
Jao Jinja Kochi

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Jao Jinja 蛇王神社 Jao Shrine, Kochi
ヘビオウサマ Hebi Oosama,(Snake King) /

高知県四万十市名鹿 447 / Kochi, Shimanto city, Nashishi

- - - - - Deities in residence - - - - -
蛇王大明神 Jao Daimyojin / 蛇王大権現 Jao Daigongen

There is no priest at this shrine, but someone does the cleaning of the compound.


- - - - - Reference of the Shrine
- source : omairi.club/spots ... -


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
The younger sister of 道士劉遵礼 had been kinnapped by 蛇王 Jao, the Serpent King and gave birth to 11 children.
With magical power, 遵礼 sealed the mountain and killed 8 children.
With her pleading, he left the 3 other children to become 蛇王 Jao, Serpent Kings.

....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
東宇和郡 Higashi-Uwa district 城川町 Shirokawa town

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
At a place called 杉乃瀬 Suginose, there lived a man called 金衛門 Kinemon.
When he was on an errand to 龍天寺 Temple Ryuten-Ji, he passed near 弁天様 the Shrine of Benten and asked her to become his wife.
Suddenly a beautiful woman appeared. He asked her to become his wife, but she dissapeared.
That night a huge serpent appeared and shapeshifted into a beautiful woman.
Now Kinemon refused, but then she became known as 蛇王大権現 Jao Daigongen.

....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
阿賀野市 Agano city 保田 Yssuda

mizutamari no nushi 水溜りの主 Master of the Small Swamp
A swamp was going to be filled in.
That night a beautiful woman appeared, sying the was numa no nushi 沼の主 the Master of the Swamp.
Since she could not find another swamp to live, she asked 沼田家 the Numata Family to protect her.
The man who had promised to protect the swamp soon filled it in anyway.
But after that, his family was befallen with misfortune.

....................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 .....
徳島市 Tokushima city 国府町 Kokufu town

hebi oosama 蛇王様 The Snake King
In a grove was a sacred place for 蛇王大明神 Jao Daimyojin, who always granted wishes.
Since there was no sanctuary, villagers had put up a flag there and placed saisenbako 賽銭箱 an offering box.
Once a bamboo cutter saw the tail of daija 大蛇 a huge serpent on this spot and ran home in fear.
That was the beginning of the veneration.
But soon the police forbid going to this place and it had to be abolished.
. saisenbako 賽銭箱 an offering box .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- #jao #serpentking #snakeking #jaojinja -


Shinmeigu Shrine Legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Shinmeigu 神明宮 Shinmeigu Shrines
Shrines where the deity 天照大御神 Amaterasu Omikami is venerated.
They are also called
伊勢神宮内宮 Ise Jingu Uchinomiya - the Main Ise Shrine / お伊勢さん O-Ise San
神明神社(しんめいじんじゃ) Shinmei Jinja
神明社(しんめいしゃ) Shinmeisha
皇大神社(こうたいじんじゃ) Kotai Jinja
天祖神社(てんそじんじゃ) Tenso Jinja
しんめい様 / シンメイサマ Shinmei Sama

阿佐ヶ谷神明宮 Asagaya Shinmei Gu - 東京都杉並区 Tokyo Suginami Ward

. Amaterasu Omikami 天照大神 .


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
Aichi 知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita town

Myojin 明神, Shira-Ame Daimyojin 白雨大明神

Once a fisherman from 内海 Utsumi had a vision:
"I am 明神 the Myojin Deity living in Utsumi.
In former times I was venerated at the local Shrine here.
If you rebuilt the Shrine, I will bring prosterity to the village!"
First he did not understand the message.
It might have been from 蛇神様 the Hebigami Snake Deity.
When they tried to built a Shrine, the villagers used the name 村雨神宮 Murasame Shingu Shrine.
When they performed amagoi 雨乞い a rain ritual, there was a strong storm and rain
and they venerated it as the Deity Shira-Ame Daimyojin 白雨大明神 "White Rain Daimyojin Deity".
. Hebigami 蛇神と伝説 Legends about the Snake Deity .

Aichi 江南市 Konan city 石枕町 Ishimakura town (stone pillow town)

. Ishizukuri Jinja 石作神社, Shinmeigu 神明宮 .

....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
Fukushima いわき市 Iwaki city 四倉町 Yotsukura town

渡邊という旧家に、神明宮があってしんめい様が祀られていたが、渡邊家に継ぐ者がいなくなり、しんめい様は不動様 Fudo Sama と呼ばれている盲目の男に預けられた。執筆者がこの男に会ってしんめい様はと尋ねると、小川村の八幡様に預けてあるが、夢で時々取りに来てくれと言われるので近いうちに行きたいと語ったという。
Fukushima 田村郡 Tamura district 三春町 Miharu town

Shinmei Sama しんめい様
三春町庚申坂の神明宮の神明様。 この神明様は伊勢の大神宮様で、男と女の一対。(人々が供える)着物が100枚になると、祈祷して伊勢の大神宮に送る。ご神体はしゃくなげの木であるが、ふだんはもったいなくて拝めない。顔の白い布は年に1度ご元朝にしか取って拝めない。男のほうが少し小さく、胴体は径1寸ほどで和紙がまいてある。全長7、8寸。おしんめい様は出たくなると夜中でもいつでも出る。宮を守っている人の夢などで、「出たい出たい」と知らせる。そういうときは、すぐに出ないとしかられる。おしんめい様と歩いていると、76歳のじいさんでも一日中歩いて疲れない。

....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県 .....
Gifu 恵那市 Ena city 山岡町 Yamaoka town

koishi 小石

Gifu 飛騨市 Hida city 神岡町 Kamioka town

Koojin Sama 荒神様 Kojin sama

Gifu 高山市 Takayama city

赤い顔の鼻の高い男,Tengu 天狗

....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
志摩 Shima region

Sanbo Kojin
竈の上に祭ってある三宝荒神に供える松の枝の葉が枯れかけると家族の誰かが必ず頭痛になるので、常に新しい枝と取り替えるという。村の神明宮 Shinmei Gu の氏子の女性は、片方の乳が小さいといわれている。夜、弦月に星が近づいて見えることを寄り星といい、近いうちに必ず誰かが死ぬといわれている。船おろしの際にまく餅を妊婦が食べると、お産が軽いという、など。

....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県 .....
埼玉県所沢市中富 - 神明社 Shinmeisha .......................................................................

imo no kami いもの神 Deity of Sweet Potatoes
- more photos : shinmeisha.com ... -

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
日比谷 Hibiya

. 日比谷神明 Hibiya Shinmei .
Shiba Daijinguu 芝大神宮 Shiba Daijingu
In former times, it was also called
Iikura Myoojin Guu 飯倉神明宮 Iikura Myojin Gu / Iikura Shinmei Gu
Shiba Myoojin Guu 芝神明宮 Shiba Myojin Gu / Shiba Shinmei Gu


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
神明宮 / 神明神社
15 しんめい様 collecting
38 シンメイサマ collecting


- #shinmeigu -


Iya Jinja Matsue

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Iya Jinja 揖夜神社 Iya Shrine, Shimane

島根県松江市東出雲町揖屋 / Shimane, Matsue, Iya, Higashi-Izumocho

- - - - - Deity in residence - - - - -
Izanami no Kami 伊邪那美神

- quote
The shrine is dedicated to the goddess Izanami
This shrine was mentioned in the “Izumo no Kuni Fudoki”, a record of the culture and geography of the region and is the only record left today in Japan that is in complete condition since 733, meaning the shrine was regarded as very important by the capital at the time.
The main hall uses Taisha-zukuri architecture, but the area where the sacred object is kept is made in the opposite fashion to Izumo Taisha, where order goes from left to right.
Iya shrine is also famous as the very setting for one of Japanese mythology stories.
The Shrine is dedicated to the goddess Izanami who is the wife of the god Izanagi.
Together they were said to have created the Japan Archipelago and a lot of the Japanese gods/ goddesses.
They used to be a loving couple with the same ambitions until Izanami died as the result of giving birth to the god of fire.
Since then, their paths had separated with Izanami belonging to the land of the dead while Izanagi to the living.
After Izanami died, Izanagi had spent days grieving and missing her so much that he chased after her into the land of the dead trying to get her back, only to find that his loving wife turned into a monstrous creature rotten from the inside out. Izanagi ran for his life and back to the living world, chased by Izanami, who was furious because he looked at her face when she told him not to.
In the end, Izanagi shut her in the underworld at the boundary of the living world with a huge rock,
which is now known as 黄泉比良坂 Yomotsu-hira Saka. There you can actually witness the very rock he used to shut the entrance to the underworld.
Izanami cursed Izanagi from the other side of the rock saying,
“For the shame you have caused me, I will kill 1000 people from your world every day!”
Izanagi replied to her “Then, I will create 1500 people every day.”
And they never saw each other again.
Thus, Izanami is forever stuck in the underworld and has been ever since.
Iya shrine might have been built by those who sympathize with her, praying for her to rest in peace.
- source : kankou-shimane.com/en ..

. Izanami 伊邪那美命 and Izanagi 伊弉諾 .


shuin 朱印 stamp

- - - - - HP of the Shrine
- source : kankou-shimane.com ... -


Yearly Festivals 年中行事

穂掛祭 Hokake Matsuri
- source : matsuri-no-hi.com/matsuri -

- quote -
Ho-kake Matsuri 穂掛祭 Hokake Festival
The festival is held both on sea and land. People pray for a generous harvests and safety at sea.
The god worshipped is first brought in a Mikoshi on a boat to reach a sacred place before returning to the shrine.
The rituals include a Kagura dances on a stage next to the shrine, mochi-maki (distribution of pounded steam rice cakes), Japanese drums and fireworks.
. Matsue Festivals .


- Reference : 揖夜神社
- Reference : shimane matsue iya shrine

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .

. Izumo Kaido 出雲街道 Izumo Highway .
connecting Himeiji with Izumo


- #iyajinja #matsueiya #shimaneiya #izumo -


Kodomo no Kami Legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

kodomo no kami 子供の神 Deity to protect children
Mikogami ミコ神 / 御子神

. Kishibojin 鬼子母神 deity Kishibojin .
protector deity of children


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....
美方郡 Mikata district 香美町 Kami town

toobyoo トウビョウ / 闘病 to fight a disease
ミコ神 The Deity Mikogami is venerated by people who are female Shamans.
It is not venerated in normal homes.
For a divination session, the deity is called Tobyo-Tsukai トウビョウ使い or 稲荷使い Inari tsukai.
Tobyo is said to look like 白い小さな狐 a small white fox.

....................................................................... Nagano 長野県 .....
松本市 Matsumoto city

. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru - Buddha of Medicine and Healing .
Yakushi sama 薬師様 Yakushi Nyorai
In the village of 下金井 Shimokanai Yakushi is seen as female, a protecotr deity of children.
Even if children behave very badly, they will not be punished.
But if grown-ups behave badly, Yakushi sama will punish them.
Once children played with a statue of Yakushi sama in the mud.
When a grown-up scolded them, he fell ill.

....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 .....

mikogami gasa ミコガミガサ swelling around the mouth

荒神,子供の神,Shichi koojin 七荒神

Okayama 笠岡市 Kasaoka city

. Kodomo no Kami 子供の神, Ushi no Kami 牛の神, Ishiwari Kojin 石割り荒神 .

Okayama 勝田町 Katsuta town

荒神,hijiri ヒジリ, Yama no kami 山の神,hyakusho no kami 百姓の神,子供の神
In the hamlet of 楮 Kozo, there is a space for 荒神 Aragami in the East of the mountain.
Three hokora 祠 small shrines are located there.
The one on the left is for 荒神 Aragami.
The one in the middle is for hijiri ヒジリ .
The one on the right is for 山の神 Yama no Kami.
The villagers see Aragami as hyakusho no Kami 百姓の神
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真庭郡 Maniwa

kasa カサ
- - - - -
mikogami ミコ神 / 御子神 Honorable Child Deity
The Mikogami of Okayama like Amazake, therefore people bring offerings to their shrines every time they prepare some.
If she is of bad temper for some reason, she can cause wounds and other diseases for the children.
To appease her, people bring Amazake to the shrine.
. amazake 甘酒と伝説 legends about Amazake "sweet rice wine" .
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Okayama 真庭郡 Maniwa district 中和村 Chuka village


Okayama 真庭郡 Maniwa district 川上村 Kawakami village

mikogami ミコ神
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真庭郡川上村下徳山 Shimotokuyama の宗利のミコ神は、他の神とは別に納戸の奥の方に棚を設けて祀ってある。女の安産や月忌みを守る神であるとされているが、祀り方が悪いと機嫌を悪くしてデモノ(腫物)を出す。
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Okayama 真庭郡 Maniwa district 美甘村 Mikamo village

ie-gitsune イエギツネ
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mikogamiミコ神様は2階の誰もめったに行かない汚いところにいる。つい祀るのを忘れると、子供の頭や口の周りにミコカサを出す。ミコカサは青い色、膿色のものが口の周り頭に出るカサだ。ミコカサが出たら、「機嫌が悪くなった」と言って橋を三つ渡って、3軒ホイトをして飯を炊いてミコ神さんに供える。その前に神棚を掃除して松を立てると不思議と治った。 - - - - -
稲田家は美甘村通見では最も古い。当主の祖父が法印で、ミコ神 Mikogami はその人の妻が湯原町から嫁いできた際に実家から持ってきた。ミコ神はカサの神で、機嫌を悪くしたり怒ったりするとその家の子供の口の周りにミコ神ガサと呼ぶ疱瘡を出す。カサが出ると法印に拝んでもらいミコ神がどこに行きたがっているかが明らかになり、そこに持っていくとカサは治る。
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mikogami ミコ神
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ミコ神,kasa no kami カサの神
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Mikogami san ミコ神サン
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Ooyama Mikogami オオヤマミコ神

Okayama 真庭郡 Maniwa district 落合町 Ochiai town

Mikogami ミコ神

Okayama 真庭郡 Maniwa district 新庄村 Shinjo village

Nikogami san ニコ神サン
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Mikogami ミコ神,ミコガミガサ
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Okayama 真庭郡 Maniwa district 八束村 Yatsuka village
mikogami ミコ神
八束村上長田 Kaminagata では、祟るのでミコ神さんを橋の上から川へ差し出し、これからもヤンチャが絶えないなら川へ流すし、心を入れ替えおとなしくするなら許すとさとして持ちかえった人があり、その後は祟らなくなったと言う。

Okayama 真庭郡 Maniwa district 湯原町 Yubara town

Mikogami ミコ神,ミコガミガサ

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Okayama 美作市 Mimasaka city

荒神,hyakushoo no kami 百姓の神,kodomo no kami 子供の神,ushi no kami 牛の神

Okayama 小田郡 Oda district 矢掛町 Yakake town

kodomo no kami 子供の神, heso no o koojin ヘソノオ荒神, Sanbo Kojin 三宝荒神
At the small hamled 羽無 Hanashi 三宝荒神 the Sanbo Koshin Deity is seen as
Kodomo no Kami 子供の神 Deity of Children.
It is also called heso no o Kojin ヘソノオ荒神 Kojin of the umbilical cord.
. Sanbo Kojin 三宝荒神 "the fierce deities of the three treasures" .

....................................................................... Saga 佐賀県 .....
東松浦郡 Higashimatsuura district 鎮西町 Chinzei town

. ochosusama おちょす様 O-Chosu Sama, Deity to protect children .

....................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県 .....
日野郡 Hino district 日野町 Hino town // Mikogami ミコ神

wakamiya san ワカミヤサン
. wakamiya 若宮 Wakamiya shrines .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- #kodomonokami #kojin #koojin #mikogami -


Sanbo Kojin Legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Sanbo Kojin 三宝荒神 "the fierce deities of the three treasures"
. Kōjin, Koojin 荒神 Kojin, "rough deity" .

Sanboo koojin no osamedori 三宝荒神の納鶏 - Aichi
sacred rooster of the
Sanbo Kojin deity


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita town

三宝荒神 the Sanbo Kojin Deity protects the hearth, the home and the people who live in the house.
If the surroundings of the house are dirty,
if the people repair the house without informing the deity,
if the people hit nails in the wall
many family members will get a stomach ache or a fever.

....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 .....
三豊郡 Mitoyo district 詫間町 Takuma town

三宝荒神 The Sanbo Kojin Deity protects the food and the farmers,
and also a good catch 大漁の神 of the fishermen.
If someone has to leave the village to go travelling or working,
he puts the ashes of incense burned for 荒神 the Kojin Deity on his head before leaving.

....................................................................... Mie 三重県 .....
志摩 Shima region

三宝荒神 The Sanbo Kojin Deity gets offerings from matsu no ki 松の枝 pine branches.
If they are not renewed regularly and dry out, soneone in the family will suffer from headache.

....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 .....
Okayama 鹿峰 Kanomine

三宝荒神 the Sanbo Kojin Deity from Kanomine has two parts:
On the right is a ritual wand.
On the left is a male Kami deity with many faces and two arms.

Okayama 笠岡市 Kasaoka city

Kodomo no Kami 子供の神, Ushi no Kami 牛の神, Ishiwari Kojin 石割り荒神
On 笠岡市高島 the island Takashima in Kasaoka city the 三宝荒神 the Sanbo Kojin Deity is venerated as
Kodomo no Kami 子供の神 the Deity of Children.
It is also Ushi no Kami 牛の神 the Deity of Cattle.
During the 神楽の際 Kagura Festival, it is called Ishiwari Kojin 石割り荒神 the stone cutting Kojin.

. kodomo no kami 子供の神 Deity to protect children .
Mikogami ミコ神 / 御子神

Okayama 勝田郡 Katsuta district 勝田町 Katsuta town 梶並部落 Kajinami hamlet

. Sanbo Kojin at 神宮寺 the Temple Jingu-Ji .

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The Shrine for 荒神 the Kojin Deity in the hamlet of 楮 Kozo is in a low spot in the mountain to the East.
There are three small Shrines:
The one on the left is dedicated to 荒神 the Kojin Deity.
The one in the middle is dedicated to ヒジリ Hijiri.
The one on the right is dedicated to 山の神 Yamanokami.
荒神 the Kojin Deity is seen as hyakusho no kami 百姓の神 Deity of the farmers and
Kodomo no Kami 子供の神 Deity of Children.

Okayama 勝田郡 Katsuta district 奈義町 Nagi town

nagare Kojin 流れ荒神, Kokushi Kojin 国司荒神, Sanbo Kojin 三宝荒神
In Nagi town, three Kojin are venerated:
Nagare Kojin 流れ荒神 flowing Kojin
Kokushi Kojin 国司荒神 Governor Kojin
Sanbo Kojin 三宝荒神
Nagare Kojin refers to a statue that has come down during a flooding of the river.

Okayama 真庭郡 Maniwa district 落合町 Ochiai town 栗原 Kurihara

Hachi Dai Kojin 八大荒神,Sanbo Kojin 三宝荒神,Dasai Kojin ダサイ荒神
In 坂本部落 the hamlet Sakamoto they venerate four Kojin deities
Hachi Dai Kojin 八大荒神 THe Eight Big Kojin
Sanbo Kojin 三宝荒神
2 Dasai Kojin ダサイ荒神 / 大歳荒神 at 大歳神社 the Shrine Dasai Jinja

Okayama 小田郡 Oda district 矢掛町 Yakake town 上高末 Kamikozue hamlet

kodomo no kami 子供の神, heso no o koojin ヘソノオ荒神, Sanbo Kojin 三宝荒神
At the small hamlet 羽無 Hanashi 三宝荒神 the Sanbo Kojin Deity is seen as
Kodomo no Kami 子供の神 Deity of Children.
It is also called heso no o Kojin ヘソノオ荒神 Kojin of the umbilical cord.

大杣 Osoma hamlet

In the compound of the Shrine for the Kojin Deity at 大杣下組 Lower Osoma there is also a Shrine for
Kunishi no Hokora 国司の祠.
In the compound in 大杣上組 Upper Osoma there is also a shrine for 山の神 Yamanokami.
At both Shrines the Kojin Deity is seen as
hyakusho no kami 百姓の神 Deity of the farmers.
. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain - Okayama .

Okayama 総社市 Soja city 新本 Shinpon

ubusuna sanboo koojin 産土三宝荒神 Ubusuna Sanbo Kojin
At 観世部落 the hamlet Kanze, all families venerate 産土三宝荒神 Ubusuna Sanbo Kojin
. Ubusunagami 産土神 Deity of the birth place .

Okayama 総社市 Soja city

三宝荒神社 Shrine Sanbo Kojin no Yashiro
津山市高野本郷 Tsuyama Takano Hongo
source : e-tsuyama.com/report ..

....................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 .....
阿武郡 Abu district

三宝荒神 The Sanbo Kojin Deity is venerated in various hamlets:
大抵 Taigai - The deity of the five grains (a good harvest) for the farmers.
赤碕 Akasaki - The protector deity of cattle and horses.
麦谷 Mugitani - It is also called 鷹神 Takagami / Takashin, "Hawk Deity".


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- #sanbokojin #sanbokoshin #sanboo #aragami #arakami #koojin ##kojin -


jintoku divine virtue legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

jintoku (shintoku) 神徳 divine virtue, divine blessing
- quote -
- source : okayama-jinjacho.or.jp ... -
kudoku 功徳 merit
itoku 威徳 prestige
goriyaku ご利益 benefit


Jintoku Inari Jinja 神徳稲荷神社 Jintoku Inari Shrine
鹿児島県鹿屋市新栄町1771-4 / 1771-4 Shineicho, Kanoya, Kagoshima
Best known are the transparent glass shrine gate, the tunnel of over 100 red shrine gates, and its large rock said to help people find the loves of their lives.
Another popular feature of the shrine are the ema (votive tablets) shaped like the faces of Inari foxes.
- reference : kagoshima-kankou.com/guide ... -


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

jintoku (shintoku) 神徳 divine virtue, divine blessing

If people cut the trees of chinju no mori 鎮守の森 a sacred forest, the shintoku 神徳 divine blessings for the people living close by will be reduced.
Families who own a forest nearby will decline, if they cut too many trees in their forest.
. chinjugami 鎮守神 tutelary deities .


Fuji no Jintoku 富士の神徳 blessings from Mount Fujisan
Two springwaters on the top of Mt. Fuji are called
Kinmei-sui and Ginmei-sui (Gold water and Silver water).
kinmeisui 金明水 Gold Water
The water is put in bottles and carried home.
The water will never grow bad.
Even during kanbatsu 旱魃 a strong drought the wells will not dry out.
Putting paper in the bottle will make it a powerful amulet.


....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....
南あわじ市 Minami-Awaji city

Manai no jintoku 真名井の神徳 the divine blessing of Manai
When the people of 淡路津名郡沼島 Nu Island in the Tsuna District of Awaji begun to dig a well,
they came to a bedrock layer harder then iron and they could not go on.
But from the well near Hashimangu Sha 八幡宮社 the Hachiman Shrine there came clear water that more than 1000 families could not exhaust.
This is due to the 神徳 Jintoku divine blessing of 八幡宮の三女神真名井 the three female deities of the Hachiman Shrine in Manai.
. Munakata Sannyoshin 宗像三女神 the "Three Female Kami of Munakata." .
真名井神社(まないじんじゃ、眞名井神社) - 島根県松江市山代町 Shimane, Matsue city, Yamashiro town
source : wikipedia

....................................................................... Kochi 高知県 .....
吾川郡 Agawa district いの町 Ino town

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake legends .
A man was almost swallowed by daija 大蛇 a huge serpent, but he used his ax and run away.
There are many similar stories from this mountain road.
Sometimes the serpent hangs in a tree and swallows a man from above.
Pepole whe carry an amulet from 金毘羅 the Konpira Shrine are never attacked.
. Konpira no Miya 金刀比羅宮 in Kagawa .
金刀比羅宮神徳史 History of Jintoku from Konpira Shrine

....................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県 .....

. Aburahi Jinja 油日神社 Aburahi Shrine .
the main shrine of Koga where 御神徳 Go Shintoku is held in great respect。

....................................................................... Shimane 島根県 .....
簸川郡 Hikawa district 大社町 Taisha town

- 出雲国日御碕大神宮竜蛇神徳記 Records of Jintoku at the Great Shrine in Hinomisaki, Izumo no Kuni -
. ryuuja 竜蛇と伝説 Legends about Ryuja - a Dragon Serpent .
Sometimes Ryuja 竜蛇 a dragon serpent, meseenger of ryuujin 竜神 the Dragon Deity, appears.
Therefore there are no fires and no drought in Hinomisaki.
At 日御碕神社 the Shrine Hinomisaki Jinja there is a special festival from the 11th to the 17th of October.
During that time the sea is wild and ryuuja 竜蛇 a dragon serpent appears.
. Hinomisaki 日御碕 and Izumo Kaido Highway .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- #jintoku #shintoku #hinomisaki #izumo -


Ushigami legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

ushigami, gyuujin 牛神 / 丑神 / ギュウジン Gyujin Kami of cattle

- source : nayuta-centaurea, India -

. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 Gyuki, "bull-demon" .
a monster in the pandemonium of Western Japan.


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県 .....
今治市 Imabari city 大三島町 Omishima town

Ushigami no tatari 牛神の祟り the curse of Ushigami
Once upon a time
members of 脇谷家 the Wakiya family became very ill, one after the other.
When they asked a diviner what was the reason, they were told it was the curse of
the deity 丑神大明神 Ushigami Daimyojin. Now they stopped eating beef and never served it to visitors either. Thus they became blessed again.
Three families of the region had formed a prayer group for the Ushigami, but during their festival there was a fire and the bull died.
This was his revenge.

....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 .....

Takura Ushigami Sha 田倉牛神社 Takura Shrine for the "Cattle Deity"
備前市吉永町福満898-3 / Bizen city, Yoshinaga town, Fukumitsu
Grand Festival January 5. Smaller festivals on May 5 and September 5.
People bring cows and bulls made from Bizen pottery and make a wish for the New Year.
There are more than 300.000 figures on the pile.
This shrine has a torii entrance gate but no special shrine building.

....................................................................... Osaka 大阪府 .....
堺市 Sakai city // ushiishizuka 牛石塚 - 牛神について

The Stone Mound of the Bull is a natural black rock in the form of a bull that has fallen down.
. ushiishi 牛石と伝説 Legends about the "bull rock" .
ushi-ishi / gyuu-ishi ぎゅういし / gyuuseki / gyuseki

....................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県 .....

. nojin (nogami, nokami) 野神 Kami of the Wilderness .

....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 .....
真庭郡 Maniwa district 八束村 Yatsuka village / Gyujin 牛神

. Aragami, Kojin 荒神と伝説 Legends about the Kojin deity .
On the road crossing over Inubasari toge 犬挟峠 the Inubasari pass there was a sanctuary
dedicated to 荒神 the Kojin Deity.
It has now changed into a concrete stand with a small sanctuary.
The Gyujin 牛神 Kami of Cattle is also venerated here.


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- #ushigami #cattelkami #gyuujin #gyujin #ushinokami -


Chinju sama Guardian legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Chinju Sama, Chinjusama 鎮守様 Guardian Deity Legends

. chinjugami 鎮守神 tutelary deities .
chinju 鎮守 regional deity, local deity
chinju doo 鎮守堂 Chinju-Do Hall for the Regional Kami, a kind of Hokora, tochidoo 土地堂 Tochi-Do.

. chinju no mori 鎮守の森 forest in the shrine compound .
. ujigami 氏神 / Ubusunagami clan KAMI deities .

. katame no Kami 片目の神 Kami with one eye .
They are often seen as Guardian Deities.


. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

. kami 神 Shinto deities - ABC-LIST - .


鎮守様の森で by 竹川新樹


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 .....
岡崎市 Okasaki city 古部町 Kobu town

. ubugami 産神 "deity of birth" . - Ubusunagami 産土神
The real personality of the Ubugami is not quite clear. Nevertheless
it is 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity of the village.

....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 .....
Fukushima いわき市 Iwaki city 四倉町 Yotsukura town // 鎮守の杉

chinju no sugi 鎮守の杉 cedar tree of 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity
About 40 years ago, a grandfather became wery ill for a long time.
In former times, his wife had hit a nail into sugi no ki 杉の木 a cedar tree to curse someone.
When they looked carefully at the tree, they found the nail.
This tree had been 鎮守の杉の木 the sacred cedar tree of 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity.
When they pulled the nail out, the man got better.
. Wara ningyo 藁人形 straw dolls for curses .
the vodoo dolls.

Fukushima 郡山市 Koriyama city 湖南町 Konan town

The 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity is enshrined at 高井神社 the Shrine Takai Jinja.
The deity once hurt herself at goma no ki ゴマの木 a sesame tree and lost one eye.
Therefore the villagers do not grow sesame.
Some villagers have very narrow eyes.

Fukushima 南会津郡 Minami-Aizu district 檜枝岐村 Hinoemata village

. bakeneko 化け猫 / 化猫と伝説 Legends about monster cats .
The 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity of the village was a kind of monster that used to eat one virgin every year as an offering.
One villager took the courage, went to 伊勢の国 Ise to get a dog called 天地白 and brought it back.
The dog bit the monster to death. It turned out to be a
. Hihi 狒々/ 狒狒 / 比々 Hihi Baboon Monster .

- - - - -
. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
When women have to go to the mountain fields for work, they often stick a needle into their front hair.
Serpents are afraid of needles and do not come close.
There are also ritual chants that keep the serpents away.
In former times it was because of the blessings of 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity that there were no serpents in the village.
Even nowadays, serpents are very few.

- - - - -
If someone gets ill, they have to pray to 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity.
If the illness is very severe, they call a priest to perform prayer rituals.
If the priest can not come, they use prayer amulets instead.

鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity once slipped in a field of satoimo 里芋 taro potatoes
and lost her left eye in a field of goma 胡麻 sesame.
Since then the villages do not plant taro or sesame.
Many villagers have a small left eye.

Fukushima 十日町市 Tokamachi city

鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity lost one eye when he slipped on wheat.
Since then the villagers do not plant wheat any more.

Fukushima 耶麻郡 Yama district 高郷村 Takasato village

In former times, 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity slipped on cow dung and fell into the well of the village.
Since then people do not keep cows and do not dig wells any more.

....................................................................... Ibaraki 茨城県 .....
龍ヶ崎市 Ryugasaki city

. Kokuzo Bosatsu 虚空蔵 and unagi 鰻 the eel .

....................................................................... Kanagawa 神奈川県 .....
横浜市 Yokohama city 港北区 Kohoku ward

鎮守様 The Chinju Sama guardian deity, which is 八幡様 Hachiman Sama, does not like silk,
therefore when they bring babies to the Shrine, they do not use silk hats or bibs.

....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県 .....
Niigata 北蒲原郡 Kita-Kanbara district 阿賀町 Aga town

neko 猫 cat and hebi 蛇 serpent
The villagers were told by a Shaman that there was a curse from cats and serpents.
They made votive paintings of a cat and a serpent
and gave it as offerings to 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity

Niigata 古志郡 Koshi district 山古志村 Yamakoshi village

The 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity once hurt herself at goma no ki ゴマの木 a sesame tree and lost one eye.
Therefore the villagers do not grow sesame.

Niigata 中頚城郡 Naka-Kubiki district 吉川町 Yoshikawa town

. The Ibaraki Doji Monster 茨城童子 / 茨羅鬼童子 .
Next to the boulder of 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity of the village 尾神 Ogami,
the monster child Ibaraki Doji used to live.
Now there are only his footprints and 33 Buddha statue left.

Niigata 中魚沼郡 Naka-Uonuma district 津南町 Tsunan town

. katame no kamisama 片目の神様 Kami with one eye .
鎮守様 The Chinju Sama guardian deity stepped on mugi 麦 wheat and fell down
then it hit one eye with goma ゴマ sesame and had only one eye left.
Since then the villagers do not grow wheat or sesame.

....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 .....
川上郡 Kawakami district 備中町 Bitchu town

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
In the hamlet 布瀬 Nunose there is a small Sanctuary under a muku no ki 椋の木 Muku tree (Aphananthe aspera),
where kitsune sama キノネ様 a fox is venerated.
In local dialect it is also calld 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity,
or マツリデン Matsuri Den or イワイデン Iwai Den, place for a festival .

....................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 .....
平島村 Hirashima village

. Inugami 犬神 "Dog Deity" .
Once a kind man with a sanctuary for Inugami 犬神 the Dog Deity in his estate behaved quite strange.
In the back of his estate was a place to venerate 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity.
In the building they found a small baby dog and then kept it.

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 .....
立川市 Tachikawa city

. Chinju Hachimangu 鎮守八幡宮 in Tama 武蔵国多摩郡 .

....................................................................... Yamaguchi .....
下関市 Shimonoseki city

mori sama 森さま The Honorable Forest
In the forest in the back of the estate of 内山家 the Uchiyama family, there is a sanctuary called
森さま Mori Sama. If it is cleaned regularly, the family will always have enough money.
It is 鎮守様 the Chinju Sama guardian deity of the family.
Once a man cut down matsu no ki 松の木 a pine tree in the forest, but he hurt himself very much.
. matsu 松と伝説 Legends about the pine tree / 松の木 matsu no ki .


- reference : nichibun yokai database : 鎮守様 -
84 鎮守 / 31 鎮守の collecting
OK 鎮守の杉 / 鎮守の池 / 鎮守八幡宮


- #chinjusama #guardiandeity #chinju #goshinju #チンジュサマ #shinju -

Jingu Kogo Legends

. Shinto Shrines (jinja 神社) - Introduction .
. kami 神 Shinto deities .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 / 神宮皇后 - Legends

. Empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 / 神宮皇后 - Introduction .
(170 - 269) Regent from 201 - 269


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .


. funadama, funatama 船玉 / 船霊 / 船魂 guardian deity of a boat .
The fact that protector deities of ships and boats are female goes back to 神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo.

- - - - -

An old stone mason tells this story:
In former times the area of 豊前の国 Nagato no Kuni and 豊前の国 Buzen no Kuni (both in Fukuoka and Oita) was connected by a place called 穴門 Anamon, now in Nagato. It was also written 穴戸 Anato.
When 神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo took the army to Korea, part of the land was cut away to make place for the war ships to pass.
Anamon refers to Kanmon Kaikyo 関門海峡 the Kanmon Strait.

....................................................................... Chiba 千葉県 .....

Sumiyoshi no Kami 住吉の神, Funadama no Kami 船玉の神
In 房総 Boso (old name for Chiba), 住吉の大神 the great Kami of Sumiyoshi is venerated as 船玉神 Funadama no Kami.
神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo during her war in Korea venerted this deity. All the Kami came to her help and produced a favorable wind. When she was back in Japan, she verneated the Kami at 摂津住吉 Settsu Sumiyoshi Shrine in Osaka. . Sumiyoshi Jinja 住吉神社 Shrine legends .

....................................................................... Fukui 福井県 .....
Fukui 三方町 Mikata town

. u 鵜 cormorant .
神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo is venerated at 常神社 the Shrine Tsune Jinja,
which was the original Shrine named 常宮神社 Jogu Jinja in Tsuruga.
Woman come to pray here for an easy birth.
When 神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo had to wait here for favorable winds and during that time gave birth to a son.
She buried the son in the sand of the beach and soon went on to Korea.
The local u 鵜 cormorants took care of the baby and warmed it with their feathers.

- quote -
Jogu Shrine
Affectionately known by locals as “Osan no Jogu-san,” the shrine of childbirth, this shrine features an abundance of natural beauty that changes from season to season, such as plum blossoms, cherry blossoms, and fall colors.
After Empress Consort Jingu safely gave birth here to the imperial prince who would go on to become Emperor Ojin, she became revered as the deity of safe childbirth.
Empress Consort Jingu was the empress of Emperor Chuai, the enshrined deity of Kehi Jingu Shrine, so Jogu Shrine and Kehi Jingu Shrine are thought of as husband and wife, with Jogu Shrine considered the rear shrine of Kehi Jingu Shrine.
Every July, the enshrined deity of Kehi Jingu Shrine, Emperor Chuai, crosses the sea in a mikoshi portable shrine boat to visit his wife, Empress Consort Jingu, at Jogu Shrine, where she is enshrined, in a romantic Shinto rite. Because of the location, and because Empress Consort Jingu was said to have prayed for safe navigation before the legendary ancient conquest of the Korean peninsula, this shrine is also considered a protector shrine for voyages and fishing.
- source : turuga.org/en/jyougu... -

Fukui 敦賀市 Tsuruga city

mumei zuka 無名塚 a mound without name
In former times, Kobo Daishi passed here on his pilgrimage and cut himself some hashi 箸 chopsticks
from the wood of タモの木 an ash tree (Fraxinus mandshurica). After the meal he stuck the chopsticks into the ground and they begun to grow into a large tree.
When 神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo passed here she buried many people here who had died during her war.
They also put the weapons and armour of the soldiers into the mound.

....................................................................... Fukuoka 福岡県 .....

Sumiyoshi Daimyojin 住吉大明神
When 神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo was on her way to war with Korea,
the deity 住吉大明神 Sumiyoshi Daimyojin appeared to her as an old man.
He told her to take kanju manju 干珠満珠 the tide jewels for a safe journey.
She would get the jewels from Azumi no Isora, who worked as her general during the war.
. Azumi no Isora 阿曇磯良 .
. kanju manju 干珠満珠 the tide jewels .

....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県 .....
三原市 Mihara city 幸崎町 Saizaki town

ukidai 浮鯛 a floating sea bream
神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo poured some sake rice wine on a tai 鯛 sea bream and the animal started floating.
There is now a Shrine, 浮鯛神社 Ukidai Jinja, in this place.
1-11-19 Saizakinoji, Mihara, Hiroshima - Ukidai Jinja
. tai 鯛 sea bream .

....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 .....
宝塚市 Takarazuka city

takara zuka 寶塚 a mound full of treasures
This name refers to the treasures burried by 神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo.
If people find something worth picking up on this mountain, they will be lucky.

....................................................................... Kochi 高知県 .....
幡多郡 Hata district 大月町 Otsuki town

. Kaijin 海神 God of the Sea .
A woman should never go aboard a ship alone.
Once 神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo was on a ship alone,
Kaijin 海神 the God of the Sea became angry and caused a storm.
The Empress had to throw her body into the water.

....................................................................... Shimane 島根県 .....

Sankan-seibatsu (the conquest of three countries in old Korea) (三韓征伐)
- quote -
Sankan-Seibatsu (the conquest of three countries in old Korea)
was written in the war affairs of the "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), on the military expeditions against Silla (pronounced "Shiragi" in Japanese: Kingdom of ancient Korea) by the Empress Jingu who was a descendant of Prince Amenohiboko of Silla. After Silla surrendered, two remaining countries from the three (Paekche [pronounced "Kudara" in Japanese: Kingdom of ancient Korea] and Koguryo [pronounced "Kokuri" in Japanese: Kingdom of ancient Korea]) surrendered to Japanese authority, one after another; so, this war affair came to be known as the Sankan-Seibatsu.
However, in some cases it was called the "Conquest of Silla."
- reference source : japanese-wiki-corpus.org/history... -

Susa Shrine 須佐神社 / 須佐大宮
30 Sadacho Susa, Izumo, Shimane

When 神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo passed here, she performed a dance.
The song read Han Nan Mo Hi Ten No
This is a Buddhist prayer song and helps to keep favorable winds, warding off rain.

....................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県 .....
和歌山市 Wakayama city

玉津島 Tamatsushima Island is the place where 神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo on her trip to Korea
found nyoi-ju 如意珠 a wish-fulfilling jewel coming up from the waters.
. nyoi hooju 如意宝珠 Wishfulfilling Jewel .

On this very small princess Daruma doll there is only one of these jewels.
The three jewels remind us of the Korean war of Empress Jingu, which was favoured by a strong wind
called "Treasure of Ebb and Tide" (kanju manju 干珠満珠).

玉津島神社 Shrine Tamatsushima Jinja
Wakayama, Wakauranaka, 3-4−2


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- #jingukogo #kogojingu #kanjumanju -