
kami - Shinto Deities

. shinbutsu 神仏 kami to hotoke - the Deities of Japan .

kami 神 Shinto deities

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Shinto deities 神道の神様

- some deities are read either AMA NO or AME NO

. Abura no Kamisama 油の神様 Deity of Oil in Edo .

. Aburahigami, Aburahi no Kami 油日あぶらひ神 / 油日大神 Aburahi no Okami .
- Shiga, 油日神社 Aburahi Jinja - 油日大明神 Aburahi Daimyojin

. Ajisugita Takahikone no Mikami 味耜高彦根命 .
..... at the Shrine 高彦根神社 Takahikone Jinja, Niigata

. Akakura Daignongen 赤倉大権現 .
..... and Akakura Fudo 赤倉不動

. Akaruhime no kami 阿加流比売神 / 耀姫 . - Korean Connection

Akiba Gongen 秋葉権現現Akibagongen at Mt. Akiba

Akiguhi no Ushi no Kami 飽昨能宇斯神 for beautiful hair

Amanoochigami Rokusha Gongen 天落神六社権現(あまのおちがみろくしゃごんげん)
Nara 奈良県桜井市和田

. Amayo no mikoto 雨夜尊 Deity of Blind People .

. Amatsu hikone no Mikoto 天津日子根命 / 天津彦根命 . - Son of Amaterasu

Amatsumara 天津麻羅
Amanomahitotsu no kami 天目一箇神(あめのまひとつのかみ) - Yama no Kami 山の神
- Deity with only one eye

Amaterasu Oomikami (Omikami) 天照大神

Amenoakarutama no Mikoto, Ame no Akarutama 天明玉命 - Toyotama 豊玉姫

Ame no futotama no mikoto
. sojin, soshin, oyagami 祖神 spirits of ancestral deities .

Ame no hihoko no mikoto
Ame no hoakari no mikoto
. sojin, soshin, oyagami 祖神 spirits of ancestral deities .

. Ame no Hiwashi no Mikoto 天日鷲命 アメノヒワシノミコト Amenohiwashi .
- - - - - deity of asa 麻 hemp

Ame no Iwatowake 天石門別神 Ama no Iwatowake
and Kaguyama in Nara 香具山, Amanokaguyama 天香久山

Ame no Koyane no mikoto 天児屋根命 Amenokoyane
Azumi no Isora Maru 阿曇磯良丸 Isoramaru, 安曇の磯良

. Ame no Nukado no kami 天糠戸神 )(Ame-no-nuka-do-no kami) .

. Amenooshihomimi no Mikoto 天之忍穂耳命 Ame no oshihomimi no mikoto .
Masakaakatsu kachihayahi ame no oshihomimi no mikoto (Kojiki,Nihongi),
Masakaakatsu kachihayahi ame no oshihone no mikoto(Nihongi)
正勝吾勝勝速日天之忍穂耳命(アメノオシホミミ) / 正勝吾勝勝速日天忍穂耳命

Amenooshihomimi アメノオシホミミ Ame no oshihi no mikoto (German)
..... 正勝吾勝勝速日天忍穂耳尊 - Masakakatsukachihayahi Ame no oshihomimi no mikoto

. Amenotomi no Mikoto .
天比理乃咩命 Amenohirinome no Mikoto / formerly called 洲ノ神(すさきのかみ) Susaki no Kami (Sunosaki)
(天比理刀咩命 (あめのひりとめのみこと) Amenohiritome no Mikoto)
- Taokihooi 手置帆負命 Taokihooi no kami

Ame-no-Uzume-no-mikoto (天宇受売命, 天鈿女命) Ame no Uzume, Ama no Uzume

. Amewakahiko, Ame-Waka-Hiko 天若日子 / 天稚彦 Ame no wakahiko .

Atago Gongen - 愛宕権現
to prevent fire

Aragamisama, Koojin sama 荒神様 Hearth Deity
Dokujin, dokoojin 土公神
Kamagami 釜神 The Hearth Deity in Miyagi

. Arakuma Ookami 荒熊大神 Arakuma Okami .

. Arima no Miko 有間の尊 / Arima no Ooji 有間王子 the Prince Arima .
. . . . . and 藤白神社 Fujishiro shrine

Arukigami 歩行神 the God of Wandering with Basho and Issa
Sozorogami そぞろ神 / Sowasowa no kami そわそわの神

. ashi no kamisama 足の神様 deities for strong legs .
- - - ashigamisan 足神さん Ashi no Kamisama - Uji Jinja 宇治神社
- - - Ashinazuchi no kami 足名椎神

. Bandai Myojin 磐梯明神 - Fukushima, Mount Bandaisan .

. bihada no kamisama 美肌の神様 deity for beautiful skin .
Toyotama Hime 豊玉姫 Princess Toyotama Hime

Bimbogami, Binboo Gami 貧乏神 God of Poverty .

biyoo no kami 美容の神様 deities of beauty

. Boshijin, Hahakogami 母子神 "Mother-Child Deity" .

Byaku-I Gongen ... 飯山白衣権現White Kannon Gongen, at Ii no Yama

. chijin, chigami, jijin, jigami 地神 Kami of the Earth / the Land .

. Chinju Sama, Chinjusama 鎮守様 Guardian Deity .

. Chinushi no Mikoto 道主命 Michinushi no Mikoto .

. Chintaku Reifujin 鎮宅霊符神 "Tutelary God of Houses" .

Daishoogun 大将軍神 Daishogun no kami, Lord of the Stars
His name is also 素戔鳴尊 スサノオ Susano-O.

. Doosojin 道祖神 Dosojin - Wayside Gods .
- Funado no kami 岐の神

Eiyoo Gongen 栄誉権現 Venerable Guard Deity
a tanuki from Toshogu Shrine

. female Kami - 神道 - 女性の神々 .

. Fuku no Kami 福の神 God of Good Luck / Fukusuke 福助 .

. Funado no Kami , Kunado no Kami 岐の神 .
Wayside Deity
Chimata no Kami 巷の神(ちまたのかみ)
Tsuji no Kami 辻の神(つじのかみ)"crossroad deity"
Tsukitatsu Funado no kami (Kojiki)
岐戸大神 / 岐戸の神 / 岐ノ尊 kido okami, Kido no Kami
a deity to show the way - 道祖神 Dosojin

. Futatsuiwa Daimyojin" 二ッ岩大明神 . - Sado Island, Niigata
- - - - -源助大明神 Gensuke Daimyojin, the Great Tanuki Deity

Futsunomitama 布都御魂(ふつのみたま)
Sajifutsu no kami 佐士布都神 - Mikafutsunokami 甕布都神
The personification of a divine sword.

. Fuujin 風神 Fujin - Kaze no Kami 風の神 Wind God .

Gozu Tenno, Ten-Oo, Gozu Tennō 牛頭天王 Bull-headed King of Heaven
..... Japanese god of the plague, Gion Festival Kyoto.
Gooo, Go-Oo, Go-O 牛王

. gyogyōshin, gyogyooshin 漁業神 Gyogyoshin deities for fishing .

Hachiman Shin 八幡神 and Hachiman Daibosatsu 八幡大菩薩)

Hakusan Shichi Gongen 白山七権現
Hakusan shinkoo 白山信仰 Hakusan faith. Shirayama shrines

. Haniyasu Hime 埴安姫命 / Haniyasu Hiko no Kami .

. Haraedo no Kami 祓戸 . 祓所神 .
..... Seoritsuhime 瀬織津姫, Hayaakitsuhime (Haya-Akitsu-Hime), Ibukidonushi, and Hayasasurahime.

. Haruna Gongen 榛名権現 - Tengu 満行権現 Mangyo Gongen . - Gunma

. Hashihime, Hashi Hime 橋姫 / はし姫 "Princess of the Bridge" .
..... 橋姫の神 Hashihime no Kami

. Hashiriyu Gongen 走湯権現 (そうとうごんげん) Soto Gongen, Hot Spring Deity .
..... Izusan Gongen 伊豆山権現

. Hayashijooin no Mikoto 林浄因命 Hayashi Join - Sweets Deity .

Hidarugami ヒダル神 / hidarugami ヒダル神 / ダラシ - Hunger Gods
..... Hidarubo ひだるぼう

. Hikawa Myoojin 氷川明神 Hikawa Myojin .

Hikohono Ninigi no Mikoto 彦火瓊瓊杵命
. Ninigi 瓊々杵尊, Sakuyahime and Iwanagahime .

Hikosan Gongen 彦山権現
Mount Hikosan 英彦山 / 彦山 Hikosan Shrines, Fukuoka and Oita

Hitokotonushi 一言主 "God of One Word" at Katsuragi Mountain, 一言主神社

Hoakari no mikoto, Ho Akari no Mikoto
. sojin, soshin, oyagami 祖神 spirits of ancestral deities .

. Homusubi no mikoto 火産霊命 Deity of Fire / 軻遇突智 Kagutsuchi .

Hondawake no mikoto 譽田別命 - 品陀和気命 Homudawake .
Another name for Hachiman Daishin 八幡大神
Another name is Oojin Tennoo 応神天皇 Ojin Tenno

. Honoakari no Mikoto 天火明命 / 鐃速日命 .
櫛玉饒速日命 Kushitama Nigihayahi no Mikoto (櫛玉饒速日 Kushitama Nigihayahi)
and his father, 天忍穂耳尊 Ama no Oshihomimi no Mikoto

. hooijin 方位神 deities of the directions .

Hoosoogami, Hoosooshin 疱瘡神 God of Smallpox, Hosogami

. Hoozu no kami, Hyōzu 兵主神 Hyozu no Kami . Deity of Wind and Weapons .  

. ibotori myoojin いぼとり明神 Myojin taking away warts .
- - - - - ibogamisan いぼ神さん / イボ取り / 疣  Shinto deity to take away warts

. Ichigami 市神 / いちがみ deity of the market town .

Ichikishima hime 市杵島姫 Ichikishima Hime-no-Kami (市杵島姫神)/ 中津島姫命 Nakatsushima hime no mikoto
Tagitsu Hime-no-Kami (湍津姫神)
Tagiri Hime no Mikoto 田心姫命 / (田心姫神) ?Tagori Hime-no-Kami
and the Munakata shrines 宗像大社 Munakata Taisha

Iizuna no Gongen 飯網の権現 ... at Iizuna Mountain, Izuna Gongen

Ikasuri no Kami 座摩の神 Five Deities of the Land
生井神 Ikui no kami, Protector of life
福井神 Sakui no kami, Bringer of good luck
綱長井神 Tsunagai no kami, Luck for fishing
波比岐神 Hahiki no kami, Protector of home and garden
阿須波神 Asuwa no kami, Protector of legs and travelling

Ikushima no kami 生島神 Protector of the Land and the Islands
..... Ikunitama no kami 生国魂神(イクニタマノカミ)
..... Sakikunitama no kami咲国魂神(サキクニタマノカミ)
Tarushima no kami 足島神 "Fulfillment"
Ikushima Tarushima Jinja 生島足島神社, Osaka

. imo no kami いもの神 Deity of Sweet Potatoes .

Inari Myojin 稲荷明神 - 稲荷大明神 Inari Daimyojin - the Fox Deity

. Inugami 犬神 "Dog Deity" .
- and messenger of 山の神 Yamanokami

Inuhime-no-kami, Inuhime no Kami 伊奴姫神 "Princess Dog Deity"

Ishigami 石神 Stone Deity
手力男命 / 天之手力男神 / 天手力男神 Ame no Tajikara Onokami, Amenotajikara O no Kami

Ishiho oshiwake no kami
. sojin, soshin, oyagami 祖神 spirits of ancestral deities .

. Ishikoridome no kami 石凝姥神 (Ishi-kori-dome-no-kami) - Ishikoritome .

Iwakamutsukari no Mikoto 磐鹿六雁命 God of the Kitchen Knife and Cooking
高家神社 Takabe Shrine, Chiba

. Iwanagahime no Mikoto 磐長姫命 .

. iyaku no kamisama 医薬の神様 deity of medicine .
Sukunahikona no mikoto 少彦名命 Sukuna Hikona, Sukuna-Hikona, Sukuna-Bikona

Izanagi 伊弉諾 - 伊弉冉尊 - Izanami 伊邪那美命

Jinguu Koogoo 神功皇后 Empress Jingu Kogo

Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇 First Emperor Jimmu
= Kamuyamato Iwarehiko no mikoto 神倭磐余彦尊

Jishu Gongen 地主権現 Local Gongen
at Kiyomizudera Kyoto 清水寺, Jishu Jinja 地主神社

. Kagamitsukuri, Kagami Tsukuri no kami 鏡作神 Deity for making mirrors .

. Kakinomoto Ookami 柿本大神 Kakinomoto Okami "Great Deity" .
Kakinomoto Daimyoojin 柿本大明神 Kakinomoto Daimyojin, 人丸神, 柿本人丸神
Kakinomoto Hitomaro 柿本人麻呂 Hitomaru 人丸 / 人麿 - Waka poet

. kami no soshin 髪の祖神 first deity for hair problems . - priest Semimaru 蝉丸法師

. Kamurogi no Mikoto 神漏岐尊 / Kamuromi no Mikoto 神漏美尊 .
..... male and female ancestral kami

. Kaburogi-kumano-okami Kushi-mike-no-mikoto 加夫呂伎熊野大神櫛御気野命 .

. Kamu Yamato Iwarebiko, Kamuyamatoiwarebiko 神倭磐余彦尊 .
same as Wakamikenu no mikoto, Toyomikenu no mikoto, Sano mikoto, Hatsukuni shirasu sumera mikoto. = 神武天皇 Jinmu Tenno, the first Tenno

. Kanayago-kami 金屋子神 Deity of the Blacksmith .
Goddess of Tatara metal work 鑪
- Kanayamahiko no Kami 金山彦神, Kanayama Hime no Kami 金山毘売神

Kannigihayahi no mikoto
. sojin, soshin, oyagami 祖神 spirits of ancestral deities .

. Kappa Daimyojin 河童大明神 Great Deity Kappa - water goblin .

. Kasuga Myoojin 春日明神 Kasuga Myojin / 春日竜神 Kasuga Ryujin
Dragon Deity .

. Kawa no Kami 川の神 River Deity .

. Kazesaburoo 風三郎 Wind God called Kazesaburo - 風神 .

. Kayano hime no kami, Kayanu 鹿屋野比売神 - Deity of tsukemono Pickles 漬物の祖神 .

. kaze no kami 風邪の神 Deity of the common cold .
- Sekigamisama 咳神様 Deity of coughing // go-fuuja sama ごふうじゃ様 Go-Fuja Sama

Kenryusan Daigongen 剣龍山大権現薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai

Kimon Konjin 鬼門金神 "Tutelary of metal"
- and kimon, the "Demon Gate" 鬼門,

. kitorashin, kitora-shin 木虎神 "The Wooden Tiger Deity" .

Kogane no Ookami 金大神 at 金神社 Kogane Jinja / Gifu 岐阜県岐阜市金町5-3
and godess Nunoshihime-no-mikoto, wife of Inishiki-Irihiko-no-mikoto, mother of Ichihaya-no-mikoto
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Konpira Daigongen . 金毘羅大権現 Kompira Daigongen . Kotohira, Shikoku

. Konjin, Konjin Sama  金神, 金神様 deity of metal .

. Konohana Sakuyahime no Mikoto  木花開耶姫 . 咲屋姫命 .

- Kooshin 庚申 Kōshin, Koshin, Ka-no-e-saru -
- - and
Shoomen Kongoo, Shōmen Kongō 青面金剛 Shomen Kongo -

Kotoamatsukami 別天津神 "distinguishing heavenly kami"
zooka no sanjin 造化の三神 three deities of creation
Ame no minaka nushi no kami 天之御中主神
Takamimusuhi no kami 高御産巣日神
Kami musuhi no kami 神産巣日神

. Kotokatsukunikatsunagasa 事勝因勝長狭神 .
- other names of this deity:
Shiozutsu-no-Okina 塩筒老翁,
Shiozutsu no Oji, Shiozutsu no Ookami 塩筒大神 (old man of the the sea) 塩土老翁神
Shiotsuchi no Okina 塩土老翁, Shiotsuchi no Oji, Shiotsuchi no Kami 塩椎神
Shiotsuchi 潮つ霊, 潮つ路 - Deity who resides over the tide.
Shiogama Myoojin 鹽竈明神 / 塩釜明神 Shiogama Myojin, Deity of the Salt Chauldron

. Kotoshironushi 事代主命 Ebisu .
and kuniyuzuri 国譲り transfer of the land at Miho Jinja

. Kuebiko 久延毘古 and kakashi scarecrow .

Kuni no Tokotachi no mikoto 国常立尊主神 Kunitokotachi

. Kushimikenu no Mikoto 櫛御気奴命 / 櫛御氣奴命 .
..... honorific name of Susano-o-no-mikoto

Kushinadahime - Kushinada hime 櫛名田媛 .
Inada hime no mikoto 稲田姫命(いなだひめのみこと)

. Kusu no kami 久斯之神 Deity of Sake .

Magami 真神 ancient Wolf Deity and 太占 futomani divination

. makuragami 枕神 "god of the pillow" .

Marebito まれびと / 客 / 賓 / 客人 "Rare person" visiting local deity

. Matarajin, Madarajin, Matara-Shin 摩多羅神 . - and Shikōtei 始皇帝 - and Uzumasa 太秦

Matsunoo 松尾神 - 大山咋神 / 中津島姫命 Deity of Sake 酒神

. Mihotsu Hime no Mikoto 三穂津姫命 Wife of Kotoshironushi .

. Mikami Daimyoojin 御髪大明神 Great Deity of Hair .

Mikenu no Mikoto, Mikenu-no-Mikoto 御毛沼命

. Mikogami ミコ神 / 御子神 Deity to protect children .
kodomo no kami 子供の神 Deity to protect children

Mikumari, Mikomori Myōjin 御子守明神
御子守 - Mikomori Sannyoshin 御子守三女神
Tamayorihime 玉依姫.
Mikumari jinja 水分神社

Mimigo Ookami 耳明大神
Mimigo Jinja 耳明神社

. Misaki Daimyoojin 御先大明神 / ミサキ大明神 Misaki Daimyojin .
and 岩山大明神 Iwayama Daimyojin from Okayama

"Mishakuji-sama" みしゃくじさま, Mishaguji sama ミシャグジさま , ミシャグジ神 and shrine 御社宮司社, Lake Suwa

Mizuhanome 水速女命 / 弥都波能売神 / 罔象女神 / 美津波能女之命 Mizuhanome no Mikoto Deity of Water

. Mizu no Kami, Mizunokami 水の神 Deity of Water .

. myoojin - myōjin 明神 - myōjin 名神 "eminent kami" - Myojin .

Nai no kami 地震神 God of Earthquakes

. Nakatsushima hime no mikoto 中津島姫命 Deity of Beauty . - same as Ichikishima Hime no Mikoto

. 那牟羅彦神 Husband : Namurahiko no Kami .
- 那牟羅姫神 Wife : Namurahime no Kami - at 苗村神社 Namura Jinja, Shiga

. Narimono no Kamisama 鳴り物の神様 "Deity of Instruments" .
- - - - - Kotoshironushi 事代主命 Ebisu at Miho Shrine

Ninigi no Mikoto 瓊瓊杵尊/邇邇芸命 and Kirishima
- - - - - Hikohono Ninigi no Mikoto 彦火瓊瓊杵命

Niutsuhime  丹生都比女 。丹生都比売

Nooten Ookami 脳天大神 Noten Okami Snake Deity
龍王院 Ryuo-In - Dragon God Shrine, Kinpusenji, Yoshino

. Nue Daimyoojin 鵺大明神 Nue Daimyojin - the Nue monster .

Okunitama no Kami 大国魂神
Yamato no Ookuni Tama no Kami 倭大国魂神
Yachihoko no Kami 八千矛神 / Mi-Toshi no Kami 御年神

Omizunu no Kami 淤美豆奴神, 淤美豆奴命..
Legends of Izumo no Kuni. "God of Great Water"

Omodaru 於母陀流神, Ayakashikone and Dairoku Tenma O 第六天魔王

. ONI - Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. Ooasakiko - Oasahiko no Okami 大麻比古の大神 Deity of Hemp . .

Oohiko no mikoto, Ōhiko no mikoto
- - - . sojin, soshin, oyagami 祖神 spirits of ancestral deities .

. Ookuninushi no Mikoto, Ōkuninushi no mikoto 大国主命 - and Izumo Taisha . Daikoku sama 大黒さま -
Oonamuchi no Kami 大己貴命 (おおなむちのかみ) 大巳貴命

. Osakabe no kami おさかべの神 / 長壁 / 刑部明神 / 刑部大神 . - Himeji castle

Oshirasama, O-shira sama おしらさま、オシラサマ - Tono, Iwate
O-Shirase sama お知らせ様
"Neighing horse deity", menari myojin 馬鳴明神
"Silkworm God", kaikogami, sanjin 蚕神 , カイコガミ
Kokage Myoojin 蚕影(こかげ)明神 / Kodama sama 蚕玉様. 蚕養神
Tobigami 飛神 "flying god"
Okonai sama オコナイサマ
Okunaisama オクナイサマ - 家の神 Deity in the Home

Ooyama kui no kami 大山咋神(くいのかみ) O-yama-gui-no-kami
better known as Sanoo, 山王 "Mountain King"

Ooyamatsumi 大山祇神, 大山積神, 大山津見神
Oyamatsumi no Mikoto
God dwelling in Mountains

. Rokusan sama 六三さま Deity of Illness .

. Sake no Kamisama 酒の神様 Deity of Sake - Introduction - .

. Sakuyahime 咲屋姫命 . 木花開耶姫 Sakuyahime no Mikoto .

. Sanjuubanshin, sanjuu banjin 三十番神 monthly day tutelaries .
. . . . . zenjin or zenshin 善神 good deities, "food deities"

Sannoo 山王 Sanno, the "Mountain King"
and the Hiyoshi shrines 日吉神社. San-O, Sann-No,

. Saruhachi 申八梵王 / さるはちぼんのう Saruhachi Bonno Monkey Deity .

. Sarutahiko no Kami 猿田彦大神, 猿田彦神 "Monkey Man" .

Sai no Kami さいの神 / 幸神

Sekimamorigami 関守神 Deities of Checkpoints
Sakai no myoojin 境の明神, Sekido Myoojin 関戸明神 deity Sekido Myojin
Seki no Myoojin 関の明神 Myojin Deity to protect a checkpoint
- Ichihime no kami 市姫の神

Sekison Gongen 石尊権現
Stone Deity at Mount Oyama 大山, Kanagawa

. Sekizan Daimyojin 赤山大明神 . - and Taizan Fukun 泰山府君

. Seoritsu Hime no Mikoto 瀬織津姫命 / 瀬織津比売 / 瀬織津媛 .

. Shibagami 柴神 / 柴折り様 Shibaori / 柴取り神 Shibatorigami .

. Shibaten しばてん / 芝天 Kappa water deity from Tosa - Kochi .

. Shichi-Fukujin, Shichifukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .

. Shichimen Daimyojin 七面大明神 .
Shichimen Tennyo 七面天女 celestial nymph / Heavenly Lady from Mount Shichimensan in Yamanashi

. Shikigami 式神, Shiki no Kami 式の神 .

Shinba, shinme 神馬 "Horse of the Gods", sacred horse jinme, 神駒 (かみこま)

. shinigami 死神 God of Death "Grim Reaper" .  

. Shinra Myoojin Shinra Myōjin 新羅明神 Shinra Myojin . - Korean Connection

. Shiozutsu-no-Okina 塩筒老翁 .
- other names of this deity:
Shiozutsu no Oji, Shiozutsu no Ookami 塩筒大神 (old man of the the sea) 塩土老翁神
Shiotsuchi no Okina 塩土老翁, Shiotsuchi no Oji, Shiotsuchi no Kami 塩椎神
Shiotsuchi 潮つ霊, 潮つ路 - Deity who resides over the tide.
Shiogama Myoojin 鹽竈明神 / 塩釜明神 Shiogama Myojin, Deity of the Salt Chauldron
Kotokatsu Kunikatsu Nagasa - 事勝因勝長狭神

. Shirahige Daimyojin 白鬚大明神 // Shirahige Myojin 白鬚明神 . - Sarutahiko

Shirosama, O-Shirosama, Kaikogami and other SILK related deities ...
蚕神, おしらさま, 蚕影明神 ...

. Shitateruhime したてるひめ - 下照姫 / 下照媛 . - Korean Connection - Shita-teru-hime-no-mikoto

. Shooka Gongen 焼火権現 Shoka Gongen,Ooyama Gongen 大山権現 Oyama Gongen .
at Shimane, Okinoshima : 焼火山大権現 Shoka Oyama Daigongen
and Oohirume Muchi no Mikoto 大日孁貴尊 / 日女尊 Hirume no Mikoto / 大日孁尊 Ohirume no Mikoto

. shugojin 守護神 protector deities .

. sojin, soshin, oyagami 祖神 spirits of ancestral deities .

Suijin, the God of Water 水神 . Suiten. Mizu no Kamisama. Suitengu 水天宮

Sukuna, Ryoomen Sukuna Sukuna with two faces 両面宿儺
- - - and - Sukunahikona no mikoto 少彦名命 Sukuna Hikona / Sukuhikona na Mikoto  彦名命

Sumiyoshi Myoojin 住吉明神 Sumiyoshi Myojin and Sumiyoshi Shrines in Japan 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja

. Sun and Moon Deities of Japan Nitten, Gatten and more
日天,月天, 明星天子

. Susanoo no Mikoto スサノオ / すさのお‐の‐みこと / 素戔嗚尊 / 須佐之男命) .

Sutoku Tenno, Sotoku, Sudo 崇徳天皇 (1119 - 1142)

Suzuki Myoojin 鈴木明神 Amakusa, Kumamoto
Suzuki Shigenari 鈴木重成 (1588 - 1653)

Tajikarao no Mikoto 田力男命 - Tateyama mountain belief 立山信仰
天手力男神 / 天手力雄神 Ame no Tajikarao no Kami
刀尾天神 Tachio Tenjin / 刀尾権現 Tachio Gongen

Tajimamori, Tajima Mori 田道間守命
thought to have plucked the fruit from the "Eternal Land" Tokoyo no Kuni 常世国, 常世の国

. Takami 高皇産霊神 (たかみむすびのかみ) Takami musubi no kami .

Takaokami 高おかみ神 God of Rain Kuraokami, Kuramitsuha

. Takeminakata no Mikoto 津御名方命 .

. Takenouchi no Sukune 武内宿禰 / 竹内宿禰 / 建内宿禰 .
Zenjoo 善神王(ぜんじょう) Zenjo
Takeshiuchi no Sukune - Takeshi-Uchi // Takenouchi Skune, Takeuchi Sukune - legendary statesman and Kami

Taketsu no mi no mikoto
. sojin, soshin, oyagami 祖神 spirits of ancestral deities .

. Tamawakasu no Mikoto 玉若酢命 . - Oki Island, Shimane
and 須世理姫命 Suserihime no Mikoto

Tamayorihime, Tamayoribime, Tamayori hime no mikoto 玉依姫命

Ta no Kami, Tanokami 田の神, Yama no Kami 山の神. Deitiy of the Fields and Mountains
- - - - - koosaku no kamisama 耕作の神様 Kosaku no Kami, Deity of Cultivation

. Tenaga 手長明神 Tenaga Myojin (The kami with long arms) .
and Ashinaga 足長明神

. Tenshin Sama, Tenjin Sama 天神様 Honorable Deity of Heaven .

Tokusa no Kandakara 十種神宝 The Ten Heavenly Treasures

. Tooka Daimyoojin 稲荷大明神 Toka Daimyojin (Inari) .

Toshigami 年神 God of the Year / 大年神 Ootoshi no Kami , Toshidon and other names

Toyotamahiko no Mikoto 豊玉彦命
- - - - Aoshima Jinja 青島神社 Aoshima Shrine, Miyazaki -

. Toyotama Hime 豊玉姫 Princess Toyotama .

Toyoukehime no Kami 豊受大神 Toyouke no Ookami
Oogetsu Hime no Kami 大宜都比売神

. Tsukiyomi no Kami, Tsukuyomi no Kami 月読神 Deity of the moon .
Tsukiyomi no Mikoto 月夜見尊(つきよみのみこと) 月読命
Tsukiyomi no Mikoto Aramitama 月夜見尊荒御魂 / Tsukiyumi no Mikoto月弓命

Uba Gongen 姥権現Mount Iidesan

. ubugami 産神 "deity of birth" / ubusunagami 産土神.
o-san no kami お産の神 the deity of birth

. Ugajin 宇賀神 and Uga Benzaiten 宇賀弁財天 .
- - - Uga no Mitama no Kami 宇賀御魂神

鵜草葺不合尊 Ugayafukiaezu no mikoto 盧茲草葺不合尊
father of Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇

. Ujigami 氏神 Deity for a clan or family .

. Ukanomikami, Uka no Mikami 宇迦之御魂神 / 倉稲魂神 / Uganomitama 倉稲魂命 .
Miketsu Kami 御食津神 / 三狐神 / Inari Kami 稲荷神 Deity to provide food
rides on a inari 稲荷 fox messenger

Ukemochi no Mikoto 保食命 Ukemochi no Kami 宇気母智命 Uke Mochi

. Umashiashikabihikoji 宇麻志阿斯訶備比古遅神 Umashi ashikabi hikoji no kami.
足神さん Ashigami San for strong legs

. Umi no Kami 海の神 God of the Sea / Watatsumi, Wadatsumi, Kaijin 海神 .

Umisachihiko 海幸彦 Hoteri no mikoto 火照命(ほでりのみこと)

Unagami Sukune no Mikoto 菟上足尼命 Unakami 菟上

. Unagihime 宇奈岐日女 Unagi-Hime "Princess Eel" .
- and a demon deity - Kesaki Gongen 蹴裂権現
- Kunisatsuchi no Mikoto 国狭槌尊 *
- Hikonagisatake Ugayabukiaezu no Mikoto 彦波瀲武鸕鷀草葺不合尊 *
- Kamununakawahihi no mikoto 神渟名川耳尊 = Suizei Tenno 綏靖天皇

. ushigami, gyuujin 牛神 / ギュウジン Kami of cattle .

. Uwazutsunoo, Nakazutsunoo, Sokozutsunoo .
表筒之男命 / 中筒之男命 / 底筒之男命

. wagoojin 和合神 Wago-Jin - Deities of conjugal harmony .

wakagaeri no kamisama 若返りの神様 Kami to keep you young

Wakahirume 雅日女尊 Wakahirume no mikoto
Oosakatoke no kami 大酒解神 / Kosaketoke no kami 小酒解神

Wakatakehiko no mikoto
- - - . sojin, soshin, oyagami 祖神 spirits of ancestral deities .

. Ugayafukiaezu ウガヤフキアエズ尊 / 鸕鶿草葺不合尊 .

Wakumusubi 稚産霊命 - Wakumusuhi 和久産巣日神

. Yabugami 藪神 / ヤブガミ Kami of the thicket .

Yakujin 厄神(やくじん) Yakujin Myo-O 厄神明王,
Mondo Yakujin 門戸厄神
"deity of preventing bad luck" - or - "deity to bring bad luck"

Yakubyoogami 疫病神 Yakubyogami, Deity of Diseases and Illness .
eyami no kami えやみのかみ / gyooyakujin 行疫神 gyoyakujin / ekijin, yakujin 疫神

Yakuriki Myojin 薬力明神

Yakusanoikazuchi 八雷神 eight gods of Thunder
Yakusa no ikazuchi no kami - - - and Fuujin Raijin 風神雷神 Gods of Wind and Thunder

. Yama no Kami 山の神 Mountain Deitiy .

Yamasachihiko 山幸彦 Hiko hohodemi no mikoto 彦火火出見尊

Yamazumisama 山住様 /ヤマズミサマ "Deity living in the mountains"
Yamazumi Daigongen - a wolf deity

Yoshida Shinto 吉田神道 - Yoshida Kanetomo 吉田兼倶(1435-1511)

Yugen gongen, yu no minamoto Gongen 湯源権現 Deity to protect the Hot Water Well .

Zenki 善鬼大明神 Zenki Daimyojin (御善鬼様 O-Zenki Sama) "Benevolent Demon"


. shinbutsu 神仏 kami to hotoke - the Deities of Japan .

. shingoo Shingō 神語 the "divine title" .

. Introducing Japanese Buddhas and Deities .

. Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja 神社) - Introduction .

- - - - - The Gods of Japan and Haiku (kami to hotoke) - - - - -

- #shintodeities #deities ##kami #shintokami #ABClist #binbogami #bimbogami ##kami -




sorei - ancestral spirits


sorei 祖霊 ancestral spirits, ancestor spirits

- quote
The term is used frequently to refer to a soul that no longer possesses individual characteristics.
As Yanagita Kunio has shown, for a certain period of time (thirty-three years in many cases) after death a soul receives memorial services and is called a shiryō spirit of the dead). This is distinguished from a sorei, which has lost its individuality. Some posit that sorei may be further elevated to become deified spirits (shinrei, mitama).
A family or a community may worship deified ancestral spirits as their "ancestral deity" (sojin) or "tutelary deity" (ujigami).
source : Nishioka Kazuhiko,Kokugakuin

shiryoo 死霊 spirit of the dead

. ujigami 氏神 tutelary deity, guardian/patron deity, clan deity .

source : panoramio.com
Ikohayawake no mikoto jinja - sorei sha 伊去波夜和氣命神社祖霊社
Izanagi and Izanami

soreisha 祖霊社 "shrine for the ancestor sprits"
. mitamaya 御霊屋 mausoleum .

soreisha 祖霊舎 household Shinto altar, kamidana 神棚 .

. kamidana 神棚 household Shinto altar, "shelf for the Gods" .


sojin, soshin, oyagami 祖神 spirits of ancestral deities

- quote
Progenitor kami of a clan. Here a kami is not viewed as a transcendental being but rather is a concept within the genealogical relations of living people. A synonym of sojin is oyagami (parental deity), where oya does not necessarily refer to a progenitor but rather has a more general, comprehensive connotation. It is based on the belief that all human beings are descendents of kami. The term sojin does not always imply an ancestral deity of a certain bloodline or particular locality. Amaterasu, the ancestral goddess of the tennō (emperor), is a good example.

The progenitor kami of the tennō's line is alternatively termed kōso (imperial ancestor), tenso (heavenly ancestor), or taiso (great ancestor). Compendium of Aristocratic Kindreds (Shinsenshōjiroku), which was compiled in the Heian period, categorizes families in the Kinai region according to their ancestors. Those whose ancestors were tennō were designated kōbestu; those whose ancestors were kami were designated shinbetsu; and those whose ancestors were foreign immigrants were designated shoban.
The category of those with kami ancestors is further divided into three types:
those whose kami ancestors were heavenly kami were tenjin;
those whose ancestors were descendents of kami were tenson; and
those whose ancestors were earthly kami were chigi.

The progenitor deity for some important historical clans are noted below:

Abe no ason — Ōhiko no mikoto (Left capital, tennō descent)
Kibi no ason — Wakatakehiko no mikoto (Right capital, tennō descent)
Fujiwara no ason — Ame no koyane no mikoto (Left capital, kami descent, tenjin)
Isonokami no ason — Kannigihayahi no mikoto (Left capital, kami descent, tenjin)
Ōtomo no sukune — Ame no oshihi no mikoto (Left capital, kami descent, tenjin)
Owari no muraji — Hoakari no mikoto (Left capital, kami descent, tenson)
Inbe no sukune — Ame no futotama no mikoto (Right capital, kami descent, tenjin)
Kamo no agatanushi — Taketsu no mi no mikoto (Yamashiro, kami descent, tenjin)
Ōmiwa no ason — Ōkuninushi no mikoto (Yamato, kami descent, chigi)
Kuzu — Ishiho oshiwake no kami (Yamato, kami descent, chigi)
Tsushima no ason — Ame no koyane no mikoto (Settsu, kami descent, tenjin)
Tsumori no sukune — Ame no ho akari no mikoto (Settsu, kami descent, tenson)
Uzumasa-kō no sukune — Shikōtei (Left capital, immigrant descent, Han)
Miyake no muraji — Ame no hihoko no mikoto (Right capital, immigrant descent, Silla)

The phrases such as "sumera ga mutsu kamurogi" (cherished ancestral deity of the tennō) in the Great Purification liturgy (oharae kotoba) archived in Engishiki, or "waka mutsu kamurogi" (our cherished ancestral kami) referred to in the Kōtoku chapter in Nihongi both suggest a familiar and beloved parental kami. This traditional view has a strong connection to the idea of a parental deity in modern new religions.
source : Nishioka Kazuhiko, Kokugakuin

kooso, kōso 高祖 imperial ancestor
tenso 天祖 heavenly ancestor
taiso 大祖 great ancestor


oyagami, sojin 祖神 "parent deity"

- quote
"Parent deity," an extension of the image of parenthood to kami, expressing the belief that kami care for human beings in the same way that human parents care for their children. The term is believed to describe the close relationship between kami and humans, one embodying a particularly intimate affection toward the kami.

The concept of "parent kami" can be found in at least two forms:
(1) a somewhat abstract concept of oyagami which has existed since ancient times and
(2) a more or less doctrinally codified concept which developed as a part of sectarian Shintō and Shinto-related new religions.
This article will discuss the latter concept.

Certain of the Shinto sects understand the entirety of nature, the world, or the cosmos to be a living entity, a life-current or interlinked vitality which overflows with productive power, one which is undying and without end. In turn, the original source or root of that interlinked vitality is sometimes expressed as oyagami, a term used to describe the original or ultimate existence which endlessly gives birth to all things.
From this point of view, it is thought that human beings are "apportioned spirits of the kami" (kami no bunrei), or "offspring of the kami (kami no ujiko) whose lives have been bestowed or loaned to them by the kami.

Based on this concept, a doctrine developed which suggested that human beings, as "children of kami," are originally of the same substance as kami, and thus harbor the potential to reach the state of kami within themselves. For example, within the new religion of Tenrikyō, the main deity is called "Oyagami," and the sect founder Nakayama Miki is known as "Oyasama"; this kind of common use of the word "parent" (oya) affixed before the kami serving as the subject of worship is thought to be a reflection of the Japanese people's traditional apprehension of the meaning of kami.
source : Fukushima Shinkichi, Kokugakuin

. doosojin 道祖神 deities by the wayside .


senzo matsuri 先祖まつり festival of the ancestors

On the island Mikurajima 御蔵島 there is no temple any more, only a soreisha shrine 祖霊社 to celebrate during O-Bon, O-Higan and other festivals.
So now they celebrate this festival twice a year during the equinox. During the rituals, girls of the age of 15 are allowed to wear a long-sleeve kimono for the first time, to present them to the ancestors as "little women".
After a ceremony at the shrine, people eat mochi ricecakes and sweets in white and red auspicious colors.
source : satoyumi

. Ancestor Worship and the O-Bon お盆 festival .


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

source : yukikot23.exblog.jp

ichimen ni sorei ichimen no manjushage

everywhere there are
ancestor sprits - everywhere there are
spider lilies

Morio Suzume 森尾雀子

. WKD : Spider Lilies (higanbana, manjushage) .

zangiku o oreba sojin no koe sunari

breaking a late chrysanthemum
I hear the voice
of the ancestor spirits . . .

Hata Yumi 秦夕美

. WKD : zangiku 残菊 remaining chrysanthemum .





yashikigami estate deities


yashikigami 屋敷神 "estate deities"

- quote
"Estate kami," a tutelary kami enshrined on or nearby the plot of land on which a human dwelling is built. Most yashikigami are found in the form of small shrines made of wood or stone, or a makeshift straw shrine which may be rebuilt at the time of each regular observance of worship. In other cases, the kami's presence may be indicated merely by a cairn of rocks, or a tree or natural stone may be used to represent the kami's temporary dwelling or manifestation (yorishiro).

Since the term yashikigami is an academic expression used to refer generally to any "tutelary kami of the dwelling," the actual terms used to refer to such shrines and their kami vary widely from place to place; some include ujigami, uchigami, jigami, and 地主神 jinushigami. In some cases, the shrines may be referred to by the proper name of the actual kami worshiped, such as Inari, Shinmei, Gion, Kumano, Hakusan, Tenjin, Ten, Hachiman, and Wakamiya.

Yashikigami cults can be classified in three main types:
first, the type in which the kami is enshrined and worshiped on the property of each individual household;
second, the type in which the kami is enshrined only by especially old families representing the main or "stem" families (honke) of patrilineal descent groups (zokudan); and
third, the type in which the kami is enshrined at the dwelling of a stem family, but participation in its worship is extended to collateral families of the zokudan as well.

While the third type is thought the oldest, it is believed that the weakening of the structure of the old zokudan groups and growing independence of branch families led to proliferation of the second type. In turn, as branch famlies rose in affluence, they also gained autonomy as independent units of village membership, thus leading to the enshrinement of yashikigami by each individual household (the first type). The individual household enshrinement type also arose against the background of a popularized interpretation of the yashikigami as tutelary of individual family and home, and the teachings of mountain ascetics (Yamabushi) and other folk-religious practitioners to the effect that the yashikigami should be propitiated to prevent or eliminate curses on the family.

While progressing toward increasing differentiation as noted above, yashikigami cults have also frequently displayed contrary trends toward greater inclusivity as the comprehensive tutelaries of broader geographical areas. This expansion has occurred as shrines of the first and second types became the core of extended cults involving the participation of a wider range of votaries, including individuals outside the kinship group itself.

Worship of the yashikigami is generally observed twice annually, in spring and fall, precisely correlating with the interchange widely observed between the ta no kami (kami of the rice paddy) and yama no kami (kami of the mountain), thus suggesting a linkage between the yashikigami and other agricultural tutelaries.

Further, occasional cases are seen in which the original pioneer cultivators of a locale, or the spirit of the earliest ancestor (sorei) is enshrined as a yashikigami, and if one accepts that the yama no kami and ta no kami are variations based on the ancestral spirit, one can posit a close relationship between yashikigami and ancestral spirit as well.
See also teinaisha.
source : Iwai Hiroshi, Kokugakuin 2005

. ujigami 氏神 clan KAMI deities .

. yama no kami 山の神 ta no kami 田の神 .  deity of the moutains and the fields

. 狩場明神 Kariba Myojin .
The jinushigami of Mount Koyasan 高野山。


teinaisha 邸内社  shrine in a private estate 

source : www.habujinja.or.jp
In the estate of the Chiba Gas Company 、千葉ガス(株).

- quote
A small shrine located within a private residential compound.
Also sometimes called a teinai shinshi. Some such shrines originated from the belief that a local kami already dwelled in the area before the building of the home, while others were especially dedicated to the "apportioned spirit" (bunrei) of the extended family's ancestral kami, or another kami specially revered by the family.

A famous example of the latter type would be Taira no Kiyomori's dedication of the Itsukushima Shrine's central deity (saijin) in an auxiliary shrine (betsugū) built within the Taira's Rokuhara estate in Kyoto. kami thus enshrined in teinaisha subsequently came to be revered as local tutelaries.

The majority of such examples are Inari shrines. Such private residential shrines were not normally given official ranks under the Meiji-period system of shrine statuses (shakaku seido).

Today, one may find so-called "corporation shrines" (kigyō no jinja ) on the grounds or within a building of various corporations and factories and dedicated to prayers for corporate prosperity and employee safety; such shrines can be broadly considered as falling in the category of teinaisha. Further, in cases where the worship of such shrines is open to neighboring residents as well, the shrine may develop into the status of a local neighborhood tutelary or a cultic center with a broader clientele (one example is the shrine Suitengū in Tokyo).
source : Inoue Nobutaka, Kokugakuin 2005

kigyoo no jinja 企業の神社


source : minka-en.com

Some have a roof made of straw, others of rich families can be quite elaborate structures.
Families come here to pray for the well-being of the clan.

Many shrines for the estate deities are placed in the North-East corner of the estate, the KIMON direction.
. Kimon, the "Demon Gate" 鬼門 .


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

kan moode yashikigami yori hajime-keri

the winter shrine visit
begins at the
estate deities . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

Sasaki Choofuu 佐々木朝風 Sasaki Chofu "Morning Wind"

. WKD : kan moode 寒詣 visiting a shrine (or temple) in the cold .


屋敷神と思へば蟇の又鳴けり 浜 佐文
屋敷神在す戌亥や柚子ゆたに 今井ヒナ

家うちも末枯いそぐ屋敷神 河野南畦
寒施行栗鼠も来てゐる屋敷神 水上 勇
柚の花や蜑の臍なす屋敷神 青木重行
紅花を挿して染師の屋敷神 中村翠湖
荒れざまの竹の秋なり屋敷神 遠藤喜久女

地虫鳴く屋敷神あるあたりより 大河原一石
菩提子のぽろぽろ屋敷神ふやす 金崎トミ子
source : HAIKUreikuDB


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

............................................................................ Oita 大分県
川崎村 Kawasaki village

. Koichirogami 小一郎神 Koichiro no Kami .
He is a kind of yashikigami 屋敷神 "estate deity" in Northern Kyushu.

............................................................................ Okayama 岡山県

In 落合町 Ochiai people have a small Hokora for Misaki, who is venerated as a 屋敷神 Yashikigami Protector deity of the Estate, near the North-Western side entrance.
. Misaki ミサキ / 御先 / 御前 / 御崎 Legends about the Misaki deity .

. 山王様 Sanno-Sama as Yashikigami .


- reference : nichibun yokai database -
138 to collect


- #yashikigami -


Sekibutsu by Bunei


Bunei Sekibutsu 文英様石仏 Stone Buddhas of the Bunei style - Okayama -

Build after the attacks of Hideyoshi on Takamatsu castle in Okayama, about 140 pieces of stone memorials with shallow engraving.
One typical trait is the the nose like a potato and the triangular eyes.
They represent simple forms of the Buddhist and Shinto deities.

They are called BUNEI 文英 because that was the name of the stone mason, carved in the first four stones found. Bunei was a monk at temple 福成寺 Fukujo-Ji in Takamatsu ward of Okayama, belonging to the Nenbutsu school
念仏講. He was active from 1534 - 1547.
Most of his stone statues are found in Takamatsu/Hirano, Soja, Ashimori and Akasaka.

文英座元石仏 - zamoto is the manager or proprietor of a stone-mason business.

With detailed maps :
source : isinohotoke.net/okayamamap.


Marebito まれびと / 客 / 賓 / 客人 Rare person.
A term originally referring to a visitor.
Orikuchi Shinobu defined marebito as spiritual entities that periodically visit village communities from the other world — the "everlasting world" (tokoyo) across the sea — to bring their residents happiness and good fortune.

Orikuchi traced the prototype of the marebito to ancestral spirits (sorei). Despite the dread and disdain of community residents for the marebito, their belief that the marebito bring blessings led to the development of customs for and notions of welcoming the marebito. Orikuchi theorized that the belief in the marebito forms the basis of folk religion in Japan. Examples of marebito as masked and costumed deities that bring blessings to people include the Namahage of Akita Prefecture as well as the Akamata/Kuromata and Mayuganashi in Yaeyama, Okinawa Prefecture.
source : Iwai Hiroshi, Kokugakuin 2007

客人大明神 Kyakujin Daimyojin
. Marebito Daimyoojin - protector deity Nr. 20 from Omi .

報恩寺文英様石仏 - temple Hoon-Ji
遍照寺文英様石仏 - temple Henjo-Ji
高松城周辺の文英様石仏 - around the ruins of Takamatsu castle
岡山市大崎の文英様石仏 - Osaki, Okayama town
岡山市門前の文英様石仏 - Monzen, Okayama town
田上寺跡石仏 - Ashimori
久米薬師堂石仏 - Soja, Kume Yakushi Hall
常楽寺の文英様石仏 - temle Joraku-Ji,    岡山市草ヶ部 

持宝院の文英石仏 - 十一面観音 - Juichimen Kannon
中島文英石仏 - 地蔵菩薩 - Jizo Bosatsu
大崎廃寺跡の文英石仏 - 延命地蔵 Enmei Jizo

koshinage Jizoo 腰投げ地蔵 "hip-throw" Jizo -
from Nishi Kamo village 岡山市西加茂

These statues are said to help with pain in the hips and lower back. Many people came here to pray for help with their pain, but nowadays the two statues are almost covered by weeds.

They are basically the style of an Enmei Jizo 延命地蔵 to prolong the life.
They are about 40 cm high. Both have the typical round face with a potato-like round nose.

source : www.isinohotoke.net

. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 Kshitigarbha .


Bishamonten Magaibutsu - 毘沙門天磨崖仏

石槌山毘沙門天磨崖仏 - Kurashiki, Ishizuchisan
Mount Ishizuchisan is about 165 meters high. The carving is 390 cm high and 37 cm wide.
Bishamon-Ten is shown standing on a jaki 邪鬼 demon.

庚申山毘沙門天磨崖仏 - Shinjo
日差山毘沙門天磨崖仏 - Kurashiki
福山八畳岩毘沙門天磨崖仏 - Soja
鷲峰山毘沙門天磨崖仏 - Yakake

Look at the photos here:
source : www.isinohotoke.net/kibi2

. Bishamon-Ten . 毘沙門天 Tamonten (Vaishravana) .


Kibi no Sekibutsu 吉備の石仏 Stone Buddhas from Kibi

保月三尊板碑・六面石幢 - Takahashi, Hozuki Sanzon Three Deities

This granite stone slab is about 315 cm high. Each of the three Buddhas has a double nimbus and sits in a small cave carved into the stone.
They are Shaka Nyorai, Amida Nyorai and Jizo Bosatsu.

山崎六地蔵・不動磨崖仏 - Soja - Jizo and Fudo Myo-o
総願寺跡宝塔 - Kurashiki, temple Sogan-Ji
楢津阿弥陀石仏 - Narazu Amida

Look at the photos here:
source : www.isinohotoke.net/kibi4

under construction

. Magaibutsu 磨崖仏 Stone Carvings and Sculptures .

. Sekibutsu 石仏 Stone Buddhas .

Sekibutsu 石仏 - Stone Carvings of Buddhist Deities
The oldest known sekibutsu 石仏 (stone sculpture) in Japan is the Buddha Triad (Sansonzou 三尊像)
at Ishiidera 石位寺 Temple (Nara; late 7th century).
source : Mark Schumacher -

Magaibutsu 磨崖仏 Images Carved in Cliffs, Large Rock Outcrops, or in Caves
source : Mark Schumacher -





Shisendo Kyoto


Shisendoo 詩仙堂 Shisen-do "Hall of the Great Poets"

Ishiyama Joozan 石山丈山 Jozan

. WKD : Joozan Ki 丈山忌 Jozan Memorial Day .
May 23. 1583年(天正11年) - 1672年6月18日(寛文12年5月23日)
Poet and Scholar of Chinese poetry in the early Edo period.
Jozan had worked for Tokugawa Ieyasu and distinguished himself during the Summer Battle of Oasaka 大坂夏の陣.

- Reference - Ishiyama Jozan -


Shisen-do (詩仙堂, also known as Jozan-ji 丈山寺)
is a quiet hermitage at the foot of the hills, in the north-east of Kyoto city. It was built by retired samurai Jozan Ishikawa (1583-1672) in 1641, which makes the place more than 350 years old (and well conserved for this age!) Jozan devoted the later part of his life to studies, mostly Chinese classics and garden architecture. Jozan selected the name "Shisen-do" after the 36 classic Chinese poets portraits he had hanging in his study (but exactly what the link is, I don't know). These portraits are still visible today and, due to their old age, you are kindly requested not to take pictures of them (because, you know, no one knows how to disable the flash of a compact camera...)

Jozan-sama studied until his death at 90 years old. Quite exactly how the hermitage became a temple I can't tell from the little documentation that I have. But in the early 1700s the temple was owned and cared for by a series of Buddhist priests. Later in the mid 1700s, a zen priest or nun was chosen to be the keeper of the hermitage, and this tradition continues to this day.
source : damien.douxchamps.net

Inside in a special room are paintings of the 37 Immortal Chinese poets.
shisen no ma 詩仙の間

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !


- - - - - HP of the temple in English- The Hermitage Shisen-Do

source : www.kyoto-shisendo.com


- - - - -  H A I K U  - - - - -

Ishiyama Jozan

kaze kaoru haori wa eri mo tsukurohazu

fragrant summer wind -
this haori coat has a neckband
with so many patches

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written on the 1st day of the 6th lunar month 1691, 元禄4年6月1日

Basho had stayed at Shisen-Do 詩仙堂 Shizen-Do hall with Sora and Kyorai. This is a small hermitage which Ishiyama Joozan 石山丈山 Jozan had build in Ichijooji 一乗寺 Ichijo-Ji, a district in Sakyo, 左京 Kyoto.

source : itoyo/basho

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. WKD : haori 羽織 Haori coat and Basho .

. WKD : kaze kaoru 風薫 fragrant (summer) breeze .


Joozan no ume saki ni keri shizendoo

the plum of Jozan
is blossoming now -
Shisen-Do hall

Tr. Gabi Greve

. Masaoka Shiki visiting temples and shrines .


詩仙堂あかりのごとく百合咲けり 原コウ子
詩仙堂まひまひつぶろ縞確か 鈴木栄子
詩仙堂熟柿が落ちてくしや~に 川崎展宏
詩仙堂花なき庭の添水かな 貞永金市
詩仙堂道に干さるゝ炭団かな 小杉余子
詩仙堂雨の扉の蝸牛 田中王城

鬱蒼と夏木の気骨詩仙堂 木津凉太
食用の茸出てゐし詩仙堂 茨木和生
初冬の竹緑なり詩仙堂 内藤鳴雪
唐椿白極まれり詩仙堂 尾関佳子
花楓にて空紅し詩仙堂 日原傳
甘干に軒も余さず詩仙堂 松瀬青々
秋日和鉈豆干しぬ詩仙堂 水落露石
鹿おどし背山昏れゆく詩仙堂 柳田聖子
春の日や木賊色濃き詩仙堂 鈴木貞雄
木洩日の尾の緋鯉なり詩仙堂 瀧澤和治
添水よりも薪割る音の詩仙堂 米澤吾亦紅
竹に来てつるむ鳥あり詩仙堂 松瀬青々
茶梅ちる雨降る日ざし詩仙堂 飯田蛇笏
葉末よりもみぢ始る詩仙堂 高澤良一
うつぎ咲く緑の雨や詩仙堂 佐藤春夫
一つ葉や文机古りし詩仙堂 永沼弥生

source : HAIKUreikuDB

source : shigaarch/Topics


. . sennin 仙人 immortals, mountain hermits, poets .

. Konpukuji, Konbukuji 金福寺 / 金福寺 Konpuku-Ji .
In Kyoto, Ichijooji district - Ichijoo-Ji Konbuku-Ji 一乗寺金福寺 Ichijo-Ji
Another famous temple of this district with a "Basho-An" in his memory.

