has been realized.

Iwazu Tenjin, Aichi 岩津天神 - homepage
source : www.iwazutenjin.or.jp


Yasaka Jinja 八坂神社 Kumamoto

The deitie in residence protects from illness and keeps you in good health.
身体健全 - 病気平癒 - 無病息災.
Crawling through the mini torii will refresh your heart and keep you healthy.

Gionsan no torii kuguri ぎおんさん鳥居くぐり

This mini torii is about 35 cm high and 37 cm wide.

- source : daizukan9.blog63


Awashima Jinja 粟島神社
Uto, Kumamoto - 熊本県宇土市新開町

This shrine also boasts the lowest mini-torii with a history of 200 years.
To crawl under it wards off evil, brings health (especially preventing women's diseases), helps with an easy birth and brings good business.

source : www.city.uto.kumamoto.jp

This is popular during the main festival from March 1 to 3.
The torii is about 30 cm high.

- quote
Since mini-torii are the shrine’s specialty, the parents in the district asked the authorities to create some special ones so their kids could crawl through in the hope of helping them pass school entrance examinations. That’s how the shrine’s chief priest came up with the idea for the one he’s showing off in the photo. The shrine has assembled it during the exam period during the past two years, and this year it was left up until March 31.

The pencils are 60 centimeters high and have a diameter of 10 centimeters. The inner opening is also 30 centimeters square. Pencils usually have six sides, but the priest must have been divinely inspired to make these with five. The word for passing a test in Japanese is gookaku 合格 gokaku, with a slightly elongated o sound.
Make the o sound shorter, and the word can mean 五角 “five angles”.
- source : ampontan.wordpress.com

- - - - - HP of the shrine
- www.awashima.or.jp -

- - - - - annual festivals
- www.awashima.or.jp/gyoji -


Bizen no Kuni Soojaguu 備前国総社宮 Soja Gu in Okayama
The 324 deities venerated in Okayama can be visited here.
岡山県岡山市中区 Central Okayama Town

Crawling through the mini torii will ward off evil 厄除開運.
The torii on the right is for men, 42 cm high.
The torii in the middle is for women, 33 cm high.

To crawl through this mini torii in the form of an ema helps to pass an examination 合格成就.
- source : nakaimawo.exblog.jp


Awashima Jinja 淡島神社 - Nagasaki

This mini torii is for a baby, which can be pushed through in the baby bed.

There is also a course with three mini torii in the compound.
They are getting smaller, 33, 30 and 27 cm. The 27 one is said to be the lowest mini torii in Japan. Somehow they represent the birth path of a baby during childbirth.

To crawl through them will bring a good partner for life, healthy children and a blissful marriage..
This is especially popular with the ladies during the festival time.

- source : b-spot.seesaa.net/article/83520733


Happiness is a tight squeeze!
Dougill John
source : www.greenshinto.com/wp/2014

- - - - -

Walking through the Torii Gates at Fushimi-Inari Shrine
- reference -

- Reference : 日本語

- Reference : English

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

- #toriikuguri -




Himekoso Jinja


Himekoso Jinja 媛社神社
Shitateru Hime Jinja 下照姫神社 - see below

Let us take a look at the deities involved in this. There is a strong connection to the deities of Korea.

Akaruhime no kami 阿加流比売神(あかるひめのかみ) 耀姫

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Akaruhime - Himekoso no kami

According to the Suinin Tennōki, called Himekoso no yashiro no kami (deity of the Himekoso shrine), and wife of Amenohiboko.
According to the Kojiki account, a woman of low rank in the Korean kingdom of Silla was impregnated by a ray of sunlight and gave birth to a red ball, which came into the possession of the king's son Amenohiboko.
The ball turned into a beautiful young woman, which the prince then made his wife. But the prince insulted the young woman, with the result that she returned to her "original home" (Japan), landing at Naniwa (near present-day Ōsaka), where she remained.

The Jinmyōcho of the Engishiki lists an Akaruhime Jinja in its section for the Sumiyoshi District of Settsu Province, and the shrine was likely one dedicated to this same kami. The Engishiki entry regarding the Festivals of the Seasons (shijisai) includes a note to the effect that the shrine Shitateruhime no Yashiro is "also called Himekoso no Yashiro."

Since Kojiki mentions "Akaruhime no kami residing in the Himegoso Shrine of Naniwa," it is likely that Akaruhime later came to be known as Shitateruhime.
- source : Nishioka Kazuhiko - Kokugakuin

Shitateruhime したてるひめ - 下照姫 / 下照媛
The daughter of the land deities (kunitsukami) Ōkuninushi and Takiribime, and who became the wife of Amewakahiko when he descended from heaven to negotiate for the "transfer of the land" (kuniyuzuri). When Amewakahiko died, Shitateruhime's wailing voice reached the Plain of High Heaven, and at his funeral, his father Amatsukunitama and other relatives mistook Shitateruhime's visiting step-brother Ajisukitakahiko for the deceased Amewakahiko. This error enraged Ajisukitakahiko, who flew off; Shitateruhime raised a eulogy to her brother in a style of verse known as hinaburi ("rustic song").
- source : Mori Mizue - Kokugakuin

- quote
This goddess is popularly supposed to have been extremely beautiful, whence perhaps the name, which might be taken to imply that her beauty shone forth from under her garments as in the case of So-towori-hime
- source : www.sacred-texts.com

あかる姫まつり Akaruhime Festival
source : junyasu.blogspot.jp Osaka


- quote
Himekoso Shrine

The shrine is dedicated to a big name god (Engishiki Daimyoujin Taisha) and is listed in the engishiki book of shrine names. Four gods are worshipped, including Shitateruhime no Mikoto.
The origin of the shrine is very old as Shitateruhime no Mikoto was worshipped on Akume Mountain in 28BC. In 607, when the figure of the god was moved to the main shrine, the Emperor honored the ceremony with his presence. In 859, the rank of the shrine was raised.
Due to the fires of the Battle of Ishiyama in 1570, the shrine moved to its current location. It houses the guardian deity of the old Kohashi Village, and owns many cultural assets. One can learn the history of the culture of Naniwa (Osaka) from this shrine.

3-8-14 Higashiobase, Higashinari-ku
- source : www.city.osaka.lg.jp/contents


There are very few shrines with the Himekoso name 媛社神社 in Japan.

Himekoso Jinja 比売許曽神社(ひめこそじんじゃ)
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source : kamnavi.jp/ym/hiboko

One is in Soja, Okayama.


- Reference : 日本語

- Reference : English


Shitateru Hime Jinja 下照姫神社 Shrine for Princess Shitateruhime
Fukuoka, Hakata - 福岡市博多区祇園

There is even the theory that this princess was Himiko.

- source : www.jinjatootera.com


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .





Toyomitsu Jinja


Toyomitsu Jinja 豊満神社
滋賀県愛知郡愛荘町豊満392 - Shiga - Aisho-cho, Echi-gun

- quote
It is known familiar as "Hatagami-san" that the shrine is dedicated to the colors of Empress-consort Jingu Army. Many warlords prayed for their victories at the shrine.

The Shikaku-mon 四脚門 "gate with four legs" is a national intangible important cultural property.
- source : english.ohmiji.jp/spot


Hatagami 旗神 "Deity of the flag"

- Deities in residence

Tarashi Nakahiko no Mikoto 足仲彦命 - Chuai Tenno 仲哀天皇 (husband of Jingu)

Okinaga Tarashi Hime no Mikoto 息長足姫命- . Empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 .

Hottauke no Mikoto 譽田別命 - Ojin Tenno 応神天皇


- Small shrines in the compound

摂社「樹下神社」 - 豊満神社荒御魂 / 恵比寿神
摂社「八大龍王社」 - 龍神
末社「津島神社」(地神)- 建速須佐之男命


Amulet to win 「必勝守」- Amulet for Beauty 「美人守」bijin o-mamori

HP of the Shrine
- source : toyomitu.jimdo.com

source : www.big-tail.com/product

. biyoo jisha 美容寺社 praying for beauty .


- Reference : 豊満神社

- Reference : English

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .





Sho Hachimangu Toyama


Shoo Hachimanguu 正八幡宮 Sho Hachimangu

上町正八幡宮 - 遠山郷の下栗地区

Shimotsuki Matsuri 霜月祭り

- quote
The folk harvest festival held in the eleventh month of the old calendar.
There is also a court harvest festival wherein the emperor dedicates the new grain on the "day of the rabbit" in that month called the niinamesai, but popular celebration of the shimotsuki occurs on different dates in different regions.

In Kita Kyūshū it takes place on the first "day of the ox" in the eleventh month and so it is called ushi no hi ( the "ox day") or oushisama (the "august ox") festival. In the ritual, the head of each household cuts some of the post-harvest rice stubble from the fields and carries it home on his back pronouncing it "heavy" repeatedly. They honor it by building an altar made of a winnowing basket placed on top of a large mortar and filled with mochi, sake, and daikon. In that region, people consider the rice stubble to be the yorishiro vehicle) of the "kami of the fields" (ta no kami) returning to the house from the rice field.

In the Nōtō region, shimotsuki matsuri such as the ae no koto (an occasion on which families welcome the "kami of fields" back into the home by filling the bathtub and preparing an offering of food and drink for it) are conducted as household affairs and known by different names in different regions.

There are also examples of shimotsuki festivals in which a sacred dance (kagura) involving boiling water is performed as a celebration to welcome the New Year. These are known as shimotsuki kagura and include the horobasan shimotsuki matsuri of the shrine Haushiwake jinja on Mt. Horoba (Hiraka district, Akita Prefecture), the Tōyama matsuri in Nagano Prefecture's Tōyama region (Shimo Ina district), and the flower festivals of Aichi Prefecture's Kita Shitara region.

Shimotsuki matsuri are, in most cases, rice harvest festivals, but there are also examples of some that are potato harvest festivals.
- source : Iwai Hiroshi - Kokugakuin


Tooyama no shimotsuki matsuri 遠山の霜月祭
Toyama festival in the
shimotsuki month
..... shimotsuki matsuri 霜月祭(しもつきまつり)festival in the shimotsuki month
..... Tooyama matsuri 遠山祭(とおやままつり) Toyama festival
kigo for mid-winter

shimotsuki, month with frost, now December
This festival was held from early December till the beginning of the New Year, in the village of Toyama in Nagano.

yudate kagura 湯立て神楽

In yudate kagura water is boiled in a cauldron, around which gods are summoned by means of liturgical dances. Many of these festivals are performed in the winter and continue through an entire night; at daybreak the hot water is scattered over the participants, and those touched by it are cleansed of the year’s pollution and reborn in a purified state.
source : kagurakagura.

At the Sho Hachimangu in Toyama, the villagers prepare a special hearth for two chauldrons, heating water.
At the beginning of the rituals all the gods of Japan are summoned by chanting a long scroll with their names.

Even children take their turns with ritual dances around the hearth.
Above are paper-cut decorations for good luck.

In the end, two special dancers splash the boiling water on the ground to entertain all these deities, using their bare hands to touch the water.
The village population gets less and less every year, now only maybe 100 people living there permanently.

CLICK for more photos by Munakata san:
source : munakata.eyedia.com/jp/tohyamago


Soogetsu sai 霜月祭(そうげつさい)
at Goze town 御所市, Nara

- source : blog.goo.ne.jp/tetsuda_n


Shimotsuki Matsuri at another small shrine (I hope to find the name)

It is held every four years. All male members of the village take part, the youngest of the dancers is 4, men around 20 do the drumming and the elders partake by stamping with bats, singing and clapping their hands.

On a square stage placed on four large rice bundled, the children-dancers hop around dancing with a fan, sometimes funny, sometimes serious, while the elders sit around and clap their hands.

One drummer with the lead drum has to endure almost 12 hours of drumming.

The children of various ages perform dances imitating the rice cycle, from planting to harvest.

After that, all run around the stage doing rice-planting movements and singing.

When all is done, the most active elders are thrown high in the air (dooage 胴上げ) to show them respect.
Sometimes the lead drummer is also given this treatment.

It is a good way to bring all villagers together every 4 years, with a lot of preparations to be done inbetween. The young boys seem to like being part of these activities.

on TV February 1, 2014
- source : www.dydo-matsuri.com


Yoshida Daimyoojin 吉田大明神
Nagasaki Sasebo 長崎県佐世保吉井町上吉田地区

五穀豊穣、家内安全を祈り、それが無事になしとげられたお祝いで、吉田大明神での神事のあと、「ヤド(施主)」と呼ばれる当番の家で男女に分かれてコメや塩を入れた重箱ときねをむしろで包んだ「蔵」に綱を結んで 引っ張り合う行事です。「霜月祭り」、「おかん祭り」とも呼ばれます。男が必ず負けなければならないそうです。ほのぼのとした笑いに包まれる地域の行事です。

- source : geocities.jp/kaz3839


. Ta no Kami, God of the Rice Fields 田の神さま .
ae no koto, aenokoto あえのこと / アエノコト / 饗事
Entertaining the God of the Fields

- Reference : 霜月祭り

- Reference : Shimotsuki Matsuri

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

. "frost month", shimotsuki 霜月 (しもつき) .

The name of the eleventh lunar month.





Hakusan Aichi


Hakusan Guu 白山宮足王社 Hakusan shrine and
Ashioo Sha 足王社and Ashi-O Shrine "for the deity of strong legs"

愛知県日進市本郷町宮下519番地 - Aichi, Nisshin town

source : www.lets-go-aichi.jp


- deities in residence

Kukurihime no Mikoto 菊理姫命(くくりひめのみこと)Kukurihime no kami
- Eleven-faced Kannon
Izanami no Mikoto 伊弉冉尊(いざなみのみこと)
Oonamuji no Mikoto 大巳貴命(おおなむじのみこと)
- Buddha Amida

. The Hakusan shrines 白山神社 in Japan. .


musubi mamori むすび守り - enmusubi himo えんむすびひも

amulets to find (and bind) a good partner or good fortune.

. Enmusubi 縁結, 縁結び, えんむすび .


sensugata omikuji 扇子型のおみくじ sacred lot in the form of a folding fan

. omikuji 御籤 sacred lots, fortunetelling .

. sensu 扇子 folding fan .


At the right side of the main shrine is a smaller sanctuary called

source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/bo_village

Ashioo sha 足王社 Ashi-O shrine

for the deity

Ashinazuchi no kami 足名椎神(あしなづちのかみ) - (アシナヅチ)

This sanctuary had been a wayside shrine in the back of the main shrine, closer to the Iida Kaido road 飯田街道.
Once a lady with aching legs prayed her for better health and was soon healed, so now it is a deity for legs.

Beside the sanctuary is a stone to take away the pain.
itamitori ishi 痛みとり石

source : www.hakusangu.org/ashi

If you stroke it, the pain in your leg will be healed soon.

source : www.lets-go-aichi.jp

Praying here has also helped many professional soccer athletes, so this is also the

sakkaa no kamisama サッカーの神様 deity of soccer

. Soccer World Cup - Daruma amulets .


waraji no omamori わらじお守り amulet with straw sandals for strong and healthy legs

- Homepage of the shrine with more amulets
- source : www.hakusangu.org


Ashinazuchi kagura mask

Ashinazuchi, most commonly translated as "foot stroking elder",
was the husband of Tenazuchi, hand stroking elder, and
the father of Kushinadahime.

- source : ojisanjake.blogspot.jp


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .





Uji Jinja


Uji Jinja 宇治神社

Uji Imazaikecho, Ise-city, Mie - 三重県伊勢市宇治今在家町172

CLICK for more photos !

- quote
Uji Jinja is a guardian shrine for the residents in the local neighborhood of Uji and also famous as the guardian shrine of leg health.
The legend for strong leg health originated because many of the ancient pilgrims to Ise City prayed there for healthy and strong legs for their journeys back home.
The local folklore was further aided after Ise City’s own Mizuki Noguchi 野口みずき became the gold medal marathon winner in the 2004 Athens Olympics. The legend says that visitors can get stronger legs if they touch a special rock within the shrine.
- source : www.ise-kanko.jp/english

. Ise Grand Shrine (伊勢神宮, Ise Jingu, Ise Jingū) .

- quote
Ise (伊勢市, Ise-shi), formerly called Ujiyamada (宇治山田), is a city located on the eastern tip of Kii Peninsula, in central Mie Prefecture.
Ise is home to Ise Grand Shrine, the most sacred Shintō Shrine in Japan. . .
The village around the Inner Shrine was named Uji and the village around the Outer Shrine was named Yamada.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !]

Walking up the stone steps next to the shrine office there is this :

ashigamisan 足神さん Ashi no Kamisama
Deity for Strong Legs

The nadeishi, nade-ishi 撫石 is a stone to stroke with the wish for your own legs to become strong. Strike the stone first, then the part of your body that aches.

. Deities for Strong Legs - 足の神様 仏様 .


- - - - - Deities in residence

source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/bo_village
Ashigami Jinja 足神神社  Shrine for the Deity of Legs

Umashi Ashikabi Hikoji no Kami 宇麻志阿斯訶備比古遅神
ウマシアシカビヒコヂ - 足神さん Ashigami San

Jinsei no ashidori ga yoku naru 人生の足取りが良くなる
May the strides of your life become easy.

- quote
Umashiashikabihikoji - Umashi ashikabi hikoji no kami
A kami that appeared in the process of formation of heaven and earth. Acording to Kojiki and an "alternate writing" quoted in the Nihongi, when the land was first formed, it was uncongealed like floating oil, and drifted about like a jellyfish. From within this substance an object appeared and sprouted like a reed, becoming the kami Umashiashikabihikoji.

Kojiki states that this kami was the fourth of the five separate heavenly kami (kotoamatsukami) that were produced alone (hitorigami) and then hid themselves away (i.e., died). The second and third "alternate writings" describing this episode in Nihongi, however, state that Umashiashikabihikoji was the first kami to come into being, while the sixth account describes it as the second kami produced.
This kami was not known as the ancestor of any clans.
- source : kokugakuin, Mori Mizue

- - - - -

大山祇神 Ooyamatsuminomikoto - main deity  

宇迦之御魂神 (ウカノミタマノカミ)
玉移良比賣神 (タマイラヒメノカミ)
御裳須曽姫神 (ミモスソヒメノカミ)
豊玉比賣神 (トヨタマヒメノカミ)
素戔嗚尊 (スサノオノミコト)
天兒屋根命 (アメノコヤネノミコト)
速秋津日子神 (ハヤアキツヒコノカミ)
速秋津比女神 (ハヤアキツヒメノカミ)
新川比賣神 (ニイカワヒメノカミ)
火産霊神 (ホムスビノカミ)
水波賣神 (ミズハノメノカミ)
応神天皇 (オウジンテンノウ)
天見通命 (アメノミトオシノミコト)
彌武彦神 (ヤタケヒコノカミ)

大職冠鎌足神霊 (タイショクカンカマタリシンレイ)Taishokukan Kamatari Shinrei / 藤原鎌足 Fujiwara no Kamatari
和気清麿神霊 (ワケノキヨマロシンレイ)Wake no Kiyomaro Shinrei
菅原道真神霊 (スガワラノミチザネシンレイ)Sugawara no Michizane Shinrei
楠正成神霊 (クスノキマサシゲシンレイ)Kusunoki Masashige Shinrei
羽倉東麿神霊 (ハクラアズママロシンレイ)Ukura Azuma Maro Shinrei
岡部真淵神霊 (オカベマブチシンレイ)Okabe Mabuchi Shinrei / 賀茂 真淵 Kamo no Mabuchi
本居宣長神霊 (モトオリノリナガシンレイ)Motoori Norinaga Shinrei
平田篤胤神霊 (ヒラタアツタネシンレイ)Hirata Atsutane Shinrei

. shinrei 神霊 / 心霊 spirit, Geist .


waraji no ema  わらじの絵馬 votive tablet with straw sandals

waraji omamori わらじ守り(健脚)amulet for strong legs

. waraji 草鞋 わらじ straw sandals .
zoori, zôri 草履


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. Ujigami Jinja 宇治上神社 Kyoto .
Uji near Kyoto is famous for the Uji Tea.

Nearby is another Uji Jinja 宇治神社, not to be mixed.


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

守武祭、俳句大会 - 宇治神社 Great Haiku Meeting at Uji Shrine
平成24年9月15日 (2012)
- source : www.k4.dion.ne.jp/~kousei00

In memory of the great haikai poet
. Arakida Moritake 荒木田守武 .
(1473 – 1549)


- #ujijinja #ujigami -


Matsushima Jinja


Matsushima Jinja 松島神社
2-15-2 Nihonbashi-Ningyocho, Chuo, Tokyo / 中央区日本橋人形町2-15-2

source : tokuhain.chuo-kanko.or.jp

- quote
Matsushima Shrine’s constant stream of visitors bears credence to its rep as a popular worshipping place for Daikokusama, one of Nihonbashi’s Seven Lucky Gods.
With shrine records destroyed during both the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923 and Second World War, exact timing of the shrine’s establishment can’t be verified; however, it’s estimated that Matsushima dates back to before the Genko era, 1321. At this time, the area was an island densely populated by pine trees, hence the shrine’s name: matsu (meaning ‘pine’) and shima (meaning ‘island’).

The shrine offers a rare variety of O-fuda (small tablets on which requests or words of religious significance are written) called Ryomu-fuda. It’s said these peculiar fuda induce dreaming when placed underneath a pillow at night.
Also popular are small arrow-shaped Omikuji (written fortunes).
- source : www.timeout.jp/en


- - - - -Deities in residence

Inari no Ookami 稲荷大神
Izanagi no Kami 伊邪那岐神, Izanami no Kami 伊邪那美神
Hinosaki no Ookami 日前大神 = Amaterasu no Ookami(天照大神) 
Kitano Ookami 北野大神- Sugawara Michizane(菅原道真公) 
Teokiho oi no Kami 手置帆負神 - Hikosashiri no Kami  彦狭知神
Awashima no Ookami 淡島大神, Yahata no Ookami 八幡大神
Sarutahiko no Kami 猿田彦神, Kotohira no Ookami 琴平大神
Ame no Hiwashi no Kami 天日鷲神- (大鳥大神)
Oomiya no Me no Kami  大宮能売神 - Okamesama (おかめさま)- close to Inari
Ookuninushi no Kami 大国主神〔 Daikoku

. Daikoku Ten 大黒天 - Ookuninushi 大国主神 .


- source : goshuin.ko-kon.net
stamp from the shrine

ryoomu fuda 良夢札 amulet for a good dream
You put it under your pillow with a written wish to be fulfilled by Daikoku / Okuninushi.
If you have a good dream that night, the wish will be granted.

- quote
This charm with its picture of the god of wealth drawn in gold on beautiful Japanese paper, has its origins in a belief that if the owner placed the charm under their pillow on the first day of the Chinese sexagenary calendar cycle and the god, Okuninushi (lit. Master of the Great Land), appeared in their dream, then their auspicious dream would come true.

While the sexagenary cycle started on January 14, it is possible to get your prayers answered by making a wish the night before important events such as entrance exams, job hunting, business negotiations or to get over an illness. Take note: it’s important that you carefully select your charm and that you make your wish while writing it on it. When you dream about your wish, you must then visit Matsushima Shrine to tell the powers that be, and they will bless you so that it comes true.
- source : www.timeout.jp/en/tokyo

kootsuu anzen 『交通安全御守護』amulet for traffic safety


. anmin 安眠 to pray for beauty sleep .

. Tokyo and Edo Folk Art .


- Reference : 日本語

- Reference : English

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

source : d.hatena.ne.jp/noir555


